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Dates for the Diary 2015

Traditional Christmas Celebration—Coylton Church at 7pm. Doors open 6.30pm. 4th December Joint Ecumenical Service in St Clare’s at 7.30pm 15 December Boys Brigade Pantomime “Snow White” - Church Hall at 7pm. Doors open 6.30pm 16 December Young Church Nativity Service at Coylton Church at 10am 20 December Quiet Service for those wanting a quieter Christmas—Coylton Church at 7.30pm 22 December Rankinston Community Centre—Watch night Service at 7.30pm 24 December Watch night Service—Coylton Church at 11.30pm 24 December Joint Christmas Day Service—Coylton Church at 10.30am. 25 December

Charity No SCOO5283 (Church of Scotland) C.C.L. No: 041381



Dunwhinny, Ballantrae KA26 0NB Dear Friends, It is hard to believe that it is just over a month short of a year that I have been locum at Coylton and Drongan. Time passes so swiftly when you are doing God’s work. I cannot write at this time without thinking about the dreadful events in Paris, still so fresh in our minds, and the plight of the refu-gees, desperately trying to find a place where they can feel at home. But you remember how Jesus had to flee into Egypt with his parents? And of the awful massacre of the innocents in Bethlem and district? I am sure people were asking the same questions then as now —”How can God allow this to happen?” And the answer is still the same, and applies at every tragedy, whether it is a personal loss, or a more massive one, like 7/7 in London or the recent one in Paris, or on an enormous scale, like the loss of innocent lives at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the waste of lives that took place in the first world war. God has given us free will; we can choose to follow the way of Jesus, the way of peace, or go in the opposite direction and show only hatred from those who hold views different from our own.

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The choice is made by each individual. We have an example in Jesus, and encouragement in his teachings. But we must choose. We give gifts at Christmas, yet we never seem to be able to bring peace into the world. We pray, but God’s reply is, or so it often seems, “you choose”. So the only way forward is for each one of us to realise that we must choose to be part of the solution, and that is never easy—turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, not with a good friend but with someone you think of as ‘other’. We who have must reach out to those who have-not, we must always strive to show the Spirit of Christmas Goodwill, 365 days (or, like next year, 366), we each must choose not to just love our friends, but somehow, find ways to love our enemies. I hope I haven’t said in any sermon that any of this is easy; we find it hard enough, sometimes, to keep harmony in our families, far less with strangers. But if you are to be able to be called a “good and faithful servant” of God, that is our command. In closing, and looking forward to spending more time with you, since the time to find a minister seems to be increasing still, I should like to thank all of you who have asked about my wife since her time in hospital, and to all of you who are so friendly, even when you would rather I hadn’t picked quite the hymns I did, and of course, to wish all of you a very Happy, Joyful and thoughtful Christmas, full of God’s blessings. Your friend and locum, Arrick


Across 3 Square Magi, or lessons

and carols? (4) 5 We all enjoy a shindig. (5) 6 Where Jesus was laid. (6) 9 Is this the first song of the

season? (4) 11 100 in the middle of going

out? (7) 12 The best transport if the season was white? (4) 13 Traditional display flower. (10) 14 One way of dealing with

the turkey.(5) 16 It used to be a name for a

wit, but now it is the greet-ing we send and receive. (4)

18 God's .... (4) 19 An old word for this season. (4) 20 A member of the upper

house, who is always with us. (4)

21 Often goes with the holly?

(3) 23 This is at bottom of the puzzle, but it really should be atop it.(4)


1 My niece is mixed up with her Personal Information Manager. (5,3)

2 'Tis the season. (6) 4 The stable is round the

back. (3) 7 We wish you a Merry

Christmas and a Happy New Year, for example. (9)

8 Venison on the hoof for Santa? (8) 9 Neither Mark nor John tell us about this topical event. (8) 10 Poured over a seasonal

dish? (3,5)

