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Crystal Meditation: (Part 1)

This article is from the Hermes Reality Creator Series Books and or upcoming books. copyright 1995 - 2014 by Tom DeLiso / Hermes Trismegistus

The furthermost place you must search for yourself is within.Crystal meditation is a fast way of accelerating your inner and outer growth, increasing your power level, and making some strong, helpful, nonphysical connections. Also, crystal meditation is a fine way of tending to that inner person that longs and needs to understand the world and universe. However, most importantly, crystal meditation will enable you to touch powers that can help you to control the person you are. Believe it or not! The better you can control yourself, the more effective you will be in the control of your reality.

Very few people know themselves, nor do they know how to control themselves. Most people are like the branches on a tree. When the wind is low and the weather is nice, they endure fine. However, when a storm or wind arises, these, seeming, rock-steady branches will blow this way and that way, totally out of control. Well, your inner person is not unlike these tree branches. When your life runs smoothly, you have no problem keeping stable; but when a crisis arises, you fly completely out of control, reacting to everything and not knowing how to get through the crisis or control what is happening. That loss of control is due to a lack of knowledge -- a lack of knowledge concerning your reactions, your feelings, or your energy. Surprisingly enough, crystal meditation will unlock some of these inner chambers, which can help you to understand, more fully, yourself and reduce your fears. Not only that, with crystal meditation, when a crisis does come up, you will possess a great tool that can help and guide you toward agreeable resolutions.

Now, simple meditation has been around for thousands of years. Many people throughout the centuries achieved great inner peace, physical stamina, and spiritual awareness because of this mental technique. However, the people who benefited most from meditation, were the ones who went into the mountains to do their meditating. What these solitude-seeking individuals did not know on a conscious level but did know on an unconscious level was that the mountains contained a natural meditation enhancer: quartz.

Embedded within the nearby bedrock were thousands of quartz crystals. (The mineral quartz is a natural stone and is quite common to mountainous areas.) The qualities of clear quartz helped these meditators to tune their body, mind, and spirit into the frequencies of the universe. These great spiritualists understood themselves and their world, more fully, because these frequencies were the keys to unlocking various inner doorways and states of awareness that the average person was unable to access.

Quartz crystals function like a key because they normally exist in a state of perfection; they vibrate at the frequency of the universe -- the frequency of God! When a person is surrounded with quartz, the mineral's piezoelectric effect will raise the vibrations of that person's energy, toward that of the crystals themselves. In effect, the aura of the person surrounded by quartz rises toward the aura of the universe, closer to perfection. (The aura is the electrical field that surrounds the physical and nonphysical bodies. The condition of the aura relates directly to the condition of the physical body.) Consistent exposure to quartz, especially during meditation, will permanently raise a person's auric vibrations to this higher, perfect frequency. When a person's aura vibrates at this higher rate, many, not normally available, resources open up -- like the opening up of other states of consciousness and the acquisition of large quantities of energy.

In addition, these quartz-enhanced meditations enable a complete balancing of a person's aura. Nonphysical healers are better able to manipulate the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies, when a person is surrounded with quartz, because quartz -- besides existing in a state of perfection -- exists in two dimensions, simultaneously. Nonphysical healers can adjust the crystals from their side of reality and then let the crystals transpose these adjustments to the physical side of reality.

Furthermore, having one foot of a crystal sit in the physical world, while having the other foot sit in the nonphysical world, makes it a great tool for sending information back and forth. This free-flow of energy, from one dimension to another, makes it very easy to receive help and guidance from the Guardians -- the entities who wait on the other side to assist those who ask and reach-out. This multidimensional aspect of quartz is another reason why the great spiritualists sought to meditate in the mountains and seemed to possess great insight and wisdom. Let's face it! They had their own private telephone line to God!

Today, though, you do not need to go the mountain to reap the benefits of these enhanced meditations; the mountain can come to you. Modern-day mining has made possible the opportunity for everyone, if they desire, to install their own private telephone line to the divine -- without all the hassle and traveling that was necessary in the past. A trip to your local rock-shop or holistic center will have you equipped to open-up communication to the divine and embark on these quartz-enhanced meditations almost instantly.

Now, the type of quartz crystal that you are looking for will come in the form of a clear, six-pointed stone. These crystals vary in size, shape, clarity, color, and purity. However, for general meditation, the clear variety works best. For beginners, we recommend crystals approximately 2 inches long by 3/4 to 1 inch wide. You will need four crystals to use the beginner pattern and several more for the other patterns. (We will be covering the various crystal patterns, as well as the beginner pattern, in part two of this series.)

It's important to look over the crystals before you buy them. Make sure that you hold each one in your hand, to get a feel for the stone. If a particular crystal does not feel right or appeal to you, then you should put it back. Crystals are very personal. Not every crystal will be right for you, nor are you right for every crystal. The relationship, between you and your crystal, should be mutually benefiting. By just holding a crystal for a few moments will reveal whether you and that particular stone can get along. Believe me! If you and that stone are not compatible with each other, you will know. A feeling of uneasiness will be very evident. Do not take it personally, if a particular stone and you clash! It merely means that that stone is for another person. Put the stone back and choose another.

Now that you are aware of crystals, their advantages, and their possibilities with meditation, let's cover the basic mechanics behind meditation, before we get into meditating with quartz. In the beginning, you may find the pure act of meditating cumbersome and distracting. That feeling is present because you are unaccustomed to breaking up your physical day, in this manner. Normally, the only break in continuity you experience is when you go to sleep. However, meditation is one of the most simple tasks that you can embark on, and, in many ways, it is even simpler than sleep!

In the most basic form of meditation, you quiet your conscious mind and drift on a cushion of inner peace. This cushion of inner peace comes from the absence of thought, within your head. If you haven't realized already, you are thinking constantly -- from the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to sleep! Now, you may believe that sleeping is enough to rest your mind, and that may be true; however, your mind is not what you are resting here. What you are resting, when you meditate, is your consciousness. Also, you may be under the assumption that your consciousness gets rest while you sleep; except, that fact is even further from the truth! Your consciousness is more active when your body sleeps then when your body is awake. You merely are not capable of remembering all that your consciousness does while you sleep. So, the only way your consciousness is going to get that rest is if you consciously give it that rest, as you do when you meditate.

Except, meditation does not only provide your consciousness with its needed break; meditation can achieve that and much more. The more is physical and spiritual healing, guidance, understanding, learning, energy, recharging, and even mental travel. You see! Placing your consciousness into an inactive state, not only will enable your consciousness to rest, but will allow your consciousness to receive direction from other dimensions. For example, common sense dictates that -- if you are continually speaking -- you will be unable to listen. Your consciousness is unable to tune into these other dimensions, because you constantly preoccupy yourself with thought and action. When you meditate, you allow your consciousness's voice to keep quiet and the inner voices speaking to be heard. If you are unaccustomed to quieting your mind, developing the basics of meditation, even crystal meditation, will take time. In the beginning, your mind will fight you to remain active, because it knows no other way. However, with persistence you will succeed!

