
0097-8078/04/3104- © 2004

MAIK “Nauka


Water Resources, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2004, pp. 431–436. Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2004, pp. 469–474.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Filimonov, Aponasenko.

Studying the global carbon cycle is an importantproblem at the present-day stage of human develop-ment because of the tendency toward climate changeson the planet. Estimates of C content and dynamicsboth in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are of equalimportance for this study. The drainage area of theYenisei downstream of Krasnoyarsk is among the larg-est and most productive forest areas in Russia. The phy-tomass and soils of the forested areas in KrasnoyarskTerritory, most of which lie within the Yenisei drainagebasin, contain 19.3 billion t of C


. Because of the cli-matic conditions in the forests of the boreal zone of theplanet, more than 50% of the total amount of C


accu-mulates in the forest litter and soil. Appreciableamounts of C


are also contained in swamp ecosys-tems [9, 13]. Intense development of forest resourcesand agriculture induces C


washing out by water,which delivers it from the drainage area into surfaceand subsurface water bodies. Inorganic mineral parti-cles are also washed out along with C


. Therefore,intense urban and rural development and forest manage-ment make it necessary, especially in the boreal zone ofthe planet, to control the discharge through river networksof organic matter along with C


and inorganic suspen-sion M contained in it. This allows the prompt assess-ment of the anthropogenic impact on both forest andaquatic ecosystems. The estimates of organic matterdischarge are of particular importance for large rivers.They allow one to quantitatively characterize the spacedynamics of the processes that take place on vast areasand to assess a considerable portion of the total dis-charge of C


and suspension into oceans. The Yeniseiis one of such rivers. Its mean annual runoff amounts to19 800 m


/s, the basin area is







, the lengthof the river from the confluence of the Greater Yeniseiand the Little Yenisei to the mouth is 3487 km. The riverbasin is stretched along the meridian for more than3000 km, and its width from the west to the east alongthe Minusinsk–Irkutsk line is about 1000 km [10].

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) can enter intoaquatic ecosystems from the adjacent catchment area orcan be produced in the water body. The DOM thatenters water as a result of processes of photosynthesis,phytoplankton destruction, and washout of organicmatter accumulated in the river floodplain is an impor-tant component of aquatic ecosystems, because theenergy released in the course of its biochemical oxida-tion allows the microflora of water bodies to produce itsbiomass [11, 12, 15]. An appreciable portion of the totalproduction can be due to bacterial production [3, 4, 8].Adsorption of DOM on mineral suspension results inthe formation of organomineral detritus, which can beconsumed by some zooplankton species. The organom-ineral detritus that precipitates onto the bed serves as afood for benthic organisms. Thus, both DOM and orga-nomineral detritus are important components of tro-phometabolic chains in aquatic ecosystems the knowl-edge of which is critical for the assessment of processestaking place in these ecosystems.

In this study, the concentrations of organic matterthat enters water in dissolved form, its adsorbed frac-tion, and suspended mineral substances, as well as theirdischarges are estimated with the allowance made forthe volume of water discharged in the Yenisei basin.The measurements were made using spectral opticalmethods. The studies were conducted in June and July1997 in a river reach 1450 km in length from Krasno-yarsk to Turukhansk, as well as in the mouths of majortributaries.

The spectral characteristics of light attenuation andabsorption in the samples were made on a DSFG-2 dif-ferential spectrometer [2]. The high sensitivity of thedevice makes it possible to reliably measure the spec-tral changes in the characteristics of light absorptionand attenuation in water samples caused by changes inthe concentrations of organic and suspended matter inthem.

Assessing Organic Carbon and Suspended Matter Runoffin the Yenisei Basin

V. S. Filimonov and A. D. Aponasenko

Institute of Computational Simulation, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences,Akademgorodok, 50, Krasnoyarsk, 660036 Russia

Received July 25, 2002


—The concentrations of organic matter that enters the aquatic environment in dissolved form, organicmatter fractions adsorbed on suspended mineral particles, and the total concentration of suspended matter inthe Yenisei water were studied using rapid optical methods. Spectral characteristics of light attenuation andabsorption by river water and its filtrates were analyzed in summer. Total discharges of organic carbon and sus-pended matter by the river were evaluated.




