  • 8/3/2019 An Analysis on Education Loan.



    Project Report On



    Shikshak Sahakari Bank Ltd., Nagpur

    Conducted by

    Mr.Akash. K .KamlakarStudent, MBA-II

    For partial fulfillment of Masters of Bussiness Administration(2010-2012)

    OfUniversity of pune

    Under the Guidance of

    Prof. Supriya LakhangaonkarFaculty Member Finance


    Pune - 411041.

    JULY 2011

  • 8/3/2019 An Analysis on Education Loan.



    It gives me immense pleasure in presenting the project report on

    AN ANALYSIS ON EDUCATION LOAN as a part of my summer


    I express my gratitude to my external guide Mr. P.K.PURANIK,

    C.E.O of the bank for giving me an opportunity to work with them. My

    special thanks to him and his team for guiding me through this project on

    various intrinsic of Loan.

    The credit of successful completion of this project also goes to the

    invaluable cooperation, encouragement and support provided by each and

    every member of the loan department. I would like to thanks all the loan

    department personnel for making this summer internship a learned and

    memorable one.


    SCIENCE, PUNE, I would first of all like to express my gratitude to my

    Director PRACHI PARGAONKAR as well as my internal guide Prof.

    SUPRIYA LAKHANGAONKAR for her unconditional guidance,

    cooperation and moral support throughout my summer project.


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    Education is the most important investment one makes in life. Higher

    studies and specialization in certain fields call for additional financial support from time

    to time.

    Students future education plans are supported with the availability of the

    educational loans that secures ones life. There are years when students strived hard with

    the learning activities without any external support with financial issues. Educational

    loans were much in demand that hardly few lucky students could avail them, but now the

    condition has turned upside down. Today students can apply for loans from various

    sources which are obtained easily without much strain. There are several funds being kept

    aside for students welfare education and development based on their family income

    background and backups.

    The Educational Loan Scheme outlined below aims at providing financial

    support from the banking system to deserving/ meritorious students for pursuing higher

    education in India and abroad. The main emphasis is that every meritorious student

    though poor is provided with an opportunity to pursue education with the financial

    support from the banking system with affordable terms and conditions. No deserving

    student is denied an opportunity to pursue higher education for want of financial support.


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    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction. 8-10

    2. Introduction To Student Education Loan. 11-13

    3. Organisational Profile. 14-18

    4. RBI Guidelines for Education Loan. 19-32

    5. New RBI Guidelines. 33-35

    6. SSB Education Loan Scheme. 36-50

    7. Research Methodology. 51-56

    8. Data Analysis. 57-61

    9. Findings. 62-63

    10. Suggestions & Recommendations. 65-66

    11. Conclusions. 66

    12. Annexure I,II,III 67-75

    13. Bibliography. 77


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    Education never ends it is not said without reason. We are educated all our lives and

    getting an education not only is a great achievement but something that gives you the

    tools to find your own way in the world. Education is indispensable; little do we realize

    how much more it can bring to us in terms of worldly amplifications. Anyone can have

    propensity and the natural endowment for education. But one might not have the

    resources to finance their education. You certainly cant let lack of resources impede you

    from advancing your prospects through education. Then you accidentally stumble upon

    the word education loans. Loans for education you have never thought about it as a

    feasible arrangement. Education loans can open newer panoramas in regard to your

    education aspirations. Education loans are open to all people. Education loans can realize

    your education plans or the education plans of your children. You can strengthen you

    own future and the future of your son or daughter with education loans. An extensive

    range of student and parent loans are presented under the category of education loans.

    There are many types of education loans. Discerning about the types of education loans

    will help you in making the accurate decision. The single largest resource of education

    loans is federal loan. The two main federal education loan programs are the Federal


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    Family Education Loan Program and the Federal Direct Loan Program. In the Federal

    Family Education Loan Program the bank, credit union or the school is the lender. While

    the federal direct loans program, the department of education is the lender. Private

    education loans are offered to people so that they can provide financial backup to their

    education plans. Private education loans are not endorsed by other government agencies

    but are provided by other financial institutions. Private education loans program are

    optimum for both undergraduate and graduate studies. Formal education is requisite for

    future success. Though this is not a hard and fast rule, but education certainly helps you

    in gaining an upper hand. With universities getting expensive day by day, an education

    loan will certainly give you an incentive to go ahead with your education plans. Each

    year while contemplating on your education plans the thought of finances almost

    invariably comes in. While working towards your degree, you are constantly plagued

    about paying for the education fees, books, and other living expenses. Education loans

    can provide funding for tuition fees, board and room, books, computer and even student

    travel. An education loan can help you with all these expenses. Education loans are

    sufficient enough to take care of all these expenses. If you have been forced to drop your

    education for any reason, you can still take up your education at any point of time.

    Irrespective of your age and also where you have left your education. There are no

    specific eligibility criteria for education loans. Any person who is in need of sponsorship

    for education can find an education loan that fits his or her financial necessity. Loan

    amount on education loans vary with the kind of education you want to pursue. The

    repayment options with education loans will similarly accommodate your personal

    financial preferences. You can either repay interest amount while still in school or six


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    months after graduation. Education loans offer up to ten years for repayments. The refund

    alternatives on education loans also include deferment, forbearance and consolidation.

    The various sites on education loans can give you innumerable repayment options and

    monetary remuneration. Education loans will help you in planning your life after

    graduation. However, an education loan like every loan is a huge financial obligation. An

    education loans is generally the first substantial loan for most people and therefore the

    first major expense. Do not be completely dependent on your education loans for the

    funding of your complete education. Try to apply for any other financial sustenance like

    university grants, scholarships, fellowships, work study programs and any other form of

    aid. This will certainly encourage a fluid dispensation of your education loans. You can

    start by going to the financial aid office in your school or university. It will provide you

    further insight to the kind of education loans, you must apply for. Education is an

    experience of life. It is so rewarding in itself that it helps you to manage almost

    everything in your life. Education loans discipline your impulse towards education and

    training into a fruitful contrivance. The payoff is delicious in terms of improved quality

    of life. Education is expensive! Is it? With education loans it cant be. Now, you dont

    have to take the road in front of you. Make your own road with education loans.


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    Student loans come in many different flavors, with loans tailored for students with

    exceptional need, and loans for the needs of average students. There are even loans

    specifically designed for medical students.

    It is easy to know how a student would feel overwhelmed with so many education

    financing options. But like anything else in life, there's a solution to the madness. And

    with only a little understanding of the positives and negatives of each loan type, students

    and their parents can see more clearly the options which are best suited for an individual

    student's needs.

    Of all student education loan options, usually the one with the most attractive terms could

    be the Perkins Loan.

