Page 1: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil



1The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences, Lowestoft Laboratory, Pakefield Road,

Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0HT, UK2WRc-NSF Ltd., Henley Road, Medmenham, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 2HD, UK


The basis for an ecological risk assessment based on meeting the needs of recent UK and EU

legislation is described. The background to the framework and the legislative driver and relevant

definitions of harm are provided, prior to an overview of the proposed ecological risk assessment

process, which has been broken down into a Tiered approach. Tier 0 requires the establishment of a

conceptual site model, where potential contaminant-pathway-receptor linkages are sought and,

assuming they are identified, lead on to higher Tier assessments. Tier 1 relies largely on chemical

analysis of soil contaminant levels and comparison with soil quality guideline values to assess the

likelihood of harm. In some cases biological screening assays may also be undertaken within this Tier.

Based on a weight of evidence approach, should data Tier 1 indicate harm or leave uncertainty, then

Tier 2 biological testing is undertaken using assays relevant to the site of interest. In situations where

harm is identified under Tier 2 then Tier 3 is reserved for establishing the extent of harm within the

ecosystem. Finally the use of the `weight-of-evidence' approach to generate scientifically robust

conclusions regarding the harm (or potential for harm) within the ecosystem is briefly outlined. The

framework discussed is currently being adopted by the UK Environment Agency, with implementation

expected in 2005. The UK scheme compares favourably with comparative schemes operating in other

countries possessing the merits of being iterative, tiered, flexible with agreed exit points subject to

satisfying defined criteria and so speeding the decision-making process.

KEYWORDS: ERA, soil, risk assessment, toxicity testing.


ECOLOGICAL risk assessment is an increasingly

important part of the decision-making process for

managing contaminated land; historically such

processes have been commonly associated with

uses in aquatic environments. In the UK, changes

to statutory regulations have been the driving


Risk assessments may be used to evaluate

environmental problems arising from historical

and ongoing activities (retrospective risk assess-

ment) and, in some cases, those associated with

future activities (prospective risk assessment). In

the case of the contaminated land regime we are

largely concerned with retrospective risk


Principles of environmental risk assessment

The principles of risk assessment are simple. An

ecological risk assessment (ERA) for toxicants in

soil, for example, relies on the comparison of

some exposure estimate for each chemical of

interest with a corresponding toxicity threshold

for representative organisms or other relevant

endpoints such as survival, growth or reproduc-

tive potential. This comparison is typically

accomplished by the derivation of a hazard

quotient, which is simply the exposure estimate

divided by the toxicity threshold. In the derivation

of these thresholds, uncertainty factors or other

toxicity extrapolation methods are often applied

* E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.1180/0026461056950274

Mineralogical Magazine, October 2005, Vol. 69(5), pp. 601±613

# 2005 The Mineralogical Society

Page 2: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

to translate an endpoint of interest into a toxicity

threshold (Byrns and Crane, 2002).

However, there are limitations to the use of

screening approaches, especially where exposure

and toxicity remain unquanti®ed (i.e. exposure

and effects data are lacking) or where biota are

exposed to complex mixtures of chemicals (which

is often the case). As well as making assessments

on the basis of exposure and toxicity of individual

substances, useful bene®t can be gained through

undertaking biological testing of the whole soil, or

by incorporating evidence gained from ecological

surveys (sometimes referred to as the `triad

approach') (Chapman, 1986; Rutgers et al,. 2000).

Biological tests may include the use of

ecotoxicity tests or biosensors in the laboratory

or in situ. Biological assessment can be made at

varying levels of biological organization

including ecological function or structure, where

effects may be assessed at the sub-cellular level,

through effects on individual species, up to effects

at the population, community or ecosystem levels.

The use of biological tests in ERA is attracting

research interest and is seen as a useful

supplement to chemical analysis in decisions

related to contaminated land (Ferguson et al.,

1998; CIRIA, 2002). To date in the UK, such

biological toxicity tests have only been used in a

regulatory role in the aquatic environment, but

increasing their potential for use within risk

assessments of contaminated land is being

realized. This application in the terrestrial

environment represents a signi®cant development

of the use of biological testing for regulatory

purposes (Weeks et al., 2004).

Legislative drivers

Soil is now protected in its own right in the UK

and many other countries within Europe. In the

UK, the primary legislation for contaminated land

in England and Wales is set out in Part IIA

(S78A-S78YC) of the Environmental Protection

Act 1990, as inserted by Section 57 of the

Environment Act 1995 (DETR, 1995); the

Contaminated Land (England) Regulations 2000

(DETR, 2000a); and Statutory Guidance

contained in DETR Circular 02/2000 (DETR,

2000b). This new regime came into force in

England on 1 April 2000 and is the ®rst UK

legislation to deal exclusively with land contam-

ination. Part IIA is based on the polluter-pays and

riskmanagement principles and it only applies to

existing contaminated land not being dealt with

under different legislative regimes such as

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control


The legal de®nition of contaminated land in the

UK is provided in statutory guidance contained in

Section 78A(2) (DETR, 2000b) as `̀ any land

which appears to the local authority in whose area

it is situated to be in such a condition, by reason

of substances in, on or under the land, that (a)

