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EcoRes Forum Call for Action

Achieving Global

Climate Justice

in the 21st Century

EcoRes Forum

Exploring the Ethical, Political,

and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Climate Change

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Our Story Since its foundation in 2006, the EcoRes Forum’s development has been guided by the encouragement and support

of a global network of concerned citizens working at all levels and in all fields on climate change, environmental justice,

sustainable living, and human and animal rights. The Forum’s primary objective is to empower each participant, widening

individual circles of influence, by providing and utilizing new media and Web 2.0 technology. Team members conduct

ongoing issue research, develop and host an online e-conference series and strive to raise awareness both locally and

globally on these topics.

Our Mission

In keeping with our foundational philosophy of ecocentric environmental ethics and commitment to the principles of

social equity and environmental justice;

by leveraging the potential of new media by providing an easily accessible global platform for discussion

and access to subject experts;

by involving global stakeholders in global issue discussions by circumventing the logistical and financial

barriers of traditional dialogue interactions;

by building ongoing connections and networks between these actors;

by crossing borders, whether disciplinary, philosophical, or geopolitical; and

by maintaining a results-oriented focus;

the goals of the EcoRes Forum are:

to level the field of discourse by moving it to a space whose boundaries are set only by our own creativity;

to promote awareness, public dialogue and the free exchange and exploration of ideas, knowledge and issues

related to climate change;

to leave all participants with something of value, whether knowledge, best practices, or a new perspective,

that can be put to use immediately to improve efforts in their individual fields; and

by so doing, to contribute to taking the environmental movement to the next level and thereby, in some small

way, to assist in preventing further extreme climate change.

Online E-Conference Series

The purpose of this series is to provide an easily accessible platform for moderated dialogues among global stakeholders,

many of whom are far too often under-represented at both discussion and decision-making venues. Conducted online or

by email, e-conferences encourage wide participation by circumventing the logistical hurdles of place-based conference

formats. Plenary discussions are led through a progressive framework of questions and focus points by a moderating team.

Breakout conversations and related workshops are hosted by session leaders or teams.

For EcoRes, a key component is the "green" nature of this medium, allowing interaction without requiring printed

materials, international air travel, or other extensive resource use.

Currently Scheduled & Past E-Conferences

Climate Change and You: Putting a Face on Global Warming | EcoRes E-Conference, 17-30 April 2009

Environmental (In)Justice: Sources, Symptoms, and Solutions | EcoRes E-Conference, 11-24 April 2008

From Anthropocentrism to Ecocentrism: Making the Shift | EcoRes E-Conference, 14-30 April 2007

EcoRes Forum

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The EcoRes Forum Call for Action

Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Our Vision

We, an international group of academics and activists, scientists and social justice advocates, government and community

leaders, professionals and concerned citizens, assembled on the EcoRes Forum virtual platform in April 2007 to discuss

the ethical, political, and socio-cultural aspects of climate change and to forge a common vision and action plan.

We hereby commit ourselves to the development and implementation of a climate justice agenda for the 21st century,

and we call upon the world's citizens to join with us in this commitment.

Specifically we commit to the following:

To strengthen the ties between the developed countries and the poorer countries and to work collaboratively

across geographical, cultural, religious, and political borders to alleviate the impacts of climate change;

To urge all relevant parties to take immediate action to reduce greenhouse gases as rapidly as possible in

order to minimize the impact of climate change;

To make the issues of climate change and climate justice a top priority, not only during this crucial window

of opportunity, but also over the coming decades when we will have to confront the increasing impacts of

climate change;

To take a systems approach in dealing with the many-faceted issues connected to and exacerbated by the

climate crisis, including issues concerning public health, the alleviation of poverty, food security, social

and material equity, and much more;

To develop communication, diplomatic and intercultural sensitivity skills in order to help all human beings

achieve a better understanding of the risks and uncertainties associated with global climate change, as well

as potential options for addressing and managing the risks;

To leverage our collective abilities and advantages, taking practical action using the tools and knowledge

currently available, while continuing to explore and refine related philosophical and theoretical


To foster the idea of world citizenship, with its accompanying privileges and benefits, rights, and


To raise awareness about the socio-cultural dimensions of climate change and climate justice by reaching

across geographical, cultural, religious, and political borders in an effort to build enduring bridges among

global stakeholders who will be most impacted by climate change;

To forge a common vision and action plan for moving forward in addressing these issues, whether

individually, socially, politically or economically, by adopting a transdisciplinary, multi-track, multi-level

approach that involves and empowers global stakeholders;

To seek out and promote specific rationales, actions, and policies aimed at mitigating the intensity of future

climate change and reducing its adverse impacts on vulnerable socioeconomic and ecological systems, at all

levels ranging from the global to the local;

To mobilize our combined resources, knowledge, and wisdom to deal with the many-faceted aspects of the

climate crisis; to bring these aspects to the attention of our communities, leaders, decision makers,

scientists, and youth, for this generation as well as for future generations; to call public attention to the

many aspects of the climate crisis and stimulate public debate and discussion about key issues, and engage

the public in determining and implementing climate solutions; to call for the commitment of societal and

economic resources to meet the needs of the climate crisis; and

We, an international group of academics and activists, scientists and social justice advocates, government and community leaders,

professionals and concerned citizens, assembled on the EcoRes Forum virtual platform in April 2007 to discuss the ethical, political,

and socio-cultural aspects of climate change and to forge a common vision and action plan...

Initial draft: Mary C. Leyser, Mary Lou Finley, Wendy Lynne Lee, Mohan Munasinghe, W. Malcolm Byrnes, Frederic L. Bender.

Final compilation based on Forum feedback. Special thanks to Denis Aheto, Don Brown, Jacqueline Ceccon, Caroline Graham, Paul Lussier, David Sabin, and Ashwani Vasishth.

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To focus on not only minimizing the negative aspects of social injustice, but also promoting and acting on

the positive elements of sustainable socio-cultural, environmental, and economic practices, to share our

vision of a new world in which global citizens will work together to combat the clear evidence of growing

unsustainability at all levels, including poverty, social inequity and environmental degradation, and to

demonstrate that our combined wisdom and effort can have lasting positive effects towards fostering a

more sustainable future on our increasingly interdependent planet.

With the above in mind, we call upon leaders in each of the following areas to take action to the fullest extent of their

abilities and in all possible capacities.

To Local and National Governmental Leaders & Policy-Makers

To the United Nations

To NGOs, Grassroots Activists & Professional Advocates

To the Research, Training & Education Sectors

To Religious Leaders & Communities

To the Business, Industrial, Financial & Private Enterprise Sectors

To the Media, Entertainment & Communication Sectors

To all Concerned Citizens

To Local and National Governmental Leaders & Policy-Makers

Given that the most devastating social, economic, and environmental consequences will fall on the poorest countries

who have not only contributed least to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but whose economic fortunes are significantly

impacted by Western development and values, Western nations have a moral and ethical obligation to take the lead in

developing a comprehensive and systematic plan of action for GHG reduction. Moreover, because Western industrial-

ization is itself responsible for the lion’s share of GHG production, nations benefiting from this industry bear greater

responsibility than nations that do not.

We call upon all political leaders and policy-makers:

To take a long-term, cross-border perspective that aims to see beyond immediate, parochial problems and

the next electoral cycle, and shows a willingness to cross party lines to craft joint action on the basis of the

shared conviction that these supranational challenges demand both intra- and international cooperation at a

level never before achieved;

To campaign for safe, peaceful, sustainable, and economically viable geographical spaces in which the

basic essentials of food and water, clothing, shelter, and health care are made available equitably;

To advocate for human, civil, social, political and economic rights consistent with the UN Charter,

recognizing that basic human needs must be met if we are to effectively address global climate issues;

To collaborate with the UN and other transnational and national institutions and networks both in

complying with existing international environmental and social protocols and conventions, and in actively

monitoring member compliance of the same;

To make the strongest possible commitment to stabilizing greenhouse gases at the critical levels identified

by ongoing scientific research;

To listen to the concerns of those most vulnerable to and affected by climate change, and to incorporate

these concerns in the decision-making process while simultaneously ensuring that equal access to and

participation in these platforms both exists and takes place;

To incorporate ethical principles as well as social and environmental justice components in deliberations

in all democratic decision- and policy-making fora;

To take a four-prong approach of prevention, mitigation, ecological restoration, and adaptation, each

where applicable, in planning and action programs;

To address underlying economic and social issues, including fully implementing the 1948 Universal

Declaration of Human Rights, with special focus on minority and gender rights and social equity issues,

particularly in education, labor, empowerment, and access to resources;

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To immediately begin work on alternative, sustainable energy policies, making use of existing technol-

ogies while continuing to research and explore new possibilities;

To develop a crash program to accelerate the development of renewable and advanced energy technologies

and to shift to these technologies as rapidly as possible, offering government incentives to promote this

process as needed;

To halt energy subsidies associated with fossil fuels, and ensure that the hidden, additional environmental

costs associated with their use are fully accounted for in energy decision-making, thereby promoting the

development and adoption of less carbon-intensive energy sources;

To develop, approve and enforce new regulations requiring serious energy conservation for automobiles

and households and industrial uses of electricity;

To work with environmental and social justice civil society organizations (CSOs) to protect natural

resources and diverse ecosystems, from wetlands to rainforests, from oceans to deserts, protecting these

systems from further over-exploitation and unsustainable use;

To cooperate with businesses, CSOs and government agencies in exploring the economic aspects of

climate issues, recognizing the greater cost of maintaining the status quo and identifying the positive

economic outcomes of proactive approaches, as well as considering alternative sustainable approaches

to current systems and structures;

To ensure that each community and nation is free to choose its own approach to these issues within a

sustainable development framework that balances social, environmental and economic concerns, relying

more on local solutions, consulting local experts, and involving sustainable local resources, rather than

using an outward-looking approach; and

To provide publicly supported education systems with the resources necessary to incorporate the above


To the United Nations

We call upon the UN:

To strengthen partnerships with national governments and CSOs;

To expand and empower structures for monitoring compliance with international environmental and social

protocols and conventions through treaty bodies, as well as non-conventional mechanisms such as Special


To accelerate structural and procedural reforms in order to regain the trust and confidence of those parties

that the UN wishes to engage and influence in this intergovernmental forum;

To empower CSOs, as the representatives particularly of underrepresented global constituencies, through

the guarantee of broader access to and expanded rights and opportunities for involvement at global

platforms, including the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the UN (CONGO); and

To guide and assist national governments in providing safe, peaceful, sustainable, and economically viable

venues in which citizens may cooperate in addressing climate change challenges.

To NGOs, Grassroots Activists & Professional Advocates

In our efforts to change attitudes, policies, and institutions as we educate, advocate and operate, we call upon our

global civil society at all levels:

To recognize the significant expansion of CSOs’ status during the last decades and the responsibilities

that accompany this expanded role;

To look beyond organizational and political obstacles to our forging better and more synergistic

interconnections, and to actively cultivate and exploit these synergies, building coalitions and taking joint

action for the good of all concerned;

To actively incorporate a diversity of views in our work, tapping into our experience and wisdom as we

overcome falsely propagated geographical and social divisions;

To help raise the voices and concerns of the underrepresented and marginalized peoples most negatively

affected by governmental and industrial decision-making in order to concretely incorporate these concerns

in future decision-making;

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To focus our creative energies and convictions in order to identify key areas and effectively achieve and

implement shared objectives by forming and/or joining local, national and international coalitions and


To use the materials developed by the educational/training sector, as well as those developed within our

own sector, to educate policy-makers, citizens, and students at all levels, and to use our networks and

contacts to promote and share these materials;

To empower our constituencies, through education and training, to explore alternative livelihood

possibilities, particularly in areas in which traditional livelihoods are based on unsustainable practices and

resources that may soon no longer be available;

To actively reach out to those in positions of influence, whether religious, political, or communal, to make

the voices of environmental responsibility heard, to be willing to take risks and criticism while doing so,

and to promote participatory, grassroots democracy as key to progress in all areas;

To decrease duplication of effort, and, where overlap is identified, to seek joint cooperation with religious,

community, and development groups in order to most effectively use resources, whether human, material,

or financial; to use communicative technology like the Internet more effectively in these united efforts;

To develop our leadership, managerial, organizational, communication, operational and relationship-

building skills in order to put our resources to the most effective use;

To increase our sectoral and organizational professionalism, accountability and transparency to earn the

trust of those a) we hope to reach and b) from whom we seek support;

To leverage the catalyzing potential of new media in order to widen our reach and potential impact in

addition to the tools already at our disposal;

To develop a sectoral support system to maintain our “production capacity”: methods and approaches to

training, evaluation, and empowerment, including an emotional/social component, in order to prevent

burnout and issue exhaustion and to maintain enthusiasm and motivation;

To identify and incorporate, where possible, logical, rational bases for our efforts, in order to widen our

reach and overcome the stereotype that only extremists and nonconformists take part in environmentally

motivated endeavors;

To strengthen partnerships with the UN and national governments while actively monitoring compliance

with international environmental protocols and conventions; and

To establish and empower witnessing systems to raise our voices if/when deviation from or abuse of these

conventions occurs.

To the Research, Training & Education Sectors

We call upon scholars, professors, teachers and trainers:

To use their positions wisely, with particular attention to those junctures at which environmental issues

intersect with other aspects of their professional concerns in the interest of reaching both within and

beyond their circles of influence;

To look beyond personal issues of competition for funding, tenure, and personal prestige in addressing

these urgent issues;

To acknowledge disciplinary and philosophical differences while working at a higher, more foresightful

and cooperative level; where necessary, to adopt a two-prong approach in looking at what must be done

now, and what can be done in the future;

To develop a common language to be used in cross-disciplinary and intercultural efforts, as well as in

outreach to policy makers and the general public;

To undertake research on the apathy, pessimism and seeming paralysis that often accompanies discussion

on these issues, identifying underlying sources as well as methods and approaches to offset and overcome

this condition;

To develop educational curricula and materials with an environmental education component in mind,

seeking to identify creative ways to capture the minds and imaginations of students of all ages and


To develop open-access materials that can be tailored to multiple audiences and to make those materials

available to both academy and community in the form of publications, models, lectures, seminars,

workshops, and so on;

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To actively reach across international and disciplinary borders in researching and addressing trans-

disciplinary issues, as well as suggesting policy and identifying implications of the same;

To call on academic and research institutions to develop students’ skills in and knowledge of the value

and necessity of transdisciplinary approaches, cultivating a holistic mindset in future academic circles;

To train teachers on these principles, who in turn may train their students, cultivating a culturally sensitive,

open-minded and caring generation, aware of and responsible to their societies and to the planet;

To take a two-prong approach in their efforts by incorporating both theoretical and practical aspects in

a transdisciplinary, cooperative framework; when focusing on specifics, to always bear in mind these


To take part in international initiatives on related topics both theoretical and practical; and

To work to develop diverse leadership in the field among students and faculty alike.

