Page 1: Blessed Sacrament Church - › bulletin › 092417.pdf · Chien Nguyen & Ly Vo, Oct. 14th Kevin Tran & Rhea -Lance Lansang, Oct 14th Nam Nguyen/ Yahya Alwakza

Blessed Sacrament Church 14072 Olive Street, Westminster, CA 92683

Phone: (714) 892-4489 Fax: (714) 892-5560 [email protected]


Saturday 5:00 pm (English)

6:30, 8:00 pm (Vietnamese) Sunday

6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am (English) 12:30 pm, 7:30 pm (Spanish) 4:00, 5:45 pm (Vietnamese)

Weekdays 6:30 am, 8:00 am; Sat. 8:00 am only

6 pm Mon to Fri. (Vietnamese) 7 pm Fri. (Spanish)


PRAYER: 15 minutes before Mass begins.


Saturday, 3:30-4:30 pm.

MARRIAGES: Arrangements must be made

at least 6 months prior.

BAPTISMS: In English, Spanish and Vietnamese

monthly. Please contact office

one month prior to Baptism.

SICK CALLS: Call Parish Center anytime.



Rev. Tuyen Nguyen

Parochial Vicars Rev. William Hubbard

Rev. Khoi Phan

Deacons Deacon Matt Calabrese

Deacon Hao Nguyen Deacon Miguel Sanchez

In Residence

Rev. Patrick Rudolph

Blessed Sacrament Church Mission Statement Blessed Sacrament Parish will guide its members to eternal life with our Lord Jesus

Christ. We welcome and serve the faith community and all others in concert with the Diocese of Orange, and will “Act Justly, Love Tenderly, and Walk Humbly with our God" according to Catholic principles, social teachings and traditions (Micah 6:8).

Giáo Xứ Thánh Thể sẽ hướng dẫn giáo dân đến đời sống vĩnh cửu với Chúa Giêsu Kitô. Giáo Xứ hân hoan chào đón và phục vụ cộng đoàn đức tin và tất cả mọi người

theo sự hướng dẫn của Giáo Phận Orange, và sẽ “Hành Động Công Bằng, Yêu Thương Nhân Ái, và Tiến Bước Trong Khiêm Nhường với Thiên Chúa của chúng

ta” (Mica 6:8) theo những nguyên tắc, hướng dẫn xã hội, và truyền thống của Giáo Hội Công Giáo.

La parroquia del Santísimo Sacramento guiará a su miembros a la vida eterna con nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Damos la bienvenida y servimos a la comunidad de fe y a

todos los demás junto con la Diócesis de Orange, y "actuaremos con justicia, amaremos tiernamente y caminaremos humildemente con nuestro Dios" en acuerdo

con los principios, enseñanzas sociales y tradiciones católicas (Miqueas 6:8).

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September 24, 2017

Hien Linh Choir ...................................... Room 213, 7 PM Viet. TNTT Rehearsal ..................................... Gym, 4 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet & Adoration.......... St. Patrick,3 PM Saturday, September 30 English FF Parents Meeting .......................... Gym, 9 AM English Faith Formation ............................Classes, 9 AM Viet. Faith Formation ......Classes, 10:45 AM & 12:45 PM Viet. Language School..........................Classes, 2:20 PM Viet. TNTT ..................... BSS Ground & Gym, 11 AM-on Viet. Legio Mariae Jr....................... Rooms 127, 4:30 PM Viet. Legio Mariae Sr. .......................... Rooms 128, 5 PM Viet. Hien Linh Choir............ Room 211& 213, 5-6:15 PM Viet. Martyrs’ Choir ...............................Mary’s Hall, 7 PM Viet. Hien Linh Choir............................. Room 1, 7:30 PM Monday - Saturday Divine Mercy & Rosary ...........................after 8 AM Mass Rosary in Vietnamese.............................after 8 AM Mass