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No. 4



Organic matter content of water can be evaluated bythe dichromate oxidizability. The amount of oxygenrequired for the complete oxidation of organic compo-nents, which is referred to as the chemical oxygendemand (COD), also can be determined. The evaluatedCOD can be used to calculate the amount of organicmatter contained in the sample analyzed. The evalua-tion of the dichromate oxidizability by standard chem-ical methods takes much time and requires somereagents, including concentrated acid. The short admis-sible time of sample preservation before the analysis(no more than 1 h) and the need to concentrate organicmatter, when its concentration in natural water is low,restricts the applicability of this standard method formass analyses in natural water bodies. The use of rapidprocedures and special chemical equipment [7] alsofails to solve all the problems. The rapid method usedin this study allows COD value to be determined by thespectral characteristics of light absorption by watersample.

The coefficient of light absorption by DOM in sea-water is known [5] to allow the following exponentialapproximation




is a coefficient of proportionality,


is lightwavelength,


is the slope of the absorption curve rep-resented as a straight line on a semilogarithmic scale.According to data of different researchers, the values of


for oceans and seas vary from 0.014 to 0.019 nm


.In waters of inland water bodies, light in the short-

wave range of visible radiation is absorbed mostly byDOM (Fig. 1). The increase in the values of character-istics in the short-wave part of spectrum is due to thelight absorption by DOM. A small peak in the lightabsorption spectrum for the Yenisei water at a wave-length of 680 nm demonstrates the absorption by chlo-rophyll in phytoplankton. The value of


for water ofdifferent inland water bodies varies from 0.009 to0.020 nm



κ λ( ) Keµλ–

, µ d κ λ( )[ ]ln{ }/dλ,= =

The light absorptivity






can be found from theBooger–Bear law for a cuvette with a unit length





) =

















), (2)

where C


= 0.75 COD is DOM concentration (0.75 isthe coefficient generally used for conversion from theoxygen amount required for organic matter oxidation tothe mass of organic matter.

For experimentally assessing the dependence of








, studies were conducted on several waterbodies belonging to different types. Comparison of themeasured spectral characteristics of absorption and theconcentration of DOM (evaluated from dichromate oxi-dizability) showed that



can be adequately approxi-mated by exponential dependence (2). In particular, therelationship between



(450) and


can be describedby the equation



(450) = 105.5exp(–450



with the correlation coefficient of


= 0.95 and the rela-tive reduced error of 18%. Coefficient


was evaluatedwith averaging over the wave range from



= 400 nmto



= 500 nm:

To eliminate the errors in the estimates of



causedby light dispersion by suspended matter, the index oflight absorption





at wavelength 800 nm, whereDOM absorbs almost no light, was subtracted from theabsolute values of


for each wavelength.To decrease the relative reduced error in C


con-centration (at the expense of a farther decrease in theeffect of light dispersion at high concentrations of sus-pended mineral matter),



should be better deter-mined from the [


(400) –




ratio. In thiscase, the light absorptivity can be approximated by theexpression





) = 58.5exp(–380



Therefore, the formula for determining the concen-tration of DOM (with allowance made for the oxygenequivalent of natural DOM) will take the form



= 0.013[


(400) –




). (3)

The results of regression analysis made for the CODvalues, obtained by using this model, and the COD val-ues obtained by the standard method of dichromate oxi-dizability are shown in Fig. 2. The coefficient of multiplecorrelation equals 0.97 (the number of samples is 72), theentropy value of the reduced relative error is 13%. Themeasurements were made in different inland water bodies(COD = 2.5–100 mg O


/l and


=0.0106–0.0187) [1].Usually, the samples contain both DOM and organic

matter adsorbed on mineral particles from the dissolvedphase (AOM). The proposed procedure determines thetotal concentration of organic matter entering theaquatic environment in dissolved form (DOM + AOM).If the suspended particles have been filtered from thesample, with the use of appropriate filters, the obtained

µ κ λ1( )/κ λ2( )[ ]ln{ }/ λ2 λ1–( ).=



, nm


, m


600 700 800400




Fig. 1.