One way to succeed with quieting your mind is to use an inner sailboat. When a thought enters your head, you should gently push it away, as you would push away a toy sailboat on a quiet lake. Take that intruding thought and put it into your mental sailboat, then send the sailboat away. The farther the sailboat gets, the farther the thought will be from your mind. Eventually you will disperse all your thoughts in this manner and be left with only one thing: quiet, inner peace. When you reach this quiet, inner peace, you have begun meditating. In the beginning, you may only be able to hold on to this inner peace for a minute or so. However, in time, you will become increasingly efficient and be able to keep your mind quiet for longer periods of time.

Quieting your mind is the first of two parts which normal meditation possesses. During this first part of meditation, your consciousness and your body will receive the rest and nourishment needed to continue on in the day. This part of meditation is the part where the healers can come and heal you, if you desire. This part of meditation is also the part where your auric frequency rises and gets charged. Lastly, this part of meditation sets the proper mental attitude, so that the second part of meditation can take place.

During the second part of meditation, your consciousness will no longer be silent; however, you will not be doing the speaking. You, instead, will be doing the listening. It is here, during this second part of meditating, that the help, guidance, instruction, and contact with your spiritual Guardian can come. It is in this part of meditation where you learn how to deal with any present challenges that are within your life. It is in this part of meditation that you can receive warnings concerning any dangers that may befall you. It is in this part of meditation where you can travel, mentally, if you so desire.Part 1 of MeditationPart 2 of Meditation

the quieting of your mindhelp and quidance

body restinstruction

consciousness restcontact with nonphysical guides

healingswarnings (if any)

rechargingmental travel to other places

raising your enregymeeting with other selves

preparation for part 2travel forward or backward in time

return to normal consciousness

Determining when that first part of meditation ends and when that second part begins is not so difficult. During the first part of your meditation, your mind will remain relatively empty and few thoughts will enter into your awareness. However, when this part of your meditation completes, your mind will again startup. Except, this time, these thoughts will not be the intruding thoughts that they were in the beginning of your meditation. These thoughts, instead, will be coming from your spiritual guidance.

Now, your spiritual guidance, for the most part, will not speak to you, as another individual does. Your guidance, rather, will place instructions into your mind. These instructions will seem to come from you -- but will be lacking in any prior thought process to connect them with. In actuality, these instructions have come from another dimension and from an awareness far exceeding your own. When these thoughts arrive, your mind will play games with them. For example, your guidance may want to help you to get over a past fear. Your guidance may implant a suggestion that you confront that particular fear. Your mind may, in turn, construct a short visualization of you conquering that fear, or, perhaps, the feeling of conquering that fear will sweep through you. In this example, your guidance is telling you that it is time to meet this challenge; for you are quite capable of conquering it, at this time. Naturally, practical experience is the best way for you to become familiar with the way information will flow, from one dimension to another. Except, it is important to be aware of how this touching of the powers is most likely to occur. Some people are under the impression that the earth must shake when you touch your spiritual guidance. That assumption is not really true. In meditation, the contacts you will most likely have will be in a non-obtrusive form. Remember! Your guidance wants to reach you, not scare or shock you.

Once this second part of your meditation ends, your consciousness and awareness will shift back into physical reality and the room. It will be as if you are coming out of a daydream or a light sleep.

The exact end of a meditation varies greatly from person to person and from meditation to meditation. There are not any set rules! The length of a normal meditation will be as long or as short as it takes to give you the rest and instruction you need. Suffice it to say that you will know when it is over. There are definite indicators, which will inform you that your meditation is complete. We'll get into these indicators, when we cover the actual crystal-meditation process.

In the meantime, as a preliminary exercise to crystal meditation and meditation in general, try to quiet your mind, using the inner sailboat method. Practice stilling your mind, by sending off those little boats and watching what happens. You should not concern yourself with meditating, just yet; nor do you need to concern yourself with learning how to meditate without crystals, before you actually meditate with crystals. Right now, you are merely acquainting yourself with the stilling of your mind. This practice with quieting your mind will prepare you for the next step and the next chapter.

In the next chapter, we're going to go through an actual quartz-enhanced meditation. A crystal meditation is slightly different from a meditation that does not use crystals. Special care must be taken into account, due to the addition of quartz and the added energy bombardment that meditating with quartz possesses.

Crystal Meditation: (Part 2) The Power is in the Stones)

This article is from the Hermes Reality Creator Series Books and or upcoming books. copyright 1995 - 2014 by Tom DeLiso / Hermes Trismegistus

Creativity requires leisure!In the last chapter we learned about meditation and quartz crystals in general. In this chapter we're going to go into the crystal-meditation process, itself, more extensively. Understanding the use of quartz in meditation will save you much time and trouble in the long run, especially when you are a newcomer to crystal meditation.

Surrounding yourself with crystals is not a task that should be undertaken lightly or frivolously. These little guys are more than your average ordinary rock! These guys are power-storage devices. When you surround yourself with them, you will be immersing yourself within a field of energy that demands no less respect than the electrical current coming into your home. When you use this energy properly and safely, the energy becomes a great tool for your use and growth. Let's learn what goes on within your crystal circle, so that you can get the most out of these little gems and use them in a safe manner.

Above is a diagram of a very basic crystal pattern, the circle pattern. With this pattern there are four crystals placed down within an imaginary circle. These crystals, when laid out in a pattern, will begin to generate a kind-of electrical current between them. The energy stored within each crystal will begin to interact and flow from one to the other. An invisible energy bubble quickly forms, which will mirror the crystal pattern. This pattern is spherical, so the energy in this pattern will be round. (Note: Other patterns, like triangles and hexagons will generate their own respective patterns. As you become familiar with crystal meditation and the various patterns, you will find subtle differences when using one or another. Some of the patterns you will like, while others you will not.)

Now, this energy bubble, coming from the crystals, is not just two dimensional. This bubble extends in all directions, vertically and horizontally -- even through the floor! So, what you kind-of have is a sphere, or bubble, of energy surrounding the area where the crystals are. This bubble goes upward, downward, left and right, forward and back.

When you sit within the center of the crystals, you will be sitting within this energy bubble. Your body will bask in the contained and flowing energy, much like when you bask in the sun to get a tan. Your body, possessing a lower energy-potential than the energy-potential of the crystals, will begin to absorb this highly charged energy. Remember! Crystals exist in a state of perfection and vibrate at the frequency of the universe. You do not! Your lower vibrational energy will yield to this higher vibrational energy, and you will quickly begin to exist at a higher frequency. When you leave this crystal circle, your body will retain this high-energy; and, as you go about your day, you will be able to use this energy, as you see fit.

