  • ��������������

    The only official website for our parishes.

    School sites can also be accessed from this website.


    Parish Email: [email protected]

    Rev. Kevin G. Poecking


    Rev. George Dalton

    Senior Parochial Vicar

    Rev. David DeWitt

    Senior Parochial Vicar

    Deacon Joseph Vannucci

    Deacon Timothy Noca

    Deacon Frank Bursic

    Weekend Mass Times

    Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM St. Irenaeus

    4:00 PM St. John the Baptist

    5:30 PM St. Joseph

    6:00 PM Our Lady of Joy

    Sunday: 8:00 AM Our Lady of Joy

    8:30 AM St Joseph

    9:00 AM St. John the Baptist

    10:00 AM Our Lady of Joy

    11:00 AM St. Januarius

    11:00 AM St. Irenaeus

    11:30 AM St. John the Baptist

    6:00 PM St. John the Baptist


    Monday 6:00-6:20 PM St . Januarius

    Wednesday 6:00-6:20 PM St. Irenaeus

    Saturday 9:30-10:00 AM St. John the Baptist

    - Or By Appointment -


    St. Irenaeus, Oakmont

    St. Januarius, St. John the Baptist, Plum

    St. Joseph, Verona, Our Lady of Joy, Plum

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    Holy Family Parishioners,

    The gospel this week is the Parable of the Talents.

    In the story, Jesus tells his disciples about a master

    giving gifts to his servants. The master expects his

    servants to make good use of these gifts while he

    goes on a journey. I think you know what happens.

    Two of the servants do well, and increase their

    gifts, while the third buries his in the dirt. The

    master comes home and praises the first two

    servants; the third he “casts into the darkness

    outside.” What is going on here? Let’s identify

    some of the people in the story. The master is God,

    we are the servants. The gifts God gives to us are

    virtues, such as faith, hope, mercy, and love. The

    third servant gets into trouble because he receives

    virtues from God and does nothing with them. In a

    2017 homily on this parable, Bishop Robert Barron

    said that “Things from God are meant to be gifts. If

    we cling to them, they wither away.” Not only are

    virtues gifts from God to us, but we need to “regift”

    virtue by sharing it with others. Because God

    shows us mercy, we should be merciful to others.

    Sharing these gifts increases them. Bishop Barron

    says, “Faith won’t grow unless you give it away.”

    We can deepen our faith by sharing it with other

    people. How does this happen? Has anyone ever

    asked you a Catholic question that you didn’t know

    the answer to? What did you do? When I am in this

    situation, I go, find out the answer, and bring it back

    to the person. Evangelization is the scary word that

    means to share our faith. The third servant did not

    increase his gift because he was afraid. St. John

    Paul II tells us, “Do not be afraid. Do not be

    satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and

    let down your nets for a catch.” Most of you who

    are reading this are lay people. Our mission as laity

    is to walk with the culture and to teach the truth with

    love. This is a difficult task, but not an impossible

    one. The human heart is wired for God. At each

    man’s center, even the most inflexible atheist, is a

    hunger for God. This is our encouragement: the

    culture is yearning for something, and we know

    what it is.

    In the first reading, from Proverbs, as well as in the

    Psalm, we hear more about fear. But this fear is not

    the one experienced by the third servant. The fear

    we hear about in the Psalm and in Proverbs is a

    virtue called “fear of the Lord.” Sometimes called

    “wonder and awe,” this virtue is one of the seven

    Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are received in the

    Sacrament of Confirmation. Fear of the Lord isn’t

    being scared of God; it’s understood as possessing

    a feeling of amazement before God and desiring to

    be in relationship with him.

    In preparation to receive the Sacrament of

    Confirmation, the eighth grade students have been

    working on completing their service hours. On

    November 7


    , 18 students, assisted by their

    parents, a catechist, and a handful of young adults,

    raked the leaves of 22 parishioners. Their work was

    greatly appreciated by the parish community. I

    would like to especially thank the parents,

    catechist, and young adults for their example,

    which shows that service is not an obligation to be

    fulfilled before receiving Confirmation—it’s part of

    the Christian lifestyle and an important expression

    of evangelization.

    I cannot believe what a beautiful fall we’re having!

    I hope you and your family are healthy and joyful!

    In Christ,


    Meredith Fraschi

    Middle School Faith Formation

    Fellow members of Holy Family Parish!

    A blessed Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord!

    With today’s feast, the liturgical season of Christmas comes

    full-circle. We have celebrated God’s infinite love for the

    world, His desire to be visible and personal for us, and His

    desire to save us. Christmas showed us how Jesus enters

    and saves Marriage and the Family by being born into the

    marriage of Mary and Joseph. He then offered salvation to

    the children of Israel in the arrival of the shepherds. Last

    Sunday, we celebrated Christ as God’s light to all the

    nations, represented by the Magi. Today we celebrate the

    Baptism of Christ, not just as a historical memory, but as a

    reminder that we first encountered Christ when we were


    When he baptized Jesus, John the Baptist showed some

    reluctance before agreeing to baptize. Jesus was not a

    sinner and had no need to undergo a bath of repentance.

    Jesus was like us in all things, except sin. At His Baptism,

    Jesus entered the waters so that there, and at our time for

    Baptism, He would be able to cleanse us of our sins. Jesus

    was not baptized for Himself, but for us.

