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Altar Flowers in November

1st—Lydia Whitwell

8th—David & Betty Moltz

15th—Jason & Megan Harvey

22nd—Patti & Marcus Jahns

29th—Birdie Kuempel

November 2 0 2 0

Be sure and tune in to

“Words of Faith”

Broadcast on KWED

1580 AM

Sunday Mornings

8:00 AM

“Words of Faith”

in November

1st—Kim Kauitzsch

8th—Willie & Brenda Bloch

15th—Albert & Irene Menn


29th Available

Give Thanks - An Element of Worship!

Psalm 100:4

Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise.

Give thanks to him and praise his name.

Psalm 118: 29

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His steadfast love endures forever!

This verse is repeated many times in the book of psalms.

Examples: Psalm 106: 1 and Psalm 107:1

An Element of Worship

For a Christ-Follower, giving thanks is a response to the goodness and

mercy of God. It is a mark of obedience because we are commanded to

give thanks. This is because God knows giving thanks is good for our

relationship with Him and good for our wellbeing.

1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 says, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,

give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ

Jesus for you.”

Scripture verses related to Thanksgiving are found throughout all of

scripture. It is a repeated theme. When something is repeated

throughout scripture, we need to pay attention to it. In all relationships,

thanking people, talking with people, and serving people are important.

How would your relationship be with your friends and family if you

never thanked them, never communicated with them, or never helped

them out?

We can communicate thanks to God through prayer, praise and serving!

This is our call as Christ-Followers; to love without limits, to give

without expectation of return, and to thank God for what we have.

Thanksgiving is not just a holiday; it needs to be our daily mindset.

Giving thanks to God is an essential part of worshipping God.

So, as you are sitting there feasting at the table with family and friends this year,

don’t forget to worship God by giving thanks for His abundant blessings, steadfast

love and never-ending river of mercy.

In Christ, Andrew Cave

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November Birthdays

01 Brynlee Edwards

01 Irene Menn

01 Ben Weise

07 Jackson Koehler

07 David Moltz

10 Shelby Eckhardt

12 Kim Kauitzsch

13 Cody Bloch

14 Madison Bloch

14 Olivia Poole

15 Kyra Casey

15 Harold Bogisch

16 Kristy Serold

17 Joan Caddell

18 Donald Jackson

18 Debbie Mozisek

19 Hattie Harvey

19 Ann Menking

20 Georgie Dittrich

20 Chase Ramos

21 Callie Atchley

22 Lenoir Hilbert

23 Jody Alexander

23 Lyn Cosnahan-


24 Candice Grumbles

24 Lillian Lippe

24 Jerry MyCue

25 Norman Govett

27 Karen Huff

27 Dot Day

28 Steve Shashack

29 Margie Campbell

30 Jeff Menking

Come and Help Decorate! The Worship Committee and Women of Faith

invite anyone who would like to help decorate

the altar/sanctuary for Thanksgiving and to

place the quilts out for display, to join them on

Saturday, November 14th, at 9:00 AM in the sanctuary. If you have

decorative items you would like to lend, please bring them to the

church before Friday, November 13th. The un-decorating will take place

on Monday, November 23rd, at 9:00 AM.

Salvation Army Kicks Off Bell Ringing Campaign Once again, as in past years, Faith members are called upon to

participate in the annual local Salvation Army Kettle Campaign. The

Guadalupe County/Seguin unit is known locally as the “go to”

resource for offering financial assistance with utility bills and rent,

temporary housing, and disaster relief. There are two sign-up sheets

located in the narthex, one for Thursday, December 10th, and one for

Thursday, December 17th. Locations for these bell ringing days will

be the Market entrance of the Seguin Walmart on the 10th and the

Home and Pharmacy entrance on the 17th. Hours for Faith are from

9:00 AM—3:00 PM on the 10th and 9:00 AM—9:00 PM on the 17th.

