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Fluid Catalytic Cracking: Recent Developments on the Grand

Old Lady of Zeolite Catalysis

Journal: Chemical Society Reviews

Manuscript ID: CS-REV-05-2015-000376.R1

Article Type: Review Article

Date Submitted by the Author: 21-Jul-2015

Complete List of Authors: Weckhuysen, Bert; Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis Group Vogt, Eelco; Albemarle Catalysts BV,

Chemical Society Reviews

Page 2: Fluid Catalytic Cracking: Recent Developments on the Grand

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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x

Received 20th July 2015,

Accepted 00th January 2012

DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x

Fluid Catalytic Cracking: Recent Developments on

the Grand Old Lady of Zeolite Catalysis

E.T.C. Vogta,b,* and B.M. Weckhuysena,*


Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) is one of the major conversion technologies in the oil refinery

industry. FCC currently produces the majority of the world’s gasoline, as well as an important

fraction of propylene for the polymer industry. In this critical review, we give an overview of

the latest trends in this field of research. These trends include ways to make it possible to

process either very heavy or very light crude oil fractions as well to co-process biomass-based

oxygenates with regular crude oil fractions, and convert these more complex feedstocks in an

increasing amount of propylene and diesel-range fuels. After providing some general

background of the FCC process, including a short history as well as details on the process,

reactor design, chemical reactions involved and catalyst material, we will discuss several

trends in FCC catalysis research by focusing on ways to improve the zeolite structure stability,

propylene selectivity and the overall catalyst accessibility by (a) the addition of rare earth

elements and phosphorus, (b) constructing hierarchical pores systems and (c) the introduction

of new zeolite structures. In addition, we present an overview of the state-of-the-art micro-

spectroscopy methods for characterizing FCC catalysts at the single particle level. These new

characterization tools are able to explain the influence of the harsh FCC processing conditions

(e.g. steam) and the presence of various metal poisons (e.g. V, Fe and Ni) in the crude oil

feedstocks on the 3-D structure and accessibility of FCC catalyst materials.

1. Introduction

Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) is one of the major conversion

technologies in the oil refinery industry and produces the majority of

the world’s gasoline. The process is in operation at over 300 out of a

total of 646 refineries, as of the beginning of 2014. It is important to

note that FCC is not the only conversion process used in oil

refineries, as there are also e.g. hydrocracking units. Figure 1

provides an overview of the different conversion processes in use in

oil refineries as of the beginning of 2014, expressed as both the

number of barrels of crude oil per day processed and the number of

refineries utilizing the processes [1]. A number of oil refineries use

multiple conversion technologies, and some refineries have even

more than one FCC unit. Apart from producing gasoline, the FCC

unit is also a major producer of propylene and, to a lesser extent, raw

materials for petrochemical processes.

It is estimated that ~ 2,300 metric tons of FCC catalyst are

produced per day [2], or ~ 840,000 metric tons per year.

Figure 1: a: Installed capacities for the major conversion processes

in refineries worldwide, in million barrels per day. b: number of

refineries in which major conversion processes are installed.

Refineries can have more than one technology installed. Data as of

2013, from [1]. Color-coding: Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC):

Blue; Hydrocracking: Red; Coking: Green; Thermal operations:

Purple; and Resid Hydrotreating: Light Blue.

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This implies that, on average, approximately 0.16 kg of FCC

catalysts are used for the conversion of a barrel of feedstock. This

equals about 0.35 lbs./bbl., in units more conventionally used in the

field, making use of Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO). Heavier feedstocks,

such as Resid, require more catalyst material (0.4 lbs./bbl.) while

lighter feedstocks, such as Heavy Gas Oil (HGO), require less

catalyst (~ 0.15 lbs./bbl.) [2]. The leading worldwide FCC catalyst

producers are W.R. Grace, Albemarle and BASF, while local

producers like CCIC in Japan and Sinopec and Petrochina in China

have smaller market shares.

In this review article, we will demonstrate that, in spite of the

fact that FCC has been practiced for almost 75 years already, the

field is still very active and still central in many research activities of

both academia and industry. New developments in the availability of

feedstocks, such as shale oil and gas and tight oil, the quest to

increase the use of renewable resources, as well as changes in the

demand for gasoline, result in a desire to change the selectivity of

the FCC process. This development has led to a renewed interest in

new molecular sieves, zeolites with hierarchical pore structure, and

stabilization of the zeolites used in FCC. At the same time a rapid

development in analytical tools has recently led to a substantial

increase in the fundamental understanding of the integral FCC

catalyst particle at sub-micrometer resolution. Reports on new

spectroscopic tools used in the analysis of FCC catalyst materials are

published in rapid succession. All in all, research in the field of FCC,

the grand old lady of zeolite catalysis, is very much alive.

2. Fluid Catalytic Cracking: Some Background

2.1. A Short History

Commercial production of petroleum dates back to 1859, when

Colonel Edwin L. Drake found “rock oil” in Titusville (PA, USA).

The initial petroleum products were refined in very simple refineries

without conversion capability. At the beginning of the 20th century,

the number of cars propelled by an internal combustion engine

sharply increased, and a shortage of gasoline developed.

Thermal cracking, in which the unused fractions in the higher

boiling range were converted to gasoline-range molecules, was first

introduced in 1913, by Burton at Standard Oil of Indiana [3], [4].

However, the gasoline produced by this process was of relatively

poor quality. Additives like tetra-ethyl lead, discovered in the 1920’s

by Midgley could improve the “octane number” of gasoline [5], but

other solutions were required. The first technical embodiment of

catalytic cracking was introduced in 1915, when McAfee at Gulf

Refining Company developed a catalyst based on aluminum chloride

[6]. However, this process was not economically feasible [7], and

was abandoned.

In the 1920’s, French engineer Houdry experimented with the

conversion of lignite to useful products, and found that clay minerals

could convert his lignite-based oil to a fuel similar to gasoline [3],

[8]. This was the advent of catalytic cracking as we know it today.

Houdry moved to the USA and developed his process with the

Socony-Vacuum Oil company (which later became Mobil Oil

Company), and eventually the first catalytic cracker operating the

Houdry process, which processed 15,000 barrels of petroleum per

day, was started up in 1936 in Paulsboro (NJ, USA). The first full-

scale commercial plant went on-stream in 1937 at Sun Oil’s refinery

in Marcus Hook (PA, USA) [8]. The catalyst was replaced by a

synthetic silica-alumina already in the early 1940’s, and the process,

which produced very high quality fuels, was very quickly developed

to produce aviation fuel for the allied war effort in the Second World

War. The original Houdry process made use of a fixed bed reactor.

In 1938, a consortium called Catalytic Research Associates

(originally Standard Oil of New Jersey, Standard Oil of Indiana,

M.W. Kellogg Co., and I.G. Farben) set out to develop a new

cracking process [9]. At the beginning of the 2nd World War, I.G.

Farben was dropped from the Consortium, and Anglo-Iranian Oil

Co. Ltd., Royal Dutch-Shell Co., The Texas Co. and Universal Oil

Products Co. (UOP) joined. A pilot plant based on a powdered

catalyst moving through a pipe coil reactor and a regenerator was

built in Baton Rouge (LA, USA). The 100 barrels-per-day unit was

called PECLA-1 (Powdered Experimental Catalyst, Louisiana). In

about a year, the system was developed to commercial stage, and

mid-1942, the first commercial FCC unit (PCLA-1) was started up

[9] [10]. This system was based on an up-flow reactor and

regenerator [11] and used a clay-based catalyst [9]. It was based on

work of Lewis and Gilliland [12], working with Standard Oil

Company of New Jersey, who suggested that a low velocity gas flow

through a powder might “lift” it enough to cause it to flow in a

manner similar to a liquid [13].

The system was extremely successful, and with ongoing

developments [14], at the end of the war, 34 FCC units were in

operation in the USA. PCLA No. 3, which was the second unit at

Baton Rouge was started up in June, 1943. This unit is still in

operation today, and is the oldest operating FCC unit, as the PCLA-1

unit was shut down in 1963.

Figure 2: The effect of improving reactor and catalyst technology on

the product selectivity for the FCC process for four decades in the

1900’s. Color-coding: Gas: Orange; LPG: Light Blue; Gasoline:

Purple; LCO: Green; HCO/Slurry/Unconverted: Red; and Coke:

Dark Blue. Data are obtained from ref. [15] and [16].

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As mentioned before the initial FCC process used clay-based

catalysts. Improvements were soon made, and synthetic amorphous

SiO2-Al2O3 or SiO2-MgO- based catalysts were developed already in

the 1940’s [17]. The reason for this was an improved selectivity to

the desired products [18], as can be observed in Figure 2 using data

from [15] and [16]. The graph shows a combined effect of activity

increase and selectivity improvement.

In the early 1960’s and 1970’s, synthetic crystalline microporous

aluminosilicates (i.e. zeolites) were invented at the laboratories of

Union Carbide and Mobil Oil Corporation. The first of these relevant

to FCC was synthetic faujasite (IUPAC structure code FAU [19]), or

zeolite Y (Linde Y), invented by Breck at Union Carbide [20].

Zeolite Y in various improved forms has been the main cracking

component of FCC catalysts since 1964 [21]. The initial

embodiment was Mg-stabilized, while the currently used Rare Earth

(RE)-stabilized zeolite Y was introduced fairly quickly after that

[21]. A second zeolite that has found large-scale application in FCC

is zeolite ZSM-5 (IUPAC structure code MFI [19]), which was

invented in 1973 by Argauer and Landolt at Mobil Oil Corporation

[22]. The main application of zeolite ZSM-5 has been in FCC

operation targeting an increased propylene yield. Figure 2 clearly

shows that the introduction of zeolite materials in FCC catalyst

formulations resulted in a drastic increase in the gasoline yield in the

1970s and 1980s. The books by Venuto and Habib [23] and Scherzer

[24] give good accounts of the history and backgrounds of the FCC

process up to the 1980’s.

2.2. Process and Reactor Design

Although a number of different designs exist for the FCC

process [25] [26], a number of general principles can be described on

the basis of Figure 3. FCC, or at least the cracking reaction, is an

endothermic process. The heat required for cracking is produced by

sacrificing a small portion of the feedstock, and burning it in the


Hot catalyst material is combined with pre-heated feedstock at

the bottom of the riser reactor. The catalyst-to-oil ratio at the bottom

of riser is larger than one, and a typical ratio is 5.5. The temperature

at the bottom of the riser is typically in the range of about 550°C.

The reactant mixture expands due to the cracking reaction as gases

are formed, and the catalyst/feedstock mixture is rapidly transported

up the riser reactor, at speeds approaching 40 m/s. The typical

contact time in a riser is therefore in the order of seconds. At the top

of the riser reactor, the temperature has dropped to about 500°C as

catalytic cracking is an endothermic process. The catalyst is

separated from the product mixture and stripped of remaining useful

product by steam treatment. The products are further refined

downstream. The catalyst material, on which a certain amount of

carbon, better known as coke, has been deposited during the

cracking process, is transported to the regenerator, where the coke is

burned off. The catalyst is thus regenerated and re-used continuously

Depending on the exact conditions (such as the oxygen availability),

the regenerator temperature can reach up to 760°C [16].

Figure 3: Schematic depiction of the Fluid Catalytic Cracking

(FCC) process, including reactor and regenerator.

The selectivity to gasoline is in the order of 50% (see also Figure

2). The catalyst temperature cycles between about 500°C and about

760°C, while it is moving at great speed. It is clear that this means

the catalyst is exposed to harsh reaction conditions. As a result of

this, the catalyst deactivates. A conservative estimate is that a typical

FCC catalyst particle has an average lifetime in the order of about 1

month. Since it is not possible in the present process to selectively

remove the deactivated catalyst, refiners remove a small portion of

the complete inventory of the regenerator at fixed intervals (typically

daily), and replace the removed catalyst with fresh catalyst. When

this practice is performed for a longer period, a more or less steady

state is reached in the catalyst life-time distribution, which is called

equilibrium catalyst, or E-cat. Depending on the size of the FCC unit

and the operational parameters, catalyst withdrawal rates can be

between 1 and 30 tons per day.

Figure 4: Artist impression of a typical Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO)

molecule, depicting larger aromatic structures with alkyl side-

chains, as well as typical impurities: Sulfur (Yellow), Nitrogen

(Blue) and Oxygen (Red). Structure from Altamirano et al. as

depicted in Escobedo et al. [27]. The structure was sketched in the

ADF-builder, and energy-minimized using the built-in UFF force

field in ADF [28]. The resulting atomic positions were rendered with

POV-Ray 3.6 [29].

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2.3. The FCC Unit in the Oil Refinery

The function of the FCC unit in an oil refinery is to convert

Heavy Gas Oil (HGO), Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) or Residue

feedstocks into useful products. Figure 4, based on a model by

Altamirano et al. described in [27], provides an artist impression of a

typical Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) molecule, depicting larger aromatic

structures with alkyl side-chains, as well as the typical sulfur,

nitrogen and oxygen impurities, while Figure 5a illustrates the

complexity of a typical VGO feedstock with a GC x GC plot. When

applying a zeolite Y-containing FCC catalyst material the wide

variety of molecules present in the VGO feedstock is converted into

molecules with on average a lower molecular weight, as illustrated

in Figure 5b, including molecules in the gasoline range (i.e., the

150°C boiling temperature range). A typical molecule in the gasoline

range would be 2,2,3-trimethylpentane (i.e., iso-octane). VGO

feedstocks typically boil at 340-540°C, [30], while Resid has a

higher boiling range (> 540°C), and contains multi-layered systems

of poly-aromatic rings.

Figure 5: a: GCxGC plot of a typical FCC feedstock (i.e., VGO). b:

GCxGC plot of the products of cracking the VGO in 5a, making use

of an FCC catalyst with Zeolite Y. c: GCxGC plot of the products of

cracking the VGO making use of an FCC catalyst with zeolite Y in

the presence of zeolite ZSM-5 as additive.

In addition to multi-aromatic ring structures, both VGO and

Resid, also contain impurities, such as sulfur and nitrogen, and Ni,

Fe and V. These are typically remainders from the plant or animal

life forms that originally made up the organic matter that decayed

into fossil fuels over millions of years, although they can also

originate from the interaction of the oil fractions with rock

formations. Interestingly, by comparing the GC x GC plots of

Figures 5b and 5c one can appreciate the influence of the addition of

zeolite ZSM-5 to an FCC catalyst material.

