
w w w . B r e n d a V i o l e t t e . c o m

BUSINESS Discover 100 plus management tasks you can delegate to your Online Business Manager that will begin to immediately accelerate the growth of your business.

Accelerate Your

With An Online Business ManagerGROWTH

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


The checklists in this guide are provided by Tina Forsyth,

author of Becoming an Online Business Manager.

Copyright 2014 | International Association of Online Business Managers

Used with Permissions

The remaining content was written by

Brenda Violette, Certified Online Business Manager

Copyright 2017 | Violette Business Services, LLC |

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH WITH AN ONLINE BUSINESS MANAGER!Discover 100 plus management tasks you can delegate to your Online Business Manager that will

accelerate the growth of your business.

You will:

• Learn the business activities that you should stay focused on daily that will mobilize your

business to greater growth and sustainability.

• Discover how an Online Business Manager will immediately boost your revenue by giving you

50, 60, 80 plus hours every month to focus on growth.

• Uncover the difference between an Online Business Manager and a Virtual Assistant. Discover

how each role increases your business in different ways.

• Learn how you can comfortably step out of the day-to-day management of your business

while still having your finger on the pulse of your business.

By hiring an online business manager you are accelerating the growth of your business.

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


Are you a successful woman entrepreneur whose multiple 6-7 figure business

feels out of control?

Are you feeling stuck? Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Over-stressed?

Ever thought seriously about walking away because you’re so bogged down in daily operations,

team and marketing management that you can’t follow your passion?

If this sounds like you, it’s time to hire an online business manager.


ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


An OBM isn’t a virtual assistant who performs tasks. He or she is a professional business manager

who runs the company’s daily operations to give the owner energy and time to focus on strategic

growth. The OBM gives the owner permission to be the Visionary and serve her clients, plan the

company’s growth and future, and use her gifts to their fullest potential.

The OBM keeps all the balls in the air as the Integrator of the business. Gino Wickman and Mark C.

Winters first defined the Integrator role in their book, Rocket Fuel: The One Essential Combination

that Will Get You More of What You Want from Your Business. The Integrator harmoniously

combines the major functions of the business (sales, marketing, operations, and finance), runs the

organization, and manages day-to-day issues. This role is literally the glue that holds the people,

processes, systems, and strategy of the company together.

WHAT IS AN ONLINE BUSINESS MANAGER?According to Tina Forsyth, the author of Becoming an Online Business Manager, the official

definition of an Online Business Manager (OBM) is:

A virtually based support professional who manages online based businesses, including the day-to-day management of projects, operations,

team members, and metrics.

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


The Integrator creates space so the business owner, the Visionary, can fully step into the CEO role

and do what she’s called to do—share her ideas and make an impact in change the world!










Keep all the balls in the air for 4 major business



Technical/ Customer Support

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


I help women entrepreneurs transform their business by giving them time and space they need to

focus only what they can do to grow their business and delegating everything else. Since 2008, as an

Integrator in my clients’ businesses, I’ve had the great honor of making someone else’s vision happen.

Finding an Integrator for your business

would take a

BIG LOAD off your mind

and off your plate, wouldn’t it?

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


YOU CAN’T DO IT ALL, AND YOU DON’T WANT TOWhen you started your business, you had

to wear all the hats. You had to be the

visionary and the manager. You knew it

wasn’t your best fit, but you could do it

until the business grew a little and you

could hire support.

Soon you hired someone to take care of

the tedious work, but you couldn’t let go

of much more. You still needed to lead

and manage alone. You told your family

(and yourself) that wearing both hats

wouldn’t last much longer and you could

handle it.

Now, your business keeps growing and you spend way too much time managing and not enough

time leading and serving. You don’t have enough time to decide where the business is going because

you’re trying to keep up with managerial tasks you never wanted.

You started your business to change the world and to have the freedom to enjoy life. At this point,

you can’t do either because you can’t get out of that manager role long enough to catch your breath!

Hitting the ceiling is inevitable. Every successful woman entrepreneur I’ve seen comes to the point

where she’s exhausted and can go no farther - she can’t continue to manage and grow the business

by herself. She needs online business management services so she can move into the CEO position

and Visionary role to grow her company.

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


TRANSFORM YOUR BUSINESS WITH AN ONLINE BUSINESS MANAGERYour business needs a Visionary and an Integrator to be successful, and you can’t be both for long

and sustainable growth. As the Visionary, you need an Integrator to implement and drive your vision,

and your Integrator needs you to lead the company’s direction and strategize its future.