The Salvation Army will provide all the personnel protective

equipment that is deemed important: gloves, masks, sanitizing

wipes, hand sanitizers, etc. They also are making movable full body

shields that volunteers can choose to use. Aprons will not be used

this year. Please consider giving a gift of your time this holiday

season and volunteer for a two-hour time slot. For more information,

contact Bryan Terp or any member of the Social Concerns


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01 Michael & Melissa


06 Robert & Debbie


09 David & Betty Moltz

12 Ken & Jenn Baethge

14 John & Joy Baumann

19 Jonathan & Sara


19 John & Kathy Taddy

23 Alan & Nicole


26 Andy & Mona Kuehne

Church Council Communication Corner

Highlights from the October Council Meeting:

Andrew Cave presented the idea of having a “Hope and

Healing” prayer service. Council decided on once per

quarter beginning Nov. 3, 2020.

The Christmas Program will be on Dec. 13, 2020.

Andrew Cave requested that he be allowed to hire TLU

student Cole Formwalt as “contract labor” to help lead FLY

worship and to assist with music on Wednesday nights.

A motion was passed to discontinue professional,

commercial sanitizing of the sanctuary, but to continue the

service for the pre-school. This new plan would be

contingent on the requirements of the State and also the

CO-VID 19 numbers for Seguin/Guadalupe County.

After discussion it was decided Angie would be responsible

for the record-keeping for the use of gift cards.

Through traffic on our church campus was discussed. The

motion passed to extend the speed bump in front of the

pre-school door and to add a new one.

Matt reported that the security team would continue on a

rotation schedule which would also include monitoring of

Sunday School areas.

Tim reminded Council members to start thinking of

members to possibly serve on the senior pastor call


A discussion of the ministry teams resulted in a suggestion

to reorganize or revamp this part of our church's ministry

as we move into the future.

Guadalupe Valley

Christian Counseling


GVCCC would like to

thank Faith Lutheran

Church for their

continued support! We

appreciate your hosting

the event and allowing

us to use your


As usual, our annual

BBQ fundraiser was a

huge success. Thank

you again and God

Bless you all!

GVCCC staff and


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Item of the

Month In the month of

November, the



states that one

of their most

needed items is

beans. This

includes any

variety or brand

of beans.

Please bring

your donations

to church


November 30th,

and place them

in the basket in

the narthex





members have

been wonderful

supporters of

the Christian

Cupboard, and

the Social



thanks you for

your ongoing


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Page 6 November

Who Says It's Not Enough? At this time in the life

of our nation and all

that is happening

throughout the world,

it is most appropriate

that we remember in

our prayers those in

the military and their

families. Please

remember in your

daily prayers the

following military

personnel and their


Ann Sagebiel

Stoney Portis

Todd Wegner

David Daniels

Raul Davila III

Tony Leal, Jr.

Shannon Nance

Brad Dillon

Victor J. Rodriquez

Amanda Sagebiel

Cameron Koehler

Michael McBride

Jason Sagebiel

Michael Fruehling

Shelly Park

Ricky Fryer

Brian Branin

Jason Hubbard

Lance England

Who Says It's Not Enough?

As you likely know, multiplication is a key word that we use in LCMC to

illuminate what we believe God is calling us to do with disciples and

churches. Last month I began a four-part series on what Jesus has to

teach us regarding multiplication from one of the most remarkable

multiplication stories in human history: the feeding of the five thousand

as recorded in Matthew 14.

We began learning the lesson that multiplication starts with you and me,

followers of Jesus, being motivated with a burden for others. When the

disciples saw the hungry crowds, Jesus commanded them, “You give

them something to eat.” This month, we pick-up right where we left off:

Exasperated, the disciples respond to Jesus, “But we only have five loaves

and two fish!” In other words, the disciples took stock of all of the food

resources that they had at their disposal and determined that it was not


I don’t know about you, but when I think about how Jesus calls his

followers in the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all people,

I get a bit overwhelmed. It is hard to imagine what I can meaningfully

contribute to such a humongous task! I look at what I have—my time, my

talents, my resources—and just like the disciples, I quickly determine

that it is not enough!

