Page 1: Four political objectives * Development of …2009/08/13  · Established 1914 Volume XVII, Number 119 8th Waning of Wagaung 1371 ME Thursday, 13 August, 2009 * Development of agriculture

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 119 8th Waning of Wagaung 1371 ME Thursday, 13 August, 2009

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

Myanmar specialists successfully transplantartificial aorta into patient at

Nay Pyi Taw Hospital (1000-bed)NAY PYI TAW, 12 Aug—Cardiologist Dr Win Win

Kyaw and medical specialists successfully transplantedan artificial aorta into a patient with Abdominal AorticAneurysm at Nay Pyi Taw Hospital (1000-bed) on 30July.

Complaining of a pain in his abdomen, U Than



Kyaw, 68, was rushed to the hospital to consultthe doctor on 21 July. According to the results ofCT – Angiogram (64 Sl ices) tes t g ivenby Radiologist Dr Naw The Hse, SurgeonsDr Win Win Kyaw, Dr Tin Tin Mar, Anesthetist

(See page 9)

50-ton Paper Mill (Thabaung) of Paper and Pulp Factory of Myanma Paper and Chemicals Industries.

Paper Mill (Thabaung) producesimport-substitute high-quality Paper

Article: Tin Htwe (MNA), Photos: Thaung Myint (MNA)

Thabaung Paper Mill (Thabaung) which canproduce 50 tons of paper per day is located on thewest bank of Ngawun River. The 50-ton paper millunder the Paper and Pulp Factory of Myanma Paperand Chemical Industries was inaugurated on 16November, 2008.

Paper and Pulp Factory (Thabaung) in ThabaungIndustrial Region in Thabaung Township, PatheinDistrict, Ayeyawady Division, is constituted with the200-ton paper pulp mill and the 50-ton paper mill.

The 50-ton Paper Mill (Thabaung) produces 35tons of Offset Printing Paper, Copying Paper, Laser

Printing paper and 15 tons of high-quality paper perday.

To produce quality papers meeting theinternational standard, 70 per cent of bamboo pulpand 30 per cent of wood pulp from the 200-ton pulp

(See page 7)


As if seeing sonshouldering a

pot of gold-

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 13 August, 2009

Thursday, 13 August, 2009 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy


Preservation and safeguarding ofcultural heritage and nationalcharacter

A meeting between the Leading Committee forHolding the 17th Myanmar Traditional CulturalPerforming Arts Competitions and representativesfrom the states and divisions took place at themeeting hall of the Ministry of Culture in Nay PyiTaw on 10 August.

At present, contestants from the states anddivisions who will take part in the MyanmarTraditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitionsare in the process of preparing for the competitions.

The contestants from the states and divisionsare to take part in the Myanmar TraditionalCultural Performing Arts Competitions in linewith the objectives of the competitions laid down bythe State.

The number of constants from the states anddivisions in the competitions held annually hasbeen increased year by year. As a result, they havebeen able to present their performing arts to othercountries and their presentation received highacclaim.

As it is impossible to impose limitations on thearea of performing arts in order that alien culturethat is not in conformity with Myanmar peoplecannot be imported, efforts are to be made toenable the people to resist it with national culture.

If alien culture penetrates into the nation it willundermine the national prestige and integrity,thereby resulting in moral degeneration. And evenown races and identity can be in danger of extinction.Thus, it is incumbent upon the entire nationalpeople to safeguard their culture and traditions.

Therefore, all the contestants are urged toactively take part in the 17th Myanmar TraditionalCultural Performing Arts Competitions with strongbelief and conviction in accordance with one of thefour social objectives—uplift of national prestigeand integrity and preservation and safeguardingof cultural heritage and national character.

YANGON, 12 Aug—A ceremony to presentprizes to outstandingstudents of Rakhine Statewho passed them a t r i c u l a t i o nexamination for the2008-2009 academicyear with flying colourswas held at U UttamaHall in Sittway ofRakhine State on 10August, attended by

Commander, minister attend prize presenting ceremony

Chairman of RakhineState Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of WesternCommand Maj-GenThaung Aye and Ministerfor Transport Maj-GenThein Swe.

The Commander andthe Minister gave prizes to20 six-distinction-winners,16 five-distinction-winners, 19 four-

distinction-winners, 36three-distinction-winners,56 two-distinction-winners, and 298 one-d is t inc t ion-winners .Furthermore, proficientteaching skills award forteachers, best school awardand best township awardwere also presented.

Next, six-distinction-winner Ma Khin OhnmarKyaw and Rakhine State

Education Officerexpressed gratitude onbehalf of students.

Next, Minister Maj-Gen Thein Swe andwellwishers in RakhineState presented cashassistance for educationalpurpose which wasaccepted by theCommander, the Ministerand officials.


YANGON, 12 Aug —Chairman of Yangon CityDevelopment CommitteeMayor Brig-Gen AungThein Lin inspectedupgrading of roads andmaintenance of bridges inYangon Division.

During the inspectiontour of Mingala Taungnyunt,Tamway, Yankin, Dawbon,Thingangyun, NorthOkkalapa townships thismorning, the mayor fulfilledthe requirements to theroadwork. In the afternoon,

Mayor inspects roadwork, maintenance of bridges in Yangon Division

the mayor also went toMingaladon and Insein

townships and inspectedupgrading of roads and

attended to the needs.MNA

YANGON, 12 Aug—Itis known that Project-basedContest about MyanmarSearch Engine entitledMCPA Challenge,organized by MyanmarComputer ProfessionalAssociation (MCPA), willbe held. The aims of thecontest are to have moredevelopment in researchand creation of youth, whoare interested in ICT, to helpproduce more home-made

ICT tools and products andto extensively applyMyanmar languages in ICTfield.

Director Dr DawMyint Myint Than ofMyanmar ComputerFederation, Chairman U YeMyat Thu of MyanmarComputer ProfessionalAssociation (Mandalay)and executive U Nyi LinHsat of MCPA will givetechnical talks on Myanmar

Search Engine atconference hall inMyanmar Info-tech inHline Township here from9 am to noon (Saturday) on15 August.

Members of MCPA,competitors who will takepart in MCPA Challengeand interested persons mayattend the talks. For moreinformation, contact RoomNo.4, ward-4, MCPA office(ph- 652276).—MNA

Talks on Myanmar Search Engine on 15 Aug

Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Thein Swe makes speech at a ceremony to present awards tooutstanding students in Rakhine State.—TRANSPORT


AungThein Lininspects

repairing ofBanyadala

road inMingala



Medical Superintendent Dr U Maung Win,incharge Dr U Than Htut and professor/Headof Department Dr U Sai Won Mar accept k1120,000 for construction of building inMandalay General Hospital donated byRector U Yin Win Maung (Sagaing EducationCollege) and Deputy Director Daw KhinPyone Yu of Mandalay Account office.—MNA

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Car bombshit Baghdad,eight killed,30 wounded BAGHDAD, 12 Aug—

Two car bombs strokeBaghdad onTuesdaynight, killing at least 8people and wounding 30others, police source said.

Local police source, oncondition of anonymity,told Xinhua that the firstblast occurred near Al-Muhesen Shiite mosquein the district of Al-Amin,southeast of Baghdad; thesecond happened near acoffee shop, also in thedistrict of Al-Amin.

The two explosionscame “almost at the sametime,” and the blasts alsoaffected surroundingshops and buildings, thesource added.

According to thesource, at least 8 peoplewere killed and 30 otherswounded, but the specificcasualty number of eachincident has not beengiven yet.

Sporadic attacks havecontinued in Baghdad andother Iraqi cities andtowns after U.S. combatforces’ pullout despite lowlevel of violencecompared with theprevious years.


13 Iraqis wounded inbomb attacks in

BaghdadBAGHDAD, 12 Aug—At least 13 people were wounded

in separate bomb attacks in Baghdad on Tuesday, awell-informed police source said.

A car bomb went off at a market place in Baghdad’snortheastern district of Shaab, wounding nine people,the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

The toll could rise as ambulances and civilian carsevacuated the victims to nearby hospitals and medicalcentres, the source said.

In a separate incident, a bomb planted in a civiliancar detonated in the neighbourhood of Doura in south-ern Baghdad, wounding two people aboard and twobystanders, the source added.—Xinhua

Roadside bomb killsnine civilians

in S AfghanistanKABUL, 12 Aug—Nine civilians were killed on

Tuesday as a roadside bomb struck a civilian mini-bus in Taleban birthplace Kandahar of southern Af-ghanistan, an official said.

“We have received nine bodies, including a childand two women, all the victims of a roadside bombwhich hit a mini-bus in Maiwand district at 11:00am today (0630GMT),” Mohammad Farhad, thedirector of Mirwais hospital in Kandahar, toldXinhua.

Roadside bombings and suicide attacks adoptedby Taleban militants as new tactic have often claimedlives of innocent civilians.

A report released by the United Nations a coupleof weeks ago indicated that over 1,000 civilians havebeen killed in military operations and Taleban-related violence over the first half of the currentyear, an increase of 24 percent over the same periodlast year.


Women grieve at the site of a double truck bombing which tore through aShiite minority community near the northern city of Mosul, 360 kilometers

(225 miles) northwest of Baghdad, Iraq, on 10 Aug, 2009.—INTERNET

Iraqis inspect a burnt vehicle at the site of a carbombing near a restaurant in the Shurta

neighbourhood in southern Baghdad. At least eightpeople were killed and 45 were wounded in bomb

attacks in the capital Baghdad and central Iraq onTuesday, officials said.


Militants killpolice chief,guard in N

AfghanistanKABUL, 12 Aug—

Taleban militantsstormed police check-point in Kunduz Prov-ince north of Afghani-stan on Wednesdaymorning, killing a dis-trict police chiefalong with his body-guard and injuring an-other, an official said.