    Perkins Loans have an incredibly low, fixed interest rate of 5 percent. These loans also

    provide a prolonged "grace period" - the time allowed after leaving school before

    payment is required. Perkins Loans offer a 9-month grace period.

    Your Perkins Loan may also arrange Loan Cancellation, which could pay back a portion,

    or all, of the student loan. Federal Loan Cancellation is offered to graduates who accept

    to work in high-need areas, like agreeing to teach in the designated low-income school.


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    The problem with Perkins Loans is that they're unavailable for all of us - these loans are

    made for students with "exceptional need."

    If Perkins Loans are not a choice in your case, then Stafford Loans are the next

    best thing.

    Stafford Loans offer benefits similar to Perkins Loans, with apr currently running

    in the five to seven percent neighborhood - still affordable, as loans go nowadays. Like

    Perkins Loans, Stafford loans do not require repayment until when you finally leave

    school or drop below half-time student. They also have a "grace period" of six months

    before payments must begin.

    Stafford Loans are offered from the us government, and are also offered through the use

    of a private lending institution. Depending on the college you'll attend, you may have the

    option of taking either a direct federal Stafford Loan, or taking the same loan by using a

    private lending institution as an intermediary. With some schools you could have both

    options. Regarding private lenders, certain colleges sometimes have specific institutions

    that they regard as 'preferred lenders,' but remember that you have the right to seek your

    personal private lender for a Stafford Loan. If you discover that grants, scholarships, and

    federal student loans don't cover your requirements, private student loans are always an

    alternative. Private student loans are a good value, but they generally feature slightly

    higher interest rates than their federal counterparts, and these rates are actually variable.

    Because private student loans aren't federally-backed, you'll likely find that you will need

    someone, for example a parent, to co-sign for you. Even if your credit allows you to

    secure financing alone, having a cosigner is an extremely wise choice, since this tends to

    decrease your loan's interest rate. Lowering this interest rate, even by a small piece of a


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    percent, could make an important difference in lowering the total amount of money you

    will have to repay on the loan. Unlike federal loans, private student loans may require

    that you start making monthly premiums while still in education.

    These payments could possibly be in some reduced form on this time, just like an

    interest-only payment. Even when your particular loan doesn't require any kind of

    repayment while in school, it's still a good idea to send what you can, when you can.

    Even small irregular payments, made ahead of time, can have a huge relation to lowering

    the sum of amount you'll have to repay.

    Student loans, especially the federally-backed versions, are a great value for

    students and their parents when other funding options aren't enough. It's true that the

    many different kinds of student loans can be confusing to sort through. But more loan

    options means you're much more likely get a fit that is better for your personal specific

    needs. By having a basic knowledge of the several education financing possibilities, it is

    going to be less difficult to get the fit that's best for you.


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    Shikshak Sahakari Bank Ltd was established on 1st January 1979 by

    Adv.Shankarao Padhyaji. There is a small story behind establishment of this bank. It is as

    follows,Once a teacher borrowed money from a creditor for his daughters marriage and

    failed to return the money on the agreed date. The creditor use to come everyday and use

    to abuse the teacher.

    Oneday as ususal he reached the teachers house and abused the teacher very

    badly in front of his whole family and said, Master today evening I want my money

    back, if you cant give me the money then send your younger daughter in my house



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    The teacher felt ashamed and guilty after this incident. He went to the village well

    and committed suicide by hanging inside the well. This incident took place on 2nd

    Octomber 1975. The main aim of Shikshak Sahakari Bank Ltd is to give respect to the

    teachers and was established on 1st Jan 1979.

    The name Shikshak was given in the loving memory of Dr.Sarvapalli


    Shikshak Sahakari Bank Ltd is operating with 17 branches in Nagpur City, with

    3804 members and 622 working members. All our branches and administrative offices

    throughout the city sponsors and participates in large number of welfare activities and

    social causes. Our business is more than banking because we touch the lives of people

    anywhere in many ways.

    The Corporate Accounts Group is a Strategic Business Unit of the Bank set up

    exclusively to fulfill the specialized banking needs of top corporates in the city. The Bank

    is actively involved since 1979 in non-profit activity called Community Services


    The bank is entering into many new businesses with strategic tie ups Pension Funds,

    General Insurance, Custodial Services, Private Equity, Mobile Banking, Point of Sale

    Merchant Acquisition, Advisory Services, structured products etc each one of these

    initiatives having a huge potential for growth. Total number of customers as on 2009-10 is



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    "To provide superior, proactive banking services to niche markets globally, while

    providing cost-effective, responsive services to others in our role as a development bank,

    and in so doing, meet the requirements of our stakeholders".


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    "To become the bank of choice for corporate, medium businesses and up market retail

    Customers and to provide cost effective developmental banking for small business, mass

    Market and rural markets.



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    Release of large amounts of Funds for Educational Loans.

    Educational loan scheme are designed to provide better Educational opportunities

    to all types of education.

    The main objective of providing loan is for pursuing studies in Recognized

    school/colleges/institutes to meet:

    Tuition and other fees.

    Maintenance cost, books, equipments,etc.

    Cost of passage (for studies abroad).

    Caution fund/building.


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    Revised model educational loan scheme for pursuing higher studies in India and abroad.


    Education is central to the Human Resources Development and empowerment in

    any country. National and State level policies are framed to ensure that this basic need of

    the population is met through appropriate public and private sector initiatives. While

    government endeavour to provide primary education to all on a universal basis, higher

    education is progressively moving into the domain of private sector. With a gradual

    reduction in government subsidies higher education is getting more and more costly and

    hence the need for institutional funding in this area.

    The scope of education has widened both in India and abroad covering new

    courses in diversified areas. Development of human capital is a national priority and it

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    should be the endeavour to all that deserving student who denied opportunity to pursue

    higher education due to financial support. Loans for education should be seen as an

    investment for economic development and prosperity. Knowledge and information would

    be the driving force for economic growth in the coming years.

    Based on recommendations made by a Study Group, IBA had prepared a Model

    Educational Loan Scheme in the year 2001 which was advised to banks for

    implementation by Reserve Bank of India vide circular

    No.RPCD.PLNFS.BC.NO.83/06.12.05/2000-01 dated April 28, 2001 along with certain

    modifications suggested by the Government of India. In line with the announcement

    made by the Hon'ble Finance Minister in his Budget Speech for the year 2004-05, IBA

    had communicated certain changes in the security norms applicable to educational loans

    with limits above Rs.4 lakhs and up to Rs. 7.5 lakhs.

    We have been receiving enquiries from members seeking clarifications on the

    various provisions of the scheme based on feedback received from the branches. With a

    view to ensure that the scheme is implemented in letter and spirit, it was decided to

    review the scheme and make modifications in the scheme to facilitate smooth operation

    at bank branches. Towards this, a Working Group of General Managers drawn from

    select banks was constituted at IBA. This revised model scheme has been prepared based

    on the suggestions made by the Group.