To Religious Leaders and Communities

We call upon religious leaders and communities:

To use their highly influential positions responsibly, with great awareness of their potential to reach those

within their faiths around the world;

To cultivate the “caretaker” principle recognized by religious leaders as a spiritual imperative;

To look beyond doctrinal, philosophical and political differences in seeking to address these global threats,

reaching across religious and social boundaries to build coalitions based on shared values, such as seen in

the historically momentous “Joint Declaration on the Environment” by Pope John Paul II and Orthodox

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople;

To teach these principles to their congregations, cultivating culturally sensitive, caring communities of

open-minded individuals, aware of their place in and responsibility for the planet and to society at large;

To incorporate the principle of the oneness of humanity and its implications in their teachings; and

To join interfaith and ecumenical groups in joint educational, development, mediation and action-oriented

initiatives on climate justice issues.

To the Business, Industrial, Financial & Private Enterprise Sectors

Recognizing how deeply embedded and integrated these sectors are in our economic structures, we call upon leaders,

managers, and individual entrepreneurs at all levels:

To use their positions and resources to educate and influence those they interact with locally, nationally

and internationally;

To partner with national and community organizations as well as governments in implementing the

development of sustainable communities around the world;

To study, develop and implement sustainable and socially and environmentally responsible business

models; to consider alternative sustainable approaches to current business, financial, and economic

systems and structures;

To adopt a triple bottom line reporting structure, looking beyond profit margins and quarterly dividends

to the full potential and impact of their operations;

To take corporate social responsibility seriously by looking to successful models of corporations who

have incorporated this element into their manufacturing and service, taking socially conscious stands

and getting involved in local communities to help address underlying social issues that may be blocking

progressing on climate issues;

To commit to supporting those actively working on these issues – and follow through;

To cooperate with governments and civil society in exploring the economic aspects of climate issues,

recognizing the far greater cost of maintaining the status quo and identifying the positive economic

outcomes of proactive approaches; and

To be leaders of tomorrow by setting an example for others in their sector to follow.

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To the Media, Entertainment & Communication Sectors

We call upon players in the entertainment and mass media sectors:

To look beyond economic and competitive personal and industrial concerns;

To utilize their considerable influence to bring attention to global climate change and its related social

justice issues;

To use their highly influential positions responsibly, with great sensitivity to and awareness of their ability

to reach individuals around the world;

To inform the public about these issues in ways that neither sensationalize nor underestimate the urgency

of action, the necessity of change, and the possibilities of a new-and-improved sustainable world;

To engage the public in widespread educational campaigns to encourage personal and household changes

as well as changes within the industry;

To make available open-access, equal-time platforms to increase public awareness and dialogue on these

issues, via print, radio, Internet, television, digital and other formats;

To develop educational materials and tools for use on these same platforms (DVDs, films, videos, radio

programs, books, journals, study guides, and so on);

To identify and make use of new channels to reach previously inaccessible audiences with up-to-date,

scientifically accurate, socially responsible, and economically viable findings related to these topics; and

To provide both technological know-how and resources to facilitate communication about and action on

these issues, especially in those areas in which lack of modern technologies most greatly hamper related


To All Concerned Citizens

Citizens of those nations most responsible for generating greenhouse gases have a particular moral obligation to

change their practices, especially as the damage is most likely to fall most heavily on the poorer countries of the

world who have done little to contribute to the problem. We call upon all concerned citizens:

To inform ourselves about these issues in order to ensure the most accurate possible understanding of what

impact is implied for each of us, for our families, for our communities and nations;

To cultivate our critical thinking skills and learn about the scientific research and publication processes in

order to effectively evaluate the viewpoints voiced by all camps;

To educate ourselves about the interdependent and profoundly fragile web of life, our place in it and our

responsibility to it, as well as to current and future generations;

To examine our personal sets of beliefs, attitudes, and convictions in relation to our natural world to

determine if our priorities and perspectives are accurate, and to adjust – even jettison – them if necessary;

To look at our individual social and economic positions to determine how and where we can have the most

positive impact and then to take action;

To calculate our personal carbon footprints and reduce them where possible and offset them where


To share our new knowledge with those in our communities via discussion groups, and by engaging

political, business and community leaders in public dialogues;

To hold our elected representative and political leaders accountable for their mandated responsibilities as

leaders of our societies, and to let them know how we intend to do so;

To cultivate a “think global, act local” mindset by actively engaging in cross-cultural exchanges;

To exercise our right to vote, at the ballot booth as well as with our bank accounts, in terms of what we

buy, where we buy it, which investments we make, and which causes and industries we support;

To encourage further political participation, by writing local and national politicians, by encouraging

involvement by educated voters and those willing to enter the public arena, by identifying local

politicians’ stand on these issues and educating local voters accordingly;

To get involved with local grassroots organizations, from environmental groups to political parties, from

religious and philosophical organizations to educational initiatives (those who cannot become actively

involved can provide financial and other resources);

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As parents, to teach these principles to our children in order to cultivate a culturally sensitive, open-

minded and caring generation aware of their place in and responsibility to society and their home, Planet

Earth; and

To recognize that these changes will carry a price tag and be willing to pitch in on the costs (such as

increased taxes for education, energy, and social programs), recognizing that just as each person will

benefit, so too must each person contribute.

We leave this Forum with the belief that we have laid a preliminary foundation for our future joint endeavors, and with a

renewed sense of urgency and commitment to action on our common objectives based on shared values and mutual goals.

We have gained a refreshed recognition that we can make a difference, if we begin now, and if we work together.

As participants in the EcoRes Forum, we commit to sharing this vision with all those within our circles of influence and

by incorporating these principles in our personal lives. We invite those who share our vision to join us.

Are you waking up?

Endorse the Call: Visit

All interested parties are invited to endorse the Call and join the Forum. By becoming an EcoRes Endorser you will find

yourself among a special group of like-minded, socially concerned and action-oriented global citizens.

What does endorsing the Call mean? It means that you agree with and personally commit to the following:

We, an international group of academics and activists, scientists and social justice advocates, government and

community leaders, professionals and concerned citizens, hereby commit ourselves to the development and imple-

mentation of a climate justice agenda for the 21st century, and we call upon the world's citizens and leaders to join

with us in this commitment to take action to the fullest extent of our abilities and in all possible capacities.

I've endorsed the Call. Now what?

As an EcoRes Endorser, we ask you to select one action area from the Call that best represents your present field of

influence, in which you will actively promote the Call and its underlying principles. In addition, we ask you to join the

Forum's activities whenever possible, and to strive to apply these principles in your personal life and professional


Thank you for joining us, and welcome to the Forum! We appreciate your support and the opportunity to share this

global initiative with you.

Your EcoRes Forum Team

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William Aal (SL-2008)

Principal Associate, Tools for Change

and the Community Alliance for

Global Justice, Seattle, WA, USA

John P. Allen, FLS (P-2007)

Chairman, Global Ecotechnics Corp.; Co-

founder of Biosphere 2; former EC/Director,

Biospheric Research Development, USA

Maria Adebowale (SL-2008)

Director, Capacity Global, London,


Julian Agyeman, Ph.D. FRSA (P-2008)

Associate Professor & Chair, Dept of Urban

and Environmental Policy and Planning,

Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA

Gotelind Alber (P-2008)

Consultant and researcher, gendercc -

women for climate justice, Berlin,


Frederic L. Bender, Ph.D. (P-2007)

Professor, University of Colorado,

Department of Philosophy, Colorado

Springs, CO, USA

Clemente G. Bautista Jr. (P-2008)

Kalikasan - People's Network for the

Environment (Kalikasan-PNE),

Quezon City, Philippines

Jeremy Bendik-Keymer, Ph.D. (SL-2008)

Professor, American University of Sharjah,

Sharjah, UAE, and LeMoyne College,

Syracuse, New York, NY, USA

Patrick Bond, Ph.D. (P-2008)

Professor & Director, Centre for Civil

Society, School of Development

Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal,

Durban, South Africa

Donald A. Brown, Esq. (P-2007)

Project Coordinator, Collaborative Program

on the Ethical Dimensions of Climate

Change, Rock Ethics Institute, Penn State

University; Harrisburg, PA, USA

Robert D. Bullard, Ph.D. (P-2008)

Director, Environmental Justice

Resource Center, Clark Atlanta

University, Atlanta, GA, USA

W. Malcolm Byrnes, Ph.D. (P-2007)

Professor, Dept of Biochemistry and

Molecular Biology, Howard University

College of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA

John Cairns, Jr., Ph.D. (P-2007)

Professor Emeritus, Dept of Biological

Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg,


Michael K. Dorsey, Ph.D. (P-2008)

Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies,

Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA

Mary Lou Finley, Ph.D. (P-2007)

Professor, Antioch University, Seattle,


Lev Fishelson (P-2007)

Professor Emeritus, Department of Zoology,

Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Michael Frome, Ph.D. (P-2007)

Author, educator & conservationist,

Port Washington, WI, USA

Roger S. Gottlieb, Ph.D. (P-2008)

Professor, Dept of Humanities, Worcester

Polytechnic, Worcester, MA, USA

Featured Panelists

& Session Leaders

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Dr. Lori Gruen (P-2008)

Associate Professor of Philosophy;

Chair, Feminist, Gender and Sexuality

Studies; Director, Ethics in Society

Project; Wesleyan University,

Middletown, CT, USA

Dr. Minu Hemmati (P-2008)

gendercc- women for climate justice, LIFE

e.V., Berlin, Germany

Nazmul Huq, MPA (SL-2008)

Unnayan Onneshan, Dhaka,


Wendy Lynne Lee, Ph.D. (P-2007, CoFacilitator-2008)

Professor, Dept of Philosophy, University

of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, PA, USA

John Lemons, Ph.D. (P-2007)

Professor, Biology and Environmental

Science, Department of Environmental

Studies, University of New England,

Biddeford, ME, USA

Joan Mencher, Ph.D. (SL-2008)

Cultural Anthropologist, Emerita Professor

of Anthropology, Lehman College of

CUNY/CUNY Graduate Center; The Second

Chance Foundation, New York, NY, USA

Mr. Wally Menne (P-2008)

Chairperson, Timberwatch Coalition,

Mayville, South Africa

Ted Mosquin, Ph.D. (P-2007)

Co-author, A Manifesto for Earth; Senior

author, Canada's Biodiversity 1995;

Anthology of Ecospheric Earth-Ethics;

Lanark, Ontario, Canada

Prof. Mohan Munasinghe (P-2007)

Chair, Munasinghe Institute for

Development, Sri Lanka; Vice Chair,

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change; Honorary Senior Advisor,

Government of Sri Lanka, Colombo

Dr. Chukwumerije Okereke (P-2008)

Senior Research Associate, Tyndall Center

HQ, Zuckerman Institute for Connective

Environmental Research, School of Environ-

mental Sciences, University of East Anglia,

Norwich, UK

Olga Osadchuk (SL-2008)

Chair, EEIU Sevastopol Green Planet

Task Force, Sevastopol, Russia

(Credit: Yoni Brook/

The New York Times)

Andrew C. Revkin (P-2007)

Environment Reporter, The New York

Times, New York, NY, USA

Ulrike Roehr (P-2008)

gendercc - women for climate justice,

LIFE e.V., Berlin, Germany

David I. Rome (P-2007)

Managing Director, Program Initiatives

Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY, USA

Asutosh Satpathy, PhD (SL-2008)

President, Resource Development

Centre, New Delhi, India

Steve Sawyer (P-2008)

Secretary General, Global Wind Energy

Council, Brussels, Belgium

Allen Thompson, Ph.D. (SL-2008)

Assistant Professor of Philosophy,

Clemson University, Clemson, SC,


Karen J. Warren, Ph.D. (P-2007)

Professor, Philosophy Department,

Macalester College, St. Paul, MN, USA

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Dr. Merita Dollma, Researcher,

Geographic Studies Centre,

Academy of Sciences, Tirana

Ms. Lavdosh Ferruni, Agricultural

economist, Tirana

Dr. Haki Kola, National

Association of Communal Forest,



Mr. Lucas Di Pietro Paolo,

Ministry of Health, Buenos Aires,

Buenos Aires

Dr. Daniel Gonzalez, Foundation

"NA-CUL" (NAture & CULture),

Ramos Mejia, Buenos Aires

Ms. Victoria Marini, Engineer,

Dept Head, Clean Development

Strategy Dept, Science and

Technology Division, Universidad

de La Punta, Ciudad de la Punta,

Provincia d San Luis

Dr. Pablo Rodriguez, CONICET /

Universidad Nacional de San Juan,

Rivadavia, San Juan

Prof. Juan Serra Lahunsembarne,

Sociologist, Universidad Nacional

de Tres de Febrero, Autònoma de

Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires


Ms. Eva Martirosyan, Press

coordinator, FPWC, Yerevan


Dr. Uma Acharya, Research

fellow, University of Melbourne,

Melbourne, Victoria

Mr. William Adlong, PhD Student,

Wagga Wagga, NSW

Dr. Leila Alem, Commonwealth

Scientific and Industrial Research

Organisation (CSIRO), Sydney

Dr. Ingvar Anda, Caritas Australia,

Canberra, ACT

Mr. Joseph Asbury, Farming,

Student of history, ASBURY 101,

City of Joondalup, Ballajura,

Western Australia

Ms. Angela Ballard, Social Action

Office, Brisbane, QLD

Mr. Colin Berryman, Western

Sydney Regional Organisation of

Councils, Blacktown, NSW

Dr. Janis Birkeland, Professor of

Architecture, School of Design,

Queensland University of

Technology, Brisbane, QLD

Ms. Wendy Bradshaw,

Biodiversity Implementation

Officer, Greening Australia (WA),

Tambellup, Western Australia

Mr. Miguel Brandao, Researcher,

University/Melbourne, Melbourne

Mr. Alvin Bubendorfer,

HORIZONT3000, St. Johann/PG

Prof. Jason Byrne, Griffith

University, Gold Coast, QLD

Ms. Kylie Cheah, BSc Student

(Environmental Forensics), Edith

Cowan University, Western


Mr. Kerry Cochrane, Academic,

Orange, NSW

Dr. Kevin Cox, Edentiti Pty Ltd,

Ngunnawal, ACT

Ms. Tammie Davidson, Darwin,

Northern Territory

Prof. Padmasiri de Silva,

Professor, Monash University,

CAPAV, Springvale, VIC

Mr. Norm Dixon, Activist, Green

Left Weekly, Blackheath, NSW

Mr. Graham Douglas, Integrative

Federation, Ipswich, QLD

Ms. Hannah Elvery, Student,

Brisbane, QLD

Prof. Ian Enting, The University

of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC

Mr. Mathew Gaddes, Student,

University of Sydney, Granville,


Ms. Chantelle Gibellini, Student,

Cannington, Western Australia

Ms. Caroline Graham, Retired

politics lecturer, Douglas Park,


EcoRes Forum Participants

Page 13: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Dr. Huade Guan, Lecturer,