Now, meditation and sitting within a crystal pattern go hand in hand. In fact, we would recommend that you only sit within a circle of crystals when you intend to meditate. You see! A pattern of quartz crystals is more than just energy flowing around in a pattern. A quartz-crystal energy pattern is, also, like looking into a mirror. The crystals will mirror back, to you, whatever you project into them. If you carelessly sit in the center of a quartz-crystal pattern and let your mind wander, aimlessly, these crystals will construct the reality you are presently projecting. In short order, your reality will change to reflect whatever it was you were thinking about. If that thinking involved a fear of yours, you could quickly manifest that fear.

However, by going into a crystal pattern with the intention of meditating and bettering yourself, you will empty your mind of all careless thoughts and be filled with only the most positive of thoughts. Why? You may ask! Because, any thoughts you may have, while meditating, will come not from you, but from your spiritual guidance. Your spiritual guidance knows exactly what you need when you need it. Your guidance will program your thoughts and your crystals for the best and highest good. When you emerge from a crystal meditation, your reality will be guided toward that best and highest good and not in any haphazard direction. Now there are ways to program purposefully a quartz-crystal meditation, to cause any specific changes you may want, in your reality; and we're going to cover that in a later chapter. For now, though, let's move on to an actual meditation using quartz crystals.

Prior meditation experience is not necessary for a quartz-enhanced meditation. The meditation process will be the same. The addition of quartz in meditation will, actually, make it easier for first-time meditators to get the hang of meditating.

As you already know, meditating with crystals is powerful. So, for the beginner, we would recommend that you start with the triangle pattern (shown below). This pattern is very gentle and will facilitate your familiarity with quartz crystals. You will need four crystals for this pattern. Three of the crystals will be for the construction of the triangle, and one crystal will act as a generator. The generator crystal sits in your hands as you meditate and will direct the flow of energy into you, from the surrounding crystals. In front of you will be, what we call, the head crystal. In back of you, on either side, will be the support crystals. What you should have is three crystals, all with the points facing toward the center, forming the shape of a triangle. You should be sitting in the center of this triangle -- while you meditate -- and be facing your chosen head crystal.

To begin, you should place your generator crystal just under your head crystal but within your crystal pattern. Next, you will need to energize the crystals surrounding you. You can accomplish this energizing by imagining a stream of white-hot light, coming down from above your head, going down your spine, and out your solar plexus. As this energy goes out of your solar plexus, it should enter your generator crystal. Then the energy should leave your generator and enter into your head crystal. When the energy enters the head crystal, see the energy separate and go in two directions. One flow of energy goes in a clockwise direction and the other goes in a counterclockwise direction. The energy should go through each crystal in your pattern and return through the head crystal. Now, let go of that visualization, knowing that this energy is continuing to circulate about you.

At this point, pick up your generator crystal and hold it between your two hands. Begin to quiet your mind by taking slow, easy breaths. Close your eyes and clear away any random thoughts. If you become inundated with thoughts, as you will while you are trying to quiet your mind, you must put each thought into a sailboat and send it off on that quiet, inner lake. Eventually, your mind will cease generating thoughts. Now you should feel an inner peace coming over you. You may also feel the energy from the crystals, as that energy circulates about you. You may perceive this energy as a form of heat or pressure against you. As this energy circulates around the crystals and you, you should begin to feel increasingly refreshed and recharged.

Allow this feeling of peacefulness and energy to continue for as long as you can. Soon, your mind will begin to fill with images or thoughts, again. Except, these thoughts will have a different feel to them from your regular thoughts. These thoughts are from your spiritual guidance. Don't be too concerned with understanding what is happening, especially if you are a beginner meditator. You should just experience the images and feelings. Afterwards, when the meditation is complete, you can go back and review what you saw, heard, or felt, to decipher any conscious meanings. It is quite normal, in this phase, to jump from topic to topic or vision to vision very rapidly. The images themselves have a continuity of their own, which may or may not possess any apparent or quantifiable meaning. Your inner consciousness, although, will be aware of the meaning of these images, sounds, and feelings, and will have you act accordingly at the appropriate time.

Now, the meditation will be ending when you feel yourself getting colder or your body temperature dropping. This change in perceived temperature is normal to quartz crystal meditations. What is happening is that the crystals surrounding you are shutting down. You have taken all the energy out of the crystals that you can, for this particular session, and your angelic guidance is through. Complete the crystal meditation by sending off any excess energy, which still exists within your circle, to do some good purpose -- like helping a friend in need. Just state the purpose for this residual energy and mentally send the energy off. Now, put away your crystals, until their next use.

You can crystal meditate as much or as little as you like. In the beginning, three times a week for ten minuets at a sitting is fine. Later on, you may wish to increase the length as well as the frequency of your meditations. Things like how-often and how-long are really a personal matter and up to the individual. However, it is better to meditate more often and for shorter periods, than less often and for longer periods.

In the very first few crystal meditations you want to try to get a feel for the energy as it enters, as it passes through, and as it surrounds your body. In addition, don't be too concerned if you feel this process is all happening in your imagination. Part of the process begins in your imagination, and, as time goes on, the energy effects become increasingly physical and less imaginative.

If you are a beginner to crystal meditation, then stay with the triangle pattern for at least two months. After that, you may increase the size and number of crystals. In fact, as you grow accustomed to the energy, it is better to increase the number of crystals used, rather than the size of the crystals. When you feel you are ready to advance, try the pattern of five crystals, in a star, or the pattern of six crystals, in the shape of two triangles. (Note: The five and six crystal patterns as well as the more advanced patterns are on a separate page, at the end of this chapter. You can learn of other patterns by looking in books that strictly cover the use of crystals.)

After six months to one year, you can move on to the more advanced patterns. That's if you've been meditating with crystals for at least once a week and on a regular basis. Otherwise, you should wait until your meditations become regular, before stepping into these high-power patterns; they can be quite potent and disorient you, when your energy level is low, as it would be, if you were not meditating with crystals regularly.

The idea is to raise your energy level slowly -- starting, first, with the small, simple patterns. When your body becomes accustomed to the energy of one pattern, you may move to a more complex pattern. Each pattern builds your energy reserve increasingly larger in fine increments. Once you reach the advanced patterns, and have been using them for a while, you can begin to increase the size of your crystals. Increasing the size of your crystals will not raise the vibrational rate of the energy, but it will raise the intensity of that energy, during those meditations.

That's it! You're ready to go. Enjoy and have fun. You are about to embark on a wondrous and exciting adventure!

