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Why All-Natural Sunscreen is the Only Choice

Summer is upon us. The official summer kick off will occur on June 22. For many people, fun in the sun is the best part of summer. It’s time for long days at the beach, hours on the lake fishing and time for those family barbecues. The one thing they all have in common is exposure to the sun.

Exposure to the sun in moderate doses is good for us. It provides our bodies with Vitamin D, which we need. However, too much exposure to the sun can put us at risk for possible skin cancer. Protecting your skin is important. This is why sunscreen is often recommended. In an average year more than 259 million dollars is spent on sunscreen. That’s because each year more than 1 million new cases of skin cancer are detected.

If you have gone to the store lately, you’ll see that there are several varieties of sunscreen currently on the market. Each one offers a different level of protection. However, have you ever paid close attention to the ingredients that are typically found in sunscreen?

You can see in this image some of the typical ingredients found in sunscreens today. Do you even know what many of these ingredients are? Sunscreens today are made up of various chemicals but what are you really applying to your skin?

Up until about the 1980’s, many sunscreens contained Para-aminobenzoic acid or PABA. This ingredient was a powerful UVB absorber in sunscreen but it did not absorb the UVA rays. It was widely used because it would remain on the skin and not wash off quickly. It wasn’t until people began to experience side effects from the PABA such as dermatitis, skim sensitivity and more, that it was removed from many sunscreens.

When looking at an ingredient list like this example, how do you know which one could be the next PABA like ingredient? Ask yourself, “If I wouldn’t eat it, should I really apply it to my skin?”

One common ingredient found today is sunscreen is Oxybenzone. Tests have shown that this chemical can cause allergic reactions and can disrupt hormones in the body. It is recommended that sunscreens with this ingredient be avoided in children due to the potential toxicity concerns. This is a closer look at just one of the ingredients found in

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sunscreen. There’s no telling what other reactions or concerns other chemicals could have on a person.

This is why choosing an all-natural sunscreen is recommended. An all-natural sunscreen is free of the harsh chemicals of traditional sunscreens on the market. They are gentle on the skin and traditionally hypoallergenic. This makes them safe for the entire family. In addition natural sunscreens tend to not clog the pores of your skin. If you’ve ever gotten traditional sunscreen in your eyes you have felt the immense pain and burning because of all the chemicals in them. This can be dangerous to something as sensitive as your eyes. With a natural sunscreen you don’t have to worry if it accidentally gets in your eyes.

Depending on where you live, finding an all-natural sunscreen may be difficult to do especially if you live in a rural community. There’s no need to panic though. Below is a recipe (compliments of Marzia) for an easy to make, all-natural sunscreen.

The summer months are not a time to fear. With an all-natural sunscreen your entire family can have hours of fun in the sun knowing that there skin is protected “naturally”. So the next time you go the store for sunscreen, take time to read the ingredients on the back of the bottle. If you can’t pronounce the name and you have no idea what the ingredient is, then chances are you want to pass that bottle of sunscreen by. Choose an

All-Natural Suncreen

In a sauce pan combine:

½ cup of apricot kernel oil

¼ cup of coconut oil

¼ cup of bees wax

Mix gently until all ingredients are dispersed. Remove from heat and add 7/8 cup of

distilled water. Stir until thick and smooth and then add:

2 tablespoons of zinc oxide(available at health food stores and drug stores)

1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil.

Leave it to set and store in a dark colored glass jar. The zinc oxide is a white powder that should not be inhaled so be sure to wear a mask and gloves. (

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alternative that will not only provide the protection you and your family need but is a product made up of all-natural ingredients that are safe to use.

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