Page 1: English 111, September 25, 2012
Page 2: English 111, September 25, 2012


1)Opening– some ads2)Practice—rhetorical analysis of two versions of a

song x2 3)Activity – Workshop with Revision Plan crafting4)Thursday…5)Homework

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Among your responses to the question about advertising was one particularly interesting campaign (of many, of course). Let’s look, quickly, at a few Dove soap ads.

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One of the things we haven’t done, as a class, yet, is look specifically at music. So I want to double-dip and do some quick in-class rhetorical analysis of a song while also looking at two examples of different (literally and in the sense that we talked about in class) voices.

Hopefully this won’t hurt.

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Revision Plan: You want to ask these things:1) Are there MAJOR problems? If so, how can you

highlight them and what do you suggest to correct them?

2) What’s the thesis/major claim? Does the essay support that throughout?

3) Where are places where you feel that better appeals could be made to the audience? How might this be achieved?

4) Where do you want more? What do you want more of? Why?

5) Where do you want less? What do you want instead?

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Give your group-mates time to ask questions

Share your revision plans– talk about them.

And once you’ve finished that, synthesize a plan of your own from the ideas your group-mates have shared.

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ThursdayOn Thursday, there will be a guest speaker on campus: Dr. Cindy Selfe from Ohio State University. She’s going to speak about the topic of Transnational Literacy.

I’d like you all to attend, but it’s at a weird timeslot: 5-6:30 pm. in McGuffey 322. I am going to cancel classes in the afternoon so that you can attend, but if you cannot make that time, please let me know ASAP.

Earlier class: you get to choose. Would you like to meet, or would you like to go to the presentation instead?

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For Thursday: Homework

Class: Cindy Selfe on Transnational Literacy in McGuffey 322. 5:00-6:30

Tumblr question: This one is easy– just a yes or no and a quick why. Are you planning to vote this year? I’m not asking who you’d vote for, or why… just IF you are voting.

Tumblr prompt: Find a musical cover (like the ones we looked at in class today), link it, and do an analysis like the ones we did together. Remember your training.

Afternoon classes: Due, Inquiry 2 (by the end of the day, uploaded with reflective memo, to Niihka).

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