In the next chapter we will discuss the care and feeding of your crystals, so that they will stay potent, healthy, and happy.Crystal Meditation: (Part 3) The Care and Feeding of Crystals

This article is from the Hermes Reality Creator Series Books and or upcoming books. copyright 1995 - 2014 by Tom DeLiso / Hermes Trismegistus

A meditation per day helps keep unhappiness away!Now, let's talk about the care and feeding of your quartz crystals, so they will stay healthy and happy. As you meditate with crystals, in each session, the crystals will absorb your negative energy. Eventually, the crystals will become clogged with this energy and will be unable to do their job. So, to keep your crystals clear and operating at peak performance, you will have to clear them, regularly, of this built-up negativity.

There are as many ways to clear crystals as there are days in the week. We're only going to cover the most effective methods here, and any one of these methods will function adequately for clearing your crystals. However, an even better way to clear your crystals involves using all of these methods. By rotating through these various clearing techniques, you will give your crystals a little edge and improve their performance in meditation. As you will soon see, each of these clearing methods will leave your crystals with a different feel and handling ability. Let's take these methods, one at a time.

The first, and most reliable, method of clearing your crystals is with dry sea-salt. Take your crystals and place them in a jar or glass (do not use plastic or metal). If your crystals are large you may need to place them in separate glasses. Now, pour sea-salt into the glass until the dry salt surrounds the crystals; leave them like this over night. The sea-salt will pull the negativity out of the quartz crystals. In the morning, remove your crystals and discard the salt down the drain. Do not reuse the salt or use it for any kind of consumption. The salt is toxic, due to the negativity and because of its contact with quartz. The dry sea-salt method, for clearing crystals, is very effective in balancing and leaving your crystals virtually free from all negativity. This method is, probably, the single-most, general-purpose method for clearing quartz.

The next method is similar to the method above but involves placing your crystals in a pail and filling that pail with saltwater. You should fill the crystal-filled pail with regular tap water and then dissolve as much sea-salt into the water as you can. This method will require that you leave the crystals in the saltwater solution, for a couple of days, to remove all the negativity from your crystals. (The salt concentration is not as high as it is with the dry method, so the process takes longer.) As always, you should discard the water when the process is complete. The advantage to this method is that it uses the element water to assist in the clearing of the crystals. Clearing your crystals with a saltwater solution may take additional time but will leave your crystals in better shape to handle emotional energy. The salt-solution method is very good for when your emotions are running away with you, and you need meditations containing extra emotional-calming.

Burying your crystals, in the ground, overnight, is another way you can keep your crystals clear. This method is simple and straight forward. Dig a small hole, large enough to fit your crystals, place the crystals in the hole, and refill the hole. In the morning, you should, carefully, unearth the stones and wash them off with water. Your crystals are now ready. The ground method will enable your crystals to absorb large amounts of negativity from you, more rapidly. This rapid absorption of negative energy can be an advantage when you find yourself surrounded with an excess of negatively focused people, ideas, or you are the type of person that is frequent to depression.

Another method for clearing your crystals involves the celestial bodies of the sun and the moon. On a clear day and evening -- preferably back to back -- put your crystals on some kind of table where they can bask in direct sunlight and moonlight. Leave them out all day and out all night. The moonlight part requires that the moon be almost full or completely full to work effectively. The next morning you can bring your crystals in. The celestial method will enable your crystals to deliver large doses of energy into you, for quicker power-ups. If the demand on you is great -- many people relying on you -- this method can give you the extra energy boost you need to avoid becoming drained. Also, if you are an extremely creative person -- for example a person who writes or paints -- this crystal clearing method will give you the creative-energy you need to maintain your focus throughout your day.

The final crystal clearing method involves calling forth angelic forces to clear your stones. Except, to accomplish effectively this method you will need to establish a report with your Guardian Angel, beforehand. We're going to cover establishing a connection with your angelic guidance in a separate chapter, so we won't be going into that connection process here. However, we will present you, now, with this clearing method.

To clear your crystals with angelic forces requires that you place your crystals in a small circle, with your generator crystal in the center. You will also need a small quartz crystal, about 1 inch long by 1/4 inch wide. Tie a small string, about twelve inches long, to this crystal. You will be using this crystal as a pendulum. This small pendulum-crystal should not be one of your meditation crystals.

Now, take your hands, palms facing down, and hold them over your meditation crystals. Ask that your angelic guidance to come and clear your crystals. After a couple of minutes, you can remove your hands and take the crystal pendulum. Hold the pendulum by the string and allow the pendulum-crystal to rest just above your generator. In a minute or so, the crystal will begin to rotate in a circle. This will be a sign that your angelic guidance is forcing energy into your crystals, to clear them. When your guidance completes clearing your crystals, the pendulum will either stop moving in a circle, or it will change its direction and move side to side. That change in movement is a sign from your guidance that the clearing is complete. Remember to thank your guidance. The angelic method will enhance your crystals' capabilities to connect with your higher-self and the divine forces. This method will also allow the highest of possible energies to permeate into your stones -- raising your auric vibrations to their highest possible frequency. Furthermore, the angelic method is great if you desire to raise your awareness of the divine and the things unseen in physical reality.

Please note that clearing your crystals, using the angelic method, can take up to 20 minutes (10 minutes on an average) to complete, especially if your crystals contain much negativity; however the benefits are well-worth the time and effort. Once you establish a connection with your guidance, we urge you, strongly, to try this method of clearing your crystals. Now, while this method works well, you will still have to use one of the other clearing methods to keep your crystals clear. Clearing your crystals with angelic forces is very effective, but only as effective as your connection to the divine is. So, to ensure the continued clarity of your crystals, you will have to alternate between this method and one of the other more mundane methods.

So, you see! Each method has an advantage over the other. All the methods will remove negativity, but each method leaves your crystals in a little better state to handle that particular energy. Rotating through each clearing method will make sure that your crystals maintain the best of each method and remain clear. What you can do is to set up a schedule! First, you should clear your crystals with dry sea-salt. The next time they need clearing, put them in a pail of saltwater. The next time, bury the crystals in the ground ... ect.

What we suggest, along with rotating through all the methods, is to use the angelic method every time you clear your stones. For example, after you complete clearing your crystals, with either the sea-salt, pail, ground, or celestial method, you should place your crystals in a circle and follow-up the mundane clearing with an angelic clearing. This two-phase cleansing will ensure that your stones are clear, charged, and programmed properly -- because, if the mundane method was incomplete, your nonphysical guidance can complete it for you. Not only that, by following-up the mundane clearing, with an angelic clearing, you will give your guidance the opportunity to reprogram your crystals, for your best needs, at that time. Your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs can change rapidly. Giving your guidance this increased opportunity to fine-tune your crystals will allow you to handle better your current challenges.