Flinders University of South

Australia, Adelaide

Ms. Nardia Haigh, Professor, The

University of Queensland, QLD

Prof. Elery Hamilton-Smith,

Charles Sturt University, World

Commission on Protected Areas,

Carlton South, Victoria

Mr. Geoffrey Haselhurst, Natural

philosopher (metaphysics,

theoretical physics, evolution)

Mr. Vince Heffernan, Biogynamic

farmer, Student, University of

Sydney, Dalton, NSW

Ms. Shannon Hepperlin, CSR

Officer, Wesley Mission, Sydney,


Mr. Jeremy Hill, Lawson, NSW

Mr. Erland Howden, Nature

Conservation Council of NSW,

Sydney, NSW

Ms. Belinda James, Masters

Student in Environment, Monash

University, Melbourne

Miss Sara Jellie, Pricewaterhouse-

Coopers Legal, Sydney, NSW

Mr. Brad Jessup, Australian

National University, College of

Law, Canberra, Capital Territory

Dr. Glenys Livingstone, Cultural

Development and Ritual

Facilitator, Springwood, NSW

Ms. Christina Macpherson,

Caulfield South, Victoria

Mr. Steve Magyar, Councillor,

Local Government, Heathridge

Ms. Anu Malaviya, Student, Curtin

University/Technology, Perth, WA

Mr. Will Mooney, Tourism

worker, Forest campaigner,

Huonville, Tasmania

Dr. Melissa Nursey-Bray, Social

Science for Climate Change

Research Network (SSCCRN),

AMC, Launceston, Tasmania

Dr. Bob Pokrant, Curtin University

of Technology, Perth, WA

Dr. Chris Phillips, Retired builder,

Tanawha, QLD

Prof. Klaus Rohde, Professor,

zoology, University of New

England - Armidale, Zoology,

Armidale, NSW

Mr. David Sabin, Sea Dragon

Holdings PL, Karuah, NSW

Mr. Kim Satchell, Academic,

Teacher, Centre for Peace and

Social Justice, Woolgoolga, NSW

Mr. Matt Seaman, Salvation Army,

University of Queensland, QLD

Ms. Annette Shears, International

Presentation Association,

Brisbane, Queensland

Mr. Paul Snow, Legal Aid,

Melbourne, Victoria

Dr. Jan Stenton, University of

Southern Queensland, QLD

Ms. Hayley Stevenson, University

of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA

Mr. Chacko Thomas, Murdoch

University, Perth, WA

Mr. Tony Smith, Glen Forrest, WA

Prof. John Wiseman, Director,

McCaughey Centre, University of

Melbourne, Melbourne

Dr. Fiona Young, Dept of Medical

Biotechnology Flinders University,

Adelaide, South Australia


Mr. Neil Bird, Researcher,

Joanneum Research, Institute of

Energy Research, Graz

Mr. Sebastian Helgenberger, PhD

Candidate, BOKU University of

Natural Resources and Applied

Life Sciences, Vienna

Mr. Mahesh Khadka, Student,


Mr. Sabin Potinteu, Student,

Klagenfurt, Kaernten


Mr. Azad Aliyev, Chairman,

Association of Socio-Economic

Research, Baku


Ms. Christine Fouarge, Policy

officer, Africa-Faith and Justice

Network, Bruxelles

Ms. K. Mileva, Lawyer, European

Commission, Climate Change

Directorate, Brussels

Mr. Steve Sawyer, Secretary

general, Global Wind Energy

Council, Brussels

Ms. Olof Soebech, Masters

student, human ecology, VUB

Brussels, Brussels

Page 14: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Greg Wallenborn, Researcher,

Université Libre de Bruxelles,



Ms. Krystel Dossou, Ing.,

Programme Coordinator, OFEDI

(NGO), Cotonou


Mr. Ibarant Momo, Project

manager, Association Burkinabé

pour la Survie de l'Enfance

(ABSE), Ouagadougou

Dr. Denis Ouedraogo, Lecturer,

Universite Polytechnique de Bobo-

Dioulasso, Bobo-Dioulasso, Houet


Mr. Nazmul Huq, Unnayan

Onneshan, Dhaka

Mr. Abul Kashem Sheikh,

Chairman, Kathak Academy

Bangladesh (KAB), Dhaka

Mr. Montosh Kuma Das,


Mr. Abedin Md. Zahidul, Nestor

Consulting Ltd., Uttara, Dhaka

Mr. Youssoufa Mohamadou,

Student, Islamic University of

Technology, Gazipur, Dhaka

Ms. Barrister Rizwana Yusuf,

Director, Administration and

Research, Institute of Hazrat

Mohammad (SAW), Dhaka


Mr. Andre Cartwright, Freeport,



Dr. Teresa Flores-Bedregal,

Environmental analyst,


Dr. Emilio Garcia, Environ-

mentalist, National Programme on

Climate Change, La Paz

Mr. Javier Gonzales Iwanciw,

Researcher, Nur University, La


Ms. Alejandra Sainz, Lawyer,

Santa Cruz de a Sierra, Santa Cruz


Mr. Helcio Blum, Doctoral

candidate, Energy Planning

Program, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de

Janeiro, RJ

Mr. Carlos E. L. Brandão,

Researcher, International

Virtual Institute of Global

Change-COPPE/UFRJ Cidade

Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Ms. Lia Diskin, Founder,

Associação Palas Athena, Sao

Paulo, Sao Paulo

Ms. Catherine A. Gucciardi

Garcez, Center for Sustainable

Development, University of

Brasilia, Brasilia, DF

Dr. Thais Losso, Lawyer, Curitiba,


Mr. Paulo Bento Maffei de Souza,

Sustainability strategist, Bio

Alcohol Fuel Foundation, Sao

Paulo, SP

Ms. Bruno Martinelli, Technical

coordinator, FSC Brasil, Brasilia,


Dr. Sérgio Mattos - Fonseca,

Professor, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro

Dr. Maria Silvia Muylaert de

Araujo, Collaborator, Teacher,

Energy Planning Program Federal

University of Rio de Janeiro

Cidade Universitária, Rio de

Janeiro, RJ

Mr. Alvaro Pureza, Sustainability

coordinator, Promon, Cotia, Sao


Mr. Altino Silva, Lawyer, Vitória,



Mr. Purna Chhetri, Researcher,

Mongar, Eastern


Mr. Aiden Abram, Consultant,

2degreesC, Guelph, ON

Mr. Simon Appolloni, Director

of Education, Development and

Peace, DEVP, Inglewood, Ontario

Mr. Mike Archibald, Waterloo,


Dr. Andrew Baldwin, Queen's

University, Kingston, Ontario

Ms. Elizabeth Ballantyne, Bowen

Island, BC

Dr. Christofer Balram, Fredericton,

New Brunswick

Ms. Julie Barker, Retired teacher,

Midland, ON

Mr. Saikat Basu, PhD candidate,

Dept of Biological Sciences,

University of Lethbridge, Canada,

Lethbridge, Abuja

Page 15: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Ms. Bethany Beale, Policy

Analyst, Calgary, Alberta

Dr. Desmond Berghofer, Institute

for Ethical Leadership, Vancouver

Dr. Vijaykumar Bhosekar,

Consultant, India Agribusiness

Consultancy, Mississauga, ON

Mr. Pierre Boileau, Manager,

Climate Change, Canadian

Standards Association, Ottawa,


Ms. Susan Boles, Master's

Candidate, Carleton University,

Victoria, BC

Mr. Francois Boutin, Advisor,

interparliamentary and

international relations, Quebec

National Assembly, Quebec City

Ms. Anne Champagne, Green

Words (project support for

ENGOs), New Denver, BC

Mr. Don Chisholm, Researcher,

Gaia Preservation Coalition,

Picton, ON

Ms. Rhian Christie, Dept of Indian

Affairs and Northern Develop-

ment, Canada, Yellowknife,

Northwest Territory

Mr. William Cosgrove, Civil

servant, Bureau d'audiences

publiques sur l'environnement

(Québec), Québec

Ms. Brooke Cromar, Research

Associate, Arctic Net, Hudson,


Dr. Ann Dale, Professor, Canada

Research Chair in Sustainable

Community Development, Royal

Roads University, Victoria, BC

Dr. Axel Dorscht, Institute for

Human Conceptual and Mental

Development, Ottawa, ON

Ms. Ruth Edwards, Climate Action

Network Canada-Réseau action

climat Canada, Ottawa, ON

Dr. Susan Elliott, Professor,

environmental health, McMaster

University, Hamilton, ON

Ms. Teresa Ellis, Graduate

Student, Ottawa, ON

Ms. Jimena Eyzaguirre, Natural

resource management, Natural

Resources Canada, Ottawa, ON

Dr. Christopher Fletcher,

University of Alberta, Dept of

Anthropology, Edmonton, AB

Ms. Miku Gleason, Simon Fraser

University School of Resource

and Environmental Management,

Burnaby, BC

Mr. Ross Gordon, Anthropology

undergrad with ecology focus,

University of Alberta, Edmonton,


Dr. John Robert Groves, Clinical

psychologist, Ottawa, ON

Dr. Lorelei Hanson, Athabasca

University, Athabasca

Mr. Kwesi Indome, Student,

Ottawa, ON

Ms. Noorjehan Johnson, PhD

student, McGill University,

Montreal, Quebec

Ms. Ninoosh Khosravinejad,

Simon Fraser University,

Richmond, BC

Mr. François Laflamme, Student,

MA, Carleton University

Ms. Laura Lapp, NRCan,

Victoria, BC

Dr. Alexander Lautensach,

University of Northern British

Columbia Ecosystem Science

and Management Program, Prince

George, BC

Dr. Christopher Ling, Academic,

Victoria, BC

Father Stanley MacDonald,

Catholic Priest, Margaree Hbr, NS

Ms. Caitlin MacLeod, McGill

University, Montreal, Quebec

Dr. Ishara Mahat, Post Doctoral

Fellow, Dept of Geography,

University of Western Ontario,

London, Ontario

Ms. Vicky McGrath, Town of

Markham, Markham, Ontario

Dr. David Millar, Retired

filmmaker, Prof, Union organizer,

Quaker Environmental Action

Network, Montreal, QC

Dr. Peter Miller, University of

Winnipeg Philosophy Dept,

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Dr. Ted Mosquin, Lanark, Ontario

Ms. Gail Moyle, Environment

Canada, Vancouver, BC

Mr. Lorne Nicklason, Mission, BC

Ms. Randeep Nota, Edmonton,


Ms. Marcela Ochoa, Consultant,

Vancouver, BC

Page 16: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Liam O'Doherty, Student,

University of Toronto, Toronto,


Mr. Kent Pearce, University of

Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Mr. Wilfred Pilgrim, Health /

Provincial Epidemiology Service,

Fredericton, New Brunswick

Prof. Stephanie Posthumus,

Professor, McMaster University,

Hamilton, ON

Mr. Marshall Postnikoff,

Environmental marketing,

Mississauga, ON

Mr. Tim Quick, Royal Roads

University, Victoria, BC

Ms. Parisa Rezaeisamoud, Master

student, Ottawa, ON

Dr. Julie Richter, Canadian Forest

Service, Ottawa, Ontario

Mr. Vincent Royer, Advisor,

International Affairs, Québec

City, Québec

Mr. Robert Schwarz, Language

teaching, Lethbridge, Alberta

Mr. Vere Scott, Biologist, retired,

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Ms. Lucy Segatti, Translator,

Oakville, ON

Dr. Alison Shaw, Professor,

University of British Columbia,

Vancouver, BC

Dr. Neeru Shrestha, Ottawa, ON

Ms. Holly Shrumm, Student,

Sarnia, Ontario

Mr. R. Forrest Smith, Consultant,

Victoria, BC

Ms. Dana Stefov, Policy officer,

Canadian Council for International

Cooperation, Ottawa, ON

Mr. Toby Stewart, Ottawa, Ontario

Ms. Sonia St-Onge, Student,

Carleton University, Ottawa, ON

Dr. Brent Tegler, Environmental

consultant, Campbellville, ON

Dr. Shirley Thompson, Professor,

Natural Resources Institute,

University of Manitoba,

Winnepeg, Manitoba

Ms. Tobey VanRoon, Green Party

of Canada Deep-Green Caucus,

Campbellford, ON

Mr. Alexandre Vigneault, PhD

student, Vancouver, BC

Mr. Vivek Voora, Project Officer,

International Institute for

Sustainable Development,

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Ms. Fiona Wagner, Freelance

writer, Researcher, Georgetown,


Ms. Stephnie Watson, Student,

Lethbridge, Alberta

Mr. Romuald Wera, Geographer,

Gatineau, Québec

Mr. Jonas Weselake-George, Vol.,

Youth Environmental Network

Sierra Youth Coalition Métis

Nation of Ontario, Ottawa, ON

Mr. Hardy Wong, Environmental

protection management, EPM

International Inc., North York, ON

Dr. Ellen Woodley, Ecological

consultant, Fergus, ON


Dr. Promila Kapoor-Vijay,

Professor (hon), Institute of

Environmental Sciences, Zurich

University, Geneva

Dr. Jeffrey A. McNeely, Chief

scientist, IUCN, Gland, VD

Mr. Jacopo Pasotti, Journalist,


Dr. Anna Margrit Rickenbach,

Manager, Sandoz Maroc &

Zertificate EZA Nadel, ETH

ZH, Basel

Mr. Dominic Roser, Professor,

philosophy, University of Zurich,


Ms. Karen Sudmeier, PhD

candidate, University of

Lausanne, Lausanne


Prof. Sergio Peña Neira,

Universidad de Chile, Universidad

Arturo prat and Universidad del

Mar, Viña del Mar

Mr. Rodney Walker, Educator,

Pucon, IX Region


Nguekam Wambe Elie, Student,


Mr. Thomas Fondjo, IUCN,


Mr. Damian Mbarga, Government

Bilingual High School, Cameroon

Ozone Club, Yaounde

Page 17: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Ndemaloah Ndemaloah,