“The militants raidedpolice checkpoint inArchi district early thismorning killing NoorKhan the commander ofpolice in the district andhis bodyguard while an-other policeman sus-tained injuries, “Deputypolice chief of KunduzProvince Abdul RahmanHaqtash told Xinhua.

The slain police com-mander is the brother ofprovincial governorMohammad Omar, headded.


A wounded Iraqi man is wheeled into a hospitalin Baghdad after a bomb targeted labourers in

Amel neighbourhood. —INTERNET

An Afghan youth waits for transportation after beinginjured near a building on which militants took upposition in Pul-i-Alam, the capital of Logar Prov-ince, about 40 miles (60 kilometres) south of Kabul, Afghanistan on 10, Aug, 2009.—INTERNET

NATO Invasion of US and allies kills,injures Iraqi people

BAGHDAD, 12 Aug— There has been daily casualties in Iraq since the US andits allies have invaded the country.

Casualties of Iraqi peopleThe total number of casualties as from the day they invaded the country to

12 August reached 698,293 and the total number of serious injured peoplereached 1,258,463, according to the news on the internet.

No. Subject Number1. Death toll of Iraqi people 698,2932. The total number of seriously injured people 1,258,463


Casualties of Afghan people in invasion ofNATO troops led by US

KABUL, 12 Aug—The NATO troops led by the US have invaded Afghanistanand they are there for a long time.

A number of Afghan people are killed and injured due to invasion of theNATO troops led by the US.

Casualties of Afghan peopleAccording to the Internet news, a total of 8364 Afghan people were killed

and 17,261 injured seriously as from the day when the NATO troops led by theUS invaded Afghanistan to 12 August.

No. Subject Number1. Number of Afghan people killed 83642. Seriously injured Afghan people 17,261


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HAVANA, 12 Aug—Fidel Castro is not thepresence he once was inCuba after three years outof public view but as heturns 83 on Thursday hestill has clout and isworking to ensure theisland stays communistlong after he is gone.

Although youngerbrother Raul Castro, whois 78, replaced him aspresident last year, FidelCastro continues to be apowerful international

Workers installscaffolding as they

carry out renovationwork at a monument

with an image ofChina’s late ChairmanMao Zedong in Wuhan,Hubei Province on 11

August, 2009.INTERNET

Tourist boats are seen sailing past under constructioncasino and hotel buildings in Singapore. Singapore’s

economy performed better than estimated in thesecond quarter, but recovery will be “sluggish” oncontinued weak demand from the US and Europe,

according to the government. —INTERNET

File photo shows workers from the Hangzhou Zhongce rubber companyconducting quality control checks on their tyres at their factory in


Fidel Castro, turning 83,still a force in Cuba

voice for Cuba, throughthe regular commentarycolumns he writes forstate-run media.

His internal role inCuba’s government is lessclear but it is generallyassumed that while hisbrother runs the showfrom day to day, he doesit in consultation withFidel Castro.

“It’s still, I think, apartnership but Raul isnow the senior partner,”said Brian Latell of the

University of Miami’sInstitute for Cuban andCuban-American Studies.“Fidel is not able to beinvolved in the day-to-daystuff anymore.”

Fidel Castro led therevolution that toppleddictator Fulgencio Batistaon 1 January, 1959, andran the country for 49years before he underwentemergency surgery for anundisclosed intestinalailment in July 2006.


BETHLEHEM, 12 Aug—Fatah has elected arejuvenated leadership that will likely bring themainstream Palestinian movement more in line withPresident Barack Obama’s vision for an Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement, according to unofficialresults released on Tuesday.

But a reluctant Israel and militant Islamic Hamasstranglehold on the Gaza Strip pose formidableobstacles on the road toward a peace accord.—Internet

MOSCOW, 12 Aug— Russia launched a carrier rocketon Tuesday to send an Asian communication satelliteinto orbit, a spokesman for the Khrunichev spaceresearch and production centre said.

The Proton-M rocket, with an AsiaSat-5 satelliteatop, blasted off at 11:47 pm Moscow time (1947GMT) from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan,Alexander Bobrenev was quoted as saying by the Itar-Tass news agency.

The satellite is expected to separate from the boosterin about nine hours and then reach its geostationaryorbital slot of 100.5 degrees eastern longitude.

The AsiaSat-5 satellite, which carries 26 C-bandand 14 Ku-bandtransponders, will provide advancedtelecommunication services for customers in Asia andthe Pacific. Its designed service life in orbit is 15 years.

Hong Kong-based Asia Satellite Telecommuni-cations Co Ltd (AsiaSat) signed a contract withRussian-US joint venture International LaunchServices in February for the launch of the satellite.


GENEVA, 12 Aug—Some 700,000 childrenunder the age of five aresuffering from severemalnutrition in theCentral African Republic,Unicef said on Tuesday,warning that they are“living below acceptablestandards.” “In both theconflict-affected northand the more stable south,almost 700,000 childrenunder five are livingbelow acceptable stand-

GENEVA, 12 Aug—The A/H1N1 influenza hascaused a total of 1,462 deaths worldwide since it wasfirst detected in April, the World Health Organization(WHO) said on Tuesday.

In a latest update of the flu situation, the UN agencysaid a total of 177,457 confirmed infections have beenofficially reported from over 170 countries and regions.

But those figures are obviously lower than the realnumber of A/H1N1 cases, as many countries withsustaibable community-level transmissions were nolonger required to test and report new cases, the agencysaid.—Xinhua

700,000 children malnourished in CentralAfrican Republic

Children sit outside aDoctors without

Boarders nutrition centrein Paoua, northwest

Central African Republicin 2007. —INTERNET

DHAKA, 12 Aug— Amoderate earthquakemeasuring 5.3 magnitudeon the Richter scale wasregistered by the DhakaSeismic Centre in Bangla-desh’s capital Dhaka at04:43 am local time(GMT2143) on Wednes-day morning.

It is just a day after amighty quake with a 7.6magnitude struck theIndian Ocean off India’sAndaman Islands early on

ards, and now many aremoving toward the outeredge of survival,” saidJeremy Hopkins, the UNagency for children’srepresentative in CAR.

“The situation ofchildren in the south is ofparticular concern due tothe rapidly deterioratingnutritional status intandem with an increa-singly bleak fundingoutlook,” he added in astatement.—Internet

Earthquake jolts Bangladeshfor second consecutive day

Tuesday morning, whichwas also felt in Bangla-desh. Ayesha Khatun, ameteorologist of theBangladesh Meteoro-logical Department(BMD) told Xinhua theepicenter of the earth-quake on Wednesdaymorning was located nearMyanmar and Indiaborder region and thedistance of the epicenterwas 416 km east fromDhaka.—Xinhua

Russia sends Asian communicationsatellite into space

New Fatah leadership boostsMideast peace efforts

Global death toll of A/H1N1flu rises to 1,462, says

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OPEC’s forecast for the global crudeoil demand remains unchanged

All items from Xinhua News Agency

Russian children perform a dance during a soiree at the “Ocean” All-RussiaChildren’s care center in Vladivostok, Russia, on 11 Aug, 2009. The “Ocean”

care center held a soiree on Tuesday to send off the 550 Chinese childrenaffected by the devastating 2008 earthquake in southwestern China, who

came here on 23 July for a three-week recreational trip. —XINHUA

VIENNA, 12 Aug—OPEC on Tuesday left itsglobal oil demand forecastunchanged for this year,projecting a fall of 1.65million barrels a daycompared to last year.

World oil demand, theOrganization of PetroleumExporting Countries(OPEC) said in its monthlyreport, is expected to showan increase of 500,000barrels a day in 2010.

According to the report,it was expected that theaverage global crude oildemand this year would be83.91 million barrels a day(mb/d), and it would

continue to rise to 84.41mb/d next year, which wasrespectively 0.07mb/dmore than the forecastmade last month.

The report also pointedout that world demand forOPEC crude oil fell by 2.3mb/d, amounting to 28.4mb/d. It would be furtherreduced by 0.5 mb/d, andreaching 28 mb/d nextyear. This declineexceeded the previousestimate of OPEC, thecartel that controls a thirdof the world’s oilproduction. In accordancewith OPEC’s estimate,demand from the countries

of the Organization forEconomic Cooperationand Development(OECD) would continueto decrease in 2010.

In the internationalcrude oil market, only inthe Middle East, China andLatin America woulddemand keep rising thisyear, OPEC said.

The report also said thatdue to uncertainties thatpersist concerning arecovery from the globalrecession, as well as amplestocks of crude, theinternational oil marketremains still funda-mentally weak. —Xinhua

Cambodia trade with S Koreadrops 22% in first five months

Venezuela, Argentina sign trade,technology agreements

CARACAS, 12 Aug—Leaders of Venezuela andArgentina on Tuesday signed a package of agreementsworth 1.1 billion US dollars.

Covering 22 businesses in such sectors asagriculture, transport and technology, the agreementswere signed during a meeting between VenezuelanPresident Hugo Chavez and his Argentine counterpartCristina Fernandez.

The agreements aim to increase bilateral trade andeconomic exchanges and to enhance biotechnologicalcooperation.—Xinhua

Ecuadorian ban cuts Colombiantrade by 15.5%

BOGOTA, 12 Aug—Colombia’s exports to Ecuador fell15.5 percent in the first seven months of this year dueto restrictions imposed by the Ecuadorian government,the Colombian government said on Tuesday. TradeMinister Luis Plata confirmed that exports to Ecuadorin the first seven months fell to 616 million US dollarsfrom 729 million US dollars in the same period lastyear. “The restrictions on 1,346 Colombian productsimposed by the Ecuadorian government have resultedin a 34 percent decrease in these products’ export toEcuador,” Plata said.—Xinhua

PHNOM PENH, 12 Aug—Trade volume betweenCambodia and SouthKorea dropped 22.6percent in the first fivemonths of this year, a signthat the global economiccrisis continues to gripboth countries, local mediareported on Wednesday.

