Page 1: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

Advice for parents

• At Ysgol Treffynnon we pride ourselves on our approach to teaching and learning. We put the children at the centre of everything we do.

• We know that your children will have learnt a lot in primary school and with our wide ranging curriculum offer we allow them to continue, not repeat, their primary school experiences! In this unit your children will see things that are familiar to them from primary school but as the unit progresses, they will also come across new concepts and ideas-this is to give them an idea of what secondary school learning is like!

• In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity to achieve the lesson objective. We use mild, medium and hot tasks. In this unit you will find mild, medium and hot tasks for each section of the book. The mild task is achievable for everyone, the medium will stretch and challenge your child and the hot task is an independent learning task or a competition! Your child can choose their task or work through all three, it’s up to them!

• Although we don’t allow phones at Ysgol Treffynnon that doesn’t mean we work a lot on paper. We use lots of technology within our school: Show My Homework is our home learning platform, Google Classrooms is used across the school and pupils have access to laptops and computer suites. In this unit you will find links and QR codes which will take your child to YouTube and BBC Bitesize-all of which are platforms we use to enhance our pupils’ learning opportunities.

• If your child just wants to read the book, that’s fine too! It’s important to make sure they are happy and safe at this uncertain time alongside supporting their academic achievement!

Ysgol Treffynnontransition unit for distance learning

Page 2: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

Ysgol Treffynnontransition unit for distance learning

Page 3: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

A story about holes• You’ll already know

lots about reading a book from your primary school.

• You’ll know that this is a blurb

• And that this is a front cover

• You’ll also know that we can learn A LOT about a book from the front cover and the blurb…

Page 4: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

Who is the main character in the story?

Will there be a twist in the story?

What is the name of the juvenile detention centre he has to go to?

In which country is the story set?

How do you know?

What is the weather like at the camp?

How do you know?

Is The Warden a nice person?

How do you know?

LAKE POOPÓ in Bolivia, South America is a real life lake which is drying up. Use the internet to find out whyit has dried up and the effect it is having on the people who rely on the lake.



Page 5: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapters 1-3 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

Page 6: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

So, what do you think of Camp Green Lake? Your first task is to use chapter one to draw a map of the camp. Label your drawing with QUOTES from the story, don’t forget to use quotation marks to show you have borrowed the words from the writer… LIKE THIS

Lots of American children head to ‘camp’ in the summer. These often have themes like ‘marine science’ or ‘sports’ camp. If you ran a camp, what would your theme be? You could design a timetable for your camp-which activities would the children do?

The green task is mild, the redis medium and the purple is hot!

Page 7: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapters 4-6 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

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Page 8: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

After reading those chapters, I think you might have some things to add to your camp map! Do that first before you start the tasks below.

Draw Stanley in his Camp Green Lake uniform


Imagine you are Stanley, write a diary entry about everything that has happened to you so far.



Clyde is Stanley’s hero! Who is your hero? It might be someone in your family, an historical figure or a sports person. Write an article for the YT times all about that person-don’t forget to tell us why they are your hero!

You can revise newspaper articles here on BBC Bitesize

Send us your article and we will publish

the best ones on our Facebook page!

Page 9: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapters 7-9 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

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Page 10: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

Holes is a dual narrative story. This means we hear parts of the story from different people. The story of Elya, Madam Zeroni, Myra and the pig is a Yelnats family legend

Do you know any legends? Can you make a storyboard to re-tell the story?

MILD MEDIUM this is the story of Dedalus and Icarus. What is the moral of the story? Can you think of any stories you have read that have the same moral?



Myths and legends originally came from Greece. Lots of our words in English come from Greek! There are links between all languages. For example, the word fuego in Spanish, Feu in French and fire in English are all very similar. Can you find any cognates which link Welsh, English and French? Make a poster!

Page 11: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapters 8-10 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

Page 12: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

The yellow spotted lizard! Stanley tells us all about a yellow spotted lizard in chapter 8. He explains what they look like, what they eat and what they do.

If you have a pet, make a fact file all about your pet. If not, find out all about your favourite animal and make a fact file for them!


Use chapter 8 to make a fact file about the yellow spotted lizard. Try to use quotes from the story to form your ideas.