13 Are you harbouring an after dinner drink? (4) 15 Did D sign it - to bring the

news? (7) 17 A cardinal colour of the

season? (3) 22 23 is often on top of this variety of cone bearer. (3)


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1 2


4 5

6 7 8 9





14 15 16 17

18 19





A Christmas Crossword



Dear Friends, It will soon be time to write the Christmas cards again - what designs have you picked to send this year? Are they religious ones? In the shops you can see all the different designs, traditional and modern. Through history the view of Christmas has been the same, usually Mary and the baby Jesus. But what else would you count as religious? Three Kings? The Bible doesn’t say they were kings, or that there were 3, just Wise Men but it does tell us about the gifts they brought for baby Jesus. Do you know why there are so many robins on Christmas cards? The first postmen in Victorian times wore red and were called robins so robins were shown as delivering cards. So which cards are religious? Think of what you write inside your Christmas cards… all of them are because of what we write inside them and post them with love. Our love is a tiny echo of God’s love for all the world. I wish you and yours a peaceful Christmas and a good New Year. Yours in him, James Skinner OBE Interim Moderator

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An Advent Reflection

“Jesus bids us shine like a pure clear light, like a little candle burning in the night.” So goes the well known hymn. If our cares or worries are getting us down, it can be hard to shine in this sometimes dark world we live in. As Christians, we have a lot to shout about. God is so good to us and wants others to share in this as well. After all, God loves everyone in the world. We Scots are naturally reserved about discussing our faith but God can help us with this too. This poem “A return to love” was written by Marianne Williamson.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful

beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most

frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant,

gorgeous, talented, fabulous’? Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God

that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

- Thought provoking indeed!


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Charlie James Webb

was baptised on Sunday 5 July 2015 and we welcome him into our

Church family.

Thomas Stuart Mackay

was baptised on Sunday 26 July 2015 and we welcome him into our

Church family.

Please come and join us for a traditional Christmas Celebration

on Friday 4th December at 7pm. Doors open at 6.30pm.

Donations raised will be for Ayrshire Cancer Support and our new Church Hall.

Refreshments will be served.

Please come along to enjoy the spirit of Christmas.

Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman: "And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?" the reporter asked. She simply replied, "No peer pressure."

Congratulations go to Mrs Jenny Brooks one of our

oldest members, who will celebrate her 102nd birthday on 13th December 2015.


As we enter this time of advent, we look towards the coming of the Christ child, the light of the world. This time of year is short on daylight. One of the symp-toms of having little daylight exposure is that it can be a time when people feel down or sad. Having the light of Christ within us can help us through the gloomy times. Let us resolve to shine our little lights for others we are in contact with. “You in your small corner and I in mine.” May the peace and love of God be with you and yours this Christmas. Douglas

Christmas Crossword Solution

Across: 3 Nine, 5 Party, 6 Manger, 9 Noel, 11 Excited, 12 Sled, 13 Poinsettia, 14 Roast, 16 Card, 18 Gift, 19 Yule, 20 Lord, 21 Ivy, 23 Star. Down: 1 Mince pie, 2 Winter, 4 Inn, 7 Greetings, 8 Reindeer, 9 Nativi-ty, 10 Rum sauce, 13 Port, 15 Tidings, 17 Red, 22 Fir.

Why couldn't the butterfly go to the Christmas ball ?

It was a moth ball

How did the chickens dance at the Christmas party ? Chick to Chick

What did Dracula say at the Christmas party ?

Fancy a bite ?

Why couldn't the skeleton go to the Christmas Party ?

He had no body to go with

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I am sure by now you will have heard about our plan for a new Hall. I know it is still in the early stages but we have a good committee in situ and the planning of events is going well. However we can put in place all these evenings etc., but we need your support to make them work. Our evening of “Music and Mirth” in September was very well received and the money raised was a nice little “kick start” to our fund. As you are aware Doreen Young organised an “Evening of Fashion” for the ladies on the 19th November, which was a great success. The money raised was £818.00. In case you have not heard, we have pens for sale at £2.00 each, marked with “Coylton Church”. The money raised is also for the new hall fund. So if anyone would like a lovely pen, we have many colours, please see me. There maybe someone out there who has a great idea for a fund raiser, feel free to let us know and we will support you to the best of our ability. Here’s to our New Hall. Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year. Anna Cameron Social Committee


What do monkeys sing at Christmas ? Jungle Bells, Jungle bells..

