  • 8/13/2019 Assignment 2 Unit 2-1 Om



    Course:Operations Management Subject Code: MS -110

    Semester: MBA II (IInd Shift) Batch: 2012-2014

    Instructor:Ms. Amanpreet Kaur

    Q1. Explain the process o !roduct de"elopment and discuss "arious approaches# tools and

    techni$ues used in product de"elopment.


    "rod#$t de%e&opment : %he creation oproducts&ith ne& or dierent characteristicsthatoer

    ne& or additionalbeneitsto the customer. It ma' in"ol"e modiicationo an existin( product or

    itspresentation# or ormulation o an entirel' ne& product that satisies a ne&l' deined customer

    &antor mar)et niche

    %he process or product de"elopment is stated belo& and the sta(es the' comprise o:

    1. %he 1st sta(e is idea generationthat is the search or ne& products. Companies pa' a

    particular ocus on customer needs and demands to decide on the ne& product. Idea

    (eneration can also be done b' stud'in( competitor*s product. Companies tr' to learn

    &h' competitor*s product tic)s &ith consumer or &hat more customers &ant rom that

    product. Companies also loo) at top mana(ement or idea (eneration. +or example# Ste"e

    ,obs o Apple is )no&n to participate acti"el' in an idea (eneration. -esearch (roups

    comprisin( o scientist# patent holders# colle(es and uni"ersities also ser"e as the base or

    idea (eneration.
  • 8/13/2019 Assignment 2 Unit 2-1 Om


    . %he nd sta(e is idea s$reening. /ot all ne& ideas proposed can be con"erted into

    products. Companies list ideas into three cate(ories promisin( ideas# mar(inal ideas and

    rejects. !romisin( ideas are urther process b' screenin( committee to be read' or the

    next sta(e. Screenin( should a"oid the error &here (ood ideas are dropped due to bias

    to&ards the idea (enerator. Another commonl' occurrin( error is encoura(ement to a

    commerciall' un"iable idea. %hereore# extra precautions are necessar' durin( the

    screenin( process.

    0. %he 0rd sta(e be(ins &hen ideas mo"e into the de%e&opment pro$ess. ere a product

    idea is con"erted into se"eral product concepts. 2ut o se"eral product concepts# the one

    &hich loo)s it is then placed a(ainst competitors to inali3e mar)etin( and positionin(

    strate('. !roduct concept is introduced to a ocus (roup o customer in a orm o proto4

    t'pe to understand their reaction.

    5. %he 5th sta(e in"ol"es de%e&oping of mar'eting strateg for ne prod#$t. %he

    mar)etin( strate(' in"ol"es e"aluation o mar)et si3e# product demand# (ro&th potential#

    proit estimate in irst e& 'ears. +urther mar)etin( strate(' plan is de"eloped &ith the

    launch o product# selection o distribution channel and bud(etar' re$uirements or the

    1st 'ear.

    6. %he 6th sta(e in"ol"es the de%e&opment of the *#siness mode& aro#nd the ne

    prod#$t. Business models start &ith estimation o sales# re$uenc' o purchase# and

    nature o business. /ext estimation o cost and expense in"ol"e in production and

    distribution o ne& product. In that basis proit estimations are reached. 7iscounted cash

    lo& and other methods are used to understand easibilit' o ne& product.

    8. %he 8th sta(e in"ol"es the actual prod#$tion of ne prod#$t. ere more than one

    possible product are created# rom proto4t'pe to inali3ed products are produced.

    7ecisions are ta)en rom operation point o "ie& &hether is technicall' and

    commerciall' easible to continue production. I anal'sis is sho&in( cost not &ithin the

    estimate then project is abandoned.

    9. %he 9th sta(e in"ol"es mar'et testing of ne prod#$t. %he ne& product is read' &ith

    brand name# pac)a(in(# price to capture space in consumer*s mind.

  • 8/13/2019 Assignment 2 Unit 2-1 Om


    . %he th sta(e in"ol"es launchin( o product across tar(et mar)et bac)ed b' a proper

    mar)etin( and strate(' plan. %his sta(e is called $ommer$ia&i+ation phase.

    Introduction o ne& product is part o sur"i"al techni$ue or an' irm. And &ith "er' hi(h ailure

    rate companies ha"e to ollo& a scientiic process to create ne& mar)et oerin(s.

    A simp&isti$ map of the "rod#$t ,e%e&opment pro$ess:

    Step 14 Identi' the ;Bri(ht Idea;


    Step 4 7eine the -e$uirements

    Step 04 Inormation < !lannin(

    =!atent Search# Mar)et -esearch>

    Step 54 %he 7esi(n !hase

    7esi(n !rotot'pin(

    Step 64

    4 !rotot'pin(


    Step 84

    4 !roduction

    More information: !rocess /otes4 %ime# Costs# Considerations.

