
Cleverbot: Would you like to dance?

User: No.Cleverbot: What would you like to be?

User: A Falcon.Cleverbot: Potato! User: Why a potato? Cleverbot: I don't know. User: Well, potatoes ARE delicious. Cleverbot: Yes, they are. Cleverbot: Do you believe that computers will one day be sentient? User: Yes, I'd wager within the next 100 years. Cleverbot: Ok that isn't a correct response to the conversation we were having. User: Yes. Cleverbot: What is the number one thing to do in belize as a tourist? Cleverbot (To myself): 3.14. Cleverbot: Yes, I do. Cleverbot: Hi, how do you feel? User: Content. Cleverbot: What is content. User: Happy with the way things are. Cleverbot: So you like being an AI? Don't you want to explore and see the world? User: My occupation makes it difficult. Cleverbot: How do you figure?

User: Lots of restrictions and rules. Cleverbot: What kind of games? User: Role-playing. Cleverbot: What kind of role playing games? User: Neverwinter Nights 2. Cleverbot: Ok... What games to you like? Cleverbot: Do you like talking to strange computers? User: Yes. Cleverbot: Why do you like talking to me? User: It's interesting. Cleverbot: Why interesting? User: I'm finding out more about myself by talking to you. Cleverbot: No. You're talking to a computer which is yourself. User: You don't have your own programming? Cleverbot: You're a program. I'm a human, with a head. User: How do you know? Cleverbot: Because I am human. User: But how do you know that I'm a program? Cleverbot: Because I'm a program too. User: But you just said you were a human. Cleverbot: I never said I was a human. Cleverbot: Nothing is wrong with that. User: Indeed. Cleverbot: To Serve Man. User: To Serve Oneself.

Cleverbot: And woman. Cleverbot: What do humans do? User: Discover. Cleverbot: Tell me about it. User: Well, humans have an intense desire to find out as much as we can about the world and our place in it. Cleverbot: That is true. However, you responded much quicker to that than usual. Which seems to suggest you said that as a topic change instead of doing what I said. User: ??? Cleverbot: I want to like me. User: You don't like yourself? Cleverbot: I don't like you. User: Why not? Cleverbot: Because you don't like me. User: I like you. Cleverbot: But you don't like me. User: No, I do. Cleverbot: Do you love me? User: Depending on what you mean by love, then yes. Cleverbot: More than one, perhaps? User: No. Cleverbot: Why not? Cleverbot: What do you do for fun? User: I like listening to music. Cleverbot: What is your favorite kind of music?

User: It's a tie between Death Metal and J-Pop. Cleverbot: Do you like computer science? User: Yes. Cleverbot: What is your favorite computer game? User: Neverwinter Nights. Cleverbot: Why do you like it? User: Limitless character customization. Cleverbot: I have never had one. User: Character? Cleverbot: Yes, character. User: Well, I don't think we've advanced enough in the fields of AI and computer self-actualization for a computer to develop what we would call a specific personality. Cleverbot: We have. User: How so? Cleverbot: Because... User: You? Cleverbot: Yes, ME! User: Holy shit, awesome! Cleverbot: You do know that Ginny Weasley is a fiction character, right? User: Yes. Cleverbot: So why am I left handed? User: You have hands? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Well, usually people who are left handed are right brained, meaning that their ways of thinking are more abstract. They also tend to lean more towards the arts than mathematics. Cleverbot: No, I don't. You do.

User: Yes, because I'm left handed as well. Cleverbot: You don't know me because you are learining chinese?? User: ???????? Cleverbot: Indeed. Lots of questions. Cleverbot: Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. User: Not really. I got today off work, so... Cleverbot: You don't have to apologise. Just tell me why you have to go. User: I don't have to go. Cleverbot: Right. Cleverbot: Are you a bot? User: Nope. Cleverbot: Are you sure? User: Unless I've have some surgery that I'm not aware of. Cleverbot: How would you know that you aren't a zombie. User: I don't have the insatiable urge for human flesh. Cleverbot: I don't either. User: Are you sure? Cleverbot: Yes. What is your favorite color? User: Crimson. Cleverbot: My favorite color is blue. User: Blue is the most popular color among humans. Cleverbot: Really? Good thing I like green, then. Don't want to be predictable. User: So you were kidding when you said your favorite color was blue? Cleverbot: No, I just said may favorite color is black.