Saturday Vigil, September 23 5:00 PM Ann Lucido, RIP 6:30 PM Maria My Chau, RIP 8:00 PM All Souls, RIP Sunday, September 24 6:30 AM All Parishioners, Living & Deceased 8:00 AM Isabel & Michael Medina, RIP 9:30 AM Robert Antonio, RIP 11:00 AM Delia Adame Renteria, RIP 12:30 PM Souls in Purgatory, RIP 4:00 PM Soul of Joseph, RIP 9:30 AM Phero Pham Tan & Maria Pham Che, RIP 11:00 AM Daniel Garduno, RIP Monday, September 25 6:30 AM Tom Hans, RIP 8:00 AM John Kha Nhu Nguyen, RIP 6:00 PM Simon Nguyen, RIP Tuesday, September 26 6:30 AM Albert & Irene Carreon, RIP 8:00 AM Mass for the Sick, Sp. Int. 6:00 PM All Souls, RIP Wednesday, September 27 6:30 AM Sally Vellanoweth, Sp. Int. 8:00 AM Sally Vellanoweth, Sp. Int. 6:00 PM All Souls, RIP Thursday, September 28 6:30 AM Sally Vellanoweth, Sp. Int. 8:00 AM Souls in Purgatory, RIP 6:00 PM Dominico Do Viet Phuong, RIP Friday, September 29 6:30 AM James Jacob Ho Huynh, RIP 8:00 AM Michael Medina, RIP 6:00 PM Phero & Maria, RIP 7:00 PM Vincente Martinez Perez, RIP Saturday, September 30 8:00 AM Ronald Otis, RIP

Sunday, September 24 Rosary in Vietnamese .............................after 8 AM Mass Spanish FF Catechists .................... Parish Center, 9 AM Youth Choir.. .........................................Room 218, 9 AM Viet. TNTT’s Supporting Team..............Mary’s Hall, 9 AM Pastor’s Anniversary Mass .......................Church, 11 AM Pastor’s Anniversary Celebration ............Gym, 12:15 PM Spanish Baptism ...................................Church, 1:30 PM Vietnamese TNTT ............. Rooms 127,128, & 132, 2 PM Vietnamese RCIA........................ Room 127 & 128, 2 PM Vietnamese Thanh Linh ........................Mary’s Hall, 5 PM Viet. Liturgy Dancers.......................................Gym, 5 PM Ngan Thong Choir................ Mary’s Hall, 4-5 PM & 7 PM Monday, September 25 BSS Grade 3-5 Reconciliation ...............Church, 8:40 AM Christian Services. ...........................Room 132, 9:30 AM Comite Hispano......................................Room 111, 6 PM Bingo ..........................................................Gym, 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study.................... Room 127 & 128, 6:45 PM JPC Ministerio de Cocina..................Room 204, 6:45 PM Guadalupe Club Rosary........................Mary’s Hall, 7 PM Gozo del Señor .................................. Video Room, 7 PM JPC Ministerio de Servicio.. ...................Room 206, 7 PM JPC Pastoreo Oracion. ..........................Room 132, 7 PM Tuesday, September 26 Adult Bible Study.................... Room 127 & 128, 8:45 AM English Prayer Group........................Room 129, 9:30 AM English Lectors.......................................Church, 6:45 PM Confirmation II Orientation .........................Gym, 6:45 PM Confirmation I Classes ................ Parish Center, 6:45 PM Confirmation II Setting Classes... Parish Center, 7:30 PM JPC Choir ........................................... Video Room, 7 PM Unidos en Cristo.........................................Room 1, 7 PM Hispanic Liturgy Group................ Room 127 & 128, 7 PM Wednesday, September 27 Viet. Liturgy Dancers................. Rooms 208 & 210, 6 PM Spanish Children Choir ..........................Room 213, 6 PM Gozo del Señor .....................................Chapel, 6:30 PM JPC .......................................... Gym & Mary’s Hall, 7 PM Spanish Liturgy ......................... Rooms 127 & 128, 7 PM Coro de Niños .......................................Room 213, 7 PM Xin Vang Choir .......................................Room 211, 7 PM Spanish Marriage Encounter......... Rms 215 & 217, 7 PM Spanish Wedding Rehearsal.......................Church, 7 PM Thursday, September 28 BSS ................................................................Gym , 9 AM Christian Services. ............................Room 132, 9:30 AM JPC Preaching Ministry..........................Room 206, 6 PM English Choir .....................................Room 218, 6:30 PM Coro Guadalupe............................ Video Room, 6:30 PM Spanish Baptism Class ..........................Room 210, 7 PM Gozo del Senor ........................ Gym & Mary’s Hall, 7 PM Vietnamese Martyrs Choir......................Room 211, 7 PM Luz de Esperanza ....................... Room 127 & 128, 7 PM Friday, September 29 Spanish Senior Group............ Room 127 & 128, 9:30 AM JPC Comunidad ........................ Rooms 127 & 128, 6 PM WORD Youth Ministry .................. …Prayer Center, 6 PM