Journalist, Yaounde

Mr. Ndille Kogge Ndille, Youth

program officer, Researcher,

Green Cities International,


Mr. Elie Ngueka Wambé,

Specialist - Environment,

Consultant, Entrepreneur -

Rural, OPED, Yaounde


Mr. Aime Mbuyi Kalombo,

Division Head, Ministry of

Environment, Climate Change

Division, DR Congo, Kinshasa


Mr. Nicolas Castaño, Biologist,

Fundacion BioDiversa Colombia,

Bogot, Cundinamarca

Ms. Sandra Garavito, Consultant,

Bogot, Cundinamarca

Mr. Mauricio Gonzalez Echeverri,

Environmental engineer, Research

analyst, Medillin, Antioquia

Dr. Andy Jarvis, Scientist, CIAT,

Cali, Valle del Cauca

Mr. Julia Cesar Mazenet Gonzalez,

Santa Marta, Magdalena

Mr. Diego Montenegro Lopez,

Universidad del Magdalena, Santa

Marta, Bogota, Cundinamarca

Ms. Maria Paula Navas, ISIACC,


Ms. Martha Sarmiento, Business

administration, Bogota


Dr. Melania Portilla, Interamerican

Institute for Cooperation on

Agriculture, Contiguo Clinica de

Salud Integral, Coronado, San Jose

Prof. Vicente Rappaccioli Navas,

Consultant, Professor, Harmonic

Alliance, San Jose, San Jose

Dr. Sergio Sepulveda, Natural

Resource Economics, San Jose

Ms. Tonieh Wiles, Student,

University of Peace, San Jose


Mr. Pierantonios Papazoglou,

Environment officer, Research Ctr,

Intercollege Cyprus, Nicosia


Mr. Rainer Agster, Consultant,


Ms. Gotelind Alber, Consultant

and researcher, gendercc, Berlin

Ms. Sandra Antelmann, Student,

University of Hamburg, Hamburg

Mr. Teku Humphred Awa, TU-

Dresden, Dresden, Saxony

Mr. Jean-Marcial Bell, PhD

student, University Goettingen,

Goettingen, Niedersachsen

Mr. Netra Bhandari, Research

Associate, Dept of Rural

Communication and Extension

University of Hohenheim,

Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemburg

Mr. Bernd Brouns, DIE LINKE.

im Bundestag / German

Parliament, Berlin

Mr. Alessio Fangano, PhD

Student, Bonn Universitaet, Bonn

Mr. Lars Friberg, Research Fellow,

Potsdam University, Berlin

Dr. Ingo Gentes, Research fellow,

Humboldt-University, Berlin

Dr. Ingrid Hartmann, Ethiopian

Cultural Heritage Project,

Humboldt-University, Berlin

Dr. Minu Hemmati, gendercc,

Berlin, Berlin/Brandenburg

Mr. D. Yaw Manful, Research

assistant, ILPOE - Universitaet

Stuttgart, Stuttgart, BW

Ms. Paula O'Malley, Transparency

International, Berlin

Mr. Dietram Oppel, CDM,

Hannover, Niedersachsen

Dr. Hermann Ott, Head, Berlin

Office, Wuppertal Institute for

Climate, Environment and

Energy, Berlin

Mr. Irendra Radjawali, Center for

Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremen

Dr. Ulrike Roehr, gendercc -

women for climate justice, Berlin

Ms. Julia Schluens, Wuppertal

Institute for Climate, Environment

and Energy, Berlin

Mr. Birthe Schoesser, Researcher,

Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural

Research, Leibniz

Ms. Daniela Tarizzo, UNFCCC,

Bonn, NRW

Ms. Barbara Taubert, MSc

Forestry, Tharandt, Saxony

Page 18: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Glen Tyler, Environmentalist,

Berlin, Berlin/Brandenburg

Dr. Martin Voss, Disaster

Research Unit University of

Kiel, Germany, Kiel

Ms. Jerylee Wilkes, Student,


Dr. Marianne Zandersen,

Consultant, Econ, Hamburg


Mr. Kaj Dorstenia, University

of Copenhagen, Copenhagen,


Dr. Lars Linnemann,

Environmental programme

coordinator, Holmegaard

Dr. Gabor Lovei, University

of Aarhus, Flakkebjerg Research

Center, Slagelse


Mr. Adel Gana, Free General

Student's Union, Algerian

University, Algiers, Algiers


Dr. Ayman Batisha, Dept head,

Environmental Awareness &

Training Dept, Environment

and Climate Research Institute,

National Water Research

Center, Cairo


Mr. Mehreteab Yemane,

Environment information

officer, Ministry of Land,

Water and Environment,

Dept of Environment,

Asmara, Zoba Maekel


Dr. Ameer Abdulla, IUCN Global

Marine Program

Prof. Manuel Antonio Fernández

Domínguez, Teacher, Workshop

for Environmental Education,

Science Education Institute of

Santiago University, ICE-USC,

Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

Ms. Rosa Fernández-Arroyo,

Biologist, President, Asociación

Red Montañas, Manzanares el

Real, Comunidad de Madrid

Ms. Cristina Madrid, Researcher,

Universidad Autonoma de

Barcelona. Dept of Applied

Economics, Barcelona, Catalunya

Ms. Mercedes Martinez Iglesias,

Researcher, Valencia University,

Dept of Sociology and Social

Anthropology, Valencia

Ms. Lucia Moreno Fernandez,

Environmental educator,

Environmental Education Center



Mr. Patrick Nussbaumer,

Professor, Universitat Autonoma

de Barcelona, Sant Cugat del

Valles, Barcelona

Mr. Miquel Ortega, Consultant,

Environment and management,

Vilanova i la Geltrú, Catalunya

Dr. Freddy Willmer Rivas

González, Student, Universidad

Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

Dr. Josep-Lluís Salazar,

Environmentalist, Barcelona,


Dr. Adoración Sánchez-Mata,

Researcher, Centro de

Investigaciones Marinas Board

of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs,

Vilanova de Arousa, Pontevedra,



Mr. Andrus Jakobson, IT project

manager, public sector, Tallinn,


Mr. Ahto Oja, Environmental

consultant, PhD Student, National

University of Ireland, Dept of

Economics, Research Group on

Environmental Common Goods,

Saue vald, Harjumaa


Dr. Everisto Mapedza, IWMI,

Addis Ababa

Ms. Zenash Woredework, Student

(Sociology, Social Anthropology),

Secretary, Birhan Integrated

Community Development

Organization (BICDO), Addis



Ms. Heidi VanHanen, Finnish

Forest Research Institute, Helsinki


Prof. Hubert Jean Ceccaldi,

Retired professor, Ecole Pratique

Des Hautes Etudes, Marseille

Ms. Jacqueline Ceccon, Product

Manager, Choisy

Dr. Christophe Cudennec,

Associate professor, Agro-

campus Rennes

Page 19: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Dr. Marc Daubrey, Interface

Developpement, Kremlin, Bicêtre

Mr. Tony Knight, MA student,

environmental anthropology,

La Force, Aquitaine

Ms. Carolina Lasen Diaz, Lawyer,

Conseil de l'Europe, Strasbourg

Prof. Louis Legendre, Professor,

Researcher, Laboratoire

d'Oceanographie de Villefranche

(LOV), Villefranche-sur-Mer


Dr. Robert Martin, Consultant,


Mr. Francesco Rizzo, Project

management, Assistant programme

specialist, UNESCO, Section on

Hydrological Processes and

Climate, Paris


Ms. Maria Adebowale, Director,

Capacity Global, London

Ms. Maria Arce Moreira, Practical

Action, Bourton on Dunsmore,


Mr. John Atibilia, Communication

for Research & Development,

Leeds, West Yorkshire

Ms. Anna Barnett, Assistant editor,

Nature Reports Climate Change,


Ms. Rachel Berger, Climate

change policy advisor, Practical


Ms. Mani Bingham, Agroforester,

Environmental auditor, Glasgow,


Dr. Gregory Borne, Researcher,

University of Plymouth, Plymouth,


Dr. Christopher Brewster,

University of Sheffield, Dept of

Computer Science, Sheffield

Mr. Chris Church, CEA -

Community Environment

Associates, London

Dr. Patrick Curry, Lecturer,

University of Kent, London

Dr. Philip Davies, School of

Engineering and Applied Science,

Aston University, Birmingham

Miss Kyla Davis, Save Our World,

Go Change the World, London

Ms. Karen Dickinson, Joint Nature

Conservation Committee,

Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

Dr. Chris Drinkwater,

Littleborough, Lancs.

Mr. Richard Ellard, BSc Student,

health and environment,

Nottingham Trent University,

Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Mr. Alex Fearnside, The Climate

Group, London

Ms. Shiloh Fetzek, Royal United

Services Institute (RUSI), London

Ms. Lori Frater, BRASS Centre,

Cardiff University, Cardiff

Ms. Maya Gislason, Dphil

Research Student, University of

Sussex, Brighton, East Sussex

Ms. Liz Gladin, University of

Kent, Dept of Anthropology,

Canterbury, Kent

Dr. Natasha Grist, Senior Research

Associate, Tyndall Centre for

Climate Change Research &

Overseas Development Group,

University of East Anglia,

Norwich, UK

Ms. Sarah Hards, PhD Student,

University of York, York

Dr. Elizabeth Hawker, Environ-

mental scientist, Cambridge

Dr. Sarah Hemstock, Alofa

Tuvalu, Themba Trust, Kirkby-

in-Ashfield, Notts

Mr. Caspar Henderson, Writer,

Analyst, Oxford, Oxfordshire

Ms. Isabel Hilton, Editor,, London

Mr. Christian Holz, University of

Glasgow, Glasgow

Mr. Andrew Hunt, Otley, West


Dr. Victoria Johnson, New

Economics Foundation, London

Dr. Meri Juntti, Ctr for Social and

Economic Research on the Global

Environment, University of East

Anglia, School of Environmental

Sciences, Norwich

Mr. Christopher Keene, Tomor-

row's England, Canvey Isld, Essex

Mr. Sudesh Kumar, Research

economist, London, England

Ms. Feja Lesniewska, PhD student,

School of Oriental and African

Studies, Co-convenor climate

change law and policy LLM

course, Queen Mary College,

University of London, London

Individual participants only; not based on institutional endorsement.

Page 20: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Alex Lockwood, PhD

candidate, Sussex University,

Hove, Sussex

Dr. Iara Ludicissa, Project officer,

Capacity Global, Surrey, Greater


Mr. Aubrey Meyer, GCI, London

Mr. Mark Meyrick, Environmental

credits trader, EDF Trading,


Ms. Jelisaveta Mihajlovic,

Researcher, Northumbria

University, School of the Built

Environment, Newcastle upon

Tyne, Northumberland

Mr. Mike Morris, Social

development advisor, WWF-UK,

Godalming, Surrey

Dr. Magdalena Muir, Research

associate, Arctic Institute of North

America, London

Ms. Balungile Nhlenyama,

Student, Cirencester

Dr. Chukwumerije Okereke,

Senior research associate, Tyndall

Ctr HQ, Zuckerman Institute for

Connective Environmental

Research, School of Environ-

mental Sciences, University of

East Anglia, Norwich

Mr. Iain Orr, Diplomacy, UK

Diplomatic Service, London, UK

Mr. John Michael Pemberton,

Chairman, Trafalgar Technology

Ltd., Leeds, UK

Mr. John Penny, Lecturer (Ecology

& Environmental Management),

Bell College, Lanarkshire,


Mr. Joseluis Penya, Christian Aid,

London, England

Ms. Saatvika Rai, University of

Manchester, Manchester, England

Dr. Colin Reynolds, Professor

Emeritus, Institute of Freshwater

Ecology Windermere Laboratory,


Dr. Jim Scott, Architect, Environ-

mentalist, Save Our World,


Mr. Christopher Shaw, Sociology

Teacher, PhD Student, Seaford,

East Sussex

Ms. Andrea Speranza,

Wallingford, Oxfordshire

Ms. Emily Stott, Project manager,

BioRegional Development Group,

York, North Yorkshire

Mr. Michael Stretcg, Student

(environmental justice), Findhorn,


Mr. Michael Stretch, Activist,

Forres, Moray, Scotland

Mr. Mahrus Stuart, Artist,

Investor, Member Subud, Subud

Britain, Wisbech, Cambs.

Mr. Chezen Suede, Student, Royal

Agricultural College, Cirencester,


Mr. Camilo Terranova, Msc

Student, environmental

technology, Imperial College,


Ms. Ruth Thomas-Pellicer, PhD

Candidate, CES - University of

Sydney, Guildford, Surrey

Mr. Kit Vaughan, WWF, London

Miss Nic Vincett, Capacity Global,


Ms. Penny Walker, Consultant,

London, Greater London

Mr. Dan Welch, Researcher,

Editor, Ethical Consumer Research

Association / The Peakist

Dr. Andrea Wheeler, University

of Nottingham, Nottingham, Notts

Dr. Ken Wilkinson, Lichfield,


Mr. Steven Wong, Capacity

Global, London

Prof. Jason Yapp, CDM project

developer, AES Climate Solution,

Bristol, Avon


Ms. Liana Garibashvili, Energy

Efficiency Center, Tbilisi


Dr. Denis Aheto, EEIU Ghana

REDEF, Nsawam, Eastern Region

Mr. Paul Ntim, Economist,

University of Ghana, Legon,

Accra, Greater Accra

Mr. Crispin Suglo, Agriculturist,

Samartex Timber Co. Ltd.,

Afforestation Dept, Takoradi


Dr. Andrew Clive Banks,

Researcher, Institute of

Oceanography, Hellenic Centre

for Marine Research, Heraklion,

Crete, GRC

Page 21: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Ms. Katerina Emmanouilidou,

UNESCO, Club Serron for

UNESCO, Serres

Dr. Heleny Florou, Research

director, NCSR "Demokritos",

INT-RP, Athens, Attiki


Dr. Luis Alberto Ferrat,

Geographer, ASIES,

Guatemala City

Prof. Roberto Morales, Juárez


Ms. Bojan Zmaic, Sanitary

engineer, Zagreb, Croatia


Mr. Osée Résidor, Manager,

Mouvement Social Chrétien

Prie Agis (MOSCHPA), Port-

au-Prince, Delmas


Mr. Adam Korosi, Hungarian

Natural History Museum,


Ms. Aleksandra Novikova, Central

European University, Budapest

Dr. Peter Solymos, Professor,

Institute of Zoology, Szent Istvan

University, Budapest

Mr. Antal Szvetnik, Engineer,

Ministry for Economy &

Transport, Budapest


Dr. Zainal Arifin, Researcher,

Professor, Indonesian Institute

of Sciences, Jakarta, DKI

Ms. Johara Bellali, Environment

engineering, Medan, Sumatera


Ms. Aan Hunaifi, Airlangga

University, Surabaya, East Java

Prof. Dr. Alef Theria Wasim,

Indonesian Association for the

Study and Research of Religion,

Masyarakat Yogyakarta untuk

Ilmu dan Agama, Yogyakarta


Dr. Rupali Devi Barua,

Researcher, Homemaker,

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Mr. Vijayabhas EJ Bhas, Chief

environmental engineer, Kerala

State Pollution Control Board,

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

Ms. Archita Bhatta, Science

journalist, New Delhi, New Delhi

Mr. Saroj Bhattacharjee, Student,

Dimoria College, Dept of

Ecorestoration, Guwhati, Assam

Ms. Aditi Chandrawal, Dehradun,


Dr. Akhilesh Chaurasia, Bhabha

Atsomic Research Centre,

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Mr. Santosh Das, NGO secretary,

