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Aquarius Sun Sign - Zodiac Signs

AquariusJanuary 20 - February 18

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. Those born under this sign have the social conscience needed to carry us into the new millennium. These folks are humanitarian, philanthropic and keenly interested in making the world a better place. Along those lines, they'd like to make the world work better, which is why they focus much of their energy on our social institutions and how they work (or don't work). Aquarians are visionaries, progressive souls who love to spend time thinking about how things can be better. They are also quick to engage others in this process, which is why they have so many friends and acquaintances. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians.

Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. In much the same way that the Water Bearer brings that precious liquid as a gift, Aquarians shower the world with their thoughts and new ideas. Luckily for Aquarians (and the rest of us), they are at a near-genius level, so their minds churn out some amazing things. Their thought process is also inventive and original. While Aquarians are happy to bestow these ideas as a gift with no strings attached, they are much happier when the rest of the world agrees with them. Naysayers will quickly find out that Aquarians can be impatient, even temperamental, with those who disagree. Yes, these folks can be quite fixed in their opinions, in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this sign. Even though Aquarians are happy to give, and they do, it's often on their terms and within their comfort level. Generally, that means ample space, since these folks are freedom-loving and individualistic and need to roam (and yes, they do enjoy travel). While Aquarians are generally sympathetic and compassionate, they like it when things go their own quirky way. Some might call their behavior eccentric (and they would be right), but when you consider that the Aquarian's heart is truly in the right place, a few oddities should be overlooked. In their own way, Aquarians treasure their many friends and acquaintances and want to give back as much as they can.

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Powerful Saturn was considered the father of many gods in ancient Roman times, and was the original ruler of Aquarius. Uranus is the oldest of the gods in Roman mythology; this planet was discovered much later than Saturn and was only more recently assigned to this sign. The combination of these planetary energies is strong and vibrant. Saturn's force field is that of the stern taskmaster, which is one reason why Aquarians love to think and put their ideas out to the world. They also love to think they're right! It's Uranus which instills Aquarians with their visionary spirit. If it's new, radical and rebellious, Aquarians are all over it. The fact that these folks can think so creatively and inventively is one of their greatest assets. Water Bearers are all about progress and technology -- they love the latest gadgets, gewgaws, computers and next-generation technologies. Thanks to a genius that borders on insanity (!), those born under this sign have the unique ability to present ideas that will revolutionize the world. Their approach in doing so may be unpredictable,

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impersonal and at times cold.

The element associated with Aquarius is Air, and that means the rarefied air of the intellectual. Aquarians will accomplish much with their broad and logical minds, entertaining complex and scientific ideas for the betterment of all. That said, they are also artistic and inventive. It's all in the spirit of creating a better world, hopefully one in keeping with their broad-minded beliefs. Aquarians believe that their offbeat, original approach will win the day, and that new thought is what is needed to change the world. Those born under this sign are altruistic, humane people who are determined to make a difference.

At play, Aquarians like to surround themselves with lots of people, preferably family and friends. That said, if they don't know the 'players,' they soon will! Baseball and tennis are fun for these folks (though they should watch for weak ankles), and a daily swim would also be nice. Aquarians favor watery colors, like shiny silver or aqua blue. When it comes to love, Aquarians will also be playful, even flirtatious. While they play for keeps, it won't necessarily feel that way, since these folks are the opposite of jealous.

The great strengths of the Aquarius-born are their vision, intellect and humanity. They are determined to make the world a better place and to help everyone they can along the way. They are truly the trailblazers of the zodiac.

Aquarius Zodiac Sun Sign

Zodiac Sign CalculatorName AquariusSymbol Water CarrierBirth Dates January 20 - February 18Stone Garnet, Amethyst (February)Color Electric Blue, TurquoiseDay SaturdayMetal AluminiumElement AirPlanet Saturn, UranusFlower Snowdrop, Foxglove, Gr.ValerianLucky Numbers 11, 29, 38, 47, 56

Positives     Witty, Innovative, Inventive, Clever, Humanitarian, Intelligent, Inventive, Original, Friendly

Negatives     Stubborn, Opinionated, Unprejudiced, Unemotional, Sarcastic, Rebellious, Aloof, Remote, Idealistic

Likes     Friendship, Fighting for Causes, Intellectual Stimulation, Dreaming and Planning for the Future, Emotional Safety, Privacy, Thinking of the Past, Good Companions, Having Fun

Dislikes     Full of Air Promises, Jealousy, Possessiveness, Excessive Loneliness, Control, The Ordinary, Pointless Meetings, Emotion and Intimacy, Imitations, Idealistic

Friendship     Aquarius love to make people laugh and cheer people up and it makes them feel

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good to make others feel good. Aquarius is the sign of friendship.