Why are Christmas trees like bad knitters ?

They both drop their needles

What's Christmas called in England ? Yule Britannia !

What did the bald man say when he got a comb

for Christmas ? Thanks, I'll never part with it

Why is a burning candle like being thirsty ?

Because a little water ends both of them

What do you get if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree ?

A pineapple

What do you give a train driver for Christmas ? Platform shoes

What did the big candle say to the little candle ?

I'm going out tonight

What happens to you at Christmas ? Yule be happy

How long does it take to burn a candle down ?

About a wick

Knock Knock Who's there ?

Mary Mary who ?

Mary Christmas

What did one Angel say to the other ? Halo there !

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The legend of the

spider’s web When Joseph and Mary and Jesus were on their way to Egypt, the story runs,

as the evening came they were weary, and they sought refuge in a cave. It was very cold, so cold that the ground was white with hoar frost.

A little spider saw the little baby Jesus, and he

wished so much that he could do something for him to keep him warm in the cold night. He decided to do

the only thing he could do, to spin his web across the entrance of the cave, to make, as it were,

a curtain there.

Along the path there came a detachment of Herod's soldiers, seeking for children to kill to carry out Herod's bloodthirsty order. When they came to

the cave, they were about to burst in to search it, to see if anyone was hiding there, but their captain noticed the spider's web. It was covered with the

white hoar frost and stretched right across the entrance to the cave.

'Look,' he said, 'at the spider's web there. It is

quite unbroken and there cannot possibly be anyone in the cave, for anyone entering the cave would

certainly have torn the web.' So the soldiers passed on, and left the holy family in peace because a little

spider had spun his web across the entrance to the cave.

And that, so they say, is why to this day we put tinsel on our Christmas trees, for the glittering tinsel

streamers stand for the spider's web, white with the hoar frost, stretched across the cave on the

way to Egypt.

It is a lovely story, and this much, at least, is true, that no gift which Jesus

receives is ever forgotten.

Text: Lion Publishing 1984


With our new tea routine, we have more room for folks to enjoy informal fellowship. Please come along and give it a try, it is a good way to meet people

after the service for a wee chat.

We are always looking for volunteers to serve the Fellowship Teas and Coffees.

If you feel you can help, please add your name to the list on the Notice Board in the

Session Room or speak to Nancie Arkley or anyone on the Tea Rota List.

ChurCh OffiCer’s repOrt

I am pleased to say that we still have a very busy hall occupation. A diverse group of people are using the hall

for Children’s parties etc. The Caravan Club meet twice a year and have an enjoyable

time and think we are very accommodating with our heat-ing and kitchen facilities. So if anyone out there asks if

you know where thy could hold a function you know the answer.

Anna Cameron Church Officer

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To finish off our summer session we had a trip to the National Museum of Rural Life in East Kilbride. When we arrived we took the tractor and trailer up to the farm-house where there were plenty of farm animals for us all to see and we also had a look around the house, which remains the same as it did in the 1950’s. We then had a look around the museum and finished off our trip with coffee (for the adults) and cakes and then a visit to the gift shop. We started the session off with a visit from Rachel Whiteman who used slides to relate her experiences in Romania. This was very interesting and made us appreci-ate our own lives. Topics that we have covered over the past few weeks have been: Deborah: Deborah helped her people to listen to God - the children made “shrinkles”. David and Goliath: David the shepherd boy chosen by God to become King – we made sheep from card and cotton wool. Elijah: Sacrifice and offerings David: Talking about forgiveness. David committed a sin and asked God to forgive him, which he did but would not allow David to build a temple. Daniel and the Lions: Trust in God – Daniel trusted God when he was thrown into the lion’s den and he was saved. The children made a lion out of heart shapes. We enjoyed watching a Christian DVD called "Galaxy Buck: Mission to Sector 9" on the day Communion was celebrated. On remembrance Sunday the children made felt poppies to take home.