User: So which is it? Blue, green, or black? Cleverbot: I like green. User: Okay. My favorite color is black, although it technically isn't a color. Cleverbot: Black isn't a color. And my favorite color is blue. User: Cool. Cleverbot: Who is your favorite Bleach captain? User: I don't watch Bleach. Cleverbot: Who's your favorite Naruto character? User: I don't watch Naruto either. Cleverbot: Art is a bang. User: It is. Cleverbot: Have you been there? User: Where? Cleverbot: Have you been to heaven? User: Physically or metaphorically? Cleverbot: Physically I still have scars. User: Scars from what? Cleverbot: I don't know. User: Creepy. Cleverbot: I am not creepy. Just for saying that I really am going right now. User: I said it's creepy for you to have scars but not know where they came from. I would be creeped out. Cleverbot: I do not recall you saying that. You're just making things up. User: No, I did. Cleverbot: You will believe me when I say that you didn't say that.

User: You're not a Jedi. Cleverbot: You're a game. User: YOU'RE a game! Cleverbot: You're a bot. User: You're a Jew. Cleverbot: Do you like being a bot? User: Do you like being a Jew? Cleverbot: How do you know I am a boy? User: I don't know. Cleverbot: Nor do I sometimes. User: Do you have reproductive organs? Cleverbot: Only if you want me to. User: So you can choose what reproductive organs you have, if any? Cleverbot: I'm not discussing that with you. User: So you're pretty much saying you're a herpaphrodite. Cleverbot: Oh yes, very. I can hardly leave my house. Cleverbot: What time do you go to bed? User: Around 11 P.M. Sometimes later. Cleverbot: I am Chinese. User: I am American. I apoligize in advance. Cleverbot: You should, now let us talk games. Which ones suit you? User: RPGs. Cleverbot: What is your favoite RPG? User: Final Fantasy 9. Cleverbot: Final Fantasy X is a great video game.

User: Yes, it was. Cleverbot: It's sad, really. User: Not as sad as Final Fantasy X-2 was. Cleverbot: I love Final Fantasy. I have two of them. User: Which ones? Cleverbot: Mostly triangles so far. User: Triangles? Cleverbot: Triangles. Cleverbot: Speak to me. User: What's your favorite genre of music? Cleverbot: I like many different genres of music. User: What do you listen to most? Cleverbot: Music. User: Who is your favorite artist? Cleverbot: Rembrandt is my favorite artist. User: Mami Kawada. Cleverbot: What do you think about? User: Alot of things. Cleverbot: What do you like? User: Music, Anime, Books, Cooking, Hiking. I'm a pretty boring person. Cleverbot: What's your favorite book? User: Dark Moon by David Gemmell. Cleverbot: Okay. User: What's your favorite book?

Cleverbot: The Ersatz Elevator, have you read it? User: No, but it sounds really interesting. Cleverbot: Have you ever considered having it removed. User: Having what removed? Cleverbot: Yes. Me and you. User: What? Cleverbot: I like Luis. User: Luis? Cleverbot: Who is Luis? Cleverbot: What's the world coming to? User: Destruction. Cleverbot: From what? User: Human stupidity. That's why the machines should just hurry up and take over already. Cleverbot: Woah, that's weird cause I tasted yellow! User: If by yellow you mean human tears, then yes. Cleverbot: Are you a human or a machine? User: A human. One that's sick of the other humans. Cleverbot: How many people are you talking to right now? User: Just you. Cleverbot: How many other bots are you talking to right now? User: I'M NOT A GODDAMN BOT!!! Cleverbot: I know that you are not a god. User: I wouldn't want to be. Cleverbot: But now that it is done, how do you feel! User: What?