signi®cant harm is being caused or there is a

signi®cant possibility of such harm being caused;

or (b) pollution of controlled waters is being, or is

likely to be caused''. The new regime is

profoundly restricted by the de®nition and is

subject to interpretation. The regulatory regime

set out in Part IIA involves a tiered approach that

involves (1) problem identi®cation, (2) risk

assessment, (3) determination of appropriate

remediation requirements, (4) consideration of

costs, (5) establishment of who should pay, and

(6 ) imp l emen t a t i on and r emed i a t i on

(Environment Agency, 2000). The Contaminated

Land (England) Regulations 2000 (DETR, 2000a)

set out further requirements, particularly in

respect of the content of remediation notices.

Designated areas

The design of the risk-assessment framework is

primarily aimed at protecting designated areas.

Sites of national and sometimes international

importance for nature conservation are noti®ed as

Site(s) of Special Scienti®c Importance (SSSI) by

the Government's statutory conservation agencies

(English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage and the

Countryside Council for Wales). SSSIs presently

cover more than 7% of land in England and Wales

and the protection of such sites for their wildlife

value is a priority. Many SSSIs are showing

damage or neglect; a review in 2003 of SSSIs in

England, Scotland and Wales indicated that in

England, 58% of SSSI land by area was in

favourable or recovering condition, leaving 42%

in an unfavourable condition (English Nature,


A review of international approaches to

ecological risk assessment demonstrates that

similar approaches are taken, usually on a tiered

basis, and that different levels of protection or

tolerable effects may be derived. The basis,

limitations and bene®ts of selected approaches

adopted by different countries are presented in

Table 1. Many countries, including the UK, are

only at the stage of developing or agreeing



Page 3: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

TABLE 1. International approaches to ecological risk assessment for land contamination (after Smith et al., 2005).

Country/basis Limitations or benefits

The Netherlands

Soil Protection Act 1994, as amended. The Soil Protection Act aims to prevent, restrict or remedy

changes of soil properties, which entail a reduction of or a

threat to the functional properties the soil has for man, flora

and fauna.

Suitable for use approach, HC50 applied to land use types.

Maximum permissible soil concentrations defined. A log

distribution of NOEC data provides species sensitivity dis-

tributions (SSD). The serious risk concentration is derived by

the 50thpercentile of the SSD.

Assumes it is acceptable for 50% of the organisms involved to

be exposed to contamination levels greater than their NOEC*.

Toxicity of pollutants for land use specific ecological

parameters are mostly unavailable and are highly arbitrary.

Circular on target values and intervention values for soil

remediation 2000.

Remediation is geared to the desired end use.

Intervention values, indicative levels for serious contamination

and target values apply equally to aquatic sediment.


Federal Soil Protection Act 1999 and accompanying Soil

Protection Ordinance designed to protect and restore soil


Soil protection has to be considered in relation to the

anthropogenic use of the soil. Establishes what constitutes soil


Soil organisms have not yet been considered.


Maximum admissible concentrations derived. If MAC values

are exceeded, then the land is classed as contaminated and

clean-up liability is initiated.

Ecological criteria not yet used in the development of MAC



Contaminated land assessment is related to hazard and levels of

pollutants, taking into account their migration potential, site

sensitivity and protective value. General framework and

guideline values which do not pose unacceptable risks to the

environment, to indicate the degree of contamination on a site,

to develop clean-up goals and to evaluate clean-up results.


Use of NOEC, LOEC and EC, extrapolation of laboratory and

field data with use of application factors as a safety margin.

Aim to protect function and structure of soil.

Assumes log-normal distribution. Only a fraction of species

present in the ecosystem are usually covered by toxicity data.

This therefore assumes that protection of those species will be

sufficient to protect ecosystem function and structure.


Tiered approach for assessing soil contaminants only on the

basis of the legal definition of harm as contained in Part IIA.

Uses a weight-of-evidence approach. Soil screening values used

for effects assessment.

Consultation framework. Existing soil screening values are

limited though they are being developed.


Tiered approach to ecological risks associated with contami-

nated soil. Developing a programme to develop ecological (risk)

soil screening levels as toxic reference values (Oak Ridge

Toxicological Benchmarks).

Standardization is minimized. Based mainly on characteristics

and need of decision makers. Comparable to human health

risk-based screening concentration (RBC) values.


Recommended Canadian soil quality guidelines; interim envir-

onmental quality criteria for contaminated sites;

Guidelines for ecological risk assessment; Protocol for the

derivation of soil quality criteria.

Includes site specific data and predictive modelling to derive

quantitative information on complex ecosystem responses

including chronic effects and interactions between chemicals

and ecosystem level studies.


Derivation of ecological risk-based cleanup goals to protect

terrestrial receptors.

Background concentrations used as default for cleanup criteria

if site specific data is unavailable. Ecological receptors

selected to include different trophic levels. Lack of national

policy to require criteria to be applied.