Total volume throughMay reached 114 millionUS dollars, down from147.27 million US dollarsover the same period lastyear, the Phnom Penh

Post quoted Lee Hyoung-seok, deputy directorgeneral of the SouthKorea Trade-InvestmentPromotion Agency, assaying.

Lee said that SouthKorea’s principal exportproducts to Cambodiaincluded textiles, motorvehicles, consumerelectronics and chemicalproducts, while Cam-bodia’s main exports weregarments, agriculturalproducts and timber.

“We are seeing a declinein volume becausedemand has fallen...(leading) many manu-facturers to reduce pro-duction,” Lee said, adding“I forecast that for the restof the year, bilateral tradewill continue to fall at asimilar rate, though thingsmay improve next year.”

Lee added that tradevolume between the twocountries reached 294million US dollars lastyear.—Xinhua

The quadruplet sisters Zhu Wanbing, Zhu Wanqing, Zhu Wanyu and ZhuWanjie (from L to R) celebrate their 10th birthday at a restaurant in Nanjing,east China’s Jiangsu Province, on 11 Aug, 2009. The quardruplet sisters were

naturally conceived and born in on 11 Aug, 1999 in Nanjing.—XINHUA

Personal bankruptcies soar in Canada

Brazil’s TAM, Air China launch code-shareflight between Sao Paulo, Beijing

BRASILIA, 12 Aug—Brazil’s TAM Airlines and AirChina signed an agreement to launch a code-shareflight between Sao Paulo and Beijing via Madrid, theBrazilian company said on Tuesday.

TAM will operate the flight between Sao Paulo andMadrid, and Air China will take the passengers fromMadrid to China.

The agreement will come into force this month andpassengers can fly between Beijing and Sao Paulo witha single ticket and a single shipment.—Xinhua


examine thewreckage of ahelicopter thatcollided withan airplane

over theHudson Riverin Hoboken,New Jersey,on 11 Aug,


OTTAWA, 12 Aug— Thenumber of Canadianpersonal bankruptciessoared in June, due to highunemployment and debt, agovernment agency said ina report on Tuesday.

The personal bankr-uptcies in June reached10,823, up 54.3 percentcompared to the previousJune’s numbers, accord-ing to the Office of the

Superintendent of Bank-ruptcy Canada.

Only 7,013 individualshad to resort to bankruptcyin June 2008,a few monthsbefore the recession tookhold. The June 2009numbers represent a 9.3-percent increase comparedto the previous month’sfigures, when there were9,900 personal bank-ruptcies. Some analysts

had predicted a sub-stantial increase in con-sumer insolvencies for2009 and 2010, as a resultof unemployment andheightened householddebt. However, busi-nesses fare better duringthe same period of time.In June there were 515business bankruptcies, up10.8 percent year-over-year.—Xinhua

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Ouyang Guojun rides his self-made

rotor aircraft for a trial flight in

Changsha City, central China’s

Hunan Province. Ouyang Guojun,

a retired worker, made a rotor

aircraft by spare parts during over

one year’s time. The vehicle had a

low altitude trial flight successfully.

In this 20 Aug, 2008 file photoGorilla mother Gana carries her

dead offspring at the outdoorenclosure of the zoo in Muenster,western Germany. A traumatized

gorilla who carried around her deadbaby's body for several days in aGerman zoo last year has given

birth again and this time heroffspring is healthy. Twelve-year-old Gana’s very public mourning

for her last child gained widespreadattention last year. The baby gorilla,

Claudio, died when he was threemonths old of a severe intestinal

infection. Gana’s new daughter wasborn early on Sunday, said IlonaZuehlke, a spokeswoman for the

Allwetter Zoo in Muenster.

German gorilla gives birthagain

A traumatized gorilla who carriedaround her dead baby’s body for severaldays in a German zoo last year has givenbirth again — and this time her offspringis healthy.

Twelve-year-old Gana’s very publicmourning for her last child gainedwidespread attention last year. The babygorilla, Claudio, died when he was threemonths old of a severe intestinalinfection.

Gana’s new daughter was born earlySunday, said Ilona Zuehlke, a spokes-woman for the Allwetter Zoo inMuenster.

Texting NY tow truckdriver hits car, pool

Police say a Buffalo-area tow truckdriver was juggling two cell phones —testing on one and talking on another —when he slammed into a car and crashedinto a swimming pool.

Niagara County sheriff’s deputiessay 25-year-old Nicholas Sparks of Burtadmitted he was testing and talking whenhis flatbed truck hit the car in Lockport.

The truck then crashed through afence and sideswiped a house beforerolling front-end first into an in-groundpool.

Palestinian farmers pick melons, to be sold in local markets, at a greenhousein Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip, on 11 Aug, 2009. The greenhouse was

built after Israel’s disengagement from the Gaza Strip in August 2005 and islocated over the former settlement of Dugit.—INTERNET

PORTSMOUTH, 12 Aug—A man arrested at thesite of President BarackObama’s New Hampshiretown hall on Tuesday wascarrying an unlicensedloaded gun, police said

Richard Terry Young,62, was arrested insidePortsmouth High Schoolat about 9:40 am, longbefore the presidentarrived in Portsmouth, reported.He faces misdemeanorcharges, including tres-pass and a weaponscharge. Hundreds of

KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Aug—Ammonia leakageresulted by a faulty refrigeration system claimed sixlives at a village in the state of Selangor, localnewspapers reported here on Wednesday.

The victims, including a store manager, died frominhaling excessive ammonia on Tuesday.

Another three Bangladeshi workers also sufferedfrom the gas leakage had been hospitalized at theTanjung Karang Hospital in the state of Selangor.

It was learnt that when the incident took place at08:00 am local time, manager Lim Kian Chew, 35,was trying to pull out a fainted Bangladeshi workerworking in cooler tank used to store fish.—Xinhua

Man with gun arrested at NH schoolprotesters greeted Obama.

The demonstratorsgathered near PortsmouthHigh School appeared to beequally divided betweensupporters and detractors ofthe President’s healthcareproposals to cover millionsof uninsured Americansand bring health costsunder control, USA Todayreported.

Obama discussedaspects of his initiative,such as what it means forpeople with health cover-age and consumer pro-tection mechanisms.

Obama also focused onhis goal of ending denialof coverage based on pre-existing conditions.

Some of the anti-Obama protesters gathe-red as early as 6 am,carrying handmade signsthat spoke of rationing,socialism and “deathpanels,” while supportersfrom pro-Obama organi-zations such as Organi-zing for America andHealthcare for Americalater showed up in buses,USA Today said.


SAN JOSE, 12 Aug—Costa Rican PresidentOscar Arias was infectedwith influenza A/H1N1,Legislative AssemblyPresident FranciscoAntonio Pacheco con-firmed on Tuesday.

“The president had aflu and he requested to betested and they confirmedit... but he looks fine.

I just talked withsomeone who have beentalking with him,”Pacheco told local press.

The Costa Ricangovernment announced itwould confirm Arias’health conditions in thecoming hours.

According to the latestreport from the CostaRican health authorities,27 patients have diedfrom A/H1N1 flu and 798were infected.


Costa RicanPresidentinfected

withA/H1N1 flu

PARIS, 12 Aug—Four workers of the French charityAction Contre La Faim (ACF) and two Kenyan pilotskidnapped last November were released in Somaliaon Tuesday, local media reported.

“Apparently all are in good health, they’ll havemedical check-ups,” ACF said in a statement.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy welcomed therelease of those international humanitarian workers.In a statement issued by the Elysee Palace, he expressed“great relief” and offered “his congratul-ations to allwhose involvement brought an end to the hostage-taking.”

The hostages including two French women, a Polishwoman, a Belgian man and the two Kenyan pilots werecaptured by Somali gunmen on 5 Nov, 2008 at theairport of Dhusa Mareb as they prepared to fly toKenyan capital Nairobi.—Xinhua

Four humanitarian workersfreed in Somalia

Ammonia leakage claimssix lives in central


Giant panda enthusiasts will mark the140th anniversary of the outside world’sdiscovery of the animal with a 350-kmhike and a film festival this month.

French Catholic missionary PereJean Pierre Armand David introduced

China to mark 140th anniversaryof giant panda’s “discovery”

Giant panda “Xi Wang” leans

against the ice to cool itself off at the

Wuhan Zoo in Wuhan, capital of

central China’s Hubei Province,

on 13 July, 2009.

the animal to the Western world aftertaking photographs of it in 1869 insouthwest China’s Ya’an city. Li Yamei,deputy chief of the tourism bureau ofYa’an, in Sichuan Province, said onTuesday that people could apply for thehike through a link on, but theywere required to pass a health check.

The group would depart on 15 Augfrom the West China Medical School ofSichuan University in Chengdu, theprovincial capital, to follow the footstepsof Armand David to Ya’an, a city inwestern Sichuan.

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 13 August, 2009 7

Paper Mill (Thabaung) producesimport-substitute high-quality paper

Article: Tin Htwe (MNA), Photos: Thaung Myint (MNA)

Packages of high-quality papers produced by 50-ton Paper Mill(Thabaung).

Production process of paper at the 50-ton Paper Mill (Thabaung).

Labourers work at Paper and Pulp Factory (Thabaung).

(from page 1)factory are mixed, andonly bamboo pulp is

used to produce high-quality papers fordomestic consumption.

wood pulp are required perday to supply to the 50-ton Thabaung Paper Mill.The mill runs 330 days ayear.

The 200-ton pulpfactory is constructed on1107.27 acres and was

inaugurated on 14 May,2005.

The domesticconsumption of paper inMyanmar is 178,500 tonsper year and domesticproduction reaches 71,175tons — 27,450 tons fromstate-owned factories and43,725 tons from privatefactories.

