Page 1: In Love and Try to Sleep

7/17/2019 In Love and Try to Sleep 1/2


12.09.2015 Teacher Joanicio

In Love

Donna loved her husband. Her husband

loved Donna. They were in love with eachother. She wanted to give him a birthday

present. He was going to be 40 years old

next week. She wondered what to give

him. Should she give him a watch? Should

she give him a sweater? Should she give

him a new guitar? hat should she give

him? She asked him what he wanted !or his

birthday. He said he didn"t want anything

!or his birthday. #$h% you must want

something&' she said. #(ou"re right%' he

said. #) want your love !orever.' 

Try to Sleep

*orma went to bed. )t was eleven o"clock.

She turned out the light. She lay in bed. )t

was dark. )t was +uiet. She couldn"t sleep.

She closed her eyes. She tried to sleep% but

she couldn"t. She turned the light back on.

She opened her book. She started to readher book. )t was a good book. She read

one page. Then she read another page.

,!ter a while% she !elt sleepy. She closed

the book. She turned out the light. She

closed her eyes. She went straight to sleep.








































Page 2: In Love and Try to Sleep

7/17/2019 In Love and Try to Sleep 2/2


12.09.2015 Teacher Joanicio

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