september astro forecast 2014


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 1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Six of Pentacles


Much is said about the fast-paced way that Aries likes to live. And we've discussed the idea that

sometimes you need to slow the pace down to avoid burnout. Oftentimes, this is a death sentence in

the mind of an Aries. Slow down? But there's so much to do! This month, however, you'll welcome the

slower pace. It's a fallacy that Aries is ALWAYS intent on rushing headlong into everything. There are

times when even a sign such as yours likes to stop and smell the roses. With a low-key month at work,

you'll be able to do just that.


One thing that will definitely stay the same for Aries is your enjoyment of trying new things. This month

you'll be more attracted to an exotic type of male or female. Someone of another race, or of a

background wholly different from your own will seem very interesting to you and, when you find that

the two of you have more similarities than you might have guessed, you'll be even more engrossed. It

isn't likely that this coupling will have a long shelf life, but why not enjoy it while you can?

In Love

Sometime in the middle of the month you and your partner will have the opportunity to visit a new

location that neither of you have ever been to. There are a few possibilities as to what this may entail.

You may be invited to a party by an employer of one of you. You also might be given a free pair of tickets

to some sort of performance, or possibly coupons for a new restaurant. Whatever the case, make sure

that you go through with the offer; it is quite likely that the event will help you and your partner to grow

closer to one another.

FinancesBeware of any insider tips that may come your way this month. While 2014 on the whole will be fairly

beneficial to you in terms of net worth, there will be a couple risks that will practically dare you to

stumble and falter. This is one such risk and it should be avoided at all costs. Even a seemingly foolproof

hint toward riches may be more insidious than you think. And it isn't just money that you stand to lose.

Trusting the wrong people could lead to a jail sentence, something we all would prefer to stay away



Aries born closer to the beginning of April or the end of March will be more at risk for head injuries

during this period. While the cosmos dictate that any head trauma will most likely be minor, who wants

to take a chance on the safety of your skull? Cyclists should be extra careful, and it goes without saying

that you should always have a helmet handy, even if your state or country doesn't have any helmetlaws. Above all else, be careful out there!

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 2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: Nine of Swords


The influence of Mercury on your chart puts you in the unique position of having great luck at work

throughout September. If your company engages in raffle ticket competitions or similar lottery-type

games, now would be the perfect time to buy up a few extra passes. The same goes for that football

pool that may or may not be above the board at the office. And the luck extends to more than mere

games of chance and skill: You may even find yourself at the receiving end of a bonus or pay raise.


This month you'll be drawn to people who remind you of former lovers that you once held a great

affinity for. Nostalgia is a strong emotion and it will have an influence on quite a few decisions you makethroughout September. When you see the woman at the cafe who bears a striking resemblance to your

first schoolboy crush, your heart will go aflutter. The man at the Jiffy Lube who changes your oil will put

butterflies in your stomach when you notice that he has the same sexy drawl as your high school flame.

Enjoy the trip down Memory Lane, Taurus.

In Love

Every now and then we need to be reminded that we matter to the ones that we love. Taurus is no

exception, and this month you'll require that reassurance from your own partner. Fortunately, it is rare

for a Taurus to be coupled with someone who isn't a true, faithful lover. It's almost certain that your

partner cares for you a great deal, so you shouldn't have these doubts in the first place. But all the same,

you can rest easy knowing that your sweetheart will reciprocate your feelings and remind you that you

have nothing to worry about.


You'll feel a strong urge to spruce up your living arrangements and make your home more presentable.

Naturally, this will require some expenditure on your end, and it may end up costing more than you

think. Taureans who own their own homes will spend the most, especially if they have sprawling yards

that require landscaping and maintenance. But even a Taurus who wants to liven up his or her studio

apartment will find unforeseen expenses such as new furniture or wall art that will eat up a small chunk

of savings.


Be careful with what you eat this month, as the risk for food poisoning is slightly higher for you. It may

be a good idea to forgo certain foods altogether. Oysters should be avoided, as should any shellfish that

seems to be of a dubious nature. You also might wish to consider avoiding restaurants and cooking your

meals at home. This will allow you to make sure the meat is cooked to the proper temperature and thatno bacteria remains on the eating utensils or plate.

