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    Marilyn Schell

    Margaret Hogan


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    may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

    or transmitted in any form or by any means,

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    Science Press. ABN 98 000 073 861

    Science Press 2007

    First published 2007

    Reprinted 2007 (twice), 2008, 2009

    Science Press

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    Science Press



    Verbs to Watch

    Dot Points

    Production of Materials v

    The Acidic Environment

    Chemical Monitoring and Management

    Industrial Chemistry xi

    Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservation x


    Production of Materials

    The Acidic Environment 4

    Chemical Monitoring and Management 10

    Industrial Chemistry 15

    Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservation 20


    Production of Materials 25

    The Acidic Environment 27

    Chemical Monitoring and Management 29

    Industrial Chemistry 32

    Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservation 34


    Data Sheet 36

    Periodic Table 36

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    Dot Point HSC Chemistry

    Science Press









































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    What the book includes

    syllabus for the following topics in the Year 12 Chemistry course:

    Also included are typical experimental results for students to analyse if the third column of the syllabus indicat

    Format of the book

    The book has been formatted in the following way:

    1. Main topic statement (column 1 of syllabus)

    1.1etc Syllabus requirement from columns 2 and 3.



    worth in an examination. As a rough rule, every two lines of answer might be worth one mark. Note that in

    chemistry involved is worth only one mark.

    How to use the book

    You may have done work in addition to this with your teacher as extension work. Obviously this is not coveredbut you may need to know this additional work for your school exams.

    spend more time revising later, and allow you to spend your study time more productively.

    Dot Point HSC Chemistry



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    Science Press

    account/account for

    State reasons for, report on, give an account of,

    narrate a series of events or transactions.


    Identify components and the relationships among

    them, draw out and relate implications.


    Use, utilise, employ in a particular situation.


    Make a judgement about the value of something.


    results or size.



    Make clear or plain.


    Arrange into classes, groups or categories.


    Show how things are similar and different.


    Make, build, put together items or arguments.


    Show how things are different or opposite.

    critically (analyse/evaluate)

    Add a degree or level of accuracy, depth, knowledge


    Draw conclusions.


    Show by example.


    Provide characteristics and features.


    Identify issues and provide points for and against.


    Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or

    different from, note difference between things.


    Make a judgement based on criteria.



    Relate cause and effect, make the relationship

    between things evident, provide why and/or how.


    Choose relevant and/or appropriate details.


    Infer from what is known.

    identifyRecognise and name.


    Draw meaning from.



    Support an argument or conclusion.


    Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features.


    Suggest what may happen based on available data.


    Put forward (a point of view, idea, argument,

    suggestion etc) for consideration or action.


    Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences.

    recommendProvide reasons in favour.


    Retell a series of events.


    Express concisely the relevant details.


    Put together various elements to make a whole.