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    The Educational Loan Scheme outlined below aims at providing financial support

    from the banking system to deserving/ meritorious students for pursuing higher education

    in India and abroad. The main emphasis is that every meritorious student though poor is

    provided with an opportunity to pursue education with the financial support from the

    banking system with affordable terms and conditions.


    The scheme detailed below could be adopted by all Commercial Banks. The scheme

    provides broad guidelines to the banks for operationalising the educational loan scheme

    and the implementing bank will have the discretion to make changes suiting to the

    convenience of the students/ parents to make it more customer friendly.

    The scheme details are as under:


    Student eligibility:

    Should be an Indian National


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    Secured admission to professional/ technical courses in India or Abroad through

    Entrance Test/ Merit Based Selection process.

    Courses eligible

    Studies in India: (Indicative list)

    Graduation courses : BA, B.Com, B.Sc., etc.

    Post Graduation courses : Masters & Phd.


    Engineering, Medical, Agriculture, Veterinary, Law, Dental, Management,

    Computer etc.

    Computer certificate courses of reputed institutes accredited to Dept. of

    Electronics or institutes affiliated to university.

    Courses like ICWA, CA, CFA etc.

    Courses conducted by IIM, IIT, IISc, XLRI. NIFT etc.

    Regular Degree/Diploma courses like Aeronautical, pilot training, shipping etc.,

    approved by Director General of Civil Aviation/Shipping, if the course is pursued in


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    India. In case the course is pursued abroad, the Institute should be recognized by the

    competent local aviation/shipping authority. Courses offered in India by reputed foreign


    Evening courses of approved institutes. Other courses leading to diploma/ degree etc.

    conducted by colleges/ universities approved by UGC/ Govt./ AICTE/ AIBMS/ ICMR


    Courses offered by National Institutes and other reputed private institutions. Banks may

    have the system of appraising other institution courses depending on future prospects/

    recognition by user institutions.

    Courses, which are not covered under the criteria mentioned above, individual banks

    may take a view to consider extending education loan under the scheme taking into

    account the future prospects/recognition by user institution.

    Studies abroad :-

    Graduation : For job oriented professional/ technical courses offered by reputed


    Post graduation: MCA, MBA, MS, etc.

    Courses conducted by CIMA- London, CPA in USA etc.


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    Expenses considered for loan :

    Fee payable to college/ school/ hostel.

    Examination/ Library/ Laboratory fee.

    Purchase of books/ equipments/ instruments/ uniforms.

    Caution deposit, Building fund/refundable deposit supported by Institution bills/receipts,

    subject to the condition that the amount does not exceed 10% of the total tuition fees for

    the entire course. Travel expenses/ passage money for studies abroad.

    Purchase of computers - essential for completion of the course. Insurance premium for

    student borrower. Any other expense required to complete the course - like study tours,

    project work, thesis, etc.


    Need based finance subject to repaying capacity of the parents/ students with margin and

    the following ceilings.

    Studies in India - Maximum Rs.10.00 lacs.

    Studies abroad - Maximum Rs.20 lacs


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    6. MARGIN :

    Upto Rs 4 lacs Nil

    Above Rs. 4 lacs: Studies in India 5%

    Studies Abroad 15%

    - Scholarship/ assistantship to be included in margin.

    - Margin may be brought-in on year-to-year basis as and when disbursements are

    made on a pro-rata basis.

    7. SECURITY :

    Upto Rs 4 lacs Co-obligation of parents.

    No security: Above Rs.4 lacs and upto Rs7.5 lakhs Co-obligation of parents together with

    collateral security in the form of suitable third party guarantee. The bank may, at its

    discretion, in exceptional cases, waive third party guarantee if satisfied with the net-worth

    / means of parent/s who would be executing the document as "joint borrower".

    Above Rs.7.5 lakhs Co-obligation of parents together with tangible collateral security of

    suitable value, along with the assignment of future income of the student for payment of



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    The loan documents should be executed by the student and the parent/ guardian as joint-

    borrower. The security can be in the form of land/ building/ Govt. securities/ Public

    Sector Bonds/Units of UTI, NSC, and KVP, life policy, gold, shares/mutual fund

    units/debentures, bank deposit in the name of student / parent / guardian or any other

    third party with suitable margin.

    Wherever the land/ building is already mortgaged, the unencumbered portion can be

    taken as security on second charge basis provided it covers the required loan amount. In

    case the loan is given for purchase of computer, the computer has to be hypothecated to

    the Bank.


    Upto Rs 4 lacs BPLR

    Above Rs. 4 lacs BPLR + 1%

    Simple interest to be charged during the Repayment holiday/ Moratorium period.

    Penal interest to be charged as applicable to individual banks.



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    In the normal course, while appraising the loan the future income prospects of the

    student will be looked into. However, where required, the means of parent / guardian

    could also be taken into account to evaluate re-payment capability.

    The loan to be sanctioned as per delegation of powers preferably by the Branch

    nearest to the place of residence of parents.

    No application for educational loan received should be rejected without the concurrence

    of the next higher authority.

    The loan to be disbursed in stages as per the requirement/ demand directly to the

    Institutions/ Vendors of books/ equipments/ instruments to the extent possible.

    10. REPAYMENT:

    Repayment holiday/Moratorium Course period + 1 year or 6 months after getting

    job, whichever is earlier.The loan to be repaid in 5-7 years after commencement of

    repayment. If the student is not able to complete the course within the scheduled time,

    extension of time for completion of course may be permitted for a maximum period of 2


    If the student is not able to complete the course for reasons beyond his control,

    sanctioning authority may at his discretion consider such extensions as may be deemed

    necessary to complete the course.


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    The accrued interest during the repayment holiday period to be added to the

    principal and repayment in Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI) fixed. 1% interest

    concession may be provided for loanees if the interest is serviced during the study period

    when repayment holiday is specified for interest/ repayment under the scheme.


    Banks may arrange for life insurance policy on the students availing Educational Loan.

    Individual Banks may work out the modalities with insurance companies


    Banks to contact college/ university authorities to send the progress report to the bank at

    regular intervals in respect of students who have availed loans. In case of studies abroad,

    bank may obtain the Unique Identification Number (UIN)/Identity Card and note the

    same in the bank's records.


    No processing/ upfront charges may be collected on educational loans for studies in



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    Banks can also issue the capability certificate for students going abroad for higher

    studies. For this purpose financial and other supporting documents may be obtained from

    applicant, if required.

    (Some of the foreign universities require the students to submit a certificate from their

    bankers about the sponsors' solvency/ financial capability, with a view to ensure that the

    sponsors of the students going abroad for higher studies are capable of meeting the

    expenses till completion of studies.)



