


Good Morning!Please get out your Documents from Last week and Write your Thesis Paragraph.

The American Civil War1861-1865

And the war began…

• Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861▫ 4:30 am – General Beauregard (CSA) opens fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor

• April 13 –▫ Major Anderson (USA) surrenders, promises to pull out next day

• April 14 –▫ USA evacuates fort (First 2 fatalities of the war as two men die when a powder keg explodes during a 21 gun salute) Fort Sumter – April 14th, 1861 after 3000 cannon hits

and the CSA takes over. (Notice the Stars and Bars

flying above)

“It’s damned bad…”

• April 15th, 1861 – Lincoln issues proclamation for 75,000 volunteers

• April 19th – Lincoln calls for a Blockade of the Southern Coastline.

• Then the wait…

• July 21st, 1861 – First Battle of Bull Run (Battle of Manassas)▫ Gen. McDowell (USA) maneuvers the Union troops against the Army of Northern Virginia

▫ At first – Union looks to be winning, but then Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (CSA) rallies his troops.

▫ Confederates route the Union troops…



A Carousel of Commanders for the

North:• General Winfield Scott – Supreme Commander of the Union Army

▫ -Anaconda Plan

� Problem: Calls for a Long War… Public wanted a short war…

“I can do it all.”

• General George McClellan-▫ Takes over Army of the Potomac after McDowell

▫ After Scott resigns- becomes commander of US army

▫ Accomplishments:� Trained and recruited and expert army

� Built supply lines▫ Issues:

� Wouldn’t move/use the army� “If General McClellan isn't going to use his army, I'd like to borrow it for a time”

1st Peninsula Campaign

• McClellan finally moves his men…• Uses navy to land South of Richmond

• Southern supreme General Johnston engages McClellan

• McClellan is timid and cautious (always fearing he was badly outmanned)

• McClellan fails to take Richmond (relieved of his command by Lincoln)

Commanding Carousel

• Scott

• McClellan

• Fremont

• Burnside

• McClellan

• Halleck

• Hooker

• Pope

• Meade



Finally… Ulysses “Unconditional

Surrender” Grant1862 – The War in the West

• February 6, 1862 – Grant captures Fort Henry in Tennessee

• February 16, 1862 – Grant captures Fort Donelson▫ Earns nickname “Unconditional Surrender”

• April 6/7 1862 – Battle of Shiloh▫ Confederate army in Miss. Surprise attacks Grants forces… Grant musters a response next day and defeats Confederates� Casualties: 23,746 (Bloodiest battle up to that time…)

A War of Turning Points

• There were 4 Major Turning Points during the War:

▫ Antietam

▫ Vicksburg

▫ Gettysburg

▫ Election of 1864

Antietam – Sept. 17th, 1862

• After the Peninsula Campaign – Lee decided to invade the North▫ Move the war away from Virginia and Convince UK to join the war on the South’s side

• Lee moves his troops in Maryland (hoping for recruits)

• McClellan is put back in charge (there is no one else right now)…

• Lee has 50,000 men … McClellan has 90,000 (McClellan still thinks he is outnumbered)

The Battle…

• Lee makes a big mistake:

▫ Splits his army into 3 (believes McClellan will not move from Virginia.. He is right… but….)

▫ Sends an order to bring the troops back together at Sharpsburg, MD (Orders are lost)

▫ McClellan learns that Lee’s force is split (waits two days before he decides to move… ?????)