How often you clear your crystals will depend on how much you use them and how stressful your life is. You should clear your crystals at least once a month and when it feels like the energy effects, of your meditation, decrease. If you are a frequent meditator (every day or every other day), you will need to clear them more often, perhaps every other week. However, there is another way to keep your crystals clearer, for longer periods of time. That lengthening requires that you set your crystals up in a relatively isolated space, in your home, leaving them in their current crystal pattern. If that pattern is a double triangle, then you would set up your crystals in that pattern and leave them that way. When you are ready to meditate, you should pick up your generator crystal, step into your pattern, sit down, and begin meditating. When you complete your meditation, you should get up, step out of your pattern, and place your generator crystal in the center.

When you leave your crystals in their respective pattern, the natural interaction between the stones will slowly clear small amounts of negativity out of them. This slow-draining of negativity will lengthen the amount of time that you can go without clearing your crystals. However, even leaving your crystals in their respective pattern will require that you clear them regularly, at least once every other month, to keep them in peak condition. The one requirement, for leaving your crystal pattern in place, is that your crystal-pattern be left in a place where other people will not cross over or touch them -- to do so would disrupt the energy contained within the pattern and, possibly, offset the energy in your next meditation.

In the next and final chapter on crystal meditation, we're going to cover the more advanced kinds of crystal-enhanced meditations and the things you can do while meditating. Finally, we're going to cover some of the ways you can interpret information, obtained in your meditations, so that you can apply the information physically.KHASIAT BATU PERMATA

Mengikut dalam Kitab Doa Selamat Jiwa Dan Ringkasan Huraian Khasiat Batu-Batu Permata Dan Lainnya Karangan Muhammad Abdullah. Madrasah Mahiliyah Genting Tumpat,Kelantan.

1 Batu Permata Yakub (sapphire)Batu permata Yakub, atau dikenali dengan batu permata delima, sifat batu ini keras lagi berat, sangat jernis warnanya, dan jika warna yang lain daripada warna hijau, sangat payah hangus apabila dibakar dengan api, dan batu delima yang terlebih baik ialah warna yang merah yang sejahtera daripada rengkahan dan sumbil.

Jika hendak memilih batu delima, pilihlah batu yang merah atau kuning atau hijau atau puteh, adapun warna yang lain daripada empat ini, kurang ia pada kemulian dan pada pihak khasiatnya.Dari segi Fizik, susunan atom yang tidak kukuh mempunyai frekuensi yang rendah. Frekuensi yang rendah ini pula hanya disukai oleh golongan jin. Pengamal perubatan tradisional misalnya, gemar menyimpan batu permata berwarna oren, merah, hitam dan kuning untuk tujuan seperti memerangkap tenaga asing. Berdasarkan kajian sains fizik, batu jenis ini mempunyai struktur atom yang kukuh dengan frekuensi rendah, perlahan dan digemari oleh unsur-unsur negetif. Namun batu permata yang berwarna merah jambu, ungu, putih, hijau dan biru didapati mempunyai struktur atom yang agak kukuh dan memiliki frekuensi bunyi yang tinggi serta laju.

Sesiapa memakai cincin permata delima atau menanggongnya, nescaya Allah menghidarkan daripada sebarang penyakit terutamanya penyakit taun, walaupun taun sedang merebak dimerata tempat dengan izin Allah swt.

Tersebut dalam kitab Hadiqatul Azhar, faedah sesiapa bercincin dengan yakub merah (delima yang merah) atau dikenakan pada tubuhnya, nescaya terhidar daripada penyakit gila, babi, taun.

Sesiapa menanggong yakub kuning atau bercincin dengannya, nescaya menegah daripada ikhtilam (minpi yang buruk), bagitu juga delima puteh, Allah swt.meluaskan rezeki untuknya .

2 Batu Permata Zamrud (emerald)Batu permata zamrud. ia mempunti khasiat yang tersendiri,diantaranya sesiapa memakainya, nescaya tidak terjadi kepayahan dan kesukaran sekali kali dengan izin Allah swt. dan sesiapa menilik (melihat) kepada zamrud bertambah cahaya mata (mata menjadi cerah) dan jika hampir kepada makanan yang beracun nescaya berpeluh ia dan jika digantong pada rambut perempuan yang tiada bersuami nescaya dapat bersuami dengan izin Allah swt. dan khasiatnya lagi untuk menghilangkan penyakit sawan ,dukacita ,pemalas.

Ada juga satu jenis zamrud iaitu zamrud alzubabi namanya, sesiapa menanggongnya tiada dihinggap oleh lalat atas orang yang menanggongnya dengan izinAllah swt.

3 Batu Permata Firuz (sejenis batu hijau bercampur biru pada kebiasaannya, ia terdapat di negeri khurasan. sifat batu ini ,ia mengikut cuaca langit dan keroh warnanya jika langit itu gelap.

Khasiatnya apabila bercelak mata dengan debunya nescaya cerah mata dan jika diperbuat cincin kurang hebat bagi orang yang memakainya.tetapi jika orang yang selalu memakai mempusakai kaya dan banyak harta tidak menjadi papa. Dan lagi orang yang memakai permata firus tiada mati tenggelam air dan tidak mati dengan kena petir dan tidak mati menakut dan diriwayat dari Jaafar as Sodiq r.a. katanya tiada papa bagi orang yang sentiasa memakai cincin permata firus dengan izin Allah swt.

4 Batu Permata Aqid Yaman

Ia itu batu termaklun, maka khasiatnya sesiapa yang memakai cincin ini, mudah hilang marah bila dia berkelahi dan kurang ketawa, debunya di buat bersugi gigi , jadi bersih dan kuat gusi iaitu tidak mudah berdarah gusi, ia juga sebagai penawar bagi orang yang berpenyakit gementar hati yang membawa kepada gila.

khasiat lagi sabda Nabi saw sesiapa memakai cincin Aqid ini sentiasa ia dalam kebajikan dan berkat dan kesukaan.

5 Batu Permata Al-Hijrul Mughnathis

Dalam bahasa arab iaitu batu Berani jenis yang baik warnanya hitam sebenarnya merah di dapati di tepi laut negeri Hindia dan laut Turki, berpantang jangan bagi kena bawang puteh hilanglah khasiatnya. Maka jadi batu biasa, untuk memulihnya maka basuhlah dengan air cuka. Jika sekiranya di ditanggong oleh orang sakit nescaya sembuh dari sakitnya. Terutana sekali orang sakit sendi tulang serta bertambah akal, bagitu juga jika ditanggong oleh perempuan yang hendak bersalin nescaya mudah bersalin.semua itu dengan izin Allah swt.

6 Batu Ayam

Batu ini terdapat dalam perut ayam, ia berkhasiat bagi orang gila babi jika ditanggongnya. Bagitu juga orang yang lemah syahwat akan jadi kuat dan lagi tidak mudah kena sihir.untuk kanak-kanak yang terkejut juga inssallah jadi sihat.