LoveAn Aquarians ideal partner is of course anyone he can possibly lay his hands on. You will never get bored in a relationship with an Aquarian. They are quite innovative and surprise you on a regular basis. They are very caring of the ones they love.

Career      Aquarians are humanitarians above all else, idealistic in their beliefs and ardent pursuers of causes. Aquarians are firm in their beliefs. Aquarians will spend countless hours mulling over the possibilities for a project.

Ideal Career Jobs     Leader, Inventors, Politicians, Writers, Acientists, Astronauts, Artists, Astrologers, Computer Engineer, Photographer, Musician

Compatibility     Aries, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius



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DIRECTION: EastASSOCIATIONS: Thought, mental power, communication, travel, intellect, abstract thinking, teaching, divination, freedom, happiness, laughter, beginnings,QUALITIES: hot, moist, light, activeGENDER: masculine, projectiveMAGICAL POWER: To knowCOLORS: yellow, sky blue, pastelsARCHANGEL: RaphaelELEMENTAL BEING: SylphsELEMENTAL KING: ParaldaANIMALS: Butterfly, Bat, Dragonfly, Eagle, Hawk,Hummingbird, Owl, most birds and flying insectsPLANTS: Celtic trees - Aspen, Alder, Birch. Herbs - Anise, Lavender, Lemongrass. Natives ? Mistletoe, (Ball Moss), Cedar Elm, Acacia, MimosaSTONES: Mica, Pumice, (Fluorite)METALS: Aluminum, TinMYTHOLOGICAL BEINGS: Gryphons, Gremlins, PegasusKERUB: Human BeingTAROT SUIT: Swords (Wands)TAROT TRUMPS: FoolRUNES: Ansuz , Raidho Eihwaz, TiwazZODIAC SIGNS: Gemini, Libra, AquariusPLANETS: Neptune, (Mercury), JupiterHOUR: DawnDAY(S): (Wednesday)SEASON: SpringLIFE CYCLE: Infancy and childhoodALCHEMICAL SYMBOL: upward pointing triangle bisected by a horizontal lineTATTWA SYMBOL: blue circleQABALISTIC SEPHIROT: Yesod/Foundation, Tipharet/BeautyMAGICAL TOOLS: Wand, Staff, Athame, Sword, Incense, Feather, Pen, Broom, ScourgeCHAKRA(S): Heart, (Throat, 3rd Eye)TYPES OF MAGIC: study, visualizaton, divination, finding lost objects, astral travel, telepathy, travel, communicationPOSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Joyful, humorous, communicative, intelligent, intuitive, diligentNEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Gossipy, boastful, spendthrift, untruthful, selfish, fickle, inattentiveOVERBALANCE: Chatterbox, shallow, or overintellectualizationUNDERBALANCE: Muddy thinking, slow, inability to communicateRELATED PRODUCTS Air magick oil, Air incense,

What are the Air signs in Astrology?:Libra, Aquarius and GeminiWhy are they called Air signs?:There are four triplicities in astrology, which is a grouping based on the elements. The other triplicities are water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and earth signs(Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo).

What are the characterstics of the Air signs?:

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Those with planets in air signs use their minds to make sense of their lives. With Air, there's more space between the life lived and the observing mind. This can lead air signs to appear detached, aloof, remote, cool. Sometimes they'll try to talk their way through feelings or analyze a situation instead of encountering its full emotional weight.

The gift of Air is flexibility, and their ability to experience life through many prisms. They're often excellent communicators, storytellers, interpreters and journalists. They link people together socially, and often have a curiosity that keeps them out and about.

How are the three Air signs different?:

The signs of the Zodiac are grouped by elements in their triplicity, but they are also grouped by something known as their quality. Each type of quality has a unique path of expression. For the Air signs, Libra is cardinal, the leader, Aquarius is fixed, able to doggedly follow one train of thought and Gemini is mutable and as mercurial as the planet that rules it.Air and Earth:

It can be a relief for the weighted down Earth to be lifted up by Air's ideas and free-thinking. Air may offer a different spin on how to prioritize things, which can be liberating for duty-bound Earth. Earth helps the remote Air discover the mind-body connection. Earth can also advise Air so that some of their dreams can be made real.