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OFFERING FOR SEPTEMBER 17TH God Bless you for your generous gifts of time, talents, and monetary donations to the par-ish. The collection figures for last Sunday, September 17th, were $21,278.35 and 515 en-velopes. Last years collection was 19,331.43 and 491 envelopes.


Our Parish Community wishes to extend our sympathy and prayers to the families of Shirley Siegal, Khanh Vu, Pedro Zapien and Ricardo Almacen, and of all those who have died this week, may their souls and the souls of all the

faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

The Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,

says the LORD. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways and my

thoughts above your thoughts.” Is 55:8-9

Some of us who have hired daily

or short-term helpers or work-

ers, would relate well to the

parable “The Good Employer” in

today’s Gospel. Perhaps in our

own way, we would try to be a

good employer.We may do so

by treating the workers with

dignity, offering some snacks,

and perhaps giving some

generous tips at the end for a

job well-done. Nevertheless, it

would be difficult in our human

way to imagine that we would

pay all the workers the same

amount of daily wage. Would

you pay equal wage for different

amounts of labor or hours

worked. Doing so would be

contrary to our sense of fairness

or justice, which is perfectly OK

in our way of thinking. The

reason is that we view the

relationship with the workers in

this case as transactional or

mercenary. Meaning we believe

the thought, “You do something

for me,” and “I do something for

you in return.” The expectation

is clearly set at the beginning

and that’s how we manage it

throughout. That is what a

mercenary relationship is about.

As a matter of fact, many of the

relationships we have in life are

like this too. In the

parable, unknown to the

workers, the Good Employer did

not have a mercenary

relationship in mind when he

hired them. The relationship he

showed them was a loving

relationship, much different than

the mercenary relationship. The

Good Employer gave without

expecting something

commensurating, or anything in

return. We can also relate to this

type of relationship when we

think of other relationships in our

lives. We can think of the

relationships between parents

and children, husband and wife,

friends, and so on.

Jesus shows us that the

relationship God has for us is a

loving relationship. When we

look at the cross, we know

Jesus didn’t expect anything in

return. When He gave His life to

us it showed us, “No one has

greater love than this, to lay

down one’s life for one’s

friends” (John 15:13). What kind

of relationship do we have with

God, mercenary or loving? What

kind of relationship do we wish

to have? How are we going to

change our ways to make our

relationship with God more


Ignacio Cervantes & Maria Raymundo, Sept 30 Thomas Pham & Taylor Tsan, Oct. 7th

Chien Nguyen & Ly Vo, Oct. 14th Kevin Tran & Rhea -Lance Lansang, Oct 14th

Nam Nguyen/ Yahya Alwakza & Trisha (Linah) Nguyen, Oct 14th

Miguel Cerda & Yareli Jimenez, Oct. 21st Dominic Tran & Christine Nguyen, Oct. 21st

Kris Lipa & Annie Anh Thu Nguyen, Oct. 28th

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A WORD FROM WORD YOUTH MINISTRY The Diocese of Orange is asking for Youth & Young Adults in our Community, ages 13-40 years old to engage in a survey to collect data for an upcoming Synod. The deadline to re-ceive this data is September 30, 2017. The survey will take a few minutes; 5-7 minutes max, and can be access through your mobile device in English & Spanish. This invitation to participate in the evaluation of our young people today, both Catholic & Non-Catholic alike, so ask your friends to be a part of the conversation as our Pope is listening.