People for Animals, Student Wing,

Khurda, Orissa

Mr. Vishvas Deshmukh, Chartered

Accountant, Ex President

Consumer Guidance Society,

Pune, Maharastra

Dr. Suresh Frederick, Reader, Dept

of English, Bishop Heber College,

Trichy, Tamil Nadu

Dr. Rekha Gaonkar, M E S

College of Arts & Commerce,

Zuarinagar, Margao

Ms. Tanvini Gogri, MA FOI,

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Mr. Saurindra Goswami, Teacher,

Guwahati, Assam

Mr. Inder Gurung, Student,

Dimoria College, Dept of

Ecorestoration, Guwhati, Assam

Dr. Mohammed Irfan-Ullah,

Fellow (Scientist), Convener,

Ecoinformatics Centre, Ashoka

Trust for Research in Ecology &

the Environment, Bangalore

Dr. Yatish Jain, Prakruti Mitra

Environmental Society, Jabalpur,

Madhya Pradesh

Mr. Rayson Kayalvarathu, PhD

scholar, teacher, Chennai, Tamil


Mr. Syed Khursheed Zaidi,

Service, SGS India Ltd, Gurgaon,


Mr. Prasanna Kolte, Researcher,

EAST - Environmental Action for

Sustainable Transformation, Pune,


Mr. Manoj Kumar, GGS IP

University, Delhi

Dr. Suresh Kumar, Scientist, Head,

Planning, RRL, Trivandrum,

CSIR, Trivandrum, Kerala

Mr. Vinod Kumar Jena, Pt

Ravishankar Shukla University,

Raipur, CG

Mr. Vikas Maheshwari, Engineer,

Ericsson, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Page 22: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Asim Majumdar, Electrical

engineering, Kaschit Engineering

& Management, Mumbai,


Mr. Akhtar Hussain Malik, Centre

of Plant Taxonomy, Kashmir

University, Srinagar, J&K

Mr. Vikram Aditya Mallavarapu,

Researcher and activist, Friendship

Foundation, Hyderabad, AP

Mr. Tommy Mathew, President,

Coir Industrial Products

Cooperative Society Ltd.,

Bangalore, Karnataka

Mr. Vinod Mishra, Student,

Bhopal, MP

Mr. John Nagella, Guntur, Andhra


Ms. Sreeja Nair, Research

associate, The Energy and

Resources Institute (TERI), India

Habitat Centre, New Delhi, Delhi

Dr. Nazim Nazim, Research

scholar, Srinagar, Kashmir, J&K

Dr. Shreekar Pant, GB Pant

Institute of Himalayan

Environment & Development,

Mohal-Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

Narendra Paruchuri, CapGHG

Offset Solutions, Hyderabad,

Andhra Pradesh

Mr. Sanjeev Peethala, Mangalore,


Mr. Gopan Prakash Pradhan, SRF,

Gangtok, Sikkim

Prof. Sudha Priscilla, Lecturer in

zoology, Bishop Heber College,

Trichy, Tamil Nadu

Ms. Priyanka, Institute of

Professional Education &

Research, Bhopal, Madhya


Mr. Suman Rai, Ashoka Trust

for Research in Ecology and the

Environment, Darjeeling, West


Dr. Ashish Rana, Reliance

Industries Ltd, Navi Mumbai,


Mr. Balaram Ransingh, People

for Animals Student Wings,

Khurda, Orissa

Dr. Mohamad Yaqub Sheikh

Rauf Sheikh, Research, Teaching,

University of Kashmir, Dept of

Environmental Sciences (CORD),

Srinagar, Kashmir, J&K

Dr. Akepati S. Reddy, Assistant

Professor of Environmental

Technology and Management,

Thapar University, Dept of

Biotechnology and Environmental

Sciences, Patiala, Punjab

Mr. D Vidya Sagar, SKG Sangha,

Kolar, Karnataka State

Prof. Dipankar Saha, Senior

scientist, Associate professor,

Indian Council of Agricultural

Research, Dept of Agriculture

Research and Education, Ministry

of Agriculture, Government of

India, Jhansi

Mr. Kapil Sahasrabuddhe, Centre

for Environment Education, Pune,


Mr. Anurag Sahu, Institute of

Professional Education &

Research, Bhopal, MP

Prof. Needhidasan Santhanam,

Easwari Engineering College,

Faculty of Civil Engineering,

Ramapuram, Chennai

Dr. Santosh Santosh, Senior

Research Associate, Ashoka Trust

for Research in Ecology and the

Environment, Kalimpong,

Darjeeling Dist, West Bengal

Dr. Asutosh Satpathy, President,

Resource Development Centre,

New Delhi

Dr. Nirmal Selvamony, Reader in

English, Madras Christian College,

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Mr. Anand Sharma, Director,

Meteorological Centre, IMD,

Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand

Dr. Jaswant Sharma, Project

Director, ISRO, Govt. of India,

Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Mr. Umesh Singh, Service /

Engineer, Central Coalfields

Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand

Mr. Vinay Singh, Integrated

Research & Action for

Development, New Delhi

Mr. Pranav Chandan Sinha,

Activist, Greenpeace India,


Mr. R. Sivaramakrishnan, Perry

Johnson Certifications, Bangalore,


Ms. Vibha Sood, Student, Bhopal,

Madhya Pradesh

Mr. Harry Surjadi, Environmental

journalist, The Society of

Indonesian Environmental

Journalists, Depok, Jawa Barat

Page 23: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Chandra B. Suryawanshi,

Student, Institute of Professional

Education and Research, Bhopal,

Madhya Pradesh

Mr. Pradeep T., Samuha,

Bangalore, Karnataka

Ms. Ruchita Thakur, Student,

Bhopal, MP

Ms. Parul Tiwari, IPER College,

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Dr. Bini Toms, Faculty, Allahabad

Agricultural Institute, Deemed

University, College of Agriculture,

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh

Ms. Lianboi Vaiphei, Doctoral

candidate, Teacher, Jawaharlal

Nehru University, Center for

Canadian, US, Latin and American

Studies, School of International

Studies, New Delhi

Dr. Toms Varghese, Faculty,

College of Business Studies,

Allahabad Agricultural Institute,

Deemed University, Allahabad,

Uttar Pradesh

Dr. Vinod Veeji, Teacher, Govt.

M. V. M. Bhopal, Bhopal, Madhya


Mr. Jitendra Verma, Student,

Bhopal, MP

Dr. Hafiz Yahya, Dept of Wildlife

Sciences, AMU Aligarh-India,

Aligarh, UP


Ms. Aurelie Aubry, Postgraduate

student, University College Cork,

Environmental Research Institute,

Cork, Co. Cork

Ms. Cara Augustenborg, Doctoral

student, Teagasc, Bray, Co.


Mr. Vincent Carragher, University

of Limerick, Centre for Environ-

mental Research, Limerick

Ms. Michele Castiaux,

Environmental consultant,

Portlaoise, Co. Laois

Ms. Evelyn Cawley, Consultant,

community planning, Delgany,

Co. Wicklow

Ms. Anna Conlan, Student (Earth

and Ocean), Dromahair,

Co. Leitrim

Mr. Seán Conlan, Institute of

Technology Sligo, Dromahair,

Co. Leitrim

Prof. Martin Downes, Professor,

Dept of Biology, National

University of Ireland - Maynooth,

Maynooth, Co. Kildare

Dr. Michael Ewing, Senior

researcher, Centre for

Sustainability, Institute of

Technology Sligo, Ballinode,

Co. Sligo

Ms. Maria-Alejandra Gonzalez-

Perez, Community Knowledge

Initiative, National University of

Ireland, Galway, Co. Galway

Dr. Jenny Hanafin, University

College Dublin, Dublin

Dr. Tamara Hochstrasser,

Professor, University College

Dublin, Dublin

Ms. Nicola Hogan, Centre for

Environmental Research, Ennis,

Co. Clare

Ms. Rachel Kavanagh, Student,

Trinity College Dublin, Dept of

Geography, Dublin

Mr. Paul Kearney, University of

Limerick, Limerick

Mr. Rónán Kennedy, National

University of Ireland, Galway

Mr. Patrick Mangan, Lecturer,

Institute of Technology,

Letterkenny, Co. Donegal

Mr. Bert McCann, Journalist, The

Local Planet, Dingle, Co. Kerry

Ms. Ella McSweeney, Public

broadcaster, RTE Radio 1, Dublin

Dr. Joyce Novak, Environmental

scientist, Bruff, Co. Limerick

Ms. Judy Osborne, Wicklow

Planning Alliance, Wicklow

Town, Wicklow


Prof. Tom Berman, Research

Professor (Emeritus), Kinneret

Limnological Lab Israel

Oceanographic and Limnological

Research, Migdal

Prof. Lev Fishelson, Retired

professor, Dept of Zoology Tel

Aviv University, Tel Aviv

Dr. Ehud Segal, PhD Candidate,

Hebrew University, Jerusalem


Mr. Ermanno Abbondanza, PhD

Student, Political Science,

University of Turin, Turin

Dr. Fulvio Bartolucci, Independent

Consultant, Avigliana, Torino

Page 24: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Prof. Ferdinando Boero, Professor

of zoology, DISTEBA, University

of Salento, Lecce

Ms. Alessandra Bosco, PhD

candidate, European University

Institute, Florence, SN Domenico

di Fiesole, Firenze

Prof. Brunella Casalini, Professor,

University of Florence, Florence

Dr. Fabio Catino, Scientific

communication, Erambiente,


Dr. Guido Dalla Casa, Engineer,

Retired professor, ALDAI Energy

Ecology Group, Milano

Mr. Vito De Lucia, Research

Associate, Centro Internazionale

per la Cultura e i Diritti dell'Uomo

Dr. Marco Grasso, Lecturer, Dept

of Sociology, Università degli

Studi di Milano Bicocca, Milano

Dr. Paolo Magni, Marine biology,

CNR-IAMC National Research

Council - Institute for Coastal

Marine Environment, Torregrande-


Dr. Luigi Naselli-Flores, Professor,

plant ecology, University of

Palermo, Dept of Botanical

Sciences, Palermo, Sicily


Prof. Jusen Asuka, Tohoku

University, Sendai, Miyagi

Dr. Hiroshi Ohta, Waseda

University, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo

Mr. Syed Mahbubur Rahman,

Student, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific

University, Beppu, Oita

Dr. Enkhbayar Shagdar, Associate

senior researcher, ERINA, Niigata

City, Niigata Ken

Mr. Ryusuke Yoshiba, Sophia

University, Sagamihara-shi,



Mr. Juma Anyanga, Environmental

trainee, Kenyatta University,


Mr. Douglas Arege, Anthropol-

ogist, EEIU Nairobi, Nairobi

Mr. Simon Chege,

Environmentalist, KENVO,

Nairobi, Kiambu

Mr. Issa Hussein, Journalist,

Garissa, Northeast Prov.

Mr. Steve Itela, Activist, Youth for

Conservation, Nairobi

Mr. Richard Kiaka, Program

officer, EEIU Mombasa,

Mombasa, Coast Province

Dr. Lutta Muhammad, Kenya

Agricultural Research Institute

(KARI), Nairobi

Ms. Mercy Mwangi, Student,

Nakuru, Rift Valley

Ms. Rahab Njeri Mwaniki,

Environmentalist, Kijabe

Environment Volunteers, Nairobi

Ms. Grace Mwaura, Student,


Mr. Cyrus Gachanja Ndoro,

YEECD, Nairobi

Mr. Nahshon Ng'wena,

Consultant, Kisumu

Mr. Waiganjo Njoroge, Youth

for Conservation/Kenya Youth

Initiative on Climate Change,


Prof. Eric Odada, Professor of

Geology/Limnology, Pan African

START Secretariat, University of

Nairobi Dept of Geology, Nairobi

Mr. Felix Otieno, Student,

environmental science, Kenyatta

University, Nairobi

Mr. Peter Owiti, Director, Wote

Houth Development Project,

Nairobi, Makueni

Ms. Abigael Rono, Student,



Mr. Sithan Phann, Philipps Univer-

sity of Marburg, Phnom Penh


Mr. Qenan Maxhuni, Biologist,

Kosovo Institute for Nature

Protection, Prishtina


Mr. Vahakn Kabakian, Arab Open

University, Sin El Fil, El-Metn

Mr. Marwan Khaddaj, Ministry of

Labour, Occupational Safety &

Health Dept, Msharrafie, Beirut

Prof. Sam Lakkis, Professor,

biology, oceanography, Lebanese

University, Byblos, Mount


Ms. Safaa Mourad, American

University of Beirut, Environment

Health, Safety and Risk

Management, Beirut

Page 25: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century


Mr. Sampath Karunaratne, Climate

change researcher, Practical Action

- South Asia Regional Office,


Prof. Mohan Munasinghe,

Founding Chairman, Munasinghe

Institute for Development (MIND),



Ms. Tania Giberyen, HS teacher

(economics, climate change),

Vice-Mayor, Aspelt, Luxembourg


Dr. Abdelkader Allali, Chief

engineer, Sal, Sal

Prof. Mohammed Messouli,

Researcher, UCAM, UCAM Dept

of Biological Sciences, Marrakesh


Dr. Nadejda Andreev, WISDOM

(NGO), Chisinau


Mr. Ruy Korscha Anaya de la

Rosa, Project manager, Consultant,

Action Carbone, GERES, Mexico

City, DF

Mr. Gerardo Arroyo, Foreign and

Commonwealth Office, British

Embassy Mexico City, Mexico

Ms. Maria-Antonieta Castro Cosio,

British Embassy, Mexico, DF

Prof. Rosa Maria Chavez

Dagostino, Biologist, Universidad

de Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta,


Mr. Manuel del Monte,

Reforestamos México, Mexico


Dr. Judith Dominguez, El Colegio

de Mexico, Pedregal de Santa

Teresa, Distrito Federal

Ms. Karina Lopez, Environmental

Engineer, Golder Associates

Mr. Arturo Velez, CONOSIL, AC,

Mexico City, DF


Mr. Bashkim Bakiu, CRPM -

Center for Research and Policy

Making, Skopje, Macedonia

Ms. Irina Simonovska, Assistant

Demonstrator, State Law Faculty,

Skopje, Macedonia


Mr. Alan Pulis, Teacher, Giovanni

Curmi Higher Secondary School,

Marsascala, Naxxar


Dr. Sanju Deenapanray, Ecological

Living In Action, Quatre Bornes


Ms. Karen Guob, Student,

Kuching, Sarawak

Mr. Ze Han Low, Student,

undergrad, University of Sains

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

Dr. Hwee Keng Ong, Principal

researcher, Malaysian Agricultural

Research and Development

Institute, Center for Strategic

Resources Research, MARDI,

Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory

Mr. Tulasidass Subramaniam,

President, EEIU Malaysia, Kajang,



Dr. Malachi Abasiodiong,

Veterinarian, Environmental

scientist, Eco-Stewards

International, Uyo, Akwa Ibom

Mr. Olalekan Adekola, Federal

University of Technology, Dept

of Geography, Yola, Adamawa


Mr. Adeyeye Yemi Olaonipekun

Adeyeye, Student, Ekiti, Ekiti


Ms. Habiba Ali, NGO, Kaduna,

Kaduna State

Ms. Brenda Anugwom, Lawyer,

Management Strategies for Africa,

Abuja, Federal Capital

Mr. Ibikunle Bolorunduro, Bayero

Business School, Bayero

University, Kano

Mr. Waheed Akanmu Braimoh,

Kumofarm Nigeria Ltd, Ibadan,


Dr. George Duke, Clean Nigeria

Environment Group, Victoria

Island, Lagos, Southwest

Rev. Faith Chidiebere Ekpo,

Sociologist, ANPPCAN Nigeria

Chapter, Portharcourt, Rivers State

Mr. Victor Eze, Journalist,

Philosophical researcher, Agege,


Mr. Bunmi Segun Fayemi, Ibadan

Poly, Ibadan, Oyo

Page 26: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Aminu Ibrahim, Civil