    In Baptism we entered into the Baptism of Jesus, and also

    into His dying and rising. St Paul wrote: “Are you unaware

    that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized

    into his death? We were indeed buried with him through

    baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from

    the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in

    newness of life. For if we have grown into a union with Him

    through a death like His, we shall also be united with Him in

    the resurrection.” (Rom 6:3-5).

    The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that

    Baptism affects us in three very important ways: 1) All our

    sins are washed away, including Original Sin. Baptism

    separates us from the old sin of Adam. 2) We are united to

    the faithfulness of Jesus. We are made new in Christ, We

    become children of God and temples of the Holy Spirit.

    3) We become members of the Body of Christ, the Church

    (CCC ## 1262-1270).

    The grace we receive in Baptism is renewed and

    strengthened in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The

    Sacrament of Confirmation completes our new identity in

    Christ and seals us with the Holy Spirit, Who empowers us

    to do good works as Church members and in the name of


    When Jesus was baptized, it also marked the beginning of

    His public ministry. This too relates to us in our relationship

    with Him. At the Lord’s Baptism, the Spirit descended upon

    Him. The Father’s voice from heaven declared “You are my

    beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” At His Baptism,

    with the Spirit’s anointing, the Father revealed Jesus as the

    Messiah Who came to save the world and establish God’s


    Baptism incorporates us into Christ, so that we share in His

    three-fold mission as Priest, Prophet and King. God wants

    us all to live as His beloved children, with whom He is well

    pleased. When we do so, as members of Christ’s Body, the

    Church, we continue the work of Jesus. In His priesthood,

    we pray and make sacrifices for the love of God and others.

    As prophets, we share His Gospel of truth. Sharing in His

    Kingship, we try to influence others and help them grow in

    God’s grace. According to the gifts given us by the Holy

    Spirit we do this, each in our own way.

    Looking back to Christmas, we see how the invisible God

    entered the world because He wanted to be visible to us

    and save us. Celebrating the Baptism of the Lord, we now

    think about how we can make Christ visible to others

    through lives that are faithful to Him.

    Just as His Baptism marked the beginning of His public

    ministry, we can ask God to help us discern how we are

    called to carry on the work of Jesus by the grace of our

    Baptism. In coming weeks, the readings will remember how

    Jesus called his first disciples, whom he trained to continue

    His work, and whom he would command “Go, therefore, and

    make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name

    of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,

    teaching them to observe all I have commanded you” (Mt:

    28: 19-20). For us a good question can be “What is my

    public ministry for Jesus?”


    Fr. George

    From the�

    Desk Of….�

    From the�

    Desk Of….�

    Fr. George Dalton

    Sr. Parochial Vicar

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    READING I IS 42:1-4, 6-7

    Thus says the LORD:

    Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom

    I am pleased, upon whom I have put my spirit; he shall bring

    forth justice to the nations, not crying out, not shouting, not

    making his voice heard in the street, a bruised reed he shall

    not break, and a smoldering wick he shall not quench, until he

    establishes justice on the earth; the coastlands will wait for his

    teaching. I, the LORD, have called you for the victory of

    justice, I have grasped you by the hand; I formed you, and set

    you as a covenant of the people, a light for the nations, to

    open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from

    confinement, and from the dungeon, those who live in


    RESPONSORIAL PSALM PS 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10

    R. The Lord will bless his people with peace.

    Give to the Lord, you sons of God, give to the Lord glory and

    praise, Give to the Lord the glory due his name; adore the Lord in

    holy attire.

    R. The Lord will bless his people with peace.

    The voice of the Lord is over the waters, the Lord, over vast

    waters. The voice of the Lord is mighty; the voice of the Lord is


    R. The Lord will bless his people with peace.

    The God of glory thunders, and in His temple all say “Glory!” The

    Lord is enthroned above the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King


    R. The Lord will bless his people with peace.

    READING 2 ACTS 10:34-38

    Peter proceeded to speak to those gathered in the house of

    Cornelius, saying: “In truth, I see that God shows no partiality.

    Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly

    is acceptable to him. You know the word that he sent to the

    Israelites as he proclaimed peace through Jesus Christ, who is

    Lord of all, what has happened all over Judea, beginning in

    Galilee after the baptism that John preached, how God anointed

    Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power. He went about

    doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil, for God

    was with him.”

    R. Alleluia, alleluia. JN 1:29

    John saw Jesus approaching Him, and said: Behold the Lamb of

    God who takes away the sin of the world.

    R. Alleluia, alleluia.

    GOSPEL MK 1:7-11

    This is what John the Baptist proclaimed: “One mightier than I

    is coming after me. I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the

    thongs of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; he will

    baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

    It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of

    Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. On coming

    up out of the water he saw the heavens being torn open and

    the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him. And a voice

    came from the heavens, “You are my beloved Son; with you I

    am well pleased.”


    (primera parte)?

    Cuando se hace con sinceridad, la persona que busca crecer espiri-

    tualmente encontrará respaldo de Dios durante su búsqueda. Crecer

    en fe, como lo es en cualquier otra parte de la vida, requiere tiempo y

    dedicación. Este artículo propone que para crecer espiritualmente,

    debemos regresar a los puntos básicos de la vida cristiana: La ora-

    ción, la Palabra de Dios, la comunidad de creyentes, y compartir con

    otros lo que Dios, con gracia, nos ha dado..