My specialty is working with multiple 6-7 figure women entrepreneurs who have hit that growth

ceiling. They know they can’t continue being in charge of everything. I’m an Online Business

Consultant, Certified Online Business Manager, and most importantly, a diehard Integrator in every

sense of the term.

My clients are high-achieving women entrepreneurs who want to change the world, and their visions

are huge. They have proven business models that generate multiple 6-7 figure revenues. Their desire

to build an empire is inspirational, and they’re ready to turn over the reins of management to a

trusted professional who will move the business forward.

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


The role of the OBM boils down to one simple thing

To free up the business owner so that she can focus her time and energy on the things that only SHE can do in their business.

Most business owners begin looking for business management support when their business simply cannot grow anymore

with them being in charge of everything!

The types of business activities that you should be working on in your business are big picture

planning, marketing, sales, working with clients, product development, and building strategic

relationships that will propel your business forward.

In order for you to grow your business to higher levels in revenue and infrastructure, you need to pull

yourself out of the day-to-day management of operations and marketing and focus on growth.

The role of the Online Business Manager is to delegate and not do. OBMs are responsible for

establishing and managing the team that does the execution.

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


So how can Violette Business Services help you? Check out this list to see some ways.

MANAGE PROJECTS • Creation of project plans, including timeline, process, people, and other resources

• Set up and maintain your online project management tool

• Break out details of tasks and assign to appropriate team members

• Communicating with team members about ongoing details and conducting status checks

• Following up with team as necessary to ensure that “stuff is getting done” on time and


• Handling challenges for the project as they arise, with focus on finding solutions quickly.

MANAGE TEAM• Identify team needs based on current business goals and projects

• Create measures of success for the roles

• Determine what team resources are needed

• Prepare job postings

• Review proposals from preferred candidates

• Set up and conduct interviews

• Prepare candidate packages for business owner to review recommended candidate

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


• Set up a call with candidate and business owner before making an offer

• Create and deliver onboarding process for new team member

• Regular reporting on measures of success for their role

• Managing team budget and expenses

• Managing team payments

• Conducting weekly team meetings to ensure core team is aligned with weekly goals

• Conducting team meetings with project teams and core teams as needed to complete special

projects or launches

MANAGE OPERATIONS• Review of the key systems needed to run a business, including: customer service, billing,

communication, back-ups, marketing and follow-up, and delivery.

• Creation of process, tools and players for key systems within the business.

• Implementation of automated business tools and software to manage various systems

• Creation and maintenance of a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) guide

• Management of all client payments and collection process

• Management of systems access and login information

• Ensuring there is an effective backup system in place for all information

• Establish decision-making guidelines for team members

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


TRACKING METRICS• Keeping track of key performance indicators (KPIs) for the business

• Setting up a system of reporting that includes what to track

• Analyzing metrics and discussing trends/patterns with business owner

MANAGE REVENUE STREAMS• Manage the production and completion of revenue streams including:

• Books and workbooks

• Multimedia products

• Membership programs

• Virtual events

• Live events

• Coaching programs

• Manage the set up of any applicable tools or software for different revenue streams

• Manage the deliverability of revenue streams

• Ensure customer service is in place to support each revenue

• Ensure that systems are in place so that new clients get immediate access to their purchases

• Set up fulfillment for any tangible/shippable items

• Review revenue streams on a regular basis to look for outdated information or opportunities

to refresh/re-launch

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


MANAGE YOUR WEBSITE(S) • Review content on all websites to look for outdated or incorrect information

• Managing the updates to website content

• Managing the creation of any new websites

• Finding and managing web/blog designers, graphic designers, and copywriters as required

• Setting up everything behind the “buy button”

• Setting up store pages and thank you pages

MANAGE YOUR NEWSLETTER SCHEDULE• Establish a newsletter (ezine) publication schedule

• Establish your promotional schedule

• Manage your list

• Help create a professional template

• Ensure that the newsletter (ezine) is published on schedule

• Review content for ezine

• Manage ads and other promotional material to be include in the newsletter (ezine)

• Manage solo emails and other promotions being sent to the list

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


MANAGE YOUR MARKETING IMPLEMENTATION • Managing the day-to-day implementation of the business owner’s marketing strategy, which

could include:

• Affiliate (joint venture) marketing

• Article marketing

• Audio/Video marketing

• Email marketing

• Publicity & PR

• SEO & pay-per-click marketing

• Social media

• Speaking engagements

• Traditional “offline” marketing

• Establish a team to take care of the ongoing marketing activities (as required)