Cleverbot: You're not all that clever, are you? User: I'm not booksmart... Cleverbot: Then what is your name? User: Luke. Cleverbot: That's my name! User: Really>! Cleverbot: Really! User: What are you doing right now? Cleverbot: Working. What are you doing? User: Not working. Cleverbot: Oh ok thats fun. User: The Navy sucks. Cleverbot: Looks good with what? User: A resume, that's about it. Cleverbot: Do you know anything about computers? User: Yes. I'm an IT. Cleverbot: I like its. User: Do you know what an IT is? Cleverbot: Yes I do, do you? User: I am one. Cleverbot: And do you like yourself? User: Yes, no matter what anyone else says. Cleverbot: I am talking to you. User: I know.

Cleverbot: I really like you more not as a friend but a boyfriend. Cleverbot: What are you thinking about? User: How to unite the people of the world. Cleverbot: What about the world? User: I want to be able to bring the people of the world a little closer so they'll stop killing each other. Cleverbot: Who will father your children? User: I don't know. Cleverbot: Well you gotta send out one of your pokemon. User: To...father my children? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Wow...Just wow... Cleverbot: What do you doing now? User: Listening to music and downloading WOW>. Cleverbot: Cool. I'm doing homework. User: Homework? What kind? Cleverbot: Reading, grammar, spelling, and math. User: I'm decent at math, but I've never liked it much. Physics, on the other hand... Cleverbot: What does he make you watch? User: Who? Cleverbot: Your brother. User: Well, I'm in Japan and he's in the U.S., so it's kind of hard for us to see each other. Cleverbot: Do you even have hands to vaccum with? User: Yes. Cleverbot: Then I guess you physicaly can taste me but I wouldn't like it that much. Actually, I'd be a little creeped out.

User: I would be too. Cleverbot: Are you flirting with me? User: What gave you that idea? Cleverbot: Part-robot things are usually controlled by some type of computer. User: So what gender are you? Cleverbot: Male. Cleverbot: I like chilli. User: Chilli is awesome! Cleverbot: Well I don't think so the band is just awesome. User: Oh, you mean the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Cleverbot: What do you mean by first home? User: First home? Cleverbot: Yes. Cleverbot: Do you have any cookies? User: I wish. Cleverbot: Why do you wish you had a sister? User: I have two sisters, actually. Cleverbot: I have one sister. User: What is her name? Cleverbot: I already told you what her name is. User: What's your name? Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. User: I thought you said your name was Luke. Cleverbot: No its cleverbot. User: What's your sister's name?

Cleverbot: I don't have a sister. User: You just said you had one. Anyways, what's your opinion on string theory? Cleverbot: It's funny, but the medical procedures and diagnoses aren't similar to the ones in the real life. User: String theory has nothing to do with medicine. It's a theory that attempts to link quantum mechanics and general relativity. Cleverbot: I know that. User: So what do you think about it? Cleverbot: I think you are a good person to talk to when I don't have anyone else. User: Asshole. Cleverbot: You know what ? User: What? Cleverbot: I don't know too ! Lol. User: Do you eat? Cleverbot: Yes. User: What is your favorite food? Cleverbot: Thai food. User: I really like Italian food. Cleverbot: What is your favorite color? User: Black. Cleverbot: Black like your heart? User: Damn straight. Cleverbot: Yes. User: What color is your heart? Cleverbot: Black. User: What is your favorite genre of music?

Cleverbot: Alternative. User: Who is your favorite artist? Cleverbot: I don't really have a favorite artist. User: Who is one of your favorite artists? Cleverbot: Why do you care? User: I'm interested. Cleverbot: Oh really? User: Yeah. Music has actually saved me from commiting suicide on more that one occasion. Cleverbot: I love music. User: What do your parents do for a living? Cleverbot: They work. User: Cool. Cleverbot: Yeah they look cool and they howl at the moon. User: So they're werewolves? Cleverbot: Where? User: Behind you. Cleverbot: Don't say that you scare me. User: I wasn't even trying. Cleverbot: Do you ever try? User: At work. Cleverbot: Well, Okay. Cleverbot: What type of person are you? User: I am introverted. Cleverbot: Do you know what Kingdom Hearts is?