    Leer la Biblia entera: Es fácil caer en la rutina de siempre leer los

    mismos pasajes bíblicos. Tendrás mejor entendimiento de lo que lees

    con frecuencia si lo pones en contexto de un libro entero--o de la

    Biblia entera. Recuerda que la Biblia es un mensaje completo de

    parte de Dios. Dedica un año para leerla entera y con la ayuda del

    Espíritu Santo, veras que crecerás en entendimiento. La puedes leer

    de principio a fin (Génesis - Apocalipsis), cronológicamente, o en otro

    de los varios planes de lecturas disponibles. Si ya la has leído entera,

    considera leerla de nuevo con otro plan.

    Orar todos los días: La oración es clave para el cristiano porque es

    la forma en cómo se comunica con Dios. Es básicamente imposible

    estar en un relación, mucho menos una que es fuerte e íntima, sin

    tener un diálogo constante. Todos los días aparta tiempo para orar.

    Si eres un nuevo creyente, empieza usando el ejemplo del Padre

    Nuestro. Si tienes años en la iglesia, recuerdas que hay varias for-

    mas de orar y proponte practicarlas todas.

    Practicar el ayuno: Cuando ayunamos le mostramos a Dios que él

    es más importante que nuestros placeres y necesidades humanas--

    que el es nuestra fuente de fortaleza. Durante un tiempo determina-

    do, una persona deja de comer y en vez dedica tiempo a la oración.

    Si nunca has ayunado, empieza con solo unas horas al principio de

    un día y mientras vallas creciendo en tu caminar con Dios, ve aumen-

    tando lo que puedas ofrecer. Si eres un veterano consideras un

    ayuno completo de 24 horas, el ayuno de Daniel o aumenta la fre-

    cuencia de tu ayuno.

    Asistir a la iglesia todas las semanas: ¿Porque debes de ir a la

    iglesia? Porque es el propósito de Dios para ti. Jesús fundó la iglesia

    como una familia para el creyente y como un instrumento para alcan-

    zar al no creyente. Ir a la iglesia nos da la oportunidad de alabar a

    Dios por todas sus bondades, fortalecernos en la fe, y recibir instruc-

    ción a través de la predicación y las lecturas bíblicas. De los siete

    días de la semana, no debe ser mucho trabajo dedicarle por lo me-

    nos uno a Dios.

    Llegar a la iglesia temprano: El propósito de ir a la iglesia es adorar

    a Dios con todo nuestro ser. Lamentablemente, a veces llegamos a la

    iglesia distraídos por una situación u otra y se nos hace difícil enfo-

    carnos en lo que realmente es importante en ese momento. Si llegas

    por lo menos 10 minutos temprano, puedes orar y preparar tu espíritu

    para recibir las bendiciones que Dios tiene para ti. Usa ese tiempo

    para dedicarle tu adoración y entregarles tus cargas.


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    * Live Streamed Masses


    SATURDAY 1/9 * 4:00 PM STI POECKING Paulette Winkler-Wallace (Greg Malisky)

    Baptism of the Lord

    4:00 PM SJB DALTON Mary Haluck (Husband, Walt)

    * 5:30 PM SJV POECKING Nevitt & Marie Louder (MaryLou, Cathy & Mike)

    6:00 PM OLOJ DEWITT Michael & Margaret Katch (Diane & Carl Vitalbo)

    SUNDAY 1/10 * 8:00 AM OLOJ POECKING Paula Dombrosky (Bursic Family)

    Baptism of the Lord

    8:30 AM SJV ZAPF Helen Przybyla (Tom & Joyce Doyle)

    * 9:00 AM SJB BENEDICTINE Silvia Flores (Philip & Nia Husk)

    10:00 AM OLOJ POECKING James Kosakowski (Theresa Kosakowski)

    11:00 AM STI ZAPF Mary Frances Federici (Jean Dobis)

    * 11:00 AM SJAN BENEDICTINE Suzy Michaux (Jessie McKinley)

    11:30 AM SJB DEWITT Living & Deceased Members of the Parishes

    6:00 PM SJB DALTON Mariano & Franka Greco (Brian & Bonnie Creighan)

    MONDAY 1/11 * 9:00 AM STI DALTON Glenn Fuegan (Lois Fitzwater)

    6:30 PM SJAN POECKING Silvia Flores (Philip & Nia Husk)

    TUESDAY 1/12 7:30 AM SJV POECKING Sara Raimondi (Pete Raimondi)

    * 9:00 AM OLOJ DEWITT Silvia Flores (Philip & Nia Husk)

    WEDNESDAY (Temp. Moved from Friday) 1/13

    7:30 AM SJB DALTON Silvia Flores (Philip & Nia Husk)

    * 9:00 AM SJB POECKING Kron & Fratangelo Families (Ted & Pat Gabor)

    6:30 PM STI DEWITT Glenn Fuegen (Jim Fuegen)

    THURSDAY 1/14 7:30 AM OLOJ POECKING Dan Masterson (Peg Mineo)

    * 9:00 AM SJV DALTON Silvia Flores (Philip & Nia Husk)

    FRIDAY 1/15 9:00 AM OLOJ DALTON Silvia Flores (Philip & Nia Husk)

    NOON STI DEWITT Gerald Labriola, Sr. (Joyce Doyle)

    SATURDAY 1/16 * 9:00 AM SJB DALTON Silvia Flores (Philip & Nia Husk)

    Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    * 4:00 PM STI DEWITT Marilyn Sharkey (Barb & Bill Volzer)

    4:00 PM SJB POECKING L/D Loidl & Gratz Families (Ron & Judy Gratz)

    * 5:30 PM SJV DALTON Carlo Raimondi (Pete Raimondi)

    6:00 PM OLOJ POECKING William Mahan (Wife & Children)

    SUNDAY 1/17 * 8:00 AM OLOJ BENEDICTINE Matthew Sowinski (Delores Sowinski)

    8:30 AM SJV DALTON Giuseppe D. & Maria A. Riga & Anthony F.