In spite of this completely logical determination, Jesus gives another

shocking command that we have no choice but to pay attention to: “Bring

them here to me.” No matter how meager our resources might seem, no

matter how inadequate or insufficient we might feel, Jesus’ command is

clear: bring me what you have.

In our human understanding of economy, what we have is clearly not

enough. But Jesus takes all of our “not enoughs” when presented to him

and his service and not only does he make it enough, he makes an

abundance that is more than we could ever have imagined.

Jesus’ first disciples got to experience first-hand the miracle of

multiplication of the five loaves of bread and two small fish. They

witnessed how God took their insufficient resources and made them

sufficient to accomplish God’s will and purpose that day. And this lesson

continues to enlighten and form Jesus’ followers today as we bring all of

our “not enoughness” and present it to the Lord of multiplication

miracles. Who says it’s not enough?

Pastor Bryce Formwalt is the Director of Mission Growth for LCMC Texas District and Program Director of Harvest Workers, an online ministry training program (learn more at Residing in Georgetown, Pastor Bryce is available to coach congregations on mission. Feel free to contact him with any questions or comments: 512-942-7776 or [email protected].

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** Please note: if someone you have placed on this list has been helped by our prayers, please notify the church office so the person's name can be removed. Thank

Julie Sagebiel Judy Saunders Nora Lavelett

Carolyn Sagebiel Walt Fruehling Kathy Ersch

Ric Landvatter Dot Day Gladys Fruehling

Teresa Kiel Sue Blumberg Pat Sagebiel

Debbie Lehmann Ronnie Foreman Dorothy Burris

Donald Jackson Charlie Koehler

Judy Parker, aunt of Sara Edwards

Woerndel Family, friends of Jessica Westerholm

Ashley Skloss, sister of Courtney Herbold

Cherie Almand, friend of Vanita Hodge

Doug Brown, brother of Sammie Pooley-Means

Connie Hendricks, friend of Irene Menn

Kim Isaacs, sister of Kristin Moum

Felix Hahn, Jr., father of Margie Campbell

Nancy Mercer, friend of Kim, and Diane

Tim Schievelbein, son of Lee Roy and Jody Schievelbein

Mike Heckmann, father of LeAnne White

Pastor Alma and Cristo Rey Lutheran Church in Pharr, Texas Bill Mires, Jr, son of Geri Mires

Art Hiltgen, brother/uncle of Glenda Leiber/Nicole Dietz

Lisa DeCordova, friend of Lisa Warren

John Otto, friend of Kuempel family

Leigh Couch, sister of Kathy Ersch

Betty Wiederstein, sister of Dorothy Burris

Glen, Gene, and Wanda Badgett, family of Clara Fischer

Marilyn Lubbering, niece of Dorothy Burris

Nancy Rodgers, sister-in-law of Tootsie Rodgers Chad Braun, son of Wally and Fran Braun

Dan Daniels and Family, friends of Valerie Doerfler

Faye Henze, sister of Birdie Kuempel

Judi Pyburn, sister of Jerry Vogel

Jessica Hilbert, daughter-in-law of Don and Barbara Hilbert

Kaye Weaver, friend of Roxanne Heckmann

Peggy Gwyther, sister of Diane Gwyther

Ray Barnes, brother of Karl Boysen

Liza Mossler, former daughter-in-law of Fred & Sue Blumberg

Bridgette Smith, great-great niece of Clara Fischer

Jan Baker, Josephine Williams, friends of Sara Edwards Donna Becker, sister of Debbie Lehmann

Colleen Collier, friend of Roxanne Heckmann

Terri Hartmann, friend and teacher of Faith Preschool

Kenny Mertz, nephew of Lee Roy and Jody Schievelbein

Doug Kunze, cousin of Harry Dietz, Sr.

