Page 1: Contact Centre Communications Ideas
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Contact Center Communication


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Your customers time is precious

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Improve staff productivity by

reducing information


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Aggregate information in to

a one stop publication

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Short summaries with options to read more allow staff to get key information without being overloaded.

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Even if you use email

communicating with your staff is still far to difficult

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Pop up alerts notify staff of important information and recurrence options make sure your message is heard

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Alerts can also be directed to those only directly affected by the communication thus cutting down information overload

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Communicate without


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Tickers allow important information to be heard while not intruding upon work

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Got an important event happening?

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Promote it via a visual channel

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Raise awareness without interruption of call time with desk top backgrounds

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Screen savers can also be used to reinforce messages

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And screensavers can easily be changed to whatever message your organisation needs

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Engage staff with eye catching information

presented to them

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Bright backgrounds are a great way to help staff remember important product information

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And images on backgrounds don’t intrude on work

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Keeping staff engaged and informed of what is going on around them

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And let them communicate

with you

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Pop up notifications don’t disturb work time

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And pop up quizzes and surveys allow staff to provide feedback helping engage them more with the company

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To find out more, and to sign up for a free trial, visit

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