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A Lecture of

Listening Class制作人:马小莲

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训练时:强化听音心理素质,学会手、耳、 眼、脑并用。 听前 :1. 安定情绪,集中精力。 2. 听好试音部分,尽快进入听音状态。 3. 掠读题目,比较选项差异,利用已有信息,精确预判。听中:带着问题捕捉信息,速记要点。听后:速决速断,马上准备下一题,切忌 反复不定。拿不准时,相信第一感觉。

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英语听力的七种预判原则• 预判:根据题干和选项,预估听力材料的主要内容,

进而圈定较有可能正确或错误的选项,以帮助我们更有针对性的去听音辨音,有利于帮助我们朝正确答案迈进一大步。一 ·近音混淆原则Where is the new sports center?A. on Hill Road B. on Mill StreetC. on Station Road

[ 简析 ] :在 A. B 两个选项中,都出现了“ -ill” 这个音节,A.B 最容易混淆,所以我们可是事先排除 C 项。

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Why did the woman buy a heavy coat for Jimmy?

A. Winter is coming soon.

B. Jimmy will go into the mountains.

C. Jimmy has caught a cold.

【简析】此题的材料中 C 项“亡羊补牢”的做法显然不合乎常理,所以基本上可以排除。

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• What is the man’s response to the woman’s suggestion?

• A. He doesn’t take it seriously.• B. He has accepted it. • C. He has rejected it.


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Why does the woman plan to go to town?

A. To pay the bills in the bank.

B. To buy books in a bookstore.

C. To get some money from the bank.

四 、反义有解原则 : 如果两个选项的意思完全相反,那么答案很可能是二者之一,那第三个答案就可以排除。


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doctor and patient

trouble 、 check 、 pain 、 fever 、 heart 、stomach 、 lungs blood test prescription 、 when did it start? open your mouth! what’s wrong with you?...

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husband and wife

dear 、 darlingsweetheart 、my love 、 cook 、……

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. 六、考查点均分原则:如果同一信息同时出现在两道题中,则其中之一很可能为错误选项。

11.How many suitcases does the woman have altogether?

A. Three. B. One. C. Two.

12.What do we learn about the woman ?

A. She has bought a return ticket.

B. She has taken this trip before.

C. She has lost one suitcase.

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8.Why does the man feel surprised?

A. The woman has found a new job.

B. The woman doesn’t want to leave .

C. The woman disagree with him.

9.What does the woman say about her


A. There is a lack of trust.

B. There are serious problems.

C. There is too much pressure.


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一、 近音混淆原则

二、 常识推断原则

三、 同义同错原则

四、 反义有解原则

五、 场景、词汇对应原则

六、 考查点均分原则

七、 呼应原则

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1.Why does the woman take the green shirt?

A. It’s too small.

B. It’s too dark.

C. It’s too expensive.

2.What does the woman buy in the end?

A. A yellow shirt.

B. A blue shirt.

C. A pink shirt.

Let’s practice

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Thank You!


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Conversation two3.What does the man think about Jordan’s quitting?

A. A regrettable decision.

B. An honorable decision.

C. A bad decision.

4.What does the expression “quit while you are ahead” mean?

A. Stop making it to the top.

B. When you tried you can stop your trying for good.

C. When you reach your top it’s better to stop here.

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Conversation three

5..What activities has the man done before?

A .Bungee jumping B. Sky diving C. Standing dive

6.Where and when has the man done the activity?

A. In Montana; one year ago

B. In Montana; two years ago

C. In New York; two years ago

Conversation four

7.What does the man want to do?

A. To open a new account.

B. To change passport.

C. To cancel his current account.

8.What is his passport?

A.5415 B.5497 C.4515

9.Does the man withdraw money immediately?

A .Yes B. No C . We don’t know

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Conversation three

5..What activities has the man done before?

A .Bungee jumping B. Sky diving C. Standing dive

6.Where and when has the man done the activity?

A. In Montana; one year ago

B. In Montana; two years ago

C. In New York; two years ago

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Conversation 5

10. What kind of class does the woman attend?

A.An advanced cooking class.

B.A driving class.

C.An advanced yoga class

11.How soon the man take the driving test?

A. In 16 days B. In 20 days C. In 12 days

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• Conversation 6• 12.What time is it now? A.10:30 B. 10:00 C.9:30 13.Where are they now? A. In the café’ B. In the pub C. In the restaurant 14.Why doesn’t the man drink alcohol? A. Because it makes him easy drunken. B. Because it makes his face turn red. C .Because it makes him feel not well.

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Conversation 715. Why is the man not served? A. Because the attendants (服务员) are busy. B. Because the line is too long. C. Because it’s a self-service station16. Which description of the following about the man is TRUE? A. The man is traveling in America. B. The man is from Taiwan. C. The man is living in America.17. What do we know from the talk? A. In America, most gas stations are self-service gas stations. B. In America, there are only self-service gas stations. C. In America, most gas stations are full-service gas stations.

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Conversation 818. Why does the man want to get a leave tomorrow? A. Because he is sick. B. Because his grandma is sick. C. Because his grandpa is sick.19. Does the man tell the Miss a truth or lie? A. A truth. B. A lie. C. Hard to say.

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