George Walker, father of Sara Edwards

Eric Moum, brother of Kristin Moum

Dennis & Monica Melton, friends of Katharine Schievelbein

Jo and Dwight Vorpahl, niece and nephew of Clarice Ullrich

Amy Martin Zeitel, sister of Jill Clinton

Reid Strauss, great-grandson of Carla Anderson

Richard Luensmann, friend of the Reiley Family Anthony Garza, friend of Colleen Eckhardt

Juan Soliz, friend of Pat Sagebiel

Bridget Klein, niece of Debbie and Cliff Lehmann

Micah Sagebiel, friend of Tammy Bogisch

Amy Norris, friend of the Kuempel family

Randall Ingalls, friend of Faith Lutheran

Hector Gutierrez, friend of Fred and Sue Blumberg

Theresa Mims, friend of Colleen Eckhardt

Marilyn McLauchlan, mother of Jamie Shashack

Terri Hinson and family, sister of Sara and Manuel Ramos

Mike McGrath, family of John Kuempel

Sharen Carley, seeks a kidney donor, friend of Fonda Mathis

Leroy Braun, brother of Doris Engelhardt

Karen Knapp, sister, of Margit Thurston

Stacey Anderson Hall & Madison, friends of Faith Preschool Bill Schade, friend of Hope Circle, Friday Work Crew & Faith

Camden Schoenert & Family, friends of Westerholm & Scaramozi Families

Oscar Boelter, brother of Melvin Boelter

Taylor Canell, Friend and family of Fred and Sue Blumberg

Lindsey Taylor Knight, Friend of Cathy Wensinger

Brenda Hallmark, niece of Jodi and LeRoy Schievelbein

Kristy Denison, Friend of Katharine Schievelbein

Janet Essler, Friend of Katharine Schievelbein

Gene Brown, friend of Bryan and Diane Terp and Faith

Pam Neal, friend of Roxanne Heckmann

Elouise Lawrence, family of M’liss Harrington and Pat Bodine

Donna Hamilton, family of M’liss Harrington and Pat Bodine

Sally Liberty, friend of Susan Foerster

Gabriel Jaramillo, son of Irma Jaramillo

Tiffany Robbins Hickman, granddaughter of Margit Thurston

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Page 8 November

Preschool News Submitted by Preschool Director Sharon Stollewerk

It is hard to believe October is over and preschool has been in session for two months. Everyone

has settled nicely into the school routine. We are still practicing all Covid guidelines and pray that

this virus will be over soon!

The Mother's Morning Out Class had a fun unit on Community Helpers, and they learned that the

fireman and policeman are their friends. They made pretty fall leaves when studying the autumn

season. They studied the shapes and sizes of pumpkins, and made a jack-o-lantern on a

stick. Their Bible lesson this month was "God is So Big" in which they learned of two miracles:

Healing the Paralytic and 5 Loaves of Bread. They celebrated the color orange with a special day of

orange snacks. Mrs. Sarah and Ms. Sandy are very proud of the way their Little Hoots are coming to

school with no tears and learning to share more. Hoot! Hoot!

The Fulltime Twos Class studied the Fall season and painted leaves and real pumpkins with

beautiful Fall colors, They made their own apple snack, and celebrated Orange Day by wearing

orange clothes and eating orange snacks. They have been working hard on potty training and the

children get excited when they receive a treasure for their success. We are so proud of them!

The 3 Day Preschool Class was busy studying several units. They studied Shapes by tracing and

coloring them. They learned how to mix Colors to make new ones. They learned Numbers by

placing fingerprint leaves on trees and counting candy corn. Halloween brought many fun activities

also. Yay, three-year-olds!

The 5 Day Preschool Classes started the month by studying the Fall season and all of the changes it

brings. Sponge painted leaves, craft stick scarecrows, a fall tree with colored pumpkin seeds as

leaves, and a nature walk around the church grounds all contributed to our God's Fall Gifts

unit. One of our favorite units is Cowboys. We made a cactus and a handprint horse. And for the

finale, we dressed up in our finest duds and ate "grub" at snack time around a make-believe

campfire. We enjoyed stick horse races, a bean bag toss into cowboy hats, "roping" a bull, and

lively dancing while Mrs. Sarah played the fiddle. Yeehaw, it was a fun day! We also studied

pumpkins and how they grow by making a sequence card game. Halloween and Healthy Habits

units rounded out the month. Chapel stories included The Prodigal Son, House on the Rock, and

God Keeps Us Safe.