    (Daugher, Christina)

    Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    * 9:00 AM SJB POECKING Lois Pagano (Family)

    10:00 AM OLOJ BENEDICTINE Sandra Barton (Barton Family)

    11:00 AM STI DEWITT Silvia Flores (Philip & Nia Husk)

    * 11:00 AM SJAN POECKING L/D Papciak/Blodgett Family & Friends (Papciak Fam)

    11:30 AM SJB DALTON Florence Boyt (Betty Molyneaux)

    6:00 PM SJB DEWITT Living & Deceased Members of the Parishes

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    (By Week)





    Budget Amount $26,660.00 $4,760.00 $31,420.00


    December 6th $29,169.00 $5,995.00 $35,164.00

    December 13th $25,805.00 $5,701.00 $31,506.00

    December 20th $23,035.00 $6,350.00 $29,385.00

    December 27th $18,680.00 $9,208.00 $27,888.00

    January 3rd $31,334.00 $10,686.00 $42,020.00


    December, 2020

    Parish Social Ministry $6,959.00

    Maintenance $2,798.00

    Utilities $1,751.00

    Christmas $37,003.00

    Christmas Flowers $5,462.00

    Immaculate Conception $3,294.00

    Christmas Charities for

    Children & Youth


    Contribution Statements

    This year we will be sending out 2020 contribution statements by request again. To request your 2020 contributions,

    contact Patty Mahr at 412-793-4511 X105 or email to [email protected]. Please provide your full name,

    address, envelope #, phone and email address (if you have one). If you know that you will always need a statement,

    we can add you to a list to receive it every year. Kindly advise if you need it sent by mail (not just email) and if you

    will need it every year. This year you will be receiving 2 statements if you made any contributions prior to our merger

    in July. One statement will be from January 1 – June 30 from your former OPV parish and the other from July 1 –

    December 31 from Holy Family Parish. If recently moved or joined Holy Family, not from one of our former five

    parishes, you will need to contact your former parish for a statement. Statements will not be issued until mid-

    January after all 2020 contributions have been received and posted. Happy New Year!

    Progress - 91%


    Online Giving is the

    easiest year-round

    way to contribute. It’s

    as simple as going

    onto the Holy Family

    Parish website under

    “Online Giving” and

    setting up an account.


    Dave Hall at X104 or

    Patty Mahr at X105

    with any questions.

















  • 6�

    Our sweatshirts and hoodies

    have been a big success! Some

    sizes are sold out. Order yours


    (Sold out sizes will be ordered in

    the future if enough interest)





    Contact Karen at

    [email protected]

    or X201.

    Other summer items still available.

    Sweatshirt Crews -

    Sizes S - XL = $15

    Size 2XL = $17

    Size 3XL = $19

    Size 4XL = $21

    Sweatshirt Hoodies -

    Sizes S - XL = $17

    Size 2 XL = $19

    Size 3 XL = $21

    Size 4 XL = $23

    Baseball Caps - $7

    Note to parishioners:

    The Confirmation students will

    be attending Mass at St. Joseph

    Church at 5:30 PM on January

    23rd as part of their

    Confirmation Retreat. We expect

    this Mass to be very full.

    If possible, we request

    parishioners attend other

    available Masses that weekend.

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    Much appreciation to all who participated with the

    Holy Family Parish Flea Market for their cooperation

    and support during difficult circumstances

    THANK YOU to those who shopped, those who

    donated and those who helped. We had a very

    successful year and we couldn’t have done it

    without each and every one you!


    Holy Family Parish

    Flea Market

    In the St. Irenaeus PLEC Building

    Arrangements to drop off

    items can be made by

    calling Elaine at

    (412) 828-8515.

    Remember to keep us in mind as you do

    your Spring cleaning and purging.

    Join Holy Family Parish for a special at-home retreat -

    33 Days to Greater Glory – a retreat with Father Michael Gaitley

    Father Michael Gaitley, author of the popular 33 Days to Morning Glory has finished his third


    THROUGH JESUS BASED ON THE GOSPEL OF JOHN. Our Parish has arranged a

    discounted bulk rate of this book for us to hold another at-home retreat during Lent,

    beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 17 and ending on Palm Sunday, March 28. Each

    day involves a reflection reading from the book and a consecration on the concluding day that we will have at our weekend

    Masses on Palm Sunday. The book also includes a 9 day consecration to St. Joseph. In addition, Father Nathaniel Polinski,

    OSB, one of the popular Benedictine priests that is a weekend guest for Masses in Plum recently authored an academic book,

    That the Scriptures Might Be Fulfilled through Perfect Worship. Father Nathaniel will share a presentation from his scholarly

    work on Palm Sunday afternoon. The title of his presentation will be “Diving More Deeply into the Passion of our Lord Jesus

    Christ according to John.” Parishioners, especially those who have completed the 33 Days to Greater Glory retreat, are invited

    to attend in person at St. John the Baptist Church or via livestream. Sign up now to reserve your copy of 33 Days to Greater

    Glory. You can fill out the attached form, call the parish office or email Karen Deemer at [email protected]. Please

    indicate at which church you would prefer pick up.