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 3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: King of Cups


Creativity abounds at the workplace this month. You'll find new ways to perform the same old tasks and

it will allow you to become more efficient and productive. Ideas to further generate income will flood

your head and you'd be well advised to keep a notepad handy for jotting these clever schemes down

before they disappear from your mind. By all accounts this is poised to be a very positive month as far as

your career is concerned, and the good ideas you generate now will have fortuitous repercussions for

months to come.


The stars portend that around this period you will meet someone who is very special to you and has the

potential to bring great joy into your life. There is no clear indication as to where you may stumble upon

this person, but it appears as if the most likely place will have something to do with fitness. Perhaps a

new yoga instructor will win your heart? Maybe a physical trainer or an employee at the Sports

Authority? Either way, keep your eyes peeled for this special someone.

In Love

Geminis who are in new relationships have plenty to be excited about. There is always that “touch and

go” attitude to a burgeoning courtship. Is this person going to remain just as likable as he or she is right

now? Will they reveal some character flaw that hasn't arisen yet? Will I become bored? But this month

those feelings will be washed away and replaced with genuine affection that will only grow as the

Autumn goes on. Get ready for some truly good times, Gemini.


You may notice more hiccups and interruptions when handling business dealings. Dropped calls, missedletters, and so forth. This is a good time to start being more proactive when paying bills and handling

other important financial tasks. You might wish to double check on all the transactions you put forth

through the internet. Confusion and mistakes abound during this period and it is up to you to be vigilant

in making sure that smooth sailing prevails. By the month's end things will calm down considerably and

you'll finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief.


Keep a close eye on your eating habits this month, Gemini, as you'll be predisposed to a wildly varying

dietary intake. You'll go from binge eating to self-imposed starvation almost as easily as Woody Allen

 juggles comedic and dramatic roles. One day you'll be stuffing food down your gullet in an insatiable

hunger and the next you'll subsist on saltines and water. It goes without saying that this is very

detrimental to your nutritional health. Try your best to keep your diet balanced and wholesome. Fightthe cravings, Gemini, and you'll know you're fighting the good fight.


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 4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: XX Judgement


This month sees you working at home in some capacity. As to what that capacity may be is anybody's

guess right now. It isn't likely that you'll be in a new position or a new career. A more probable scenario

is that your workload will increase and you will have to take some of your work home with you, literally.

There is the slight possibility of you being unable to come to the office for a short period of time and

thus will have to see to your tasks on your computer at home.


You'll be more easily frustrated with the rigmarole of the dating world. And who can blame you? All

these ridiculous arbitrary rules -“Don't call them back right away, it shows desperation!” “Don't put outuntil after three dates!” You'll start to wonder if there really is anybody out there for you. But there is

something to be said for stepping back and just learning to love yourself for a little while. Take a break

from the dating scene. This will allow you to return to it refreshed and ready for another go.

In Love

It is a trademark of Cancer to rush any relationship into the next logical step, but this month you may

have to put it on hold. Things will not progress as fast as you might wish them to, and stagnancy is a

definite possibility. But don't let that make you think the relationship has plateaued. Some things need

time to flower properly and all your hopes and dreams can't alter the natural growth of a real

relationship. And let's not forget, Cancer, that patience is a virtue.


Your long-term planets are arranged in a wonderfully fortuitous position right now, and that translates

into great earnings for you. The best bit is that you don't even have to work too hard for this to happen; just sit back and watch the money accrue. One caveat, however: These blessings don't come around all

that often, and when they do it is truly a benevolent gift. So don't gloat or rub anybody's face in your

good fortune. These things have a way of coming back to bite ungrateful recipients.


Your health will remain in relatively good standing through the majority of September, but around the

twentieth it is recommended that you try to relax a bit more. As we head on into October you'll be a bit

more fatigued. It won't be very noticeable unless you push yourself too hard during this period. As such,

a little R and R should help you through the transition with minimal fuss on your end. Try to kick back

and enjoy a good movie. Get some extra sleep on the weekends if you can manage it.