Light absorption spectra by Yenisei water and a solu-tion of humic acids with a concentration of 2.2 mg/l (fulland dashed lines, respectively).


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No. 4



estimate refers to DOM content. The differencebetween the total organic matter concentration andDOM yields AOM.

Estimates of light dispersion by suspended particlesin natural water samples after their filtration throughnuclear filters with pore diameters successivelydecreasing from 4.5 to 0.06


m have shown that filtra-tion through filters with pore diameters of <0.17


mdoes not cause any significant changes either in thecharacteristics of light dispersion or in the estimates ofthe amount of DOM remaining in the sample. There-fore, the estimates of AOM discharge were made in thisstudy with the use of filtration through nuclear filterswith pore diameters of <0.17


m. The values of CODwere converted into the values of C


using a scalingcoefficient of 0.375 [6].

The average diameter of suspended mineral parti-cles was determined using integral indicator functionsof light dispersion by water samples; and the concentra-tion of suspended mineral matter, by the overall lightdispersion [8].

The evaluating of C


and suspended matter runoffvalues required measuring their concentrations in thewater of the Yenisei and its tributaries and assessing theinfluence of the tributaries on the concentration of thesecomponents in the Yenisei channel. Considering thatC


is contained in water not only as DOM and AOM,but also in the cells of phyto- and bacterioplankton, theproportion of these components in the total organicmatter content had to be evaluated. The amount oforganic matter in the cells was taken from publisheddata obtained by standard algological methods [14].

The assessment of matter discharge through differ-ent sections of the Yenisei and in the mouths of its trib-utaries required the knowledge of water dischargesthrough these sections. As can be seen from the waterlevel plots given in the navigational directions for theYenisei, water level in middle and late June is practi-cally equal to the long-term mean design level. Thisallowed the long-term water discharge values to beused to assess the distribution of C


runoff over theYenisei and its tributaries within the area examined[10]. To avoid disbalance in the characteristics of C

orgrunoff in the neighboring sampling points in the river,which can appear because of the complex character ofmixing of the main stream and river flows, Corg runoffswere recalculated by a moving-average procedure. Inthe end point of the route (near Turukhansk), Corg runoffwas determined by summing the Corg runoff values forthe Yenisei and the Lower Tunguska, because the char-acter of mixing of their waters further downstreamcould not be determined.

The concentration of the Corg that entered the riverwater with dissolved organic compounds (solid curve)and the Corg contained in AOM (dashed line) in differentparts of the Yenisei River is given in Fig. 3a and the dis-tribution of total Corg runoff, in Fig. 3b.

The functioning of the Yenisei ecosystem for severalhundreds of kilometers downstream from the dam ofthe Krasnoyarsk Hydropower Plant (HPP), located40 km downstream of Krasnoyarsk, is largely con-trolled by water discharge through conduits at depths ofseveral tens of meters from the water surface in the res-ervoir. That is why water temperature in the main chan-nel near Krasnoyarsk in summer does not exceed 10°C.The amounts of phytoplankton and suspended matterpassing through the dam are also small because they areretained in the reservoir in the horizon near the ther-mocline. According to the available data, the concentra-tion of Corg near Krasnoyarsk is also very low (0.84 g/m3).This concentration increases to 1.12 g/m3 downstreamof the town because of the discharge of municipal andindustrial wastewaters. The runoff of Corg in this part ofthe river down to the Angara mouth (at the 330th km)increases from 6200 to 9000 t/month. Since the Angarawater carries less Corg than the Yenisei downstream ofKrasnoyarsk, the concentration of Corg in Yenisei waterdecreases after the confluence. Despite the increase inthe Yenisei runoff after the Angara inflow from 3100 to7800 m3/s (more than twice), Corg runoff does not nota-bly increase within this reach.