Have you ever heard of the pink fairy armadillo or the

aye aye? There are 1,367,555 animals in our world and scientists are finding and identifying more every day. Research an unusual animal and make a fact file all about them. Don’t forget we will need to know what they eat, their habitat and any other interesting information about them!

Send us your factfilefor the chance to win

a prize

Page 13: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapters 11-13 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

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Page 14: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’ve found out lots about the boys now. They are all very different and have had lots of different life experiences. Who is your favourite character so far?

Can you create a character profile for your favourite character? Draw your character and write about them around the outside of your picture or maybe imagine you are Mr Pendanski and write about your impressions of them for their file.

Stanley finds treasure in the hole. It’s not only pirates that bury treasure-Wales is a treasure trove! Read this article here and imagine you are a historian. What would you do about Stanley’s find? Write a newspaper article all about it!

The green task is mild, the redis medium and the purple is hot!

Page 15: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapters 14- 17 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

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Page 16: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

In chapter 16 Stanley gets a letter from his mum. A lot has happened to him since he last saw her!

Imagine you are Stanley and write a letter to your mum telling her all about what has happened to you so far.



Mum tries to keep her letter upbeat and funny because she doesn’t want Stanley to worry. Imagine you are Stanley, tell mum all about your experiences but don’t say anything that will make her worry-bonus points if you can make her laugh too. Don’t forget to plan before you write!



Mum isn’t only writing to Stanley. She is also writing to ‘the authorities’. She wants her son to come home! Use the book to form a letter from mum persuading the judge to let her son come home-make sure you use formal and professional language. Try to use statistics and facts to make you seem more credible!

Introduction Tell mum how you are and ask about the family

Idea one: Tell her about one thing that has happened to you

Idea two:Tell her about something else that has happened to you

Conclusion Sign off by saying how much you love and miss her

Page 17: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapters 18-20 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

Page 18: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

The Warden. Well she’s not very nice is she!

The Warden keeps everyone in check by making sure she has the most power. There are lots of references to power in this book for example the court has power over Stanley. Can you find three examples of where someone has more power than someone else in the story? If you can, maybe you could draw a power ladder and put the characters on the ladder in order of how powerful they are.

The idea of power is what we call a theme. There are lots of themes in the book like fate, friendship, cruelty and history. You can tell a theme because wherever you open the book you will find a reference to it. It’s like a thread which connects the story together. Can you make a mind map all about one of the themes? Try to use quotes!

The green task is mild, the redis medium and the purple is hot!

Page 19: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapters 21-22 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

Page 20: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

Zero and Stanley are almost friends. It must be nice for him to have a friend…

Do you think Zero should dig Stanley’s holes in exchange for learning to read? That’s hours of labour in the baking hot Texas sun. How much is it worth to be able to read? If you couldn’t read would you dig Stanley’s hole for him if he offered to teach you?





How important is reading? Is it more or less important than maths? Try to find some research to back up your opinions and then decide if you think Zero and Stanley’s pact is a good deal.


Zero is very good at maths. I wonder if he could solve these puzzles. Send your answers over to us to be in with the chance of winning a prize!

Competition time

Page 21: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapters 23-26 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

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Page 22: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

When we hear about Miss Katherine Barlow, we’re seeing the dual narrative again. The book is beginning to link the two stories. Make a prediction if you can!

Make a wanted poster for ‘Kissin’ Kate Barlow’





Write a newspaper article about ‘Kissin’ Kate Barlow’ telling people to beware! You can revise newspaper articles here


There’s a lot of things you need to know to make sense of the story of Sam and Kate Barlow. In America, it was illegal for a black man and white woman to marry because of segregation. Have a look on Kiddle to find out all about it

You also need to know about the wild west

Imagine you are a tour guide that specialises in time travel. Write a brochure for travelling back to America in the early 1900s!

Page 23: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapters 27-29 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

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Page 24: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

Outlaws and misfits. Everyone in this book is a ‘bad guy’. Stanley is a criminal, Kate Barlow is an outlaw but we are on their side! Why is that?

Which character do you have the most sympathy for? Try to explain why.