service/government, Town &

Country Planning Dept,

Ministry of Lands Surveys

and Environment, Katsina

Mr. Adedeji Irewunmi, Activist,

Educator, Lagos

Miss Alice James, Federal

Ministry of Environment, Housing

& Urban Development, Abuja

Mr. Okechukwu Jombo, Journalist,

Nigerian Newsworld Ltd, Abuja,


Mr. Damilare Yomi Lawal,

Industralist, Olabisi Onabanjo

University, Ibadan, Oyo

Dr. Austin Monday, Rivers

Economic Development Forum,

Portharcourt, Rivers

Mr. Victor Obidike, Engineer,

Eme Farm Nig Limited. Cintia

Garden Limited, Trans Ekulu,

Enugu State

Mr. Muyiwa Odele, UNDP,

Abuja FCT

Ms. Omoyemen Odigie-

Emmanuel, Attorney, Gender

Officer, Environmental Rights

Action, Friends of the Earth

Nigeria, Benin, Edo

Dr. Anthony Ogbeibu, Assoc.

Professor/Lecturer, University

of Benin Dept of Animal and

Environmental Biology, Benin

City, Edo

Dr. Ahmed Ondas, Journalist,

Voice of Nigeria, FCT Abuja

Mr. Smart Osagie Okaeben, Benin

City, Edo State

Mr. Chris Udegiri, Engr

Udegiriwires Nigeria Limited,

Iyana Ipaja, Lagos

Mr. Etiosa Uyigue, Researcher,

Community Research and

Development Centre, Benin City,

Edo State


Mr. Alvaro Ponce Lanza, CARE

International Ing Agric. Plant and

Soil Protection, Esteli


Dr. Eric Buysman, Biodigester,

GERES, Amsterdam

Mr. Juan Pablo Castro,

Environmental scientist,

Rotterdam, Zuid Holland

Mr. Byjesh Kattarkandi,

Wageningen University,

Wageningen, Gelderland

Mr. Stephen Kuchta, Researcher,

INTERVICT, Tilburg, Noord


Miss Belinda McFadgen, Student,

Amsterdam, Noord Holland

Ms. Aysem Mert, Doctoral

candidate, Institute for

Environmental Studies (IVM),

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,


Mr. Anil Shrestha, PhD student,

Resource Ecology Group,


Mr. Harro van Asselt, Institute for

Environmental Studies, Vrije

Universiteit Amsterdam,



Mr. Bed Mani Dahal, Dept.

of International Environment

and Development Studies,

Noragric, UMB, Aas

Prof. Helge Drange, Researcher,

Nansen Environmental and

Remote Sensing Center, Bergen

Ms. Tonju Folkestad, Det Norske

Veritas, Oslo

Dr. Claudia Halsband-Lenk,

Post-Doc, University Centre,

Svalbard, Longyearbyen

Mr. Adam O'Toole, Moss, Østfold

Mr. Chhatra Sharma, Research

Fellow, PhD Candidate, Aas

Ms. Ellen Stenslie, CDM

Consultant, Norwegian University

of Life Sciences, Aas


Mr. Rajendra Bahadur Adhikari,

Rural Area Development

Programme, Damauli, Tanahun

Ms. Rupa Basnet Parasai,

Programme officer, National

Trust for Nature Conservation,

Jawalakhel, Kathmandu

Mr. Laxman Belbase,

ClimateHimalaya, Kathmandu,


Ms. Basundhara Bhattarai,

ICIMOD, Kathmandu

Dr. Gabriel Campbell, Senior

Fellow, The Mountain Institute,

Patan, Lalitpur

Page 27: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Kamal Chaulagain, Nepal

Pluralist Society, Kathmandu

Mr. Asish Dhakal, Environmental

Graduates in Himalaya (EGH),


Mr. Bhuwan Dhakal,

Environmental Graduates in

Himalaya (EGH), Kathmandu

Mr. Mukunda Dhungana,

Student, PGDE, Kathmandu

University School of Education,

Balkumari, Kathmandu

Mr. Lama Sherpa Dorjee

Jangbu Lama - Sherpa, Mountain

Academic Nepal, Kathmandu

Ms. Sweety K. C., Rural

Area Development Programme,

Damauli, Tanahun

Dr. Bhuwan K.C., Youth

Engagement in Sustainability,

Kathmandu, South Asia

Mr. Ram Chandra Khanal,

International Union of Nature

Conservation (IUCN), Nepal,

Kathmandu, Bagmati

M. Brigette Leduc, Gender

specialist, ICIMOD, Kathmandu

Mr. Tek Jung Mahat, Inter-

national Centre for Integrated

Mountain Development

(ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Bagmati

Mr. Kesh Bahadur Pariyar,

President, Literary Academy

for Dalit of Nepal (LAD-Nepal),


Mr. Binaya Pasakhala, Institute

of Forestry, Hetauda, Kathmandu

Mr. Hom Shrestha, Health research

and development, Non-Smokers'

Rights Association of Nepal,



Dr. Philip Catton, Senior lecturer,

philosophy, Philosophy, University

of Canterbury, Christchurch


Mr. Abdul Jabbar Amir,

Community development,

Microfinance, Al-Mehran

Rural Development & Welfare

Organization, New Saeedabad,

Dist Matiari Sindh

Mr. Muhammad Anees, Pakistan

Tobacco Company, Wah Cantt,


Ms. Uzma Bano, Educationalist,

Officer Quality Assurance

Education, Lahore

Ms. Fatima Fatima,

Environmentalist, Lahore

Mr. Hassaan Ghazali, Institutional

development specialist, Planning

& Development Dept, Government

of the Punjab, The Urban Unit,

Lahore, Punjab

Mr. Muhammad Arif Goheer,

Senior research fellow, Global

Change Impact Studies Centre

(GCISC), Islamabad, Capital


Mr. Atif Neuman Jamil,

Education, CIIT Abbottabad,

Abbottabad, NWFP

Mr. Rafiq Mirani, Consultant,

LRD Org., Layyah, Punjab

Dr. Rashid Nizamani, Directorate

of Animal Husbandry Sindh,

Tando Jam, Sindh

Dr. Rashid Saeed, Balochistan

Forest & Environment Dept

(Pakistan), Quetta, Balochistan

Ms. Saima Siddiqui, Research

officer, Centre for Integrated

Mountain Research, University

of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab


Dr. Basim Dudeen, Natural

resources specialist, Land

Research Center, Dura, Hebron


Mr. Alejandro Argumedo,

Asociacion ANDES, Cusco

Mr. Carlos Antonio Alonso

Bartesaghi Koc, Student of

architecture, Arequipa

Dr. Valentin Bartra, Lawyer,

philosopher, Instituto Andino,

Universidad Mayor San Marcos,

Miraflores, Lima

Mr. Julio Garcia, Architect, Lima

Dr. Dora Guillen de Arce,

Architect, Urban planner, National

San Agustin University of

Arequipa Peru, Arequipa

Ms. Lupe Guinand, Coordinator,

Environmental Program, Andean

Community, Lima

Ms. Isabel Lapena, Senior Lawyer,

Peruvian Society for

Environmental Law, Lima

Ms. Gabriela Lopez S, Engineer,

rural development specialist, Lima

Page 28: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Ms. Berioska Quispe-Estrada,

Biologist, AC Aynikusunchis,


Mr. Cesar Simborth Escudero,

Student, Universidad Nacional

de San Agustin, Arequipa

Dr. Segundo Edilberto Vergara

Medrano, Biologist, Universidad

Nacional de San Martin,

Moyobamba, San Martin


Mr. Clemente Bautista, Jr.,

National Coordinator, Kalikasan

- People's Network for the

Environment (Kalikasan-PNE),

Quezon City

Ms. Emmi Capili, Research

assistant, Klima Climate Change

Ctr, Manila Observatory, Ateneo

de Manila University Campus,

Quezon, Natl Capital Region

Mr. Donato de la Cruz, Chemical

engineer, Consultant, Quezon City

Dr. Luzviminda Domingo,

Research and Teaching, Isabela

State University, Isabela

Ms. Maya Manocsoc, Project

officer, John Carroll Institute on

Church & Social Issues, Quezon

Ms. Beatrice Misa, Youth for

Sustainable Development

Assembly - Pilipinas, Paranaque,

Metro Manila

Ms. Frances Quimpo, Executive

Director, Center for Environmental

Concerns - Philippines, Inc.,

Quezon City

Mr. John Patrick Reyes, Call

center agent, Iloilo

Mr. Xenon Walde, Urban planner,

City Government of Makati,

Makati City


Dr. Kinga Krauze, Faculty

of Biology and Environment

Protection, International Center for

Ecology, University of Lodz, Lodz


Dr. Orlando Figueiredo, Escola

Secundária de Peniche,


Dr. Susana Neto, Researcher,

University of Lisbon, Lisbon


Dr. Liviu Gheorghe, Scientist,

Institute for Studies and Power

Engineering, Bucharest


Prof. Nick Aladin, Professor,

zoology, Zoological Institute,

Russian Academy of Science,

St. Petersburg, Leningrad

Ms. Maria Gavrilo, Biologist,

Arctic & Antarctic Research

Institute, Saint Petersburg

Dr. Olga Lukyanova, Senior

researcher, Pacific Research

Fisheries Centre (TINRO-Centre),


Ms. Olga Osadchuk, Chair, EEIU

Green Planet Task Force, Moscow


Mr. Abdoul Byukusenge, Youth

Advisor for Africa, UNEP, Kigali


Mr. Emad Sulieman, Khartoum-

North, Khartoum


Ms. Anastasija Handziska,

Veterinarian, Faculty of

Veterinary Medicine, Novi

Sad, Vojvodina

Ms. Jelisaveta Mihajlovic,

Europa Nostra Serbia, Velika

Plana, Serbia

Mr. Mladen Mojsilovic, Student,

Belgrade, Serbia


Ms. Meutia Chaerani,

Environmental planning, National

University of Singapore, Singapore


Prof. Marjeta Kersic-Svetel,

Independent researcher,

Journalist, Lecturer, Ljubljana

Ms. Teo Hrvoje Orsanic, Public

forest service, Slovenian Public

Forest Service, Brezice


Ms. Jihane Giraud, Master

Student, Lund University, Lund

Ms. Guofang Miao, Nacka,


Ms. Katie Pease, Student,

Karlskrona, Blekinge

Ms. Elisabeth Simelton, PhD

Candidate, Physical Geography,

Goeteborg University, Goetoborg

Page 29: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Daniel Sköld, The Baltic

Master Project / Region Blekinge,


Ms. Chloe Stull-Lane, Masters

Student, International

Development and Management

(LUMID), Lund University,


Ms. Linn Takeuchi Waldegren,

PhD student, Lund University,

Lund, Skane

Mr. Saemundur Weaving,

Engineer, Västerås


Mr. Hakim Djibril, Chadian

Association for Environ-

mental Education


Mr. Yao Maglo, COGESTEN/ED,

Lomé, Golfe


Mr. Chittiwat Silapat, Forestry,

Forest Industry Organization,



Ms. Gail Hamel-Smith, Science

teacher, Maple Leaf International

School, Alyce Glen


Prof. Suer Anac, Lecturer, Ege

University, Faculty of Agriculture,

Dept Irrigation & A. Structures,

Bornova Izmir

Dr. Semra Cerit, Academics,


Dr. Esra Kocum, Onsekiz Mart

University, Canakkale

Dr. Nuri Mol, Consultant, Istanbul

Ms. Aycan Yilmaz, Student,

Middle East Technical University,



Mr. Taukiei Kitara, Development

Officer, TANGO, Tuvalu Climate

Action Network, Funafuti

Pepetua Latasi, TANGO, Tuvalu

Climate Action Network, Funafuti

Tafue Lusama, TANGO, Tuvalu

Climate Action Network, Funafuti

Tataua Pese, TANGO, Tuvalu

Climate Action Network, Funafuti

Melton Tauetia, TANGO, Tuvalu

Climate Action Network, Funafuti


Mr. Gabriel Jaramillo, LUMA

GIS, Lund, Scania


Mr. Ibrahim Hhalkano, Functional

consultant, System Analyst - Vesl

Technologies, Dar es Salaam

Dr. Christopher Muhando,

Research Fellow, University

of Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar



Prof. Jeremy Bendik-Keymer,

Professor, American University

of Sharjah, Sharjah


Mr. Byamukama Biryahwaho,

Forester, Kampala

Mr. Alwin Bubendorfer, Technical

advisor/lecturer, Centre for

Research on Energy & Energy

Cons., Faculty of Technology,

Makerere University, Kampala

Ms. Judith Ikiring Obore,

Environment Alert Uganda,


Ms. Catherine Mulinde,

Meteorologist, Environmentalist,

Makerere University, Kampala

Mr. Ddembe Shaffic Ssimbwa,

Network for Youth and Children

Uganda, Kampala


Dr. Maksim Gulin, Researcher,

Institute of Biology of Southern

Seas (IBSS), Sevastopol, Crimea

Mrs. Ludmilla Marchukova, Chair,

EEIU Sevastopol, Sevastopol

Acad. Prof. Gennady G.