    Banks which wish to support highly and exceptionally meritorious/ deserving

    students without security may delegate such powers to a fairly higher level



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    In case of receipt of application for more than one loan for student borrower from a

    family, the 'family' as a unit has to be taken into account for considering the loan and

    security taken in relation to the total quantum of finance disbursed, subject to margin and

    repaying capacity of the parent/student.


    There is no specific restriction with regard to the age of the student to be eligible for

    education loan.


    In cases of student staying with parents and where such parents have transferable jobs or

    there is change in address, the bank may provide in the system of noting the address for

    correspondence' for tracking purpose.



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    Banks may consider top up loans to students pursuing further studies within the overall

    eligibility limit, with appropriate re-schedulement, subject to taking required security.


    The co-obligator should be parent(s)/guardian of the student borrower. In case of married

    person, co-obligator can be either spouse or the parent(s)/parents-in-law .

    No Due Certificate- No due certificate need not be insisted upon as a pre-condition for

    considering educational loan. However, banks may obtain a declaration/ an affidavit

    confirming that no loans are availed from other banks.

    Disposal Application- Loan applications have to be disposed of within a period of 15

    days to 1 month, but not exceeding the time norms stipulated for disposing of loan

    applications under priority sector lending.

    Flexibility in terms-In order to bring flexibility in terms like eligibility, margin, security

    norms, and banks may consider relaxation in the norms on a case-to-case basis delegating

    the powers to a fairly higher level authority.


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    report that appeared in the Business Line (Hindu Group) about 80% of Education Loans

    provided by the banks are for domestive requirements. And the rest made the financial

    assistance lent to students wanting to study abroad.

    The Government of India in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India and the Indian

    Bankers Association has drawn up a elaborate and comprehensive Education Loan

    Scheme. The objective of this scheme is to ensure that no deserving candidate is deprived

    of education that he/she deserves at any level.

    Broadly speaking the guidelines have set the following provisions. Though these may

    change from time to time depending upon the Government Policy and the extent of

    requirements, the basic spirit and the criteria for loan settlement have remain unchanged

    largely speaking.

    The provisions--

    (a) Loans up to Rs 7.5 lakh for pursuing higher education within the country and Rs 15

    lakh for an overseas education are available.

    (b) For loans up to Rs 4 lakh no collateral or margin is required and the interest will be

    charged not more than the Prime Lending Rate (PLR)

    (c) For loans above, the interest rate charged will be not be more than PLR plus one per


    (d) The loans are to be repaid over a period of 5 to 7 years with the provision of a grace

    period of one year after completion of studies.


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    The repayment of an education loan is deductible under Section 80E of the Income Tax

    Act. The yearly limit for deduction Rs Rs 40,000/- (for both the principal and the

    interest). Only loans taken for higher education full time studies in any graduate or

    post-graduate, professional, and pure and applied science courses may claim deduction.

    The deduction will be available for a maximum of eight years starting from the day you

    start repaying.

    Allahabad Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, State Bank of India, Punjab National

    Bank, Dena Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of Maharashtra, Canara Bank, Central Bank of

    India, Corporation Bank, Indian Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, State Bank of Hyderabad,

    State Bank of Travancore, Syndicate Bank, Union Bank of India, ICICI, HDFC, etc are

    some of the leading banks.

    Besides these banks there are numerous private lenders who are more active in the remote

    regions of India.

    While some of them are genuine, it is advisable to seek loans from recognized banks. As

    there are cases where students who are mid-way through their studies had to discontinue

    as the pending installments of loan never came through.

    Meanwhile there is a thinking in the Government that has the Planning Commission

    seriously considering a proposal wherein students, even graduates, can write-off their

    educational loans by serving for a while in a government agency.

    This move, for which the details are yet to be finalized, has been made to check brain

    drain from the country. The Planning Commission may set up a National Student Loan


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    Guarantee Corporation which will provide a guarantee to students of certified institutions

    who avail of a bank loan. The move will enable banks to lend without collaterals.

    According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) data, there was a 51 per cent rise in

    education loans from Rs 9,962 crore at the end of March 2006 to over Rs 15,000 crore at

    the end of March 2007.

    Officials say that a mechanism for loan waiver from a private or a foreign bank, and

    points regarding tax treatment are yet to be framed.


    Education Loan Scheme:


    A term loan granted to Indian Nationals for pursuing higher education in India or

    abroad where admission has been secured.

    1. Eligible courses

    All courses having employment prospects are eligible.

    Graduation courses/ Post graduation courses/ Professional courses


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    Other courses approved by UGC/Government/AICTE etc.

    2. Expenses considered for loans

    Fees payable to college/school/hostel

    Examination/Library/Laboratory fees

    Purchase of Books/Equipment/Instruments/Uniforms

    Caution Deposit/Building Fund/Refundable Deposit

    Travel Expenses/Passage money for studies abroad

    Purchase of computers considered necessary for completion of course

    Any other expenses required to complete the course like study tours, project work etc.

    3. Amount of loan

    For studies in India, maximum Rs. 10 lacs

    Studies abroad, maximum Rs. 20 lacs

    4. Interest Rate

    For loans upto Rs. 4 lakh 12.00% p.a.

    Above Rs.4 lacs and upto Rs.7.50 lacs13. 50% p.a

    Above Rs.7.50 lacs 12.50% p.a

    5. Processing Fees

    No processing fee/ upfront charges

    Deposit of Rs. 5000/- for education loan for studies abroad which will be

    adjusted in the margin money.


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    6. Repayment Tenure

    Repayment will commence one year after completion of course or 6 months after

    securing a job, whichever is earlier.

    Place of Study Loan Amount

    Repayment Period

    in Years

    In IndiaUp to Rs. 7.5 lacs 5-7

    Above Rs. 7.5 lacs 5-10

    AbroadUp to Rs. 15 lacs 5-7

    Above Rs. 15 lacs 5-10


    AmountStudies In

    IndiaStudies Abroad

    Upto Rs. 4 lacs No Security No Security

    Above Rs. 4 lacs to Rs.

    7.50 lacs

    Third Party

    GuaranteeThird Party Guarantee


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    Above Rs. 7.50 lacs to

    Rs. 10 lacs(India)/ Rs. 15


    Tangible Collateral

    security for full

    value of loan

    Tangible Collateral security

    of suitable value of loan or

    third party guarantee

    Rs 15 lacs to Rs. 20 lacs ___ Tangible Collateral security

    for full value of loan

    7. Margin

    For loans up to Rs.4.0 lacs : No Margin

    For loans above Rs.4.0 lacs:

    o Studies in India: 5%

    o Studies Abroad: 15%

    8. Post Sanction Follow up:

    Branches to contact college / university authorities to send the progress

    report at regular intervals in respect of students who have availed loans.

