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Adecco logo Backgrounds Adecco brand guidelines | Version 2.0 | Our identity | 2.1.7

Adecco Red logos on white background Adecco Black logos on white background

The Adecco logos should only ever appear on a white background.

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Adecco logo Incorrect backgrounds Adecco brand guidelines | Version 2.0 | Our identity | 2.1.8

The Adecco logos should never appear on colour or black and white photographic backgrounds. The same applies for Adecco Grey or colour backgrounds.

Incorrect use of Adecco Red logos on colour photographic background

Incorrect use of Adecco Red logos on black and white photographic background

Incorrect use of Adecco Red logos on colour background

Incorrect use of Adecco Red logos on Adecco Grey background

(Page 1 of 2)

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Adecco logo Incorrect backgrounds Adecco brand guidelines | Version 2.0 | Our identity | 2.1.8(Page 2 of 2)

Incorrect use of Adecco Black logos on colour photographic background

Incorrect use of Adecco Black logos on black and white photographic background

Incorrect use of Adecco Black logos on colour background

Incorrect use of Adecco Black logos on Adecco Grey background

The Adecco logos should never appear on colour or black and white photographic backgrounds. The same applies for Adecco Grey or colour backgrounds.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit lamet adipis cing elit

Adecco logo Positioning

Advertisements and posters


The Adecco logo should always be ranged left. It can be placed top, middle or bottom left, depending on the application.

TV end frame



Adecco brand guidelines | Version 2.0 | Our identity | 2.1.9

Adecco Company Name12 The Street, Town Name,City PostCode, CountryTelephone +41 12 345 67 89Fax +41 12 345 67

Legal information goes here

Name SurnameCompany Name12 The StreetTown NameCountyAB1 2CD

00 Month 2007

Dear Member

Subject title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam purus risus, molestie dapibus,dignissim a, feugiat sit amet, elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultricesposuere cubilia Curae; Mauris mollis libero quis quam. Maecenas ultricies. Duis dignissim, arcuadipiscing porta auctor, leo eros pulvinar nulla, id consequat urna pede at elit. Integer dictum,tellus sed rutrum porta, tellus arcu lacinia ante, sed feugiat ante massa commodo felis. Curabiturmolestie porta purus. Pellentesque vel mi. Curabitur blandit neque sit amet diam. Suspendissepulvinar nisl a odio. Sed ornare.

Phasellus risus. Fusce eget justo sed velit auctor sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum elementumenim. Vivamus sit amet ante eget pede interdum ornare. Quisque sollicitudin. Aliquam at maurisnon tellus mattis fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec at nisl in metus sagittisfaucibus. Nullam purus. In arcu nisi, hendrerit a, mollis non, dapibus in, odio.

Fusce elementum. Donec eleifend molestie ante. Morbi justo augue, dapibus sit amet, vestibuluma, luctus vitae, leo. Praesent ut nibh. Pellentesque vehicula sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque habitantmorbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eu elit vitae massafaucibus ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames acturpis egestas. Donec sollicitudin pretium ipsum. Aliquam nisl leo, varius interdum, varius vitae,ullamcorper at, nunc. Aliquam elit. Cras porta, massa ornare fringilla viverra, orci enim tinciduntsem, ut euismod eros nulla quis nisl. Maecenas iaculis. Sed imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

Yours sincerely

Name Surname

Lorem ipsum dolor sit lamet adipis cing elit

Um zzrillamet, quis nit alit auguer sim doluptat ut acinis nummy nullaorem nim quatet, sendio delit essisl dit lum ilissequat. Re magnisit adipit, consecte eugue veriure dolorem vel ing ea feugiamet.

Dolobortie tie dio ea ametum qui bla feum del ip ea at. Guerilla feugait, con utetum irit eugiam dolendio conum nullaReet amet auguer si elendre tis num incipit augiatue dolent irit la alis augiam iustin el et voloreet nisl ullamcore velit, consed dolor suscilla faccum delestissim vel ipsum iusto ea.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit um zzrillamet quis nit alit auguer

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Adecco logo What not to do Adecco brand guidelines | Version 2.0 | Our identity | 2.1.10

Don’t change the shape of the logo. Don’t recolour the logo. Don’t change the colour of the business line or go-to-market name.

Don’t use a different typeface for business line or go-to-market name.

Don’t change the logo configuration for business line or go-to-market name.

Don’t write our goal over two lines. Don’t invent new logo configurations. Don’t recolour our goal.

Don’t use parts of the logo, to create other graphics.

Don’t use the logo, or part of the logo, to create other graphics.

Don’t take the Adecco name out of the logo.

Below are a number of examples of what not to do with the Adecco logo.

It is impossible to include every eventuality. This is a guide only illustrating the most common misuses.

Don’t reverse out the logo.

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Adecco logo Special use outline version Adecco brand guidelines | Version 2.0 | Our identity | 2.1.11

The Adecco logo should always appear on a white background. The outline version of the logo has been created for exceptional use only. These logos can be used on third-party materials where there is limited control over the use of colour and photography on backgrounds.

There are two versions of the outline version logo; without goal and with goal.

Each version has a black outline version and a white outline version. Use whichever version contrasts best with the background.

Adecco outline logo (Black) on light background


Adecco outline logo (White) on dark background


Adecco outline logo with our goal (Black)

Adecco_logo_outline_goal_BLACK.eps Adecco_logo_outline_goal_WHITE.eps

Adecco outline logo with our goal (White)

Exclusion zone

The exclusion zone around the Adecco outline logo is dictated by half the height of the logo above, below and either side of the logo.

Minimum size

The minimum size of the Adecco outline logo and the Adecco outline logo with our goal is 10mm.


For approval to use the outline version logo please contact Global Branding.

All artworks are set at 100mm to ensure scaling is easy. For example, to size logo to 25mm, scale artwork by 25%.

All logo artwork files can be downloaded by clicking on the Downloads button.

Adecco logo Special use outline version, examples of use Adecco brand guidelines | Version 2.0 | Our identity | 2.1.12

> Downloads

NOT FINAL TEMPLATEReceive from MHTrim size: 6x8; this temp. based on 6x9

ISBN-13: 978-0-07-148633-0ISBN-10: 0-07-148633-X

9 7 8 0 07 1 4 8 63 3 0

5 2 4 9 5

10mm 20mm

Example of use on book jacket from a third-party publisher

Adecco outline logo used on different colour polo shirts for team identification at a special event. In this situation there will be no control over the background colour.

Special events

Adecco outline logo used on a book jacket from a third-party publisher. In this situation there will be no control over the background photography or colour.

Below are examples of where the Adecco outline logo could be used.

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Adecco logo Special use outline version, how not to use Adecco brand guidelines | Version 2.0 | Our identity | 2.1.13

Don’t use the Adecco outline logo on any Adecco communications.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit lamet adipis cing elitLorem ipsum dolor sit lamet adipis cing elit ipsum dolor sit lamet adipis cing elit

Don’t use Adecco Red for the Adecco outline logo.

Don’t add business line or go-to-market names to the Adecco outline logo.

Don’t use the version with the least contrast to the background in third-party materials.

Don’t use the version with the least contrast to the background in third-party materials.

Below are a number of examples of what not to do with the Adecco outline logo.

It is impossible to include every eventuality. This is a guide only illustrating the most common misuses.

Don’t add an infill colour to the Adecco outline logo.

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