
5 Statistics That Prove

You Need Twitter in Your

2016 Social Media


Twitter Strategy for 2016

With the plethora of social media strategies to

add to your plate in 2016—including video

content production and retargeting

campaigns—many marketers are wondering: “Is

it worth it to invest my time in Twitter this

upcoming year?”

We think so. And we’ve written plenty of posts

on how companies can optimize their use of

the platform to drive results. But for those who

need a little more convincing, we’ve compiled a

list of statistics that show that Twitter should

still have a place in your social media strategy

this year:


Twitter Strategy for 2016

Twitter has 320 million monthly average users. There are a ton of people using Twitter to

engage with friends, businesses, and brands 140-characters at a time. It’s very likely that

some or all of your target audience is also on Twitter, and the social network is a great

venue through which to connect with them.

36 percent of all marketers have found a customer via Twitter. This may sound like peer

pressure, but hey—if other marketers are generating leads and closing sales through

Twitter, there’s probably a major opportunity there for you as well.

Twitter users are 3x more likely to follow brands than Facebook users. Unlike users across

other social networks, people on Twitter actually want to hear from and interact with

brands and businesses on the platform. Who doesn’t want to put their marketing efforts

towards consumers who are openly receptive to them?


Twitter Strategy for 2016

77 percent of all Twitter accounts are outside of the U.S. This particular statistic is

especially appealing to businesses with global presences. Twitter is a great social media

platform through which to communicate with users around the world via your brand’s

main account or through additional brand accounts created specifically to communicate

with various countries or regions.

The average Twitter user has 208 followers. This means that for every follower your

brand accumulates on Twitter, you have the opportunity to extend your reach to at least

200 other people in their network. What’s more, these followers are likely to have similar

values, needs, and desires to the user who originally followed your company’s account,

meaning you’re improving your visibility in front of a quality audience.



3 Data-Driven Ways to Improve Your


Twitter Strategy for 2016

Having a strong Twitter presence could be beneficial to your business in the coming year. To

help you maximize your efforts, here are three proven tips for improving the performance of

your tweets:

Post at the optimal time. Tweets posted around 4PM Eastern time get more retweets

than those posted at any other time. Changing when you publish tweets is an easy way to

boost engagement!

Strategically place your links. Links placed just before the halfway point (in characters) of

tweets have a higher click-through rate than links placed elsewhere. We also recommend

including 2-5 hashtags within your tweet.

Appeal to the eyeballs with images. Tweets that feature an image receive 150 percent

more retweets. Make sure you choose quality high-resolution images that are in line with

the content of your post.


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