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 5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: King of Wands


Prepare to question yourself on how much you really enjoy your job, Leo. This month you'll receive an

offer or two from a competing employer that just might make you consider uprooting and flocking to

greener pastures. In the end, the decision whether to stick with the familiar or try out something new is

yours to make. But if we may put our two cents in, we'd tell you that you should visit this potential new

employer and get a feeling for how the working environment is. The pastures just might not be as green

as you expect.


Leo enters September with a newfound vitality and zest for life that will be absolutely irresistible to a

wide swath of the single population. Your vivacity will be practically oozing out of your pores as you

meet and greet plenty of interested parties. This is a great time to sow your wild oats but it isn't exactly

an ideal time for meeting someone with which you'd like to settle down. But whatever your ultimate

aim is, the boost to your self-esteem will definitely be a welcome arrival.

In Love

Younger Leos will be very vulnerable right now to anything their partner says or does that might be

construed as dissatisfaction with the relationship. This will be even more pronounced with Leos who

have partners that are a bit older than them. Remember that an offhand statement can mean any

number of things and it needn't always be a threat to the security of your partnership. Try not to fly off

the handle or become defensive. You may be young, but if you want a relationship to work you'll have to

be mature enough to learn how to talk through your problems without raising your voice and making

things worse.Finances

Try to avoid spending too much money this month because September will be relatively quiet in terms

of income. Don't worry, this isn't a doomsday prophecy foretelling of your imminent bankruptcy. You

should still be able to live comfortably, but if you've been overspending lately, this is definitely the

month to rein it in. Though this isn't the most welcome news, there is at least one silver lining: After

September, the rest of the year will provide nothing but good news on the financial front.


Many Leos have addictive personalities, and this month that facet of your personality will be much

more pronounced. Needless to say, you should proceed with caution. If you're a former smoker or

alcoholic who has sworn off those toxins and poisons, you should be even more vigilant in staying away

from anything that may cause you to relapse. If you've never been much for gambling, drugs, or anyother addictive vice, this is most certainly not the month to try dabbling in them. Just keep your wits

about you, Leo, and be careful.

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 6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: King of Swords


The desire for education will be very strong with you this month, and it will be most pronounced in your

work life. You may try your hand at some secondary education that could enhance your position at the

 job. You might try to pass a couple tests that would give you some extra certification within your career.

Some Virgos may even try to learn about the history of their company. Either way, a little extra

knowledge has never hurt anybody. Go ahead and expand your mind, Virgo.


While this is not a great month for meeting new lovers, it is certainly a wonderful month for making new

friends. And it is important that you realize new friends are in some ways even better than new lovers. A

new friendship can blossom over years while a new lover can fizzle and burn in mere weeks and before

you know it you have a new enemy. And let's not forget the fact that a new friendship often has the

potential to grow into a new lover right before your very own eyes. Don't pass up acquaintances in the

name of love, or you might end up with neither.

In Love

Virgos in a relationship will be surprised to find that they are becoming more attracted to their partners

as time goes on. This even applies to longstanding relationships and, in some cases, Virgos who have

been with their partners for a long while will be even MORE enthralled with what was right in front of

their faces the whole time. This is a great period in which to renew the love you two have for one

another, and on the whole September should be free of the arguing and strife that plagues far too many

couples these days.

FinancesBeware of mixing finances with technology this month. The possibility of computer errors is simply too

high for you to risk anything major on. And, unfortunately, we live in a time where technology and

money are indelibly intertwined. It is almost impossible to avoid paying certain bills and taking care of

certain financial matters without logging into a website and sending your information across the

cybersphere. But you can measures to be a bit safer – encrypted sites, password protection, and so forth.

With any luck you'll make it through unscathed.


Beware of overtaxing your brain this month, Virgo. Your mind is working in overdrive throughout

September and your attention will be scattered among quite a few different areas. You'll be thinking

hard about money, work, love, children, and virtually everything imaginable that might possibly keep

you up at night. Some deep breathing exercises would be wonderfully beneficial, as well as any otheractivity that can allow you reach a moment of Zen. As long as you can get a little peace and quiet in that

head of yours, you'll be just fine.

