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Tarot Reading for

Astrology Forecast-August 2015

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Nine of Wands


Aries, when compared to the happy cosmic machinations going on with Capricorn and Libra, has been

one of the more neutral beneficiaries of good fortune this year, but that's about to change now that

Jupiter enters your Virgo and your sixth house. Since the sixth house rules such things as daily tasks,

productivity, managing time, and so forth, and since Jupiter is a planet that bestows good luck and

fortune on his happy recipients, it's easy to see that this is just the beginning of a semi-lengthy spell of

positive growth in your work life. And since it's been a bit of time since Aries has had such a healthy

period of growth in this area, it's no doubt welcome.


Jupiter isn't the only large planet helping out Aries in this second half of 2014. The Saturn retrograde

into your house of intimacy (your eighth house), is helping you to become both more trustful and

trustworthy, and making it easier to find love. Sure, a Venus retrograde in your house of love could

cause issues, but any negative effects will largely be washed out thanks to Mars also being in this sector

at this time. All told, this makes August perhaps the best month in the entire year for finding someone


In Love

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The Aries in a relationship may actually fare even better than the single Aries, since you already have a

foundation to build upon. This is where trust, shared assets, and other elements that foster healthy

growth in relationships comes to the forefront. And since these machinations will continue for the next

several months, there is plenty of time for the two of you to fall deeper in love and connect with one

another on a more spiritual level. And Mars will help ensure that the more physical aspect of love will

also blossom along with the emotional.


This is the beginning of a period wherein Aries will start to see his income accrue and his overall

financial well-being grow faster and more plentiful than at any other time in 2015. The year on the

whole hasn't been necessarily stagnant as far as finances go, but you haven't really had much of an

extended good spell of monetary growth. That changes thanks to the actions of Jupiter and the

upcoming planetary motions in these related houses in the coming months. This is definitely a good

time to be an Aries.


Your energy levels are higher (which is REALLY saying something for an Aries) and your stress levels

related to work and finances are at their lowest point in the entire year. Your outlook related to love and

relationships is very healthy and, when we consider the fact that there are no health issues for you to

keep an eye on this month, it's easy to see that this is a high watermark for Aries in 2015. Enjoy this

month free of stress, pain, and worry, and use it to remember how fortunate you are to be here on this

planet. Life really can be good sometimes, Aries.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: XVII The Star


This month will be much more heavily focused on interpersonal and domestic matters, causing areas in

your work life to take a backseat. How apparent is this shift from focus on work? Well let's put it this

way: In the last three months you've had the motions of Mars influencing work in some capacity, and

Mercury playing its part in the same time frame. And in the next couple months these two planets will

again start to affect your career and work in noticeable ways. But here in August you're given a

reprieve from these two planets, insofar as your job is concerned. Take this time to readjust and enjoy

the mild atmosphere that the job site provides you this month. There are bigger things at hand.

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This month Jupiter enters Virgo and your fifth house, which rules, among other things, love and

romance. And since we've already established that Jupiter is sign that likes to shower his subjects with

kindness and luck, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that this marks the beginning of a great

period in which you'll be more receptive to love, more willing to seek it out, and most importantly

more happy to give it. After all, Taurus is the kind of sign that tends to avoid outward expressions of

romance, and that can make it hard to start a new relationship. But now Jupiter is going to ensure that

such problems fall by the wayside.

In Love

As for Taureans in a relationship, there is of course the happy news that you and your partner will grow

closer together, but it doesn't end there. As Jupiter remains in your fifth house, you'll enjoy life on a

more personal and singular level. You'll have more fun in general, relish playing with your children, or

nephews and nieces. You'll generally have a brighter outlook on life, and we all know that a

relationship isn't healthy unless BOTH people are happy. In other words, you'll be able to give the love

necessary to make your partner happy, but you yourself will be very satisfied. Don't be surprised if

around this time you start considering expanding your family.