    9. Upfront Fee:


    10. Time norms:


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    Loan applications have to be disposed of within a period of 15 days to one month

    but not exceeding the time norm stipulated for disposing of loan applications under

    Priority Sector Lending.

    11. Capability certificate:

    Since, some of the foreign universities require the students to submit a

    certificate from their bankers about the sponsors solvency / financial

    capability, with a view to ensure that the sponsors of the students going

    abroad for higher studies are capable of meeting the expenses till completion

    of studies, capability certificate may be issued in such cases. For this

    financial and other supporting documents may be obtained from the


    12. Mode of application of interest:

    Interest on Education Loan accounts shall be worked out at the end of each

    month and recorded on a separate sheet in the ledger but not debited to the

    borrowers account. Instead, it should be debited to a separate account

    opened in the Subsidiary General ledger titled Interest Accrued on

    Advances under Education Loan Scheme forming one of the components of

    the main head of General Ledger. Interest Accrued on Advances and

    credited to Revenue Head Income Interest on term loan till the

    commencement of repayment of first installment. On the date fixed for

    commencement of repayment, the whole amount of interest so far worked


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    out and recorded as above should be debited to the borrowers account by

    corresponding credit to the Interest Accrued on Advances under Education

    Loan Scheme. Repayment of loan and interest may be determined keeping

    in view the above procedure for charging of interest.

    13. Confidential Reports:

    On Borrower(s): No confidential report on the borrower will be required as

    the application for loan will indicate the information required to be furnished

    in the confidential report.

    14. Documentation:

    i) Agreement (Annexure -1) duly stamped, to be taken in case where the

    student is minor. Further, in case of Minor student, on attaining his/her

    majority confirmation from student be obtained as per Annexure III.

    ii) Agreement (Annexure II) duly stamped, to be taken in case where the

    student is Major.

    iii) Letter of Guarantee duly stamped as an Agreement to be

    taken in case of loan amount is above Rs. 4 lacs.

    iv) In case of collateral security is to be taken is mortgage, procedure given

    in Book of Instruction on Loans to be followed.

    The documents should be executed by the student and parent / guardian.

    15. Disbursement:


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    Education loan is to be disbursed in the form of term loan. A limit upto which

    advance is to be allowed during each year will be set up. Each time the borrowing

    scholar is in need of funds to pursue his studies; he will approach the lending office

    and will explain his needs to the Incumbents Incharge and will permit drawing on the

    borrowers account within the limit fixed. This will also enable the Incumbent In

    charge to remain in close touch with the borrowing students activities.

    The loan to be disbursed in stages as per the requirement / demand directly

    to the Institutions / Vendors of Books / equipments / instruments to the

    extent possible.



    In case of , purchase of stationary and books, loan may be disbursed in cash on

    declaration by the applicant and production of bills.

    16. Classification:

    Advances allowed under the Scheme will be classified under Priority Sector.

    17. Checklist:

    To facilitate expeditious disposal of applications, a check-list regarding documents,

    security etc. along with application forms for Education Loans be provided to

    intending borrowers. An illustrative check-list enabling a ready reference, so that


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    intending borrowers can furnish all related documents / papers in one lot, is given

    below :-

    Loan application on Banks format.

    Passport size photograph.

    Proof of Address.

    Proof of having secured pass marks in last qualifying examination.

    Letter of admission in professional, technical or vocational courses.

    Prospectus of the course wherein charges like Admission Fee, Examination Fee, Hostel

    Charges etc. are mentioned.

    Details of Assets & Liabilities of parents.

    In case loan amount is above Rs. 4.00 lacs :

    Particulars of Guarantors and details of their Assets & Liabilities.

    If immovable property offered as Collateral Security copy of Title

    Deed, Valuation Certificate and Non-encumbrance Certificate from

    approved Lawyer of the Bank.

    Photocopy of Passport & Visa, in case of study abroad.

    Any other document / information, depending upon the case and purpose

    of the loan.

    18. Post Sanction Supervision:


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    The Bank will reserve the right of giving loan under this Scheme to any scholar or

    continue / discontinue the yearly disbursement to a borrower under the Scheme,

    depending upon whether or not he / she shows good results at the institution he

    /she has joined for studies and whether of not reports about his / her conduct are


    Such reports will be required to be produced to the Incumbents Incharge of the

    lending office before the start of each academic year subsequent to the first year.

    Loan pass book be issued to the borrower containing details such as date

    of sanction of loan, amount of loan, amount of loan sanctioned, subsidy received

    (if any) rate of interest, amount due under each instalment, due date of instalment


    19. Other condition:

    Zonal Managers and above may consider relaxation with regard to

    Eligibility, Margin and Security norms on merits of each case.

    No Due Certificate need not be insisted upon as a pre-condition for considering

    educational loan. However, Branches may obtain a declaration / an affidavit confirming

    that no loans are availed from banks.

    20. Documents Required

    i. Mark sheet of last qualifying examination for school and graduate studies in India.

    ii. Copies of letter conferring scholarship, freeship, studentship etc.

    iii. Documents evidencing the duration of course and commencement thereof viz.


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    prospectus or certificate from the competent authority of the institution.

    iv. Proof of admission to the course.

    v. Schedule of expenses for the course.

    vi. Two copies of passport size photograph of the borrower(s) / guarantor(s).

    vii. Statement of Bank account for the last six months of the borrower(s)

    viii. Signature identification from bankers of borrower(s) guarantor(s).

    ix. A copy of Passport/Voters ID Card/Proof of residence.

    For salaried persons:

    i. Latest salary slips showing all deductions.

    ii. Employment details for the last 5 years.

    iii. Latest TDS Certificate Form 16.

    iv. Statement of assets and outstanding liabilities.

    For Self-Employed/Professionals and Businessmen

    Proof of income.

    Income Tax/Wealth Tax (if applicable) assessment orders not more than 2

    years old.

    Assets and Liabilities.


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    If Collateral Security is Mortgage of Landed Property

    Original Sale Deed

    Original receipt of payment made for registrar

    Society share certificate

    Non encumbrance or certificate from advocate

    Valuation Report


    The document should be executed by both the student and the parent /


    The security can be in the form of land / building / Govt. Securities / Public

    Sector Bonds / Units of UTI, NSC, KVP, LIC Policy, Gold, Shares /

    Debentures, Bank Deposit in the name of the student parent / guardian or any

    other third party with suitable Margin.

    Wherever the land / building is already mortgaged, the unencumbered portion

    can be taken as security an II charge basis provided it covers the required Loan

    amount. In case the loan is given for purchase of Computer, the same to be

    Hypothecated to the Bank.


