Page 1: 7 Days to Financial Well Being
Page 2: 7 Days to Financial Well Being

By Jenni Parker-BrownCopyright 2010

No piece of this work may be re-produced without the author's permission.

Whatever your financial situation right now, and however you feel about it, never forget it is just a circumstance and can be changed in the twinkling of an eye, by a change of perspective. Whether you enjoy your current financial situation or not, if you want to improve it, change can occur simply by deliberate perception, in the twinkling of an eye.

Now, many people seem to be subject to the idea that there is a recession. But you are only ever subject to a circumstance in your life when you have not yet realized (or have forgotten) your own empowerment. And if you are ‘subject to' something, then that thing is your ‘ruler’.

To some this statement may shock. How can we ignore the recession? Your reaction to this question may well explain why the recession is affecting you in the first place!

In the now commonly understood quantum theory that we create our reality, if we perceive lack in the form of a recession, difficulties, resistance, fatigue, frustration, competitiveness, or any other form of resistance, then that perception will surely prove us right by turning up (or persisting) in our experience. There is a plethora of wealth creation books and programs. But however many great wealth-creation teachers hit the headlines, only a minute proportion of people who endeavour to, succeed in achieving some sort of transformation.

I too, have studied many of these great teachers, including several millionaires.

And despite understanding all the clever logic and enthusing about the prospect of integrating their wisdom, the one thing they couldn't

do was make to me feel better about money!



7 Steps to Financial PeaceHow to set your Money Well-Being Vibration to

Permanently Increasing Abundance(Sampler version)

Page 3: 7 Days to Financial Well Being


Now 7 steps to Financial Peace will not entice you with yet more extravagant promises of riches, or opulent lifestyles. I will not recount dramatic examples of how, after opening to this wisdom, so and so attracted her dream job or received a cheque for lots of dollars the next day (though both are highly possible!).

Who am I to say what's best for you? Too many experts just assume that we should all have matching lifestyles with houses on the beaches of Hawaii or private jets. (If that was the case, the beaches and the air would be very crowded!) Neither will I insult your intelligence with claims of secrets and keys, and information privy to just a few. I am a mirror, reflecting what you already know but may have forgotten. I am a looking-glass reflecting your own brilliance, that is all. But as you look into the reflection and see your shiniest, happiest ever-self beaming back at you, if that ever-self finds a great peace and tranquility about money, then that peace and tranquility will be what changes your fortunes.

Here are some of the things you can master in this training..

- 'Ask and you will receive'. You may have read this a thousand times. Find out how you must receive before you ask!

- Understand what may be blocking your flow of money

- Open to a new perspective on money, the one that will thrill you not kill you!

- Eradicate the worst dreaded habits that keep people poor!

- Tone up your capacity to imagine and feel what you want.

- Know that the worst thing that could happen to you is actually the best!


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BOUNTIFUL DREAMThe aim of this mini-course is, above all, to get you feeling good about money. Not just for a fleeting second during your daily meditation, or when you receive a gift, but for all of the time, night and day, in all states.

Let money 'well-being' become a natural condition for you.

However, be warned, if you truly desire change, the winds of change must blow hard. You might get away with a stiff breeze, but it could take a hurricane. With me, it took several hurricanes to touch the silver linings of clouds! And I am so grateful for those hurricanes!

For people with philanthropic natures and altruistic ideals, coming to terms with wealth can be very hard. People who listen to 'divine guidance' sometimes have a great deal of difficulty reconciling ideals of worlds without money, and keeping a roof over their heads. Believe me I know! But God’s face shines on bank notes too! Abundance is our divine heritage and cash is just one aspect of it.

Most often the ‘spiritual’ argument is an attempt to hide the fact that people haven’t yet got themselves clear enough to allow the flow of money. All altruism is better performed with millions of dollars behind it. Avoiding wealth allows you to avoid the challenges of self-worth and confidence required to acquire financial ease. It becomes an elaborate and self-congratulatory procrastination. And like forms of self-sabotage, you've just got to get over it!

Even ideals of money-less worlds are simply refusals to reconcile the system that we've already got. People who struggle with money can invent a million ways to avoid coming to terms with managing it. The underlying feeling of lack or that wealth is somehow to difficult to achieve, will flow around the subconscious like a canker, eating away at hope, optimism, even desire.

But money is entirely neutral! It is merely an energy of communication, shiny enough to reflect back to you every hang-up and bit of woolly thinking you can produce. Money doesn't have an opinion about you but if you have one about money, you can be sure it will respond!


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A word about yours truly.

I am an ex-bankrupt addict!

Yes, I chose (for my growth) the experience of attracting 3 near bankrupt partners and many years of debt, scarcity and worry, before I finally understood what handicapped my otherwise passionate aspirations. I was a victim of my own making and was supported in my victim-hood by people who felt sorry for me and saw me as unlucky. Now, secure in my ideal life in paradise and happily pursuing my exceptional life with my loved one, I have recognized the patterns which kept me trapped.

I grew up in a comfortable middle class environment. My parents were successful Estate Agents. As was the English custom I began to earn pocket-money very early and was quite financially independent from the age of 15. I bought my own clothes and paid for my leisure activities. But I possessed no money skills or knowledge. What I earned I spent and that became my downfall.

