Page 1: 5 top common questions for a wedding ceremony

By Elina Merchan


Page 2: 5 top common questions for a wedding ceremony

During the Wedding Ceremony your vows may well be the most meaningful words you will ever say, but there is no right or wrong way to go about them. They come from deep in your heart and they are created by you from scratch, so don't be afraid when time arrives, they will come out fluently if they are sincere words.Try avoiding words and phrases that you wouldn't normally say and feel free to add a touch of humor without exceeding. Keep in mind that they are vows for your wedding Ceremony not a regular speech.I will share with you useful wedding ceremony ideas that can be easily followed to have a beautiful Ceremony. I have collected some of the most common questions asked by brides when they come to me to organize a Wedding Ceremony Script.1.-Where would guests be seated? Do I have to set up a Bride’s side and a Groom’s side for our families?A Traditional Wedding ceremony seats the bride’s immediate family members to the left side of the altar and the groom’s families to the right side as you enter the church. As far as other guests you don’t need to worry about keeping VIP seating for them. They will be seated as first comes first serves bases on both sides.

Page 3: 5 top common questions for a wedding ceremony

2.-What’s the best way to deal with cultural and religious difference between the family members?The most important thing here is that both bride and groom previously agree on what you guys wish for your wedding ceremony. Once you have a mutual agreement on this, the best will be to have a previous dinner or get together with both side parents and tell them about your plans.Try if possible to incorporate elements of both religions or you can focus on having a more spiritual speech rather than a religious one.If family members become obstinate you may have to be strong about your decision and tell them what you both have agreed and that you hope they will be happy for you guys.

3.-What is the order for the processional at the wedding Ceremony?This is really up to you and it will also depend upon religious customs. Normally you can follow this guide for a traditional wedding ceremony:Grandparents if alive go firstMother of the Groom nextMother of the Bride

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Bridesmaids along with groomsmen if that was the caseMaid of Honor or Men of HonorRing BearerFlower GirlBride with her father if alive, a close relative or your best friendThe Groom will be at the front of the Altar along with the Groomsmen waiting to receive you.

4.-Where will music be play during the Wedding Ceremony?This is a very open decision; you can add music where you feel it will fit. You may want to find out the type of music allowed by the church prior to the big day. The most common places would be:During The prelude, here music will signal guest that it is time to get ready for the ceremony.During the processional while the bridal party and the Bride walk down the aisle.During the Recessional, you're just been married and this beautiful moment should be enhance with the music played as you walk out the church.

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5.- How long should the wedding Ceremony last?There is no magic number for this, but keep in mind that too long is too much. In general 25 to 40 minutes is enough time to keep your guest’s attention and not have them falling asleep. Maintain a balance at all times so that no one feels like they missed the play.You can have  a brief officiant’s sermon, talk to the priest to have a short Mass, or simply eliminate a reading or passage.If you need further advice  for your Wedding Ceremony  feel free to call us at 305-300-0664 / 305-262-6202  email us at [email protected] and visit our website We will be more than glad to help you. Thanks for joining me and we´ll see next time. Your friend, Elina Merchan

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