Download - Concepts of BaaN

Page 1: Concepts of BaaN

Introductory Overview Training

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Agenda (I)


Objectives for Today

The Computer and Operating System

Application Software

From Logging On to Working

– Exercise 1


– Exercises 2, 3 and 4


– Exercises 5 to 12

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Agenda (II)

Output Devices

– Exercises 13 and 14

Native Language Support

Text Manager

– Exercises 15 and 16

Menu Key

Job Control

Miscellaneous Items

– Exercises 17 and 18

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Practical Introduction

– Hands On

– Prerequisite For Workshops

– Compulsory

– Lots Of Facilities Available

– Some are hidden, Need Explanation

– Need To Get Full Benefit

– Saves Time In Workshops

– Saves Time In Support

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– Slides

– Help Text

– Reference Manuals on-line (Printable)


– Dumb

– PC Emulation

– PC X Windows

– Equivalent X Windows operation by mouse

– Documentation mainly for dumb terminals

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Objectives for Today (I)

Introduce and understand some common terms

How to start the Bshell

Recognize Components Of An Application

Run a Session From a Menu

Identify Form Types

Enter Commands Associated with certain Form Types

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Objectives for Today (II)

Ask For On Line Help

Direct Output To Different Output Devices

Understand support for “Special” Characters using “NLS”

Use Of The Text Manager

Use Of The “Menu Key”

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The Computer and Operating System





Tape Units

Hard Disc

Disc Units



Operating Systems

Application Software

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BAAN IV Family








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The Basic ArchitectureThe Basic Architecture










(Area Office) BELPAHAR (IT)

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Application Software

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Application Software

Components of BAAN Modules

– Menus

– Sessions


– A number of options for selection

– Executes Session

– Calls another menu (a sub-menu)

– Executes a UNIX Shell command


– Tables

– Forms

– Objects

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Session Types


e.g. Sales Order Header

e.g. Sales Order Detail Line










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Module Numbering

Package :- xxxx Menu Number :- m xxxx itm 0010100100101001

Session Number :- xxxx itm 0101m0000101m000


tc BAAN Commontd BAAN Distributiontf BAAN Financeti BAAN Industry (Manufacturing)ts BAAN Servicett BAAN Toolstr BAAN Transportation

Module Code

itm Item Masterrou Routingscom Common Data


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Application Software

Session Coding

Session series

Process Type m Main s Subprocess


Module Code itm - Item Master rou - Routings com - Common Data

Program Number

ti itm 0101 m 000

ti itm 0101 m 000

ti itm 0101 m 000

ti itm 0101 m 000

ti itm 0101 m 000

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Logging On to Working

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From Logging On to Working


– Security of Access

– ‘Logging On’

– ‘Logging Off’

– System Administrator

– Access Codes To UNIX

– Access Codes To BAAN

– Network Connection

Using BAAN Over Networks

– Two or More Computers

– System Administrator

– Keywords between computer systems

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From Logging On to Working

Logging On

– Access to UNIX

– Login Code

–Important: Used by BAAN To Perform Logic

–Session Authority

–Sales/Purchase Order Types (user default)

– Password

–Cannot See On Screen

– System Administrator

– Access To UNIX (not for ‘normal’ users)

– Access Direct To BAAN (more common)

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Must know the password

Logging On

Access to Unix

Must have login code

BAAN Starts automatically

At Unix prompt

Start BAAN manually

Not echoed toNot echoed toscreenscreen

Most commonMost commonoptionoption

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From Logging On to Working

Logging Off

– To Exit From BAAN:

–Automatically Logged Off, OR:

–Return To UNIX, THEN:

–UNIX Logging Off Command

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Logging Off

Abort BAAN

AutomaticallyLogoff Unix

At Unix prompt

Logoff manually

Most commonMost commonoptionoption

Login prompt

Login prompt

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From Logging On to Working

Invoking The BSHELL

– UNIX command

– Command in user’s UNIX profile

–Therefore most users don’t see UNIX

BSHELL Startup Menu

BSHELL Error Messages

– Unauthorised user, etc.

– Always inform your system administrator

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From Logging On to Working

Advanced Bshell Configuration

– Key Mappings

– Automatic Loading Of Sessions at Bshell Start Up

– Default Timeslice Per Process (‘fair access to processor’)

– Maximum Number of Instructions to be Handled Simultaneously(ie. maximum concurrent sessions)

– etc.