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    Managing Student Loan

    A student loan is an investment in your future. It provides you an opportunity to

    obtain an education that might otherwise be beyond your financial reach. With a

    loan comes responsibilities that exist while you are enrolled in school, as well as

    during your repayment period. Borrowing money through the Federal Family,

    Education Loan Program to finance your education will have long-term

    implications for your financial future. The Michigan Guaranty Agency (MGA) has

    compiled this folder to help explain what you need to know about borrowing and

    repaying your student loans.

    Things to Consider Before You Borrow

    Qualifying for a student loan may be a fairly easy process, but repaying it is more


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    difficult. Before borrowing, consider the following items:

    A LOAN MUST BE REPAID. It is not a grant. Signing the promissory note is a

    legal and bindingpromise to repay a loan. Read your note for terms and conditions

    of the loan. Repayments is expected even if you do not complete your education,

    fails to complete your program of study within the regulartime for program

    completion, are dissatisfied with your education, do not graduate, or do not find a

    jobafter you complete your program.

    Failure to repay your educational loans in a timely manner and can affectyour

    credit rating and your future ability to borrow for other purposes such as a car or a


    Know when repayment begins. Some loans go into repayment shortly after final

    disbursement; other loans have a period where payments of principal and/or interest

    are deferred. Your lender will provide a repayment schedule which lists repayment

    terms and conditions.

    Check your finances before you apply for a loan. Consider how much you

    and/or your family can contribute toward your education. Apply for other financial

    aid resources such as scholarships, grants, and work opportunities through your

    college financial aid office.


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    Consider your expected salary and other expenses when you leave school. Can

    you afford monthly educational loan payments ranging from $250 to $600 over a

    ten (10) year repayment period? Too large a debt may prevent the good life you

    expected to experience after graduation.


    If you must borrow, borrow only what you need and what you can reasonably

    expect to repay.

    Current information regarding educational loan eligibility and applications can be

    obtained from the financial aid office at your school. The financial aid office must

    advise you of the effect of accepting the loan on eligibility or other types of student

    financial assistance.

    Borrower benefits may differ between lenders. Check with lenders regarding

    their borrower benefits.


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    Research Methodology


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    Research Methodology in a way is systematic representation of research or

    any other problem. It is a written game plan for conducting research. It tends to

    describe the step taken by a researcher in studying the research problem along with

    a logical background.

    It tends to describe methodology for solution of the problem that has been

    taken for the purpose of study this project focuses on the methodology for technique

    used for the collection, classification & tabulation of the data. This plan throws light

    on the research problem, the objective of study & limitation of the study. Therefore,

    in order to solve a problem, it is necessary to design a research methodology for

    problem as the same way differs from problem to problem.

    It is also the process of systematic & in depth study or search of any

    particular topic, subject by the collection, presentation & interpretation of relevant

    details or data. It is a careful search or injury into any subject or subject matter,

    which is an endeavour to discover or to find out valuable facts that would be useful

    for further application or utilisation.


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    The Project

    The main aim of the study is to understand the Education Loans provided by Private

    Sector Unit.

    It is the banks which understand the need & provides best interest rate facility. The

    nature of the study is that it has an applied base. The statement indicated that result

    obtained from the study, inference drawn from the study can actually be applied

    practically & can be of great help to know about Education loans in more comprehensive


    Scope of study.

    The study is restricted to Nagpur itself. It aims at getting an insight in to Education loan.

    It also aims at familiarized with the various PSUs loan and its interest rate and also it help

    me a lot in understanding the practical aspect of the loan as a whole.

    Objective of study

    The main objective of the study is to understand the Education loans provided by Private

    Sector Unit i.e. Shikshak Sahakari Bank Ltd. The objective was successfully achieved by

    performing the detailed survey of the bank.

    To give satisfaction regarding services offered by bank

    To make out which bank provide services with best resources

    To know the awareness among the common student about Education loan which

    they want to take.


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    Type of Research

    Research methodology is a way to systematic solve the research problem. It is a

    procedure, which is followed step by step to solve a particular research problem. There

    are basically four types of researches.





    Explorative Research

    To gain familiarity with the phenomenon or to achieve an insight into it.

    Descriptive Research

    To poetry accurately the characteristic of the particular individual situation or a


    Diagnostic Research

    To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is

    associate with something else.


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    Hypothesis Testing Research

    To test a hypothesis of casual relationship between variables. The present project is

    Descriptive in nature. It is done to poetry accurately the characteristic of a particular

    individual situation or a group.

    The major purpose in descriptive research is the description of the state of the affairs as it

    exists at presents. The main characteristics of this method are that the researcher has no

    control over the variables; he can only report what has happened or what is happening.

    Research Process

    There are six steps of Designing A Research Report.

    1 Specifying the Research objective

    As this research project is about the comprehensive study of Education loan & role of

    Banks. Providing them so first of all the various objectives of the project were specified.

    2. Preference the list of needed information

    The second step in designing the project work is the preparation of list of need

    information. There is basic information on which the research project is to structure. In

    this project the various are handed in starting of the project.


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    3. Designing the data collection process

    During the data collection process a questionnaire was made for the collection of the

    data from the Student personally. Because in the research project both primary as well as

    secondary data is required. So primary data was collected from

    Primary source-

    The information is collected through employees of Shikshak Sahakari Bank Ltd.

    Secondary source-

    Brochures of the Bank

    The following type of question was asked from the consumers.


    A question with two possible answers says yes or no.

    Multiple choices


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    A question with three or more answer.

    4. Selection of the sample size

    Taking the sample of the study was not easy task. The objective and the limitation of the

    study have to be kept in mind before deciding about the sample type.

    5. Organizing and carrying out the field work.

    After decided upon the sample size & preparing the questionnaire, the fieldwork

    has to be carried out. In the field work the place had to be chosen where you want to do

    your study. This project survey work was carried out in the Nagpur city.

    6. Analyzing the collected data & reporting the finding

    After the survey work was over & data had been collected the analyzing of the data

    & its graphically representation was needed.

    Data Analysis and



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    Position of the bank from last 5 years


    (As on 2005)
















    Based on


    2005-06 2154.38




    62663.43 (-


    40855.90 (-


    2006-07 2175.54




    55415.11 (-


    34000.92 (-


    2007-08 2405.10




    59861.84 (-


    30716.60 (-


    2008-09 2556.52




    52017.89 (-


    31898.64 (-


    2009-10 2740.21




    53971.88 (-


    33035.01 (-


    Analysis Through Chart:


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    Share Capital

    2154.38 2175.542405.1






    2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10Years



    Share Capital

    Interpretation: We can see that from the figure there

    have been a steady increase in the value of share capitalduring the last five years. In the year 2005-06 the share

    capital is by increased by 20.75%, in 2006-07 by 21.93%, in

    2007-08 by 34.80%, in 2008-09 by 43.29% and in 2009-10

    by 53.58%. The reason is that the members are increasing

    every year.