A more schematic way of illustrating the FCC conversion

process is shown in Figure 6 [31]. Approximately 45% of the

original feedstock (i.e., middle distillates, naphtha, and C2-C4-range

molecules) can be further processed e.g. in reforming and

isomerization to increase their value, and will likely require some

form of hydrotreatment (e.g. HDS) to remove impurities.

A major part of the remaining relatively low-value bottom-of-

the-barrel fractions (HGO and VGO in this example) are converted

to desired products by the actions of the FCC catalyst, in which

molecules are cracked to form high-octane rating products. The

residue is not converted by the FCC catalyst in this particular

example [31], although present day FCC catalyst materials can

certainly convert Resid, and Resid FCC has now become an

important process and, consequently, a vast amount of research is

directed to focus on Resid conversion.

Figure 6: The effect of FCC conversion on total refinery product.

Left: Atmospheric distillation frees up about 50 % of the feedstock

(middle distillates, gasoline and light gases). Heavy Gas Oil (HGO)

and Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) are converted in the FCC unit. The

products from FCC are combined with the initial products from

crude distillation in the column on the right. More recent FCC

processes will also convert part of the residue. Data from ref. [31].

3. The FCC Catalyst Material

3.1. Structure and Composition

The FCC process as described above sets a number of demands

for catalyst parameters [16]:

• Activity, selectivity and accessibility: First of all, the catalytic

properties to convert the large feedstock molecules to the

desired molecules;

• Attrition resistance: The catalyst particles must be able to

withstand the impacts with each other and the unit walls during


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• Hydrothermal stability: The catalyst must be able to withstand

the temperature and steam partial pressure in the regenerator;

• Metals tolerance: The catalyst must be able to withstand the

actions of poisons in the (heavier) feedstock;

• Coke selectivity: The catalyst must make the minimum amount

of coke at high cracking activity, especially when processing

heavier feedstocks, such as resids; and

• Fluidizability: The catalyst components must be available in a

form that allows fluidization in the regenerator.

The above demands can be met in a catalyst system that

combines a number of components, as depicted in Figure 7. As

described above, the main active component is a zeolite, usually a

stabilized form of zeolite Y. This material contains an internal

porous structure in which acid sites are present, which can convert

larger molecules to the desired gasoline range molecules. Clay is

added as filler, but also for heat-capacity reasons. Various alumina

and silica sources are used to produce a meso- and macroporous

matrix that allows access to, and pre-cracks the larger molecules in

the feedstocks. In addition, these components are used to bind the

system together. Additional components may comprise specific

metal traps for trapping Ni and V. The components are typically

mixed in aqueous slurry, and then spray-dried to form more or less

uniform spherical particles that can be fluidized in the regenerator.

Figure 7: Typical chemical and structural composition of a FCC

particle. Artwork by RSK Communication.

3.2. Reactions

Figure 8, reproduced from the work of Dupain et al. [32],

provides a schematic overview of the reactions occurring in the

conversion of FCC feedstocks to gasoline range or gas products. It is

clear that the conversion occurs in stages, and gasoline is not the

primary reaction product, which should be obvious, since the large

molecules in the feedstock cannot enter the (~ 7.3 Å) pores of zeolite

Y. Rather, the large molecules are pre-cracked in the matrix on their

way in to the zeolites. The cracking reactions are likely a

combination between thermal and catalytic reactions, in which the

catalytic reaction becomes more important as the molecules get

smaller. The catalytic cracking reaction is acid-catalyzed.

Acidity can be found both at the surface of matrix particles (for

instance, Brønsted acidity at silica-alumina interfaces, or Lewis

acidity at Al2O3 surfaces), or in the zeolite. The basic structure for

zeolites is a tetrahedrally linked silicate. In some lattice positions,

the silicon is replaced by aluminum. Since aluminum is present as a

trivalent cation, this induces a local negative charge in the lattice,

which can be compensated with a proton to form a Brønsted acid

site. Lewis acid sites can be formed when the aluminum sites are

coordinatively unsaturated when the framework is damaged (e.g. by


Figure 8: Consecutive cracking reactions of complex feedstock

leading to the final FCC products. (Reproduced from ref. [32] with

permission, Copyright Elsevier, 2005).

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Figure 9: Reaction network in zeolite-assisted cracking of

hydrocarbon molecules. Reaction 1: proton transfer from zeolite

Brønsted site to alkane to form carbonium ion. Reaction 2: proton

transfer from zeolite to alkene to form carbenium ion. Reaction 3:

hydride transfer from alkane to zeolite to form carbenium ion.

Reaction 4: Beta scission of a carbenium ion to form a new

carbenium ion and an alkene.

The subject of the cracking mechanism was discussed from the

early days of catalytic cracking [33]. It is now generally accepted

that catalytic cracking involves the formation of carbenium ions

[34]. As depicted in Figure 9, there is variety of ways these can be

created [35] [36]:

1. Brønsted acid sites can donate a proton to an alkene. This

alkene must than have been formed by thermal cracking

beforehand. Dupain et al. describe that the initial stages of the

FCC process involve mostly thermal (radical) cracking on the

outer surface [32].

2. Lewis acid sites can abstract a hydride from an alkane, and the

same can occur on strong Brønsted sites (forming dihydrogen).

3. Alternatively, a Brønsted acid site can donate a proton to an

alkane, forming a penta-coordinated carbonium ion. When the

carbonium ion cracks protolytically (monomolecular, Haag-

Dessau), an alkane and a carbenium ion remain [37].

Isomerization reactions can yield branched molecules, in which

the tertiary carbenium ions are more stable. The carbenium ions

formed in steps 1-3 crack through β-scission, forming a smaller

alkene and a smaller carbenium ion. Hydride abstraction from a

larger alkane molecule allows the smaller carbenium ion to desorb

from the acid site as an alkane, leaving a new larger carbenium ion

on the zeolite acid site to propagate the reaction. Alternatively, the

carbenium ion can donate the proton back to the acid site, and desorb

as an alkene.

Corma et al. [34] conclude that both pathways, involving initial

carbenium ion formation on Lewis sites and initial carbonium ion

formation on Brønsted sites, occur in parallel.

3.3 FCC Catalyst Testing

One of the major problems in designing improved FCC catalysts

is that it is very difficult to scale down the commercial FCC process

with its short residence time and rapid deactivation processes. The

feedstocks are complex and contain various impurities that can have

a major effect on performance, such as Conradsen carbon, metals

like Ni and V, oxygenates, and nitrogen- and sulfur-containing

molecules. Resid feedstocks require different operation than VGO,

and diesel- or propylene-selective applications again are completely

different [38].

Over the years, various more or less standard methods have been

developed for testing FCC catalysts. The first was the “MAT”-test,

or Micro Activity Test, according to ASTM D-3907. In this test, a

small sample of catalyst is tested in fixed bed. Conversion can be

influenced by changing the Catalyst-To-Oil (CTO) ratio. The test has

various drawbacks [38], but has nevertheless been very popular over

the years. The test contacts the catalyst and feed for prolonged

periods, during which deactivation of the FCC catalyst proceeds, and

coke- and temperature profiles may develop over the catalyst bed.

As a result of the prolonged exposure to feedstock, also the amount

of coke deposited on the catalyst material may be unrealistic. The

same holds for the observed gas selectivities.

The major drawbacks, concerning contact time and feed

vaporization were addressed in various protocols [39] [40]). Kayser

[41] developed the so-called ACE (Advanced Cracking Evaluation)

units, a catalytic fixed fluid bed system, in which a small catalyst

sample (typically about 1 g) is fluidized in a gas stream, and a brief

pulse of atomized VGO is passed through the fluidized bed at 538°C

(1000°F). Another solution capable of handling the heavier

feedstock is the Short Contact Time Resid Test, described by Imhof

et al. [42]. MAT and its refinements (e.g. SCT-MAT and

AUTOMAT [43]) and ACE protocols can show ranking differences

amongst each other, but also with pilot plant results.

To overcome this, more realistic simulations or even downscaled

versions of the riser reactor, like Pilot Riser Units (PRU), have to be

applied. The closest approximation on lab scale may be the Micro-

riser simulation based on a coiled reactor developed by Dupain et al

[32], and the Micro-downer developed by Corma et al. [44], a

moving bed system with short contact time, which also allows

testing with heavier feedstocks.

While FCC catalyst testing is already complicated, the protocol

will also have to take into account the deactivation of the catalyst

during its lifetime of cracking and regeneration cycles. The

deactivation of the catalyst is caused by steaming during the

regeneration and assisted by the presence of metals like Ni and V

(but also Fe, Na and Ca). Deactivated commercial catalysts may

contain thousands of ppms of Ni and V, depending on the operation.

Mitchell Impregnation (MI) [45] is used to deposit Ni and V on the

catalyst particle, usually prior to steaming. The metals are

impregnated throughout the catalyst particle, which is correct for V,

but not for Ni. Simple steaming of the catalyst (with or without

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metals) at increased temperatures mimics the effect of the

regenerator in vary crude way.

Figure 10: The structure of zeolite Y (Faujasite), with the most

relevant ion-exchange sites highlighted. The effect of RE-

introduction: XRD: Comparing RE-stabilized (blue) with non-

stabilized Y-zeolite (red), we observe a shift to lower angles (i.e.

larger unit cell size, lower SAR, less dealumination), as well as

higher crystallinity in the RE-stabilized material; IR: we observe a

shift to lower frequency (lower SAR, less dealumination) for the RE-

stabilized form; NMR: we observe larger contributions from Si-

species with multiple Al-neighbors (i.e., a lower SAR, less

dealumination). All spectra are simulated based on literature data

from Roelofsen [46] and Scherzer et al. [47].

More realistic procedures mimic the cracking-regeneration

cycles, e.g. Cyclic Propane Steaming (CPS) [48], in which the

catalysts are exposed to multiple cycles of (propane) cracking,

stripping and steaming prior to the actual activity tests. A more

elaborate deactivation procedure is the Cyclic Deactivation (CD)

procedure [49], in which actual feedstock cracking, depositing

metals every cycle, is combined with regeneration for many (up to

over 50) cycles to create a more realistic metals profile.

Improvements are the two-step CD (2s-CD) and Advanced CPS

protocols, as described by Psarras et al. [50].

3.4. Zeolite Framework Stabilization

As mentioned above, the main cracking component in FCC

catalysts responsible for the production of gasoline-range molecules

is zeolite Y [19]. The structure of zeolite Y, shown in Figure 10, has

a 3-D pore system, in which pores of ~ 7.3 Å connect larger (13 Å in

diameter) cages, which are known as the supercages of this zeolite.

The addition of solid acids to the catalyst improves both the

conversion as well the product selectivity towards gasoline. The

original FCC catalyst contained clay, and later amorphous silica-

alumina and silica-magnesia. The advent of zeolite-based catalytic

cracking was seen shortly after their discovery at Union Carbide [20]

[21], in the early 1960’s. Zeolite Y combines high surface area / pore

volume solid acidity (both Brønsted and Lewis) with sufficient room

to allow bimolecular (carbenium ion) cracking. The preparation of

the zeolite is relatively simple, no organic Structure Directing

Agents (SDAs) or even autoclaves are required. However, the as-

prepared zeolite is not very stable towards hydrothermal conditions.

The stability can be improved by controlled steaming and

washing/leaching cycles (to make so-called Ultra Stable, or US-Y).

A well-known way to improve the effectiveness of the zeolite

(i.e. to retain activity longer) is to exchange part of the counter-ions

with Rare Earth (RE) ions. There is a lot of literature on the effect of

RE ions on zeolite stability and reaction characteristics. A large body

of work in this area was already performed in the 1970’s and 1980’s.

For example, Rees et al. [51] show that the exothermic peak in

differential thermal analysis, which is interpreted as a collapse of the

framework, shifts towards higher temperature for RE-exchanged

faujasite versus Na-exchanged faujasite. This framework collapse

occurs in the range of 800-1000°C, so outside of the temperature

range relevant for FCC. Nevertheless, the effect is an indication for

increased lattice thermal stability.

Flanigen et al. [52] provide an assignment of the IR vibrations

observed for zeolite Y. Roelofsen et al. [46] explain that the

symmetric stretch vibration at around 790 cm-1 is the most suited to

derive the framework silicon-to-aluminum ratio, shortened as SAR,

because other IR peaks are more sensitive to the type and amount of

cations in the framework, crystallinity, as well as water content. The

peak frequency of the IR band at around 790 cm-1 has found to be

linearly proportional to the Al/(Al + Si)-ratio.

Rabo et al. [53] describe two IR peaks related to hydroxyl

groups in RE-Y. The first peak, at 3640 cm-1, shows strong hydrogen

bonding with water, benzene and ammonia, and can thus be

interpreted as a Brønsted acid site exposed in the supercage. The

other OH-vibration, centered at 3524 cm-1, does not bind with

ammonia or benzene, and is thus hidden inside the sodalite cage.

Rabo et al. assume these hydroxyls are associated with OH-groups

retained between two RE-cations as an electrostatic shield.

Roelofsen et al. [46] investigated the dealumination of zeolite Y

with varying loading of RE2O3 (mixed rare earths) with IR, XRD,

and 29Si MAS NMR. They find a good correlation between the

framework SAR derived from IR and from 29Si MAS NMR.

However, the correlation with the SAR derived from the unit cell

size using the Breck-Flanigen relation [54] does not hold in this case.

The unit cell size is significantly larger than would be expected from

the Breck-Flanigen relation. This indicates that the unit cell size is

not a good indicator for lattice stabilization.

A variety of authors studied the stability of RE-exchanged

Zeolite Y in the 1960’s and 1970’s, mostly based on IR-analyses.

Scherzer et al. [47] conclude that framework vibrations shift to

higher frequencies, and the XRD unit cell size decreases, upon

increased severity of the thermal treatment. In both cases there is

more or less linear dependence of the effect with the RE-loading. In

a subsequent paper, Scherzer and Bass [55] look at the OH-

stretching region of the same samples. They conclude that bands at

3600 and 3700 cm-1 indicate that the framework is dealuminated.

Bands at 3650 and 3600 cm-1 are shown to be acidic (from

interaction with ammonia, pyridine, and sodium hydroxide). They

also observed a band at 3540 cm-1, which they ascribe to OH groups

attached to lanthanum ions, although there also appears to be a

framework band in the same IR region.

Fallabella et al. [56] study the effects of using different RE-ions

in the ion exchange process of zeolite Y. The introduction of RE

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cations brought about no significant changes in the structural region

of the zeolites. However, in the hydroxyl region, a band ranging

from 3530 to 3498 cm−1 was observed.