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Exercise 1: Logging On

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Menu Structure






Session Session Session

Table TableTable


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Startup Menu

Sub Menus

Parallel Menus (See next slide)

Menu Components

Menu Commands

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Parallel Menus (ASCII)

Sub MenuOption 1Option 2

MAIN MENU1 Sub Menu2 Sub Menu3 Option4 Option


Shell Program

Parallel Menu 3

Parallel Menu 2Parallel Menu 1

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Menu Components (ASCII 1)


14 5



1 Status Line2 Menu Name3 Current Menu No.4 Start Up Menu Description

5 Current Sys. Date6 Current Company Number7 Menu Description8 Current Selection

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Menu Components (ASCII 2)



9 List of Menu Options10 List of Parallel Menus

e.g. Inquiries, Maintenance, Reports and Graphs

11 Choice Field


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Menu Control

Keystrokes (ASCII & X) X-Win only

O List Options Help/OptA Abort (Leave BSHELL) AbortE Go to Higher Menu EndB Go to Starting Menu Start MenuP Start Up Session -

In Parallel Menus:In Parallel Menus:

Go to next menu level Click selects Go to previous level Click selects

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Menu Control

Keystrokes (ASCII & X) X-Win only

Go to next menu item Click selects

Go to previous menu item Click selects

< Exit to BShell Options/to shell

? View the help text Help button

! Print screen Options/pr scrn

Ctrl [Z] Change company Options/ch com


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Exercises 2, 3 & 4: Menu Control

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Forms (ASCII)

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Form Types (1)

Type 1 1 Record Per Screen(s) (e.g. Maintain Item Data)

Type 2 1 Record Per Line, Many Lines Per Screen

(e.g. Maintain Units)

Key Field : XXXXXX

Detail Field 1 : XXXX Detail Field 3 : XXXXDetail Field 2 : XXXX Detail Field 4 : XXXX

Key Field : Detail Field 1 Detail Field 2


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Form Types (2)

Type 3 Header Record Plus Detail Lines (e.g. Maintain BOMs)

Type 4 Selection (i.e Parameter) Input/Processing

(e.g. Generate Planned M.R.P. Orders)

Header Key Field : XXXXXX

Field Label : Response: XXXX From : Range: XXXXTo : Range: XXXX

Key Field : Detail Field 1 Detail Field 2 XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX

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Sample Form

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Form Components (I)

3 4 5 62


97 8


1 Status line2 Form number3 Action4 Type of field5 Type of form

6 Current page (e.g. 3 of 4) 7 Session name 8 Company number 9 Key field10 Form labels

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Form Components (II)




11 Field Labels12 Data entry field13 Display field (Dependent on the input to the accompanying entry field)14 Choice field

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General Commands (I)

Keystrokes (ASCII & X) X-Win only Esc Escape Click selects

(Return to choice field)

Ctrl [Z] Zoom window Options/zoom

? Display help Help/Help

! Dump screen Options/pr screen

Spacebar Display enum Double click

Number (n) Go to nth field (Maintain Screens)

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General Commands (II)

Keystrokes (ASCII & X) X-Win only

Tab Set tabstops -

Y Start processing Continue

- Save defaults Options

+ Get defaults Options

Z Get query -

Number (n) Go to nth option (Display Forms)

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Form Type 1 Commands (I)

Keystrokes (ASCII & X) X-Win only

E End Session (Save Data) Ctrl/End

A Abort Session (without save) Ctl/Abort

U Undo Mod/Recover

I Input New Data Mod/Add rec

W Save New/Updated Data Mod/Update DB

C Change New/Updated Data Mod/Modify

D Delete Existing Data Mod/Mark delete

Ctrl [C] Copy Existing/New Data Mod/Copy rec

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Form Type 1 Commands (II)

Keystrokes (ASCII & X) X-Win only

Ctrl [R] To Last Maint field Click selects

Ctrl [F] Search By Key Field Browse/Searchkey

F Search By Select Field Browse/Search

T Top (First Record) Browse/First rec

B Bottom (Last Record) Browse/Last rec

N Next (Next Record) Browse/Next rec

P Previous (Prev Record) Browse/Prev rec

K Modify Search Index Browse/Chnge Ind

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Form Type 1 Commands (III)

Keystrokes (ASCII & X) X-Win only

V Display Forms Available Forms/Select Form

Q Go To First Form In Session Forms/First form

L Go To Last Form In Session Forms/Last form

Go To Next Form Forms/Next

Go To Previous Form Forms/Prev

O Options Click on choice(Display Valid Commands)