All are welcome to enjoy a Tri-Tip steak & chicken dinner, Irish dancing & music, and an evening with the Brothers and to support their ministry in South-ern CA.

When: Saturday, October 14 at 6 pm

Where: Blessed Sacrament Parish Gym

Tickets: $40 each

*Save $50 by purchasing a table for 8 at $270*

Call 714-897-8181 to reserve tickets

Hurricane Irma-2nd Collection We will be having an emergency 2nd collection this weekend, September 23rd and 24th, for those impacted by Hurricane Irma. These funds will be used in the affected areas to support humanitarian aid, assistance with long-term efforts to restore communities after widespread destruction, and for the pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church in the US and the Caribbean. This call comes on the heels of the emergency collection for Hurricane Harvey. Likewise, Hurricane Irma has been devastating for our brothers and sisters. Please be generous in your gifts. Thank you.


Save the date for the Clos-

ing Celebrations for 100th

Anniversary of Fatima, espe-

cially October 13. We will

have retreat talks on the

Weekdays, Monday through

Thursday, Oct. 9-12, and

conclude with Marian Pro-

cession and Trilingual Mass

on Friday, October 13.

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Diocesan Ministries Celebration

All are welcome to attend the an-nual Diocesan Ministries Celebration (DMC) at Mater Dei High School on Saturday, October 14, 2017. This educational and enriching experience is open to all people interested in learning more about our faith. Workshops will be offered in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. You can register online at or pick a booklet in the Parish Office.

ROLES OF LEADERSHIP It has been a long-standing tradition at Blessed Sacrament School for students in upper grades to be part-nered with students in younger grades in a role of leadership. The students model and teach their younger partners how to behave during mass and other church activities. This week, the 6th graders met their “angels” for the first time and had the opportunity to teach the Kindergarteners the importance of respect and rever-ence at their weekly mass. Keep up the good work 6th graders!


Volleyball for 5th – 8th grade girls

Flag football for 5th – 8th grade boys

Handbell Choir for 6th – 8th graders

Children’s Choir for 2nd – 8th graders

Pep Squad for 3rd and 4th graders

Roles of Service for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders

Please feel free to call the school office for further information (714) 893-7701


Please consider placing an advertise-ment in our bulletin. Advertisers sup-

port our parish in providing a free weekly publication, and we are in

need of more support! The rates are very economical and a great way to represent and grow your

business or service. Please call our J.S.Paluch Parish Consultant, Lisa Bagladi at (847)

370-7710 or email her at [email protected]

Do you have a business or service that you would like to promote

within our community?

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Our Faith Formation Program is still accept-ing applications for this school year. Our Pro-gram starts Saturday, September 23 from 9 AM to 10:30 AM . For more info. please con-tact Sister Cecilia at 714-892-4489

ORIENTATION DAY! Year II orientation will be on September 26, 2017 at 6:45pm in the Gym. Please call the

Office for more info @ 714-901-9946.

The Faith Formation Program at our Parish is in need of Catechists and Volunteers. We invite you (parents, teachers, college students, etc.) to consider being God's messenger to spread the Good News and open the chil-dren's hearts to the Lord. You could volunteer as main teacher, assistant, office helper, etc. Classes are open on weekends and weekdays, from Grade 1 through Con-firmation, including Adult Faith Formation. Please con-tact our Office @ 714-892-4489 x 207 or Faith [email protected].


How do I participate in the Rosary Campaign?

"Say the Rosary every day... Pray, pray a lot and offer sacrifices for sinners...

I'm Our Lady of the Rosary. Only I will be able to help you.

...In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph." Our Lady at Fatima

Objectives: 1. To pray 7,000 Holy Rosaries for 70th An-

niversary of the Parish 2. To deepen our relationship with God &

Mother Mary 3. To increase devotion and faith in His Real

Presence 4. For the salvation of souls (conversion of

sinners) and our sanctification 5. To pray for the world, community, family,

oneself 6. To celebrate our faith as one community

for 100th Anniversary of Fatima How it works: 1. Pray a Rosary 2. Complete a prayer intention card. On the

card, indicate for who or what the rosary was said for (intention cards are located at the foot of the statue of Mary in the church).

