

Hermitage Park, Edinburgh, EH6 8HD

Newsletter 184/30.11.17

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please check out what the school has been up to and what the children have been learning on our school website -

Appointment of Senior Development Officer

I am delighted to inform you that after a long recruitment process we have finally managed to appoint Mrs Lisa Black to the Senior Development Officer’s post. Lisa’s role will be to support the consistency of high quality learning and teaching throughout the school and to further enhance parental engagement.

She will join the team after the Christmas holidays.

Scooters/ Bikes in the Playground

Can I please remind you that children should dismount from scooters and bikes as soon as they come through the school gates. Riding bikes and scooters in the playground is really dangerous and over the past few weeks we have had several accidents with children being ‘run over’.

This issue was discussed at the last School Association Meeting with members highlighting great concern.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Christmas Carol Concert

Our annual Christmas Carol Concert will take place on Thursday 14th December 6.00pm – 7.00pm. The choir, guitar group and band will be offered 2 tickets per family. Any extra tickets will be available next Wednesday. Should you require more than 2 tickets or alternatively wish to come along and your child does not attend any of these groups, please let the office know and your name will be placed on a waiting list. Tickets will be allocated from the waiting list on a strict ‘first come, first served’ basis.

School Association Update

We are still taking donations for our tombola and 2nd hand toy stalls.  If you have anything, please hand these in to the school office.

Please sign up to our Easyfundraising page to collect donations for our School when you do your Christmas shopping this year.  So far we have raised £441.36 for school funds. 

Nursery News

This week has been a busy week in nursery. We had our Stay and Play sessions where parents and carers could come into nursery and play with their children at the end of a session. We also had activities linked to the Bookbug Explorer bags which the 3 year old children received last week.

Heather Muchamore our new Family Learning colleague joined us for the activities along with Yvonne Miralees from the Additional Support for Learning team. Thank you to all who came.

Can we remind parents/carers that It is important to inform a member of staff if your child’s medical history changes. Just let the front office know and a member of nursery staff.

Nursery nativity tickets will be coming out very soon. Each family will be allocated 2 tickets. If you do not need all the tickets then you can hand them back to the nursery staff. If you require more, we will do our very best to accommodate this but cannot guarantee extra tickets until we know how many surplus there are. There will be coffee/teas and mince pies before the shows. This is a nice opportunity to chat with other parents.

Finally, we have been making tree decorations to sell at the Christmas Fair on Friday. These are a lovely keepsake of your child’s time at nursery. However, to make things easier we will be selling the decorations in nursery on the day rather than at the fair. This also allows you the opportunity to buy your own child’s decoration.

Dates for your diary

All dates for upcoming events can be found on our school website (see above).

I hope you have found this newsletter informative. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Denise Penman,

Head Teacher.


Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0131 554 2952


Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0131 554 2952

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