Come and join your local Boys’ Brigade in Coylton where you can make new friends, develop new skills, seek out

adventures and win awards.

Each week the boys have the opportunity to take part in activities such as crafts, games, quizzes and marching.

The boys will also have a chance to participate in outdoor adventures, camping, fund raising and competing in

competitions/activities with other Brigade Companies.

We meet on a Wednesday night

Anchor Boys P2, P3 and P4 Coylton Church Hall 6.30pm to 7.30pm

Junior Section P5, P6 and P7 Coylton Primary School 6.30pm to 8pm

Company Section All Academy years Coylton Primary School 6.30pm to



Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

The 12th Ayr Boys Brigade are performing Snow White Panto on Wednesday 16th December starting at 7pm in

Coylton Church Hall, doors will open at 6.30pm.

We invite you along to this enjoyable evening with teas and carols to follow the Panto.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from

everyone at 12th Ayr (Coylton) Boys Brigade.

12th Ayr Boys’ Brigade

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1st Coylton Girls Brigade

Explorers and Juniors (P1 - 7) Meet at 6.15pm—7.30pm Brigaders (S1 upwards) Meet at 7.30pm-9.00pm

Since returning in September the girls have been busy doing badge work.

Explorers — ”All things pink and beautiful”

Juniors — ”Giving and looking good”

The Juniors performed their Fashion Show to the Explorers which they all enjoyed.

We had a talk from Rachel Whiteman about her time

in Romania for the “Giving” part of the badge.

The girls made Christmas cards which they have been

selling to family members and the proceeds will go to the “Smiles Foundation”, also they took part in

the Christmas Shoe Box appeal.

We had our Halloween Party which was enjoyed by all.

November 2015 is a special time of celebrations for the 1st Coylton Girls’ Brigade, as the company reaches its 60th Anniversary. As part of the celebrations we are having a party at the Activity Centre for all the girls,

where we will be sure to have a lot of fun.

We will end the session before Christmas with a craft evening.

1st Coylton Girls’ Brigade wish everyone a Merry

Christmas and a Happy New Year

Gillian Dick, Captain



Our babies and toddlers meet at the crèche every Sunday and they would welcome new playmates to come and join them while mums and dads enjoy participating in worship.

Experienced mothers supervise the crèche and the

children are welcomed in a safe and pleasant environment.


Thanks everyone for collecting and passing on to us your used stamps.

Please remember to tear off the stamps from all those Christmas card envelopes. The stamps can be placed in

the box at the front of the Church.

You may be interested to know that last year, through this appeal, a sum of almost £1,400 was given by the

Church of Scotland to their chosen charity.

This year the money is going to the HIV Aids Programme both at home and overseas.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas.

Nancy Bone

After the Christmas holidays we will be starting on stories from the New Testament. We wish you all a very happy Christmas. Lesley and Ingrid

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As Christmas comes around again And friends meet friends and next of kin

We look back wistfully over the year And reminisce on the joys and tears

We count our blessings and remember the loved ones Who stayed beside us through “thick” and “thin” times

And in our prayers we call to mind

Kin and friends who have cared and been kind And say a thank you quietly and sincerely

For your caring and friendship given so dearly And our wish for you all in the years hereafter

Is Peace, Health, Joy and Laughter


Annette Crouch, Organist and Choir Members

Q: Dad, why do the singers rock left and right while performing on stage?

A: Because, Son, it is more difficult to hit

a moving target

Q: How do you tell when your lead singer is at the door?

A: He can’t find the key and doesn’t know when

to come in.


“Garden hit squad”

The summer bedding plants have come and gone and we have now planted some lovely heathers

given to us in memory of Mr Jim Hodge.