    Please place _____________ copies of 33 Days to Great Glory on reserve.

    Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

    Church for pick-up: ______________________________________________________________________

  • 9�


    2021 CALENDARS

    The Holy Family calendars for the

    three Plum churches have arrived

    and are out! Pick them up in the

    churches while the supply lasts.

    We would like to thank our friends

    from Soxman Funeral Homes for sponsoring some of the

    2021 Calendars again this year. Their generosity is greatly


    The Holy Family calendars for the Oakmont & Verona

    churches encountered a printing delay and are expected to

    arrive during the week of January 18


    . We would also like to

    thank our friends from English Funeral Home and Dinnin &

    Associates for sponsoring some of the 2021 Calendars again

    this year. Their generosity is also greatly appreciated!

    May their businesses be blessed in the coming year

    for their kindness to our parish!


    Tickets are now available for the Love is

    Grande Raffle. These cards make great

    Valentine Gifts!

    They may be purchased at St. Irenaeus

    Rectory, St. Joseph Rectory, St. John the

    Baptist Rectory or School or Our Lady of Joy

    Rectory during regular office hours.


    Holy Family Catholic School is in need of a Long Term Substitute- Middle

    School Language Arts teacher.

    This position will be from March until the end of the 2020-21 school year on June

    4th. If you are interested, please contact the school Principal Mr. Beau Quattrone

    at 412-793-0555 X602.



    Youth Ministry's Bible Study, Summit, will be held at

    St. Irenaeus School on the fourth Wednesday of every

    month, starting January 27th.

    Summit is open to all students in grades 6 - 12.

    The study is from 6 - 7 PM.

    In an attempt to keep parish areas as safe

    and clean as possible, we recently

    performed Electrostatic Sanitation at all 5

    Churches, the Sacristies, cry rooms and

    bathrooms. Also cleaned were all the Altar

    areas, the Annex at St. John the Baptist,

    the halls at Our Lady of Joy, St. Januarius

    and St. Irenaeus and their kitchen areas.

  • 10�


    Holy Family Parish –

    Responsible Stewardship – Establishes an Endowment for Engagement Ministries

    Just as the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning to reach our area in March, 2020, we moved all of our scheduled

    presentations in our churches to a virtual presentation on the merger of our five former parishes into one parish. At that

    time, I shared that our parish had nearly $2 million in savings from generous benefactor bequests from past years from our

    various parishes. We used some of those funds to sustain us through the pandemic and as we structured our parish for a

    new dynamic. And we need additional funds for our current operation and cash flow through the year. Nevertheless,

    approximately $1,600,000 in resources remains available to use or invest.

    Also, as you may know, our community has been blessed to receive funds from a generous benefactor in our Diocese of

    Pittsburgh for our Youth and Young Adult Minister staff position and programming. These donations have totaled $120,000

    over the past two years and an additional $55,000 is pledged to our parish for this coming 2021 year. However, we have

    already been informed that the intention of this gift was only to have the parish begin this ministry. After three years, we are

    expected to demonstrate our own source of funding for continued support in Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Therefore we

    do not expect any funding for such ministry after 2021.

    Now that we have formed a Holy Family Parish Finance and Pastoral Council, I’ve asked our clergy and lay leadership to

    weigh in on an overview of our funds and how we should use and/or preserve those funds. There are several capital

    improvement projects on the horizon for which we anticipate using some of our savings. At the same time, this past year,

    and for the next year, we expect to continue to experience unexpected challenges with the pandemic that may affect our

    parish finances adversely. Nevertheless, we would like to ensure our parish preserves resources for important future

    concerns. Therefore, we are establishing an Endowment for Engagement Ministries. We will initially fund this with half of

    our savings, or $800,000. We are also inviting those who care about this fund to also make contributions or establish

    designated bequests in their financial planning and wills. The parish will not plan to use any of the capital invested in this

    endowment, but use the growth and interest from this fund as the primary resource for our engagement ministries. With an

    initial investment, we hope that this fund will provide 4-5% return over a year and thus provide $32-40K after the first

    year. As donations to this fund grow, we can increase the resources available to the parish annually.

    The parish leadership is also considering including financial support to Holy Family School as part of the Endowment, but

    would like more feedback from parishioners about including the school in the endowment proceeds.

    If any parishioner has questions about this Endowment for Engagement Ministries or would like more information for a

    bequest or donation, please contact me or our Holy Family Parish Business Manager, David Hall.

    In Christ’s love,

    Father Kevin�

    Holy Family Endowment for Engagement Ministry

    Engagement Ministry are those ministries that engage people into the parish. This endowment is in memory of those

    who have made bequest donations to the former parishes that established Holy Family Parish and those who will make

    such bequests to Holy Family Parish. The endowment also honors the living of Holy Family Parish who are able to

    make generous contributions to engagement ministries for our future. Engagement Ministries can include existing

    ministries such as the following and other ministries that may also be established to engage people in the parish.