This band, attributed to OH groups interacting with RE-cations

(see also Scherzer and Bass [55]), is shifted to higher wavenumbers

as the ionic radius of the cations increases. This hydroxyl is not

acidic (or at least not active in catalysis), as it resides in the sodalite

cages. The authors do note a clear effect of the radius of the RE-ion

on the acidity as probed with pyridine and lutidine. Pyridine is

capable of detecting both Brønsted and Lewis acid sites, whereas

lutidine can only interact Brønsted acid sites due to sterical

hindrances generated by the methyl groups. In their study,

Dysprosium falls outside the plotted correlation, possibly because

remaining chloride ions create extra activity.

Van Bokhoven et al. [57] report that high-charge octahedral

extra-framework Al in US-Y, as well as La3+ ions in the ion

exchange positions in La(x)NaY induce local polarization of the Al-

atoms in the lattice. In addition, a long-range effect is observed

which causes the T-O-T angles to increase (and thus the unit cell size

to increase). The authors thus assume that although the type of ion is

different, the origin of the enhanced activity in US-Y and RE-Y is

identical. Most authors claim that rare earth elements stabilize the

zeolites by moving into the hexagonal prisms (site S-I), and retaining

the framework Al by some form of electrostatic interaction. Excess

rare earth migrates from the hexagonal prism into the supercage (site

S-II), and forms strong Brønsted acid sites in connection with

framework Al.

Du et al. [58] claim that the ionic radius of different RE elements

has an effect on the stability of the RE-Y zeolite and the framework

stability increases with decreasing ionic radius for the set Ho3+,

Dy3+, Nd3+, La3+. Ce3+ does not seem to move into the S-I positions,

because under the conditions applied by Du et al. the cerium gets

oxidized to Ce4+, and forms a larger complex that cannot migrate

into the sodalite cages.

Schüßler et al. [59] investigated the nature and location of La-

species in faujasite with a combination of techniques, including DFT

calculations. In order to make full periodic calculations possible,

they selected the rhombohedral primitive cell of faujasite. This

reduces the number of framework atoms by a factor of 4, from 576

to 144. The authors find small amounts of [La(OH)]2+ and

[La(OH)2]+-species in the S-II sites, but claim the majority of the

La3+ is present in the sodalite cages in multinuclear OH-bridged

aggregates. The formation of the hydroxylated clusters leads to the

formation of Si-OH-Al groups at a distance to the La-clusters.

However, the authors claim that isolated La3+ species in the S-II site

are also able to polarize secondary and tertiary C-H bonds and thus

activate alkanes, and point to these species as responsible for the

enhanced activity and hydrogen transfer of RE-exchanged zeolites.

Noda et al. [60] performed a combination of temperature

programmed desorption (TPD) of NH3 with DFT cluster

calculations. They examined Ba-, Ca-, and La-exchanged zeolite Y

and observe an increase in catalytic activity for all ion-exchanged

zeolites with the Ba ones producing the lowest activity. They ascribe

the formation of stronger acid sites to a removal of OH-sites in the

sodalite cages and hexagonal prisms, and strengthening of the

supercage-OH sites by a polarization effect induced by the cations.

From the above, it is clear that the presence of RE-cations in the

structure provide some form of stabilization, to the extent that more

aluminum is retained in the lattice as observed with IR and NMR.

XRD unit cell size analysis does not correlate with IR and NMR

measurements in the normal way for RE-containing zeolite Y.

The effect of the presence of RE in the lattice on performance is

dramatic. Plank et al. [61] already in the early 1960’s noted an

appreciable increase in activity (more than 100 times as active as

amorphous silica-alumina’s) when using RE-stabilized Y zeolites,

although they compared their materials to amorphous SiO2-Al2O3

and Na-Y. Although the activity increase is desirable, the

incorporation of RE also increases the rate of hydrogen transfer,

which leads to a less desirable drop in research octane number and

olefinicity in the LPG range. Fallabella et al. [62] define a Hydrogen

Transfer (HT) index derived from the ratio of different reaction rate

constants in the cracking of cyclohexene, which correlates with the

atomic ratio of the RE-ion and the acidity. Lemos et al. [63] studied

heptane cracking on RE-exchanged Y-zeolites, and observed mainly

paraffinic cracking products. The cracking activity seems to

correlate with strong protonic acidity, as derived by reactivity


4. Improvements in FCC Catalyst Materials

4.1. General Trends

Even though the FCC process has been with us for over 70 years

now, the process is still being developed further. Changes in the

demand for products, and changes in the feedstock drive constant

development. Fletcher [64] lists the following challenges for FCC


• LCO maximization (i.e. diesel flexibility);

• Petrochemical feedstock maximization (i.e. propylene);

• Flue gas emissions control; and

• Enhanced metals tolerance.

On the one hand, conventional feedstocks are becoming heavier.

Resid cracking in FCC gained popularity in the early 1990’s, and has

gained importance since. Heavier feedstocks imply that larger, more

aromatic molecules need to be cracked, which calls for improved

accessibility and improved metals tolerance. At the same time, there

is a drive to increase activity but at the same time limit the amount of

coke produced to the absolute minimum required for heat balance of

the unit. This is a continuous challenge in FCC since the early days,

and various improvements have been made over the decades, as

illustrated in Figure 11.

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Figure 11: Effect of subsequent developments in active components

on conversion and coke level. Redrawn from ref. [65].

Apart from the conversion of heavier feedstocks, we have

recently also seen an increased application of relatively light,

paraffinic shale oil as the feedstock to the cracker. So the traditional

feedstock of FCC, namely VGO, is replaced more and more by both

heavier and lighter feedstocks. At the same time, a similar effect can

be observed on the product side. Where (aviation) gasoline was the

desired product for the initial FCC units, we have seen an increased

demand for propylene over the last two decades. Propylene is the

raw material for polypropylene, and the FCC unit can be one of the

main sources form propylene (the other would be steam cracking of

naphtha). Propylene can be formed in the FCC unit as a product

mostly of secondary cracking of gasoline range molecule, usually by

specific additives containing ZSM-5 zeolite. Figure 12 lists the

market size for FCC catalyst specifically targeting propylene

production, which has risen from about 10,000 metric tons per year

in 2005 to almost 90,000 metric tons of catalyst in 2014.

Figure 12: Development of the market for propylene-selective FCC

catalysts (based on Albemarle market data).

The development of specific FCC-propylene capacity follows

the demand for olefins [66]. It illustrates the clear expected increase

in the propylene demand, which cannot be absorbed by steam

cracking alone, and has to come from the FCC unit. On the other

hand, as shown in Figure 13, the world market for gasoline seems to

flatten out, and developing countries and even the USA show an

increasing demand for diesel as a transportation fuel.

Figure 13: Projected evolution of the market for selected oil

products. Color-coding: Ethane/LPG: Dark Blue; Naphtha: Red;

Gasoline: Green; Jet/Kero: Purple; Diesel/Gasoil: Blue; Residual

Fuel: Orange; Other: Light Blue. Data taken from ref. [67].

The compiled information, based on data from the OPEC World

Oil Outlook 2013 [67], shows the ratio between gasoline and diesel

demand over the next decades is projected to change in favor of

diesel. Historically, the USA had a surplus in diesel, and the EU had

a surplus in gasoline, which could be traded [68]. With the new

gasoline/diesel demand ratios predicted for the next decades, this is

no longer possible, and this will no doubt have an impact on the

desired products from the FCC unit as the main conversion process.

The two developments combined require a shift from gasoline as the

main product to both higher- and lower-boiling products, which is

not possible at the same time.

4.2. Increasing Propylene Selectivity

Propylene is a minor product (< 5% product yield) in normal

FCC operation, but selectivity towards propylene can be enhanced

by selectively cracking gasoline range molecules. Although

increasing the riser temperature, increasing the catalyst-to-oil ratio,

and increasing the residence time will increase the propylene yield

[69], these options are limited. Corma et al. [70] show for cracking

over Y-zeolites, that although propylene yield increases with

conversion, propane yield increases faster, so the alkene/alkane ratio

decreases at higher conversion. So rather than olefins, coke, dry gas

and paraffinic LPG will be produced preferentially through so-called

over-cracking. This is because the wide pore system of FAU allows

for bimolecular cracking and hydrogen transfer reactions. In order to

selectively produce lower olefins, refiners apply additives containing

zeolite ZSM-5 [71], [66], [72]. These additives, complete FCC

catalysts in themselves, usually contain ZSM-5 as the only active

zeolite, in loadings of 25-50%. Combination of Y-zeolites and ZSM-

5 in one catalyst is also possible, but removes (some) flexibility for

the refiner. It is also possible to base the entire conversion on ZSM-5

based catalysts in dedicated processes, such as DCC [73], which

operates at higher temperature than the conventional FCC process,

and converts heavy feedstocks such as VGO, vacuum Resid, or VGO

mixed with DeAsphalted Oil, into light olefins or iso-olefins.

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Figure 14: a: Structure of zeolite ZSM-5, viewed along the 10-MR

straight channels. b: view along the zig-zag channels.

In this review paper, we will exclusively focus on ZSM-5-

containing additives. Argauer and Landolt first reported ZSM-5, tis

structure shown in Figure 14, as a synthetic molecular sieve in 1972

[22]. Although Kokotailo et al. solved the structure of ZSM-5

already in 1978 [74], recent work has shed new light on this

material. Even though zeolite ZSM-5 was first described as a

synthetic material, a natural mineral form (named Mutinaite) also

exists as it was discovered in Antarctica adjacent to deposits of

natural zeolite Beta [75]. Zeolite ZSM-5 can be prepared both in the

presence and absence of organic SDAs. The typical SDA molecule is

tetrapropylamine (TPA), which can be located in the pores of the

synthetic material [76]. Materials with a silica-to-alumina ratio (i.e.,

molar SiO2/Al2O3 ratio) up to about 25 can be synthesized without

SDA, for higher silica-to-alumina ratios typically an SDA is

required. The essentially all-silica form, known as silicalite, has a

slightly different structure than the low-SAR material, it has a

monoclinic unit cell, whereas the low SAR material crystallizes in an

orthorhombic cell. The framework is exactly the same for both

phases. The structure of ZSM-5 consists of a 3D pore system

circumscribed by 10 T-atoms. The pores are slightly elliptical and

have diameters of 5.1-5.6 Å. The structure has a straight 10-MR pore

along the [010]-direction, and a zig-zag 10-MR pore along the [100]-

direction. The pores intersect, and molecules (of the correct

dimensions) can reach any point in the pore system from any other

point. ZSM-5 normally crystallizes in lozenge- or coffin-shaped

crystals that are frequently twinned.

The limited room in the pore system of zeolite ZSM-5 compared

to the supercages in zeolite Y implies that it is much more difficult

to accommodate the larger bimolecular transition states. As a result,

the secondary cracking of gasoline range molecules in ZSM-5 will

produce more olefins. This is illustrated in Figure 15.

Figure 15: A comparison of the total products from the same runs as

depicted in figure 4. The graphs are combinations of the GCxGC

plot for Total Liquid Product, PIANO Analysis of the Naphtha

fraction, and GC analysis of the gases. Top: products from a normal

cracking run. Bottom: products with ZSM-5 containing additive

added to the catalyst. Color-coding: n-paraffins: Dark Blue; iso-

paraffins: Red; naphthenes and olefins: Green; naphthenes: Purple;

olefins: Blue; aromatics: Orange.

Just like the primary cracking zeolites, also zeolite ZSM-5 is

unstable towards the harsh environments of the FCC process.

Dealumination by repeated contact with steam in the regenerator

dislodges the aluminum from its framework position, thus removing

the active acid sites, and in the process destroying the zeolite lattice.

Although a partial destruction of the zeolite lattice may improve the

diffusion characteristics of the zeolite by creating access to the

interior through mesopores, this also creates larger pores, and hence

the opportunity for bimolecular cracking.

To increase the stability of zeolite ZSM-5, a treatment with

phosphorous is often applied. The trick has been used in ZSM-5 for

various applications apart from FCC, such as methanol-to-olefins

(MTO) conversion, alkylation, and ethanol dehydration [77]. A very

recent review on phosphorus promotion of zeolites covers the

synthesis, characterization and catalysis aspects of phosphated

ZSM-5 [78]. A variety of phosphorous sources has been used over

the years to achieve the desired stabilization. For example, Xue et al.

[77] mention organo-phosphorus compounds, such as trimethyl

phosphite ((CH3O)3P) and others, and inorganic compounds, such as

phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and ammonium phosphates

((NH4)3PO4,(NH4)2HPO4,(NH4)H2PO4) and others. Given the scale

of the operation and ease of handling (e.g. by-products), especially

the inorganic compounds are of relevance to FCC catalyst


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The overall interaction between the phosphorous species and the

zeolite lattice seems to be relatively independent of the phosphate

source, although the overall effect of the treatment on activity

strongly depends on parameters like Al/P ration, Si/Al ratio, zeolite

crystal size, and activation conditions [77], [79]. When phosphate

species are introduced in a way that allows them to enter the pores

and react with the bridging hydroxyls of the Si-OH-Al active sites in

the zeolites, an adduct forms in which the phosphate ions force the

aluminum in an octahedral coordination. This process, which is

reversible under treatment with hot water, eliminates the bridging

hydroxyls and thus the Brønsted acidity of the zeolite [78]. However,

when elution with hot water can be avoided during heat treatment,

the octahedral Al-POx-species is more stable, and the lattice integrity

is maintained to a larger extent then for untreated zeolites. Excess

phosphorus used during the treatment will deposit on the external

surface of the zeolite ZSM-5 crystals as a polyphosphate. If any

aluminum is dislodged during the thermal treatment, it will very

likely react with the available phosphate, and form an amorphous

aluminophosphate. It should be noted that the ZSM-5-containing

additive will generally also contain an alumina binder, which will

react with excess phosphate to form an aluminophosphate species

that may be beneficial for binding the system.

The effect of the treatment with phosphate on macroscopically

observable parameters is

1. Enhanced stability of the zeolite lattice;

2. A decrease in the formation of bulky isomers;

3. Formation of increased amounts of lights olefins in FCC, but

also in MTO and ethanol dehydration; and

4. A decrease in coke formation.

In view of the mechanistic relations described above, the latter

two seem to hint at decreased hydrogen transfer, and the second

seems to indicate decreased room in the lattice for the formation of

bulky intermediates.