A total of 50,864tons of paper was importedin 2007-08 and 56,461tons are to supply to thedomestic consumption.

To supply 1,200tons of bamboo to Paperand Pulp Factory

(Thabaung) as rawmaterials per day,arrangements have beenmade to supply 450 tonsfrom Gwa-Ngathaing-chaung, 400 tons fromPhayagyi-Kanni, 200tons from Thabaung and150 tons fromNgapudaw. Bamboo isalso cultivated in

N g a t h a i n g c h a u n g ,Taungnyo and Maungbiareas to supply the rawmaterial to the factory inan attempt to avoid theshortage of raw materialat the factory.

Bamboo are

transported from thefactory’s jetty to thefactory by car.

The factoryproduces high-qualitypaper with the use of pulpmade from the bamboo.

******Translation: AMSKyemon: 11-8-2009


From 35 tons to 45tons of bamboo pulp andfrom 5 tons to 15 tons of

Myanmar Golf Team leaves for Thailand

YANGON, 12 Aug—The Central Committeefor Celebrating 150th

Founding Anniversary ofYadanabon MandalayPalace published a poembook entitled “Chronicleof Mandalay, Remini-scence of MandalayPalace” by Dr Htila Sitthu.

Senior journalist of

“Chronicle of Mandalay, Reminiscenceof Mandalay Palace” published

Mandalay Natmauk TunShein in his preface saidthat once he read the work,he could not put it down ashe lost himself in the rhymesof the verse reflecting thevigours of Mandalaydwellers, and watershedsand urbanization of the oldroyal city some 150 yearsago.

The poet in his verseportrayed the history ofMandalay, Mt. MandalayKuthotaw Pagoda, MahaLawka Marazein, 729stone plaques on the threerepositories of BuddhistScriptures, MahamuniBuddha Image, bio-graphies of hermit UKhanti, Venerable MonkJanakabhivamsa, Presi-dent Dr Maung Maung,

literati Shwe Oo Daung,Luhtu U Hla, Luhtu DawAh Mar, dramatic artperformer Alinka KyawSwa Shwe Man TinMaung, and composerAlinka Kyaw Swa MyoMa Nyein. The book isreinforced with 10 artisticpaintings including coverart of U Sein Myint (goldembroidery) andTampawady U WinMaung and inner pageillustrations by PrincipalU Khin Maung San ofMandalay State School ofFine Arts and Artists.

The poem bookwell deserves a place inthe bookcase of anyonewho loves Myanmartraditions and Myanmarpoetry.—MNA

YANGON, 12 Aug —Myanmar Golf Team ledby Vice-President U MinThein and U Aung Kyi ofMGF left here forThailand this morning totake part in 49th Putra CupGolf Tournament to beheld at Santiburi GolfCourt in Chiang Rai,Thailand from 17 to 21

August.They were seen off

at the airport by officials ofMGF and parents andrelatives. Men’s teamcomprising Coach U ChanHan, athletes Nay Bala WinMyint, Aung Win, Soe MoeWin and Yan Myo Aye willcompete in Putra GolfTournament. Women’s

Team com-prising Coach UKo Ko Lay, athletes KhinThu Thu, Yin May Myo,May Li and Mau Oo Khinewill compete in 1st Santi Cup.Youth team comprisingCoach U Myo Tun, athletesYe Lwin Oo, Swan ThihaAung, Win Htet Kyaw andYe Htet Aung will competein 3rd Lion Cup. — NLM

Myanmar Golf Team seen before departure for Thailand .—NLM


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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 13 August, 2009

After watching the special afternoon news pro-gramme of MRTV-4 on 11 August, Yokel calledon Bagyi Hmon with a big smile. Bagyi Hmonwatching an MRTV programme looked back overhis shoulder with a broad smile, saying, “You lookas if you have just picked up a package of gold bychance.”

Yokel said, “Yes, I do, but it’d be exactly whatit is if you said, “You look as if you see your sonshouldering a pot of gold” which is an expressionof Suvannasama Drama.” We were in fear won-dering what the court’s sentence to Daw Aung SanSuu Kyi would be like on 11 August. There wereso many news stories saying protests would bestaged if Daw Suu Kyi faced a prison term. I couldbreathe a sigh of relief only when I learnt the courtsentence. Now, everything is okay as in the finaleof Suvannasama Drama: Suvannasama survived thepoisoned arrow shot and his parents regained theireyesight.” Saying so, Yokel hurled himself ontothe chair.

Bagyi Hmon said, “I felt the same as you did.Since the case was stated in news programmes, thepeople have been wondering what sentence thecourt would pronounce. At that time, the term ofrestrictions on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was nearlyover, and the 2010 election that will lead to differ-ent policy in Myanmar is drawing near. A US citi-zen illegally entered the compound of Daw SuuKyi’s house. That brought about misfortune to herand somewhat harmed our country’s democraticprogrammes. Even ordinary people of us felt un-happy, so surely, State leaders had to be very sorryfor the case. They are under the duty to handle thecase fairly and correctly in accordance with thelaw as the saying “No man is above the law”.Another point to be taken into consideration is thatshe is the daughter of our country’s founding fa-ther General Aung San who sacrificed his life forindependence. However, according to the natureand development of the case, she received the manwho had violated the law, and she failed to informthose concerned his illegal visit. So, we can guessat what degree State leaders are sorry for the case.

As if seeing son shouldering a pot of goldYokel

Yokel said, “However, some foreign countrieswere spreading news that the government createdthe case in collusion with Mr Yettaw because it didnot want to lift the restrictions on Daw Suu Kyi, andthey put pressure on the government to release her,that is beyond the jurisdiction of a country. To makematters worse, as the saying “Wildcats are happywhile the forest fire is raging”, terrorists under vari-ous names who rely on remnant insurgents in borderareas planned to provoke mass protests. And localanti-government groups were echoing their voices.”

“In fact, it is natural that both sides did notunderstand much, and harboured grudge against,instead of showing loving-kindness for each other.The conflict was growing and taking long unneces-sarily. The entire people are indeed a family in whichthey related to each other. If a clash between twofamily members is handled with loving-kindnessbased on family spirit, the family problem can besettled easily, as our forefathers said, do not let fam-ily problem spread outside the house. If internalproblems spread outside the nation due to grudge,the colonialists are happy with it. And those whowill suffer the evil consequences are no one, but thepeople of us,” said Bagyi Hmon with all seriousness.

Yokel remarked, “That is why the Head of Stateissued a directive that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, be-

ing the daughter of Bogyoke Aung San who sacri-ficed his life for the independence of Myanmar,viewing that peace, tranquility and stability willprevail, that no malice be held against each other,that there be no obstruction in the path to democ-racy, the Chairman of the State Peace and Devel-opment Council desires within the ambits of hisrights and powers to exercise leniency upon her,and whatsoever sentence be pronounced, it isamended under Criminal Procedure Code Section401, Sub-Section (5) that half of the sentence to beserved is remitted and remainder of the sentence isto be suspended. During the period of suspendedsentence, in paragraph 4, Daw Aung San Suu Kyishall reside in her residence on University Avenuein accordance with the annexed stipulations. It isinformed that should Daw Aung San Suu Kyi abidein accordance with the stipulations in good conductduring the suspended period and not exceeding suchperiod, the suspended sentence shall be pardoned.Personally, I think the directive is designed to en-sure convenience of both sides without harmingthe law, as a token of his consideration.”

Bagyi Hmon said, “The directive not only re-spects the State’s jurisdiction but also relieves theconcerns of international community and regionalcountries that favour the interest of Myanmar. Inaddition, our country could avert harms to commu-nity peace and State stability and disruptions to thedemocratic process that can take place due to pos-sible instability.”

Yokel expressed his view, “The people of usthank the visionary Head of State for the directivehe issued with good-will and loving-kindness, be-cause due to the directive we can continue to leada peaceful life and do our businesses, and the demo-cratic process will go on smoothly. We want to seepolitical forces and national brethren all workingtogether to build a new nation, showing loving-kindness for each other with forgive and forgetstance.

Translation: MS

The people of us thank the visionary Head of State for the

directive he issued with good-will and loving-kindness, because due

to the directive we can continue to lead a peaceful life and do our

businesses, and the democratic process will go on smoothly. We

want to see political forces and national brethren all working to-

gether to build a new nation, showing loving-kindness for each

other with forgive and forget stance.

The entire people are indeed a family in whichthey related to each other. If a clash between twofamily members is handled with loving-kindnessbased on family spirit, the family problem can besettled easily, as our forefathers said, do not letfamily problem spread outside the house. If in-ternal problems spread outside the nation due togrudge, the colonialists are happy with it. Andthose who will suffer the evil consequences areno one, but the people of us.

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Patient U Than Kyaw under the knife at Nay Pyi Taw Hospital(1000-bed)—MNA

Ministry of Information plays against Attorney-General’s Office at3rd Inter-Ministry Men’s Football Tournament.—MNA

Patient U Than Kyaw completely on the mend after undergoingsurgical operation.—MNA

Specialist Dr Win Win Kyaw, doctors and nurses seen aftersuccessfully performing surgical operation .—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 12Aug—The second roundmatches of 3rd Inter-Ministry Men’s FootballTournament were held atdesignated places here thisevening, enjoyed bydepartmental officials,staff and their families andenthusiasts.

At Nay Pyi Taw sport

Inter-Ministry Men’s Football Tournament continuesground, Ministry ofConstruction won overMinistry of Education 2-0in the group BB.

At Nay Pyi TawPyinmana (Paunglong)sport ground, Ministry ofInformation defeatedA t t o r n e y - G e n e r a l ’ sOffice 2-0 in the groupBB.