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 7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: II The High Priestess


Prepare for a month of redemption, Libra. September will carry with it the theme of “payback.” But not

the bad kind of Payback, like the Mel Gibson movie. Instead, the good deeds you did earlier in the year

will return to you as blessings from the cosmos. Remember that coworker you covered for when they

were too sick to come into work? Guess who's willing to work your shift so you can go to your

daughter's recital? Remember that great presentation that your boss got total credit for you? Looks like

she remembered it too and is giving you a raise as a thank-you for keeping your mouth shut!


This month you'll stumble across somebody from your past whom you once had a great affinity for. It

may be your high school crush, or the first boy who ever broke your heart, but more than likely it will be

someone from your more recent past. Either way, there will still be sparks there and the possibility of

reigniting the flame is very real. That being said, don't expect anything major to come out of it. But who

doesn't enjoy a trip down Memory Lane every once in a while?

In Love

Libras in a relationship will desire pampering and good treatment. Here's hoping that your partner is the

type to dote on you when you need it most. It isn't so much that you're bent out of shape or need

comforting in anyway (although some Libras may have back issues and will be literally 'bent out of

shape), but you do indeed want reassurance that your partner cares about your wellbeing. For the vast

majority of Libras, this reassurance will be happily delivered to you in spades.


Any investments or money lent out in the past will finally come back around to you in a big way. This isdefinitely a month in which you'll be sowing what you reaped quite a while ago. Friends and family who

borrowed money from you when they were down and out will be coming around to repay you with

interest. That stock tip that you took a chance on is finally turning around and bringing in the dividends

you only half-expected to ever see come to fruition.


Libras who have suffered any form of back injury in the past will start to notice that old nagging pain

returning. Don't be surprised if you find yourself laid up on the couch catching some reruns of your

favorite show. Fortunately, these issues won't be as severe as you might fear. But Libras who don't

have a history of back problems should also be careful. The possibility of straining that ever-so-integral

part of your body is higher this month. When lifting heavy objects, make sure that your legs take on the

brunt of the work.

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 8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: Knight of Cups


This will be a month in which work time and play time are mixed completely. It isn't so much that you'll

enjoy goofing off while on the job site, although that possibility shouldn't be discounted entirely. There

is a strong chance that some sort of office party or celebration will occur in September and it will be a

great opportunity for you to develop a stronger kinship with your coworkers. Some of these colleagues

may even grow from acquaintances into good friends as the next couple months move forward.


This month you'll be attracted to more like-minded people and, most importantly, other Scorpios. This is

a bit of a double-edged sword, in a way; While compatibility is definitely an integral part of any romance

that hopes to become a relationship, the Scorpio/Scorpio dynamic isn't always the healthiest coupling.

You may find that the two of you spend more time picking out each other's flaws while ignoring one

another's positive attributes. But that being said, Scorpios do love to argue and arguments will certainly

be in healthy supply.

In Love

Scorpios aren't known for being the most family-oriented members of the Zodiac, but folks under your

sign are still human and as such they aren't immune to dreaming about a happy home. This month you'll

certainly be thinking more like a Cancer. The idea of a warm, loving family and a few kids bounding

down the stairs ready to open their presents on Christmas morning will fill you with happiness. This may

be the month where you and your partner decide to bring a new life into this world.


Make sure to put a bit of money aside this month because there is a strong chance that some sort ofhome repair will be necessary. The heating element in the dryer may finally go on the fritz after

threatening you with damp clothes for months. The refrigerator may breathe its last gasp of cool air and

leave you with spoiled food. While nobody wants to shell out money on these types of unforeseen

expenses, they are nonetheless unavoidable in life. Try to handle your dismay as best you can.


Your sex drive will be increased this month, which may coincide nicely with the desire to have children,

as mentioned above. But whatever the ultimate aim is, you and your partner will definitely have a very

exciting time in the bedroom. Make sure to take precautions, of course. Scorpios with a heart condition

may not want to push it as hard as their more athletic peers. Single Scorpios should use protection

when making love to strangers. But with that out of the way, feel free to enjoy yourself and your

heightened libido.