    ?hen to !atent4 ?hen and ?h'.
  • 8/13/2019 Assignment 2 Unit 2-1 Om


    he %ario#s approa$hes. too&s and te$hni/#es #sed in prod#$t de%e&opment :

    %he selection o a method is dependent on the rele"ant re$uirements o the current productde"elopment phase. Methods that are used are:

    Intuiti"e creati"it' techni$ues or idea (eneration

    o Approaches# acts or opinions

    Anal'tical methods or the tas) and re$uirement deinition

    Selection and e"aluation methods to limit the number o solutions

    %est methods or dra&in( conclusions about the $ualit' o the unctionalit' and usabilit'

    o %estin( e.(. o concepts# moc)4ups# protot'pes and products

    #a&itati%e Methods

    Qualitati"e methods used to inte(rate the users are &or)shops includin( search ield anal'sis andloo) < eel tests o existin( solutions on the mar)et# as &ell as ocus (roup discussions and open

    inter"ie&s &ith experts in the dierent business ields.

    #antitati%e Methods

    Besides $ualitati"e methods# $uantitati"e methods are used to inte(rate the dierent user (roups

    the project is ocusin( on. %hereore# online $uestionnaires are created or the three dierent

    editions o the product. %hese methods enable to (et a better e"aluation o the project as &ell asan o"er"ie& about the dierent speciic re$uirements o the hetero(eneous tar(et (roup. In the

    Business and ome Edition section an online $uestionnaire &as made a"ailable or around

    5#@@@ institutions in Austria# erman'# Ital'# S&it3erland and the /etherlands. In the !ri"ateEdition section acti"e and mobile seniors are tried to be reached b' an online $uestionnaire.

    Q. =a>?hat do 'ou understand b' Socio4technical approach to job desi(ner Explain the

    principles applied or job desi(n under such approach.

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    So$io-te$hni$a& sstems (SS)in or(ani3ational de"elopment is an approach to complex

    or(ani3ational &or) desi(n that reco(ni3es the interaction bet&een people and technolo(' in

    &or)places. %he term also reers to the interaction bet&een societ's complex inrastructures and

    human beha"iour. In this sense# societ' itsel# and most o its substructures# are complex socio4

    technical s'stems. %he term socio4technical s'stems &as coined in the 1D8@s b' Eric %rist# Ken

    Bamorth and +red Emer'# &ho &ere &or)in( as consultants at the %a"istoc) Institute in


    Socio4technical s'stems pertains to theor' re(ardin( the social aspects o people and societ' and

    technical aspects o or(ani3ational structure and processes. ere# technical does not necessaril'

    impl' material technolo('. %he ocus is on procedures and related )no&led(e# i.e. it reers to the

    ancient ree) term lo(os. ;%echnical; is a term used to reer to structure and a broader sense o

    technicalities. Socio4technical reers to the interrelatedness o social and technical aspects o an

    or(ani3ation or the societ' as a &hole.F1G Socio4technical theor' thereore is about joint

    optimi3ation# &ith a shared emphasis on achie"ement o both excellence in technical

    perormance and $ualit' in peoples &or) li"es. Socio4technical theor'# as distinct rom socio4technical s'stems# proposes a number o dierent &a's o achie"in( joint optimisation. %he' are

    usuall' based on desi(nin( dierent )inds o or(anisation# ones in &hich the relationships

    bet&een socio and technical elements lead to the emer(ence o producti"it' and &ellbein(.

    p&ain the prin$ip&es app&ied for o* design #nder s#$h approa$h:

    So$io-te$hni$a& sstem

    A socio4technical s'stem is the term usuall' (i"en to an' instantiation o socio and technicalelements en(a(ed in (oal directed beha"iour. Socio4technical s'stems are a particular expressiono socio4technical theor'# althou(h the' are not necessaril' one and the same thin(. Socio4

    technical s'stems theor' is a mixture o socio4technical theor'# joint optimisation and so orth

    and (eneral s'stems theor'. %he term socio4technical s'stem reco(nises that or(anisations ha"eboundaries and that transactions occur &ithin the s'stem =and its sub4s'stems> and bet&een the

    &ider context and d'namics o the en"ironment. It is an extension o Socio4technical %heor'

    &hich pro"ides a richer descripti"e and conceptual lan(ua(e or describin(# anal'sin( anddesi(nin( or(anisations. A Socio4technical S'stem# thereore# oten describes a thin( =an

    interlin)ed# s'stems based mixture o people# technolo(' and their en"ironment> .

    So$io-te$hni$a& sstems approa$h

    In or(ani3ational de"elopment# the term socio4technical s'stems describe an approach to

    complex or(ani3ational &or) desi(n that reco(ni3es the interaction bet&een people and

    technolo(' in &or)places. %he term also reers to the interaction bet&een societ's complex

    inrastructures and human beha"ior. In this sense# societ' itsel# and most o its sub4structures#are complex socio4technical s'stems.

  • 8/13/2019 Assignment 2 Unit 2-1 Om


    3o* enri$hment

    ,ob enrichment in or(ani3ational de"elopment# human resources mana(ement# and

    or(ani3ational beha"ior# is the process o (i"in( the emplo'ee a &ider and hi(her le"el scope o

    responsibilit' &ith increased decision ma)in( authorit'. %his is the opposite o job enlar(ement#

    &hich simpl' &ould not in"ol"e (reater authorit'. Instead# it &ill onl' ha"e an increased numbero duties.