H Text Manager Options/Text mgr

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Form Commands

Form Type 2 - Extra Commands M Mark Record For Selection

Half a Screen Down

Half a Screen Up

Ctrl [Y] Global Delete

Form Type 3 - Extra Commands Ctrl [T] Top (Go To The First Header Record)

Ctrl [B] Bottom (Go To The Last Header Record)

Ctrl [N] Next (Go To The Next Header Record)

Ctrl [P] Previous (Go To The Previous Header Record)

S Start (Enter New Header Record Data)

Ctrl [Y] Global Delete

Ctrl [W] Global Copy

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Form Commands

Form Type 4 - Extra CommandsY Start Processing/Printing

(Also go to Detail Records)

- Save Defaults

+ Get Defaults

User Defined Commands

Form Field CommandsCtrl [Y] Overwrite Existing Data

Ctrl [X] Delete Data In Field (i.e. Not Records)

Del Delete Character Or Retrieve Default Value

Tab Delete Characters From Cursor To End Of Line

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Form Commands

? HelpA Mark All Records for DeletionU Undo (All Markings)Y Mark Record At Cursor PositionN Remove Marking At Cursor PositionCtrl [A] Abort Mark/DeleteO Show Options Move Cursor To Next Record Move Cursor To Previous Record< Exit To ShellEsc To Choice And Confirmation Ctrl [W] Copy Header And Detail Records + Add To Today’s Date - Take From Today’s DateSpacebar Calculation (Numeric Fields) Calendar (Date Field)

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Exercises 5 - 12:Forms

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Output Devices

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Output Devices

Objectives– Hard Copy

– Display Print

– Delay Print

– Store Print For Later Use

– Direction Of Output

– Selection Of Output

– Restart Output

– Different Types Of Output (eg. Fax)

– Device Selection

– Using The Printer Queue

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Output Devices


– Determine Data to be Output

– Invoke ‘Select Device’ Window

– Select Device, Copies, Fonts, etc.......

– Start Print

Ability to monitor and manipulate device queue

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Output Devices

Select Device

Select Device

Device : P Software PrinterDriver : hp256xType : Printer Paper Type : A3Paper Width : 132

FileOutput File :PrintDate : 16-04-93Time : 17:01Copies : 1From Page : 1To Page : 1

Paper Type : A3 : A3 formatFont : 1 largePaper Width : 132Margin : 0 Choice :

A3 format

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Output Devices

Types Of Output

– Report Data

– Screen Dumps

‘Select Device’ Window

– Commands

P Previous Page

N Next Page

Line Up

Line Down

B Last Page

T First Page

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Output Devices

‘Select Device’ Window

– Commands (Continued)

Ctrl [F]Find String

F Find Next

? Help

(NB. other commands such as


A Quit (Abort)

E Exit

O Options

! Print Screen

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Output Devices

‘Normal’ Printer

– Paper Type

‘Logical’ Printer

– Group Of Printers

– Paper In Each Printer Known To BSHELL

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Output Devices

Printer Queue Options

– Reprint All or Part of a print job

– Change Output Device

– Modify Font, Margin etc.

– Override Temporary Print File 'Delay Time’ Deletion

– View Temporary Print Files ‘Display/Request’ Option

– Purge Print Queue

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Output Devices

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Exercises 13 & 14:Output Devices

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Native Language Support

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Native Language Support


– Heterogeneous Operating Environment

– Special Characters

– Character Conversion

– Hardware Requirements

– NLS Reference, Technical Manual

Compose Character Key

– Normally Function Key

– <compose> key on a dumb terminal

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Native Language Support

Special Characters

– Language/Country Specific

Composing Special Characters

– <compose> Key Plus character

– Installation Specific

NLS Editor

– Character Tables

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Text Manager

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Text Manager

Objective and Procedure

– Additional Text

– Linked To Database Records

– Run Sessions Which Access Text

– Invoke Text Manager

– Edit/View Text

– Exit Text

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Text Manager


– Text Yes/No field on record

– Text Window

– Text Groups

–By User And Text Group

–By Text Field

–By User

– Text Editor


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Cursor Movement Options

<ESC><CTRL>[H] - Go To Line Start

<ESC><CTRL>[L] - Go To Line End

<ESC><CTRL>[K] - Go To Top Of Screen

<ESC><CTRL>[J] - Go To Bottom Of Screen

<ESC> [T] - Go To Top Of Text

<ESC> [B] - Go To Bottom Of Text

<ESC> [“] - Go To Specified Line

<ESC> [#] - Display Cursor Position

<CTRL>[U] - Up

(Scroll To Previous Screen)