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 9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: I The Magician


Expect a shakeup at the workplace involving your managers and bosses. It may arise from a scandal at

the top tier of the corporate office, although it could also be something as innocent as a few high level

promotions from within. Whatever the case, there will definitely be disruptions as your sector tries to

deal with the changes. This is a great time to move up in the ranks, especially now that some new

positions have been vacated. It may be time for a power grab, Sagittarius.


You'll be unusually honest when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex this month. Instead of putting

on airs or flat-out lying, you'll revel in self-deprecation. You won't try to inflate your status or make

anybody think you're more important than you really are. You'll just be the funny, warm, amiable

Sagittarius that you've always been. And this, more than some made up pretensions of grandeur, is what

will inure you to potential mates. It's a great lesson that will remind you to always be yourself.

In Love

Your partner will be very happy to know that your sentimentality toward your relationship is heightened

this month. You'll be more appreciative of your lover and you'll strive to do more in order to show them

how much they truly mean to you. If, for instance, you feel like going out and having a night on the town,

you won't balk when your partner says he or she is too tired. Instead, you'll be filled with genuine

concern for them. You'll be more than happy to spend a night in front of the television set watching a

Redbox movie with your sweetheart.


The possibility of making money through the internet is very strong this month. As to what that mightentail is anybody's guess but all signs point toward sales. While this doesn't necessarily mean that you'll

get a job selling products online, there is a strong chance that you'll be making money selling off YOUR

OWN property through a channel like Craigslist or eBay. This will not only help you to fatten your wallet;

it will also allow you to clear away any clutter that has been taking up space within your residence.


Female Sagittarians should take heed and keep an eye on their lady parts throughout the month. The

possibility of any undesirable problems down there is higher in September. Make sure that you

continue to practice proper hygiene in regards to your genitals. Remember that some practices may be

doing more harm than good, and forcing toxins and bacteria deeper into you while you are under the

impression that they are being flushed out. This is a great time to get a checkup from your gynecologist.

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 10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Seven of Swords


September will see you take on the role as a team leader or organizer in some capacity. After all, your

natural ability to finish tasks properly and efficiently is no doubt well-known around the workplace. Of

course, being in the position of power is not something a Capricorn cares too much about, but you may

be surprised to find how well you can adjust to this task. And since you aren't the type to get an inflated

ego, you can ensure that the work is of a high quality and that those under you are happy and satisfied.


You'll be more attracted to younger people this month, and the reason for it will be pretty simple, albeit

morbid: Young people are further away from the inevitable slide into the grave. When you see a pretty

young woman or handsome young man, your thoughts about your impending mortality will be washed

away. You won't think about receding gum lines or the loss of elasticity in your skin. But don't lead these

poor youngsters on: This is your own psychological issue that you're dealing with and you'll get over it

soon enough. When it happens, try to let them down easy.

In Love

Your sex drive will be a bit lower than usual this month, as more complex thoughts form within your

head to replace thoughts of intercourse. You won't suffer any performance issues, thankfully, so you can

still satisfy your partner in the way that you always have. But all the same, it will not be a question of

duration so much as a question of frequency. Fortunately, this decreased libido will just be a passing

phase and you'll be back to your regular sexual status before you know it.


Morality will play a big part in your financial decisions this month. Don't be surprised if you find yourselfbuying more products that are environmentally conscious. You may opt for the free range eggs over the

caged variety. You'll be thinking about your carbon footprint and you won't mind spending a few extra

bucks for a little peace of mind. Many Capricorns will even give some extra money to various charities

and other good causes. If you can afford to throw a little extra dough at those less fortunate than you,

then by all means go through with it.


This month you'll be thinking a lot about death. The image of the Reaper slowly dangling his sickle over

your head will be at the forefront of your mind, and morbid thoughts will seem to come out of you at a

regular interval. Not surprisingly, this can lead to some mild depression. In order to keep your mind

healthy and happy, try to take your mind off the grave. Go see a funny movie, or eat a delicious meal.

Remember that life is for the living, and that worrying about death will only make the precious time wehave here go by even faster.


