
Arial photo and pictures of Brondyffryn under construction (photos courtesy of Marcia Williams (Shone)

Walter Shone taking a breather.

Margaret Atkinson (Williams) 1963. Photo courtesy of Eryl Aynsley.

Jack Roberts, Micky Gabriel and Sue taking a group swimming July 1967. Photo courtesy of Kevin Ellis.

Celia, Kevin Ellis and Sue swatting for O'levels 1964. Photo courtesy of Kevin Ellis.

David Cunnah, Kevin Ellis and Bryn Killer at Brondyffryn (paddling pool) 1964.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Ellis.

Photo courtesy of Veronica Thomas

Roger Bartley taken in 1965 photo courtesy of Kevin Ellis.

1966. Photo courtesy of Rosina Wallis (Brown)

Circa 1960,1961, left to right Johnny Middleton, Jennifer Davies, Jenny Price and Richard Davies ( aka Lulu) quiet day???, must have been cold we have got jackets on but it didn't matter to us!!!! Photo Courtesy of Jenny Price (Davies)

Photo courtesy of Kevin Williams.

1966. Photo courtesy of Rosina Wallis (Brown)

Mum and Dad August 1970. Photo courtesy of Rosina Wallis (Brown)

Photo courtesy of Jenny Price.

Photo courtesy of Debbie Jones.

Photo courtesy of Pat Hekeler.

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