<CTRL>[D] - Down

(Scroll To Next Screen)

<CTRL>[N] - Next ( Go To Next Word)

<CTRL>[P] - Previous

(Go To Previous Word)

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Edit Options

<ESC> [G] - Replace Text (Global)

<CTRL>[C] - Delete A Character

<CTRL>[W] - Delete Word

<CTRL>[E] - Insert Character

<ESC> <CTRL>[I] - Insert Lines

<ESC> <CTRL>[D] - Clear Block

<CTRL>[O] - Insert One Line

<CTRL>[X] - Delete To End Of Line

<CTRL>[R] - Undo Last Delete

<ESC> [P] - Move A Number Of Lines

<ESC> [U] - Copy A Number Of Lines

<ESC> [J] - Join Successive Lines

<ESC> [L] - Split Line

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Input/Output Options

<ESC> [E] - Write And Quit

<ESC> [W] - Write

<ESC> [R] - Restart Editor

<ESC> [Z] - Change Keywords

<ESC> [M] - Change Language

<ESC> [C] - Copy/Change Language

<ESC> [X] - Display/Copy File

<CTRL>[Y] - Fast Copy Text

(Bulk copy)

<CTRL>[Z] - Display/Copy Text (Selective copy)

<ESC> [S] - Make File Dump

<ESC> [O] - Print Text

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Other Options











[I] - Insert/Overwrite

[G] - Graphic/Normal

[(] - Mark Start Of Block

[)] - Mark End Of Block

[K] - Format

[F] - Format And Justify

[Y] - Add Tab Position

[A] - Change Tab Width

[V] - Delete Tab Position

[H] - Display Help Screen

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Other Options

<ESC> CTRL>[Z] - Start Text ‘Zoom’ Session

<ESC> [A] - Show Label Description

<ESC> [!] - Execute Shell Command

<ESC> [Q] - Quit

<ESC> [D] - Disconnect

<ESC> [F] - Search Text

<ESC> [N] - Find Next

<ESC> [V] - Refresh Screen

BAAN Tools - Text ManagementText Maintenance

Direct Access To Text

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Exercises 15 & 16: Text Manager

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Menu Key

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Menu Key

Objectives and Procedure

– Running Simultaneous Sessions

– Killing Of Processes

– Switching Of Displays Between Processes

– Direct Output To Other Displays

– Exit to BSHELL

– Rebuilding of corrupt displays (terminals)

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Menu Key

Use (Options)

s Switch to another session

k Kill Selected Process

m Move Selected Process Display

l Lock All Terminals

p Start Process

r Rebuild Displays

v Version of BShell

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Job Control

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Job Control

Resource Intensive Tasks


– Input/Output

Periodical Tasks

Non Periodical Tasks

Job Control Facilities

– Series Of Sessions

– No User Interaction

– Resource Intensive

– Planned Running

– System Non Busy

– Automatic Invocation

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Miscellaneous Topics

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Miscellaneous Items

Help Text

‘Pop’ up (Automatic Zoom) Windows

Data Search And Selection

Control Of Graphs

‘X’ Windows

Error Messages

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Help Facilities

Context Sensitive Help Text

Choice Fields

Field Type (enum, zoom, etc)

Menu Level

Session Level

Field Level

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Help Facilities

Help Text Control ( ‘N’,’P’,’T’,’B’ etc.........)

Own Text

Text Description (Word Processor Type)

Tab And Yes To Select

F6, E Or A To Exit

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‘Pop-up Windows’


– Choice Fields

– Data Entry Fields

– Menus

– Sessions

– Subsessions

– User Defined

– Multilevel (Zoom, then Zoom again)


– Data Searches

– On Line Data Maintenance

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Data Search and Selection

Change Of Keyed Field

Input Data Search Key

Data Search By Keyed Field

Pick And Point Data Access

Mark Selection For Action

Multi Level Windowing

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Control of Graphs

Parameter Input

Bar Characters


Change Of Graphical Display

Change Of Axis

Change Of Scale

Zoom Windows (When Available)

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Error Messages

System Messages

– Serious: Need Resolving

File Integrity Messages

– Potentially Serious: May Need Data Input

Data Integrity Messages

– Usually Warnings

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Customised Options

Modify Menus

Modify Reports

Modify Forms

Native Language


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Exercises 17 & 18:Menu Key & Job Control

Top Related