The phosphate treatment usually involves impregnation of

solutions of phosphate sources, typically H3PO4, or the less acidic

ammonium phosphates, followed by drying (70-120°C) and

calcination (450-650°C) for 1 to 6 h. Although generally the

catalysts will be exposed to steam after they were stabilized, some

authors describe phosphate treatment after initial steaming. This may

lead to the formation of extra-framework aluminum (EFAL) and

hydroxyl nests, and dislodged aluminum still partially connected to

the lattice.

Various characterization techniques have been used to study

phosphated zeolites [78]. XPS shows enhanced P-concentration at

the surface of larger zeolite crystals, possibly because the initial

stage P-species react with surface Si-OH groups before they can

enter the pores. The optimal loading for the phosphate treatment

seems to be an Al/P-ratio of about unity, although care must be taken

to avoid diffusion problem during the impregnation stage. Excess of

phosphate will remain on the external surface of the zeolite ZSM-5

crystals. Upon P-treatment, a decrease of porosity / surface area is

observed, which is correlating with P-content. A decrease in surface

area/porosity can be attributed to pore blockage by P-species,

aggregation of zeolite crystals by the action of external

polyphosphate, or dealumination.

Although porosity and accessibility are initially decreased, the

bridging hydroxyl groups (and thus the acidity) appear to remain

available at this stage. The zeolite crystals appear to lose some

crystallinity after the calcination treatment following the

phosphorous impregnation, but this could be due to scattering of the

X-rays by P-species in the pores.

Although the Si/Al ratio as observed with 29Si MAS NMR seems

to increase, this may just be caused by changes in the coordination

spheres of the Si- or Al-species in the lattice, and not necessarily by

removal of the framework Al. Depending on conditions for the

calcination, the phosphate species may coordinate to the aluminum,

and thus break the Si-OH-Al bridges. Although this would lower the

number of strong acid sites, the Al-O-P(OH)3 and Si-OH species

formed when this happens may lead to new acid sites, and partially

connected Al may form additional Lewis acid sites.

Figure 16: Chemical maps of phosphate-activated zeolite clusters,

constructed from Al and P K-edge spectra stacks for two different

samples. Blue color denotes Al, Red denotes P, resolution is 60x60

nm. a ii and b ii: Al K-edge XANES spectra,; a iii and b iii: P K-

Edge XANES spectra, spectra in ii and iii colored according to the

color in the inset. (Reproduced from ref. [80], Copyright PCCP

Owner Societies, 2014).

Upon phosphate treatment, the typical resonances for tetrahedral

framework Al seem to decrease in 27Al MAS NMR. This does not

necessarily mean that the Al is dislodged from its framework

position. By using combined spectroscopy and scanning

transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM), van der Bij et al. observed

that there are two different interactions between the phosphate and

aluminum (Figure 16). Extra-framework aluminum reacts with the

P-sources to form an extra-framework crystalline ALPO phase.

When there is no EFAL to react with, the P reacts with framework

Al, seriously distorting its coordination, but without forming EFAL

species. These distorted sites were more or less immune to

hydrothermal treatment. Excess phosphate was found on the external

surface of the zeolite crystals.

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Figure 17: Schematic representation of the effect of phosphate on

the stability of ZSM-5. a) Stabilization effect of phosphorus on the

framework of zeolite H-ZSM-5. I) Unmodified H-ZSM-5 with three

schematically drawn tetrahedrally coordinated framework aluminum

(TFAl) atoms. II) Phosphated and calcined H-ZSM-5, showing 1)

local SAPO interfaces, 2) phosphates that induce a sixfold

coordination on TFAl and 3) non-interacting TFAl. III) During

steam treatment non-interacting TFAl (3) is expelled from the

framework and migrates to the surface where it reacts with

phosphates to form AlPO4(4). 1) Local SAPO interfaces and 2)

physically coordinated phosphate aluminum are less affected,

keeping aluminum fixed in the framework. IV) Washing with hot

water removes the physically coordinated phosphorus, returning six-

coordinate aluminum (2) back into its original form as TFAl atoms,

leading to acid site retrieval. b) Part of the 3D channel system of H-

ZSM-5 showing the straight and sinusoidal pores and their

intersection. c) Local silicon-alumino-phosphate (SAPO) interface

located at channel intersections decrease the allowed dimensions of

adsorbed species.(Reproduced with permission from ref. [81],

Copyright Wiley-VCH, 2014).

Upon heat treatment, van der Bij et al. observed the formation of

stable -(SiO)3-x-Al-(PO)x- type species (see Figure 17), in other

words SAPO species are connected to the framework, but with Al no

longer in its original framework position.

The exact structure and position of these clusters, as well as

mechanisms to form acid sites around these cluster remains as yet

unsolved, although it is suggested that the bulky SAPO-species

impede the formation of carbenium ions, and thus successfully

suppress the bimolecular mechanism, resulting in an improved

propylene selectivity for the treated samples.

4.3. Zeolites with Hierarchical Pore Systems

Until recently, the job of operators working with an FCC unit

was to make gasoline. Improved vehicle efficiency has led to a drop

in the demand for gasoline in the USA, a trend that is more than

likely to continue in view of the expected further efficiency increases

demanded by greenhouse reduction emission limits. This implies the

gasoline-to-diesel ratio in the refined product changes in favor of

diesel, and the FCC unit, the main conversion unit in a large number

of refineries, will have to respond. Hansen et al. [82] describe this

can be tackled by a number of operational changes, such as

minimizing the diesel fraction in the FCC feedstock, changing

cutpoints and reducing the cracking severity. It is also possible to

change the FCC catalyst to a more diesel-selective catalyst. Hansen

et al. [82] describe that one option is to lower the zeolite content and

increase matrix activity. However, this leads to an increased coke

formation. They describe a series pathway as one of the cracking

pathways: as conversion increases, first LCO, then gasoline, and

finally LPG reach a maximum yield, and they propose that mass

transfer limitations determine the outcome of this complex inter-

conversion network to a great extent.

Figure 18: Bottom-up and top-down approaches to hierarchical

mesoporous zeolites. (Reproduced with permission from ref. [83],

Copyright Wiley-VCH, 2014).

There are a number of ways to introduce a hierarchical pore

structure, in which mesopores and micropores are connected, in

zeolites. A review on hierarchical zeolites is presented by Li et al.

[83], while other recent reviews on hierarchical zeolites are those by

Na et al., Moliner, and Serrano et al. [84], [85], [86] Li et al. [83]

describe, as summarized in Figure 18, two approaches: bottom up, in

which the hierarchical zeolite is synthesized directly from a silica-

alumina gel, and top-down, in which existing zeolites are post-

treated. In the bottom up-approach, extra-crystalline, hard, templates

such as carbon black, 3-D ordered mesoporous carbon, or carbon

aerogel can be used (e.g., [87], [88]).

The zeolites form within the structure of the hard template,

which is then burnt off to create mesoporosity. Adaptations of the

more standard templates, which introduce mesopore-structure

direction in the same molecule, are called soft-templating. Here,

different functionalities are combined in one template molecule that

direct for micropores and mesopores. For instance, Ryoo et al. [89]

describe hierarchical zeolites from randomly stacked MFI

nanolayers, which are created by using special bifunctional organic

structure directing agents. Rimer et al. [90] influence the

crystallization kinetics by applying Zeolite Growth Modifiers

(ZGM), organic molecules that impede the growth of specific zeolite

crystal planes. The conversion of amorphous cell walls of MCM-41

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or SBA-15 type mesoporous materials towards crystalline zeolite

structures (such as TUD-C, [91], or zeolite Y encapsulated in TUD-1

[92]) is also considered bottom-up.

In the top-down approach to achieve hierarchical zeolites, the

zeolites are post-treated after synthesis. The easiest way to introduce

mesoporosity is by dealumination, which can be achieved by

steaming and chemical treatments, such as acid leaching or reaction

with EDTA or other chelating agents that remove the resulting extra-

framework alumina. This approach was used in the development of

Dow’s 3DDM mesoporous mordenite catalyst for the production of

cumene [93], and is also the basis of US-Y zeolites that are used in

many applications nowadays.

Clearly, dealumination leads to a lower number of acid sites and

at least an initial loss of framework integrity. However, these

disadvantages are more than offset by the creation of new types of

acidic sites and enhanced diffusion properties [94]. The increased

mesoporosity may give rise to increasing rates in bimolecular and

oligomeric reaction pathways that require large transition states [95].

Separating this effect from the modified acidity per site in explaining

activity and selectivity differences can be a challenge. Janssen et al.

provide a good insight in the formation of the mesopores in zeolite Y

by applying 3D transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in

combination with nitrogen physisorption and mercury porosimetry

measurements [96]. They find a large part of the mesopores in

cavities within the crystal, and the creation of an interconnecting

system of cylindrical mesopores requires special treatments.

Another way of producing mesopores is by desilication. Initial

work in this field was published by Groen et al. [97] [98] and

expanded upon by Pérez-Ramírez et al. [99] [100]. The authors

stress the need for a sustainable route, and note that most bottom-up

approaches make use of exotic ingredients or larger amounts of

organic templates than the original materials. Top-down approaches

typically have low yields because they leach away either alumina or

silica, and thus give rise to waste-streams. The authors note that a

typical base leaching may remove as much as 30% of the parent

material [101]. They propose to use the silica-rich waste stream as a

raw material in the original synthesis of the zeolite, thereby closing

the material loop [99].

Li et al. [102] compare mesoporous mordenites made with

different synthesis methods. They applied soft and hard templating,

as well as a combination of acid leaching and base treatment. Only

the combination of acid leaching and base leaching yielded a

material with improved accessibility and strong acidity, leading to

optimal performance in the isomerization of 2-methyl-2-pentene and

the alkylation of benzene with benzyl alcohol.

Park et al. [103] describe ZSM-5 based catalysts with

hierarchical pore systems prepared with soft templating. When

compared to normal ZSM-5 catalysts in the cracking of gas oil, they

observe higher overall activity, and higher yield of lower olefins like

propylene and butylene. The catalysts contain intracrystalline

mesopores. The author assume that pre-cracking of larger molecules

inside the mesopores provides the molecules that can be cracked

inside the MFI micropores to give the desired products. Normal

ZSM-5 would require conversion of gasoline range molecules to

form the desired olefins, whereas the mesoporous catalysts described

by the authors have similar or better gasoline yields compared to

normal ZSM-5. However, the catalytic performance was tested on

pure zeolite samples. The addition of matrix and binder, as well as

the presence of a main Y-zeolite based FCC catalyst in the catalyst

system, may cause the observed benefits to change, among others

because this would supply a large concentration of gasoline

molecules. The conversion and selectivity to propylene observed for the hierarchical ZSM-5 samples described by the authors is not high

enough to warrant use by itself (see e.g. the performance

characteristics of the DCC process [104]).

Figure 19: FE-SEM images from untreated (top) and

mesostructured (bottom) zeolite Y crystals. Scale bars: a: 1 µm; b,c:

500 nm; d:200 nm. (Reproduced with permission from ref. [83],

Copyright Wiley-VCH, 2014).

Hansen et al. [82] describe the introduction of uniform

mesopores in the size range of about 4 nm, or about 6 times larger

than the micropores in the host lattice of the zeolite (see Figure 19),

by a post-synthesis chemical treatment [83] [105]. We will expand a

bit on this work, as it directly concerns an application in FCC. The

authors observe a lower bottoms yield at constant coke, and

improved middle distillate over bottoms selectivity in ACE testing.

A similar effect is seen for the gasoline over LPG selectivity, since

the optimum in the series pathway network is shifted to higher

molecular weight. The post-synthesis treatment in this technology

appears to amount to a re-crystallization of the zeolite in alkali (pH

9-11) in the presence of cetyl-trimethyl-ammonium-bromide

(CTAB) at 150°C. The starting zeolite in the original process already

has a quite high silica-to-alumina ratio of about 30, lower SAR

zeolites apparently need an acid pretreatment before they are suitable

for post-treatment [106]. Carbon residue from the template is

removed by careful calcination at 550°C. Following the treatment,

the authors do not observe any octahedrally coordinated Al in the

NMR spectrum, and terminal silanol vibrations at 3740 cm-1 also

disappear, both indicating a lattice without too many irregularities.

The vibration of the Brønsted acid site at 3640 cm-1 seems to

increase compared to the parent material, as does a vibration at ~

3540 cm-1, on which the authors do not comment. TPD of ammonia

shows that the mesostructured material has about the same number

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of acid sites as normal zeolite US-Y. The zeolites were tested after

being introduced in FCC-matrices, and steam-deactivated. At

constant conversion, lower bottoms- and coke-make, and higher

gasoline and middle distillate yields are observed.

García-Martínez et al. [107] describe a test with a commercial

quantity of the material in a refinery. They tested the E-cat from the

refinery in a FCC test unit before and at the end of the trial, and

report lower coke make, higher LCO make and lower bottoms for

the catalyst containing hierarchical zeolites.

4.4. New Zeolites in Fluid Catalytic Cracking

Although it is clear that improved mesoporosity in FCC catalysts

improves the performance, this does not imply that ultra-large-pore

zeolites are necessarily good active ingredients in FCC catalysts

[108]. In the cracking of model reactants like n-hexane, for instance,

MCM-41 performs much poorer than zeolite US-Y. In the cracking

of larger molecules, like gas oil cracking, the difference is smaller,

but the low thermal stability of MCM-41 prevents its application

under the severe FCC process conditions.

Early work by Derouane and co-workers [109] explains this

effect. The authors describe the role of the curvature of the zeolite

pore surface and explain that the interaction between molecules and

the zeolite surface is strongest when the radius of the molecule and

the surface curvature are similar. At this exact fit, a number of

phenomena are described that have a direct effect on the

performance, e.g. a supermobility instead of Knudsen diffusion. The

increased interaction leads to increased concentration of reactants

near the acid sites, and expresses itself macroscopically as increased

apparent acid strength. This implies that the 3D structure of the

zeolite and its effect on sorption equilibria can play a large role in

reaction kinetics; they directly influence the observed rate of

reaction, especially when the sorption energetics are magnified by

the surface curvature [110]. This implies that the decreased rate of

cracking of n-hexane in MCM-41 as compared to zeolite US-Y does

not necessarily mean that the acid sites in MCM-41 are weaker than

those in zeolite US-Y.