Polikarpov, Senior scientist,

Institute of Biology of Southern

Seas, Sevastopol, Crimea

Dr. Viktor Postnikov, Senior

scientist, Institute of Renewable

Energy, Kiev



Mr. Bill Aal, Tools for Change,

Seattle, WA

Dr. David Abram, Director,

Alliance for Wild Ethics,

Sante Fe, NM

Page 30: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Prof. Ralph Acampora, Educator,

Hofstra University, Forest

Hills, NY

Mr. Joseph Adamji, Student, St.

Paul, M

Ms. Natalia Aguilar, Director,

Movimiento sustentable,

Gardena, CA

Dr. Rafael Aguilera, Consultant,

Sacramento, CA

Dr. Julian Agyeman, Associate

professor and Chair, Dept of Urban

and Environmental Policy and

Planning, Tufts University,

Medford, MA

Mr. John Allen, Chairman, Global

Ecotechnics Corporation, Sante

Fe, NM

Dr. Andre Aquino, Evaluation

officer, Global Environment

Facility, Washington, DC

Ms. Susan Aragon, Ecologist,

Geographer, Worcester, MA

Dr. Paul Baer, Research Director,

EcoEquity, Salt Lake City, UT

Dr. Roberta Balstad, Columbia

University, New York, NY

Ms. Marci Baranski, Student,

Michigan State University, MI

Ms. Shawkat Begum, PhD

Student, Tucson, AZ

Prof. Frederic Bender, Professor,

University of Colorado, Dept of

Philosophy, Colorado Springs, CO

Prof. Jane Bennett, John Hopkins

University, Dept of Political

Science, Baltimore, MD

Dr. Wes Berry, English professor,

Western Kentucky University,

Bowling Green, KY

Ms. Kelly Biedenweg, Doctoral

student, University of Florida,

Gainesville, FL

Dr. Beth Blissman, Oberlin

College, Center for Service &

Learning, Oberlin, OH

Ms. Jessica Boehland, Student,

New Haven, CT

Dr. Fred Bortz, Writer, Physicist,

Monroeville, PA

Mr. Michael Bowersox, Student,

Seattle, WA

Ms. Ann Bradley, Silver Lake (Los

Angeles) Green Committee, Los

Angeles, CA

Ms. Veronica Brieno Rankin,

President, GeoSeq International

LLC, South Range, MI

Dr. Barry Brown, Professor,

Missouri Southern State

University, Dept of English and

Philosophy, Joplin, MO

Mr. Donald A. Brown, Project

coordinator, Rock Ethics Institute,

Penn State University, Director,

Pennsylvania Consortium for

Interdisciplinary Environmental

Policy, PA Dept of Environmental

Protection, Harrisburg, PA

Mr. Scott Brusaw, Electrical

engineering, Solar Roadways,

Sagle, ID

Dr. Robert Bullard, Professor,

Director, Environmental Justice

Resource Center, Clark Atlanta

University, Atlanta, GA

Prof. Wil Burns, Professor

of law, Santa Clara University

School of Law, Santa Clara, CA

Dr. W. Malcolm Byrnes,

Professor, Howard University

College of Medicine,

Washington, DC

Mr. Rick Cahoon, Kent, WA

Prof. John Cairns, Jr., Retired

professor, Virginia Polytechnic

Institute and University, Center

of Environmental & Hazardous

Studies, Blacksburg, VA

Dr. Scott Cameron, Loyola

Marymount University, Dept

of Philosophy, Los Angeles, CA

Prof. John Campion, Ecotropic

Works, Oakland, CA

Prof. Jana Carp, Professor,

Dept. of Geography and Planning,

Appalachian State University,

Boone, NC

Dr. Daniel Cartledge, Consultant,

Perry, FL

Dr. Daniel Cartledge, President,

SeedTree, Stockton Springs, ME

Dr. Melissa Checker, Assistant

professor, Queens College -

CUNY, Flushing, NY

Dr. Jia-Yi Cheng-Levine,

Assistant professor, English

and humanities, College of the

Canyons, Valencia, CA

Ms. Erin Connor, Publishing,

Berkshire Publishing Group,

Great Barrington, MA

Dr. Barbara Cook, Mount Aloysius

College, Cresson, PA

Page 31: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Fred Cook, Cinematographer,

IATSE Local 600, Conscious

Action, Social Movement

Empowerment Project, San

Francisco, CA

Ms. Marilyn Cornelius, Stanford

University, Menlo Park, CA

Ms. Beth Corso, Las Vegas, NV

Mr. Christian Cotton, Doctoral

Student, University of Georgia,

Philosophy Dept, Athens, GA

Dr. Deborah Cowman,

Assistant research scientist,

Institute for Science, Technology

and Public Policy, Texas A&M

University, College Station, TX

Prof. Paul Craig, Professor,

University of California, Davis,

Martinez, CA

Ms. Elizabeth Cummings, Iowa

City, IA

Ms. Jan Czaja, Marine mammal

training, Dolphin Quest,

Honolulu, HI

Dr. John Dale, Writer,

Teacher, Former attorney,

Board member, Unitarian

Universalist United Nations

Office, Prescott, AZ

Ms. Waverly de Bruijn, River

Network, Portland, OR

Mr. Tony Dean, Outdoor

radio-TV producer, Writer,

Tony Dean Outdoors, Pierre, SD

Ms. Felicia DeMita, Portland, OR

Ms. Wanda DeWaard,

Walland, TN

Ms. Jessica DiCamillo, University

of California at Berkeley, Boalt

Hall School of Law, San

Francisco, CA

Dr. David Dillard-Wright,

University of South Carolina

Aiken, Aiken, SC

Mr. Cody Donahue, Director

of Partnerships, Tostan,

Washington, DC

Dr. Michael Dorsey, Assistant

professor, Environmental Studies

Program, Dartmouth College,

Hanover, NH

Mr. Kyle Douglass, Graduate

Student, Terre Haute, IN

Mr. Julian Drix, Student, Brown

University, Rising Tide North

America, Providence, RI

Mr. James Duncan, University of

Florida, Gainesville, FL

Mrs. Marian Duran, Masters

student, San Jose, CA

Mr. Victor Dzirasa, President,

Samaritan Insights, Waverly, IA

Mr. Timothy Ehresman, Graduate

student, Fort Collins, CO

Dr. Howard Ehrman, Assistant

professor, University of Illinois, IL

Mr. Duane Elgin, Author, research,

San Rafael, CA

Mr. Anthony Espinoza, Lamont

Doherty Earth Observatory,

Palisades, NY

Mr. Christopher Feider,

EcoEducation of St. Paul,

Minnesota, Lexington, MN

Dr. Mary Lou Finley, Professor,

Antioch University, Seattle, WA

Ms. Lisa T. Fishler, Consultant,

Earthaven, Poughkeepsie, NY

Ms. Andrea Floyd,

Consciously Rebuilding Inc.,

Metairie, LA

Dr. Crystal Fortwangler, Barnard

College, New York, NY

Ms. Catherine Fouchi,

Minnesota Dept of Natural

Resources, New Ulm, MN

Dr. Cynthia Fowler, Ecological

Anthropologist, Wofford College,

Spartanburg, SC

Dr. Douglas Fox, Senior Research

Scientist, CIRA Colorado State

University, Fort Collins, CO

Dr. Mary Friel, Sisters of

Notre Dame de Namur, East

Hartford, CT

Dr. Michael Frome, Conservation

author, Port Washington, WI

Ms. Len Gary, Student of writing,

creative nonfiction and poetry,

Vermont College of the Fine Arts,

Montpelier, VT

Ms. Larissa Gata, Gainesville, FL

Mr. Emilian Geczi, Graduate

student, Evanston, IL

Mr. Christopher Getzan, Student,

Freelance Writer, Denver, CO

Dr. Kathleen Gillogly,

Professor, Chicago State

University, Chicago, IL

Page 32: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Ms. Sarah Goss-Robertson,

Indiana University, Purdue

University, Indianapolis, IN

Dr. Roger Gottlieb, Professor

of philosophy, Dept of Human-

ities and Arts, Worcester Poly-

technic Institute, Worcester, MA

Mr. David Grant, University

of Wisconsin - Madison,

Madison, WI

Mr. Michael Greenberg,

Environmental Consulting,

San Francisco, CA

Dr. Lori Gruen, Associate

Professor of Philosophy,

Chair, Feminist, Gender and

Sexuality Studies; Director,

Ethics in Society Project,

Wesleyan University,

Middletown, CT

Mr. Mukesh Gupta, Clark

University, Worcester, MA

Ms. Elizabeth Hagan, San

Francisco, CA

Ms. Micah Hahn, CARE/Rollins


Ms. Laurie Hartjes, University

of Wisconsin-Madison, Verona,


Dr. Ronnie Hawkins, Associate

Professor, University of Central

Florida, Orlando, FL

Prof. Lauren Heberle, Professor,

University of Louisville,

Louisville, KY

Mr. Phil Henshaw, Physics and

design theory, Consultant, HDS,

New York, NY

Dr. Diane Henshel, Professor,

Indiana University, School of

Public and Environmental Affairs,

Bloomington, IN

Mr. Zac Henson, Auburn

University, Auburn, AL

Mr. Shabaka Heru, Society for

Positive Action, Los Angeles, CA

Ms. Angela Hines, University

of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR

Dr. Gregory Hitzhusen, National

Council of Churches, Ithaca, NY

Ms. Lynn Hogan, Orlando, FL

Dr. Madronna Holden, Oregon

State University, Eugene, OR

Mr. Tony Homan, Student, Terre

Haute, IN

Dr. Claire Howard, Restoration

ecologist / Owner, Regenerative

Systems Design, Burlington, VT

Dr. Mark Hudson, Assistant

Professor of Sociology,

Collegeville, PA

Mr. Drew Hunt, Rose-Hulman

Institute of Technology, Terre

Haute, IN

Ms. Nancy Hutton, Doctoral

Student, Harvard Divinity

School, Somerville, MA

Dr. Travis Idol, University

of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

Mr. Guillermo Jaimes, Los

Angeles, CA

Dr. Andrew Jameton, Professor,

University of Nebraska Medical

Center, Omaha, NE

Mr. John Jenkinson, Rose-

Hulman Institute of Technology,

Terre Haute, IN

Mr. Michael Johnson, US

Dept of Agriculture, Natural

Resources Conservation

Service, Greensboro, SC

Ms. Dawn Joseph, Student,

Brooklyn, NY

Dr. Stephen Kaufman, Christian

Vegetarian Association, Shaker

Heights, OH

Ms. Erica Kearns, Fountain

Hills, AZ

Ms. Lauren Kelly, Fellow,

Global Public Policy Institute,

World Bank, Washington, DC

Dr. Ilan Kelman, Center for

Capacity Building, National

Center for Atmospheric

Research (NOAA), Boulder, CO

Dr. Robert Kirkman, Professor,

School of Public Policy,

Georgia Institute of

Technology, Atlanta, GA

Mr. Frank Knight, Powur of

Citizenre, Concrete, WA

Ms. Moki Kokoris,

Independent Outreach Educator,

Ridgefield, CT

Ms. Sigrid Kulkowitz, Climate

Change Action Group, Ithaca, NY

Ms. Shawna Kurtz, Shining Star

LLC, Chincoteague Island, VA

Ms. Mary Lu Lageman,

Land Manager / Grailville,

Loveland, OH

Page 33: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Ms. Melody Lam, University of

Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Ms. Diane Langhorne,

Annapolis, MD

Ms. Anna Lappe, Co-founder,

Small Planet Institute,

Cambridge, MA

Dr. Ronal Larson, Engineer,

Golden, CO

Ms. Joann Lee, Community

relations, Esurance, San

Francisco, CA

Prof. Wendy Lynne Lee,

Professor, Dept of Philosophy,

Bloomsburg University of

Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, PA

Mr. Donald Lehr, Media

consultant, Nolan/Lehr Group,

Inc., New York, NY

Mr. Peter Leigh, NOAA, Silver

Spring, MD

Prof. John Lemons, Professor,

Dept of Environmental Studies,

University of New England,

Biddeford, ME

Ms. Kelly Levin, Graduate

student, Yale University,

New Haven, CT

Ms. Mary Leyser, Founding

director, EcoRes Forum,

Baltimore, MD

Mr. Terry Link, Director -

Campus Sustainability, County

Commissioner, East Lansing, MI

Dr. Rob Loftis, Professor, St.