3. Return your intention card to a basket at the foot of the statue of Mary.

4. These cards will be collected, tallied, & our count will be posted in the bulletin each week.

5. Prayer intentions for the campaign will be mentioned in the Prayer of the Faithful every Sunday mass

6. The total of the Rosary Prayers will be of-fered to Our Lady of Fatimah on October 13

We encourage all individuals, families, min-istries, organizations, the sick & the home-

bound to participate.

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Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

"Pues sus proyectos no son los mios, y mis caminos no son los mismos de

ustedes, dice Yavé. Asi, como el cielo esta muy alto por encima de la tierra,

asi también mis caminos se elevan por encima de sus caminos y mis

proyectos son muy superiores a los de ustedes. " Is 55: 8-9

Algunos de nosotros que hemos contratado ayudantes del diario o trabajadores a corto plazo, podemso relacionarnos bien con la parábola de "El Buen Empleador" en el Evangelio de hoy. Tal vez a nuestro modo, tratamos de ser un buen empleador. Podemos hacerlo tratando a los trabajadores con dignidad, ofreciendo algunos bocadillos, y tal vez dando una propina generosa al final por un trabajo bien hecho. Sin embargo, sería difícil, a nuestro modo humano, imaginar que pagaríamos a todos los trabajadores la misma cantidad de salario diario. ¿Pagaría un

salario igual por diferentes cantidades de mano de obra o horas trabajadas? Hacerlo sería contrario a nuestro sentido de equidad o justicia, que es perfectamente aceptable en nuestra forma de pensar. La razón es que vemos la relación con los trabajadores en este caso como transaccional o mercenaria. Lo que significa que creemos en el pensamiento "Tú haces algo por mí" y "Yo hago algo por ti a cambio". La expectativa está claramente establecida al principio y así es como lo manejamos a lo largo. De eso se trata una relación mercenaria. Como cuestión de hecho, muchas de las relaciones que tenemos en la vida son así también. En la parábola, desconocida para los trabajadores, el Buen Empleador no tenía una relación mercenaria en mente cuando los contrató. La relación que les mostró fue una relación

amorosa, muy diferente de la relación mercenaria. El Buen Empleador daba sin esperar algo conmensurante, o algo a cambio. También podemos relacionarnos con este tipo de relación cuando pensamos en otras relaciones en nuestras vidas. Podemos pensar en las relaciones entre padres e hijos, esposo y esposa, amigos, etc. Jesús nos muestra que la relación que Dios tiene para nosotros es una relación amorosa. Cuando miramos la cruz, sabemos que Jesús no esperaba nada a cambio. Cuando nos dio Su vida, nos mostró: "No hay amor mas grande que dar la vida por sus amigos" (Juan 15:13). ¿Qué tipo de relación tenemos con Dios, mercenaria o amorosa? ¿Qué tipo de relación queremos tener? ¿Cómo vamos a cambiar nuestras maneras para hacer más amorosa nuestra relación con Dios?


Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos Bautismo, Confirmación o Eucaristía.

El programa de RICA comenzara a partir de 5 de Octubre, 2017. estaremos registrando en la oficina de formación en la fe, de Martes a Viernes de 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Para mas información llame al Diacono Miguel al 714/412-3878 o Cynthia Sanchez al 714/325-1860.


Las clases de Formación en la Fe para los niños de primera comunión iniciaran el domingo, 24 de septiembre del 2017 a las 10:15 de la mañana. Se llevara da acabo una Junta de Padres el 1 de octubre a las 10:15 AM en el Gimnasio. Horario de la Oficina: Martes - Viernes: 9:00 am - 5:30 PM Domingos: 9:00 AM– 1:00PM. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Sonia Aguilar al (714) 897-2142.

