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54Emotional IntelligenceCompetencies

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Copyright © 2015 Influence to Action, Inc.Operating under the brands: Beyond Morale, High Performing Leader, High Performing Leader Academy, Fast Leader Podcast

All rights reserved. But this is no ordinary disclaimer notice. I am using it a test to see if you have higher Emotional Intelligence (EQ)than the other 99.9% of people that will breeze past this page. Hey, somebody has to live in lala land. But that’s okay. We are allspecial. I appreciate them but will acknowledge you. Because you are exceptional and I will recognize you for that by tweeting it frommy Twitter account @BeyondMorale that as of today has more than 15,000 followers. I will also post it on my Facebook wall and onmy Google+ Profile. All you need to do is text me at the number below with your twitter handle and the message “I’m awesome”. Nowfor the rest of the disclaimer. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means,including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher,except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.For permission requests, text or email a note to Jim, addressed “Attention: Permission Request,” at the destination below.

336-202-1032 or [email protected]

Page 6: 54 Emotional Intelligence Competencies and Definitions...Resource Report Provides scores using visuals (numerical scores removed) that facilitate development and coaching. Leadership

EmotionalIntelligence CompetenciesList

EQ Competencies and Definitions

Uniquely YouReporting of EQ Competencies


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Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Competencies1.Adaptability2.Assertiveness3.Authenticity4.Collaboration5.Compassion6.Conflict Management7.Confrontation8.Congruence9.Constructive Discontent10.Creativity11.Emotional Expression12.Emotional Maturity

13. Emotional Problem-Solving14. Emotional Self-Control15. Empathy16. Flexibility17. Group Savvy18. Impulse Control19. Independence20. Influencing Others21. Initiative22. Insightfulness23. Integrity24. Intentionality

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Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Competencies25. Interpersonally Skillful26. Intuition27. Listening Generously28. Mindfulness29. Nonverbal Communication30. Openness to Others31. Optimism32. Patients33. Personal Power34. Perspective-Taking35. Reality testing36. Reaffirming

37. Relationship Savvy38. Resilience39. Self-Actualization40. Self-Assessment41. Self-Awareness42. Self-Confidence43. Self-Disclosure44. Self-Regard45. Situational awareness46. Social Intelligence47. Social Responsibility48. Social Space

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49. Stamina50. Stress Hardy51. Tolerance52. Trusting53. Trustworthy54. Understanding Others

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Competencies

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Report Description

Individual Summary Provides overall EQ score, along with individual facet scores, and validity profiles.

Development Report Provides information included in individual summary plus more explanation of the implications of each score, strengths and weaknesses, and developmental suggestions.

Resource Report Provides scores using visuals (numerical scores removed) that facilitate development and coaching.

Leadership Report Utilized to identify and cultivate leadership within the organization.

Group Summary Report Provides EQ-I results for groups of individuals, often to gauge team performance.

Reporting EQ Competencies

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See Sample Report

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Uniquely YouUnfortunately most people take a deficit-based approach and look for threats, failures, and weaknesses in order to improve themselves and their organizations. We look to ignite your strengths to propel you to tomorrow. You need to do the same. This approach celebrates and enhances you instead of trying to rip you apart and pull you down. Remember this: positive energy generates more positive results…every time.

This is proven fact. This is also an approach that has been proven to reduce the humps (barriers) associated with change.

We want to partner and help you. But know that we don’t forklift - we uplift (with assessments, training, workshops, coaching, speaking, and more). Contact us

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54 EQ Competencies and Definitions

1. Adaptability: responding effectively to multiple demands, ambiguity, emerging situations, shifting priorities, and

rapid change

2. Assertiveness: standing up for your rights; expressing your feelings, thoughts and beliefs in ways that respect

yourself and others

3. Authenticity: being honest with yourself and transparent with others, even when it is difficult to do so

4. Collaboration: working with others toward shared goals willingly

5. Compassion: understanding, caring about, and responding to the needs of others

6. Conflict Management: identifying tension or disagreement within yourself or with others and promoting solutions

that are best for all

7. Effective Confrontation: addressing behaviors or decisions that are negatively affecting you or others in ways that

are understood and lead to action

8. Congruence: behaving in ways consistent with your feelings, values, and attitudes as demonstrated by decisions

and actions; walking your talk

9. Constructive Discontent: expressing dissatisfaction, frustration or displeasure in a way that others can hear and

respond to; finding a creative way to bridge differences

10. Creativity: generating, envisioning and getting excited about ideas that depart radically from current thinking

11. Emotional Expression: recognizing your emotions and expressing them directly, appropriately, timely, and


12. Emotional Maturity: choosing how you react to your emotions so that your responses are both appropriate and


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54 EQ Competencies and Definitions

