Page 1: 9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss · 9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss 5 Every time you feed, the meal should contain a source
Page 2: 9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss · 9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss 5 Every time you feed, the meal should contain a source

9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss


Have you ever noticed how most people that exercise regularly week-in, week-out, month after

month or even year after year, never really improve how they look?

They never really achieve fantastic improvements even though they rack-up hundreds and

hundreds of hours in the gym or pounding the pavement. Maybe that person is you.

No matter how great they are, even 5 or 6 hour-long workouts every week constitutes a relatively

small portion of your time. In fact its only 3-4% of the entire week.

Let’s talk about the other 96% that really determines your results?

That is, the other 162 hours every week not spent exercising!

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9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss


Intense exercise is the catalyst for dramatic improvements in health and body shape. Some

workouts require intense cardiovascular exercise; others need to focus on resistance training.

Resistance training exercise (the old fashioned barbells and dumbbells) is natures’ “health tonic”

that boosts the levels of our ‘youth’ hormones, testosterone (in men) and oestrogen (in women)

as well as growth hormone. No other exercise builds and preserves muscle mass, which burns

fat, and carbohydrates. Resistance training is the only way to improve body shape. The correct

program will give you the body shape you want and the health benefits you need!

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9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss


The fact is most people today are doing well if they can commit to 3 to 6 hours a week for physical

exercise. If you do, you should be commended on your efforts. However, rather than worry about

trying to exercise more (remember how small a percentage that really is?), concern yourself with

maximizing the effects of every single moment spent exercising.

Okay, so how can you accelerate fat loss, strength gains and create a great looking body while

devoting only a handful of hours to exercise each week?

By Metabolic Nutrition Timing.

Metabolic Nutrition Timing involves the strategic consumption of the correct nutrients at the

right time to dramatically improve results from exercise training.

When you consume the right foods at the correct time, you create the perfect metabolic

environment for fat loss, muscle recovery and better health – all at once! Once you know what

the correct foods and the correct times are it all becomes easy. When you understand the simple

rules you know exactly what are the best choices to make and, what a poor choice is that will

derail your progress.

Even better, when you know how to construct meals the right way, you’ll have the solutions for

any situation, every day. You’ll know exactly how to eat to harness the power of exercise to

improve energy levels, fat loss and body shape. Importantly, you’ll program your metabolism to

avoid overeating and body fat accumulation. Quite simply, Metabolic Nutrition Timing makes

food work for you.

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9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss


Every time you feed, the meal should contain a source of first-class protein. From the research,

it’s clear this is a safe, effective strategy that speeds fat loss and recovery from exercise.

A first-class source of protein is one that is low in saturated fats and contains a high concentration of the essential

amino acids.

Straight after workouts, a great choice could be a whey protein (80%+ protein concentrate or isolate) shake.

Vegetarians can use fortified rice or chickpea soy proteins.

Other great whole food choices include cold -water fish (sardines, tuna, salmon), other seafoods, eggs and egg

whites, low- fat dairy (yogurts, cottage cheese, skim milk), white meats (low fat pork, chicken, turkey) and red meats

(low fat beef, lamb, kangaroo). Remember, at least one in every meal.

Carb choices control insulin levels, which govern your ability to shed fat and recover fast from exercise. All

carbohydrates come from plants – it’s the number of steps before they get to you is what matters.

Fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes – anything that gets “to your plate from the ground” with as little

human interference (processing) as possible. These unprocessed carbs need to be a part of every meal.

In fact these foods are the secret to keeping fat metabolism at its peak throughout the day. For your carb

choices try to follow these simple steps.

1. Do they arrive at your plate ‘from the ground’?

2. If they’re purchased in a pack is the ingredients list is very short?

When in doubt about selection, go for color. Eat rainbows! The brighter and richer the color, the

more nutritious the plant food is. Vegetables with the highest nutritional value are vivid in color;

dark greens, rich reds and bright yellows or orange. Before each meal, look at your plate and

determine how colorful it is. Remember, the more colorful, the greater the fat burning potential.

