Page 1: Cefalee, Migrene tratate prin Terapia CranioSacrala

Aproape jumatate (46%) dintre romani acuza dureri de cap, migrene sau cefalee cel putin o data pe luna. Dintre acestia, mai mult de jumatate se plang de astfel de simptome saptamanal, arata un studiu al companiei de cercetare GFK. Pe de alta parte, 4 din 10 romani nu au experimentat aproape niciodata astfel de stari.Although the pathophysiology is not fully understood, there are clearly genetic, vascular and neural mechanisms involved [3]. Frequency and duration are highly variable and the onset is said to be triggered at times by stress, history of head or neck trauma, certain foods and hormonal changes in women[4-6]. Symptoms can be difficult to control and quality of life may deteriorate substantially.Migraine is a common condition associated with significant disability [2]. Because pharmaceuticals for migraine provide incomplete relief of symptoms and are associated with significant side effects, many individuals seek complementary therapies, such as CST. Up to now, CST has not been studied rigorously.

Conform unui studiu al companiei de cercetare GFK, aproape jumatate (46%) dintre romani acuza dureri de cap. Durerile de cap precum migrenele sau cefalea sunt afectiuni frecvent. Din cauza faptul ca tratamentul medicamentos doar calmeaza simpotomele si sunt asociate cu efecte secundare semnificative, majoritatea celor care sufera de aceasta afectiune apeleaza si la tratamentele complementare. Mai mult decat atat, administrarea excesiva a medicamentelor de sinteza in cazul episoadelor de migrene este un factor de risc in dezvoltarea durerilor de cap cronice.Desi nu sunt cunoscute in intregime procesele fiziopatologice, cu siguranta sunt implicate mecanisme genetice, vasculare si neurologice.Caracterisiticile migrenelor precum frecventa si durata sunt diferite iar debutul poate fi marcat prin perioade de stres, antecedente de traumatisme in regiunea capului si gatului, diverse alimente si modificari hormonale in cazul femeilor. Calitatea vietii in acest fel este modificata iar simptomele pot fi greu de controlat.Cum ajuta Terapia CranioSacrala pacientii cu asemenea afectiuni?Terapia craniosacrala presupune evaluarea corpului si identificarea eventualelor restrictii la nivelul sistemului craniosacral care inglobeaza oasele, membranele si lichidul cefalorahidian care imbraca creierul si maduva spinarii, folosind tehnici de palpare blanda pentru a normaliza ritmul craniosacral si de asemenea pentru a corecta restrictiile la nivelul fasciei si tesutului paraspinal.De asemenea se recomanda si modificarea stilului de viata precum cresterea timpului de odihna, exercitiile fizice daca nu exista contraindicatii si reducerea stresului pe cat posibil.

Citeste mai mult: Follow us: @WallStreetRo on Twitter | WallStreetRo on FacebookMigraine affects approximately 20 percent of the adult population, developing in the second and third decades and often persisting into late middle age and beyond [1,2]. Since William Garner Sutherland’s (1) first impressions of cranial bone movement in the early 1930s,the literature on craniosacral therapy has expanded significantly. A systematic review of thisliterature found many definitions, nomenclature and beliefs surrounding the general concept of cranialbone motion. (2-4) Indeed, it is difficult to establish any one specific definition of craniosacral therapy.It is variously defined as:“a systemic approach to evaluating and treating dysfunction occurring within the

Page 2: Cefalee, Migrene tratate prin Terapia CranioSacrala

articulations of the skull ” (5)and“craniosacral… includes a structured diagnostic process that evaluates the mobilityof the osseous cranium, the related mobility of the skull and sacrum and thepalpation of the CRI (craniosacral rhythm impulse) throughout the body.Craniosacral osteopathic manipulative techniques attempt to restore motion torestrictions within individual sutures of the skull, the skull as a total entity, and theskull in relation to the sacrum, and apply inherent force to the articulations of thevertebral axis, rib cage and extremity

Management includes modification of diet, and recommendations for sleep, exercise, and stress reduction through bio-behavioral interventions as well as the use of a range of medications for prevention and acute treatment of migraine. Many of these medications are associated with significant side effects [7,8]. Furthermore, overuse of medications for the treatment of episodic migraines is a risk factor for developing chronic daily headache [9]. The study of non-pharmacological interventions for the treatment or prevention of migraine headaches is therefore warranted. Because conventional care for migraine is suboptimal, many individuals seek alternative treatment options [10,11].

CST involves manually identifying restrictions in the craniosacral system which includes the bones, membranes and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that surround the brain and spinal cord, and using soft, gentle hands-on techniques to both normalize the CST fluid rhythm and correct restrictions in perispinal tissues and fascia [12]. Manual palpation and manipulation of this system theoretically affects sensory, motor, cognitive and emotional processes in the nervous system [12-15].

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