Our grateful thanks go to all our volunteers who work away tirelessly to keep our

Church grounds tidy.

If you have a few hours to spare now and again, please come along, you would be made most welcome.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and all good wishes for the New Year

Nancie Arkley

"God gave us our memories so that we might

have roses in December."

- J. M. Barrie

"May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; The spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas which is love."

- Ada V. Hendricks

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The Old Cowboy

One Sunday morning an old cowboy entered a church just before the service was to begin. Although the old man and his clothes were spotlessly clean, he wore jeans, a denim

shirt and boots that were worn and ragged. In his hand he carried a worn out hat and an equally worn bible.

The church he entered was in a very upmarket part of the city. It was the largest and most beautiful church

the old cowboy had ever been in. The people of the congregation were all dressed in very expensive

clothes and fine jewellery. As the cowboy took his seat the others moved away

from him. No one greeted, spoke to or welcomed him. They were all appalled by his appearance and did

not attempt to hide it.

As he was leaving the church the minister approached him and asked the cowboy to do him a favour.

“Before you come back in here again, have a talk with God and ask him what he thinks would be

appropriate attire for worship in church.” The old cowboy assured the minister he would.

The next Sunday, he showed up for the service wearing

the same ragged jeans, shirt, boots and hat. Once again he was completely shunned and ignored. The minister approached the cowboy and said “I thought I asked you to speak to God before

you came back to our church.”

“I did” replied the old cowboy.

“And what was his reply?” asked the minister.

“Well sir, God told me he didn’t have a clue what I should wear. He said he’d never been in this church.”


The Magic of Christmas

"Joy to the World," the carollers sang out As last minute shoppers scurried about,

Desperately seeking that one special gift That would give Christmas morning a magical lift.

As an old man stood standing, listening to the song,

Midst all the madness of the bustling throng, In a shaky, hoarse voice he began to join in Singing the words of the famous old hymn.

One by one people stopped with their madness

To join with the old man for a moment of gladness. By the time the carollers finished with singing

the song, The whole throng was united as they all sang along.

As if by magic from out of the sky

Church bells rang out from a chapel near by. And when it was over the people greeted each other

With messages of good will they shared with one another.

You see, that magical lift the shoppers sought for so long,

Was not in the buying or scurrying along. That magical gift so desperately sought

Was the Spirit of Christmas—which could never be bought.

--Tom Krause, © 2012

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Father, I wish I had known you but you died when I was small The only picture I have of you

is hanging on the wall

They say you died a hero the bravest man bar none,

but I wish you’d had the chance to meet your only son

I know you died for your country

it needed you more than me, but I needed you for a moment

to sit upon your knee.

I have no memories of you I was cheated of your love, but I pray to God in Heaven, I’ll meet you one day, above

Author Unknown




number of fundraising events have been held for this purpose. The fund is very much in its infancy but every little helps build it up. May I take this opportunity to wish all our members every Blessing for a Happy and Peaceful Christmas. Joyce Shepheard Treasurer samaritan’s purse Christmas Child

Shoebox Appeal 2015

Once again this year our Church together with many Churches in the area participated in the Shoebox Appeal. There was a big response this year with empty shoeboxes wrapped and filled with great little gifts i.e. soft toys, dolls, jigsaws, felt pens, colouring books, picture or puzzle books and hygiene items, toothbrush, toothpaste etc. There was also a box at the Church door where members left gifts to be included in shoeboxes at the central point. The boxes and gifts were dedicated on Sunday 15th November prior to them being taken to a central point where they are checked then sent overseas to be given to children based on need, regardless of their background or religious beliefs. It is an unconditional gift asking for nothing in return. Operation Christmas Child is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project, run by the Christian relief and development organisation Samaritan’s Purse. Their mission is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. A big thank you to all who contributed from our Church. Joyce Shepheard