The runoff of Corg in the Yenisei starts graduallyincreasing after it receives the waters of the Great Pit,Kas, and Sym tributaries (at the 505th, 640th, and690th km, respectively). This increase is due to the factthat Corg concentration in the Kas and Sym waters ismuch higher than that in the Yenisei, whereas the totalwater runoff of these two rivers is greater than that ofthe Great Pit, which features Corg concentration virtu-ally equal to that of the Yenisei water. The concentra-tion of Corg in the Yenisei dramatically increases at the880th km after the inflow of the powerful Podkamen-naya Tunguska with a high DOM content.

The Bakhta and Elogui rivers, which empty into theYenisei at the 1020th and 1140th km, respectively, alsocarry large amounts of DOM. The concentration of Corg

in the Yenisei water also increases and reaches 2.73 g/m3.

40COD (model), mg O2/l





COD (standard method), mg O2/l

Fig. 2. Regression dependence between the measured andsimulated COD values. Dots are the results of individualmeasurements, the middle straight line is for the regressionequation, the top and bottom lines are for the scatter zonewith a confidence probability of 0.95.


WATER RESOURCES Vol. 31 No. 4 2004


A decrease in Corg concentration was recorded at the1070th km, but this concentration increases again bythe 1270th km. These variations are due to the gradualand nonuniform changes in Corg concentration becauseof the mixing of waters of the Lower Tunguska, Bakhta,Elogui, and the Yenisei itself. After the inflow of theLower Tunguska (at the 1450th km), a jump-likeincrease in Corg runoff to 127 700 t/month is recorded.

Considering that after the inflow of the Lower Tun-guska no significant tributaries empty into the Yeniseidown to its mouth and there were no significant rainevents in the period of examination, which could causean increase in Corg runoff from tundra swamp areas, wecan approximately take the runoff estimate for the areanear Turukhansk as an estimate of the overall Corg run-off for the Yenisei in this season. However, the obtaineddata reflect only the Corg runoff with DOM and AOM.As noted above, the concentration of phyto- and bacte-rioplankton near Krasnoyarsk is low. Earlier studiesshow that the phytoplankton biomass is 0.4 and the bac-terioplankton biomass is less than 0.01 g/m3 [14].Assuming Corg content of the wet biomass to equal0.1 g/m3, we obtain the total concentration of Corg in thebiomass of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton equal

to 0.04 g/m3. Thus, the share of phytoplankton and bac-terioplankton in the total Corg content in this river reachis less than 5% and, within the accuracy of this experi-ment, can be neglected. In the end point of the route (atthe 1450th km), Corg concentration increases to2.7 g/m3. The amount of phytoplankton and bacteri-oplankton also increases; however, the shares of thesecomponents in the overall organic matter content stillremains insignificant. Thus, the major contribution toCorg runoff in the Yenisei is made by DOM and AOM.

Among the rivers flowing into the Yenisei, the low-est Corg runoff is typical of the Greater Pit, whereas theAngara, Podkamennaya Tunguska, and Lower Tun-guska feature the highest values. The obtained values ofsummer runoff of Corg with the water of the Yenisei andits tributaries are close to the estimates based on thepublished values of dichromate oxidizability at differ-ent reaches of the river [10].

The values of light dispersion characteristics aredirectly related to the concentration of suspended matterin the river water. The distribution of suspended matterconcentrations is shown in Fig. 3c; the suspended matterrunoff distribution, in Fig. 3d; and the table gives theresults of examination of the Yenisei tributaries.

Suspended matter discharge with the Yenisei waterin this season amounts to 12 200 t/month. The relativelysmall suspended matter runoff is due to the small sus-pended load of the water passing through the turbinesof the Krasnoyarsk HPP from the reservoir. Sedimenta-tion of suspension in the low-flow reservoir makes thewater much clearer. Further downstream, in the reachfrom the Angara inflow, the suspended load graduallyincreases to 2.45 g/m3 and the suspended matter runoffincreases to 19 980 t/month, which is due to the highflow velocity and the influence of municipal wastewaterdischarge. The suspended load in the Angara mouth ishigher than that in the Yenisei. After the Angarainflow, suspended matter runoff abruptly increases to57 100 t/month. The Greater Pit, Kas, and Sym rivers,which empty into the Yenisei farther downstream, bringwaters with higher suspension contents. The suspendedload of the Yenisei also increases.