▫ Lee and McClellan meet at Sharpsburg (Antietam creek)… Bloodiest day of the Civil War

▫ 1 Day: Estimated about 26,000 casualties…



A Photographer’s Nightmare:

Effects of Antietam:

• McClellan will be fired for good after he fails to chase Lee

• Gives Lincoln the victory he needed to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation:▫ Freed no one

▫ Stopped Eng. from helping the south (stopped delivery of Rams)

▫ No chance for a peace treaty or the cont. of slavery

▫ Made it a moral cause

� More slaves ran to the North

� Draft riots in NY

▫ Official January 1, 1863

Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville

• Battle of Fredericksburg – December 13, 1862▫ Gen. Burnside assaults Lee at Fredericksburg, VA▫ Lee entrenches and destroys Burnside▫ 17,000+ casualties (only 5,000 on the CSA)▫ Burnside replaced by John Hooker

• Battle of Chancellorsville- April 30-May 6, 1863▫ John Hooker vs. Robert E. Lee▫ Lee horribly outnumbered (100,000 to 50,000)▫ Lee brilliant, defeats Hooker▫ "I just lost confidence in Joe Hooker." –Joe Hooker▫ Stonewall Jackson injured by friendly fire… Dies days later.. (“I just lost my right arm” – Lee)

▫ Hooker is replaced by General Meade



Vicksburg- July 4th,


• Grant’s brilliant campaign

• Splits the Confederacy into 2 parts

• Takes control of the Mississippi River for the Union

• Boosts Grant’s reputation so that after Meade is dismissed he takes over the US Army…

Gettysburg – July 1-3, 1863

• Lee decides to invade the North once again…

• Wants to force an end to the war early (persuade the North that the South is up to a long fight)

• General Meade is newly in charge of the Union forces takes the Army and meets Lee at Gettysburg, PA…

• USA – 84,000 … CSA – 75,000

• After 3 long, arduous days… Lee withdrew

• Casualties: 51,000…

Gettysburg Address – Nov. 1863Lincoln Election of 1864

• Probably the Most Crucial Turning Point• First election by a Republic during a Civil War

• Lincoln runs on the Union (Republican) ticket

• George McClellan is nominated by the Democrats (He is a Pro-Slavery Northern Dem)

• McClellan almost wins but… Sherman takes Atlanta and Mobile, AL falls… Two Union victories = Lincoln victory

• South is finished…



Sherman’s March to the Sea• After Grant is given command of the Union forces, General William Tecumseh Sherman is given command in the West…

• Grant and Sherman agree on a major invasion of the South from both the West and the East… (Simultaneous engagement of all Southern Armies)

Grant and Appomattox Courthouse

• While Sherman marches through Georgia

• Grant will invade Virginia and head toward Richmond to engage Lee…

• One big misstep: Cold Harbor – June 3, 1864

▫ 7000 Union troops die in 10 minutes

▫ One soldier wrote the day before the battle his last diary entry: "June 3, 1864, Cold Harbor, Virginia. I was killed."

Grant cont.

• Grant and Sherman both employed the meat-grinder approach…

▫ There are always more soldiers

• Sherman will also use Torched Earth approach and sets Georgia on fire…

• Grant surrounds Lee at Petersburg , VA

▫ 9 month siege started in June 1864

Lee will attack Grant in April of 1865…

Grant suppresses attack and then pursues Lee into Virginia…

Lee, seeing that he is finished, surrenders April 9, 1865

Sherman will then force the last CSA army to surrender on April 26,


Civil War is Over



Civil War Uniqueness:

•Weapons:▫ Ironclads

▫ Colt Revolvers

▫ Rifled Muskets

▫ Observation Balloons

▫ Gatling Gun

▫ Submarines

• African Americans:▫ Refusal of Asylum

▫ Contraband

▫ 54th Massachusetts

• Women:▫ Nurses


Ironclads – Naval Warfare Changed

African Americans Women




• April 14th, 1865• Good Friday

• Abraham Lincoln and his wife go to Ford’s Theatre to see “Our American Cousin”

• During the 3rd Act, John Wilkes Booth will approach Lincoln from behind…

• Booth escapes and is hunted for over 2 weeks before being killed in Virginia…


Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the White


Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy.

Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.

Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.

Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

Lincoln was shot at the theater named “Ford.”Kennedy was shot in a car called “Lincoln”made by 'Ford.'

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassinran and hid in a warehouse. Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin

ran and hid in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their




John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln,was born in 1839.

Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinatedKennedy, was born in 1939.

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in

Monroe, Maryland

A week before Kennedy was shot, he was in …

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