7 Batu ular

Batu ini juga terdapat di kepala ular sekadar sebesar buah berangan yang kecil, bukan semua ular terdapat batu, ia sebagai penawar dipatut ular dengan cara menanggongnya atau di letak pada tepat kena patut tadi,ia juga dapat menahan darah keluar dan ubat sakit batu karam jika direndam batu itu kedalam air dan minumnya.,ia juga penguatkan ingatan dan penawar sakit gila babi. inssallah.

8 Batu lazurat

Iaitu sejenis batu berwarna biru, berkhasiat untuk mencerahkan mata apabila mencelakkannya, jika menanggongnya manusia akan melihat dirinya besar. Dan ia juga dapat menggugurkan daging yang tumbuh pada badan seperti tahi lalat dan buat ara jika menanggongnya atau diasah dilumur pada tempatnya. Dan menjadi ubat bagi orang sakit gila babi. bagitulah besarnya khasiatnya.

9 Batu Bahru

Sejenis batu laut sifatnya hitam lagi ringan dan kesat, ianya berkhasiat untuk orang belayar mudah-mudahan selamat dari tenggelam. Bagitu juga jika diletak diatas periuk nasi tidak masak atau air tidak menggelegak.

10 Batu Al Khataf (Batu Burung Lelayang)

Sejenis batu yang terdapat dalam sarang burung lelayang dikenali batu burung lelayang.batu ini ada yang merah berkhasiat kuat hati tidak geligesah dan satu lagi batu puteh untuk baik pulih orang yang gila babi wal allahu walam.

Posted 9th November 2009 by RAUDATUL ULUM

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Toko IslamiApril 6, 2014 at 2:10 AM

mantab infonya..

ijin promosi...


Batu Yakut Bertuliskan Lafadz ALLAH

Batu Pirus Biru / Turquoise Tembus Cahaya (LANGKA & ASLI PERSIA)

Batu mustika fosil KELAPA (ASLI kasiatnya telah saya rasakan)

Batu Safir / Sapphire Dengan Serat Sulaiman

Batu Zamrud / Emerald [Bening Berserat]Batu Akik MERAH DAGING [tembus]


Generator Crystalfrom Crystal Personalities by Patricia Troyer

Generator Crystals are crystals terminating in six faces (facets), all coming to a near-perfect point at the top-center of the crystal. Generators aresometimes also called Projector Crystals. A Generator Crystal can be found as small as inch or be as large as a tall building. These are alwayspowerful stones, no matter what their size, and should be treated with care and much respect.

Generators do exactly what their name impliesthey generate and project energy. These are first rate group meditation tools when seated in the centerof a meditation circle. Generators are also outstanding at re-energizing or recharging other crystals and stones. These crystals are often favorites of those involved in alternative healing procedures, generating and directing energy in extremely precise regular pulsesand patterns, especially when programmed for specific functions.

Some Generators have been known to generate enough energy to crack and shatter other crystals in their near vicinity, so be careful where you placethem and how you use them. But If you have any doubts that all this crystal energy stuff really works, experiment with your Generator. Just be preparedfor what you experienceand remember that it is not nice to point.

Like all stones, each Generator is a distinct individual with its own lifetime of experience and unique frequency transmissions. It can be cloudy at the baseand clear at its point, or vice versa; it can contain phantoms, rainbows, inclusions; and it cam be perfectly clear. AGenerator can be any member of the Quartz Clan so long as all of its six sides terminate in one regular 6-sided point. Generator, however, do not haveto be perfect to function.

Generators also symbolize the number 6. Six, among many other interpretations, is the number of accomplishment, purpose, and growth. It symbolizesthe completion of a process and often shows up in your life at the end of a period of great change and activity. It is your experience with the number 6,which prepares you for the lessons of the number 7. Six is also the number of the Philosophers Stone, The Shield of David, the Seal of Solomon with thepower to bind negative energies, and 6 can symbolize sexuality since it represents the hexagram which itself denotes the meeting of male and female. Sixwas a perfect number to Pythagorus since it was the midpoint between the 2 of the beginning of growth and the 10 of completion.

Generators are extraordinary meditation tools, helping you gather and focus your concentration and energy, then amplify and send it anywhere you like. They are also good instructors while you are learning not to damage anything when focusing and using energy and power responsibly. Wear or carry aGenerator anytime you need to feel strong and in control. Generators are perfect mates for Receiver Crystals Symbolizes the union of Fire and Water which when harmoniouslycombined creates the Human Soul. Represents the number 6 with all of its symbolism. One of the best Power Stones, directly symbolizing the power useenergy. A Shaman Stone. Outstanding for generating, concentrating, and projecting energy. Good reminder when you are serious about accomplishing anything Superb tool for focusing and storing energy. A good choice for leaders of any kind. Helps recharge all energy systems. Generates strong feelings of self-confidence and personal courage. First rate meditation tool. Breaks up and dissolves feelings of apathy and lethargy. Outstanding channeling tool. Good choice during any rebirthing procedures. Matchless physical and psychic protection tool. Great aid in dealing with a fear of heights or flying. A good tool for digging for your core beliefs. Connects you more directly to your Higher and Inner Self. Outstanding choice for business people. Balances energy directly and quickly. One of the best telepathic communication tools. Helps generate and maintain your energy during spiritualexercises. Excellent candidate for programming.

Lemurian QuartzConsidered one of the "Master Crystals", Lemurian Quartz Crystals teach oneness, reminding us that while we are all individuals, we are also connected to each other, and that we are all equal in Spirit. Lemurian Quartz Crystals help us maintain our connection to Spirit, aiding spiritual evolution, and have been used successfully in dream work. Lemurian Quartz crystals are a wonderful tool to use when clearing and activating the Chakras. An amazing healing crystal, Lemurian Quartz will assist in removing all types of energy blockages. Use a Lemurian Quartz Crystal for healing and meditation work.

Also called Lemurian Seed Crystals or "Lemurian Star Seeds", Lemurian Quartz Crystals were originally found in Brazil. Metaphysical Legend states that there was once an advanced ancient civilization called Lemuria, similar to Atlantis but more spiritually developed and peaceful. As the end of their time on Earth was coming to an end, the Lemurians programmed these crystals to teach their messages of oneness and healing - messages that would be revealed when the energy on Earth was ready to receive them. The Lemurians then planted (or seeded) the Lemurian Crystals, encoded with their ancient knowledge and wisdom, to be found centuries later by us.The legend continues to state that Lemurian Seed Crystals are planted in a grid pattern over the surface of the Earth and beyond, to other stars and dimensions. When you connect to a Lemurian Crystal and the energy it contains, you are also connecting to this grid of associated energies from the Earth, the stars, and beyond.

Lemurian Crystals have a distinct appearance. Look carefully at a Lemurian Crystal and you will see horizontal striations or grooves, like bar codes, on one or more sides. Commonly, the sides of a Lemurian Crystal will have alternating striated and smooth faces. Lemurian Quartz Crystals are often found in the shape of a Laser wand, where the faces at the tip of a Lemurian Crystal are small and gently taper in size from base to tip.