Apart from zeolite Y and ZSM-5, other zeolites have been tested

in FCC catalysis. Zeolite Beta, for instance, has been studied

extensively. Although economics and thermal stability have thus far

prevented the application of zeolite Beta in large-scale FCC

processes, it is known [111] [112] [113] that (P-stabilized [111])

zeolite Beta improves C4-yields. Bonetto et al. describe an optimal

crystallite size for stability, activity and selectivity for zeolite Beta in

gas oil cracking [112]. Mavrovouniotis et al. ascribe the higher

olefinicity in the gases for zeolite Beta to a lower hydrogen transfer

activity [113].

The issue of cost and stability returns for many of the new

structures proposed for FCC applications. Quite often, complicated

organic SDAs, or exotic framework constituents (e.g. Ge and Ga), or

fluoride-assisted syntheses are required to even synthesize (new)

zeolite structures. These do not translate well to the scale of

operation, catalyst consumption and the severity of the FCC process.

Nevertheless, we will discuss some recent developments in the

paragraphs below.

Figure 20. New zeolites tried in FCC applications, ranked

according to the size of their pore systems. Many of the new zeolites

have mixed pore systems, allowing them to show performance in

between the conventional zeolites ZSM-5 and Y.

Figure 20 gives an overview of some of the new zeolites tested

in FCC as a function of their pore diameters. When examining the

medium pore size zeolite MCM-22 [114], Corma et al. observed

little activity in the cracking of larger molecules. When using it in an

additive similar to zeolite ZSM-5 additives, zeolite MCM-22

produces less gases (lower loss in gasoline yield), but with higher

olefinicity (so higher propylene and butylene selectivity than ZSM-

5). ZSM-5 is more active, though. ITQ-13 [115] with a 3D 9-

MRx10-MR pore system, presents acid sites that are similar in

strength to those of ZSM-5, or stronger. The specific pore structure

induces an increased yield of propylene in VGO cracking.

Zeolite ITQ-7 [116] has a pore system similar to zeolite Beta, yet

a higher gasoline yield and improved olefin selectivity are observed

in FCC cracking, where an ITQ-7 containing additive was used

[117]. The authors conclude that the specific structure and tortuosity

of the pore system favors β-scission over protolytic cracking and

limits hydrogen transfer reactions.

Zeolite ZSM-20 [118] and ITQ-21 [119] both have structures

that resemble zeolite Y, and pore openings that are similar in size to

zeolite Y. Their cracking characteristics are similar to zeolite Y,

except for a higher gas (LPG) and propylene yield but lower

gasoline olefinicity in ITQ-21. Zeolite ZSM-20 shows good thermal

stability compared to zeolite Y, but this does not directly translate

into higher activity.

In their description of the new zeolite IM-5, Corma et al. [120]

[121] apply various cracking and isomerization tests (i.e., n-decane

hydroisomerization–cracking, m-xylene isomerization–

disproportionation, and n-hexadecane isodewaxing) and absorption

tests to study the pore morphology and suitability of the structure for

cracking reactions. The structure is described as having 10-MR pores

with side pockets, and performance of the material in some cases is

close to ZSM-5, possibly with improved thermal stability.

Moliner et al. [122] describe the synthesis of ITQ-39, a new

zeolite with a three-directional channel system with interconnected

large (12-MR) and medium pores (10-MR). The zeolite performs

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well in the alkylation of benzene to cumene. The authors claim the

material would be a good additive for FCC since its pore system

behaves as an intermediate between zeolites ZSM-5 and Beta. The

silica-germanate ITQ-33, from the same group [123] is another

zeolite with a mixed pore system, in this case an intersecting 18-MR-

10-MR system. This material was compared to ITQ-17, a material

with the same composition but only 12-MR pores, as well as zeolite

Beta (3D 12-MR pores). Cracking experiments were performed with

1,3-diisopropylbenzene (DIPB) and 1,3,5-triisopropylbenzene

(TIPB), i.e. relatively large molecules that do not easily fit in small

pores (DIPB can diffuse through 12-MR pores, TIPB cannot). The

authors conclude the material behaves like a 12-MR, i.e. it has a

medium-strong acid site strength. The material was also tested in

VGO cracking, yielding more middle distillates than zeolite US-Y or

Beta at the same conversion [124]. A catalyst mixture of ITQ-33 and

ZSM-5 yielded more middle distillate as well as significantly more

propylene than zeolite US-Y, even when the US-Y was also tested

with ZSM-5 additive. Economics and stability of the material may

impede its widespread application, though.

There are other new or fairly recently described materials that

could be of use for FCC, but these have not been extensively

discussed, such as the 11-MR systems JU-64 (JSR, [125]) and

EMM-25 [126], and the 12-MR system MCM-68 (MSE, [127]).

Other structures with mixed pore systems include EMM-11 (10-

8MR) [128], and the 10-MR/12-MR systems SSZ-57 (*SFV, [129])

and CIT-1/SSZ-26/SSZ-33/EMM-22 (CON, [130] [131] [132]).

5. Changes in feedstock and new applications of FCC catalysts

5.1 Co-processing Biomass-derived Oxygenates with FCC


Due to growing awareness of depleting crude oil resources,

rising CO2 levels, global warming and securing energy supply it

would be advantageous to use biomass-derived feedstock in existing

petroleum refineries [133]. As petroleum refineries are already in

place the use of this infrastructure for the production of fuels and

base chemicals, such as propylene, from biomass requires – in

principle - relatively little investment costs. An attractive, and

already explored option is the co-processing of biomass-derived

oxygenates with petroleum-derived fractions, such as VGO.

FCC of biomass-derived oxygenates gives products with higher

hydrogen content than the starting biomass-based feedstock by

removing oxygen as carbon monoxide as well as carbon dioxide,

next to an increased amount of water. In addition, higher amounts of

carbon deposits are found on the FCC catalyst material, which then

can be burned off in the regeneration to produce process heat.

Alternatively, the coke deposits formed by co-processing biomass

with VGO during FCC can be converted into synthesis gas (CO +

H2), which can be used elsewhere in the oil refinery. Another

important issue relates to the significant content of water in biomass-

derived oxygenates, which may not dissolve into VGO, although

some options have been discussed by Corma and co-workers [134]

In this article we focus on the catalytic cracking of biomass-

derived feedstocks mixed with petroleum-derived feedstocks making

use of real-life FCC catalyst materials. This topic has been the

subject of several review articles and we refer here the reader to the

excellent articles of Huber & Corma and Stocker for the required

background and the various possibilities for catalytic cracking of

lignocellulosic- and triglycerides-based feedstocks [135] [136].

Examples include sugars (glucose and xylose), sugar alcohols (e.g.

xylitol and glycerol), lignin as well as vegetable oils. Other more

recent review papers are of the hands of Al-Sabawi and co-workers

[137] and Kubicka and Kikhtyanin [138].

Active research groups include those of e.g. Schuurman &

Mirodatos [e.g. [139], [140], [141], [142]], Kersten & van Swaaij

[e.g. [143], [144], [145]], Naik & Kumar [e.g. [146], [147]], Corma

[e.g. [134], [148]] and Lappas & Vasalos [e.g. [149], [150]].

Figure 21. Reaction pathways for the catalytic cracking of biomass-

derived oxygenates. Reproduced with permission from ref. [135], Copyright Wiley-VCH, 2007.

Figure 21 summarizes the different reaction pathways for the

catalytic cracking of biomass-derived oxygenates, which involves,

according to Corma et al. [134], five different classes of reactions:

(a) dehydration reactions, producing water; (b) cracking of large

oxygenated biomass-based molecules into smaller molecules; (c)

hydrogen-producing reactions; (4) hydrogen-consuming reactions;

and (5) production of larger molecules by carbon-carbon bond

formation. Although the FCC process in principle does not require

hydrogen it can be produced through steam reforming and water-gas

shift reactions as well as dehydrogenation and decarbonylation of

biomass-derived molecules.

A seminal mechanistic contribution in this field of research

originates from the group of Schuurman and Mirodatos, who have

explored the 14C technique - known to discriminate fossil carbon

from bio-carbon since fossil fuel is virtually free of 14C, while

biofuel contains the present-day amount of 14C - to determine how

the carbon from the co-processed biomass re-distributes in the range

of FCC products formed. This has been done by co-processing

hydro-deoxygenated (HDO) bio-oil with VGO feedstock over an E-

cat FCC catalyst. It was found that the bio-carbon was mainly

concentrated in the gas fraction (10.6%) and in the coke deposits

(15.8%), while the gasoline produced contains only around 7% of

the bio-carbon. In other words, it was found that co-processing leads

to a bio-carbon impoverished gasoline, and a bio-carbon enriched

LPG product slate. Such an uneven bio-carbon distribution can be

explained by the changes in the cracking routes during co-

processing, arising essentially from the competitive adsorption of the

polar oxygenated molecules and non-polar hydrocarbon molecules in

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the mesopore space of the FCC catalyst material. The HDO bio-oil

molecules are preferentially cracked and deoxygenated into light

gases, which seems to inhibit the production of bottom, LCO and

gasoline from the VGO feedstock. The larger coke formation, which

was noted to be richer in bio-carbon, could originate from the re-

polymerization of phenolic compounds. Another part of the

increased coke formation may originate from the depletion in

hydrogen due to water formation.

A detailed study on the catalytic cracking of various bio-oil

model compounds, which could be co-processed in an FCC unit, has

been performed by Sedran and co-workers [151] [152]. This group

has studied, making use of an E-cat FCC catalyst, the influence of

various functional groups in biomass-derived molecules on the

catalytic conversion, selectivity and coke levels, and compared them

to those obtained for thermal cracking of the very same model

compounds. More in particularly, they have investigated the

following biomass-derived model compounds: methanol (MEL),

acetic acid (ACET), methyl acetate (MACET), furfural (FUR), 3-

methyl-2-pentanone (MP), 2-hidroxy-3-methylcyclopenenone

(HMCP), phenol (PHE), 2,6-dimethoxyphenol (SYR) and 1,2,4-

trimethoxybenzene (TMBENZ). Table xx summarizes the results of

the thermal and catalytic cracking, including the conversion, as well

as the yields of hydrocarbons, oxygenates, H2, CO2, CO, H2O and

coke deposits.

Table 1. Thermal and catalytic conversion of various biomass-

derived model compounds when using an E-cat FCC catalyst and a

reaction temperature of 500°C in a fixed bed laboratory reactor for

60 s. The selectivity is expressed as a distribution in wt% of the

hydrocarbon products analysed. SiC was used as inert material in

the reactor to simulate thermal cracking, while nr in the table

implies not reported values. Model compound Thermal or






Yields (% wt)





H2 CO2 CO H2O Coke Un-


Methanol SiC 22.6 0.2 5.4 2.4 0.8 nr 13.6 0.2 nr

E-cat 60.8 7.1 4.0 3.5 12.2 nr 27.0 5.5 1.7

Acetic acid SiC 45.0 10.4 5.0 17.5 8.2 nr 3.6 0.3 nr

E-cat 50.4 4.2 5.2 6.6 22.9 nr 9.9 1.6 nr

Methyl acetate SiC 95.3 0.4 81.6 5.2 3.0 nr 4.7 0.4 nr

E-cat 95.1 0.9 54.5 3.7 22.2 nr 6.4 7.4 nr

Furfural SiC 21.6 5.3 0.7 6.7 1.1 nr 6.8 1.0 nr

E-cat 78.2 32.1 9.0 5.7 9.6 1.8 12.8 7.2 nr

3-Methyl-2-penta-none SiC 24.9 0.3 17.9 0.6 1.2 nr 3.1 0.1 1.7

E-cat 79.6 37.6 20.7 0.5 1.1 nr 13.7 5.9 nr



SiC 37.7 5.0 14.4 3.7 1.9 nr 10.0 0.7 2.0

E-cat 84.5 14.0 9.4 8.1 35.7 1.2 2.3 12.8 1.0

Phenol SiC 8.2 0.2 nr 1.1 4.0 nr 2.8 0.1 nr

E-cat 54.9 34.9 2.0 1.6 4.0 nr 8.0 4.4 nr

Syringol SiC 56.7 0.4 39.0 3.0 7.5 nr 6.0 0.8 nr

E-cat 75.0 2.1 32.5 4.1 22.9 nr 4.9 8.5 nr

Trimethoxy-benzene SiC 97.1 57.8 3.4 2.3 32.9 0.3 nr 0.4 nr

E-cat 95.7 47.1 0.2 2.3 29.8 0.3 nr 16.0 nr

It can be concluded from Table 1 that the catalytic cracking

activity increases in the order: TMB > MACET > HMPC > FUR >

SYR > MET > PHE > ACET. These conversion levels are, with

some exceptions (e.g. TMB), always higher for the catalytic cracking

as compared to thermal cracking. Deoxygenation reactions, taking

place via dehydration and decarboxylation, results in the production

of CO2/CO and H2O, and was very important in all cases, but was

very dominant for ACET, MACET, HMPC, SYR and TMB.

Deoxygenation reactions were always much lower in the thermal

conversions than in the catalytic conversions. The reverse was

(almost) the case for coke deposit formation. The reaction products

were also very different, ranging from mainly aromatics in the

gasoline range for methanol and TMB, to C4-hydrocarbons of

olefinic nature for PHE and SYR.

In a follow-up study, Bertero and Sedran have converted a raw

and thermally processed pine sawdust bio-oil over an E-cat FCC

catalyst and compared their findings with a synthetic bio-oil

composed of MEL, ACET, MACET, FUR, HMCP, PHE, SYR and

TMBENZ [153]. It was found that with this biomass-derived

feedstock mainly C4 olefins, oxygenates and coke was formed. In

contrast, the synthetic bio-oil produced lesser hydrocarbons and

more oxygenates and coke than the sawdust-derived feedstock.

Thermal treatment of the raw bio-oil lead to an increased amount of

hydrocarbons, and a decreased amount of coke deposits. As a side

conclusion it was stated that the behavior of bio-oils over FCC-based

catalysts could not be well-described by using mixtures of model

compounds, indicating the need for real-life testing, including the

use of a commercial FCC catalyst.

Within this context, it is important to refer to the very recent

work of Petrobras, who have co-processed raw bio-oil and gasoil in

an FCC unit making use of an E-cat FCC catalyst. De Rezende

Pinho and co-workers have made use of a bio-oil, produced from the

fast pyrolysis of pine woodchips, together with standard VGO in a

150 kg/h FCC demonstration-scale unit [154]. When 10% bio-oil

was co-processed, LPG, gasoline and LCO with similar product

yields was obtained in comparison with the base VGO feedstock.