While a Saturn backtrack often means that good things are in store, owing to the fact that he is near the

end of his run, this month may not provide such terrific news as far as finances are concerned. Sure, his

tough lessons dealt out in your eighth house are given a break thanks to him going back into Scorpio,

but there is also the possibility for confusion and frustration in things related to money. In truth, there is

the chance that you'll essentially break even and remain stagnant as far as income is concerned. You

may also lose a bit of money, though not enough to cause any panic. The possibility of your income

increasing in any significant way is not likely. Sure, this isn't the best news, but it could always be



This month you'll want to pay attention to your sinuses. There is the risk of the typical things that may

affect the areas related to your ears, nose, and throat, and it doesn't appear that any of these problems

will definitively turn into something major. That being said, however, there are some Taureans for

whom a sinus infection is something to watch out for. But for the majority of those born under your

sign, there will just be the minor annoyances that sinuses can bring to the forefront at times.

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3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: Nine of Swords


This is a very positive month for both work and finances, thanks largely to Saturn's backtrack into

Scorpio and your house of work. We've noted how Saturn tends to save all of his good fortune for the

end of his run, and he'll be on your side in this regard, helping you to make progress. And it gets even

better, thanks to Mars still being in your house of money. We'll discuss that aspect in the Finances

section, but suffice to say that this one-two punch of productivity will have you sitting pretty

throughout Summer's end.


Geminis have no doubt noticed that it's been rather a slow Summer as far as love goes. There hasn't

been much action in this regard, and what opportunities there have been for love have been minor and

of very little substance. That's just how the dice rolls sometimes, though, and all the other signs go

through dry spells of this nature. Sadly, August doesn't seem to be any different, meaning that the entire

Summer will go down as one of the less love-oriented in recent years. Don't worry, though: Fall and

Winter promise much more dynamism in this area, ultimately leading to great chances for love. All you

have to is wait, Gemini.

In Love

While Geminis in a relationship are luckier than their single counterparts this Summer, if only because

they at least have someone to spend those long days with, there has still been quite a bit of inaction and

sterility in your relationship. But as we mentioned above, this is the turning point. After this month

there will be some interesting developments. Some are a bit dubious, like Mercury's upcoming

retrograde next month, but on the whole they'll point to positivity, especially when Mars enters your

house of love in November and stays with you for the rest of the year, helping to make your

relationship stronger before we head into 2016.


As hinted at above, Mars is still in your house of money, and he is continuing to help you make the

right decisions related to income, while also helping you to devise new ways to increase your net

worth. Mars does leave this sector this month, but you needn't worry about any negative side effects;

Saturn is a much bigger planet than Mars and thus carries more sway, and he'll insure that you continue

to enjoy a comfortable state in regards to work and finances while he remains backtracked in Scorpio.

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This month you'll want to take particular caution in not pushing yourself too hard in physical effort.

You'll expect more of your body and not be as responsive to its cries for help as you try to take it to its

limits. Geminis are, as a rule, inclined to physical fitness and exercise, and you value a healthy

attractive body more than most signs. As such, you work out hard and enjoy challenges. But we

recommend you try to dial it down just a bit this month, because you'll be more susceptible to strains,

muscle pulls, and other injuries that could lay you up and keep you from the workouts that you enjoy so


4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: Ten of Pentacles


The Saturn backtrack that has been occurring in the last couple months looks poised to help you out

this month at the workplace, which is a welcome bit of news to any sign, no matter how good things

have been going. At this time, Saturn is out of your fifth house, which rules all manner of work and

productivity, and since we've established that Saturn can teach tough lessons to those under his wing,

this break from his hardships should help you to have a more relaxing, streamlined, and enjoyable time

at work. Enjoy it while it lasts, Cancer.


Love occupies a large part of both your conscious and subconscious this month, and for good reason.

We discussed above how Saturn has backtracked into Scorpio, which is is poised to leave very soon.

And we also have talked about how he's much kinder toward the end of his run. You were dealt some

tough lessons while he was in your house of love, but now that he's kissing goodbye to it, things will be

much easier to deal with. You have a clearer view of love and what it means to you, and it's easier to

express your feelings to others. It's been a rough couple years as far as romance, but you're now

officially at the end of the tunnel, surrounded by light.