As opposed to Quartz that you program, Lemurian Quartz Crystals are a type of Quartz that you activate. As you meditate, rub your finger along the bar codes on the side of a Lemurian Quartz Crystal to activate and download Lemurian knowledge and connect to the Lemurian energy grid.

NOTE:Natural Pink Lemurians were discovered in one pocket of the same mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil where the Lemurian Star Seed crystals were originally found. The pale pink coloring is due to a dusting of Hematite during the growth process. This coloring is within the layers of crystal growth.

The "New" Pink Lemurians that are currently available also have a pink to orange pink coating of oxidized Hematite. However, these are more similar to Tangerine Quartz. The Hematite on these can easily be removed and/or may chip or flake off.

Check for the alternating pattern of horizontal striations and smooth sides. If they are present, you have a Lemurian Star Seed. If the sides are smooth all the way around, what you have is Tangerine Quartz.

Metaphysical:Primary Chakra: AllAstrological sign(s): AllVibration: Number 3 & 7

Geological:Mineral Class: SilicatesFamily: QuartzCrystal System: TrigonalChemical Composition: (SiO2) Silicon DioxideHardness: 7

Physical:Color: Clear, Colorless, White, SmokeyLocation: BrazilRarity: Not uncommonFun Fact: A "new" find of crystals in Russia, many times called Lemurians, have been aptly named "Sacred Scribes" by Jane Ann Dow. These crystals impart information and wisdom from the ancients.

1. Root Chakra-The color is Red. Crystals are Hematite, Black Obsidian, Black tourmaline, Red Zincite, Garnet, and Smoky Quartz. Stability, grounding, physical energy, will, and Security. Deals with anger,reactions,sexuality,physical activity,desire,intensity of experience, and immaturity. Also, passion, vitality, and excitement.

2. Sacral Chakra- The color is Orange. Crystals are orange Calcite, Vanadinite, Carnelian, Blue-Green Turquoise, and Blue-Green Fluoride. Creativity, healing, sexuality, reproduction, desire, emotion, and intuition. Deals with productivity, creativity, artistic, adventure, urge to achieve and succeed, expressions, playfulness, sensuality, scientifical, structure, logics, intellectual, and detailed-oriented.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra- The color is Yellow. Crystals are Citrine, Yellow Jasper, and Golden Calcite. Intellect, ambition, personal power, and protection. Deals with curiosity, mental clarity, flexibility,competition, and originality.

4. Heart Chakra- The color is Green. Crystals are Rose Quartz, Tourmaline, Green Aventurine, Malachite, and Jade. Love, Compassion, Universal consciousness, and Emotional Balance. Deals with healing, teaching, self-love, self-nurture, endurance, self-esteem, pride, socialism, materialism, organizing, goal-oriented.

5. Throat Chakra- The color Blue. Crystals are Sodalite, Blue Calcite, Kyanite, Angelite, and Blue Turquoise. Center of communication, Expression, and divine guidance. Deals with communication, love, peace, love, grace, unity, and depth of feeling.

6. Third eye Chakra- The color is indigo. Crystals are Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, and Sugilite. Spiritual awareness, Light, Intuition, and Psychic power. Deals with awareness of thr Truth, universal nature, clairovoyance, unlimited knowledge, deeply spiritual, unconditional love, sensitivity, passion, and softness.

7. Crown Chakra- The color is White. The Crystals are Amethyst, White Calcite, and White Topaz. Enlightment, Cosmic consciousness, Energy, and Perfection. Metaphysical awareness, expansive prayers, spiritually motivated, spiritual channeling, forgiveness, joy, freedom, goodwill, consciousness, and abundance.Libra Birthstone

Ametrine GemstoneAquamarine StonesAventurine Stones

BloodstoneBlue SapphireChiastolite

Emeralds StonesGreen TourmalineHerkimer Diamonds

Kunzite CrystalLapis Lazuli StonesLepidolite

MoonstoneMorganite, PeridotPrehnite

Stichtite in SerpentineSunstonesTourmilated Quartz

Birthstone Meanings

Ametrineis a mixture of Amethyst and Citrine Crystals. The energy of the Citrine strongly vibrates within thesolar plexus chakrawhich is sometimes called the power chakra... as it aids your will-power.

The vibration of Purple Amethyst will stimulate the higher chakras and in particular thecrown chakra.

The blend of the energies of these two types of stone creates a strong result. The impact of this Libra birthstone may help you to make better decisions as it will assist you to connect with your higher self and aid you to align yourself with Divine will.

Aquamarine Stonesare excellent crystals when you are going through times of emotional difficulty... including being able to handle grief. They are strong crystals for communication with the Goddess, as well as helping to improve your communication generally, as they are very good throat chakrastones.Aquamarine geamstones are attractive when made into jewelry... and beautiful Libra birthstone jewelry made from this stone may be worn near the throat... where their energy is most effective to help you.

Aventurinestones comes in a range of colors... including green, yellow, peach, blue or red color. The green stones are the most popular... and they are strongheart chakrastones.

They assist you to deal with stress and anxiety and may produce a more optimistic and cheerful approach to life.These green stones encourage elemental beings to be present near to your home... and these creatures may help to bring an improvement in your life.

Bloodstoneis believed to have magical and mystical powers. Physically within the body they are thought to heal problems in the area of thesacral chakra.

It is said that they eliminate toxins in the blood and may aid those you have leukemia. They work within the base chakra, sacral chakra and heart chakra... and they are stronggrounding stones.

Blue Sapphireis the best known color of Sapphires. It vibrates strongly within the throat chakra and thethird eye chakra, and is quite energizing to both areas.

This stones vibration may stimulate enhanced psychic gifts... particularly ESP, psychic visions and psychic communication. It aids your mental abilities by assisting you to develop enhanced mental discipline.

Place a piece under your pillow to aid lucid dreaming. It helps to prevent negative thinking, so it may be beneficial to wear it, to help you to stay positive.

Chiastoliteis a unique stone that naturally has a cross within the stone... and in olden times was known as Cross Stone. Ancient people who saw this cross in these stones believed it to be highly protective.

They were right as we also know today that its vibration is highly protective, and it is also a strong grounding stone. It is known to change negative energy into positive... and promote peace and harmony.

Emerald Stonesembody the energy of the green ray... a strong vibration that is all about you in the natural world. This energy is a loving heart based energy and using Emerald gemstones may allow you to embrace the highest love of all... Divine love.

This stone carries within in it a strong level of the loving higher heart orhigher heart chakraenergy. This is a love that embraces forgiveness, compassion for others and selflessness. The vibration of this Libra birthstone helps you to see that if you want to create a truly loving relationship, it is necessary to care for the other partner as much, or more than for yourself.