Air and Fire:

This is a dynamic combo, with Air being able to create an outline of meaning through thought for the Fire to be inspired by. Air helps Fire take a more logical path toward success, some direction for their leaps of faith. Fire gives Air a sense of mission, purpose, and shines a light of focus through the jumble of collected data, thoughts, information.

Air and Water:

These two benefit from each other by bringing balance to feeling and thought. Water shows Air a path to the feelings, and can help them grow toward being more nurturing, emotional expressive, etc. Water helps Air make the heart connection. Air lifts Water out of the murky swamp into the realm of thought. Like talk-therapy, Air encourages Water to find distance, to become intellectually curious about their experiences.

Air and Air:

Here is a meeting of the minds, and when balanced by other elements, it can mean a lifetime of shared interests. The way of connecting is through the exchange of ideas. The deeper emotional truth of the situation at hand can be discussed coolly. This bond thrives when there is also emotional authenticity, action and physical touch.


analytical, curious, thinking, intellectual, social, detached

The Air Element in Astrology:

 Those with planets in Air signs lead with the head, and those wheels are always turning to analyze and interpret their world. These are the "idea people," who breeze in and offer a fresh perspective on the situation at hand. As observers, they're often seeing from a loftier position, and able to offer clarity that others don't have.

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The air signs are social creatures, since their currency is ideas, and they'll find more stimulation when out mingling. Some are drawn to words and become professional communicators, while others -- especially Aquarius -- have a more conceptual way of thinking. Air signs are masters at navigating through the collective waters, and therefore are astute commentators of the cultural trends, attitudes, consciousness of the times.

When Air is out of balance, you can encounter a talking head, someone cut off from his own physical self. Air signs are more vulnerable to the excesses of our mind-body split, and could benefit from yoga and other somatic practices. A meditation practice helps Air signs calm the static.

In relationships, the distance of Air to their emotions can be refreshing. They're great conversationalists because they're the keepers of so much knowledge, gossip, strange factoids, etc. Talking with an inspired Air sign can be like skipping through a kind of virtual reality full of detail, specificity and local color.

The Zodiac signs of the air element are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. The air element is expressed through thoughts, currents and the nervous system. It's associated with synapses firing in the brain, and Oxygen flowing into the lungs and blood stream. This element is about the breath, and seeking inspiration, a word that means "breathing in." It's home territory is the vast mental field, where "thoughts are things" that creates the tangible outline of our lives.Air is one of the four elements -- the others are fire, water and earth -- and each one is important for your sense of well-being. Air lifts us up to seeing with new eyes. When air is in balance, your mind is free and flexible. You mentally travel and explore, allowing new ideas to widen your horizon. It's exhilarating to breakthrough old ways of thinking, because that sets real external change in motion. Air brings emotional detachment, and that helps you make good decisions. When the air is moving, it makes for lively sociability, and keeps you curious and always learning.

When there's too much air, it's hard to feel grounded and in your body. You can be lost with your head in the clouds. You find it hard to tie down your free-floating ideas to tangible, daily effort. Your busy mind keeps you awake with insomnia. You are high-strung with erratic breathing (possibly a smoker). You dissipate your energy by talking, texting, emailing, etc. You feel like you can't organize your thoughts. There's too much static and not enough to breathe.

When there's too little air, it's hard to see yourself with any objectivity. You're apathetic, bored. You don't see a point to what you're doing.

Ways to ground Air:

Don't skip a meal and take time to eat slowly. Cut back on caffeine and other stimulants. Take a break from the information deluge. Turn off your cell phone for awhile. Give yourself time to wind down before bedtime. Steer clear of anxiety-inducing images and news. Find healthy ways to burn off nervous energy.

Ways to Bring Air Balance into Your Life:

Spend some time watching clouds. Plant flowers or visit a butterfly garden. Fly a kite. Spend some time bird watching, draw them to your home. Sage your space. Open the windows on fresh air days. Seek out a high perch with a view to the horizon.

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Breathing meditation (following the breath) Make a wish and blow out a candle. Work out, bringing Oxygen to the cells take a beginner's course in something that fascinates you. Keep a journal as a tangible record of your thoughts. Bring wind chimes into your garden or home.

Other ideas:

Try Tai Chi or Qigong, two flowy meditative martial art practices. Experiment with aromatherapy. Experience wind surfing or hang gliding. Parachute out of an airplane. Making sure you get plenty of time with no set agenda.

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