
Universidade Federal do Cear Centro de Humanidades Casa de Cultura Britnica Professora: Vernica Turma: BC Aluna: Jlia Argenta On my last holiday i went to Caxias do Sul, a small city in Rio Grande do Sul. My whole family live there, but my parents came to Fortaleza when they married. Therefore we need to go there, to visit our grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. When people saw me they had a big surprise, because my hair was all blue. My relatives said I was crazy and I shouldn't do it. But I didn't listen to them and I was really happy. I like to be different. The Grape Festival was happening while I was there. So I visited the party and the show of Armandinho. The party always takes place in pavilions that belong to Marcopolo. However, I didn't visit just the Grape Festival. I went to Casa de Pedra Museum and I also visited at the same day two more museums and a crib made of stoppers. This crib is wonderful. Although it is called crib, it is a whole city. There was just a problem: we wanted to get into a train called Maria Fumaa, which tells the history of italian people. But we couldn't do it because they canceled the trip. There was a day that me, my, aunt and my mother went to eat hydroponic strawberries and in that place, they made ice cream and milk shakes using the strawberries. To finish that day I went down the zip line. It was s nice. I remenber clearly until today every second of it. I was really happy on my trip. It was a long journey. And during the planes we had a lot of fun. But I don't know when I'm going to go back there. Below, there is a photo of me near the replica of Casa de Pedra.

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