The middle child of three, my Mother used to joke, “Of all of the family, Jenni is the one who is most likely to be a millionaire. Just don't hold your breath.”

Luckily she didn't because it took me, from leaving college, 32 years to work it out. Over many years, I began to slide down into a money pit. I had work and ambition but progressively, in innocence and ignorance, I succumbed to the collective beliefs and climates about money, partly because of a simple lack of 'savoir-faire', but more importantly a complete blockage in the equation...

that I could be paid what I was worth, for doing what I loved.

Maybe you identify with this conundrum?

Now believe me, I have not been a miserable down-and-out. I have enjoyed a fantastic life! I have traveled, emigrated, fulfilled sumptuous dreams, had many careers and adventures, have always been healthy and loved. But despite wishing it was so, I just couldn't get my money act together!


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BOUNTIFUL DREAMDespite experiencing visits from bailiffs, two periods living in a caravan, red-cross parcels, shopping coupons, two escapes in my car with nothing but my suitcases, I have always 'managed' to live in beautiful houses, eat the finest organic food, and maintain a very expensive passion – horses.

I was the mistress of manifesting anything I desired, except a flow of money! And it was only when I truly woke up to the fact that having 'monergy' freedom would help me in my mission, and prevent me ending up as a tramp, that I decided to do something about it.

Now, here is an example that demonstrates the idea that life is a matter of perspective, and if we can change it, life will change.

From one point of view my account was always in the red, on the other hand I did exactly what I desired and wanted for nothing (except peace of mind!). When I looked at my prospects, they seemed grim. Unable to buy a house, sometimes unable to buy basics, I floundered in confusion and self-pity.

But then when I look in retrospect now, I realize that through each challenge, not only did I survive, I thrived!

Every chosen experience which seemed to bring me nearer to the point of being homeless and penniless when I was old-aged, was actually bringing me to make the biggest breakthrough in my life. During the last precarious episode when I

fled a 3rd marriage to a very sweet bankrupt, I recognized and finally birthed an understanding in me that was vital and powerful. I analyzed the process that had saved me so many times, that had helped me bounce back from the brink of disaster over and over again.

The thing that most helped me transform my life was this:

Despite having little money, I had actually never possessed what is known as commonly known as 'poverty consciousness' because...

I always knew I was born to be rich.And since I came to the desire to consciously make a decision that this rich person was the real 'me', I vowed that I would do everything to eliminate the conflicts that were preventing me from seeing this in the bank account, I decided to transform my perception of my past. Instead of regretting wasted time and lost money I 'made up my mind' that all of those experiences had been absolutely vital to the 'tipping point' of the greatest adventure of fulfill that rich destiny.


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BOUNTIFUL DREAMIt was in the application of that process by action and re-action, that the bank balance finally changed for the better.

It was in the practice of that process that the life I had been secretly desiring, began to materialize solidly before my very eyes.

It was in the recognition of the process, that I accessed and continue to access ...

...a feeling of profound, lasting security.The one that all humans desire whatever their circumstances!

This security has nothing to do with the red or black ink on the bank statements. Many wealthy people retain insecurities over money despite the dollar evidence to the contrary.

With this security you are finally free

to create a prosperous life, choosing from one of the millions

of ways available to you.

This is the security that comes with making deep peace with money.

This is the foundation upon which all healthy actions and intentions around money MUST be built to achieve


It begins with giving up control without giving up responsibility. It is singly the most powerful emotional

skill you can master.

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BOUNTIFUL DREAM Day 1 Take some time to make peace with money.Take time for money! Take time for money that doesn't involve hardship, stress or tight control. Fantasize.

Get really honest about your financial situation in a way that doesn't involve judgement, worry or frustration. Re-tell your story (to yourself) as the only possible one that could lead you to this breakthrough. If you are blessing the past, the future and the present will be blessed!

How much productive time do you give money that isn't either in working, selling or paying bills. Take time to play with money in a way that you have never done before. Here are some suggestions: - play Monopoly and aim to win - learn a virtual stock-market game - make a wish-list of everything you would love to buy, pick one small luxury and buy it- make money an imaginary person in your household; - set a place at the table for him/her, treat him/her like royalty- begin doing accounts as if you had 3-4 noughts behind every number. What different choices would you make?- download some free play-money here. Insert them between the notes in your wallet and feel how good they are there.

Remember 'real money' is only play money with the government stamp on it! The only difference is the way you received them so meditate on how money comes to you. First make a list of 10 different ways that money can come, that you don't usually think about. Now write 20 more!If this is hard, it demonstrates how closed you might be to the different ways that money can come into your experience. Now in meditating, let yourself fantasize about all the 100 ways that you imagined..

Now take time to imagine a life of financial freedom. What would you do differently tomorrow? Make a list and do one of them today.

Breathe, let go. You are not in control but you are responsible, so let desire be rampant, contentment reign and action be the only reaction.

To benefit from the other 6 days of Money Well-Being, the foundation af abundance attraction, here's the key to the portal...

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