Page 1: Govt Unit 4 Questions

Which one of the following would not be exempt from jury service in Texas

WRONG: a 34-year-old mother of three

Wrongful imprisonment by the state in Texas

Is always a possibility

The Texas Constitution and state law grants the government the authority to take a person’s…

Under appropriate circumstances

Divorce cases and child custody cases originate in what court

District Court

A case involving business contract falls under which branch of law


Which statement regarding the appellate division…..

District courts have appellate jurisdiction…

Under the Texas Controlled Substance act the possession of marijuana…


Page 2: Govt Unit 4 Questions

In a civil jury trial in district court, the judge…

WRONG: finds the fact, and the jury applies the law

The justice of the peace courts in each county are created by…

The county commissioner court

The type of case appealed directly to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is

Capital felony wherein the death sentence was imposed

The first appellate court in a capital felony where he death pnalty is give is what court

WRONG: Texas supreme court

Law made by judges based on custom and usage going back several centuries is

WRONG: constitutional law

Disputes concerning business contract, divorce…

Civil law

A court that hears and decides cases tried for the first time has

Original jurisdiction

Page 3: Govt Unit 4 Questions

Justice of the peace are elected for regular terms of

Four years

In a criminal jury trial, the decision of the jury is known as the


Not included among the duties of a magistrate is

WRONG: determining if there is sufficient evidence to bind an arrested person…

Official misconduct is a misdemeanor offense. Such cases are tried in

District court

In a civil case involving a small amount of money in unpaid bills or salary, it would be to the


Small claims court

In our concept of justice the burden of proof of guilt is upon

The prosecutor

Which statement regarding the imposition of the death sentence is incorrect

Page 4: Govt Unit 4 Questions

WRONG: Texas uses intravenous injection of a lethal substance to induce death

A jury may render a verdict in a capital felony case but the judge must gibe the sentence


A criminal case where the fine was under $100 could go only as high…

WRONG: Court of appeals

Of the judges of local courts, which must be an attorney licensed to practice law in Texas

WRONG: Justice of the peace

The system justice practiced in the United states is….

WRONG: The Miranda-escobedo system

A class c misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $150 committed within the city limits…

Municipal Court

A class C misdemeanor with a fine of $500 tried in the county court…

Court of appeals

Page 5: Govt Unit 4 Questions

An operator of an automobile repair shop cannot collect a bill of $426.42 from a customer…

A Taylor county justice of the peace court under its small claims jurisdiction

The three classes of misdemeanors are identified as

Class A, class B and Class C…

Misdemeanors punishable only by a fine…

Justice of the peace court

How many people sit on juries in Texas

Grand juries, twelve, district court juries, twelve; local court juries, six

Capital felonies are tried in what court

WRONG: Texas Supreme court

The term “plaintiff” refers to

One who starts a civil suit

An employer cannot fire an employee for jury duty and must…


Page 6: Govt Unit 4 Questions

The instrument that formally accuses a person of having committed a high felony…


All of the following are mandatory exemptions from jury duty…

The legal custody of a minor under 10

The basis of jury selection in texas has been changed to

Drivers license

Public intoxication C Class C misdemeanor...

A Brown County Justice of the Peace Court

The term jurisdiction refers to

The types of cases that a court is competent to hear and decide

What scientific development has found some persons convicted of murder...

DNA testing

Policeman make an arrest without a warrant when they have probable cause


A violation of a city ordinance punishable by a fine wouldd originate in what court


Page 7: Govt Unit 4 Questions

The duty of a coroner is to

Determine the cause of death when a person died outside the presence of a competent witness

A party to a civil case who was dissatisfied with the outcome in the trial court

Appellate jurisdiction

A civil suit for $1500 with originate in what court

Either a, b, or C

The intermediate court for Criminal Appeals is what court

Court of Appeals

The minimum sentence for a capital felony is

Life without parole

Hey justice of the peace is a magistrate conducts preliminary hearings


Appellate jurisdiction in the county court differs from other appellate courts in which of the

following ways

All cases are tried de Nova

Besides the automatic excuses from Jury duty

Determines if the petitioner is truly in a hardship situation

Page 8: Govt Unit 4 Questions

Under the terms of Texas law, a Murderer commits a capital offense if you murder 

A police officer

The Supreme Court in criminal cases is what court

Court of Criminal Appeals

What are the stated purposes for which Texas imprisons felons

To punish and rehabilitate offenders

A court that is said to have specific authority to decide a particular type of case has

