chapter 11 edtl 520

Chapter 11 Principles for Managing Essential Processing in Multimedia Learning: Segmenting, Pretraining, and Modality Principles

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This is a presentation for my EDTL 520 class.


  • 1. Chapter 11
    Principles for Managing Essential Processing in Multimedia Learning: Segmenting, Pretraining, and Modality Principles

2. Terminology
3. This theory refers to the fact that visual/ pictorial and auditory/verbal channels in working memory are extremely limited. Therefore, only a few items can be held or manipulated in each channel at any one time.
Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
4. Too Much Too Fast
Narrated animation presented at a fast ratewhich creates an intrinsic cognitive load.
The end result is that the essential cognitive processing required to understand exceeds the learners cognitive capacity
Essential Overload
5. People learn more deeply when multimedia messages are presented in learner-paced segments
Segmenting Principle
6. People learn more deeplyfrom a multimedia messagewhen they know the names and characteristics of the main concepts
The Pretraining Principle
7. Stand up straight
Follow the sequence
Touch your right shoulder with your left hand
Touch your left shoulder with your right hand
Touch your left side with your right hand
Touch your right side with your left hand
Touch your left hip with your right hand
Touch your right hip with your left hand
8. Humans learn more deeply from multimedia message when the words are spoken rather than printed
Modality Principle
9. Is the total amount of processing that can be supported by both the auditory and the visual channels of the learners working memory at any one time
Cognitive Capacity
10. Mayer & Moreno, 2003
A complex topic is presented at a fast pace with a narrated animation. The end result is atype oneessential overload
Mayer and Chandler, 2001
Continuous 140 seconds presentation vs. 16 seconds presentation
learners performed when they saw the presentation in small segments
11. Mayer, Dow, and Mayer (2003)
Segmented Groupvs. ContinuousGroup
Dr. Phyz narrated a continuous version or students control the pace of the different segments.
Students who controlled the pace of the presentation performed much better
Research cont.
12. Pollock, Chandler, & Sweller (2002)
Group One
Phase one: Introduction on the components
Phase two: How the components worked together
Group two
Both phases dealt with the components working together
Group one performed better on a problem solving transfer test.
Low experienced learner benefited more from the pretraining phase than the experienced learners
Research on Pretraining Principle
13. Mayer Mau tone, & Prothero, 2002
Two groups ofstudentswere presented with the Profile Game to learn about geology.
Group one was given illustrations before the lesson. Group two did not get any pretraining.
The pretraining group performed better on a subsequent test
Pretraining Research
14. More than a dozen studies have been done.
Mousavi, Low and Sweller ( 1995)
Group one: Computer presentation with graphics and printed text
Group two: Graphics and narration
Overall results concluded that the modality of graphics and narration was more effective because the scores were higher.
Modality Principle
15. Allow the learner to control the pace of presentation(particularly good for learners with limitedprior knowledge)
Try to equip the learner with knowledge that will make it easier to process the information.
Allow learnersto have enough time to engage in active cognitive process
Off load some of the visual information onto the auditory channels
16. Segment it-When possible use a continue button
Use visual and auditory modalities
Keep the essential material and eliminate the extraneousmaterial
Slow Downand Make it Student Centered.
17. Lets dance the Macarena!
18. Mayer, E (2008).The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning. Santa Barbara. Cambridge University Press