In Love

Things are going to get much better in August for Cancers in a relationship. The fighting,

misunderstanding, and prickly issues that have loomed over you and your partner in the last couple

years is dissipating quickly. Yes, this year has been more conducive to love overall with Cancers,

thanks to other planets easing Saturn's final burdens and slowly fostering a closer connection, but it

should still be comforting to know that you're on the verge of enjoying longer, more durable periods of

amity between you and your partner.

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While there are positive machinations at work related to your love life, the same can't be said for your

finances. Unfortunately, Venus is retrograding into your house of money during this time, and that

brings with it some difficulties; you'll spend more than you'd like to, and you'll fret over purchases both

big and small. Adding to this burden is Jupiter, who moves away this month from your house of money,

meaning that the good fortune that he gave you in the last six months is at an end. But this factor isn't

as bad as you may think, since his gifts have largely evaporated since last month anyhow. All the same,

though, we do sympathize with you during this time, Cancer.


Lethargy stands the chance of creeping in for you this month, and the reason we mention it is that your

sign is a special case in this regard. For some high-strung signs, like Gemini and Aries, a decrease in

energy can be a good thing; it helps them ward off burnout. But your sign is predisposed to low activity

in the first place. And worse, your sign is more likely than nearly all the other signs to hold onto any

excess body fat, especially in the midsection. With that in mind, we recommend that you try to push

through the lethargy just enough to at least keep you from gaining any extra weight this month. If you

manage it, consider it a victory worthy of celebrating.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: Eight of Swords


Jupiter moves into Virgo this month, and your second house, and you'll start to notice his benefits right

out the gate. The second house, as we've mentioned before, rules money, salaries, wages, assets, and

most things related to money. We'll discuss that further in the Finance section, but it goes without

saying that this is directly related to your work and career. You stand the chance of getting a raise

around this time, and your work life will be energized almost as if Mars was pulling the strings. This

has been a great year in general for Leo in regards to work and money, but this period you're in now

might be the high point.


This isn't a good month for meeting new people or starting up a new love, mostly because you'll be

preoccupied with other areas of your life. Your job will take up the better part of your energy, and

though you'll have free time to spare, you won't be as inclined to spend it looking for romance. The

planetary motions are such that romance isn't even an option that's on the table, and while in some

months that could give you cause for concern, you won't see it as much of an issue here in August.

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In Love

Leos in a relationship don't really have the opportunity to be as fancy-free about love as single Leos.

After all, you are in a committed kinship and you have a partner's needs to see to. And yet you'll still be

preoccupied with work and related matters. We recommend that you try to set aside some time to dote

on your partner and show them the love that they expect from you. This will make your overall mood

better and can even enhance the already healthy work life that you're enjoying now. After all, a happy

worker is a productive worker, as they say.


As mentioned above, Jupiter moves into your second house of money this month, and he likes to

bestow his subjects with luck and goodwill. It will be much easier for you to make money during this

time, and you'll have a better time of holding onto it as well. Perhaps the best news is that he'll remain

with you throughout the rest of the year and then some, meaning that things will only get better in the

next few months, especially when you consider that there are no negative planetary motions in this area

for the rest of the year, and only positive ones. This is your time to shine, Leo, and we couldn't be

happier for you.


Your mental energy is higher this month, and you'll have a harder time decompressing after work.

Relaxation won't be much of a pursuit to you, because your mind will be thinking of any number of

ways to improve your standing and output in your occupation. This could cause you to lose sleep at

night, but more generally it can lead to burnout. We recommend you do whatever relaxation techniques

you typically employ in cases like this. Although a glass of wine and some classical music may be all

that is needed to help you switch modes after a busy day at work.