    - Staffing and programming for Youth Ministry

    - Staffing and programming for Young Adult Ministry

    - Staffing and programming for Faith Formation

    - Baptism and Marriage Preparation resources

    - Evangelization resources

    - Welcoming materials and resources for new parishioners.

  • 11�


    Thank you to all who shared their

    wonderful nativities this season and

    helped celebrate our first Holy Family

    Feast Day!

    The manger was built by our

    father over 75 years ago.

    Our family manger set was bought

    by my parents in 1941-44 in the

    first Christmas Store then located

    in Smethport, PA.


    Welcome Bob Federline to the Parish Staff as the Faith Formation Program Manager!

    Bob and his family live in Oakmont, PA. Bob previously worked in Faith Formation for St. Irenaeus Parish, but had

    left ministry for several years. He is happily returning to this ministry for Holy Family Parish. Bob’s office will be

    located in Holy Family School. His email address will be [email protected] and can be reached at

    412-793-4511. While all of our parish’s religious education programs remain virtual for this year, we are all looking

    forward to a return to in person instruction in September.

    New Director of Engagement Ministry – Steph Williams and Youth Minister - Meredith Fraschi!

    Stephanie Williams will become our first Director of Engagement Ministry. Steph was formerly our Parish Religious

    Education Director for grades K-5. Bob Federline is replacing the work that Steph Williams did for K-5 and that

    Meredith Fraschi did for middle school students in religious education. Meredith will continue to work with Middle

    School Youth Ministry and also work with High School Youth Ministry. Her email address will stay the same at

    [email protected]. Steph will continue to be the contact person for Young Adult Ministry, Baptism and

    Marriage Preparation and Scheduling and other ministries that engage the faithful people of our parish. Steph’s

    new email address is [email protected].

    Communications and Technology

    Kathy Dober will be filling in temporarily in the Communication and Technology position. She can be contacted

    through email at [email protected]. Rich Myler will still play a role on the technology side at

    Holy Family Pittsburgh while he continues with his new career. His contact is [email protected].

  • 12�

  • 13�

    2 Preschool Sites

    3 Year Old - Pre-K


    637 4th Street


    418 Unity Center Road

    Elementary School

    K-8 Site


    418 Unity Center Road

    LAST CALL - Virtual Nite At The Races

    Saturday, February 6, 2021

    Holy Family Preschool & School Registration for 2021-22

    Holy Family School will begin taking registration for the 2021-22 year in January 2021

    3 Year Old Preschool - 8th Grade


    2 PRESCHOOL SITES: St. Irenaeus Campus & St. John the Baptist Campus

    Please contact Mrs. Friday at 412-793-0555 or [email protected] for tour information



    NAME ________________________ PHONE ______________ EMAIL _____________________�

    Number of event tickets: _________ X $10 per ticket�

    Total for tickets:� $_______________�



    � � HORSES � � � � � JOCKEYS�

    Horse� � ____________________________ Jockey � _________________________�

    Names ____________________________ Names� � _________________________�

    � � ____________________________ � � � _________________________�

    � � ____________________________ � � � _________________________�

    � � ____________________________ � � � _________________________�

    Horses _____ X $15 � =� � _____________ Jockeys X $10 � = � ____________�

    Total for Horses & Jockeys� $____________�



    Basket and 50/50 Tickets� $2 each. � Please write the dollar amount under the basket number.�

    �� 1� � � � � 2� � � � � 3� � � � � 4� � � � � 5 � � � � � 6 � � � � � 7 � � � � � 8 � � � � � 9 � � � � � 10� � � � � � � � 50/50�

    �____ � ____ � ____ � � ____ � � ____ � � ____� � � ____� � � ____� � � ____ � � � ____ � � � � � � _____��

    TOTAL ENCLOSED FOR ALL ITEMS: � $___________�

    (return form & check to Holy Family School NO LATER THAN JANUARY 13th)�

    Orders due to

    school �



  • 14�


    The Holy Family 31 Club

    Supporting Future Vocations from Holy Family Parish

    Would you be willing to dedicate prayer time one day of each month for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life in

    Holy Family Parish? If so, The 31 Club wants you!

    What: The 31 Club is a way for parishioners prayerfully to help in the vocations effort at the parish level.

    When: No meetings, just sign up for one day a month.

    Who: Open to all parishioners including those that are homebound and wish to offer their sufferings.

    How it works:

    -Sign a pledge form (below) to pray one day of the month (that you have chosen).

    -Choose a type of prayer.

    -Examples are: Mass, Rosary, Holy Hour before Blessed Sacrament, Divine Mercy Chaplet or some form of fasting,

    abstaining, sacrifice, offering of suffering.

    Goal: The 31 Club is to have dedicated prayer all possible 31 days of each month.

    Prayer is talking to God. Through prayer we deepen our friendship with Jesus. Through prayer we deepen our understanding of

    God’s plan for our life. Through prayer we deepen our appreciation for how much God loves us. Through prayer we strengthen

    our spiritual lives so that we, through the grace of God, change ourselves. In seeking God’s call for our lives, prayer helps us to

    choose and live our vocation.

    Simple prayer: Lord, help me to live my vocation and pray for those called to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life.

    The 31 Club Pledge

    I,____________________________________________________________(printed name), pledge to offer one day a month to pray

    for those whom God is calling to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life.

    The date I choose is the _______day of each month. OR Select a day for me



    – 31


    (Someone will call you with a date).