Increasing this co-processing to levels of 20% bio-oil lead to some

product quality deterioration. Very interesting experiments,

complementing those of Fogassy and co-workers [142], were

conducted with 14C isotopic labeled feedstock to determine the bio-

carbon content in the FCC products. As mentioned above the 14C

isotopic analysis performed allowed distinguishing biomass-derived

carbon from fossil carbon in the catalytic cracking products; naphtha

(gasoline), LCO (diesel range) yield and bottoms. It was found that

for 10% bio-oil in the feed, 2% bio-carbon was found in the total

liquid product, while for 20% bio-oil in the feed, between 3 and 5%

was found, while the bio-carbon in the LCO and bottoms was

respectively 5 and 6%. Furthermore, a high amount of phenolic

compounds was detected in the naphtha produced by the FCC

process, while most of the oxygen present in the bio-oil was

removed as water. Another interesting observation was the fact that

less coke deposits were formed at this demonstration-scale

production plant as anticipated based on literature data making use

of lab-scale testing units. These differences should be attributed to

the differences in scales as larger scales tend to improve the product

qualities due to a better contact between catalyst and feedstock.

These results show that co-processing of bio-oils in FCC is

technically feasibly at the level of a demonstration plant making use

of a practical E-cat FCC catalyst.

The KiOR company has recently explored the commercialization of

their catalytic pyrolysis technology making use of FCC catalysts

intimately mixed with finely grinded lignocellulosic biomass at a

production facility in Columbus (MS, USA) [155], [156], [157].

KiOR uses equipment from the paper industry to dry and grind the

biomass, which is fed into a modified FCC reactor loaded with a

zeolite-based catalyst, performing the actual pyrolysis process.

KiOR then separates the pyrolysis oil from the other reaction

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products and removes O2 by hydrogenation, using purchased H2. The

resulting product is then distilled into fuels through standard oil

refining technology. Unfortunately, the industrial activities of KiOR,

which started around 2012, had to be stopped due to financial

problems at the end of 2014 [158] .

Within this context it is important to mention other commercial

approaches of producing biomass-based fuels in a refinery,

originating from UOP/Eni, and Neste/Albemarle. The Neste process

(NexBTL) deoxygenates fatty acids to yield alkanes and propane

(i.e. no fatty acid esters or glycerol are produced) in a catalytic

hydrogenolysis process using a proprietary set of catalysts. The

process is used in plants in Porvoo, Singapore and Rotterdam, at

nearly 2 million tpa capacity [159] [160]. The UOP/ENI Ecofining

process combines a deoxygenation stage with an isomerization stage

to achieve the same conversion of fatty acids to diesel range alkanes


5.2 Processing tight oil and shale oil

One of the challenges facing especially USA-based FCC Units is

the increasing use of tight oils. The oils are generally relatively light,

and contain low amounts of sulfur and nitrogen and nickel and

vanadium. Although all these parameters are generally good for FCC

operation, there are also a number of drawbacks to using tight oils.

Tight oil cracking gives high naphtha and LPG yields, but these are

generally paraffinic, which makes it more difficult to reach octane

number targets for the gasoline pool. This needs to be corrected by

units outside the FCC complex, such as isoparaffin-olefin alkylation

and reforming [162]. Because the feedstock contains low Conradsen

carbon residue, and low aromatics, it is also more difficult to control

the coke deposition and thus the unit heat balance. One could say in

some aspects that the feed is too easy to crack. The high naphtha and

LPG yields can disturb the distillation units and gas plants after the

FCC unit, thus limiting the FCC throughput. Although the feed is

low on the normal impurities (S, N, Ni and V), tight oils generally

contain increased levels of Na, Ca, and Fe [163]. Especially the iron

can lead to problems [164], since iron deposits on the outside of the

FCC particles, forming lumps on the outer surface which can block

the pores (as elegantly demonstrated by Meirer et al, see extended

discussion below [165]). Na will of course potentially block the acid

sites in the zeolite. The challenges described above can partly be

addressed through process changes, and by the addition of additional

VGO or Resid feedstock to the unit. It is also evident that catalyst

flexibility and tolerance to the specific contaminants need to be built

into the FCC catalysts [162] [163].

5.3. FCC catalysts in other refinery applications

Thermal coking is a process used in refineries to convert the

heaviest part of the crude, the “bottom of the barrel” into useful

products. Three major processes exist in present day refineries:

delayed coking, fluid coking, and flexicoking. Because the

feedstocks used by refineries are getting heavier, the coker units are

utilized more heavily, and may become limiting in refinery

operations. Therefore, improvements have been developed to the

processes. One of these is to introduce a catalyst-containing additive

to the coker feed, and thus transform the thermal coking into (at least

partially) a catalytic process. The catalysts applied in this technology

are derived from FCC catalysts, since these show a high activity and

selectivity to hydrocarbon under similar operating conditions (low

pressure, low hydrogen partial pressure), the size requirements are

similar, and they can easily and cost-effectively be tailored to meet a

variety of demands. Catalysts proposed for this application thus

comprise a combination of building blocks found in FCC catalysts

(i.e., zeolite, matrix, clay and binder), but not necessarily all of them.

This allows control of the cracking/coking ratio and the quality of

both hydrocarbon products as well as the coke. [166] [167]

6. Developments in FCC Catalyst Characterization

During the last two decades we have seen the merge between

spectroscopy and microscopy leading to the conception of different

micro-spectroscopy approaches [168]. These promising

characterization techniques now find their way in the field of

heterogeneous catalysts, including the characterization of FCC

catalysts at the single particle level. It is interesting to observe that at

various synchrotron radiation facilities single catalyst particle

characterization tools are now becoming available making it possible

to compare bulk characterization data with single catalyst particle

analysis. A similar trend can be found at analytical companies,

which have introduced in recent years a variety of Raman, UV-Vis,

IR and fluorescence microscopes, often in combination with

microscopy accessories, including scanning/transmission electron

microscopy (SEM/TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM).

In the following paragraphs, we describe the possibilities and

limitations of these micro-spectroscopy techniques, as applied to

FCC catalyst materials, for shedding new insight in the 2D and/or

3D distribution of (a) metal poisons, (b) acid sites, (c) pore network

accessibility and connectivity and (d) ultra-structures, including the

zeolite and different matrix components (i.e., clay, silica and


6.1. X-ray-based Characterization Methods

Ruiz-Martinez et al. [169] have used a combined

characterization set-up, comprising µ-X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), µ-

X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) and µ-X-ray

Diffraction (XRD), developed at the I18 beamline of the Diamond

Light Source. This set-up allows to investigate for the same FCC

catalyst particle the 2-D distribution of metal poisons, such as Ni and

V, their oxidation state, as well as the presence of the different ultra-

structures embedded in the FCC catalyst particle.

The 2D spatial resolution is 5 µm. This approach is illustrated in

Figure 22 for a fresh FCC and an E-cat catalyst particle. As one can

expect, the fresh FCC catalyst particle did not contain any

appreciable amount of Ni and V, to be detected by the µ-XRF

method. Interestingly, high quality XRD patterns could be obtained

by the µ-XRD approach, which allowed distinguishing between the

diffraction patterns of zeolite Y, clay and boehmite. Moreover, the

relative intensity of the diffraction peaks, as well as their exact

position, can be used to determine the relative contribution of zeolite

Y, as well as the Si/Al ratio of the embedded zeolite aggregates.

From Figure 22c one can conclude that zeolite Y is a randomly

distributed, although the embedded zeolite material is not entirely

homogeneously present in the catalyst matrix, and some hot spots of

high amounts of zeolite Y are found. Furthermore, when considering

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the Si/Al ratio it can be noticed that this value is rather homogeneous

across the entire catalyst particle. In strong contrast, the results for

the E-cat catalyst particle are entirely different from those of the

fresh FCC particle. First of all, it is obvious from Figures 22g and

22h that both Ni and V are present as metal poisons, and that Ni (in

green) is present in an egg-shell distribution, whereas V (in blue)

penetrates deeper into the inner parts of the FCC catalyst particle. µ-

XANES confirmed that V and Ni were mainly present in

respectively their 5+ and 2+ oxidation state. Finally, µ-XRD

revealed that the diffraction patterns of zeolite Y were much less

intense as in the case of the fresh FCC catalyst particle. Furthermore,

a distorted egg-shell distribution could be observed for both the

relative intensities of zeolite Y (Figure 22i) and the Si/Al ratio

(Figure 22l). Furthermore, the Si/Al ratio values are much higher

than those observed for the fresh FCC catalyst particle (Figure 22f),

indicating that severe dealumination has taken place during metal

poisoning, and subsequent catalyst regeneration.

Figure 22. Combined µ-XRF/µ-XANES/µ-XRD data of a single FCC

catalyst particle in its fresh state (top) and deactivated state

(bottom). Left: µ-XRF 2D chemical maps of Ni (a,b) and V (d,e).

Right: µ-XRD 2D chemical maps of zeolite Y (a,d), clay/mullite

(b,e), boehmite/γ-alumina (c,f). Far right: 2D reconstructions of the

Si/Al ratio for the fresh (h) and deactivated (i) FCC catalyst

particle. (Reproduced with permission from ref. [169], Copyright

Wiley-VCH, 2013).

Meirer and co-workers [170] have been using element-specific

X-ray nano-tomography to investigate the 3D structure of a whole

individual FCC catalyst particle at high spatial resolution and in a

non-invasive manner. This was done by using a full-field X-ray

absorption mosaic nano-tomography set-up at beamline 6.2 of the

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, providing better than

30 nm 2D spatial resolution. With this instrumentation it was

possible to map the relative spatial distribution of the metal

contaminants, Ni and Fe, and correlate these distributions to porosity

and permeability changes of an E-cat catalyst particle. Both Ni and

Fe were found to accumulate in the outer layers of the catalyst

particle, although Ni was found to penetrate in the deeper layers than

Fe, effectively decreasing the porosity by clogging the macropores

and thereby restricting access into the catalyst particle. This is

illustrated in Figure 23, which shows the permeability calculation of

a sub-volume of the E-cat particle of 16.6 x 16.6 x 10 µm3 in size, in

which Fe is found in lower concentrations than at the outer catalyst

surface, while Ni is more concentrated at the top of the selected sub-

volume (Figure 23b). By simulating the fluid flow through this sub-

volume, two distinct effects could be revealed. First, the authors

observed a constriction of flow where Ni is present, indicated by the

high velocity (red area, Figure 23c) fluid flow through small cross

sectional areas. Elsewhere in the region, with little to no Ni, flow is

less inhibited (blue streamlines, Figure 23c). Secondly, there were

areas with large Ni content, which were totally inaccessible because

the Ni is clogging some macropores completely.

Figure 23. X-ray nanotomography study of an E-cat catalyst

particle, revealing the relative spatial distributions of Ni and Fe and

their effect on the macropore structure and accessibility. A sub-

volume of 16.6 x 16.6 x 10 µm3 was selected (b) out of the entire

catalyst particle of 44.8 x 52.7 x 51.2 µm3 in size (a), including the

relative Fe and Ni distributions. Permeability calculation was

applied on this sub-volume (c). Mass transport through the sub-

volume along the selected axis (red arrow) is visualized using the

velocity field of the fluid. The streamlines indicate the magnitude of

the velocity field where red represents the highest velocity (i.e.,

where the pore space constriction is the largest) and blue indicates

the lowest velocity. (Reproduced with permission from ref. [170],

Copyright American Chemical Society, 2015).

Another observation made possible by this X-ray nano-

tomography study was that valleys and nodules at the outer surface

of the FCC catalyst particle were observed, which are similar to

those seen in surface topography studies of E-cat samples. Fe was

found to be distributed along these valleys and nodules, showing the

largest amounts in the top 1 µm outer layer of the E-cat catalyst


The X-ray nano-tomography work of FCC catalyst particles was

recently expanded in two papers correlating 3D Fe and Ni

contamination with porosity and pore connectivity in individual FCC

particles, showing how gradual pore clogging could explain the

progressive deactivation of FCC catalysts due to metal poisoning

[165]. This was done by making use of a unique set of four FCC

catalyst particles: i.e., a fresh FCC catalyst particle and three E-cat

catalyst particles with increasing metal loading. The latter three

particles were obtained by performing a density separation step on a

well-characterized E-cat sample. In a subsequent step, X-ray nano-

tomography was used to quantify in the changes in single-particle

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macroporosity and pore connectivity for these four FCC catalyst

particles and correlate them with Fe and Ni deposition. Both Fe and

Ni were found to be gradually incorporated almost exclusively in the

near-surface regions of the FCC catalyst particles, severely limiting

the macropore accessibility as metal concentrations increase.

Because macropore channels can be regarded as “transportation

highways” of the pore network, blocking them prevents crude oil

feedstock molecules from reaching the catalytically active domains.

Consequently, metal deposition reduces the catalytic conversion with

increasing time on stream because the internal pore volume,

although itself unobstructed, becomes largely inaccessible.

Furthermore, it was found that metal accumulation at the near-

surface regions plays a role in FCC catalyst particle agglutination

[171]. This was concluded based on a detailed analysis of the

concentration distribution of Fe and Ni in a system of agglutinated

FCC catalyst particles. It was found that the interfaces between the

agglutinated catalyst particles have metal concentrations above the

average near-surface concentrations, suggesting that the surface

accumulation of Fe and Ni could lead to increased particle

clustering, hence decreased cracking activity.

Bare and co-workers [172] have been studying E-cat catalyst

particles at both the ensemble and single particle level making use of

a combination of X-ray micro- and nano-tomography as well as µ-

XRF and µ-XRD. The X-ray micro- and nano-tomography were

performed at respectively beamline 2-BM of the Advanced Photon

Source and the X8C beamline of the National Synchrotron Light

Source, whereas µ-XRF and µ-XRD data were acquired at beamline

ID-D of the Advanced Photon Source. X-ray micro-tomography was

used to determine the average size and shape, and their respective

distributions, of over 1200 individual E-cat catalyst particles. As

shown in Figure 24a it was found that a large fraction of the E-cat

particles contained large internal voids, which certainly affect the

particles’ density, including their accessibility, and catalytic activity.

Figure 24d shows the equivalent diameter of the internal voids

within these E-cat catalyst particles, illustrating that most of them

are in the range of 5-15 µm, whereas still several can even exceed

the 25 µm size. 2-D transmission X-ray microscopy images of both

situations are shown in respectively Figures 24b and 24c.