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: Seven of Wands


Communication will be much easier this month at the workplace. You no doubt noticed small pockets

of time throughout 2015 thus far in which you've had trouble getting your viewpoints across to your

coworkers and superiors. But this month you'll be much more clear and understandable. You can thank

Saturn for much of this, because he is backtracking into Scorpio and, more importantly, your third

house. This house rules interpersonal discourse and negotiation, among other related matters. And

Virgos who are up for a promotion or raise should take particular note of this fact, and act accordingly.

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This month Jupiter enters your sign, and your first house, which rules personal viewpoints and the way

you see yourself. This isn't a month that will be centered around meeting new people or finding love,

which may be a hard pill for Virgos to swallow, but in the end this is actually a good thing: You'll have

a better idea of who you are and what you want out of a relationship, and this will coincide nicely with

the subconscious breakthroughs you enjoyed when Jupiter was in Leo. All of this is working to set you

up nicely for a healthy, long-term relationship after September's lunar eclipse, about which we'll

discuss next month.

In Love

While Jupiter is helping you to grow inwardly and hone your identity, we feel it's necessary to mention

that this positive growth stands the chance of alienating you from your partner this month. You'll be

focused on yourself, which the first house is all about, and if you're not careful you can come off as

distant or selfish to your lover. It's wholly important for you to grow as a person, and Jupiter's influence

is indispensable and shouldn't be squandered, but if you can, do try to set aside time to bond with your

partner so that they don't feel left out in the dark.


We mentioned above that Saturn's backtrack into your third house is helping you in negotiation and

communication. He had brought challenges to this realm earlier, when he was in the midst of Scorpio,

but now that he's near the end of his tour he's more willing to assist you. Your enhanced gift of gab

improves your chances of netting a raise or promotion, as we mentioned in the Career section, but we'll

also note that you can also use this time to haggle with merchants and get better deals on cars, home

repair, and anything else wherein a price is flexible. Make the most of it, Virgo, and you'll be surprised

at how much money you can save during this period.


Cheers, Virgo! This month looks to be a clean bill of health for you. There don't appear to be any

physical or mental problems that look poised to befall you, and while there isn't anything indicating

that you'll have exceptional health, energy, or mental positivity, the adage “no news is good news”

really applies here. And since some of you will be experiencing a birthday this month, you might even

consider your freedom from any major ailments to be a nice little gift bestowed upon you from the


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7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: Knight of Cups


Mars remains in your house of careers this month, so you'll still get to enjoy the motivation to work

hard and accomplish all that you can. He ends his tour in this house early in August, though, and so you

might see your drive start to subside a bit. But this is actually a good thing, because this increased

energy will be replaced by more concentration and focus, helping you to go over with a fine-toothed

comb the bulk of productivity that Mars helped you to accomplish.


We don't often say this, but this month you may wish to avoid starting any new romance during this

time. Below, we discuss how events in September will be a “make or break” period for Libras in newer

relationships, and so this is really a time in which single Libras come out better than some of their

counterparts who are already spoken for. We recommend you wait until after the Lunar eclipse in

September, when things will be back to normal, before starting any relationship. Then you'll be free to

grow with a new partner without any of these issues coming to bear.

In Love

Next month some major machinations will occur that will really help you to decide whether the person

you're with is truly “the one,” as they say. We'll go into detail in September, when the major transition

occurs, but we bring it up this month because the cracks in the facade (if there are any) should start

showing around this time. Put simply, you're entering a phase where relationships that are unhealthy

will be excised and ones that are truly good and beneficial will have their bonds strengthened. If the

one you're with isn't all he or she is cracked up to be, you'll start to see signs of that here in August.

Fights may be more frequent, you'll be less inclined to want to spend time with your lover, and in

general the love that you thought was there will start to dissipate. It may sound grim, but just keep in

mind that the stars are working to make sure that you're with someone who is ultimately perfect for



Venus retrogrades this month, and we'll get into why that matters in the Health section directly below,

but as far as finances go, we recommend that you avoid making any major financial decisions, because

they can cause you too much stress at this time. You'll be second-guessing everything you do in this

area at this time, and you'll change your mind frequently. The end result may be that you're exactly

where you left off before you started tinkering with the books, so it would behoove you to save

yourself the trouble and do as little as possible related to finances during this period.

