  • 1. By: Lori Sand Harleys Dream

2. My name is Harley. I live in the South with my daddy. I love anything with wheels! 3. But that doesnt stop me from riding in my friends Jeep. My daddy says my blue eye cant see. 4. But I really dream of riding on my daddys motorcycle. Its a Harley, just like me! 5. My friend, Emily, takes me for rides in the 4 wheeler. Daddy makes her drive slowly with me. 6. I dream about motorcycles even when I go to my friends house for a sleep over! 7. My daddy has a tractor. Im getting pretty good at driving it! 8. But I still dream about the motorcycle. 9. I like to ride in my sisters wheelchair! 10. I even get to ride in the big truck when we go places. 11. Maybe one day, I wont have to dream about the motorcycle or chase it when my daddy comes home. 12. I must have been born to ridethat is why Im called Harley!! 13. THE END I can make my own dreams come trueSO CAN YOU!

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