In the group CC,Ministry of Industry-1will compete withMinistry of ElectricPower No.2 at Nay PyiTaw sport ground andMinistry of Forestry withMinistry of Home Affairsat Nay Pyi Taw Pyinmana(Paunglong) sport groundon 13 August.—MNA

(from page 1)

Dr Moe Thu Lin, RenalSpecialist Dr Kyaw SoeKyaw and specialistsdecided to perform anemergency operation on thepatient, who might lose hislife at any times as soon ashe had a aortic rupture.

Myanmar specialists successfully…On 30 July, a team

comprising sevenspecialists and four nursesled by Dr Win Win Kyawsuccessfully performed asurgical operation on thepatient.

Dr Win Win Kyaw anddoctors gave a medical test

to the patient at 9 am today,and he is on the mend. So,he was discharged from thehospital.

Specialists areproviding health care topatients at Nay Pyi TawHospital (1000-bed).


NAY PYI TAW, 12 Aug—Chairman of Shan State(North) Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of North-EastCommand Maj-Gen AungThan Htut together withsenior military officers ofthe Command anddepartmental officials metwith national race leaders ofLaukkai region anddepartmental officials at theguest house of LaukkaiStation on 9 August. Theyheld discussions on regionaldevelopment tasks, and thecommander gave necessaryinstructions and attended to

N-E Command Commander inspects People’sHospital, MPT, BEHSs in Laukkai

the needs. The commanderaccompanied by nationalraces leaders went to thePeople’s Hospital inLaukkai and presentedprovisions and cash tonational races who arereceiving treatment at thehospital.

Next, the commanderaccompanied by nationalraces leaders anddepartmental officialsvisited the exchange ofMyanma Posts andTelecommunications underthe Ministry ofCommunications, Posts andTelegraphs in Laukkai. The

commander inspectedtelephones andcommunication controldevices and functions of theexchange and fulfilled therequirements.

At No. (1) BasicEducation High School inLaukkai, the commandercordially greeted teachersand students and presentedfood and text books to them.Then the commander andparty proceeded to BEHSNo. (2) and the commanderviewed learning of schoolchildren and provided themwith food and school textbooks.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 12 Aug—Commander of Nay Pyi TawCommand Maj-Gen WaiLwin, on 7 August, openedCommander’s ShieldBoxing Tournament held atPaunglaung playground inNay Pyi Taw Pyinmana.

The Commander gave a

Nay Pyi Taw CommandCommander attends Commander’s

Shield Boxing Tournamentspeech and enjoyed specialmatch of the tournament.


Commander of NayPyi Taw Command

enjoys commander’sshiled boxing


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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 13 August, 2009

Myawady, a prosperous township of Kayin StateArticle: Win Shwe (Myanma Alin); Photos: Reporter Tun Zaw (Sangyoung)

The signboard of the entrance to Myawady.

Myanmar-Thai Friendship Bridge.

A section of Asian Highway between Thingan Nyinaung and Myawady.

downtown of Myawady.

(from page 16)Township in the southand Hlaingbwe Town-ship in the north. With atrade zone, Myawadyserves as the entrance tothe border.

The township has anarea of 774,948 acreswith a population of more

than 60,000. It is consti-tuted with five wards, 15village-tracts and 50 vil-lages.

Myawady Townshipgrows long staple cottonand nine crops. It meetsthe targeted per acreyields of corn andgroundnut. Last year, peracre yield of 13,227 acresof monsoon paddy was61.59 baskets, and 457

acres of summer paddy,72.59 baskets. This year,it sets up a target to put13,500 acres undermonsoon paddy. It con-tributes 95 per cent of cornand 80 per cent of greengram of sown acreages ofthe state.

Local authorities,

farmers and agriculturalsupervisory committees atdistrict and township lev-els are working in collabo-ration to increasemonsoon per acre yieldby 5 baskets this year.

Mudon-Myawady,Thaton-Myainggalay-Barkat, Zathabyin-Eindu-Hpa-an, and Hpa-an-Kawkareik-Myawadyroads were built to im-

prove the transport of thestate. Last year, urbanroads stretching 17,616feet in total were up-graded.

The length of ruraltarred roads has increasedto 4850 miles. Five urbanwards have built 21,520feet of self-reliant tarred

roads. It plans to build ninebridges in urban areas andeight bridges in rural ar-eas.

M y a n m a r - T h a iFriendship Bridge was in-augurated on 16 August1997.

The 17.35-kilometersection of Asian Highwaybetween Myawady andThingan Nyinaung islinked with Myawady-

Kawkareik-Hpa-an Road.As a result of regional sta-bility and peace, the gov-

ernment is building roadsand bridges extensively toexpedite border trade.

Myawady has seen a50-bed hospital, a 16-bedstation hospital, three ru-ral health centres, 14 sub-rural health centres, and amaternal and child healthcentre.

It will soon build anew two-storey 60-bedbuilding in the hospitalcompound with 20 mil-lion kyats donated by UWin Kyaw and 15 millionkyats by District Peace andDevelopment Council.

Now, Myawady hastwo basic education highschools, two basic educa-tion middle schools, twomiddle schools(branches), nine post-pri-

mary schools, 23 primaryschools, three primaryschools (branches), and

one affiliated primaryschool. This academicyear, 2881 youths go tohigh schools inMyawady.

TV retransmittingstations, knowledge banklibraries and self-reliantrural libraries help ex-pand the horizons of lo-cal people.

Myawady has devel-oped a lot in various sec-tors due to the govern-ment working hard toenable border areas tokeep abreast of other re-gions.

********Translation: MS

Myanma Alin: 9-8-2009

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BEIJING, 12 Aug—The“Ocean” All-RussiaChildren’s Care Center onTuesday hold an eveningparty for biding farewellto 550 Chinese quake-affected children whofinish their rehabilitationin Russia and plan back toChina.

As a prelude, thechildren followed theirRussian instructorsdancing with Chinese andRussian songs.

The party began witha award-giving ceremonyfor the winners in varioussports competitions duringthe past three weeks. Withapplause and cheer,

SINGAPORE, 12 Aug—Singapore’s Ministry ofHealth reported on Wednesday the country’s 10th fluA/H1N1 related death case.According to a statementof the ministry, the case is a 43 year-old Chinesefemale who passed away Wednesday morning.

The patient was sent to local hospital’s emergencydepartment on Tuesday by ambulance after she wasfound unconscious at home. She had a history of fever,cough and flu-like symptoms for more than a week.She was admitted to intensive care unit. The patientwas tested positive for flu A/H1N1.

She had been diagnosed with pulmonarytuberculosis in 2004 and had since completed treatment.The cause of her death has been certified asbronchopneumonia contributed by flu A/H1N1infection.Singapore reported its first confirmed case offlu A/H1N1 on May 27. The country’s first A/H1N1related death case was reported on July 18.—Internet

BAGAHDAD, 12 Aug—The Iraqi Ministry ofHealth announcedWednesday it registered96 cases of A/H1N1 virus,including 67 cases among

A double rainbow is seen over the uptown Charlotte, N.C. skyline after a fast-moving shower passed over the city about on 11 Aug, 2009.—INTERNET

Chinese quake-affected childrenfinish rehabilitation in Russia

twenty dancers performeda Russian dance for all thewinners.

During the party, fortyChinese children steppedon the stage hands in handsand invited all theirRussian instructorsdancing with them . Thestudent delegates fromRussia, China, thedemocratic People’sRepublic of Korea, VietNam and Japan deliveredspeeches and releasedpeace pigeons for blessingtheir friends.

When Chinesechildren and their Russianinstructors danced withtwo golden dragon across

the whole audience, theparty was up to the highesttide.

The evening partylasted three hours. Underthe bright fireworks,Chinese childrenembraced their instructorsand burst into tears in theend.

The Chinese quake-affected children arrivedin Russia and started therehabilitation on July 24.During three-weekprogram, the “Ocean”arranged variety ofcourses, tours and gamesfor them. The children hada happy holiday in Russia.


If you want a charging dock for your iPod(R) thatalso makes it fun and easy to share your music withyour friends and family, today Logitech unveiled twonew iPod speaker docks - the Logitech(R)Rechargeable Speaker S315i and the Logitech(R)

Portable Speaker S125i.—INTERNET

96 cases, mostly U.S. soldiers diagnosedwith A/H1N1 flu in Iraq

the U.S. soldiers in thecountry.

“So far, the totalnumber of A/H1N1 flucases registered in thecountry climbed to 96,with only one case of deaththat registered for ateenage girl in the city ofNajaf several days ago,”Mohammed Jubier,deputy head of the publichealth department in theIraqi Ministry of Health,told Xinhua.

Jubier confirmed thatmost of the cases in thecountry were detectedamong the U.S. soldierswith 67 cases, while 29cases are Iraqis, including11 in Baghdad alone.

He said that all thepatients are receivingmedical treatment and instable condition.

On 9 Aug, spokesmanof the Health Ministry put

the total number of A/H1N1 flu cases registeredin the country at 67,including 39 amongAmerican soldiers.

Earlier this week, theministry confirmed the firstA/H1N1 flu death of 21-year-old woman in the cityof Najaf, some 160 kmsouth of Baghdad.

A/H1N1 influenza is ahighly contagious acuterespiratory disease withsymptoms generallyincluding upper respiratoryproblems, but the air-borneillness can cause severepneumonia and even death.

In light of its rapidspread worldwide, theWorld HealthOrganization in June raisedthe A/H1N1 alert to itshighest level, formallydeclaring it had developedinto a global pandemic.


Singapore reports 10thA/H1N1 related death

LHASA,12 Aug—Lhasa, capital ofsouthwest China’s TibetAutonomous Region, willbuild its first-ever touristinformation office andservice center by the endof 2011, a city official saidWednesday.

The 15.7-million-yuan (2.29 million U.S.dollars) project will belocated at the railwaystation square indowntown Lhasa.

