Page 2: Facebook For Idiots - Things you didn't know

Back in 2011, Facebook provided a major update in Facebook

Pages. This update allowed administrators of Facebook pages to

have access to valuable tools to test, track, and convert – and also

the ability to interact and engage on Facebook as their brand.

This makes Facebook have MUCH more potential in the mar-

keting arena.

The benefits of the 2011 update include:

Easy access to Page metrics, including new fans, activity, Likes

and comments

Personalized Page News Feed

Page Events

Engagement with other Pages, raising brand awareness around

Facebook and driving visitors and new Likes

Page 3: Facebook For Idiots - Things you didn't know

One of the biggest potential for creating a popular Facebook

brand, is the use of Facebook Advertising. In the past few

years, Facebook Advertising has been my “go to” when it

comes to paid traffic. They have mastered the advertising

game, where you can get literally 0.01 cent clicks for HIGHLY

targeted clicks.

Considering Facebook is the largest social network in the

world, you can pretty much guarantee that your potential cus-

tomers are actively using Facebook. Therefore all companies

should have a Facebook page where they can interact with

their customers. Not only will this create a recognizeable

online brand, it will create a recognizable offline one too.

Facebook Pages are huge potential. Whether you’re running

your own online or offline business of any size, if you’re not us-

ing Facebook, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

When I first got started with Facebook pages, I literally had no

idea what I was doing. Within a few months of learning and

testing I’ve worked my way up to $100+ per day with NONE of

my own products.

Page 4: Facebook For Idiots - Things you didn't know

That means I’m strictly making $100+ per day, selling other peo-

ple’s products, all from one facebook page. It’s not hard work ei-

ther, it’s just some tedious tasks up front, and after that – it basi-

cally runs itself.


So what can Facebook do for you? Let’s take a look.

Online Sales

This is a no-brainer. If we build a Facebook brand large enough, we can make SALES liter-

ally whenever we want them, have traffic on tap, and literally have the most powerful

platform to leverage anything we want.

Facebook Branding

Not only are we able to leverage sales, leads, and more – we’re also able to build brand

awareness. If we can constantly engage our audience and provide them with content

that they find useful, they will surely look for our posts more often right? We can build

up an audience of over 1 million people that can see our posts whenever we want, do

you see the potential?

Facebook Marketing is huge right now, but the fact is – it can be pretty difficult to get

started. Like I said, when I first started – I had NO IDEA what I was doing, and it took

months and months of learning for me to actually make any money. Luckily, I’ve com-

piled all of my methods into a really easy to follow training course, which you can get in-

stant access to below….

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