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Your sign is ruled by Venus and, as we've discussed briefly above, the planet retrogrades this month. As

a result, you'll feel plagued by the feeling that things are just a bit “off.” Little matters will plague your

mind and you won't be completely confident in your decisions. This can add stress to your daily life in

August, and we've mentioned plenty of times how stress is far and away the biggest contributor to poor

health. But if you're aware of Venus' activity and realize that it isn't YOU who is to blame for these

feelings, but that little yellow planet, you can go a long way toward alleviating any of this negativity.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: Four of Wands


This month will see both negative and positive machinations related to your work. On the plus side, we

have Mars entering your house of careers, which in normal circumstances would help you to be more

motivated to succeed. Unfortunately, Venus retrogrades in this same house at the same time, and this

will diminish some of the benefits that Mars is trying to bring you. You may have the drive but not the

energy, or you may feel more easily frustrated and not wish to put your energy to good use. But though

Venus negates some of Mars' influence, it helps to look on the bright side: Mars is essentially negating

Venus' bad influence, and it's a sight better than having to be fully at the mercy of Venus without Mars

in your corner.


This month Jupiter enters your eleventh house, which rules such matters as friends, sociability, and

group activity. As the rest of the year goes on you'll start to notice that you're gaining more friends,

going out and having a good time, and generally meeting all kinds of new, interesting people. This is

the perfect time to start a new romance, because your attitude won't be as typically “Scorpio” (which

can err on the negative side) and you'll be presented with much more suitable people during this period.

In Love

As mentioned above, Jupiter's influence will allow you and your partner to enjoy new experiences and

make new friends. One of the biggest contributors to boredom and sterility in a relationship is “same-

old syndrome,” in which you gradually lose friends and engage in fewer social activities. Then the

burden is on the two of you for mutual entertainment, in the same old locations. But with Jupiter in

your eleventh house at this time, you'll have much more luck as far as meeting new couples and

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enjoying new social events. This could signal a great growing phase for the two of you.


While things look pretty dubious in relation to your work and career this month, you can at least take

some solace in the fact that your financial situation should improve despite the tug of war between

Mars and Venus. This is due to a much bigger planet, Saturn, who is still in your sign at this time,

helping you to increase your net worth (profitability is one of the things that Scorpio rules). If anything

can make you feel better about your confusing work situation, it's this influence by Saturn, so make the

most of it.


Pay attention to the health of your hair during this time. Some Scorpios may notice that they are

balding a bit more now, and this goes for both women and men. Others will see the hair thinning but

not necessarily falling out. Those younger Scorpios will want to look out for breakage in the hair,

especially for females and males who like their coiffure to hang down. But an increase in protein in

your diet and a re-evaluation of your hygiene habits vis-a-vis your mane should go a long way toward

taking care of most of these issues.

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: Two of Pentacles


Jupiter enters Virgo this month, and more directly to your interests, he enters your tenth house. The

tenth house is that all-important “house of careers” that we speak of from time to time. It rules anything

related to upward mobility in this regard, including achieving goals, leadership, aspirations, and

success. And Jupiter is a planet that loves to give fortune and goodwill to those under his wing, so it's

pretty easy to see what's in store for you. Starting this month and throughout the rest of the year, you'll

begin seeing more luck and fortune in your work life, and you'll be much more positive about work on

the whole. This is the beginning of the good time, Sagittarius, so be sure to make the most of it.


This month Mars leaves your house of intimacy. In the last month or so, you had a greater desire for

someone to cuddle next to, to while away the hours of the night talking and snuggling. But as the

influence of Mars begins to wane early in the month, you won't be as hard-up for romantic

companionship. This could be a good thing, because August doesn't necessarily hold any major chances

of you meeting someone special. And having a more leveled view of relationships helps us to approach

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them with more maturity.