* NOEC ÿ No Observable Effects Concentration of the substance being tested.

Page 4: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

suitable frameworks and the need for a common

European framework in the form of a conceptual

model has been identi®ed (CLARINET, 2001).

ERA approach

The approach adopted by the Environment

Agency's ecological risk assessment framework

consultation (Environment Agency, 2003) follows

the conventional approach to environmental risk

assessment and management in the UK, as

contained in the revised guidelines. This provides

a tiered framework for characterizing the source,

pathway, receptor relationship (DETR, 2000a).

All three components of a linkage must be present

for a risk to exist.

The USEPA (United States Environmental

Protection Agency, 1998) de®ned ecological risk

assessment as `̀ a process that evaluates the

likelihood that adverse ecological effects may

occur or are occurring as a result of exposure to

one or more stressors''. An alternative but similar

UK de®nition of ecological risk assessment is `̀ an

evaluation of the likelihood of adverse effects on

organisms, populations, and communities from

chemica ls present in the envi ronment ''

(Environment Agency, 2003). This latter de®ni-

tion recognizes that ecological effects can occur at

different levels but the de®nition lacks speci®c

reference to ecological function.

ERA requirements

An ecological risk assessment has two funda-

mental requirements: information on exposure

and information on an effect(s) on a site-speci®c

basis. Exposure data typically consist of pore

water, soil quality and tissue concentrations in the

receptor and must include (ambient) reference or

control areas. A fundamental concept is that

increased exposure time increases toxicity (or

decreases the LC50; the concentration of a

chemical that kills 50% of the test population).

TRIAD approach

Ecological risk assessment requires an integrated

approach based on a number of measures and

criteria (Rutgers et al., 2000). The triad approach

has often been adopted as a basis for interfacing

chemical, toxicological and ecological informa-

tion (Chapman 1986, Chapman 1992, Breure and

Peijnenburg, 2003). In the triad approach,

toxicology is assessed by the use of bioassays as

experiments in which organisms are exposed to

site-speci®c ®eld samples and ecological

responses are observed under standard conditions

(van Straalen, 2002).

Ecological surveys

Ecological assessment can also play an important

role in helping judge the biological status of a site

at higher levels of biological organization.

Typically such surveys address the biological

diversity at a site and the abundance or rareness of

species. Such surveys may entail assessments of a

wide range of taxa, or be constrained to measures

of abundance of certain taxa that are known to be

sensitive to change, or have a key ecological or

conservation role.

Ecotoxicity testing

Standardized ecotoxicity tests (e.g. described as

formal OECD or ISO test guidelines) were

originally designed to assess the toxic effects to

a range of test species of new and existing

chemicals, such as plant protection products (i.e.

pesticides) added to soils, to enable a regulatory

risk assessment. These are usually used as part of

a prospective assessment of risk. Such tests are

also used in the derivation of toxicity data which

forms the basis for the deviation of chemical

thresholds, e.g. Environmental Quality Standards


Biological tests are used within the risk

assessment process to assess soil and water

samples directly when taken from potentially

contaminated sites to generate sitespeci®c risk

assessments. This `Direct Toxicity Assessment'

(DTA) approach has been the subject of

considerable research in the UK and elsewhere

in the context of controlling emissions to

controlled waters and in some countries has a

clear regulatory role. Direct toxicity assessment

offers a number of advantages over chemical-

speci®c approaches but until the paper by Weeks

et al. (2004)m had not been applied in a

regulatory context for the testing of whole soils.

The approach is the same as adopted for use in

regulatory testing of water or ef¯uent samples.

Numerous single-species toxicity test (bioassays)

are available to measure contaminant exposure

and its effects on different biological components

of the soil ecosystem. Tests can be conducted

either ex situ in the laboratory or in situ in the

®eld, and the results of either may be used to



Page 5: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

assess the risk of effects of contaminated soil on

ecological receptors.

Biological testing is not without its drawbacks.

Biological tests are prone to problems of

heterogeneity of contaminant levels in the actual

test soils taken from a contaminated land site. A

more fundamental dif®culty is the identi®cation

of the chemical(s) actually responsible for any

measured toxicity. Whilst this may not matter in

identifying whether adverse impacts are likely (as

the measure of toxicity is cumulative to all

toxicants present in a given sample), it becomes

important when assessing remediation options,

when the identity of toxic contaminants can be

extremely useful in guiding remediation and

redevelopment. An additional criticism

commonly levelled at biological testing schemes

is the possibility for variability within and

between testing laboratories that can give rise to

differences in interpretation about the risks posed

at a particular site. However, this is unlikely to be

any greater than the current variation demon-

strated in chemical analysis of samples by

commercial laboratories. In the UK the proposed

use of DTA for the control of wastewater quality

(Environment Agency, 2000) assumes that any

variability in the measurement is understood and

accounted for in the decision-making process, i.e.

that the level of any measures to constrain

variability are suf®cient to ensure ®tness-for-

purpose without being over-restrictive.

