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Daily Spending Diary

By Kevin Salinas

It’s quite obvious that smart investing can increase the amount of your

return. We all heard the saying “It’s not how much money you make, its how

much you can save that counts.” You reap the benefits with financial

planning; monitoring your daily spending is an important part of the process.

The first step to saving should be to analyze your spending and allocate a

monthly budget. Write down a list of your common monthly expenses and

subtract that from your monthly net income. The money left over is to be

wisely spent. Keeping a daily spending diary allowed me to stick to my


Calculating your daily spending should be mandatory. At the end of the day

you should be able to calculate what you spent. This helps you become in

control of your finances. Being able to see exactly where and how much

money is being spent will help improve your overall financial spending.

Keeping a detailed record daily, weekly, and monthly will also give you the

benefit of staying within your financial means.

When you are able to save money, rather than spend it, there is a financial

benefit. Having a daily spending dairy allows you to manage money by

reducing your spending habits. Some bad habits include shopping for

clothes, buying alcohol, fast food, or any excess spending that is really a

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“could do without.” Being able to turn a bad spending habit into to a

beneficial savings can increase your finances and outlook towards life.

If you have any liabilities you should pay more than the minimum payment

and pay them off as quickly as possible. Any credit card debt should also be

quickly paid off so that you are able to save on any interest charges. The

long term benefits of reducing extra spending and eliminating debt is

incomparable. Life is less stressful without the financial burden of owing


Everyone has an urge to spend money so it’s important that we control our

spending in order to live within our means. To do so keep track of the things

you have. It’s also important to have an itemized list of your possessions and

for insurance purposes. By doing this you can avoid buying things that you

already own. Temptation can be difficult to resist but you should really

question yourself every time you are about to buy something. Think about if

the item is a need or want? The chances are, most likely you can do without.

Minimize your spending with substitutions. If gas prices are costly seek

public transportation. Instead of eating out, buy groceries for the week.

There are several ways to save money. Another way is by planning free

activities such as going to the park or visiting family. Avoid using credit cards

and only carry small amounts of cash to avoid over spending. All of these

tips will improve your financial situation.

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The economy changes with time. Interest rates are subject to change without

consent. Being able to be financially secure during and for these

unpredictable situations is something everyone should consider. If interest

rates begin to increase and inflation causes the cost of goods to rise, many

households may struggle without financial planning.

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