Is Kate Barlow a bad guy? Try to explain your ideas and use quotes from the story. If you want to revise quotes, this is a brilliant revision guide


Often the way a writer uses words makes the reader feel sympathy or anger towards a character. In the olden days, highwaymen were thieves who robbed and murdered people for their money. Ostlers were people who worked with horses-kind and caring. In this famous poem ( by Alfred Noyes the words used to describe the Highwayman and the Ostler make the reader like the highwayman more.

Which words do you think make us like or dislike the characters in the poem?

What about the characters in Holes?

Page 25: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapter 30 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

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Page 26: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

What do we know about Zero?

Right through the story we build our understanding of characters. Can you create a character profile for Zero? You might like to make a Facebook profile page for him!

Who is your favourite character? Why do you like them so much? Can you make your own ‘Holes Top Trumps’ cards. Here are the instructions and templates

The green task is mild, the redis medium and the purple is hot!

Page 27: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapter 31-33 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

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Page 28: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

Friendship is a key idea or theme in this book. We all need our friends!

Make a collage all about friendship. You can draw, write or cut out your pictures.





Who is your best friend? Write a speech for your class explaining why they are your best friend!


Write a poem about friendship! If you need a reminder about the form of poem you might like to use, use this revision guide

Send us your work and we will publish

the best ones on our Facebook page!

Page 29: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapter 34-35 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

Page 30: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

Stanley has found Zero! That’s lucky! At least the two boys are together now.

Use the storyboard on the next page to retell Stanley’s journey to find Zero





Imagine these two chapters were a comic. Use the storyboard on the next page to create the comic


One of the key ideas in this story is the idea of equality. If Stanley’s parents were rich, he could have paid a fine and not gone to Camp Green Lake. If anyone cared about Zero Mr Pendanski couldn’t have hidden his records. But what does ‘equality’ mean to you? Research the idea of equality and answer this question:

What is equality?

Page 31: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity
Page 32: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapter 36-42 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

1 2 3 4

Page 33: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

The two boys’ story links! Their lives were already almost touching, maybe fate brought them together?

Right through the story we build our understanding of the main ideas and one of these is fate. Can find other examples of how fate brings people together in the story? You might like to answer the question ‘Why is fate important in the story?’ if you do, don’t forget to use quotes!

How artistic are you feeling? Create an image of the two boys on God’s thumb. You could paint, draw, build or photograph…we’d love to see your creations! There’s a tutorial here or you can use your imagination!

The green task is mild, the redis medium and the purple is hot!

Page 34: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapter 43-45 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

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Page 35: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

The Warden tells us more about her life, digging holes and searching for the gold that Kissing Kate Barlow buried.

Do you like The Warden? Can you explain why or why not?M





Do you have any sympathy for The Warden? Try to use quotes from the story.


In the story The Warden is the villain. We feel a bit sorry for her because her childhood was so rubbish but it doesn’t excuse her making other kids’ lives miserable! Lots of villains have a reason to be bad like the Joker in Batman. Can you design your own villain and write a comic strip showing why they are bad? You might enjoy this revision about narratives

Page 36: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

We’re going to read the story together!

You can read chapter 46-48 in the PDFORscan the QR code/click the link

1 2 3 4

Page 37: Advice for parents · • In Ysgol Treffynnon, every lesson has differentiated tasks which means that every child is fully included in the lesson and everyone has the opportunity

And that is the end of the story! The two narratives have joined, the curse is broken and the ending is happy! We hope you have enjoyed the book and some of the activities!

We would absolutely love it if you could write a review of the story! At Ysgol Treffynnon we use cross planning to plan our writing. Here is an example of a cross plan, you can use it to help you with your review.

Introduction What is the book called?Who wrote it?Has it won any awards?Which age group is it suitable for?

Plot synopsisWhat happens in the story? Who are the main characters?

*don’t give too much away!

Your opinionsWhich events did you enjoy most?Who were your favourite characters?If you could change anything about the story, what would it be?

ConclusionGive a rating-you could do a star rating like NetflixMake some recommendations e.g. you should set aside a whole day to read this book because you won’t be able to put it down!

We look forward to seeing you in September!

Send us your review for the chance to win

a prize

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