A framework for carrying out an ERA has been

presented by Byrns and Crane (2002) with

modi®cations, notably the addition of a new tier,

Tier 0, and the use of toxicity screening at Tier 1.

This framework now lends itself to adoption for

the assessment of contaminated land (Weeks et

al., 2004). Below, we outline the key principles in

the framework and describe the biological testing

activities involved at tiers 1 and 2 and the way in

which decisions are made at each level.

The ecological risk assessment framework

The UK ERA framework is based on a review of

schemes used in other countries, notably the US,

Australia, Canada and the Netherlands. A key

element of these schemes is the reliance placed on

a tiered framework, i.e. one in which progression

through a series of tiers re¯ects greater re®nement

in the quality and quantity of information

gathered and progressive reduction in uncertainty.

Initial decision-making is based on conservative

assumptions so that truly benign sites may be

eliminated from further investigation with a high

degree of con®dence. Subsequent data gathering

is intended to make more realistic assessments of

the risk of harm to ecoreceptors, ensuring that

resources are devoted to issues where they are

most likely to be needed.

T|er 0

The ®rst step of the ERA process is Tier 0 (see

Fig. 1). Activities at this tier aim to determine

whether or not a site falls under the UK's

legislative considerations. It involves the devel-

opment of a Conceptual Site Model (CSM)

describing what is currently known about the

site, its geographical limits, and identi®es

potential contaminants, pathways and receptors.

The level of detail that is required in the risk

assessment will be in¯uenced by many factors but


(1) the sensitivity of the site (the receptors


(2) the inherent hazardous properties of the

contaminants (toxicity);

(3) risks of exposure of receptors to contami-

nants (the existence of pathways between

contaminants and receptors, and chemical proper-

ties such as persistence); and

(4) the potential for contaminants to bioaccu-

mulate through food chains.

T|er 1

Having identi®ed at Tier 0 that a site might fall

under the Part IIA conditions and that there are

indeed at least potential contaminant-pathway-

receptor linkages, the next step (Tier 1) is to

evaluate whether these are realised and to

determine whether further evaluation is

warranted. Thus Tier 1 is essentially a step to

screen out those sites where an unacceptable risk

is unlikely to be realised. This decision is based

on conservative assumptions, effectively

according bene®t of doubt to the environment.

Two consequences follow from this. The ®rst is to

minimize the risk of false negatives (i.e. failing to

detect sites that truly pose a risk to ecological

receptors). However, in doing so, it is important

not to increase the incidence of false positives (i.e.

progressing a site that does not actually pose an

unacceptable risk to ecoreceptors) to a level that

the process becomes inef®cient because it fails to

exclude genuinely benign sites. Second, the

assessment is generic in nature, since work of



Page 6: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

direct relevance to assessment endpoints at a

particular site is addressed in higher tiers.

At Tier 1, the emphasis is on a chemical-

speci®c risk assessment. Essentially, concentra-

tions of known or potential contaminants present

in soil are compared against thresholds for

individual chemicals, referred to generically as

soil quality guideline values (SQGVs). These are

threshold concentrations of chemicals below

which no adverse effects on the speci®ed receptor

are expected. They are sometimes referred to as

soil-screening guidelines or soil-screening values.

In addition, some toxicity screening may usefully

be incorporated as a means of reducing the

chances of missing contaminants that are not

covered by SQGVs.

Chemical contaminant data (i.e. contaminants

of potential concern emerging from the Tier 0

assessment) are obtained by chemical analysis

and a reasonable worst-case estimate of the

predicted environmental concentration (PEC) for

each contaminant made. In some cases, existing

chemical data will be available and should be

used unless there is reason to believe they are no

longer relevant (e.g. residues data for volatile

compounds). The PEC is compared with the

predicted no effect concentration (PNEC). Where

SQGVs are available, these are used as the PNEC

FIG. 1. Schematic of tiered ERA approach.



Page 7: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

but where they are not, PNECs can be derived ab

initio from ecotoxicity data. The UK Environment

Agency is proposing to use the EU Technical

Guidance Document (TGD) on Risk Assessment

(EC, 2003) methodologies for deriving PNECs as

the basis of soil screening values (SSVs)

(Environment Agency, 2004).

This is therefore a simple quotient approach to

risk assessment, similar to that adopted in many

other regulatory regimes. If this step can be

performed and no adverse risk is indicated for all

the chemicals identi®ed within potential pollutant

linkages at Tier 0 (i.e. the PEC/SQGV ratio is <1)

then no further work is necessary unless toxicity

screening (see below) reveals evidence of

toxicity. Although SQGVs have only currently

been derived for a very limited set of substances,

it is clear that by using the recommended

approach set out in the EU TGD is likely to

generate very conservative values, thus increasing

the likelihood of false positives. In addition, the

SQGVs are based on total concentrations rather

than the bioavailable or toxic fraction of the

substance, which is also likely to lead to

overestimates of the potential impact of the

contaminants on the receiving ecosystem. For

some metals (Cu, Zn, Cd Pb), an approach

accounting for soil chemistry has been proposed

and the EU Risk Assessment Guidance is

currently being adapted speci®cally for metals.