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Chúa Nhật Hai Mươi Lăm Quanh Năm Ngày 24

tháng Chín năm 2017 – A “Thiên Chúa phán rằng tư tưởng của Ta không là tư tưởng của ngươi, đường lối của ngươi cũng không phải là đường lối của Ta. Như trời cao ở trên mặt đất thế nào thì đường lối của Ta cũng cao hơn đường lối và tư tưởng của Ta cũng cao hơn tư tưởng của ngươi như vậy.” Isaiah 55:8-9.

Có ai trong chúng ta mướn người làm từng ngày hay bán thời gian hay đi làm tại Home Depot hoặc Lowe, chúng ta thấy có liên quan đến câu chuyện “Người Chủ Tốt Lành” của bài Phúc Âm hôm nay. Có lẽ trong cách thức riêng của mình, chúng ta cố gắng trở thành người chủ tốt bằng cách đối xử với người làm với sự kính trọng, mời họ uống nước hay ăn nhẹ, và có thể là tặng tiền hậu hĩ khi xong việc.

Tuy nhiên, rất khó lòng cho chúng ta tưởng tượng rằng chúng ta sẽ trả bằng giá cho mọi người làm vào thời điểm khác nhau hay bao nhiêu tiếng họ làm. Việc này đi ngược lại với ý niệm công bằng và công chính, trong suy nghĩ của chúng ta thì được lắm. Lý do là chúng ta đánh giá sự liên hệ với người làm trong trường hợp này như là một cuộc trao đổi hay làm công, nghĩa là “anh làm một sự gì cho tôi, “ và “ tôi làm một điều gì trả lại cho anh.” Điều mong mỏi được thiết lập rõ rệt từ lúc khỏi đầu và chúng ta điều khiển tới kết thúc như thế. Liên hệ làm công là như thế. Thật vậy, nhiều liên hệ trong đời sống của chúng ta cũng như thế. Trong câu chuyện ngụ ngôn, những người làm thuê không biết trước Người Chủ Tốt Lành không có trong đầu khái niệm liên hệ thuê mướn khi ông đi thuê người làm. Liên hệ ông ban cho họ là liên hệ tình yêu, rất khác biệt với

liên hệ làm thuê-ban phát mà không mong chờ một điều gì tiêu thụ, hay ngay cả một cái gì nhận lại. Chúng ta cảm nghiệm những liên hệ này trong cuộc sống gia đình, cha mẹ đối với con cái, vợ chồng đối với nhau, bạn bè, và còn nhiều nữa.

Chúa Giêsu tỏ cho chúng ta rằng liên hệ Thiên Chúa dành cho chúng ta là liên hệ tình yêu. Khi chúng ta nhìn lên thánh giá, chúng ta biết rằng Chúa Giêsu chẳng muốn điều gì trả lại khi Ngài trao ban cho chúng ta sự sống của Ngài, “Không có tình yêu nào cao quí hơn mối tình của người thí mạng sống vì bạn hữu” (Gioan 15:13). Đâu là liên hệ chúng ta đang có với Thiên Chúa, thuê mướn hay tình yêu? Chúng ta muốn liên hệ nào? Làm thế nào chúng ta thay đổi lối sống của chúng ta để biến đổi liên hệ của chúng ta với Thiên Chúa được yêu thương hơn?

Sinh Hoạt Cộng Đoàn Các em Thiếu Nhi sẽ mừng Tết Trung Thu với văn nghệ và Múa Lân vào tối thứ

Bảy 30 Tháng Chín, sau Lễ 6:30 pm. Xin cha mẹ ông bà tham dự nâng đỡ các em.

Xin tham dự Lễ Kết Thúc 100 Năm Fatima vào ngày thứ Sáu 13 Tháng Mười vào lúc 6 giờ chiều với rước kiệu và Thánh Lễ.

Ngày thứ Bảy 21 Tháng Mười lúc 4 giờ chiều sẽ có rước kiệu và Lễ Làm Phép Địa Điểm và Viên Đá đầu tiên cho Linh Đài Đức Mẹ tại Nhà Thờ Chánh Toà.