Green Tourmalinehas a strong healing vibration and carries a natural vibration to connect you with the energy of the earth and to Mother Gaia.

It allows a connection with the elemental creatures of the earth... the nature spirits who love to live in the green areas close to your home.

Wearing a lovely Libra birthstone pendant made from this stone helps you to keep this lovely energy close to both your heart chakra and a higher heart chakra.

Using it there encourages compassion and a strong love vibration to flow throughout your entire being. It also combines well with its sister stonePink Tourmaline... also a stone that embodies a strong heart based vibration.

Herkimer Diamondshave a strong high vibration that you may choose to use to boost your vibration. They are highly useful stones, because they not only have a high vibration... but they will boost the vibration of other stones that you may choose to use them with.

This is helpful if the other stone that you want to use is very small... and this may be the case if you are using rare stones. This Libra birthstone has a lovely high pure vibration that will aid healing of your body and will boost yourclairaudientandclairvoyantabilities.

Kunzitehas a strong heart based energy that encourages an influx of loving energy in your life. It is a positive stone that helps you to let go of any feelings of panic or fear that you may feel.

This assists you to be open to loving energy coming into your life, as well as helping you to love yourself. This is a wonderful Libra birthstone to give as a gift, or be given as a love gift... as anyone who embraces its energy may become truly loving.

Lapis Lazulihas a strong vibration that stimulates both thethird eye chakraand thethroat chakras. This blue stone creates heightened depth and clarity in your thinking and communication.... and strengthens psychic ability. Its resonance through the throat chakra also aids you to speak the truth.

The energy it brings is known to aid the birth of a range of psychic gifts... includingdeveloping intuitionand clairvoyant abilities. Wearing Libra birthstone jewelry made from this blue stone is a powerful way to use this energy.

It will be effective worn anywhere on the body... but it is very helpful to yourpsychic communicationabilities when worn at the ears. It will have a stronger effect within the chakra where the stone is located, so you may choose to wear it close to the chakra that you hope to stimulate.

Lilac Lepidoliteis a soothing calming stone that will aid you if you are feeling depressed... as it contains lithium. This is a lovely stone to wear as jewelry or to keep under your pillow to aid you to sleep better.

This Libra birthstone may also allow you to become more aware of the Divine presence. Because Lilac Lepidolite aids positivecoincidence or synchronicityto occur in your life, it will make you more in the flow of life.

Moonstonecarries within it a strong frequency that flows out into your auric field, to allow you to experience deep heartfelt joy. This beautiful crystal aids withdeveloping intuitionand helps you withfinding your spirit guide.

Within this stone is embodied the feminine vibration... an energy known to aid women. The profound feeling of fathomless fervent desire to experience your personal destiny that this stone creates is powerful to move your life in a new direction.

This deep inner awareness and recognition of your feminine energy, encourages you to allow the development of your intuition... and to use it to move your life forward.

Morganitehas a strong vibration in thethymus chakra or higher heart. It is may be found selling as Pink Emerald... as like Emerald it is a variety of Beryl, and like Emerald carries a strong love vibration.

Both of these stones enhance your relationships... as they bring through a strong loving heart based energy.

This Libra birthstone helps women to feel harmony with male energy ... and aid women who feel the only way to handle men is to dominate them. It allows men the grace of being different, and may allow love to flow in your life.

Peridot Gemstoneshave a lovely vibration that will aid you to bring an increase in whatever you desire to have in your life.

They will help to manifest an increase in your personal abundance, enhance love and happiness, wealth, and aid your spirituality.

If you are working on developing your psychic abilities this Libra birthstone will increase your connection to the higher realms.

They are strong stones to aid the development ofclairvoyant ability... also known as psychic visions, and are strong stones forpsychic protection.

Prehniteis a good meditation stone as it assists you to learn to hear guidance from the Divine spirit and the angels. This is a stone that aids you withmaking contact with angels... and particularly connects with Archangel Raphael... and it will also aid you with finding your spirit guide.

It has a lovely energy that will link the heart with the will... relieving worry and bringing through peace and joy. Its energy will ground you to the earth and to Mother nature... as well as aiding you with developing intuition.

This green crystal helps spiritual discipline, and will assist your mind to become more peaceful and relaxed... releasing restlessness and concerns.

Stichtite in Serpentineis a stone that amalgamates the energy of the greenSerpentinestone with that of purpleStichtite. This energetic combination creates a totally new vibration... even though this stone embodies the energy of both of the other stones. It is also called Atlantasite.

This name is derived from the particular vibration of this stone... as it will help you to go back into past lives that you may have experienced in the ancient civilizations of Atlantis or Lemuria.

This Libra birthstone vibrates strongly within the heart chakra... and fills your life with a loving heart based energy, which may improve your personal relationships.

Sunstonesare excellent stones to project delight, happiness and related feelings into your being.

They are strong stones to aid manifestation... and have been known to be a help toboost manifestationof money. If spirit feels that it in your interest at the time, these stones may bring you the things that you want.

They have strong metaphysical properties that will bring through the capability to aid the development of the Merkabah within your lightbody... and enable the awakening of cosmic consciousness.

Tourmilated Quartzembodies within it the strong vibration of Black Tourmaline combined with the powerful attributes of White orClear Quartz, that will amplify the energy.

This is an excellent Libra birthstone to use to eliminate negativity from the auric field ... and in addition it creates a 'bubble of light' around your body for protection.

The presence of this powerful light will help to heal you in many ways... including the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical levels.

TheBlack Tourmalinebrings through the ability of this mineral to aid you to clear negativity from your environment. This stone... also known as Tourmalinated Quartz, is also a stronggrounding stoneand aids you to beprotected psychically.Your Libra BirthstoneThere are so many beautiful stones for the Libra woman if you wish to wear them as jewelry. It is lovely to know that not only can you wear lovely Libra birthstone jewelry... like this beautifulLapis Lazulinecklace... but it looks attractive and appeals to your romantic nature... and it has strong healing aspects too.

Learn about the attributes of the crystals assigned to the astrological sign of Libra... by reading the meanings.

Take a look at the Libra Birthstone list, then see if one of them seems to appeal more than the others.

Use your intuition to guide you and help you to decide which one you feel will be the best one for you to use. Once you look through the stones on the list... you may find that one of them may appeal to you more than some of the others.

There are quite a few strong heart chakra stones that will appeal to your serene and romantic nature... but be sure to read through all of the meanings so that you can use them to help you to make your decision. Librans are inclined to be influenced by others opinions... so simply allow your inner guidance to help you to know what the best choice is for you.

The information will provide a range of different things including the healing qualities of each Libra Birthstone. It it wonderful when you know that just by wearing your personally chosen stone you may also be able to heal a individual issue.

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