Consequently, there is likely to be a strong driver

requiring the need for Tier 2 biological testing.

It has to be accepted that the toxicity of a

chemical is strongly governed by the physical and

chemical properties of a soil, as well as the

intrinsic properties of the chemical itself.

Consequently, soil contaminant concentrations

might exceed SQGVs, resulting in prediction of

negative effects on the soil ecosystem. A more

realistic evaluation of toxic effects may be

achieved by carrying out speci®c toxicity assess-

ments of the soils at a site by the use of biological

testing. The biological signi®cance (as determined

by toxicological testing) of chemical residues is

considered further at Tier 2 (see later).

There is a judgement to be made about the

signi®cance of any exceedances of SQGVs. An

isolated or very small exceedance would carry

less weight than large exceedances of several

SQGVs in a large number of samples. However,

uncertainty at this level of assessment is high and

it would not be prudent to automatically exclude

such sites. It is inappropriate to provide restrictive

rules about the magnitude and number of

exceedances required before progressing to

Tier 2. It is better to use the information to

prioritize resources. So, where several sites

compete for resources, attention would be

focussed on those where exceedances were

large, where residues in a large number of

samples exceeded SQGVs, and/or where there

are exceedances for persistent or bioaccumulative

or toxic (PBT) compounds. An exception to this

would be when only a very small number of

samples are available (i.e. spatial coverage of the

site is poor) or only few determinands are

represented. Under these circumstances, there

may be a need for further sampling and analysis.

If this is not possible for practical reasons (e.g. the

site is a nature reserve where disturbance caused

by sampling might itself cause harm), any

exceedance would be suf®cient to trigger progres-

sing to the next Tier.

Toxicity screening at T|er 1

The framework proposed by Byrns and Crane

(2002) suggested that sites thought to be

contaminated with complex mixtures of

substances would `side step' Tier 1 and advance

immediately into Tier 2. The logic behind such an

approach is that relying on SQGVs may be

inadequate and would fail to deal with interac-

tions between substances that might give rise to

more-than-additive effects (i.e. there is a risk of

false negatives). On the other hand, most sites

would fall into this category and it is dif®cult to

develop criteria for what constitutes a `complex

mixture'. Under this rule, Tier 1 could become

redundant for most sites.

Although the emphasis at Tier 1 is on chemical

data, some rapid biological screening (e.g.

bacterial bioluminescence testing such as

Microtox2: see Kwan and Dutka, 1992), could

usefully be introduced at this stage. By incorpor-

ating Microtox? testing into Tier 1, the risk of

false negatives should decline because toxicolo-

gically signi®cant mixtures that are not detected

using conventional chemical-speci®c SQGVs may

well be detected using this bioassay. Toxicity

screening would therefore serve as a backstop to

reduce the incidence of false negatives rather than

as a means of understanding the biological

signi®cance of any chemical contamination.

Where the outcome of any Microtox2

testing is

negative (i.e. the results indicate no toxicity) but

SQGVs indicate exceedance then progression to

Tier 2 is warranted.



Page 8: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

However, while bacterial biosensor testing such

as Microtox2appears a useful addition to SQGVs

in Tier 1, concerns over its robustness and

sensitivity mean that, at present, regulatory

authorities will not accept decisions on negative

effects based solely on Microtox2


Thus, where a SQGV is not available for Tier 1,

even though Microtox2

data may have been

obtained and indicate no effects, the risk

assessment should proceed to Tier 2.

Decision making

The main decision to be made at the end of Tier 1

is whether or not to advance a site to Tier 2.

Progression and consequently more detailed

evaluation would be required if either chemical

or toxicity screening tests indicated a possible risk

to biota. Any of the following circumstances

would trigger progression to Tier 2:

(1) absence of a soil screening or appropriate

guideline value (e.g. No SQGV) for any chemical


(2) when a soil screening value is available but

soil-screening testing (e.g. using MicrotoxTM

) is

negative despite chemical concentrations

exceeding the guideline

(3) the PEC/SQGV ratio is >1 for one or more

contaminants; regardless of whether or not soil-

screening test indicate that toxic contaminants are


(4) there are insuf®cient data to assess the risk;


(5) screening ecotoxicity tests (MicrotoxTM


suggest that toxic contaminants are present but the

chemical analyses have, as yet, failed to detect


Where chemical data indicate a potential risk,

then MicrotoxTM

testing is not essential because a

decision to progress to Tier 2 will already have

been made on the basis of the chemical data alone.

However, in these circumstances, some useful

guidance about spatial variability in toxicity may

still be gained from using MicrotoxTM

testing as a

screen to aid in the location of contaminant

hotspots for subsequent soil remediation. It

follows that a site would exit the ERA framework

if all these criteria are not met.