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 11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: III The Empress


You'll be very loquacious at the office this month, and we all know that an Aquarian can be hard to turn

off once you get them talking about something that interests them. There's nothing wrong with being

conversational and chatty, and since you often have something interesting to say, you won't seem as

much of an annoyance as other signs might. But that being said, you must remember to balance

conversation with productivity. Don't let your work get backed up while you recount a long, thrilling tale.

Playing catch-up will be much harder for you this month.


Luckily, there is one area in which talking is very important, and that's the dating life. Here you'll have

plenty of time to shine, as there really is no limit to what you can discuss when you meet someone

interesting. Sure, there will be some people who might get frustrated with your lengthy discourse, but

that's actually a blessing in disguise: It will let you know who is genuinely interested in you and who is

simply trying to get into your pants if you ever stop speaking.

In Love

Aquarians in a relationship will feel an enhanced sex drive that will be either wonderful news to their

partners or a doomsday prophecy. It all depends on how much your partner can handle your libido. The

ones who may get a bit frightened are the ones who are already doing all they can to make sure their

performance satisfies your carnal needs. Try to take it easy on these poor souls. Remember that they're

doing all they can for you and it would be very cruel indeed to chide them for falling short of your

demanding expectations.

FinancesLady Luck pays a visit this month for the first time in quite a while. Make sure to keep her comfortable in

the hopes that she'll stay as long as possible. While a winning lottery ticket is quite a tall order, you

should nonetheless buy a ticket or two just in case. But you'll have much more of a chance winning

smaller amounts of money through various channels. Just remember that fortune is on your side at the

moment and there will be no limit to the possible boons that can come your way.


Congratulations, Aquarius: This is a month in which virtually nothing can get in the way of your positive

vibes. Your energy levels will be matched by your attitude – both will be very positive. Your immune

system is in fine working order and you'll be able to avoid sickness like, well, the plague. Your

metabolism is high, which will ensure that any exercise you perform this month will have an even

better effect than it already would. This is certainly a blessed time for your sign.

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 12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: Knight of Pentacles


This month, the workaholic side of Pisces comes back into full swing. But luckily, it won't be as taxing on

your system as other high-output months have been. You'll be burning the candle at both ends, but the

candle will be extra-long. One thing you do want to look out for, however, is the way you treat your

coworkers. You may be too busy to stop and chat with them, but it is important you let them know that

it isn't anything personal. Doing so will ensure that you nip any bad blood in the bud, if you'll pardon the



Don't expect too much on the romantic horizon this month, Pisces. You'll have other things on your

mind besides dating. That doesn't mean that romance won't happen, but it will be less likely to occur in

the usual spots of courtship. You may run into somebody who interests you a great deal, but if it

happens it will be in a professional setting. Whatever the case, it will probably be another month until

you have the free time to really get to know this person.

In Love

Pisceans who have needy, jealous partners might have a little more on their plate this month. You won't

have as much time for cuddling in September and, to be honest, you won't be as much in the mood for it.

But the person who has vowed to be your lover should already know that sometimes you get into a

groove and can't be disturbed. If they want to raise a fuss now, they should know that they signed up for

this, knowing full well what they were getting into when they started dating you.


Your financial outlook is full steam ahead, Pisces, and it will lead you toward an even more profitable2015. But let's just take this one step at a time. There is no need to think about distant financial

prospects when things are going smoothly now. One good bit of news is that you aren't keen on

spending too much money at the moment, so you'll be able to watch your bank account accrue in the

coming months. And if you wish to take out a bit of extra money for holidays and Christmas gifts in a few

months, you'll be able to do so without fretting about breaking the bank.


Make sure to keep tabs on your energy levels, Pisces. Just because your output is impressive doesn't

mean that it isn't doing damage to your body. Stress can be a great efficiency booster but sometimes it

can affect us negatively even when we don't know about it. Now would be a great time to visit a doctor

and get a full report on your overall cardiovascular health. You'll be able to find out if there are any

issues to be wary of regarding your heart and your blood pressure. And (heaven forbid) if there are,you'll be able to make some changes before any major problems develop.

Renae and Paul Metaphysics AcademyAddress:  135 Middle Road, Byland Building, #05-09, Singapore 188975

Contact: +65 93660272 Email: [email protected], [email protected]