October ended with Halloween parties in each classroom and a big Halloween parade in the

preschool parking lot. Not even Covid could keep parents and grandparents away from watching

their littles show off their unique costumes. (masked and socially distanced, of course!) Wow! What

a fun and exciting month!

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For the family of Faye Talley. Faye passed through death into eternal life on Sunday, October 11, here in Seguin. Graveside services were held on October 16.

Please remember her daughters Sarah Ramos and Terri Hinson and the rest of her family in your prayers in the days and weeks to come.

We would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of love, support and gifts in anticipation of the arrival of Baby Jackson Rollie. We love our church family and appreciate each and every one of you! At the time of this publication, Jackson has not made his appearance, but we are ready to meet him any day now!

LeAnne and Chase White

CHARITY CIRCLE—Monday, November 16th, 7:00 PM,

LOVE CIRCLE—Tuesday, November 17, 9:30 Activity Center.

HOPE CIRCLE—Thursday, November 19, 2:00 PM, Activity Center


Holy Happenings at Faith † Welcome to our newest members, Shane and Laline Jensen.

The Jensens come to us from Virginia. Shane is a trauma

surgeon with the Navy at BAMC in San Antonio. Laline is

a new science teacher at Navarro High School. They have

two children. Thor is a 9th grader at Lifegate, and Aurora is

in her first year at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. We are

happy to have the Jensen family with us!

† Congratulations to two of our young people who celebrated

First Communion in October. Rylee Flippin and Addison

Seidel were presented communion and a gift to

commemorate the occasion on October 4.




Now Available

The Endowment Fund

Committee is

now accepting

applications for the

distribution of the 2020

Endowment Fund

earnings. Applications

can be picked up in

the church office or

can be found at

These applications

must be completed

and returned to the

office in a sealed

envelope by

December 4, 2020. If

delivered or mailed,

please indicate the

contents of the

envelope on the


MEN OF FAITH The Men of Faith meet every Tuesday morning at 7:30 for Bible

Study and Breakfast. Join them in the Activity Center for

fellowship and bible study.

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Faith Lutheran Church 1326 E Cedar Street Seguin, Texas 78155 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED








Director/Teacher…Sharon Stollewerk

5 Day Teacher/EC…...Paula Neuman

3 Day Teacher………….....Kelli Cave.

3 Day PS Aid….……….Joy McKinnis

5 Day Tchr 2 Yr Olds…..Sheri Scaief

5 Day Aide 2 Yr Olds...Terri Hartmann

MMO Teacher……….…Sarah Graham

MMO Aide…….....…….….Sandy Koepp

5 Day Aide/EC Teacher.....Della Sires

5 Day PS & EC Aide….…...Lisa Owen



Youth/Christ. Ed Dir….Andrew Cave

Office Manager………....Angie Rohde

Music / Communications Director

………………........Roxanne Heckmann

Children/Youth Music

Dir…...……….…..….....LeAnne White

Organist/Pianist………..Annette Stout

Children’s Ministry …...… Lisa Owen

Financial Asst... …... Debbie Mozisek

What’s Happening

in November?

Sunday, November 1st

All Saints Sunday

Tuesday, November 3rd Hope & Healing Service

6:30 PM

Committee Meetings

7:00 PM

Saturday, November 14th Decorate for Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 15th Thankoffering Service

Thursday, November 26th

Thanksgiving Day

Faith Lutheran Church Council

Tim Bogisch , President

Fran Braun, Vice-President … Youth Team

Emma Jean Becker, Secretary … Social Concerns/Fellowship

Matt Sherwood, Treasurer

Chase White, Asst. Treasurer … Worship Team,

Brandon Westerholm… Stewardship Team

Joanne Shanafelt … Evangelism and Mission Outreach Team

Dianne Chambers….. Christian Education Team

Diane Ratliff…….Preschool Team

Karl Boysen … Property Management Team

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