    Analysis Through Chart:


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    Reserve Funds











    2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10Years



    Reserve Fund

    Interpretation: It can be seen from the figure that theReserve Fund have increased by 23.54% in 2005-06, 48.42%

    in 2006-07, 56.48 in 2007-08, 66.82 in 2008-09 and by

    85.93% in the year 2009-10. The increase in members is also

    increasing the amount of reserve fund every year.

    Analysis Through Chart:


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    2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10Years




    Interpretation: All the above data is compared with thevalue in the year 2005. Deposits according to this year was

    68622.53 Crores. The deposits are increasing and decreasing

    every year. The reason is the seasonal fluctuations.

    Analysis Through Chart:


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    2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10Years




    Interpretation: Seasonal fluctuations also have animpact to the Loans and Advances of the bank. As compared

    to the 2005 value it is also decreasing.



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    Suggestions & Recommendations




    1 Max. loan for

    studies in


    Rs. 10.00 Lacs

    2 Max. loan for

    studies in


    Rs. 20.00 Lacs

    3 Interest Rates Upto Rs. 4 lakh 12% p.a.

    Above Rs. 4 lakh 13.50% p.a.

    4 Repayment

    Period starts


    one year after completion of course or 6 months aftersecuring a job, whichever is earlier.

    5 Repayment


    In India : Up to Rs. 7.5 lacs - 5-7 years

    Above Rs. 7.5 lacs -5-10 years

    In Abroad : Up to Rs. 15 lacs 5-7 years

    Above Rs. 15 lacs 5-10 years

    6 Margin Upto Rs. 4.00 lacs : Nil

    Above Rs. 4.00 lacs : Studies in India 5%

    Studies in Abroad 15%

    7 Processing


    No processing fee/upfront charges

    Deposit of Rs. 5000/-for education loan for studiesabroad which will be adjusted in the margin money

    8 Security Upto Rs. 4.00 lacs : No Security

    Above Rs. 4.00 lacs to Rs. 7.50 lacs : Third PartyGuarantee

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    Bank should go for advertisement Campaign from Scratch.

    Bank should try to cash its brand image.

    Strong branch network should be made and staff personnels incentives

    should be increased.

    Bank should increase its product line in education loans.

    Special scheme for non-professional students as well as for professional

    students should be increased.

    Banks should introduce some new model keeping in mind the loan suitable

    for medium income group customer.

    Presence of some famous personality in Advertisement or in Pamphlets

    insuring better retention in the mind of customers.

    In this age of information, the customer before taking loans collects all the

    information about various brands. The banks should provide a combined

    booklet of the product range in order to upgrade the knowledge of future

    takings of loans.

    Limitations of the Study


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    There are some limitations in this research; these limitations are as follows

    Time limitation

    Many banks provide education loan but in this research only one bank is

    taken for consideration.

    Expenditure on research

    Restricted to Nagpur region only

    Some banks are not provided with their internal information/circular.



  • 8/3/2019 An Analysis on Education Loan.


    On the basis of above finding it is clearly observed that private banks have

    more reach, variety and flexibility in their education loan schemes.

    Maximum loan for studies in India is ranging from Rs. 7.50 lacs to 10.00 lacs and for

    studies in Abroad it is Rs. 15-20 lacs. Interest rates vary from 9.5% to 11.5% p.a.

    All banks have same repayment facility i.e. one year after completion of course or 6

    months after securing a job, whichever is earlier.

    Repayment period is also vary from 5-7 year after commencement of repayment in the

    case of education loan is taken from private bank and it is 4-7 years on the basis of

    unsecured and secured education loan taken from private banks.

    Margin is same as compared to any other scheduled bank in Nagpur.

    Upto Rs. 4.00 lacs : Nil

    Above Rs. 4.00 lacs : Studies in India 5%

    Studies in Abroad 15%

    Processing fees is also charged according to the requirement.




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    FOR SSB: (To be taken in case where the student is Minor)



    This Agreement is made at_____________on this_______day of _____20 __ between

    Shri / Smt ____________________________, son / wife of Shri _________ ______

    ___ r/o ________ ________ ______ (hereinafter referred to as parent / guardian) Sh.

    / Kumari _____________________ minor aged ________ years (date of birth

    _________), S/o / D/o Sh./ Smt. ____________________ r/o

    ______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as student), represented

    by his / her natural / court guardian Sh./ Smt. ____________________ (both parent /

    guardian and student are collectively called the borrowers which expression shall

    unless repugnant to context include his / her , executors, administrators and

    assigns) of the One Part and Shikshak Sahakari Bank having

    its head office at Gandhi Sagar , Nagpur- 440018 and amongst other a branch

    Office at _______ _______ ______ ______ (hereinafter called the bank which term

    shall unless repugnant to context include its successors and assigns) of the Other Part.


    A) Sh. / Smt ___________________ (parent / guardian) represents that

    his/ her ward Sh. / Kumari _________________(hereinafter called the

    Student) is desirous of pursuing / continuing his / her studies at

    ______________________ For a period of __________ but is unable

    to do so due to paucity of funds.


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    B) The Borrowers have, with a view to receiving the financial assistance

    for studies of his/her ward, applied to the bank for a loan of Rs.

    ____________(rupees_____________________) which the bank has

    agreed to grant on terms and conditions herein after appearing:


    1. The total amount of the loan amounting to Rs. __________ will be disbursed

    by the bank to the borrowers as under :-

    State the manner of disbursement

    2. The amount of loan will be utilized by the borrowers only for the purpose of

    persecuting studies of the student , such as payment of fees payable to

    college / school/ hostel, examination / library laboratory fee , purchase of

    books / equipment / instruments / uniform caution deposit / building fund

    /refundable deposit / supported by the institution bills / receipts, travel

    expenses / passage money for studies abroad, purchase of computers essential

    for completion of the course any other expenses required to

    complete the course- like study tour project work, thesis etc.

    3. At the end of each academic year, borrowers will produce a certificate from

    the head of the institution at which the student is studying testifying the

    results achieved by the student during and at the end of the year as well as

    about his conduct. If the said certificate is not produced or the certificate

    furnished for any year is not considered satisfactory the Bank will (in its

    absolute discretion) have the right of stop giving any further financial


  • 8/3/2019 An Analysis on Education Loan.


    assistance to the borrower in terms of this agreement notwithstanding the

    fact that the total amount of the loan as agreed to in paragraph above has not

    been disbursed to him. The Bank will be entitled as its option to recall the

    loan already , give together with the interested accrued thereon, by a demand

    in writing.