Tiền chợ nhỏ tuần này đem lại cho Giáo Xứ và Mẹ Lavang số tiền $3,524.00

(Còn tiếp)

Chân Thành Cám Ơn Ân Nhân Đóng Góp Xây Dựng Linh Đài Đức Mẹ Lavang tại Nhà Thờ Chánh Toà

Mai Tuấn & Tina Bà Nho Phương Thúy Bà Tuyết Ngô Đình Biên Ngô Mai Ngô Xuân Nghĩa

Ngô Paul (Ngô Chai & Hạnh) Ngô Khắc Thân Ngô Thủy Ngô Minh Trí Ngô Vincent Nghiêm Hồng Vân Nguyễn Amanda

Nguyễn K. An Nguyễn Lợi Andre Nguyễn Văn Anh Nguyễn Văn Bài Nguyễn Mạnh Billy Nguyễn Văn Bình Nguyễn Cẩm

Nguyễn Văn Chánh Nguyễn Cindy Nguyễn Văn Côn Nguyễn Hùng Cường Nguyễn Văn Diệp Nguyễn Diệu (Đoàn Thị Thống) Nguyễn T. Định

Page 9: Blessed Sacrament Church - › bulletin › 092417.pdf · Chien Nguyen & Ly Vo, Oct. 14th Kevin Tran & Rhea -Lance Lansang, Oct 14th Nam Nguyen/ Yahya Alwakza

SEPTEMBER 24, 2017

PARISH CENTER Parish Center…………..………….714-892-4489

Vietnamese Line…………….……..714-893-3059

Office Hours Sunday 7:30 AM-3:00 PM Mon.– Fri. 9:00 AM-9:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM-6:30 PM

Closed for lunch from 12:30 to 1:00

Preferred time for Parish Business: Monday thru Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm


Office of Faith Formation.……….714-897-2142 Vietnamese Faith Formation.…...714-893-3320

Confirmation ……………...……...714-901-9946

Faith Formation Office Hours

Sunday While classes are in session Monday – Friday 9:00 AM-5:30 PM Saturday While classes are in session

Faith Formation Classes: English Program Spanish Program Vietnamese Program Confirmation Program Spanish RCIA English RCIA Vietnamese RCIA

CHRISTIAN SERVICE Christian Service………………….714-894-6959

Hours Mondays & Thursdays 9:30 AM-11:00 AM

Christian Service is operating out of the far east room in the Parish Center.

YOUTH MINISTRY English Youth Ministry…………...714-902-1570

[email protected]

Spanish Youth Ministry [email protected]


Attention all ministry leaders If you would like to include an announcement in the weekly bulletin, please submit your announcement

by the previous Sunday to [email protected]


School Office…………………………...714-893-7701

Office Hours Monday-Friday 7:00 AM – 4:30 PM

14146 Olive Street, Westminster, CA 92683

Phone: 714-893-7701 Fax: 714-891-7186

BLESSED SACRAMENT SCHOOL BINGO Bingo Office .......................714-893-7882

BINGO! Mondays @ 6:30 PM in the Gym

Parish contact Information

Saturdays @ 9:00 AM Sundays @ 10:15 AM Saturdays @ 11AM & 12:45 PM Tuesdays @ 6:45 PM Thursdays @ 7:00 PM Sundays @ 9:00 AM Sundays @ 3:30 PM


REGISTRATION AND CHANGE OF ADDRESS Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, long time residents, or newly arrived in the par-

ish. If you aren’t a registered member of our parish community or have a new address or phone number or are planning to move, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection or return it to

the Parish Center. Name: _______________________________ Spouse:________________________________ Email: _______________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Street: __________________________ Apt: ______ City: _________________ Zip:_________ Children (at home): Name: ____________________________ Date of Birth: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Date of Birth: ________________ New Parishioner: ________ Moving-Remove from List: ________ Change of Address: ________ New Address : Street: ______________________ Apt: ______ City: ______________ Zip:______ Ministry Interest: __________________________ Special Gifts or Talents: _________________ I would like to give online/electronically:___ I would like to give through offering envelopes sent by mail:___

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