Figure 24. (a) Single slice of the X-ray micro-tomogram of E-cat

particles inside a polyimide tube, which is the circle around the

image. The E-cat catalyst particles have a range of shapes and sizes,

and some are hollow. Some of them are indicated by the red circles

in the image; (b-c) 2D transmission X-ray microscopy images of

sections of two E-cat particles showing different sizes of internal

voids, which are the dark colored regions in the images; and (d)

Equivalent diameter of internal voids in the set of E-cat catalyst

particles as investigated with X-ray micro-tomography. (Reproduced

with permission from ref. [172], Copyright Wiley-VCH, 2014).

X-ray nano-tomography revealed, in addition to these large

micrometer-sized pores, voids in the sub-micrometer range, with

macropores as small as 100 nm in diameter. Furthermore, the

method was able to resolve different ultra-structures, such as clay,

TiO2, and La-stabilized zeolite Y.

The performed µ-XRF measurements revealed that Ni was

preferentially located on the exterior of the E-cat particles, while V

was more deposited throughout the catalyst particle, confirming the

observations of Ruiz-Martinez et al. [169]. Finally, the measured µ-

XRD patterns allowed the identification of the zeolite La-Y

aggregates present, including the determination of the lattice

parameters of zeolite Y, providing direct insight in the dealumination

degree of the material.

Da Silva et al. [173] used a combination of phase-contrast X-ray

micro-tomography and high-resolution ptychographic X-ray

tomography to investigate a model FCC catalyst body, consisting of

a mixture of 5% La2O3-exchanged zeolite Y and metakaolin, at the

single particle level. The two types of tomographic methods have

been performed at the TOMCAT and cSAXS beamlines of the Swiss

Light Source. Figure 25 illustrates the results as obtained with

ptychographic X-ray tomography operating at a 3D spatial resolution

of 39 nm. Figure 25a shows a vertical slice of the electron-density

tomogram for the FCC catalyst body. The two distinct material

phases present can be clearly distinguished, and the upper and some

lateral parts that appear brighter indicate some re-deposition of

materials during the focused ion beam (FIB) milling of this model

FCC catalyst particle.

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Figure 25. Ptychographic X-ray nano-tomography data on a model

FCC catalyst body consisting of 5% La2O3-exchanged zeolite Y and

metakaolin. (a) Vertical section from the middle of the electron-

density tomogram. Both materials are indicated by the arrows and

could be identified via their different electron density. (b) Some

selected axial sections of the phase-contrast tomogram. The colored

squares at the top-left corner correspond to the positions of the

colored lines in (a). (c-f) 3D rending of metakaolin in blue, zeolite Y

in red, and pores in light blue. (g,h) Two orthogonal sections from

the middle of the tomogram, some enclosed pores are shown in blue.

The scale bars are 1 µm. (Reproduced with permission from ref.

[173], Copyright Wiley-VCH, 2015).

Figure 25b presents a selection of axial sections for different

vertical positions of the tomograms obtained, with the different

colored squares reflecting different heights in the catalyst body

shown in Figure 25a. The top region is mostly metakaolin with only

few spots of zeolite material, whereas the deeper parts contain more

zeolite material. The zeolites are round and porous, whereas the

metakaolin is more square-shaped, and these differences in

morphology also lead to the formation of interparticle pores of

irregular shapes. By taking into account the mass density differences

between 5% La2O3-exchanged zeolite Y and metakaolin it has been

possible to obtain the 3D rendering of both components, as shown in

Figure 25c-f. Here, the metakaolin clay, zeolite and pores are

colored in blue, red and light blue, respectively. As the spatial

resolution of the ptychographic X-ray tomography method is in the

same range as that of mercury porosimetry, this methodology has

been applied on the model FCC catalyst material under investigation.

It was found that there was a fairly good agreement with the pore

diameter range as probed with the local and global characterization


Kalirai et al. have recently used synchrotron-based multi-

element XRF tomography with a large array Maia detector to

investigate the 3-D distributions of metal poisons (i.e., Fe, Ni, V and

Ca) and structural markers (i.e., La and Ti) within individual, intact

and industrially deactivated FCC catalyst particles at two different

catalytic life-stages [174]. This study was performed making use of

the recently developed set-up at the PO6 beamline at the Petra III

synchrotron (DESY, Hamburg, Germany). It was found that for all

metal poisons under study there is a radial concentration gradient

where there is a maximum near the surface of the catalyst particle,

gradually decreasing towards the particle’s interior. Correlation

analysis of the metal poisons revealed that Fe, Ni and Ca are highly

correlated, particularly at the particle’s exterior, where they form a

shell around the FCC catalyst particle. V clearly penetrates further

into the particle. This is illustrated in Figure 26. However, no spatial

correlation was found for V with La, hinting that V does not

specifically interact with the zeolite domains and is present near the

Al2O3-based matrix components of the catalyst particle.

Figure 26. Comparison of clustering masks for the metal poisons

Fe, Ni, V and Ca for an individual E-cat FCC catalyst particle for

the correlation pairs Fe/Ni, Fe/V and Fe/Ca as determined with X-

ray micro-fluorescence tomography. (Reproduced with permission

from ref. [174]. Copyright Wiley-VCH, 2015).

6.2. Visible and Infrared Light-based Characterization Methods

Buurmans and co-workers [175] have developed a set of

selective staining reactions, which are catalyzed by Brønsted acid

sites, making it possible to localize zeolite aggregate domains with a

confocal fluorescence microscope. More specifically, various

thiophene and styrene derivatives could be oligomerized selectively

within the pores of zeolites Y and ZSM-5 embedded in an FCC

catalyst matrix. As the resulting probe molecule oligomers have a

distinct optical spectrum in the visible region of the spectrum, it was

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possible to excite the formed oligomers with an appropriate laser

excitation in a confocal fluorescence microscope with a 2D spatial

resolution of 500 nm. This selective staining approach is illustrated

in Figure 27 for two fresh FCC catalyst particles, one containing

zeolite Y, whereas the other one was devoid in zeolite material.

Clearly, green spots in the size of 2 µm or smaller could be

discerned, which were clearly absent in the FCC catalyst particle

containing no zeolite Y. Based on this selective staining approach

three industrially relevant deactivation methods, namely steaming

(ST), two-step cyclic deactivation (CD) and Mitchel impregnation-

steam deactivation (MI), have been evaluated, and compared with

both fresh FCC and E-cat samples.

Figure 27. Confocal fluorescence microscopy images showing the

visualization of zeolite Y aggregate domains within an FCC catalyst

particle with (a,b) and without (c,d) zeolite material. The images

were obtained after reaction with thiophene (green) at 373 K and

subsequent staining with Nile Blue (red) at 298 K. Images b and d

are magnified views of the highlighted areas in a and c, respectively.

(Reproduced with permission from ref. [175], Copyright Macmillan

Publishers, 2011).

A statistical analysis of the fluorescence microscopy data

obtained for the two sets of FCC catalyst materials (labeled as FCC1

and FCC2), originating from two different manufacturing routes, are

shown in Figure 28. By comparing the fluorescence intensity values

for the FCC1 and FCC2 catalyst batches, the reliability of the

staining method has been verified. The fluorescence microscopy

images for the fresh and deactivated FCC1 and FCC2 catalyst

batches were very similar, as was there average fluorescence

intensities. Interestingly, the fluorescence intensity trend follows the

order: Fresh > ST > CD > MI. Because sufficiently strong Brønsted

acid sites are needed for the formation of fluorescent carbocations

upon e.g. thiophene oligomerization, this means that the amount of

strong acid sites has decreased following the severity of the applied

deactivation method. The sustained accessibility of the internal

volume was confirmed with a staining reaction with the unreactive

Nile Blue, which is too large to enter the zeolite pores. Furthermore,

it was found that the E-cat sample has a fluorescence intensity, hence

acidity, value in between that of the CD and MI FCC catalyst


Figure 28. Statistical analysis of the confocal fluorescence

microscopy data obtained after thiophene selective staining for two

different batches of FCC catalyst particles (FCC1 and FCC2, in

orange and purple, respectively), which have been subjected to

different degrees of deactivation; i.e., fresh, two-step cyclic

deactivated (CD), Mitchell impregnated-steam deactivated (MI). For

comparison, data for an E-cat sample have been added to the

diagram in black. The fluorescence mean intensities and their

corresponding standard errors have been determined from the

statistical analysis of at least 150 zeolitic domains in the confocal

fluorescence microscopy images of the different batches of FCC

catalyst samples. (Reproduced with permission from ref. [175],

Copyright Macmillan Publishers, 2011).

These findings have been corroborated by catalytic cracking

activity measurements, as well as bulk XRD, IR spectroscopy after

pyridine adsorption, TPD of ammonia and N2 physisorption

measurements. These additional bulk characterization data on the

two sets of FCC catalyst batches confirmed that the developed

confocal fluorescence microscopy data are in line with the observed

Brønsted acidity trends. Finally, the advantage of developed single

particle analysis approach is that the average fluorescence intensity

per individual FCC catalyst particle can be determined. This is

shown in Figure 29. It was found that the range of fluorescence

intensities observed for the E-cat sample is wider than for CD and

MI combined, reflecting the large interparticle heterogeneity in

terms of age, Brønsted acidity and catalytic activity within an

industrial E-cat sample. Interestingly, a similar wide range in

fluorescence intensity, hence Brønsted acidity, was also observed for

fresh FCC catalyst particles.

In a follow-up manuscript, Buurmans and co-workers [176] have

extended their selective staining approach of FCC catalyst particles

for the determination of reactive zeolite ZSM-5 and Y aggregates

within single FCC catalyst particles making use of 4-fluorostyrene

and 4-methoxystyrene as probe molecules. Both styrene derivatives

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have different oligomerization reactivities, 4-fluorostyrene

preferentially visualizing strong Brønsted acid sites, whereas 4-

methoxystyrene as staining molecule reveals both weak and strong

Brønsted acid sites.

Figure 29. Interparticle Brønsted acidity mapping for seven FCC1

catalyst particles, which have been subjected to different degrees of

deactivation; i.e., fresh, two-step cyclic deactivated (CD), Mitchell

impregnated-steam deactivated (MI), and their comparison with the

mapping results of seven E-cat catalyst particles. (Reproduced with

permission from ref. [175], Copyright Macmillan Publishers, 2011).

It was found that the zeolite ZSM-5 aggregates are 1-5 µm in

size and are inhomogeneously distributed within the FCC matrix.

Fresh as well as three distinct laboratory-deactivated catalyst

particles were studied upon reaction with the two styrene derivatives.

When comparing these four sets of zeolite ZSM-5-containing FCC

catalyst particles the Brønsted acidity decreases in the order: Fresh >

Steamed > CD > MI. In the case of ZSM-5 as zeolite material, the

same activity trends were obtained for 4-methoxy- and 4-

fluorostyrene as probe molecule. However, this was not the case for

the zeolite Y-containing FCC catalyst particles. It was found that

these FCC catalyst particles show lower fluorostyrene intensity

values upon reaction with 4-fluorostyrene, suggesting that not every

acidic site within the catalyst particles has sufficient strength to

convert 4-fluorostyrene into fluorescent carbocations. In other

words, a large fraction of the Brønsted acid sites could be visualized

with the less-demanding 4-methoxystyrene, while only a small

fraction is observed upon reaction with 4-fluorostyrene. This

observation is indicative for the higher Brønsted acid site diversity in

FCC catalyst particles containing zeolite Y as compared to FCC

catalyst particles containing zeolite ZSM-5. This conclusion is

corroborated by ammonia TPD results on the same set of FCC

catalyst materials. Indeed, the ammonia TPD curve for the FCC

catalyst containing ZSM-5 shows a more well-defined pattern, which

corresponds well with the more homogeneous Brønsted acid strength

deduced from the confocal fluorescence microscopy experiments.

Sprung and Weckhuysen [177] refined the confocal fluorescence

microscopy approach for single FCC catalyst particles, containing

ZSM-5, and determined the size, distribution, orientation and

amount of zeolite ZSM-5 aggregates within binder material. More

specifically, by making use of the anisotropic nature of zeolite ZSM-

5 crystals and its interaction with plane-polarized laser light it turned

out to be possible to distinguish between zeolite ZSM-5 aggregates

and the various binder materials (i.e., alumina, silica and clay) after

staining the FCC catalyst particles with 4-fluorostyrene as a probe

molecule. It was found that the amount of detected fluorescent light

corresponds to about 15 wt.% of zeolite material, whereas statistical

analysis of the emitted fluorostyrene light indicated that a large

number of ZSM-5 domains appeared in small sizes of ~ 0.015-0.25

µm2, representing single zeolite crystals or small aggregates thereof.

On the other hand, the highest amount of the zeolite ZSM-5 material

within the FCC matrix was aggregated into larger domains (ca. 1-5

µm2) with more or less similarly oriented zeolite crystallites.

Unfortunately, the confocal fluorescence microscopy approach

described above cannot resolve sub-micrometer zeolite domains in

great detail, and does also not provide any quantitative information

about catalytic activity of the individual zeolite aggregates dispersed

within the FCC matrix. For this purpose, single molecule

fluorescence microscopy can be called in as a very sensitive and

informative method. Ristanovic and co-workers [178] have very

recently reported the first application of single-molecule

fluorescence microscopy and the required data analysis methods to

quantitatively investigate Brønsted acidity and related catalytic

activity in a single FCC catalyst particle containing ZSM-5. The

approach developed in this work has a 2D spatial resolution of 30

nm; the approach and related results are summarized in Figure 30.

To selectively study the zeolite ZSM-5 domains within the FCC

catalyst particles the oligomerization of furfuryl alcohol was used as

a selective probe reaction. The 532 nm laser light can excite the

fluorescent oligomers formed from the non-fluorescent furfuryl

alcohol monomers when brought in contact with Brønsted acid sites.

The individual fluorescent reaction products are detected with a very

sensitive detector and a typical fluorescence trajectory of an

individual hotspot can be visualized (Figure 30e). Figure 30d shows

a 2D wide-field fluorescence micrograph of an FCC particle, in

which the white circles indicate localized fluorescence bursts

originating from the fluorescent oligomerization products. In a next

step, a statistical analysis procedure has been developed to obtain

accumulated reactivity maps for Brønsted acid domains present

within the FCC catalyst particles. An example of a so-called SOFI

map is shown in Figure 30f, which has been obtained for a focal

depth of 1 µm. Interestingly, these SOFI maps allow to determine

the aggregate sizes of the zeolite ZSM-5 domains and Figure 30g

shows a histogram of the zeolite domains distribution. It can be seen

that most of the zeolite ZSM-5 domains are well-dispersed and range

in their size between 0 and 0.2 µm2.