    Verbs to Watch

    Verbs to Watch


    Dot Point HSC Chemistry

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    Science Press

    Dot Point Page

    1. Energy and raw materials 2

    from fossil fuels

    1.1 Ethylene (ethene) from petroleum 2

    Alkanes and alkenes with bromine water

    1.4 Ethylene as a monomer 5

    1.5 Polymers, e.g. polyethylene 6

    1.6 Industrial production of polyethylene 6

    1.7 Modelling polymerisation 8

    1.8 Vinyl chloride and styrene as monomers 8

    1.9 Properties and uses of 9

    polystyrene and PVC

    2. Materials from biomass 11

    2.1 Products of the petrochemical industry 11

    2.2 Development and use of a biopolymer 11

    2.3 Condensation polymers 13

    2.4 Formation of condensation polymers 13

    2.5 Cellulose 14

    a condensation polymer in biomass

    2.6 Cellulose a source 15

    of commercial polymers

    3. Ethanol use and manufacture 17

    3.1 Dehydration of ethanol 17

    3.2 Hydrolysis of ethylene 18

    3.3 Modelling the dehydration 18

    and hydrolysis of ethylene

    3.4 Industrial production 19

    of ethanol from sugar cane

    3.5 Ethanol as a solvent 20

    3.6 Ethanol as a fuel 20

    a renewable resource

    3.7 Naming alkanols 21

    Dot Point Pag

    Molar heats of combustion of alkanols

    3.9 Calculating molar heat of combustion 2

    3.10 Ethanol as a car fuel 23.11 Ethanol as an alternative fuel 2

    Fermentation of glucose

    3.13 Conditions for fermentation 2

    3.14 Chemistry of fermentation 2

    4. Energy from redox reactions 2

    difference of metals in an electrolyte

    4.3 Displacement of metals from solution 2

    4.4 Activity of metals and displacement 2

    4.5 Oxidation states 2

    4.6 Redox reactions in galvanic cells 3

    4.7 Construction of galvanic cells 3

    4.8 Components of galvanic cells 3

    4.9 Calculations using the redox table 3

    4.10 Chemistry and uses of batteries compared 3

    5. Nuclear chemistry 3

    5.1 Stable and radioactive isotopes 3

    5.2 Recent discoveries of elements 4

    5.3 Production of transuranic elements 4

    5.4 Production of commercial radioisotopes 4

    5.5 Detection of radiation 4

    5.6 Radioisotopes in industry and medicine 4

    5.7 Radioisotopes uses and properties 4

    Answers to Production of Materials 25

    Production of Materials

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    Production of Materia

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    Production of Materials


    Dot Point HSC Chemistry

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    The Acidic Environment

    Dot Point Page

    1. Indicators 46

    Natural indicators

    1.2 Indicators colour changes 471.3 Prepared indicators 47

    1.4 Acidic, basic or neutral 49

    1.5 Acidity/basicity of household substances 50

    1.6 Uses of indicators 51

    2. Acidic oxides and the atmosphere 53

    2.2 Periodic Table and acidity of oxides 53

    2.5 Solubility of carbon dioxide 55

    2.6 Calculating gas volumes 56

    Decarbonation of a soft drink

    2.8 Natural and industrial sources of sulfur 59

    dioxide and nitrogen oxides

    2.9 Chemical reactions that release 60

    SO2and NO


    2.10 Formation and effects of acid rain 602.11 Evidence for changes in atmospheric 61

    oxides of sulfur and nitrogen

    2.12 Industrial origins of oxides 62

    of sulfur and nitrogen

    3. Acids and pH 63

    Using pH meters or probes

    3.2 Acids as proton donors 63

    3.3 Common acids 64

    3.4 Naturally occurring acids and bases 64

    3.5 The pH scale 65

    3.6 Concentrated and dilute acids 66

    3.7 Strong and weak acids 67

    3.9 Modelling acids 68

    molecular nature and ionisation

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    3.10 Calculation of pH 6

    3.11 Strong and weak acids ionisation 7

    3.13 Strong and weak acids calculating pH 73.14 Acids as food additives 7

    4. Acid/base theories 7

    4.1 Using secondary sources 7

    4.2 Development of ideas about acids and 7

    bases Lavoisier, Davy and Arrhenius

    4.4 Conjugate acids and bases 7

    4.5 Conjugate acid/base pairs 7

    pH of salt solutions

    4.7 Explaining pH of salts 7

    4.8 Amphiprotic substances 7

    4.9 Neutralisation as a proton 7

    transfer reaction

    of a domestic substance using

    4.13 Neutralisation in accidents 8

    4.14 Buffers 9

    5. 9

    5.1 Alkanols and alkanoic acids 9

    5.2 Melting and boiling points of 9

    alkanols and alkanoic acids

    5.4 Naming esters 9

    5.8 Esters occurrence, production and uses 9

    5.9 Esters uses in foods and cosmetics 9

    Answers to The Acidic Environment 27

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    The Acidic Environme

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    The Acidic Environment


    Dot Point HSC Chemistry

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    Chemical Monitoring and Management