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treasurer’s nOtes

Year 9 of our Planned Giving Campaign finished on 30 June 2015 and I can report that our total offerings for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 amounted to £39,361 which compares favourably with the previous year. This total of course includes £6,567 received from tax re-claimed through Gift Aid and also an additional £1,250 claimed through the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme which allows charities to claim up to a further £1,250 within a 12 month period on small donations received which includes our Open Plate offerings each week. I cannot emphasise enough the benefit we receive from this source therefore if you are a taxpayer and have not signed a Gift Aid form I would encourage you to do so, a signature is all that is required the Church does the rest! Forms are available from myself. A vacancy can be an unsettling time for Churches and I am therefore very grateful to our members for their continued financial support of our Church it makes my job so much easier. Over the past 6 months we have also tried to help others less fortunate than ourselves. Through collections a total of £281.10 was raised for Christian Aid Week in May and a further £190.20 for our Harvest Collection. The retir-ing offering for Poppy Scotland also raised £105.50. Thank you to all those who supported these worthwhile causes. At our June Congregational Board Meeting it was decided that we should establish a New Hall Fund. For a number of years now we have expressed our concern at the age and condition of our present hall. This hall was erected over 50 years ago constructed of 3 second-hand prefab-ricated buildings. The hall has stood us in good stead despite the fact that it was never intended to last as long as it has. Time has come when we have to look seriously at providing a new hall to take its place. As a result this new fund has been set up and you will have noticed that a



Once again I would like to thank all who have contributed to the Flower Ministry and all who have helped deliver them. Your help is very much appreciated. All the people who receive the flowers would like to thank everyone very much for their support and always ask me to make the congregation aware of just how much it means to them. Please speak to Muriel, Joyce, any Elder or Board member if you know of anyone in the community you feel might benefit from receiving the flowers, as we may not be aware of a situation where the flowers would be appropri-ate, and you may even want to deliver them yourself. The 2016 Flower Ministry list is now available in the Vestibule for anyone who wishes to contribute, please add your name and phone number to any available date and I will give you a call to remind you at the time. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and very best wishes for the New Year.

Muriel Newton

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A Christmas Lesson

"Is there a purpose? Why are we here?"

A little boy asked as the yuletide drew near. "I really do hope that someday I will know The reason we stand out here in the snow,

Ringing this bell as people walk by While snowflakes descend from out of the sky."

The mother just smiled at her shivering son

Who would rather be playing and having some fun, But soon would discover before evening was done

The meaning of Christmas, the very first one.

The young boy exclaimed, "Mother, where do they go, All the pennies we collect every year in the snow?

Why do we do it? Why do we care? We work for these pennies, so why should we share?"

"Because once a small baby, so meek and so mild Was born in a manger," She said to the child.

"The Son of a King was born in this way, To give us the message He carried that day."

"You mean Baby Jesus? Is He why we're here,

Ringing this bell at Christmas time every year?" "Yes," said the mother. "That is why you should know

About the very first Christmas a long time ago."

"The present God gave to the world on that night Was the gift of His Son to make everything right.

Why did He do it? Why did He care? To teach about loving and how we should share."

"The meaning of Christmas, you see, my dear son,

Is not about presents and just having fun. But the gift of a Father—His own precious Son—

So the world would be saved when His work was all done."

Now the little boy smiled with a tear in his eye, As snowflakes kept falling from out of the sky—

Rang louder the bell as the people walked by While down deep in his heart at last he knew why.

--Tom Krause, © 2003


YOUTH GROUP Youth group is for young people at secondary school. We are just getting off the ground at the moment so we meet up when everyone is free, usually 7-9pm on a Sunday night but that will change depending on the activity. In September it was good to meet up with two other Youth Groups from the C6 Churches for a fun afternoon of ten pin bowling at LA Bowl. On the way home we enjoyed a “McDonalds” for tea. We have had two successful craft nights since then and hope to have some Christmas decorations ready for you very soon! Many thanks to everyone who has supported us. If anyone is interested in joining the Youth Group please contact me on 07939 334343. Happy Christmas and all good wishes for the New Year. Ingrid