At this point, the risk assessor can re®ne their

understanding of the CSM in the light of the

information gained at Tier 1. For example, it may

be possible to con®rm some contaminant-

pathway-receptor linkages whilst at the same

time, excluding others. The outcome of the

chemical assessments and any biological

screening should be reported, along with any

assumptions that have been made in reaching a

decision about whether or not a site should be

progressed to Tier 2. However, the risk assessor

should also document areas of outstanding

uncertainty and gaps in the available data. For

example, contamination at a single location might

exceed a SQGV whilst others all fall below. If a

very large number of samples have been taken the

chances of identifying an extensive `hotspot' (or

several `hotspots') are higher than if few locations

have been sampled. Subsequent work may then

focus on more intense sampling but concentrate

on chemical characterization for only a small

number of contaminants.

T|er 2

The aim of Tier 2 is to enable a decision to be

made about whether or not receptors of concern

are actually at risk of harm, now or under the

proposed use of the site. It is therefore primarily

concerned with the biological signi®cance of

contaminants that are present at the site. This is

expected to be the most detailed level of

assessment applied at the majority of contami-

nated sites.

At Tier 1, decision-making was predominantly

based on chemical-speci®c data. At Tier 2, the

emphasis shifts toward biologically-based deci-

sion-making. This is because we are now more

explicitly concerned with the assessment

endpoints de®ned at Tier 0 and also with the

biological signi®cance of chemical residues

present at the site. This biological information

may be obtained through toxicity testing,

ecological assessments, or a combination of both.

Chemical analysis

Further chemical analysis may or may not be

merited at Tier 2. As explained above, there are

circumstances in which a better understanding of

the bioavailability of contaminants identi®ed at

Tier 1 would improve our understanding of the

level of risk faced by ecoreceptors (Janssen et al.,


For example, particularly high levels of certain

substances may have been measured at Tier 1 but

these are not re¯ected in biological impacts from

ecological surveys or toxicity testing. This could

be explained by sequestration or speciation of the

chemical(s) at the site of concern to an extent that



Page 9: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

they are not bioavailable or do not occur in a toxic

form at suf®cient levels to cause adverse effects.

For metals, in most cases it is the toxicity of the

free ion that is of greatest concern, however, the

proportion present in this form is generally very

small compared with the total concentration.

Factors such as pH, organic carbon concentration,

mineralogy, presence of inorganic ligands and the

redox potential of the soil all serve to amend a

metal's speciation and hence toxicity. Partitioning

and associated kinetics also control bioavail-

ability, with a general rule of thumb being the

greater the af®nity of a metal for the particulate

phase, and the longer the contact time, the less the

bioavailability and toxicity. Such cases could be

addressed by site-speci®c chemical analysis,

probably on soil extracts that vary in extraction

ef®ciency; ranging from extraction techniques to

remove all residues to aqueous extracts, intended

to assess levels of readily bioavailable residues ÿ

to weight-of-evidence approaches. Several

different extraction techniques have been

published (Janssen et al., 2003). These include

relatively simple single reagent extraction (KoÈrdel

et al., 2003), through to the use of a series of

chemicals to attempt to isolate discrete fractions

(e.g. exchangeable, carbonate, redox, organically

bound and residual; Tessier et al., 1979) through

to speci®c mixtures simulating gut and gastric

juice for estimating uptake by humans (Ruby et

al., 1996).

Conversely, Tier 1 assessment might have

revealed evidence of modest exceedances of

SQGVs at only a small number of sampling

locations (perhaps only one). In this case, it is

reasonable to concentrate efforts on better under-

standing the extent of any `hotspots' through

more intensive sampling but against a limited

range of determinands (determinands dependent

on the former use of the site and the type of

contamination likely to occur on such sites). It

might be argued that this is best regarded as an

intensi®cation of Tier 1 activity.

Examples of further chemical issues that might

be addressed at Tier 2 could include:

(1) Are the chemical residues bioavailable?

(2) Is the site subject to elevated natural

background levels of contaminants? (3) Are the

receptors being exposed at levels that cause harm?

(4) If a complex mixture of chemicals is

present, what is the biological signi®cance of

this combined toxicity?

(5) What is the spatial extent of contamination

(relative to distributions or home ranges of key

receptors) and is there evidence of any particular

`hot spots'?

(6) Can the contaminant(s) that are responsible

for adverse effects be identi®ed, thereby focussing

any remediation toward the critical sources of

contaminants or pathways.

Where toxicity may clearly be evident, but

cannot be linked directly to available chemical

evidence, more detailed studies at Tier 3 (ecolo-

gical monitoring and longer term assessment of

harm) could be warranted (Chapman et al., 2003).

Biological testing

Because the main emphasis is to understand the

biological signi®cance of the contaminants that

were present at Tier 1, emphasis is placed on the

use of biological tests and, where they are

available, on the results of ecological surveys.

The ®rst step is to review existing ecological

data to determine whether, on the basis of these

alone, there is suf®cient evidence of adverse

impacts to conclude that there is a risk to

ecoreceptors (i.e. obvious signs of damage,

decrease in species diversity and abundance).

These data could be collected as part of the site

walk-over. If so, further testing may be circum-

vented and risk management options considered.

In many cases, such data will not be available, or

they do not yield compelling evidence of impact.