This is in good agreement with the zeolite ZSM-5 dispersion

data described earlier by Sprung and Weckhuysen [177], although

the single molecule fluorescence microscopy study now allows to

obtain much higher spatial resolution, as illustrated in Figure 30h.

Another advantage of the single molecule spectroscopy approach is

that it enables to put reactivity numbers on the visualized zeolite

ZSM-5 aggregates. More specifically, the intensity map in Figure

30h reveals the presence of zeolite aggregate domains, which have

almost no reactivity towards furfuryl alcohol, whereas other zeolite

aggregate domains are much more reactive. As a consequence, one

can plot the SOFI brightness of distinct zeolite ZSM-5 domains as a

function of their measured turnover rates. This approach is shown in

Figure 30i, which indicates that the most active zeolite ZSM-5

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domains differ approximately an order of magnitude in reactivity

when compared to the less active zeolite ZSM-5 domains. These

reactivity differences should be related to differences in the

framework aluminum content of the embedded zeolite domains

and/or local accessibility differences.

Figure 30. (a) Schematic of the single-molecule fluorescence

approach developed for visualizing reactivity within a single FCC

catalyst particle, containing zeolite ZSM-5 domains, which are

depicted in red. (b) Formation of the fluorescent products (red) upon

oligomerization of non-fluorescent furfuryl alcohol (black) on a

Brønsted acid site. (c) The geometry of the analyzed focal slices and

denoted focal depths. The inner regions of the FCC catalyst

particles, depicted in gray, were not included in the data analysis.

(d) A wide-field fluorescence micrograph of an FCC particle

recorded during the oligomerization of furfuryl alcohol. The white

circles indicate localized fluorescence bursts originating from the

fluorescent products. (e) A photo-trajectory of a representative

single catalytic turnover, indicated with a white arrow in Figure

30d. (f) A cluster analysis of the zeolite ZSM-5 domains size within

a single FCC catalyst particle has been applied on different SOFI

images, in this case one taken at a focal depth of 1 µm. (g)

Histogram of the zeolite domains size distribution originating from

the SOFI image in Figure 30f. (h) SOFI image of a selected 1 µm2

region of interest indicating the fluorescent zeolite domains. (i)

Catalytic turnover rate as a function of average brightness in the

SOFI image, calculated for 65 individual zeolite domains.

(Reproduced with permission from ref. [178], Copyright Wiley-

VCH, 2015).

Another powerful chemical imaging technique, namely IR

microscopy with a 2D spatial resolution of 10 µm, has been explored

by Buurmans et al. [179] and applied on single FCC catalyst

particles containing zeolite Y, either in their fresh or deactivated

state. By investigating a population of 15 FCC catalyst particles,

after adsorption of pyridine, it has been possible to evaluate both

Brønsted and Lewis acidity at the single particle level. Comparable

acidity trends have been obtained as with bulk pyridine transmission

IR spectroscopy and they follow the same reactivity order as

described before when using confocal fluorescence microscopy; i.e.,

Fresh > ST > CD > MI. In other words, the IR microscopy data

corroborate the data obtained with confocal fluorescence

microscopy, indicating that it is now possible to reliably access

Brønsted acidity within FCC catalyst particles at the single particle

level. Moreover, the single FCC catalyst particle IR study revealed

large interparticle heterogeneities in both Brønsted and Lewis acidity

within the different FCC catalyst batches. Interestingly, and in line

with the data described in Figure 29, E-cat catalyst particles possess

a significantly wider variety in Brønsted acidity as compared to CD

and MI FCC catalyst particles, which may be explained by the age

distribution in the E-cat.

6.3. Correlative Characterization Methods

Ideally one would like to link reactivity differences to

information on the ultra-structures of the different components

present within a single FCC catalyst particle. This has recently

become possible by using an integrated laser and electron

microscope (iLEM) as a chemical imaging method, as demonstrated

by Karreman and co-workers [180], and by combining fluorescence

microscopy with Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy

(FIB-SEM) imaging, as explored by Buurmans, De Winter, and co-

workers [181] [182]. The iLEM technique combines the strength of a

regular fluorescence microscope with that of a transmission electron

microscope (TEM), but now performed in one set-up. It enables the

rapid identification of fluorescent domains after applying a selective

staining procedure and subsequent investigation of these regions

with superior spatial resolution as provided by TEM.

Figure 31. Representative TEM images of various structural

features observed in fresh and steamed FCC catalyst particles, as

well as E-cat catalyst particles. (Reproduced with permission from

ref. [183], Copyright Wiley-VCH, 2013).

To make this possible FCC catalyst particles containing zeolite

Y has been first stained taking 4-fluorostyrene as probe molecule,

followed by embedding the stained FCC catalyst particles within a

resin. In a next step thin sections of the FCC material have been

made and placed on a TEM grid. In a first step fluorescence

microscopy images have been collected to determine the relative

fluorescence of specific domains in the sliced FCC catalyst particles,

followed by a detailed TEM analysis of the ultra-structures, which

show (in different degrees) fluorescence upon staining, or simply are

not fluorescent. The iLEM method, as applied to a fresh FCC

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catalyst particle, allowed the identification of areas mainly

consisting of zeolite Y, present as structures with dimensions of a

few hundred nanometers that display a very strong structural

resemblance to pure zeolite Y, which became fluorescent after

catalyst staining. Electron diffraction patterns confirmed the

presence of zeolite Y. Other areas, which did not show any

appreciable fluorescence upon catalyst staining, consisted of matrix

material and for example plate-like components, assumed to be clay

particles, as well as amorphous material could be observed. Finally,

areas with intermediate fluorescence intensity upon catalyst staining

revealed the presence of a mixture of zeolite, clay and amorphous

material. To further explore the iLEM method an FCC catalyst

material hydrothermally deactivated with steam has been

investigated. In contrast to fresh FCC catalyst particles, steamed

FCC catalyst particles showed much lower fluorescence intensity.

Furthermore, the steam treatment also affected the zeolite Y

structure as a large fraction of the crystals was damaged and

appeared macroporous. Electron diffraction experiments indicated

that in addition to the diffraction maxima of zeolite Y, also small γ-

Al2O3 crystallites were present.

Figure 32. (a) Fluorescence microscopy/TEM overlay image of a

brightly fluorescing FCC particle slice. (b) Zoom-in of Figure 32a in

which the black rectangle shows the periphery of the particle, which

is not fluorescent. (c) TEM imaging of the area boxed in (b)

confirming the presence of a rim of clotted zeolites surrounding this

FCC catalyst particle. (Reproduced with permission from ref. [183],

Copyright Wiley-VCH, 2013).

In a follow-up study, Karreman at al. [183] have systematically

investigated a large set of iLEM images obtained for stained FCC

catalyst particles, either fresh or steamed, as well as stained E-cat

catalyst particles. This enabled the identification of a wide variety of

ultra-structures, which are summarized in Figure 31. In addition to

the expected undamaged zeolite and clay domains, which are

exclusively present in the fresh FCC catalyst particles, also

mesoporous, macroporous, clotted and severed zeolite domains

could be discerned. Furthermore, it was found that next to

amorphous regions also fragments and damaged clay domains can be

present. Figure 32 illustrates the advantage of the iLEM method by

focusing on the presence of clotted zeolites, which occur almost

exclusively in E-cat catalyst particles. One can notice that in the

outer surface region of the red-colored fluorescent E-cat catalyst

particle there is a region which has a clear ultra-structure, but which

is non-fluorescent.

Figure 33: (a) SE SEM image of an FCC catalyst particle. (b) BSE

SEM image; (c) confocal fluorescence microscopy image (λex = 561

nm, detection 570-620 nm, false color image) and (d) overlay of the

BSE SEM image with the confocal fluorescence microscopy image

for the particle depicted in (a) after milling away a 7 µm thick slice

using the FIB. (e) Three-dimensional reconstruction of the porous

network in a volume of 24.6x12.1x2.0 µm of an FCC particle,

constructed from the combination of a number of FIB-SEM images.

Macropores are shown in blue, the external surface is shown in

yellow. Reproduced from [181].

This non-fluorescent layer is about 1 µm thick, and a further

zoom-in revealed that it consists of 200-500 nm-sized crystallites. It

was assumed that these clotted zeolite crystals, with very low or no

Brønsted acidity, are poisoned with metals, such, as Fe, Ni or V, as

one may expect from the higher described X-ray micro- and nano-

tomography studies.

In an analogous manner, Buurmans, de Winter and co-workers

have first stained the zeolite domains within individual FCC catalyst

particles by making use of 4-fluorostyrene as probe molecule,

followed by subsequently FIB-milling the catalyst particle, followed

by imaging the porosity network with SEM. Figure 33 shows a

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snapshot of the porous network of an FCC catalyst particle,

including a fluorescence microscopy image, illustrating that both

zeolite domains and porosity can be imaged, and both types of

information can be correlated.

From the detailed iLEM characterization study Karreman and

co-workers have proposed a model for the functional and structural

degradation of zeolite Y crystals in FCC and E-cat catalyst particles.

This is summarized in Figure 34. FCC catalyst particles have a

different deactivation route than E-cat catalyst particles. In the case

of an E-cat catalyst particle, deactivation occurs mostly through

fragmentation and/or decrystallization of zeolite crystals and the

formation of meso- and macropores (Figure 34, right hand side).

Furthermore, the observed “clotting” of mesoporous zeolites (Figure

34, left hand side) is limited to E-cat materials. In contrast, steam

deactivation strongly induces the severing of the zeolite Y crystals,

while the formation of fragments in these samples is very rarely

observed. The latter indicates that the formation of fragments is a

phenomenon reserved for the harsh industrial catalytic cracking


Figure 34. Model for the functional and structural degradation of

zeolite Y crystals in FCC catalyst particles in an industrial catalytic

cracking unit. The right placed red arrow indicates the relative

change in fluorescence intensity measured for each ultra-structure

feature. (Reproduced with permission from ref. [183], Copyright

Wiley-VCH, 2013).

Although the zeolite degradation model, described in Figure 34,

suggests a continuous process of FCC catalyst particle degradation,

various degradation stages were observed throughout the sections of

the E-cat samples investigated. The structural diversity within the E-

cat catalyst particles was not limited to the presence of different

domains as fragments, macroporous and mesoporous zeolites, as

well as amorphous material, were formed scattered throughout the

thin sections of the catalyst particles. Different stages of catalyst

deactivation occurred within close proximity of each other as zeolite

degradation can either occur in homogeneous domains within the

catalyst particle, or in a more heterogeneous manner, where

neighboring zeolite crystals can vary in their exact structure. In other

words, the degradation of zeolite Y crystals is a non-synchronous

process, which varies in onset and progression from zeolite to zeolite

within a single E-cat catalyst particle.

7. Concluding Remarks and Look into the Future

The review presented here indicates that research in FCC

catalysts and processes is very much alive, in spite of the fact that

this important catalytic process is close to 75 years old. Recent

changes in the availability of feedstocks, including renewables and

tight oils, and longer-term trends in the demand for propylene,

gasoline, and middle distillates require further developments in both

catalyst and process. A plethora of new spectroscopic and

microscopic tools utilizing ultraviolet-visible and infrared light, hard

and soft X-rays, electrons, and, very importantly, combinations of

the techniques on the exact same sample spots in integral catalyst

particles have recently increased fundamental understanding of the

catalyst considerably. Detailed analyses of the pore structure, metal

deposition, and zeolite deactivation have been published. Resolution

in the analytical techniques applied on integral particles is

approaching the nanometer-range, which will allow a more detailed

analysis of the interaction between the matrix and the zeolite, and a

complete analysis of the pore system in the micro- and mesopore

range. In-situ characterization techniques will yield fundamental

insights in the chemistry and dynamics of the process during

individual cracking and regeneration cycles, and will increase our

understanding of the deactivation of the catalyst as a function of

metal deposition, steaming, and coke-laydown.

It is extremely important to create a clear connection between

the macroscopic world of catalyst testing and real-unit performance

and the microscopic world. The present microscopic and

spectroscopic tools rely on the analysis of a limited number, often

not more than a handful, of FCC catalyst particles, whereas the

industrial performance takes place at many orders of magnitude

larger. This gap needs to be bridged and proper tools will have to be

developed to make this possible. These insights will allow us to fine-

tune the catalyst performance in the directions required by the large-

scale trends in raw material availability and product demands, as

depicted in Table 2.

Table 2. Challenges in the field of FCC catalysts and related


Challenge Response

Heavier feedstocks

(Resid conversion)

Improve accessibility of the


Hierarchical pore design

Better stability to poisons

Selectivity towards propylene Dedicated process and catalysts

Use of new selective zeolites

Selectivity towards middle


Matrix activity

Controlled acidity in zeolite


Biomass conversion Resistance to specific poisons

(e.g. alkaline metals) and the high

acidity of bio-oils

Tight oil conversion Resistance to specific poisons and

fracking additives

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Since FCC is one of the largest catalytic processes in the world,

any improvement in the process efficiency (e.g. coke make) will be

multiplied by extremely large factors. For instance, burning coke

from FCC amounts to at least 100 million tons of CO2 per year.

Research into FCC catalysts and processes, as well as analytical

methods, especially those that investigate real commercial catalysts,

preferably under operando conditions, therefore remains highly



The authors would like to extend their gratitude to Drs. Jens Dalluge,

Hendrik van der Bij, Piet Vroonland and Arnaud Abee of Albemarle

Catalysts’ Analytical Research and Quality group for their assistance

in preparing Figure 5 and 15. The authors would also like to thank

Dr. Gerbrand Mesu of Albemarle’s Bayport R&D facility for

providing Figure 3, and for valuable discussions on FCC catalysis.

This work is supported by the NWO Gravitation program,

Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion

(MCEC) and a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant

(no. 321140).

Notes and references a Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group, Debye Institute for

Nanomaterials Science, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University,

Universiteitsweg 99, 3584 CG Utrecht, The Netherlands. b Albemarle Catalysts Company BV, PO Box 37650, 1030 BE,

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

* To whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected];

[email protected]

See DOI: 10.1039/b000000x/

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