
Content Marketing

Mistakes Made in 2015And Ways to Improve Next Year

Gregory Kennedy, AdRoll

@NEILPATEL @Kissmetrics



A former designer and creative director. Gregory’s writing has been published in a number of publications including: The BBC, VentureBeat, YahooFinance and

GREGORY KENNEDY Director, Content Marketing, AdRoll


Keara is responsible for telling impactful stories for the Kissmetrics brand and its’ products. Prior to

Kissmetrics, she worked at Salesforce, Bizo, and Chase. When she’s not telling stories or running

campaigns, you can find this bay area native watching a Warriors game with family and friends.

KEARA CHOSr. Product Marketing Manager, Kissmetrics





Content Marketing is Everywhere in B2C

Kraftrecipes.com1 billion views a year

Pepsi.comPowered by Newscred globally

Content Marketing is Everywhere in B2B

Adobe’s CMO.com2 editors / $1 million annual


NanaginsBig investment in data and


Why? Driven by Shifting Media Consumption

What Gets Me Excited for Content Marketing?

Digital content marketing is the most scalable and cost effective approach to marketing, ever.

Traditional Media at Scale● Largest circulation magazine: The Watchtower, 52 M Monthly ● Largest televised event: Superbowl, Seahawks vs. Patriots, 114 M Viewers● Largest radio program: Tom Kent, 23 M Weekly Listeners

Digital Media at Scale● Facebook 1.4 B● What’s App 700 M● LinkedIn 468 M● Instagram 300 M● Twitter 280 M● Tumblr 230 M

What Does Content Marketing Include?

You worked hard in 2015. So why were there still

issued with your content?

Problem: Too Impatient

Did you stop investing in your content initiatives like social media or blogging because they didn’t show results in only 30 days?

Solution: Great Content Marketing takes both patience and skill


Creating Demand and Confidence

Examples● Press Releases● Byline Articles


Thought Leadership and Knowledge

Examples● Blog Posts● Whitepapers


Turning Leads Into Opportunities

Examples● Webinars● Account Signups

Problem: Too Self Involved

Did you write posts for your blog only about your company, your product, your team, and your needs?

Develop a deep understanding of their pain points and aim to create content that helps them achieve their goals.


Content People

Will Engage

Possible Content

Content in Exchange

for Information

Lead Gen (Webinars, Whitepapers, Events)

Blogs, Infographics, Videos, Newsletters, Social Media

Solution: Focus on your customers to find your marketing “sweet spot”

Sweet Spot

Problem: Too Smart

Did you fail to understand your customer? Did you create content that was too sophisticated and hard for them to understand?

Solution: Customers value products that solve their problems. Stay focused on your customer’s needs.

Problem: Too Ambitious

Did you poorly execute on your content plan because it was too ambitious and resource intensive?

Solution: Start Small and Get the Basics Right

Solution: Tie your content marketing efforts directly to sales.

Start evaluating efforts on how many marketing leads your sales team can actually work, not just total responses.

Problem: Too Insular

Did you fail to develop a content partner strategy? Did you find like minded thought leaders to help validate your ideas and approach?

Solution: Don’t Fear Rejection

Just accept some rejection as par for the course and pursue multiple opportunities.

How to Co-Market: ● Start planning well in advance. ● Agree on a topic that

compliments both brands. ● Agree on your methods of

promotion and set a numbers-based goal.

Problem: Too Reactionary

Did you post on social media infrequently? When you did, was it mostly in response to complaints?

Solution: Get Excited About Social!

2.2+ billion active users on social, global

penetration of 30%.

Facebook alone has 1.49 billion global

monthly active users


Things your content is not going to be in 2016:

Too Impatient Too Self Involved

Too Smart Too Ambitious

Too Easy Too Insular

Too Reactionary


What your content is going to be in 2016:

Thank You!


@Kissmetrics @adroll #KissWebinar #YourHashtag

Focus callout slide, update icon to fit content


KEARA CHOSr. Product Marketing Manager, Kissmetrics


GREGORY KENNEDYDirector of Content Marketing, AdRoll



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