• Reviewing autoresponders and follow-up sequences on a regular basis for outdated

information and accuracy

• Reviewing upsell opportunities in the buying process

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


MANAGE YOUR LAUNCHES• Set up a launch plan based on strategy from business owner

• Ensure that key players are in place for each stage of the launch

• Establish a clear promotional schedule for each phase of the launch

• Work with business owner or copywriter for launch materials

• Work with affiliate partners

• Manage the creation and development of sales page

• Keeping everyone on task throughout the launch and stay on top of any “dropped balls”

• Support the business owner as needed throughout the launch

• Update all websites and other marketing materials after the launch

• Ensure that the offering itself is delivered as promised.

MANAGE YOUR AFFILIATE PROGRAMS • Work with business owner to establish details for their affiliate program

• Setting up the affiliate program in the shopping cart.

• Setting up a resource page for affiliates

• Coordination of promotional materials for various promotions

• Keeping in touch with affiliates to advise of upcoming promotions

• Follow-up with affiliates as needed to support their promotions

• Managing payment of affiliates

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


MANAGE YOUR JV PARTNERSHIPS • Managing the implementation of any JV partner projects

• Creating the project plan for JV partner projects

• Coordinating with team members of the JV partner’s team

• Communicating key details to the players involved

• Following up with JV partners and/or the business owner as needed to bring the project

to life

MANAGE YOUR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS• Preparation of speaking kit

• Reviewing speaking requests on behalf of the client

• Confirming details of speaking engagement

• Coordinating details with host

• Managing travel

• Preparation of all speaking materials in advance

• Ordering of any products to be sold on-site

• Onsite management

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


FREE UP BUSINESS OWNER! • Reviewing where the business owner is spending her time

• Proactively taking stuff off the business owner’s plate that she doesn’t need to do (and may

not realize she can let go of)

• Acting as gatekeeper on behalf of the business owner

• Bring solutions to the business owner, not issues


• Weekly “pulse” reports

• Weekly status meetings

• Monthly “Big Picture” planning meetings

• Quarterly “in sync” meetings

• Annual planning meetings

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Are you ready for your Integrator? Click here to set up a complimentary discovery call.

Article: Are you stuck in the Day-to-Day Operations of Your Business?

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


1. Schedule a discovery call with me to discuss your growth

challenges and learn if it’s time for you to hire a second-in-

command in your business.

2. Connect with me on social media.

• Facebook

• Twitter

• LinkedIn

• Pinterest

3. Visit Frequently Asked Questions to answer many questions

you may have.

4. Check out my client and team Success Stories.


ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.



Brenda Violette is Founder and CEO of Violette Business Services, a business management

company that partners with high-level successful women business owners to grow their online


She helps 6-7 figure clients comfortably step out of the daily grind of managing their businesses

so they can focus on being the leader and CEO of their businesses.

...but her clients would tell you she helps them create a business they can love again!

With management responsibilities off their plates, Brenda’s

clients have the time and creative energy to focus on

growing their businesses and having a life too!

Brenda brings over 30 years of experience working in

administrative and business management, partnering

with high-level executives and business owners from

several different industries, online and offline.

In 2008, she lost her corporate cubicle to a reorganization at a major

insurance company and never looked back. Soon after the change of career

path, she discovered there was an online world in which she could be in charge

of her own destiny.

ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS GROWTH! VIOLETTE BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC | Online Business Management Service for 6-7 Figure Women Entrepreneurs | [email protected] of this booklet was written and copyright by Tina Forsyth ©2014. Permissions granted to Brenda Violette to add content to this guide.


She loves working with high-level women entrepreneurs who are the faces of their businesses

and are building empires. She is personally not an empire builder. She loves the challenges and

freedom of working with no more than two exclusive clients at a time.

The amazing value she brings to the woman business owner is the freedom to have a successful

business and a life too!

Brenda created the Client Delivery Playbook™, the proven 8-step roadmap that moves clients

through a process of transitioning the business owner into her new role as CEO and Visionary

Leader while setting up the foundation for business growth and sustainability.

Brenda lives with her husband in Middletown, Connecticut. She loves spending time with her

family, friends, church, and working in her home-based business, where she lives out her dream

of having work that is meaningful and gives her the freedom to call the shots.

Click here to learn more about working with Brenda Violette and how she can help you

accelerate your business growth while having a life too!

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