Exclusive jurisdiction

Courts that have exclusive original jurisdiction over slander are

District courts

Those who commit hate crimes are motivated by bias against a persons

All of the above

After conviction, a separate hearing is held before the convicted person will be asigned

The penalty is determined

Which would not be subject to enhancement under the Texas Penal Code

A charge of two offenses in the same criminal episode

Page 9: Govt Unit 4 Questions

Members of the Texas Supreme Court are

Elected for terms of 6 years

Constitutional qualifications for a county judge include the following

WRONG: Experience is a justice of the peace or municipal judge

grand juries in Texas are composed of


Indictments are prepared in grand jury proceedings if at least


The term court of record means that

A transcript of court proceedings is made by a stenographer

If a person is involved in a car theft and crosses the state line


A misdemeanor is

A less serious charge than a felony

Which of the following is not a Texas constitutional guarantee regarding Jury rights

Jury verdict in all cases must be unanimous

Page 10: Govt Unit 4 Questions

A District Court jury in Texas is

The first twelve members of the venire who have not been

The injured party in a civil case is called the


The validity of a will is decided by

WRONG: A Justice of the Peace Court

Qualifications for judges and justices on the appellate courts in Texas

Texas resident 10 years

A civil case begins in a county or district court when the injured party files

A petition

A civil case of over $2000 involving a question of the Texas Constitution

Texas Supreme Court

Courts of original jurisdiction are limited to trying cases

For the first time

Ninety percent of all judicial business is conducted in federal court


Page 11: Govt Unit 4 Questions

The disposition of case is by the Courts of Appeals is

By majority vote of the justices on the panel that heard the case

Under the terms of the capital murders statute, A person convicted of this offense must be given

the death sentence

All of the above

Plea bargaining is beneficial to the state courts because

It cuts the time and cost of prosecution

A 38-year-old Caucasian male is tried for armed robbery. Which of the following is inadmissible

The fact that the defendant was on parole from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice

Constitutional qualifications for the Texas district judge include


The County Commissioners Court tries only cases in which county officials are parties


Failure on the part of a grand jury to return an indictment constitutes

A no bill

A state trooper apprehends a motorist on Texas Highway 206 between the city of Coleman

A Coleman County Justice of the Peace Court

Page 12: Govt Unit 4 Questions

A file a shin of the Arlington Municipal fire code would be tried in

The Arlington Municipal Court

A federal felony committed within Texas would be tried in what court

Federal court

The first appellate court open in civil cases were the amount of the controversy exceeds $5000

Court of Appeals

The process by which attorneys question potential jurors is called

Voir dire

In Texas, judges are chosen by

WRONG: The legislature

A state felony is tried in what court

District court

Texas Supreme Court with have final Jurisdiction in which of the following cases

Questions of the Texas constitutional law

Which of the following statements are true in the capital felony law in Texas

If the jury fails to give a death sentence, there is a mandatory sentence of life in prison

Page 13: Govt Unit 4 Questions

Small claims courts are administered by

JP judges

Qualifications for jurors in the state

WRONG: 45 day residency in the state and county

When a case can be heard by only one court, that court is said to have

WRONG: Final Jurisdiction

It is common for adults convicted for the first time of nonviolent misdemeanors

Be placed under community supervision

Not falling under the probate jurisdiction of County Courts is

Determining the bloodline of the heirs of a

Popular election is the method for selecting judges in Texas for

All of these

The court that requires no qualifications to be a judge is

A justice of the peace

The county judges duties include which of the following

Probating wills

Page 14: Govt Unit 4 Questions

The chief trial court in Texas is what court

District court

For misdemeanor prosecutions, grand jury indictments are

Not required

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