13. Emotional Problem-Solving: understanding a problem and it’s possible causes while taking emotional components

into consideration, then generating the best possible solutions

14. Emotional Self-Control: controlling and restraining your emotionally-based actions; demonstrating self-restraint

15. Active Empathy: understanding how and why others feel the way they do and conveying it effectively

16. Flexibility: remain open and responding effectively to new, different or changing information or circumstances

17. Group Savvy: reading and adjusting to group dynamics to promote an intended impact or to motivate the group to


18. Impulse Control: recognizing emotional triggers as a signal to slow down, think before acting and choose a

constructive response

19. Independence: thinking for yourself and making decisions based on personal values and beliefs while considering,

but not being overly influenced by, the feelings, needs and desires of others

20. Influencing Others: conveying a message in a manner that moves people towards commitment to do it

21. Initiative: taking a proactive, action-oriented approach

22. Insightfulness: seeing beyond the obvious and discerning the true nature of the situation or the hidden nature of


23. Integrity: behaving consistently with your values, principles and motives; being trustworthy, truthful and candid;

doing the right thing even when no one is looking

24. Intentionality: acting with purpose, direction and clear will toward a specific outcome or goal

25. Interpersonally Skillful: using a wide range of skills to effectively communicate with, relate to and get along well

with others

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54 EQ Competencies and Definitions

26. Intuition: tuning into your gut feeling or inner wisdom and checking it against something more tangible to help in

decision-making and creativity

27. Listening Generously: being completely attentive and accurately responding to what the speaker says and means

and also to what might be behind the words

28. Mindfulness: focusing on the present moment and suspending both internal chatter and also external distractions

to allow clarity and composure

29. Reading Nonverbal Communication: observing and interpreting nonverbal messages expressed by body language

and how a message is conveyed

30. Openness to Others: being receptive to others feelings, thoughts and ideas

31. Optimism: expecting that things will turn out well, that good will triumph; finding positive meaning our

perspective in any situation

32. Patience: waiting your turn, enduring hardship, difficulty or inconvenience without complaint and with calmness

and self-control; the willingness and ability to tolerate delay

33. Personal Power: demonstrating authority, control and competence in ways that influence action, command

attention or gain agreement on how to get something done

34. Perspective-Taking: considering various points of view or assumptions about a situation; seeking alternative

options and choices

35. Reality Testing: understanding and reacting to the way things are rather than responding to the way you wish, fear,

imagine or assume them to be

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54 EQ Competencies and Definitions

36. Reframing: seeing situations in a new light by considering different meanings, intentions or consequences to elicit

more positive and productive responses

37. Relationship Savvy: relating well and creating relationships with all kinds of people, even those you may not

particularly like, to accomplish goals

38. Resilience: bouncing back from difficult events and stressful situations by employing effective strategies to

maximize well-being

39. Self-Actualization: pursuing activities that lead to a personally meaningful life; becoming more of your best self

40. Accurate Self-Assessment: knowing your strengths and limits

41. Self-Awareness: knowing your own emotions, thoughts, motives, tendencies to react and their impact on others

42. Self-Confidence: believing in your words, your abilities, qualities and judgment, and behaving accordingly

43. Self-Disclosure: sharing information about yourself with others, appropriately and in the face of risk or


44. Self-Regard: behaving in ways that reflect how good you feel about yourself; excepting yourself

45. Situational Awareness: being alert and informed about your environment; reading patterns of interactions among

individuals and observing what may be unique about the setting

46. Social Intelligence: sensing, understanding and reacting effectively to others emotions and the interactions with

and between people; getting along well with others and getting them to cooperate with you

47. Social Responsibility: cooperating with and contributing to the common good of your community or social group

by acting out of a basic concern for others and putting them first

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54 EQ Competencies and Definitions

48. Managing Social Space: recognizing and maintaining the physical and emotional distance needed to interact

comfortably with others

49. Stamina: persisting in the face of difficulties, obstacles or disappointments

50. Stress Hardy: maintaining performance, positive mood and commitment to goals in spite of adversity

51. Tolerance: listening to and appreciating differing perspectives and ideas; valuing diversity

52. Trusting: believing that an individual or entity will do the right thing and act in the best interest of others

53. Trustworthy: behaving so that a large and diverse circle of people respond to you with belief and confidence

54. Understanding Others: being curious about and understanding motivations, feelings and moods that underlie

behavior; yours and othersList Source: People Skills Handbook

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