    Dot Point Page

    1. The work of chemists 102

    1.1 The work of chemists 102

    1.2 Chemists roles and 103

    chemical principles used1.3 Collaboration between chemists 104

    1.4 Monitoring a chemical reaction 104

    2. Monitoring in industry 107

    the Haber process

    2.1 Industrial uses of ammonia 107

    2.2 Synthesis of ammonia 107

    2.3 Synthesis of ammonia 107

    2.4 Synthesis of ammonia 108

    an exothermic reaction

    2.5 Reaction rate and temperature 109


    2.7 The Haber process and pressure 110

    2.8 The Haber process a balancing act 110

    2.9 Development of the Haber process 111

    2.10 The Haber process and catalysts 112

    2.11 Monitoring the Haber process 113

    3. Chemical analysis 115

    3.2 Monitoring ions in substances we use 118

    3.3 Deducing ions present from test results 119

    content of lawn fertiliser

    3.5 Analysing reliability of results 122

    3.6 Atomic absorption spectroscopy 124

    3.7 Interpreting data from AAS analysis 126

    Dot Point Pag

    4. Atmospheric chemistry and ozone 12

    4.1 Composition and layered 12

    structure of the atmosphere

    4.2 Atmospheric pollutants 124.3 Ozone in the atmosphere 13

    4.4 Formation of coordinate covalent bonds 13

    4.5 Coordinate covalent bonds 13

    and Lewis structures

    4.6 Allotropes of oxygen 13

    4.7 Oxygen allotropes properties 13

    4.8 Isomers of haloalkanes 13

    4.9 Modelling haloalkanes 13

    4.10 CFCs and halons in the atmosphere 134.11 Changes in atmospheric 13

    ozone concentrations

    4.12 Destruction of atmospheric ozone 14

    4.13 Problems associated with use of CFCs 14

    4.14 Replacements for CFCs 14

    5. Monitoring the water supply 14

    5.1 Ions in water 14

    5.4 Monitoring water for heavy metals 15

    and eutrophication

    5.5 The local water supply 15

    5.6 Effectiveness of water management 15

    Answers to Chemical Monitoring and 29


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    Chemical Monitoring and Manageme

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    Chemical Monitoring and Management


    Dot Point HSC Chemistry

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    Industrial Chemistry

    Dot Point Page

    1. Resources and replacements 158

    1.1 A natural resource (not a fossil fuel) 158

    1.2 Shrinking world resources 159

    2. Equilibrium and the 161

    equilibrium constant

    2.3 Effects of changes on 163

    3. Sulfuric acid 171

    3.1 Industrial uses of sulfuric acid 171

    3.2 Sulfuric acid ionisation 171

    3.3 Safety using sulfuric acid 171

    3.4 Transport and storage of sulfuric acid 172

    3.5 Extraction of sulfur 1723.6 Indusrial production of sulfuric acid 174

    3.7 Reaction conditions 174

    production of SO2and SO


    production of SO2and SO


    3.9 Industrial production of H2SO

    4 176

    chemistry and output

    Reactions of H2SO


    3.11 Reactions of H2SO4 178

    an oxidising and dehydrating agent

    4. Sodium hydroxide 179

    Electrolysis of sodium chloride

    Dot Point Pag

    sodium chloride

    4.4 Industrial production of sodium 18

    hydroxide by electrolysis

    4.5 The mercury, diaphragm and 18

    membrane processes

    5. 18

    5.3 Fats and oils to make soap 19

    An emulsion, properties and uses

    Soap as an emulsion

    5.7 Soap structure and cleaning action 19

    5.8 Soap as an emulsion 19

    5.9 Anionic, cationic and 19

    5.10 Soaps and synthetic detergents 19

    5.11 Environmental impacts of 19

    soaps and detergents

    6. The Solvay process 19

    6.1 The Solvay process raw materials 19

    6.2 Uses of sodium carbonate 19

    6.3 The Solvay process 19

    steps and chemistry

    6.4 The Solvay process 20

    environmental issues

    The Solvay process

    6.6 Calculations involving 20the Solvay process

    6.7 Location of a chemical plant using 20

    the Solvay process

    Answers to Industrial Chemistry 32

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    Industrial Chemist

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    Industrial Chemistry


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    Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservation

    Dot Point Page

    1. The ocean as an electrolyte 208

    1.1 Minerals in oceans 208

    1.2 Electron transfer in redox reactions 208

    1.3 Redox reactions occur when ions 209are free to move

    and electron transfer reactions

    2. Ships of metal 213

    2.1 Rusting of iron 213

    2.2 Conditions for rusting 214

    Corrosion of iron and steel

    2.4 Composition and properties of steel 218

    2.5 Composition, properties and uses 219

    of a range of steels

    2.6 Iron and steel in ships 219

    2.7 Corrosion of active and 220

    passivating metals

    3. Electrolytic cells 221

    3.1 Electrolysis anode and 221

    cathode reactions

    3.2 Factors affecting electrolysis 224

    Rate of electcrolysis

    4. Corrosion in a marine environment 227

    4.1 History of ship construction 227

    materials used

    Corrosion rate of metals and alloys

    4.3 Protection of metal hulls 228

    Prevention of corrosion

    4.5 Using the redox table 231

    to predict corrosion

    Dot Point Pag

    4.6 Cathodic protection 23

    4.7 Cathodic protection 23

    chemistry and uses

    4.8 Applications of cathodic protection 235. Corrosion in a sunken ship 23

    5.1 Solubility of gases 23

    5.3 Solubility of gases and depth of oceans 23

    5.4 Temperature and corrosion rates 23

    Rate of corrosion

    5.6 Predicting corrosion rates at depth 23

    6. Corrosion at depth 24

    corrosion and acidity

    6.2 Acidity and corrosion rates 24

    6.3 Corrosion at depth 24

    7. Salvage, conservation and 24

    restoration of artefacts

    7.1 Artefacts from shipwrecks are saturated 247.2 Evaporation of a saturated 24

    solution from artefacts

    7.3 Electrolysis to remove salts 24

    from artefacts

    7.4 Electrolysis to clean and stabilise 24

    metal artefacts

    7.5 Chemical procedures to clean, 24

    preserve and stabilise artefacts

    7.6 R

    in Australian projects

    Answers to Shipwrecks, Corrosion and 34


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    Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservatio

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    Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservation


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    17/84Dot Point HSC Chemistry 1 Production of Materia

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    DOT POINTProduction of Materials

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    Production of Materials 2 Dot Point HSC Chemistry

    1. Fossil fuels provide both energy and raw materials such as ethylene, for the production of

    other substances.

    1.1 Identify the industrial source of ethylene from the cracking of some of the fractions from the

    1.1.1 Describe the composition of petroleum.






    1.1.2 When petroleum undergoes distillation, fractions are produced. Identify some of these.







    (b) Use a diagram to show the industrial process of fractional distillation of petroleum.

    (c) Use a diagram to show the process of fractional distillation in the school laboratory.

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    19/84Dot Point HSC Chemistry 3 Production of Materia

    Science Press


    (a) Identify the IUPAC name for ethylene.

    (b) Construct the structural formula for ethylene.

    (c) Outline the main source of ethylene.





    1.1.5 Ethene is produced by the cracking of petroleum fractions. Describe the process of cracking







    1.2 Identify that ethylene, because of the high reactivity of its double bond, is readily transformed

    into many useful products.

    1.2.1 Complete the following:

    Ethylene (ethene) belongs to a homologous group of hydrocarbons called .........................................

    All alkenes have a as their functional group. This is called a covalent

    bond because the carbon atoms ........................................electrons. It is called a double bond because

    the ........................................atoms share ........................................pairs of .........................................


    (a) Complete the following table to summarise the differences between the three series of

    hydrocarbons, alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.

    Homologous series General formula Functional group





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    21/84Dot Point HSC Chemistry 5 Production of Materia

    Science Press

    appropriate alkenes with the corresponding alkanes in bromine water.

    1.3.1 Describe the test you would use to distinguish an alkane such as ethane from an alkene such








    reactivities of appropriate alkenes with the corresponding alkanes in bromine water.

    (a) Identify the chemicals you used and justify their choice.





    (b) Explain one safety precaution necessary when carrying out this experiment.





    1.4 Identify that ethylene serves as a monomer from which polymers are made.






    (c) Identify the term used to describe the process by which monomers are converted to a polyme


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    Production of Materials 6 Dot Point HSC Chemistry




    1.4.3 Classify each of the following as either a monomer or a polymer.

    (a) starch .............................................................................

    (b) glucose .........................................................................

    (c) ethylene (ethene) ....................................................

    (d) polyethylene .............................................................

    1.5 Identify polyethylene as an addition polymer and e

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