In Love

As mentioned above, Mars leaves your house of intimacy, and the love and romance you showed your

partner in the last month may start to taper off. It is important during this time to show your lover that

you still value them and care for them, despite the fact that you may not be as physically amorous as

you were in July. Also, you may actually crave companionship from friends and family during this

time, which again may give your lover pause. Keep him or her in mind, providing the attention and

love they require, and everything should be fine.


This month will be relatively innocuous as far as finances go, but be on the lookout for income and

earnings increasing in the very near future. Jupiter has just entered your house of careers, and as the

months go on you'll start to see yourself making more money, rising up the ranks at work, and other

events that will help to increase your financial standing. Don't squander this money, expecting the good

times to last forever, though. After all, Jupiter only spends about a year in any one sign.


Your mind will start to become drawn toward education and higher learning during this time, mostly

due to Venus retrograding into your house of learning. This sets up the desire to learn more, but Mars

also enters this house at the same time, so you'll have the impetus and drive to actually go through with

it. This is a great time to enhance your mind, and the issues that plague your mentality and

subconscious will fall by the wayside. Make the most of this happy alignment while it lasts, Sagittarius,

because it has the possibility to improve all the areas of your life.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Page of Cups


This month Jupiter enters your ninth house, which rules such areas as politics, culture, world travel,

tourism, and so forth. If you work in this field, consider yourself lucky: You're on the verge of some

great luck and enhancement at work, and you may see your income and standing at the workplace

begin to increase rapidly. But even if you don't work in any of these areas, there is the chance that

you'll be doing some traveling in your job, possibly to meetings and retreats, or maybe as part of a

promotion. Whatever the case, you'd better get that passport ready, Capricorn!

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Jupiter is no longer in your house of intimacy, and as his effect tapers off you'll have a more objective

view of love and romance. You won't crave the sweeter side of relationships as much, and have a more

clinical view of partnership. This can be a good thing, considering your head is less in the clouds as it

has been, but we should caution you nonetheless: Capricorn is a sign that is already predisposed to a

utilitarian view of love and if you're not careful, you can become too distant in this regard and suffer

from a dearth of romance. Best to keep yourself in check.

In Love

The desire to travel and see new locations may be strong with you this month, and if your partner is

less than excited about the idea of a vacation, you may run into complications. Try to remember that

travel is a tough, expensive, and stressful experience for many people, and these days plenty of people

simply aren't given enough vacation time by their job as it is (America is a good example of an

overworked nation). A good compromise might be to spend the weekend at a local bed and breakfast or

touring an overlooked local landmark that you haven't visited in a while.


August marks the first month that Jupiter is no longer in your eighth house, which rules matters such as

investments, inheritance, taxes, lotteries, and so forth. During his time here, he blessed you with good

luck regarding your finances, and now that he's gone you might not experience as much growth as you

had in previous months. This is something to keep in mind when investing, but don't worry about a

system shock – Jupiter's influence and luck has already been tapering off for a little while and you'll

hardly notice the difference. You'll just want to be a little more discerning about spending right now

because the big man is no longer in your corner in this regard.


Try to be careful when doing any upkeep or maintenance around the house, because you're a bit more

likely to suffer from accidental injuries during this time. If you're working with wires in the house, for

instance, try to follow all safety precautions related to electricity and grounding. If you're brushing

leaves off the roof, make sure your ladder is safe and sturdy. Capricorns are handy as a rule, and never

more comfortable than with a tool in their hands. But even so, you may actually wish to hire a

professional for any home improvement projects in August. Another option, possibly more acceptable

to you, may be to put off the repairs for a month.

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11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: Queen of Wands


The good fortune at the job site continues this month, thanks to Mars still being in your house of work.

But unfortunately he won't be with you for the entirety of August. He's got things to do and places to

see, and so he'll be leaving your house of work early in the month, leaving you to finish the job

yourself. You may notice a slight drop-off in productivity during this time, but don't let it get you down:

Just think about how ahead of the game you are thanks to the time that Mars did spend in this sector,

and that should help you to keep your head up for the rest of the month.