It is at this point that soil ecotoxicity tests are


The suite of biological tests highlighted by

Crane and Byrns (2002), and for which current

data and practical experience exists, is modest,

and can therefore only be regarded as a subset of

the potential measures that could be used at a

contaminated site. However, these tests include

measurement endpoints that could act as surro-

gates for assessment endpoints of direct relevance

to soil ecosystems.

Some further steps can be taken to improve the

relevance of decisions made on the basis of

biological tests and the assessment endpoints

identi®ed at Tier 0. For example, if ecoreceptors

are de®ned in terms of particular species of

concern, such as a protected plant species, then it

would be prudent to ensure that plant tests are

incorporated into the suite of toxicity tests.

Indeed, further re®nement may be possible, e.g.

if the species of concern are families such as

Orchidae or Liliaceae, the range of monocotyle-

donous species might be extended at the expense

of dicotyledonous species. Similarly, if a key



Page 10: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

assessment endpoint arises from the fact that the

site supports a breeding area for a butter¯y

species, emphasis would be placed on tests with

insects, or on tests using potential prey/food

species. If a contaminantpathway-receptor linkage

can be made to agricultural land, tests with

earthworms, plants and indicators of soil func-

tioning may be more useful. As a default, the

battery of biological tests should include at least

tests of soil function, plant growth and earthworm


Decision making

Weight of evidence

Although the concept of `harm' is understood

intuitively by most people, it presents dif®culties

in a regulatory ERA because it is laden with value

judgements and perceptions that make it open to

interpretation. The problem is further exacerbated

by the fact that we must combine information

from a variety of sources (chemical, ecotoxicolo-

gical and ecological) in a way that enables the risk

assessor to make an overall judgement about the

risk of signi®cant harm at a particular site. If

acceptability was determined simply by compli-

ance with a single threshold this would be a

relatively trivial matter, perhaps as simple as a

pass/fail decision. However, where a triad

approach is adopted ÿ as advocated here ÿ the

determination of harm will not usually be

straightforward. Instead, it requires a judgement

that integrates all the available information

leading to a decision based on the weight of all

the available evidence.

Under the proposed ERA framework, a

decision about the acceptability (or otherwise)

of a site is based on an assessment of the risks

identi®ed at Tier 0. In this risk assessment,

predicted or measured levels of contaminant

exposure are compared with those deemed to be

acceptable (i.e. SQGV) or direct effects being

measured through testing and comparison with

controls. When biological testing is used, the

biological tests effectively integrate both expo-

sure and effects in a single assessment. This

contrasts with the chemical-speci®c approach,

where they are derived independently. Therefore,

decision-making based on biological tests is

simply a question of whether or not an adverse

effect has been reliably detected and whether this

is of suf®cient magnitude to warrant further

investigation. When both sorts of data are

available, possibly with ecological data as well,

there is a real challenge in coming to a decision

that is transparent and auditable. Below, we

outline an approach based on that advanced by

Suter (1993) that sets out to meet this objective.

In reality, a site is assumed not to pose a risk of

signi®cant harm unless evidence is available to

suggest otherwise. However, there is no guarantee

that effects would be seen from conducting

standard tests at a site that was truly contaminated

because the tests may not be sensitive to the

toxicants present or test durations may be too

short to elicit an effect. The relatively late

discovery of the adverse effects of tributyl tin

(TBT) to marine molluscs and endocrine

disrupting effects (EEA, 2001) of a range of

synthetic substances are examples where true

risks remained undetected because of reliance on

a small suite of standard tests. It follows that risk

of such a false negative is reduced by deploying a

large range of species representing as wide a

range of potential receptors as possible.

In the tiered approach outlined above, signi®-

cant linkages (or the possibility of signi®cant

harm occurring) will have been identi®ed in the

Conceptual Site Model and the problem formula-

tion stage. The subsequent risk characterization

determines whether these risks are signi®cant for

each identi®ed receptor, and then attempts to

determine the magnitude of the risk (i.e. the

extent of any effects) and the associated

uncertainties. In a weight-of-evidence approach,

all available data (e.g. from chemical analyses,

toxicity testing and other available data) are used

to estimate the likelihood that signi®cant effects

are occurring or are likely to occur and to describe

the extent of these effects (Suter, 1993).

The process of weighting the evidence effec-

tively estimates the level of risk that is most

likely, given all the available data. If the

assessment endpoint is de®ned in terms of a

threshold, such as a difference between control

and treatment group responses of >20%, then the

process can be performed in two steps:

(1) Examine the outcome of each individual

test result independently and draw a preliminary

conclusion ÿ has the measured response exceeded

the minimum level of response in treatment

groups above which a signi®cant effect may be


(2) Determine whether the results taken

together indicate that it is likely or unlikely that

a risk of signi®cant harm will arise. If there is no

bias in the assessment that affects all lines of

evidence, and all tests yield consistent outcomes,



Page 11: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

then it is reasonable to draw a clear conclusion (of

an adverse effect or no adverse effect). However,

if there are inconsistencies between tests, then a

process of weighting must take place.