Lawrence University, Philosophy

Dept, Canton, NY

Mr. Ernest Lowe, Indigo

Development, Santa Rosa, CA

Mr. Paul Lussier, Executive

producer, Author, Paul Lussier

Company, Marina Del Ray, CA

Dr. Lisa Lynch, Writer, Edmonds,


Ms. Laurie Maak, Web dialogue

development, WestEd, San

Francisco, CA

Ms. Jennifer MacVean, Phoenix,


Ms. Tara Maguire Knopick, The

Forum on Religion and Ecology at

Yale, New Haven, CT

Dr. Carol J. Manahan, Richmond,


Ms. Sherry Martin, Ithaca, NY

Dr. Sharon Martinson, University

of California, Santa Cruz, and

Oregon State University, Corvallis,


Ms. Elsa Marty, Student,

Roseville, MN

Ms. Shannon May, University of

California, Berkeley, NewGlobe

Partners, San Francisco, CA

Ms. Pat McCabe, Taos H.O.P.E. -

Home of Peaceful Expression,

Taos, NM

Mr. Darren McCormick, Eugene,


Ms. Rachel McMahon, Policy

director, Center for Energy

Efficiency and Renewable

Technologies, Sacramento, CA

Ms. Sarah McManus, Student,

NC Piedmont Green Party,

Lewisville, NC

Ms. Deborah McNamara,

Northwest Earth Institute,

Portland, OR

Dr. Curt Meine, Aldo Leopold

Foundation, International

Crane Foundation, Prairie du

Sac, WI

Dr. Joan P. Mencher,

Cultural anthropologist, Emerita

Professor (Lehman/CUNY),

The Second Chance Foundation,

New York, NY

Dr. Andrew Miller,

Environmental consultant,

Tallahassee, FL

Dr. Corinne Miller, Professor,

Miami University Middletown,

Middletown, OH

Dr. Mark Minster, Rose-Hulman

Institute of Technology, Terre

Haute, IN

Ms. Nilofer Momin, Teacher, Al-

Hadi School, Pearland, TX

Dr. Susan Mooney, Professor,

Stonehill College, Easton, MA

Ms. Rose Ann Morris, High

school teacher, math and science,

Mountain Empire High School,

Boulevard, CA

Ms. Ariel Muller, MBA

Candidate, Sustainable

Business, Bainbridge Graduate

Institute, Jackson, WY

Ms. Iben Munck, Nonprofit,

International Fund for Animal

Welfare, S Yarmouth, MA

Page 34: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Dr. Hal Nelson, Professor,

Claremont Graduate University,

Claremont, CA

Ms. K. Nelson, Sun City, AZ

Mr. Tanh Nguyen, Humphrey

Fellowship Program (org. An

Giang University - Vietnam),

Davis, CA

Mr. Adi Nochur, 1Sky,

Washington, DC

Mr. Raphael Notin, Field

biologist / seasonal technician,

Institute of Ecosystem Studies,

Rhinebeck, NY

Ms. Rebecca Onion, Grad

student, Dept of American

Studies, University of Texas

at Austin, Austin, TX

Mr. Matthew Ortoleva,

Graduate Student, University

of Rhode Island, Johnston,

Rhode Island

Ms. Alexandra Pallas, Student

of energy and Ayurvedic

medicine, CA

Mr. Corey Palmer, Intern,

Eco-Justice Collaborative,

Chicago, IL

Dr. Ram Pandit, Auburn

University, Auburn, AL

Prof. Anne Parker, Faculty,

Naropa University Environmental

Studies Dept, Boulder, CO

Dr. Cindy Parker, Johns Hopkins

University, Bloomberg School of

Public Health, Baltimore, MD

Prof. Lydia Patton, Professor,

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Mr. Roosevelt Petithomme, URS

Corporation, Tallahassee, FL

Dr. Andrew Pleasant, Professor,

Rutgers University, NJ

Ms. Paula Posas, World Bank

consultant, PhD student, Silver

Spring, MD

Mr. William Prince, City

of Brisbane, CA Community

Development Director, City

of Brisbane, CA, Brisbane, CA

Mr. Ivan J. Ramirez, Doctoral

student/RA, Michigan State,

Medical Geography Lab, Ctr for

Capacity Building, National Ctr

for Atmospheric Research, Dept

of Geography, East Lansing, MI

Mr. Andrew Revkin, Environment

Reporter, New York Times, New

York City, NY

Dr. Jody Roberts, Program

Manager, Center for Contemporary

History and Policy, Philadelphia,


Mr. Jason Rodney, Macalester

College, St. Paul, MN

Ms. Sheila Rodriguez, Seattle, WA

Mr. David Rome, Garrison

Institute, Garrison, NY

Dr. Juliana Rotich, Editor, Global

Voices Online Environment,

Schaumburg, IL

Prof. A. G. Rud, Professor, Purdue

University, College of Education,

West Lafayette, IN

Prof. William Ruddick, Philosophy

professor, New York University,

Philosophy Dept, New York, NY

Mr. Christopher Ruder, Student,

Beloit, WI

Ms. Meghan Ruta, Graduate

student, University of

Connecticut, Mansfield, CT

Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, Evolution

Biologist, Santa Barbara, CA

Mr. Aneel Salman, Economist,

Troy, NY

Ms. Marisol Sanjines, Human

Development Report Office,

UNDP, New York, NY

Mr. Steve Sansola, College

administrator, Poughkeepsie, NY

Dr. Robert Sessions, Professor

of Environmental Philosophy,

Philosophy & Humanities,

Kirkwood Community College,

Iowa City, IA

Ms. Lani Shaw, General Service

Foundation, Aspen, CO

Prof. Patricia Siemen,

Director, Center for Earth

Jurisprudence (CEJ) St. Thomas

University Law School, Miami

Gardens, FL, USA

Mr. Cesar Simborth, Copper

Mountain, CO

Dr. Henry Simmons, Seminary

Professor, Richmond, VA

Mr. Terry Simmons,

Environmental lawyer, Reno, NV

Ms. Elizabeth Smith,

Fundraiser, The Nature

Conservancy, Indianapolis, IN

Dr. Richard Currie Smith,

Consultant, Minneapolis, MN

Page 35: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Travis Smith, Farmer, Friday

Harbor, WA

Dr. Rachel Smolker, Global

Justice Ecology Project,

Hinesburg, VT

Dr. Steven Soifer, Associate

Professor, University of

Maryland School of Social

Work, Baltimore, MD

Dr. Elisabeth Sommer,

Professor, University of

Central Florida, Orlando, FL

Dr. Viki Sonntag, Founding

director, EcoPraxis, Seattle, WA

Dr. Franklin Southworth,

Linguist, Emerita Professor,

University of Pennsylvania,

New York, NY

Mr. Michael Spears, Moberly, MO

Mr. Frederick Spreyer, Writer,

Upper Grandview, NY

Mr. Brian Stenquist, Minnesota

Dept of Natural Resources

Organization of Wildlife

Planners, St. Paul, MN

Mr. Thomas Stipe, Ellsworth, ME

Mr. Frederick Stoss, Associate

librarian (Biol & Enviro Sci and

Math), University of Buffalo,

SUNY, Buffalo, NY

Ms. Shaelyn Strattan,

Environmental Planner, California

Energy Commission, Acampo, CA

Dr. John Sullivan, University of

Arizona Health Sciences Center,

Tucson, AZ

Mr. Curtis Swain, Santa Cruz, CA

Ms. Margaret Swedish,

Grassroots activist, writer,

Spirituality and Ecological

Hope / Center for New

Creation, Takoma Park, MD

Dr. Renzo Taddei, Professor,

Yale University, New Haven, CT

Mr. Meri A. K. Tahset, Lya,

The Forces of Nature Metaphysical

and Spiritual Center, Seattle, WA

Ms. Olivia Tanujaya, Graduate

student, University of Delaware,

Ctr for Energy and Environmental

Policy, Newark, DE

Dr. Allen Thompson, Assistant

Professor of Philosophy, Clemson

University, Pendleton, SC

Ms. Sharon Tinianow, COSI,

Columbus, OH

Dr. Sarah Trainor, Alaska Center

for Climate Assessment and

Policy, University of Alaska,

Fairbanks, AK

Dr. Irina Tuuli, Freelancer,

writer, researcher, Ayer, MA

Dr. Shalini Vajjhala, Resources

for the Future, Washington, DC

Mr. Brian Van Hoy, Human

Scale Design, Glenville, NY

Dr. Sarah Van Hoy, Goddard

College, Glenville, NY

Ms. Julia Varshavsky,

Collaborative on Health and

the Enviornment, Bolinas, CA

Mr. Andrew Varyu, Social

Entrepreneur, Divinity Student,

Cambridge, MA

Dr. Ashwani Vasishth,

Assistant professor, California

State University, Hollywood, CA

Dr. Teresa Vazquez, Professor, Cal

State Northridge, Northridge, CA

Mr. Thomas Velazquez, Engineer,

City of Miami Beach, Miami

Beach, FL

Ms. Shelly Vendiola, Tribal

peacemaking consultant,

Indigenous Women's Network,

Bellingham, WA

Mr. Peter Viola, The Orion

Society, Great Barrington, MA

Mr. Konrad von Ritter, World

Bank Institute, Washington, DC

Ms. Casey Walker, President and

Director, Institute for Inquiry,

Editor and publisher of Wild Duck

Review, Davenport, CA

Ms. Catherine Kay Walsh,

Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, Cambridge, MA

Prof. Karen Warren, Professor,

Macalester College Philosophy

Dept, St. Paul, MN

Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington,

University of Illinois School of

Public Health, Chicago, IL

Dr. Hame Watt, Independent

Consultant, Washington, DC

Dr. Richard Watts, Tulane

University, New Orleans, LA

Ms. Wendy Weisman, Rutgers

University, NJ

Ms. Jenny Wells, Graduate

student, Berkeley, CA

Page 36: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Mr. Jacob Werksman, Lawyer,

WRI, Washington, DC

Dr. Dolores Wesson,

International Community

Foundation, La Jolla, CA

Ms. Twylia Westling,

Shoreline, WA

Dr. Mark White, Physician,

Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, Atlanta, GA

Dr. Patricia Widener, Assistant

professor, Sociology, Florida

Atlantic University, Davie, FL

Mr. Cory Wilkinson, HDR

engineering, HDR, Pensacola, FL

Mr. Brooke Williams, The Murie

Center, Moose, WY

Dr. Paula Willoquet-Maricondi,

Marist College, Kingston, NY

Dr. Jim Wohlpart, Florida Gulf

Coast University, College of Arts

and Sciences, Fort Myers, FL

Mr. Paul Yates, Scientist,

Georgetown, KY


Dr. Mokhira Kuramboeva, PhD

student, Institute of Water

Problems, Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Mr. Graham Adutt, Director,

Challenge to Change, Hanoi,


Ms. Claudia Doets, SNV

Netherlands Development

Organisation, Hue, Thua Thien


Ms. Hoa Vu, Vietabroader

Organization, Ha Noi


Mr. Karl Fellenius, Manager,

Vaughani Shores Vanuatu, Port

Vila, Shefa Province


Ms. Aleksandra Radivojevic,

Environmental engineer, Nis


Dr. Phoebe Barnard, Conservation

scientist, Cape Town

Dr. Patrick Bond, Professor and

Director, Centre for Civil Society,

School of Development Studies,

University of KwaZulu-Natal,


Mr. Barry Kantor, Law,

SouthSouthNorth, Cape Town,

Western Cape

Ms. Carol Lombard, CDPD,

Pretoria, Gauteng

Mr. Wally Menne, Chairperson,

Timberwatch Coalition, Mayville

Mr. Freddy Milambo Tshiala,

Student, Pretoria, Gauteng

Mr. Alain Ndedi, YENEPAD,

Sunnyside, Pretoria

Ms. Romie Nghiulikwa, EcoAfrica

Environmental Consultants, Cape

Town, Western Cape

Dr. Geoff Stiles, Consultant,

Marbek Resource Consultants

Africa, Johannesburg, Gauteng

Ms. Rina Taviv, CSIR, Pretoria

Dr. Sue Taylor, WWF South

Africa, Parklands, Johannesburg

Mr. Llewellyn van Wyk, CSIR,

Pretoria, Gauteng

Dr. Gina Ziervogel, University

of Cape Town, Stockholm

Environment Institute, Cape Town


Dr. Chiedza Muchopa, University

of Zimbabwe, Harare

In accordance with international data protection law, Forum participation is listed only

with the unambiguous consent of the participant. Not all participants are listed publicly.

Page 37: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

Special thanks to our supporters, participants, partners, and friends!

The Forum team wishes to express deep gratitude to

Academic Professor Gennady G. Polikarpov, Dr. Biol. Sc.,

Chief Scientist, A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of Southern Seas, National

Academy of Science, and Vice President, Eco-Ethics International Union, Sevastopol,

Ukraine, whose encouragement, support, and guidance as the Forum’s scientific

advisor has meant more than we can ever express.

Thank you, Prof. Polikarpov! – MCL

EcoRes enjoys the support and partnership of a wide range of grassroots and

nonprofit organizations around the world. In appreciation and recognition of

their efforts, inspiration, and assistance, the Forum wishes to thank our

panelists and guests, volunteers and supporters, advisors, team members,

and most of all, our e-conference participants (list), who have made the

development of the EcoRes Forum possible: Thank you!

Rayson K. Alex | Dr. Abdelkader Allali

John P. Allen, FLS | Dr. Will Allen

Prof. Valentin Bartra | Wes Berry, Ph.D.

Dr. Erik Bitterbaum | Prof. Ferdinando Boero

Dr. Barry Brown | Donald A. Brown, Esq.

W. Malcolm Byrnes, Ph.D. | Ms. Karen Cairns

John Cairns, Jr., Ph.D. | Dr. Philip Catton

Mr. Stephen Covey | Guido Dalla Casa

Mary Lou Finley, Ph.D. | Lev Fishelson, Ph.D.

Dr. Suresh Frederick | Michael Frome, Ph.D.

Ms. Chelsea Harrison | Dr. Chrys Horn

Dr. Margaret Kilvington | Prof. Louis Legendre

Mrs. Ludmilla Marchukova | Dr. Robert Markman

Dan Millman | Prof. Mohan Munasinghe

Dr. Silvia Muylaert | Mrs. Frances Nichols

Mrs. Olga Osadchuk | Mr. Mark Pierce

Acad. Prof. Gennady Polikarpov | Ms. Susan Prior

Dr. Colin S. Reynolds | Mr. Andrew C. Revkin

Mr. Chris Riley | Klaus Rohde, D. Sc.

Mr. David I. Rome | Alison Shaw, Ph.D.

Steven Soifer, Ph.D. | Ms. Laura Slattery

Ms. Deborah Snyder | Mrs. Annetta St. Clair

Dr. Chad Stebbins | Ms. Sara Trimm

Prof. Karen J. Warren

EcoRes Forum: Thank You!

Page 38: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

EcoRes thanks the many organizations and publications that have helped raise awareness about Forum activities.

American Society of Limnology and Oceanography

International Institute for Sustainable Development

ANPED, the Northern Alliance for Sustainability

Ashoka: Innovators for the Public

The Assoc for the Study of Literature and Environment

Berkeley Institute for the Environment

Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network

Chicago Conservation Corps

The Collaborative on Health and the Environment

Colorado Association of Science Teachers

Crimean, Ukraine News

Crossroads, MSSU


Division of Environmental and Life Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney

The ECCHO (Ecosystems, Climate Change and Health Omnibus) Project

Educational Studies Association of Ireland, ESAI

Eventful, Inc.

Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental


H-Net; Humanities & Social Sciences Online

infoSWIF • lista di discussione filosofica

Institute for Resources, the Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia

Inst for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis

EcoRes Forum: Thank You!

Page 39: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

EcoRes thanks the many organizations and publications that have helped raise awareness about Forum activities.

Integrated Farming and Waste Management WeBlog

International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development

International Environment Forum

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Leapfrog Into Action

Menlo Park City Council

Minciu Sodas

New York State Marine Education Association

NOAA Marine Protected Areas of the United States

North American Association for Environmental Education

On Line Opinion | OTAN

Zerofootprint | Zimbio, Inc

Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia

Royal Society of South Africa, University of Cape Town

SEEK: Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge

Sevastopol, Ukraine Forum

Sevastopol, Ukraine News

Step It Up 2007

Student Environmental Action Coalition

Tiempo Climate Newswatch

Tynax, Inc

UConn Center for Integrative Geosciences

University of Connecticut, Environmental Science Degree Program

University of Michigan Climate Change Consortium

University of New England

UQAM - Université du Québec à Montréal

Utah Society for Environmental Education

Wisconsin K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP)

and many more… thank you!

EcoRes Forum: Thank You!

Page 40: Achieving Global Climate Justice in the 21st Century

EcoRes Forum

Exploring the Ethical, Political,

and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Climate Change

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