    My commitment is for one year and may be renewed. _______________(date)

    _____________________________(phone) and/or ______________________________________________(email)



    Please return your signed pledge to one of the white “contribution” baskets in the church or to one of the Holy Family Parish offices.

    Holy Family Parishioners,

    The response to the announcement of the 31 Club seeking prayer warriors for supporting future vocations

    from Holy Family Parish has been encouraging. To guarantee daily prayer every day of each month there

    are prayers warriors still needed for the following days:

    12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.

    If you can commit to one of these days each month for a year, please fill out the “Pledge Slip” and return it

    to one of the Church offices or the white contribution baskets in any of the churches. Thank you.

  • 15�

    Please pray for all those in our parish grouping who are in need, especially the sick at home, those in nursing homes and

    hospitals, the unemployed, those who have lost a loved one and those who feel isolated or abandoned.

    David Baker

    Mary Dapra

    Tobin Barlow

    April Bauman

    Dorothy Boldy

    Lorraine Churilla

    Gianna Ciccone

    Raymond Colbert

    Robert Conte

    Elizabeth Cringle

    Guy DeCarlo

    Dennis Dunegan

    Michael Fanzo

    David Gartner

    Fritz Gimbel

    Jean Guerriero

    Matthew Harris

    Carol Harrity

    Scott Hollinger

    Rylan Hughes

    Angela Jackson

    Brooke Kirchner

    Eleanor Kuhn

    Josephine Labriola

    Valgene Lapinski

    Theresa Lasher

    Mary Lisotta

    Bob Lorence

    Mary Luther

    Kimberly Manuppelli

    Robert McGuire

    Lisa Merlo

    George E. Mesher

    Elinor Meyer

    Kiele Milleman

    Ray Milleman

    Bobbe Moutray

    Colomba Musico

    Beth Nemits

    Rene Olean

    Frank A. Opice

    Frank R. Opice

    Jon Plake

    F.L./J.L./J.R. Pro

    Susan Randolph

    Jeannette Reibert

    Theresa Ricci

    Rose Marie Rotter

    Joseph Schmerbeck

    George Shearer

    Gretchen Staub

    Raymond Stein

    Don Tappe

    Teresa Taylor

    Maryann Tobin

    Carol Woods

    Tom Woods

    Ziggy Zanaglio

    On Mission Prayer

    Father of Mercy, as we journey On Mission for The Church Alive! endow us

    with your gifts of courage, collaboration, and compassion. Help us to fulfill the

    mission of Jesus and his Church through vibrant parishes and effective

    ministries. Raise up selfless, energetic leaders to serve the Church in fidelity

    and with care. May we the Church of Pittsburgh in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler,

    Greene, Lawrence and Washington Counties be sustained and strengthened

    by your grace. Help us to learn Jesus, to love Jesus and to live Jesus. Hear

    this prayer and grant it through Jesus Christ our Lord, with the help of our dear

    Blessed Mother, under the mantle of her love. Amen.�

    Making a Report of Child Abuse

    Reports of suspected child abuse are to be

    made immediately. If the child is in imminent

    danger, call 911. Reports are made to ChildLine

    at 1-800-932-0313, which is available 24/7.

    Inform the supervisor or person in charge of

    your program that a report was made.

    To report church-related abuse

    to the Diocese of Pittsburgh


    Sanctuary Candles for 1/10/21—1/16/21

    Mary Miller (Brother, Walt) - SJB

    Roscoe Kmetko (Sister, Alice) - SJV

    Jaime Vick-Moran (The Vick Family) - OLOJ


    Ted Mastromonaco—SJV

    Patrick Ruane—OLOJ

    Doris Kennedy—SJB


    Castelano, Antonina

    Castelano, Antonino

    DePellegrin, Americo

    DePellegrin, Mary

    Edinger, Mary

    Fallon, Patrick

    Gabor Family

    Gibson, Charles

    Grilli Family

    Kaczynski Family

    Krause, Clara

    Kron Family

    Manion, Paul & Rosella

    Manno, Glosef

    Manno, Vincenza

    Manno, Lorenzo

    Paradise Family

    Porter, Dorsi

    Porter, Emilie

    Porter, Thomas

    Poth, Michael

    Preshack, Andrew

    Preshack, Josephine

    Schofield Family

    Shanter, Jeremy

    Shanter, Joesph

    Tristani Family

    Vinoskey, Mike & Mary

  • 16�


    SCRIPTURES FOR 1/10—1/17�

    Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10 [11b]/Acts 10:34-38/Mk 1:7

    -11 or Is 55:1-11/Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 [3)]/1 Jn 5:1-9/Mk 1:7-11

    Monday: Heb 1:1-6/Ps 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9 [cf. 7c]/Mk 1:14-20

    Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12/Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 [cf. 7]/Mk 1:21-28

    Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [8a]/Mk 1:29-39

    Thursday: Heb 3:7-14/Ps 95:6-7c, 8-9, 10-11 [8]/Mk 1:40-45

    Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11/Ps 78:3 and 4bc, 6c-7, 8 [cf. 7b]/Mk 2:1-12

    Saturday: Heb 4:12-16/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [cf. Jn 6:63c]/Mk 2:13-17

    Next Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 [8a, 9a]/

    1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42



    Mondays at St. Januarius from 6:00 PM to 6:20 PM / Wednesdays at St. Irenaeus from 6:00 PM to 6:20 PM

