

Sasui 2k12/it/73

Advance Database Assignment

Submitted to: sir kamran Dahri


Big Data


Big Data refers to the massive amounts of data collected over time that are difficult to analyze and handle using common database management tools.

The data are analyzed for marketing trends in business as well as in the fields of manufacturing, medicine and science.

The types of data include business transactions, e-mail messages, photos, surveillance videos, activity logs and unstructured text from blogs and social media, as well as the huge amounts of data that can be collected from sensors of all varieties

Big Data

social media: fb,twetter,youtube,arcat etc


Or Big data can also be defined as "Big data is a large volume unstructured data which can not be handled by standard database management systems like DBMS, RDBMS or ORDBMS".

Big Data contin…

unstructured data which is not arranged in rows and columns.. example file,text,multimedia,videos,audio


Surviellance video database example


Characteristics of Big Data V5


Variety – Large volume of data or BigData is more than the data size. It could also be in a number of different forms such as structured or un-structured, text, images, videos etc. It can come from a number of different sources, devices, or channels such as online, offline, social media, mobile, sensors, cameras, TV etc.
Velocity –This applies to the large volume of data that can come from a number of different sources at a high speed that cannot be managed via traditional means
Variability – This applies to the state or validity of the data in relation to the time (e.g. right information at the right time for the effective decision making)
Value - This applies to the business value (e.g. opportunity cost) that is obtained through the handling of BigData such as the handling of un-structured large high speed data coming via social media streams or customer blogs.
1. Volume – This applies to the large size or volume of the data that cannot be managed via traditional means.


Hadoop Solution for big data

Apache Hadoop is a popular open-source framework/software for storing and distributed processing large data sets across clusters of computers.


Information science promises to change the world.

Why we need to use big data

“BIG data BIG deal”

HARDVARD magazine 2014


DATA NOW STREAM from daily life: from phones and credit cards and televisions and computers; from the infrastructure of cities; from sensor-equipped buildings, trains, buses, planes, bridges, and factories. The data flow so fast that the total accumulation of the past two years—a zettabyte(2-70th power byte)—dwarfs the prior record of human civilization. “There is a big data revolution,” saysWeatherhead University Professor Gary King. But it is not the quantity of data that is revolutionary. “The big data revolution is that now we can do something with the data.”

transmit or receive (data, especially video and audio material) over the Internet as a steady, continuous flow.
a device which detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it
A zettabyte is a measure of storage capacity and is 2 to the 70th power bytes, also expressed as 1021 or 1 sextillion bytes.


set of rules that can be used to solve a problem a thousand times faster than conventional computational methods could. One colleague, faced with a mountain of data, figured out that he would need a $2-million computer to analyze it. Instead, King and his graduate students came up with an algorithm within two hours that would do the same thing in 20 minutes—on a laptop:


In marketing, familiar uses of big data include “recommendation engines” like those used by companies such as Netflix and Amazon to make purchase suggestions based on the prior interests of one customer as compared to millions of others.

Where to use big data

information filtering system that seek to predict the 'rating' or 'preference' that user would give to an item.


A DVD rental and Internet-based video-on-demand service from Netflix, Los Gatos, CA ( For a monthly fee based on service level, DVD and Blu-ray rentals are ordered online, and Netflix mails the discs within the U.S. with a postage paid return envelope



1. Google Analytics dashboards faster way is to import some of the pre-made

dashboards from the Dashboard Gallery. Just click on the Dashboards link inside Google Analytics, and “Add Dashboard” to find a few from the gallery. You will find dashboards for understanding your audience engagement, how many visitors you have got and more.

Methods of using big data

google dashboard:a tool to view and manage personal data collected by Google Inc.
the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics


Example google analytic dashboard

Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page).


2. Email marketing segmentation analysis

Do you segment your email list by what your subscribers are interested in? This will help you tailor your email communications to subscribers, so that you deliver what they want


3. Heat map analysis:heat maps come in. Eye-tracking and heat- map technologies can tell you what parts of

Web page get the most attention.

Sanghaar11/8/2014Eye tracking is the process of electronically locating the point of a person's gaze, or following and recording the movement of the point of gaze(who look long)




 Big Data can unlock significant value by making information transparent

Example: easily accessible & searchable. As organisations create and store

more transactional data in digital form, they can collect more accurate and detailed performance information on everything from product inventories to sick days and therefore expose variability and boost performance



More accurate dataImproved business decisionsImproved marketing strategy and targetingIncreased revenue due to increased

customer and base and decreased costs

The relationship between price elasticity and total revenue is critical, as it helps to inform management when making pricing decisions for a good or a service.


MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory in Lexington, Massachusetts. They say that combining big data with 3-D printing can dramatically improve the way people consume and understand data on a massive scale.

Display of Big Data


If you’ve ever struggled to make sense of an information firehose, perhaps a 3-D printed model could help

3-D Printing is Revolutionizing the Display of Big Data

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