Travelers would beable to arrangea c c o m m o d a t i o n s ,transport and guideservices from 10 to 20travel agencies in thecenter, said Wang Ping,chief of Lhasa’s tourismadministration.

Travelers would beable to book agencyservices and bus tickets totourist destinations bytelephone or on the

Lhasa to build 1st touristinformation and service centre

center’s Web site, Wangsaid.The center would alsooffer itineraries and routesfor independent travelers.

Tourists could alsoseek help in emergenciesor submit complaints,Wang said.

Large screens wouldgive detailed and updatedtravel information withpictures of touristdestinations in Tibet,Wang said.

Tourist information iscurrently available on thetourism bureau’s Web siteof the tourism bureau andon a large outdoor screenat Potala Palace square,Wang said.

The administrationwould seek funding for thecenter from the centralgovernment, which isspending 350 million yuanon tourism developmentprojects across China.


German barkeeper Levent Yilmaz juggles with

bottles and shakers as he mixes a cocktail during

the 35th World Cocktail Championships. Yilmaz,

sustained a potentially career-threatening shoulder

injury in the preliminary rounds, but recovered

after a series of injections in his arm.


Ecuadorean president pledges tofurther coop. with China

QUITO, 12 Aug—Ecuadorean PresidentRafael Correa said here onTuesday that his country iswilling to strengthencooperation with China andto further promote bilateralfriendship.

Correa made theremarks when meeting withSun Zhengcai, China’sMinister of Agriculture andthe Chinese Government’sspecial envoy to attend hisinaugural ceremony onMonday. Correa spokehighly of the developmentof bilateral relations in recentyears and reiterated thatEcuador will continue itsfirm adherence to the One-China policy.

Sun also met onTuesday Ecuador’s ForeignMinister Fander Falconi and

Agricultural MinisterRamon Espinel. Correa wasfirst elected President ofEcuador in November 2006and was re-elected in Aprilthis year.—MNA/Xinhua

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Volt electric car mayearn 230 mpg rating

DETROIT, 12 Aug—The Chevrolet Volt electric carmay earn a fuel-efficiency rating of 230 miles per gal-lon for city driving, US automaker General MotorsCo said on Tuesday.

GM has been working with the EnvironmentalProtection Agency for several years on how to ratethe mileage of the Volt, which runs on electricity, butincludes a gas-powered engine that generates extraelectricity for trips longer than 40 miles, reported.

Essentially, the Volt will drive the first 40 miles onan electric charge alone. After that, the gas-poweredmotor kicks in.

Longer trips would change the equation. A 300-miletrip would reduce fuel efficiency to 62.5 miles pergallon.

Nevertheless, GM Chief Executive Officer FritzHenderson called the Volt a potential “game-changerfor us.”

GM is currently producing 10 Volts a month, butplans to have the car reach showrooms in late 2010.


Wreckage of Kokoda planefound in PNG

CANBERRA, 12 Aug—A rescue helicopter foundWednesday morning the wreckage of a charter planethat went missing Tuesday on route to the Kokodatrack in Papua New Guinea with 13 people on board. Australia has sent two helicopters and a plane tohelp find the missing 13 passengers, among whomnine are Australians. Papua New Guinea Civil Aviation Authority headJoseph Kintau told ABC Radio that he had just left abriefing at which he learnt the news. Kintau said the search started at 06:50 am local time,and they had found the wreckage. But he didn’t yet know if there were survivors. “There is no actual contact but a (radio) signal wasreceived from that particular location” of thewreckage, Kintau said.

XinhuaVenezuela considers

suspending Colombian gasimport

CARACAS, 12 Aug—The Venezuelan government isconsidering halting the import of Colombian gas onaccount of the recent political impasse between thetwo neighbouring countries, local media quoted aVenezuelan minister as saying on Tuesday.

Venezuelan Energy and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirezsaid “we can have a balance in gas production and wecan stop buying gas from Colombia without anyproblem,” according to local daily “El Nacional.”

The two countries launched an oil pipeline inOctober, 2007, to transport 250 million cubic feet ofgas daily from Colombia to Venezuela.

According to a contract, the transfer would last until2011, when Venezuela begins gas supplies toColombia.

Ramirez, who is also president of state-owned Petroleosde Venezuela, said, “That is a contract between bothcountries. It will depend on how the ties are developed.Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announcedthe freezing of the country’s diplomatic ties withColombia on 28 July, after Colombia intended to allowUS military presence in Colombian bases, and accusedVenezuela of aiding Colombian rebels.—Xinhua

Commuters on a country road ride past a windfarm developed by state-owned China Energy

Conservation Investment Corp in Zhangbei, northof Beijing, Hebei province. While a couple of years

ago only a few dozen of the 80-metre (262-foot)propellor-like turbines stood on the wind farm’svast open expanse of grass, today there are 200

and counting.—INTERNET

Surinamese workers ofthe state-owned Switie

brand bananacompany prepare

bananas for export atJarikaba plantation in

Wanika on 11 Aug,2009.


Three killed in Iran helicopter crash TEHERAN, 12 Aug—

Three people were killedand three others wereinjured in a Bell 205police helicopter crash insouthern Iran, localsatellite Press TV reportedon Tuesday.

The helicopter was

returning from an opera-tion when it crashed in amountainous region nearthe city of Kerman onMonday afternoon, thereport said.

A technical problem issupposed to be the causeof crash, according to an

official in the GovernorGeneral office of KermanProvince.

Iran has seen severalplane accidents in the pastone month.

Earlier this month, aBoeing 707 passengerplane belonging to Iran’sarmy airlines Saha madean emergency landing atAhvaz airport due to tech-nical failure, but nothinghappened to the 176 pas-sengers on board.

On 24 July, a Russian-made Ilyushin Il-62 plane,which was traveling fromTeheran to the northeast-ern city of Mashhad with153 passengers on board,caught fire and skiddedinto walls near the runwayduring its landing inMashhad.—Xinhua

Japanese wholesaleprices post record fallTokyo, 12 Aug—Japan’s wholesale prices fell at the

fastest pace on record last month, data showed Wednesday,fanning concern that deflation could overshadow arecovery in the world’s second largest economy.

The prices of goods traded between companiesdropped by 8.5 percent in July from a year earlier, thecentral bank said.It was the seventh straight month ofyear-on-year declines, and followed a revised drop of 6.7percent in June.

The drop, the sharpest since comparable data becameavailable in 1960, was mainly caused by declines inenergy costs, which had surged a year earlier as crude oilprices hit record highs.

The slump also reflected weak domestic demand,with 48.2 percent of the items in the wholesale priceindex showing year-on-year falls in July, up from 44.4percent the previous month, a central bank officialsaid.Hopes are growing that the economy is crawling outof its recession as a slump in exports and factory outputeases, but there is concern that rising unemployment anddeflation may hinder a recovery.


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Positive expectationsmay speed recovery

Cheerful women have lesscardiovascular disease

LOS ANGELES,12 Aug — Less cardiovascular diseaseand fewer deaths are reported among women who areoptimistic, a new study suggests.

In the study, researchers at the University of Pittsburghmeasured optimism by a questionnaire on whether awoman agreed with such statements as “In uncleartimes, I usually expect the best.”

The questions measuring cynicism asked aboutagreement with such statements as “It is safer to trust noone” and “I have often had to take orders from peoplewho did not know as much as I did.” The study foundthat women who take a darker view of life are morelikely to develop heart trouble than those with a cheerfuland trusting outlook.

The study, published in the August issue ofCirculation, tracked more than 97,000 postmenopausalAmerican women for more than eight years.

Women within the highest 25 percent of optimismscores had a 9 percent lower chance of developing heartdisease and a 14 percent lower chance of dying of anycause, said the study.—Xinhua

Aspirin lowers colon cancer death risk

A woman wears a surgical mask to protect herselffrom H1N1 virus as she works out at a gymnasium

in Bangalore, India, on 12 Aug, 2009. Thecountrywide death toll due to swine flu related

virus has gone up to 14, accordingto local reports.—INTERNET

A farm worker clears weeds. Weeds cost world farming 95 billion dollars (67billion euros) a year, a major obstacle in addressing global hunger, the UN’sFood and Agricultural Organization (FAO) said on Tuesday.—INTERNET

BEIJING, 12 Aug —Colon cancer patientswho take aspirin canlower their risk of dyingfrom the disease, a newstudy suggests in mediareports on Tuesday. It has long been knownthat people who takeaspirin regularly are lesslikely to develop coloncancer. But the study hasfound that even after adiagnosis of colorectalcancer, patients who tookaspirin had nearly 30percent more chance of

surviving than non-users. Dr Andrew Chan, agastroenterologist atMassachusetts GeneralHospital and an assistantprofessor of medicine atHarvard Medical Schoolin Boston, and colleaguesstudied aspirin use in1,279 men and womenwith colorectal cancer thathad not spread to otherparts of the body.

In a separate analysisof subgroups of patients,the researchers foundthat among the 549

participants who usedaspirin regularly after theirdiagnosis, 81, about 15percent, died from coloncancer. In contrast, amongthe 730 people who didn’tuse aspirin, 141 died ofthe disease — the deathrate was about 19 percent.

Taking into accountother cancer risk factors,such as family history,aspirin has an overallbenefit of 29 percentreduction in risk of death,according to the study.


Beet root juice increasesstamina

Double defect preventsmovement disorder

EXETER, 12 Aug—British researchers founddrinking beetroot juicemade it possible to exerciseup to 14 percent longer.

Their study, publishedin the Journal of AppliedPhysiology, suggested thenitrate in the juice may turninto nitric oxide in the bodyand reduce the oxygen costof exercise.