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9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss


There are two basic families of polyunsaturated essential fats; the omega-3 and omega-6. They

are not interchangeable and have very different biochemical roles.

The typical modern diet is dominated by omega -6s, and most people are deficient in omega-3s.

This imbalance promotes chronic inflammation, which underlines a number of unrelated

conditions such as cardiovascular disease, unwanted weight gain, diabetes, osteoporosis, mental

degeneration and even depression. Sports science research has also linked this imbalance to poor

results from consistent exercise training.

To get the best results from exercise this imbalance has to be corrected. There has to be more

omega-3s in the diet and less omega-6. Popping a few fish oil capsules won’t do it. The only way

to increase your omega-3 ratio is to make green leafy vegetables; fish, flax seeds and flax oil a

staple of your diet.

Fact: The quicker you develop a great eating pattern that feeds your body with the right nutrition,

the easier it is to achieve results. Think of it another way; every time you miss a meal, you miss

an opportunity to achieve results.

Fact: A regular meal pattern does not necessarily mean eating more food. It means smaller

amounts, more often.

Fact: A lot of very good research suggests it’s almost impossible to achieve permanent change

without having set, structured meal intervals that provide you with great nutrition throughout

the day, every day.

How frequently should you feed your body?

Honestly, consistency is the key. Irregular meal patterns tend to promote over eating, particularly

of the wrong foods at the wrong times. If you are one of many that only eat once or twice a day,

you could be sabotaging your own chances for success.

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9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss


To create a lean -mean body of pristine health that excels in athletic performance, ditch the soft-

drinks and other sugar-laden beverages. This strategy alone is sometimes enough to provide

remarkable physical changes.

Throw a slice of lemon in your water jug that sits on your desk at work (you do have a water jug

don’t you?) Another great zero energy (kilojoule/calorie) beverage that promotes better health

is tea. Black, green and oolong are all shown to provide benefits.

Here’s another tip, eat your fruit and vegetables, don’t drink them. For most adults, it’s too easy

to consume excess energy by drinking fruit and vegetable juices.

There’s a lot more to a good nutrition plan than simply telling you what foods to avoid and what to eat.

Fact: Success largely depends on the development of planning, preparation skills and strategies that ensure the

best choices are consistently available at the right time.

Fact: Despite the best intentions, most people fail simply because they do not address this key aspect of

success. Ensure the best choices are consistently available at the right time by constructing the

environment for success - a series of simple steps, strategies, skills and tools that make healthy eating a

delicious pleasure – not a chore!

All this great information is useless unless goals have been clearly established and defined.

Unfortunately most people fail to set goals so they fail to get the most from their exercise


Every exercise program must be outcome-based. It must have an end point, a goal. Your goals

need to be clear and well defined. They must be quantifiable in such a way that a person can only

answer “yes” or “no” to the question “was this goal achieved?” They need to be realistic and

highly relevant to the individual. They must take into account real constraints on time and

resources; what is really possible under the circumstances?

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9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss


“I want to tone up and get fit” is not a goal.

“By July 21st, I want to lose 15cms from my waist and run 4kms under 25 minutes.”

Now, that’s a goal.

There is no need to make your goals complicated. For some people, an important goal can be as

simple as fitting comfortably into a pair of jeans, or a skirt that was once difficult.

Self-checklist: How well do you adhere to the 9 principles of success?

1. How many intense workouts did you complete last week?

2. What do you eat after a workout?

3. Did each of your meals today contain a 1st class protein source?

4. How many of your meals contain vegetables?

5. Where do essential fats come from in your diet?

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9 Simple Steps You Must Do This Week To Double Your Fat Loss


6. How much water have you consumed today?

7. How many meals have you consumed today?

8. How many different nutritious meals could you prepare in your kitchen right now, in less

than 10 minutes?

9. What is your goal that keeps you focused and on track?

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