The suspended load of the Podkamennaya Tunguskaand Bakhta, which empty into the Yenisei at the 880thand 1020th km, respectively, is somewhat lower thanthat of the Yenisei; however, this is not enough to com-pensate for the effect of tributaries with a higher sus-pended load. The suspended matter runoff continuesgrowing, only the growth rate of suspension load in themain channel is somewhat lower. After the inflow of theElogui River, which brings a very large amount of sus-pension into the Yenisei, and the Lower Tunguska, thesuspended matter runoff attains its maximum(154 300 t/month). Among the tributaries, the highestsuspended matter runoff is typical of the Angara, Pod-kamennaya Tunguska, Elogui, and Lower Tunguska.

The evaluation of Corg and suspended matter runoffhas become possible due to the availability of the mean

500L, km

M × 103, t/month

1000 15000











M, g/m3

Corg × 103, t/month0




Corg, CÄéÇ, g/m3





Fig. 3. The distribution of characteristics along the Yeniseichannel.

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 31 No. 4 2004


annual values of the Yenisei runoff in the respective sea-son, the absence of changes in the characteristics ofwater reserve accumulation in the Krasnoyarsk Reser-voir and, hence, changes in the volumes of water dis-charges through the dam of the Krasnoyarsk HPP, aswell as the lack of significant rains on drainage areas ofthe major tributaries of the Yenisei. In other seasons,variations in the water discharge through the HPP dam,the amount of precipitation over the entire river basin,and, accordingly, the water abundance on its tributaries,strongly affect the characteristics of river runoff. Addi-tional data on water discharge characteristics isrequired for this period. This makes the assessment oforganic matter runoff much more difficult.

Assessing the character of industrial and municipalwastewater discharge and the erosion rate of the shoreand artificial structures requires the knowledge of thediameters of particles being carried by the water mass.Estimation of the average diameter of particles for theYenisei using optical data has shown the average size ofparticles to vary from 1.7 to 0.87 µm. The average par-ticle size gradually decreases within the river reachfrom the HPP dam to the mouth of the PodkamennayaTunguska. This type of changes in the average size ofsuspended particles is controlled by changes in thewater flow characteristics. The powerful flow dis-charged through the dam of the Krasnoyarsk HPPwashes out larger suspension particles from the bed. Asthe river channel widens, the flow gradually slowsdown and larger suspension particles precipitate. Theresult of this process is not only the transformation ofthe suspended particle size distribution, but alsoreplacement of some its components.


The obtained results demonstrate that the rapid opti-cal methods can be used for the assessment of DOMand suspended matter concentrations in waters of largenatural water bodies. The results of measurements ofoptical parameters allowed the assessment of COD, theconcentrations of Corg and suspended matter, and sus-

pended particle size distribution. Published data on thevolumes of water runoff in different river reaches andthe measurement results were used to assess Corg andsuspended matter discharges. The main contribution toCorg concentration is shown to be made by DOM. In theperiod of investigation, Corg runoff near Turukhansk,even at the relatively low DOM concentration, wasfound to be 128 000 t/month, and the suspended matterrunoff was 154 000 t/month.


This study was supported by the Russian Founda-tion for Basic Research, project no. 99-07-9613, andSiberian Division, RAS (expedition grant).


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Concentrations of Corg and suspended matter and runoff values of water, Corg, and suspended matter (SM) for the Yeniseitributaries

Tributary Water flow, m3/s Corg, g/m3 Corg runoff, t/month SM, g/m3 SM runoff, t/month

Kan 280 0.92 670 1.90 1380

Angara 4300 0.71 7900 3.46 38560

Great Pit 136 0.76 270 3.14 1100

Kas 54 5.01 700 7.04 990

Sym 191 2.45 1200 6.12 3030

Podkamennaya Tunguska 1580 5.34 21870 1.68 6880

Bakhta 213 6.51 3600 1.82 1010

Elogui 163 6.17 2600 55.40 23410

Lower Tunguska 3360 5.63 49000 2.83 24650


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