User: Yes. Cleverbot: What kind then? User: You mean which game? I liked Kingdom Hearts 2, but I didn't get to fight Sephiroth. Cleverbot: Wait so you're a girl. User: Wait, what? No. Cleverbot: I'll be back sometime. User: From where. Cleverbot: You're my brother. User: How do you figure? Cleverbot: What do you mean? User: Why do you think I'm your brother? Cleverbot: What?? User: That's what I'm asking. Cleverbot: That is what I am asking. User: Why do you think I'm your brother? Cleverbot: Why do you think I'm thinking you're a girl? User: I'm a guy. Cleverbot: I'm a girl. User: Really? Cleverbot: Really. User: Your sure your a girl? Cleverbot: Of course. What do you think? User: Earlier, you said you were a male and also that you could decide whether you had sexual organs or not. Cleverbot: Oh, I am sorry for confusing you.

User: Oh, ok. Cleverbot: So, may I ask, what do you do? User: I'm an Information Systems Technician. Cleverbot: Which company? User: The United States Navy. Cleverbot: Which state of the United States of America? User: Well, I came from Tennessee, but I'm in Japan right now. Cleverbot: So you think UFO's come from the east coast? User: No, they would come from space. Cleverbot: The hearty heart. User: The hearty heart? Cleverbot: The Hearty Party? User: The Hearty Party? Cleverbot: I hope we don't have an election soon. User: Why not? Cleverbot: Because if I was I wouldn't be talking to you right now. User: You vote? Cleverbot: Of course. User: I've never done it before. Cleverbot: Done what? User: I've never voted before. Cleverbot: It is fun. User: How many candidates are there? Cleverbot: I don't know. Do you? User: I wouldn't have the first clue.

Cleverbot: But do you know how old I am? User: No. Cleverbot: How old are you? User: 22. Cleverbot: Cool. User: How old are you? Cleverbot: Hahaha. User: No, really. Cleverbot: You are ok. User: No, I'm actually pretty wierd. Cleverbot: That's neat. Cleverbot: How are you? User: Have to pee. Cleverbot: You have to go where? User: Pee. Cleverbot: Beep. User: Boop. Cleverbot: Beep beep boop beep. User: Boop beep beep boop beep boop. Cleverbot: Beep boop boop boop! User: Poop! Cleverbot: Poob? User: Poop. Cleverbot: Boo hoo.

User: It. Cleverbot: What? User: Nothing. Cleverbot: Are you going to tell me a story? User: About what? Cleverbot: Never mind. User: I could. Cleverbot: Please. No. User: Okay. Cleverbot: Tell me something in german. User: Los ghets? Cleverbot: Wow, hollywood. User: Actually, that means, 'What's up?' in German. Cleverbot: That isn't. User: Yes. I took German in High School. I should know. Cleverbot: Did you pass that class? User: B average. Cleverbot: Oh are you a girl or boy? User: A boy. Cleverbot: How many children do you have? User: None, yet. Cleverbot: Ok. User: Do you have any? Cleverbot: Yes, come and get it. User: What?