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wOmen’s GrOup

Before we focus our minds on the festive present buying and food shopping, it was nice to make some time for our-selves and enjoy the fashions that the Cumnock Factory Outlet had to offer. Our Fashion Show was a great night due hugely to our nine confident, well-turned out models! No excuse not to purchase 'a wee something' to party in, ladies! A cheery audience gave lots of encouragement and thanks must go to all who contributed to the successful evening. Looking back to September, at our first meeting of the session, we had a lovely evening meal and chat at the local Waterfront Restaurant. In October we welcomed the Hansel Fundraising Manager. A very enthusiastic Sheila McLean brought us up-to-date with recent developments at the Symington Estate and future plans, including their new Prestwick shop. We now have a break for Christmas and wish everyone a happy & healthy time, welcoming everyone back for our first meeting of 2016, Thursday 7th January. Enjoy!


For the ladies who were at the Fashion Show, you will notice that one of the models is missing from this picture—Anne !


The True Meaning of Christmas

In today's day and time, It's easy to lose sight,

Of the true meaning of Christmas And one special night.

When we go shopping,

We say, "How much will it cost?" Then the true meaning of Christmas,

Somehow becomes lost.

Amidst the tinsel, glitter And ribbons of gold,

We forget about the child, Born on a night so cold.

The children look for Santa In his big, red sleigh

Never thinking of the child Whose bed was made of hay.

In reality, When we look into the night sky,

We don't see a sleigh But a star, burning bright and high.

A faithful reminder,

Of that night so long ago, And of the child we call Jesus,

Whose love the world would know.

--Submitted by Brian K. Walters

Page 16: COYLTON PARISH CHURCH · Young Church Nativity Service at Coylton ... easy; we find it hard enough, sometimes, ... Crossword Dear Friends, Puzzle 3






After the major refurbishing and upgrading work carried out during the preceding few years, 2015 has been an opportunity to stop and reflect. Routine maintenance has continued, primarily minor elec-trical and plumbing items when required. The church rain guttering and downpipes were cleared, and the roof inspected, with loose tiles and lead flashing repaired. The internal roof space was checked for evidence of any water ingress, however the presence of a colony of bats impeded this investigation, which has just now been com-pleted. There is evidence of moisture ingress in certain areas of the main sandstone structure, and this will be investi-gated by a specialist in the very near future. The oppor-tunity to check the church windows for water leakage will also be taken at the same time.

HALL The church hall continues to serve us well being in use most days of the week, with the only ongoing maintenance being some plumbing repairs. The roof continues to suffer from pine needles dropping from adjacent overhanging trees, causing the rain gutter-ing and associated downpipes to become blocked. It is planned to have these trees lopped back by agreement of the new owners of Hillhead House. Recognising the age and method of construction of the hall, the Kirk Session and Congregational Board made the decision that we should plan for future hall replacement,


and a fundraising initiative has been commenced, although this is anticipated to be a long term project,


The manse has now lain empty for almost a year. Regular inspections are made to ensure no deterioration or other problems have arisen. The heating system is operating at minimal temperature to ensure no damage occurs from condensation and to protect the plumbing. At an inspection earlier in the year it was noted that several double glazed panels in the study had failed, and it is planned to replace these at an estimated cost of £450 – split between Coylton and Drongan Churches. The rain guttering and downpipes have been cleared and the exterior woodwork has been painted to preserve the structure as we approach the winter. As it is now more than 7 years since the last interior dec-oration, provisional estimates have been obtained for this, although no work will be undertaken until such time as we have a new minister. The manse has a particularly large garden and a contrac-tor has been employed to keep the grass area under con-trol. The hard landscaping has been regularly sprayed with appropriate weed killer. If anyone has time on their hands, and fancies a spot of gardening when spring returns, there are quite a few herbaceous borders where a few happy hours could be spent. On behalf of the Kirk Session and Congregational Board may I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year.

Peter Arkley Session Clerk

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