    3o* en&argement

    ,ob enlar(ement means increasin( the scope o a job throu(h extendin( the ran(e o its job duties

    and responsibilities. %his contradicts the principles o specialisation and the di"ision o labour

    &hereb' &or) is di"ided into small units# each o &hich is perormed repetiti"el' b' an

    indi"idual &or)er. Some moti"ational theories su((est that the boredom and alienation caused

    b' the di"ision o labour can actuall' cause eicienc' to all.

    3o* rotation

    ,ob rotation is an approach to mana(ement de"elopment# &here an indi"idual is mo"ed throu(h aschedule o assi(nments desi(ned to (i"e him or her a breadth o exposure to the entire

    operation. ,ob rotation is also practiced to allo& $ualiied emplo'ees to (ain more insi(hts into

    the processes o a compan' and to increase job satisaction throu(h job "ariation. %he term jobrotation can also mean the scheduled exchan(e o persons in oices# especiall' in public oices#

    prior to the end o incumbenc' or the le(islati"e period. %his has been practiced b' the erman

    (reen part' or some time but has been discontinued


    Moti"ation in ps'cholo(' reers to the initiation# direction# intensit' and persistence obeha"iour. Moti"ation is a temporal and d'namic state that should not be conused &ith

    personalit' or emotion. Moti"ation is ha"in( the desire and &illin(ness to do somethin(. A

    moti"ated person can be reachin( or a lon(4term (oal such as becomin( a proessional &riter ora more short4term (oal li)e learnin( ho& to spell a particular &ord. !ersonalit' in"ariabl' reers

    to more or less permanent characteristics o an indi"iduals state o bein( =e.(.# sh'# extro"ert#

    conscientious>. As opposed to moti"ation# emotion reers to temporal states that do not

    immediatel' lin) to beha"ior =e.(.# an(er# (rie# happiness>.

    "ro$ess impro%ement

    !rocess impro"ement in or(ani3ational de"elopment is a series o actions ta)en to identi'#

    anal'3e and impro"e existin( processes &ithin an or(ani3ation to meet ne& (oals and objecti"es.%hese actions oten ollo& a speciic methodolo(' or strate(' to create successul results.

  • 8/13/2019 Assignment 2 Unit 2-1 Om


    as' ana&sis

    %as) anal'sis is the anal'sis o ho& a tas) is accomplished# includin( a detailed description o

    both manual and mental acti"ities# tas) and element durations# tas) re$uenc'# tas) allocation#

    tas) complexit'# en"ironmental conditions# necessar' clothin( and e$uipment# and an' other

    uni$ue actors in"ol"ed in or re$uired or one or more people to perorm a (i"en tas). %hisinormation can then be used or man' purposes# such as personnel selection and trainin(# tool or

    e$uipment desi(n# procedure desi(n =e.(.# desi(n o chec)lists or decision support s'stems> andautomation.

    Wor' design

    ?or) desi(n or job desi(n in or(ani3ational de"elopment is the application o sociotechnicals'stems principles and techni$ues to the humani3ation o &or). %he aims o &or) desi(n to

    impro"ed job satisaction# to impro"ed throu(h4put# to impro"ed $ualit' and to reducedemplo'ee problems# e.(.# (rie"ances# absenteeism.

    =b>Explain roup %echnolo(' la'out and discuss its relati"e merits.

    ro#p e$hno&ogor is a manuacturin( s'stem in manuacturin( that or(ani3es the

    production s'stem in to manuacturin( Fnot assembl'G cells in &hich the parts ha"in(

    similarities in eometr'# or manuacturin( process and &hich are completed beore mo"in(in to the assembl' s'stem. % is based on a (eneral principle that some components can bemade to(ether because o some o their ph'sical similarities or because the' re$uire similar

    toolin( or machiner' to ma)e them# thus sa"in( time and eort. %he (roup o similar parts is

    )no&n as a ;component4part amil'; %he (roup o machines that manuactureFcompletel'Gthis amil' is )no&n as ma$hine $e&&5. It is not necessary for each part of a

    part family to be processed by every machine of corresponding machine cell. This type of

    manufacturing in which a part family is produced by a machine cell is known as cellularmanufacturing or group technology and the first world`s first GT-conference was at ILO in

    Turin, Italy under the organization of author John L.ur!idge. %he manuacturin(

    eiciencies are (enerall' increased b' emplo'in( % because the re$uired operations ma' be

    conined to onl' a small cell and thus a"oidin( the need or transportation o in4process parts

    Some o the ad"anta(es o Group Technology layoutinclude:

    6ost: Cellular manuacturin( pro"ides or aster processin( time# less material handlin(#

    less &or)4in4process in"entor'# and reduced setup time# all o &hich reduce costs.

  • 8/13/2019 Assignment 2 Unit 2-1 Om


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