Researchers at theUniversity of Exeter andPeninsula Medical Schoolin England gave eight men— ages 19-38 — about 16ounces of organic beetrootjuice for six consecutivedays before they completeda series of exercise bike

tests.After drinking thejuice, the men were able tocycle an average of 92seconds longer than whengiven a placebo of black-currant cordial under thesame circumstances.Drinking beetroot juice wasalso associated with lowerresting blood pressure.

“We were amazed bythe effects of beetrootjuice on oxygen uptakebecause these effectscannot be achieved by anyother known means,including training,”corresponding authorAndy Jones of Exeter saidin a statement.


Vietnam’s A/H1N1 flucases rise to over 1,200

HANOI, 12 Aug — Vietnam confirmed 33 more casesof A/H1N1 influenza, raising the total number of flupatients in the country to 1,211, said a report of thewebsite of Vietnam’s Ministry of Health on Wednesday.

Among the newly-reported cases, one patient was aseller of a supermarket in the central Gia Lai provinceof Vietnam. This is the first supermarket in the countryreported A/H1N1 flu case, according to local newspaperLiberty Saigon on Wednesday.

The flu continues speeding wide in schools in Hanoi,the capital city of Vietnam, said the ministry.—Xinhua

MANHASSET, 12 Aug—US scientists have found asecond brain lesionprevents dystonia in peoplewho already have a lesiondue to a genetic mutationfor the movement disorder.

Researchers at theFeinstein Institute forMedical Research, WeillCornell Medical Collegeand the Beth Israel MedicalCenter used a type ofmagnetic resonanceimaging to study theintegrity of nerve pathwaysin the brains of 20 peoplewith dystonia — a disordercharacterized by sustainedinvoluntary musclecontractions.

Although all 20 patientshad inherited a geneticmutation for the disorder,only 12 showed symptomsof the disease.

Along a pathway linkingthe brain’s cerebellum toits motor cortex, theresearchers found two sitesthat jointly determinewhether a person with themutation will showsymptoms of the disorder.Those with a single lesionin that pathway developedthe involuntary anddebilitating movementscharacteristic of dystonia.Those with a second lesiondid not.


Brazil to produce A/H1N1 flu vaccinein October

RIO DE JANEIRO, 12 Aug— Brazil wil l start producing A/H1N1 flu vaccinein October, the head of Brazil’s Butantan Institute said on on Tuesday.

The country will initially produce 30 million doses of the flu vaccine. The virussamples to be used in the vaccine’s production, which were sent by the WorldHealth Organization (WHO), arrived in Sao Paulo on Tuesday, said Isaias Raw,president of the institute. Raw said the Butantan Institute was not capable ofproducing enough vaccine to immunize the entire Brazilian population. Heestimated the vaccination campaign would start in January 2010 and healthprofessionals and children would be the first to be vaccinated.

“Our goal here is public health, not profit. Prevention is cheaper than treatment,”said Raw.—Xinhua

EDMONTON, 12 Aug—Canadian and Swedishresearchers say whiplashrecovery was not related toinjury severity and patientswith positive expectationshad shortened recoverytimes.

Linda Carroll and DejanOzegovic of the Universityof Alberta in Edmonton

looked at a cohort of morethan 6,000 Canadian adultswith traffic-related whiplashinjuries. Carroll found thosewith positive outlooks towardtheir recovery recoveredthree times faster than thosewith less positiveexpectations.

Dejan Ozegovic looked atpredictions around returningto work and found those withpositive return-to-workassumptions felt they had“recovered” 42 percent fasterthan those who had morenegative expectations.

Lena Holm, a researcherfrom Sweden who hadworked at the University ofAlberta, found studyparticipants in Sweden whohad low expectations ofcomplete recovery were fourtimes more likely to still feelsymptoms six months afteran injury.—Internet

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 13 August, 2009


Murray eases back in Montreal

Andy Murray of GreatBritain serves to JeremyChardy of France duringthe Rogers Cup at Uniprix

Stadium in Montreal,Canada. Murray won6-4, 6-2.—INTERNET

Federer advances at ATPMontreal Masters

Roger Federer ofSwitzerland serves toFrederic Niemeyer of

Canada during theRogers Cup at UniprixStadium, on 11 August,in Montreal, Canada.Federer won 7-6 (7/3),


Venus rolls, Safina strugglesat WTA Cincinnati

CINCINNATI, 12 Aug—US third seed Venus Williamsoverwhelmed Belarus qualifier Olga Govortsova 6-2,6-2 to breeze into the third round of a two million-dollar WTA hardcourt tournament.

Russian top seed Dinara Safina rallied to reach tothe third round with a 2-6, 7-5, 6-4 victory over Italy’sRoberta Vinci.

Safina’s next opponent will be either China’s PengShuai, who ousted Slovakian Dominika Cibulkova 6-2, 6-1, or Spaniard Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez, whodefeated Russian Vera Dushevina 6-4, 3-6, 6-3.

Russian sixth seed Svetlana Kuznetsova alsostruggled into the third round, outlasting Czech LucieSafarova 6-3, 6-7 (2/7), 7-6 (7/4).

Second seed Serena Williams is on the opposite sideof the draw from Safina and Venus, setting up thepossibility of a finals showdown with either barelytwo weeks before the start of the US Open.—Internet

Venus Williams returnsa shot to Olga

Govortsova of Belarusduring Day 2 of theWestern & Southern

Financial GroupWomen’s Open, on 11August, at the LindnerFamily Tennis Centerin Cincinnati, Ohio.Williams won 6-2,


Hull sign US teenager Altidoreon loan

Jozy Altidore

Gerrard out of Dutch game,Young deputises

Liverpool captainSteven Gerrard

Mexico seek vital footballvictory over US at Azteca

Mexico’s GuillermoFranco (right) celebrateswith Nery Castillo a goalagainst Trinidad andTobago during their FIFAWC South Africa-2010qualifier match at theAzteca stadium in MexicoCity, in June.—INTERNET

France’s Domenech issues Faroe Islands’ warning

France coach RaymondDomenech

Messi injured to skip Argentina’s friendlyagainst Russia

BUENOS AIRES, 12 Aug—Lionel Messi displeased his national coach DiegoMaradona as the star striker pulled a leg muscle and has to miss Argentina’s friendlyagainst Russia, local media reported on Tuesday.

The Barcelona forward sustained the injury in training, just ahead of theArgentine national side’s friendly in Moscow on Wednesday.

“We’re not going to risk Messi for a single minute,” angry Maradona toldreporters. “I’m a wizard... I knew this match shouldn’t have been organised.”

Maradona said last week he was worried injuries could deprive him of keyplayers for Argentina’s World Cup qualifier at home to Brazil on 5 Sept.

Inter Milan’s Diego Milito was the likely replacement in the team for Messi,who flew to Moscow from Barcelona’s pre-season tour of England and NorthAmerica accompanied by the Spanish club’s physio.—Xinhua

MONTREAL, 12 Aug—Andy Murray’s summerhardcourt season beganat the Montreal Masterson Tuesday with asatisfying 6-4, 6-2 winover Frenchman JeremyChardy, as the Scot tookhis first step towards apossible move to the worldnumber two ranking.

Third-ranked Murrayhad a few niggle to iron outbut was not at alldissatisfied with hisshowing in just over 90minutes against thenumber 36 winner of lastmonth’s Stuttgart clay title.

“I shanked a fewreturns,” admittedMurray, who trained formore than a week toprepare for the start of hispost-Wimbledon seasonin North America.

“I’m hoping that willget better with a fewmatches. Overall, I’mpleased with the state ofmy game right now.”


AMSTERDAM, 12 Aug—Liverpool captain StevenGerrard has pulled out ofthe England squad forWednesday’s friendlyagainst the Netherlands inAmsterdam because of agroin strain with AstonVilla’s Ashley Youngcalled on to deputise.

Midfield dynamoGerrard trained on

Monday but felt a slightsoreness in the leg and itwas decided to pull himout of the squad as aprecaution.

The remainder of FabioCapello’s squad made thetrip to the Netherlands andheaded off the AmsterdamArena for a trainingsession.

Goalkeeper Ben Fosterhas already been replacedby Joe Hart after hurtinghis knee in ManchesterUnited’s CommunityShield defeat to Chelseaon Sunday.

Young, who has wonfive caps, failed to shinebrightly for England lastNovember againstGermany but thenfeatured in a thrashing ofAndorra.—Internet

PARIS, 12 Aug—France coach RaymondDomenech has warnedthat nothing short ofvictory will sufficeagainst old foes the FaroeIslands, now managed byformer Republic ofIreland boss Brian Kerr,in Wednesday’s 2010World Cup qualifier.

A glance at the Group7 standings explains the

French boss’s uneaseahead of the game inTorshavn with his menlagging eight pointsbehind leaders Serbia,albeit with two games inhand.

The winners of eachgroup qualify auto-matically for SouthAfrica with the bestrunners-up being forcedinto a play-off, an

eventuality Domenechwants to avoid at allcosts.


MONTREAL, 12 Aug—World number one RogerFederer fought off asurprise showing fromCanadian outsiderFrederic Niemeyer toadvance 7-6 (7/3), 6-4 atthe ATP MontrealMasters.

In his first match sincewinning his record 15thGrand Slam title lastmonth at Wimbledon,Federer on Tuesdayoutlasted the 487th-ranked Niemeyer, who isretiring at the end of theseason.

“I’m very happy withmy game. I reacted wellin my first match back,”said Federer. “I played thebig points well. I’m verypleased.

Niemeyer, 33, savedthree match points on hisown serve, benefitting

from a service winner anda pair of Swiss errors tohold for 4-5 and give hishome Quebec crowd athrill.—Internet

MEXICO CITY, 12Aug—Mexico will seekto continue its dominanceover the United States atAzteca Stadium onWednesday as theCONCACAF regional

rivals clash in a 2010World Cup qualifier.