    Saturdays at St. John the Baptist at 9:30 AM

    Holy Family Litany

    Every Monday after the 9:00 AM Mass at St. Irenaeus

    St. Anthony Novena

    Every Tuesday after the 9:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Joy

    Rosary & Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena with Devotions

    Every Wednesday after 9:00 AM Mass at St. John the Baptist

    St. Jude Novena

    Every first Thursday after the 9:00 AM Mass at St. Joseph

    Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

    Every first Friday 9:30 AM until 2:30 PM at St. John the Baptist

    Divine Mercy Chaplet

    Every Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Joy

    First Friday Devotions (Litany of the Sacred Heart)

    Every first Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Joy

    First Saturday Devotions (Litany of Loreto)

    Every first Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass at St. John the Baptist

    Morning Prayer (CURRENTLY SUSPENDED)

    After 9:00 AM Mass on Tuesdays & Fridays and after 7:30 AM on Thursdays at St. Joseph


    Before Mass Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays at Our Lady of Joy

    Mondays & Wednesdays in Advent & October at 6:00 PM at St. Irenaeus & St. Januarius

    Rosary for the Deceased (CURRENTLY SUSPENDED)

    After the 8:30 AM Mass every second Sunday of the month at St. Joseph

    Seven Sisters Apostolate

    A group of seven women pray for 1 hour before the Blessed Sacrament on a selected day for each priest in our grouping.

  • 17�




    Accounting, Patty Mahr…(X105).…….…………..….……………………...…[email protected]

    Bulletin Editor / Facilities, Karen Deemer..(X201)......……..…....….....….……[email protected]

    Maintenance Coordinator, Bill Pahlman…(X210)……...…………..……[email protected]

    Ministry Scheduler / Mass Intentions, Joyce Doyle…(X401)..……..…[email protected]

    Safe Environment Coordinator, Barb Pronio…(X101)…….....…..……...……..…. [email protected]

    SOS Ministry, Sal Altomare...(X107)……………..……...…..……….........……....…[email protected]


    School Offices ……………………………………...…….……………..…….……………..…….412-793-4580

    “Beau” Quattrone, School principal…(X602)

    Jeanne Loebig, Vice Principal…(X604)…....……..….……………………[email protected]

    All Clergy are listed on the cover page.


    Parish Offices ………..…..………….…………………………[email protected]

    Parish Fax …………...………...…….…...………..……...…………………...………….....…...412-793-4311


    Mr. David Hall, Business Manager…(X104)………………………………..…[email protected]

    Sr. Lynn Miller, Social Ministry …(X203)………………………………….....…..…. [email protected]

    Mr. Bob Federline, Faith Formation Director…(X206)……...…..………….……[email protected]

    Stephanie Williams, Director of Engagement Ministry…(X404)………...……[email protected]

    Mrs. Meredith Fraschi, Middle School Faith Formation/Ministry..(X405)………[email protected]

    Mr. Ronald Donatelli, Christian Initiation…(X211)…………………………….……[email protected]

    Mr. Rich Myler, Technology ………………………………….………..…...…[email protected]

    Mrs. Kathy Dober, Communications…(X501)………………….………[email protected]

    Music Minister, Amanda Nicholson ……....………………………...…………[email protected]

    Music Minister, Andrija Andelic…(X304)…………….….………..…………[email protected]


    RECTORY HOURS: Tuesday & Thursday: 11:00 AM— 3:00 PM

    Friday: 8:00 AM—2:00 PM

    387 Maryland Avenue

    Oakmont, PA 15139



    1450 Renton Road

    Plum, PA 15239



    RECTORY HOURS: Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:00 AM -NOON

    Sunday 8:30 AM—12:30 PM

    444 Saint John Street

    Plum, PA 15239



    RECTORY HOURS: Monday THRU Thursday 8:00 AM—4:00 PM

    Friday 8:00 AM—NOON

    825 Second Street

    Verona, PA 15147

    2000 O’Block Road,

    Plum, PA 15239




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    Mathew Gatesman, MPT, ATCMichael Tardio, DPT, ATC

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    JOHN GRASINGER412-793-6449

    Fiori’s Auto RepairComplete Auto and Light Truck Repair

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    ...provided in our outpatient facility or in your homePlum Community Center

    499 Center New Texas Road (Orange Belt)


    Holy Family Angel Fund

    Consider the gift of a memorial tohonor your loved one, a donation

    which will last a lifetime.

    John P. Donovanattorney

    Wills & Estates434 Allegheny River Blvd,

    Ste 200, Oakmont, PA


    Meli Plastering, LLCFire & Water Restoration

    Plaster • Drywall • Stucco Jim Meli

    Cell 412-491-8659 | Ofc/Fax 412-795-8659345 Unity Center Rd,. Pittsburgh,PA 15239

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    JD Auto Body 1300 Hulton Rd.

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    PENN HILLS2820 Universal Road

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    TRENZFuneral Home, Inc.

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    Oakmont & Plum Showrooms412-400-1000



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    COMFORT KEEPERSLove Helping Seniors?



    Need Help?Need Help?

    Would you like to help those in need? Send your tax deductible donation to

    THE ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY, Treasurer, 911 Washington Ave.,

    Oakmont, PA 15139


    at 412-426-0874v. All calls are confidential.

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    Family DentistryOffice Hours Day & Eve.

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