Last month we talked about Venus retrograding into your houses of relationships and intimacy, and the

possible issues that may arise from it. We recommend that you avoid starting any relationship during

this period, but the fact of the matter is that these relationship may in fact find YOU. In particular, you

stand the chance of reuniting with a former lover, someone who you most likely had a relatively long-

term relationship with. It is up to you whether you'll end up back together with them, but if it were us,

we'd err on the side of caution; this second stab won't amount to much, and you'll split up soon after

getting back together, most likely for the same reasons that you broke it off in the first place.

In Love

Yes, that Venus retrograde is going to cause a bit of tension between you and your partner this month,

and it stands the chance of being a bit more harsh than last month. After all, the effects of this planetary

motion only made up the tail end of July, whereas the influence of Venus will be with you throughout

the entirety of August. We recommend tiptoeing around any subject that can cause a fight to arise, and

in general just being a bit more tactful in any kind of response. This can go a long way toward avoiding

World War Three in your own bedroom.


This is a great month to shop for clothes, if you're so inclined. You'll find better deals in anything

related to garments, and this includes shoes, hats, belts, and other accessories. You'll stumble into great

values and be given the ability to enhance your wardrobe at a relatively paltry expense to you. But this

comes with a caveat: With great deals on clothing, you may feel justified in spending the money that

you WOULD have spent on garments in other ways that could prove to be wasteful.


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Your temper is a bit short this month, and you'll want to avoid snapping at anybody within your

vicinity, because this will only lead to more stress and more problems. Your mood is also dour, and

small things that in other months wouldn't even appear on your radar can set you off and cause you to

become enraged. It goes without saying that this can be very devastating to your stress levels, which in

turn can lead to issues with your heart and blood pressure. If there was ever a month to pick up an

executive stress ball, this is the one.

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: XI Justice


You've had good months at the workplace here and there in 2015, but most of the positive energy this

year has been directed at other areas of your life. This month, Mars enters your house of work this

month, and he'll inject within you the dedication and energy that you need sorely at this point, but

unfortunately this also coincides with Venus retrograding in this same area at the same time. Much of

the motivation that Mars will give you will be dissipated because of this retrograde, and breaking even

is about the best you can expect.


This is a month of transition for you, as far as love is concerned. You're in a sort of “middle ground”

between some significant planetary action that will pull you in a few different directions at once. Mars

has been in your house of love for a little over a month now, giving you the drive needed to find a

good, dependable love, but that ends this month and you may notice his absence more acutely. In the

next three months Mars will be in other areas of your life related to love, however, so don't despair too

much. Just thing of August as a sort of plateau between better things that have passed and better things

yet to come.

In Love

Next month, and the months following, will provide some healthy growth in the areas of relationships

and intimacy; the key, though, is holding out until then through a lengthy August that doesn't promise

much in the way of love. But if there's a bright side, it's that there isn't any negative motion of the

planets right now regarding romance, so it really is sort of a blank slate. If the two of you can maintain

a happy, healthy coupling, the rest of the year will provide much more good fortune in the way of love.


Page 17: August Astro Forecast 2015

This month Jupiter moves into your seventh house. The seventh house rules, among other things,

business partners. Jupiter will bring a lot of good luck in this regard, and if you've been considering any

partnerships for investing, now is a good time to start going through the motions and finding some like-

minded partners. We recommend using this month to foster a business relationship, but holding out on

actually investing until next month, when Jupiter's influence will be stronger and a lunar eclipse will

help you to have even more luck in the realm of finances.


Mentally you're firing on all cylinders. You're free from negative thoughts and depression, and your

sleeping habits are appropriate. You wake up feeling refreshed and fall asleep easily, staying asleep

through the night. But physically, you're a bit compromised. Your muscles and joints are a little more

achy, and sitting or standing in the same position for too long can cause you to pinch nerves more

easily. This will pass as the long month of August draws to a close, but in the meantime don't be

surprised if you hear the creaks and pops of your body a bit louder during this period.

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