Mexico go into thematch lying in fourthplace in the six-nationfinal group, from whichthree teams advancedirectly to the World Cupfinals in South Africa.The fourth-placed teammust play off against ateam from South Americafor a berth.

Costa Rica leads NorthAmerican regionalqualifying with 12 pointsto 10 for the US squad.Honduras is third withMexico in fourth.

Mexico received amassive morale boostheading into the matchwith a 5-0 victory over theUnited States in the GoldCup final on 26 July.


HULL, 12 Aug—JozyAltidore, the teenagestriker who played amajor part in the UnitedStates’ successfulConfederations Cupcampaign, is joining Hullon a one-year loan dealfrom Villarreal.

The deal was clinchedTuesday after Hullsucceeded in gaining awork permit for the 19-year-old who producedthe opener in the USA’sshock 2-0 Confed Cupsemi-final win over Spainin South Africa in June.

In the final itself inJohannesburg the USA ledBrazil by two goals to nilat half-time only to go on

to lose 3-2. Altidore joinedVillarreal a year ago aftermaking his mark in MajorLeague Soccer with NewYork Red Bulls.

His deal includes anoption for Hull to makethe move permanent nextsummer.—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 13 August, 2009 15

Thursday, 13 AugustView on today

7:00 am 1. awmifwef;omoemjyK



7:25 am 2. usef;rmzdkUtwlupm;pdkU

7:30 am 3. Morning News7:40 am 4. t*¾HZ,r*FvH

(,Ofa0,HxGef;? aw;a&;-


7:50 am 5. ppfudkif;awmif½dk;

Local Transmission

* Signature Tune

* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

* Computer Human

* “Cordyceps Sinensis” Shea-pa-de

* Travelogue “(Nay Pyi Taw-1)” A Visit to the

Gems Museum (Nay Pyi Taw)

* Myanma Traditional Handiwork of Casting

* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Europe/ North America Transmission

* Signature Tune

* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

* Computer-Human

* “Cordyceps Simensis” Shea-pa-de

* Mobile Education Activities for Wildlife


* Culture Stage

* Travelogue “(Nay Pyi Taw-1)” A Visit to the

Gems Museum (Nay Pyi Taw)

* Myanmar Modern Song

* Smogless sky, Enchanting Smiles

(Myin Mu-Bagan)

* National Dance

* Traditional Chin Cuisine

* Myanma Traditional Handiwork of Casting

* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights



Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MSTEurope - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MSTNorth America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST


R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

MRTV-3Programme Schedule(13-8-2009) (Thursday)

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr MST:During the past 24 hours, weather has been partly cloudy inKayah State, lower Sagaing, Magway and Yangon Divisions,rain have been isolated in Mandalay Division, scattered inKayin State and upper Sagaing Division, fairly widespreadin Kachin State, Bago and Ayeyawady Divisions andwidespread in the remaining areas with locally heavyfallsin Rakhin and Mon States.The noteworthy amounts of rainfallrecorded were Taungkok (5.15) inches, Theinzayat (3.07)inches, Belin (2.48) inches, Shwegyin (2.44) inches, Hkamti(2.25) inches, Putao (2.00) inches, Sittway (1.97) inches andMeikhtali (0.24) inch.

Maximum temperature on 11-8-2009 was 83°F.Minimum temperature on 12-8-2009 was 70°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 12-8-2009 was 84%. TotalSun shine hours on 11-8-2009 was (0.3) hour approx.

Rainfall on 12-8-2009 was Nil at Mingaladon, Kaba-Ayeand Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2009 was (78.62)inches at Mingaladon, (89.13) inches at Kaba-Aye and (92.64)inches at Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon(Kaba-Aye) was (4) mph from Southwest at (09:30) hours MSTon 12-8-2009.

Bay inference: Monsoon is moderate in the AndamanSea and Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 13th August 2009: Rainor thundershowers will be isolated in Kayah State, lowerSagaing and Magway Divisions, scattered in Shan Stateand Mandalay Division, fairly widespread in Chin andKayin States, upper Sagaing, Yangon and Bago Divisionsand widespread in the remaining States and Divisions withlikelihood of isolated heavyfalls in Kachin State. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Sea will be moderate in Myanmarwaters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Weak to moderatemonsoon.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for13-8-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for13-8-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for13-8-2009: likelihood of isolated rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (60%).

WEATHERWednesday, 12th August, 2009

rñId;onfhomoem (tydkif;-2)

8:15 am 6. Dance Variety8:30 am 7. International News8:40 am 8. Islands of Dhamma8:40 am 9. b'´EÅ*laPoe




pmoifwdkuf? usdKufydausmif;?

&efuif;NrdKUe,f? &efukefwdkif;



4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:10 pm 2. Dance of National

Races4:20 pm 3. Cute Little Dancers4:30 pm 4. tqdkNydKifyGJ

4:45 pm 5. &efukefwdkif;? trSwf(3)

ta jcc H ynmO D ; p D ; X me ?

y O ö rt Bu d r f ? " r ® p Mu m


(yxrqk) (txu(1)vom)


5:05 pm 6. ta0;oifwuúod kvfynm


yxrESpf (txl;jyKtm;vHk;)


5:20 pm 7. Songs to uphold

National Spirit5:30 pm 8. ]]wm;qD;umuG,f


5:35 pm 9. Musical Programme5:45 pm10. Mu,fyGifhrsm;&JU&ifckefoH

6:00 pm11. Evening News6:15 pm12. Weather Report

6:20 pm13. aysmf&TifapaomaeY&ufrsm;


(ol&vif;? 0if;Edkif?

acsm&wem? *Grf;yHkBuD;)


6:35 pm14. xl;qef;axGvmrsm;udk


7:20 pm15. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ



8:00 pm16. News17. International News18. Weather Report19. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ


20. vGifrdk;c&D;oGm;aeonf



21. rif;uGef;q&mawmfbk&m;BuD;\



In this computer generated image provided byEADS Astrium on Wednesday, 12 Aug, 2009, alunar landing vehicle and mobile robot deviceproposal are seen. Germany’s aerospace coordinatorsays the country should invest in an unmannedmission to the moon in the next decade. The official,Peter Hintze, told broadcaster ZDF in an interviewWednesday, 12 Aug , 2009 that he wants to see 1.5billion euro (US$2.1 billion) allocated to the program

over the next five years.—INTERNET

BEIJING, 12 Aug—Prices of agricultural productsin 36 Chinese large and medium-sized cities rose0.5 percent this week from Aug. 3, according tofigures released by the Ministry of Commerce(MOC) Wednesday.

Thirty-one out of 57 kinds of farm produce sawweek-on-week price increases while the prices of18 types saw a drop, said a report on the MOCwebsite.

Vegetable prices climbed 4.5 percent week onweek due to a decrease in supplies caused byrainstorms, while egg prices rose 0.7 percent froma week earlier.

The wholesale prices of pork, beef and muttonedged up 1.9 percent, 0.5 percent and 0.1 percent,the MOC said.


China’s agricultural productprices up 0.5% from last week

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8th Waning of Wagaung 1371 ME Thursday, 13 August, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy★ Riots beget riots, not democracy★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC - sowing hatred amongthe people

■ RFA, DVB - generating public out-rage

■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed■ By broadcasts designed to cause


■ We favour peace and stability■ We favour development■ We oppose unrest and violence■ Wipe out those inciting unrest

and violence

Earthquake ReportNAY PYI TAW, 12 Aug —A moderate earth-

quake of intensity (5.4) Richter Scale with its epicenterinside Myanmar ( Myanmar-India Border Region)about 530 miles Northwest of Kaba-Aye seismo-logical observatory was recorded at 04hrs 13min48sec MST on 12th August 2009.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 12 Aug —The Township HealthDepartment on 11 August transferred a 23-year-oldwoman who had returned from Malaysia to WaibagiSpecialist Hospital. The National Health Laboratorydetected her and she was found infected with NewInfluenza A (H1N1) virus. She had arrived backMyanmar by flight No. 8M-502 on 10 August.

Five family members of the patient are beingkept under home quarantine.

Authorities concerned are keeping a watchfuleye on 115 passengers who had arrived on the sameflight with the patient and 129 airport staff in theirrespective places.

The number of patient infected with A (H1N1) hasso far reached 19 and 13 out of whom have beendischarged from the hospital since they have fullyrecovered from their illness. The remaining six patientsare being given medical treatment by specialists.

Up to now, the National Health Laboratorydetected 154 flu-suspected persons and 19 werefound affected with the virus. —MNA

One more foundinfected with A (H1N1),

Number of victimsinfected with the virus

reaches 19

I, on a tour of Kayin State, refreshed myself witha wonderful view of lush and green paddy fields andthriving rubber farms like a very long green carpetalong Hpa-an-Kawkareik-Myawady Road en routefor Myawady, 101 miles and four furlongs from Hpa-an. Some time after the automobile with crew mem-bers of us from the Myanma Alin Daily on board leftBote at the foot of Dawna Mountain along the uphillroad, I happened to glance over my shoulder to see theroad section we had left and saw a breathtaking viewof a stream of traffic flowing up along the zigzag road.The higher we got, the hardly we could see things, and

Myawady, a prosperous township of Kayin State

Basic Education High School in Myawady, Kayin State.

Article: Win Shwe (Myanma Alin); Photos: Reporter Tun Zaw (Sangyoung)

the whole summit was shrouded in mist.After leaving middle Bote, the road was all down-

hill towards Myawady Township. Asian Highwaywas found large and fine between Thingan Nyinaungand Myawady.

Myawady Township is located in the eastern-most part of Kayin State, sharing border with Thai-land. It is 389 miles from Nay Pyi Taw, 265 milesfrom Yangon, and 101 miles and four furlongs fromHpa-an. It is surrounded by Thailand in the east,Kawkareik Township in the west, Kya-in Seikkyi

(See page 10)

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