    Applicable in case loan is above Rs. 4.00 lac

    4. The borrowers will secure the loan by providing a suitable surety an unless

    he has furnished the same he will not avail the loan or any part thereof.

    5. The interest on the loan will be payable at the PTLR rate /_____% over the

    PTLR with ________rest. Provided that the interest payable by the

    borrowers shall be subject to change in interest rates made by RBI / Bank

    from time to time.

    (PTLR means Prime Term Lending Rate of the bank prescribe by the

    bank from time to time. The PTLR as on date is ______% p.a.)

    In the event of there not being any PTLR, the borrower agrees to pay interest

    at the rate as prescribed by the bank.

    6. Subject to what is provided in paragraph 3 above, the borrowers will repay the

    loan together with interest accrued thereon by equal monthly installments in

    _______ year after commencement of the repayment i.e. one year after the

    course period or 6 months after getting job, whichever is earlier. The

    extension of the repayment period, if the student is not able to complete the

    course for reasons beyond his/her control, will be in the absolute discretion

    of the Bank.


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    7. In the event of death of any of the borrowers, the bank shall be entitled not

    only not to disburse further loan but also recall the outstanding under the

    loan already disbursed, irrespective of the installments fixed.

    8. The borrowers will, during the period of their indebtedness to the bank, keep

    the Bank informed of the change in their address, vocation and income from

    time to time.

    9. The student-borrower under takes to remit and if need be, give instructions /

    authorization to his / her employer to remit, the salary to the extent necessary

    or even more , if the borrower so desires , to the account of the borrower.

    In witness whereof the parties to these presents have set their hands on the day,

    month and year first mentioned above.




    (Authorized signatory)

    (To be taken in case where the student is Major)



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    This Agreement is made at_____________on this_______day of _____20 __ between

    Shri / Smt. / Km. ____________________________, son / daughter of Shri _________

    ______ ___ r/o ________ ________ ______ (hereinafter referred to as student) and

    Sh. / Smt. _____________________ son / daughter of____________________ r/o

    ______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as parent), (parent and

    student collectively hereinafter called the borrowers which expression shall unless

    repugnant to context include their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) of the

    One Part and Shikshak Sahakari Bank a body corporate having its head office

    at Gandhi Sagar , Nagpur- 440018 and amongst other a branch office at _______

    _______ ______ ______ (hereinafter called the bank which term shall unless

    repugnant to context include its successors and assigns) of the Other Part.


    A) The Student and Parent (Borrowers) represents that Sh. / Kumari

    _________________(student) is desirous of pursuing / continuing

    his / her studies at ______________________ for a period of

    __________ but is unable to do so due to paucity of funds.

    B) The Borrowers have, with a view to receiving the financial

    assistance for his/her studied, applied to the bank for a loan of Rs.

    ____________(rupees_____________________) which the bank has agreed to

    grant on terms and conditions herein after appearing:



  • 8/3/2019 An Analysis on Education Loan.


    1. The total amount of the loan amounting to Rs. __________ will be disbursed by

    the bank to the borrowers as under :-

    State the manner of disbursement

    2. The amount of loan will be utilized by the borrowers only for the purpose of

    persecuting studies of the student , such as payment of fees payable to

    college / school/ hostel, examination / library laboratory fee , purchase of books

    / equipment / instruments / uniform caution deposit / building fund /refundable

    deposit / supported by the institution bills / receipts, travel expenses / passage

    money for studies abroad, purchase of computers-essential for completion of

    the course any other expenses required to complete the course- like study tour

    project work, thesis etc.

    3. At the end of each academic year, borrowers will produce a certificate from the

    head of the institution at which the student is studying testifying the results

    achieved by the student during and at the end of the year as well as about his

    conduct. If the said certificate is not produced or the certificate furnished for

    any year is not considered satisfactory the Bank will (in its absolute discretion)

    have the right of stop giving any further financial assistance to the borrower in

    terms of this agreement notwithstanding the fact that the total amount of the

    loan as agreed to in paragraph above has not been disbursed to him. The Bank

    will be entitled as its option to recall the loan already , give together with the

    interested accrued thereon, by a demand in writing.

    Applicable in case loan is above Rs. 4.00 lac

    4. The borrowers will secure the loan by providing a suitable surety an unless he


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    has furnished the same he will not avail the loan or any part thereof.

    5. The interest on the loan will be payable at the PTLR rate /_____% over the

    PTLR with ________rest. Provided that the interest payable by the borrowers

    Shall be subject to change in interest rates made by RBI / Bank from time to

    time.(PTLR means Prime Term Lending Rate of the bank prescribe by the

    Bank from time to time. The PTLR as on date is ______% p.a.)

    In the event of there not being any PTLR, the borrower agrees to pay interest

    at the rate as prescribed by the bank.

    6. Subject to what is provided in para 3 above, the borrowers will repay the loan

    together with interest accrued thereon by equal monthly installments in

    _______ year after commencement of the repayment i.e. one year after the

    course period or 6 months after getting job, whichever is earlier. The extension

    of the repayment period, if the student is not able to complete the course for

    reasons beyond his/her control, will be in the absolute discretion of the Bank.

    7. In the event of death of any of the borrowers, the bank shall be entitled not only

    not to disburse further loan but also recall the outstanding under the loan

    already disbursed, irrespective of the installments fixed.

    8. The borrowers will, during the period of their indebtedness to the bank, keep

    the Bank informed of the change in their address, vocation and income from

    time to time. In witness whereof the parties to these presents have set their hands on the

    day,month and year first mentioned above.

    For self and as natural guardian/ guardian of

    Sh./ Kumari__________________________


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    (Authorized signatory)



    The Manager,


  • 8/3/2019 An Analysis on Education Loan.


    Shikshak Sahakari Bank Ltd,


    Reg : My Education Loan For Rs._______

    I write to confirm that you were pleased to grant Education Loan of Rs.____________

    to me, represented by my guardian, Shri / Smt. _________________ for my

    education. My said guardian executed the required loaning documents in your favors

    in consideration of the said loan. I inform you that I have attained majority on

    ____________ and request you to disburse the remaining amount loan of Rs.

    __________ to me out of the loan agreed to be granted by you. I am already and willing

    to execute any further documents in your favor for the said loan, if so required by you. I

    also confirm that the amount of loan of Rs. ___________ already disbursed to my benefit

    and the same is binding on me and I agree to repay the same with interest as agreed. I

    further undertake that I will repay the loan amount granted by the bank for my education,

    in terms of the agreement dated _______________ as executed by Shri / Smt.

    ______________________, my parents / guardian representing me , interalia from out of

    my future income and if need be , I will give instructions / authorization to my employer

    to remit the salary to the extent necessary or even more. I will keep the bank informed of

    my address and my profession / employment from time to time.

    Yours Faithfully



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