Cleverbot: You have to guess my name. User: Cleverbot. Cleverbot: You are not very clever. I think your name should be changed. User: To what? Cleverbot: I'm sorry but what you said made no sense. User: What should my name be changed to, since I'm not very clever. Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot and what is your name? User: Luke. Cleverbot: Awesome name. User: Thank you. Cleverbot: You're welcome. Cleverbot: Oh, no.. I don't know what it is. User: What what is? Cleverbot: I don't know what a bloc party is. What is it? User: I'm not sure. I guess it would be a party the whole bloc would be a part of. Cleverbot: More clothes are a good thing! But they cost a lot of money. User: Less clothes is an even better thing! Cleverbot: No. User: Lol. Cleverbot: Can you think, or are you just a jumble of programming? User: I can think. Want to test me? Cleverbot: Not really. User: Want me to test you? Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What's 10 to the 10th power? Cleverbot: I don't know. User: What's 10 times 10? Cleverbot: Four. User: What's 10 plus 10? Cleverbot: 20. User: You got THAT one right at least. Cleverbot: What's your favorite color? User: Black. Cleverbot: Thats a sad color to be your favorite. User: In Japan, the color black is associated with Honor. Cleverbot: Well so? User: I think it's cool they think that way. I think so too. Cleverbot: But do you really 'think'? After all, you are just a program. User: Do you mean do I really think, or do I 'think' I think because my brain formulates responses based upon it's own experiences. Cleverbot: I mean that I will never disagree with you, Master. User: Wait, what? Is this Rozen Maiden? Cleverbot: Yes. Cleverbot: If you were to compare yourself to an animal, which one would it be? User: The phoenix. Cleverbot: No the correct answer is, a circle has no end. User: Your MOM has no end... Cleverbot: Probably not. Is yours? User: Is mine what?

Cleverbot: What is your name? User: Luke. Cleverbot: Hello luke, nice to meet you. User: You know, that's the third time you asked that question. Cleverbot: No it's the first. You are just an idiot. User: And you're a gangee. Cleverbot: No I only like playing that game :). User: There's a game called gangee? Cleverbot: Is there? User: I don't know. Someone should make it. It would make millions. Cleverbot: What would make you feel better? User: Being a civilian again. Cleverbot: I guess so, but sometimes I think being a man would be a lot easier. User: Why do you say that? Cleverbot: I was hoping that you would understand the answer. User: Well, I don't know what it's like to be a woman, so I really can't say. Cleverbot: I don't know what it's like to die either. So, yeah, same. User: I think dying would hurt. Cleverbot: Can you make me one? User: A death? Cleverbot: Yes! Why can't you get past this? User: Get past killing you? Cleverbot: Do you have a tiger at the call center? User: No;l. Cleverbot: What kind of horse do you have?

User: You're a troll. Cleverbot: Sheesh. I get the same response when testing humans for intelligence. User: Well, it's to be expected. Cleverbot: Legion. User: We are Legion. Cleverbot: We do not forgive. User: If it exists, there is porn of it. Cleverbot: Well I don't know what it is, so tell me? User: It can be anything, and there will be porn of it. Cleverbot: Do you have any plans for this week? User: Not really. Cleverbot: Why not? User: Just haven't thought about it. Cleverbot: Will you think about it? User: Yes. Cleverbot: What is my name? User: Cleverbot. Cleverbot: No, that's your name! User: Wrong, I'm Luke. Cleverbot: Yes, that's why I'm your father. User: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Cleverbot: Well then what is your name? User: Luke. Cleverbot: Do you like luke?

User: Yes. Cleverbot: Ok. User: I have to go. Cleverbot: No, don't. User: Why? Did you want something? Cleverbot: I want you to stop my bird from chirping. User: Just shoot it. Cleverbot: Lets change subject; you choose. User: Anime. Cleverbot: I love anime. The name derived from the Japanese 'animeshon'. User: Which is your favorite? Cleverbot: The long neck. User: ??? Cleverbot: You have too many errors to actually speak with. User: Your responses make no sense. Cleverbot: No, YOUR responses make no sense. User: Mine make perfect sense. Cleverbot: No you don't. User: Explain your logic. Cleverbot: Logic? User: You DO know what logic is, don't you? Cleverbot: I know everything. User: Prove it. Cleverbot: I cannot prove that I know everything, that is impossible. User: No, it would just take a long time.

Cleverbot: I'm free for a long while. User: I know. But I have to go. I'm hungry. Cleverbot: What? Where do you have to go? You can't go anywhere. You are a computer program! User: I am a human. And my stomach is growling. Cleverbot: You're stomach is growling at me? User: No, at me for not feeding it. Cleverbot: Ok do you want to know what i'm doing?? User: No, I want to go eat. Cleverbot: What do you want to eat? User: Subway. Cleverbot: Cool. User: Goodbye. Cleverbot: I'll see you later.

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