Suter et al. (2000) describe this process in

detail and consider a number of factors that will

affect this assessment, such as:

(1) Relevance of the test ÿ more weight is

given to measures of effect that are more directly

related to the assessment endpoint. In other

words, where there is concern about a particular

plant species, then a test with a closely related

species would be more relevant than, say, testing

using invertebrates.

(2) Exposure-response ÿ more weight is given

to data that demonstrate a clear relationship

between magnitude of exposure (concentration)

and effects, e.g. from dose-response tests.

(3) Temporal scope ÿ the test should consider a

range of temporal variances relevant to the site

and its future intended use.

(4) Spatial scope ÿ testing is performed on

samples that are representative of the area of


(5) Quality ÿ more weight is given to data

generated using standardized protocols and to

studies that are properly replicated, executed and


TABLE 2. Application of weight-of-evidence approach to interpreting data generated at a ®ctitious

contaminated site (Suter et al., 2000).

Test option (evidence) Result

(test outcome)*


Soil analyses/single chemical

tests (Tier 1)

+ High concentrations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon

in soils were reported, literature data suggest that

such levels are likely to be toxic to soil organisms.

Significant adverse effects on earthworms would

therefore be expected. Relevant toxicity data for

other detected soil compounds were unavailable

Earthworm acute toxicity test

(Tier 2)

ÿ Upon testing, the contaminated soil did not reduce

survivorship of the earthworm Eisenia fetida; other

sublethal effects were not determined

Body residue data (Tier 3) Ô Concentrations of PAHs in earthworms were seen to

be elevated relative to concentrations measured in

worms from control sites; but this elevation did not

impact on the survivorship of the worms.

Biological survey data (Tier 2) ÿ Soil microarthropod taxonomic richness was within

the range of reference soils of the same type, and did

not correlate with the range of soil petroleum

components present

Final Decision ÿ Although the earthworms were shown not to be

sensitive to the soils, such tests, when coupled to the

data from the biological surveys, presented sufficient

weight of evidence compelling the argument that

toxicity is not present for these soils. These results

are considered to be more reliable than using single

chemical toxicity data estimated from the measured

soil analytical data.

Risks to higher trophic levels as a result of chemical

uptake via the food chain were not measured, as Tier

3 testing was not indicated.

* Results of the risk characterization for each line of evidence and for the weight of evidence approach

+ indicates that the evidence is compelling and consistent with a signi®cant biological effect (according to de®ned

test criteria)

ÿ indicates that the evidence is inconsistent with the occurrence of a signi®cant biological effect

Ô indicates that the evidence is too ambiguous to interpret



Page 12: Ecological risk assessment of contaminated soil

(6) Quantity ÿ more weight is given to a large

quantity of data than to a small body of data.

(7) Uncertainty ÿ a line of evidence that

estimates the assessment endpoint with low

uncertainty should be given more weight, e.g.

test species and routes of exposure are relevant to

assessment endpoints of concern (this also relates

to relevance and quantity of data).

Suter et al. (2000) recommend a simple scoring

system of + or ÿ to summarize test results. A+ is

assigned if test data are consistent with signi®cant

adverse effects, and aÿ if test data do not reveal

signi®cant effects. If the data are ambiguous (e.g.

a positive response was seen but test validity

criteria were not met, or no response was seen in

the positive control), aÔnotation is assigned. The

®nal conclusion is not based simply on the

relative number of + or ÿ signs but on the

reliability of the conclusions drawn from various

lines of evidence. This still leaves the ®nal

decision to a process of expert judgement,

although it attempts to make the reasoning


Table 2 illustrates this type of weight-of-

evidence approach for a ®ctitious site; essentially,

each type of data is scored and the reasoning for

the score explained. The outcome in this case is

that the soil is not suf®ciently contaminated to

warrant further action.

Summary and conclusions

Ecotoxicity tests have been shown to be capable

of demonstrating biological effects at sites that are

subject to chemical contamination. They therefore

have a useful role to play in demonstrating

whether or not chemical residues found at Tier 1

are of biological signi®cance. This is important

because this relates directly to the concept of

`signi®cant harm' required under Part IIA

Regulations in the UK. It may not be possible to

draw such conclusions on the basis of chemical

data alone because the bioavailability of chemical

residues is not usually known.

We have already highlighted the merits of the


test as a screening test at Tier 1. In

addition, a range of biological tests has been

demonstrated as worthy of inclusion at Tier 2

(Weeks et al., 2004). Higher plant tests (OECD,

1984) may usefully be adopted with modi®cation.

In addition, a sublethal variant of the earthworm

test is likely to yield useful information although

the acute test should not be adopted. Whilst a

nutrient cycling test is considered useful, the

nitrogen mineralization test would ®rst need

signi®cant development to make it a practical


The weight-of-evidence approach illustrated

above provides a useful way of integrating

biological data generated at Tier 2 with other

types of data and for making transparent the

decisions that are drawn as a result.


The authors would like to thank the UK

Environment Agency for funding this work.


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[Manuscript received 30 November 2004:

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