  • 8/11/2019 Ingles Interview a Foreing Visitor and Collect the Next Data


    interview a foreing visitor and collect the next data

    personal information like name, origin,age and address

    likes and preferences

    what do you like todo

    me gusta tocar guitarra

    me gusta la musica y conocer nuevos lugares

    what do you like to eat

    me gusta la pizza

    si toco un istrumento musical, gruitarra

    te gusta la guitarra electrica o acustica?

    me gusta la guitarra electrica


    ask him how a normal day is in his life

    cual es tu profecion en tu trabajo

    yo soy ingeniero de sistema

    que haces los fines de semana

    practico natacion en la piscina

    tienes hijos

    no pero me gustaria tenerlos para poder ensearles a nadar

    tienes mascotas en casa

    si tengo un gato y un perro

    ask him what he is doing in cusco

    que haces en cusco

    estoy de vacaciones

    what are you doing here

    cuanto tiempo te quedaras

  • 8/11/2019 Ingles Interview a Foreing Visitor and Collect the Next Data


    una semana ,quiero conocer pisac

    que mas te gusta de cusco

    ciudad muy bonita con espectaculares paisajes

    te gustaria vivir aqui

    me gustaria

    ask him what you can do in his city if you travel to visit it

    tienes que visitar toronto

    what can i do in your city

    en mi ciudad hay nevados muy bonitos

    cual es el plato tipico

    Poutine, que son patatas fritas con sals

    como es el clima

    La temperatura promedio en invierno y verano vara segn la ubicacin

  • 8/11/2019 Ingles Interview a Foreing Visitor and Collect the Next Data


    foreing visitor to interview and collect the next data

    Personal information like name, origin, age and address

    likes and preferences

    what do you like all

    I like to play guitar

    I like the music and see new places

    what do you like to eat

    I like pizza

    if I play a musical istrumento, gruitarra

    you like the electric or acoustic guitar?

    I like the electric guitar


    ask him is how normal day in his life

    what is your profecion at work

    I am a system engineer

    you do on weekends

    practice swimming in the pool

    have children

    I do not like them but to teach them to swim

    have pets at home

    if I have a cat and a dog

    I ask him what is doing in Cusco

    you do in Cusco

    I'm on vacation

    what are you doing here

    how long you stay

  • 8/11/2019 Ingles Interview a Foreing Visitor and Collect the Next Data


    a week, I want to know pisac

    do you like to cusco

    very nice town with spectacular scenery

    I would like to live here

    I would like to

    ask him what you can do in His city if you travel to visit it

    you have to visit toronto

    what can i do in your city

    in my city there are very pretty snowy

    which is the typical dish

    Poutine, which are chips with sals

    such as the climate

    The average temperature in winter and summer varies by location

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