Download - 31 January 2012

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Volume 1 January 31, 2012

Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Principal’s Message Dear Parents and Students

This year, the spiritual focus in Loreto Schools is on Mary Ward’s understanding of “Freedom”. The “freedom” of which she wrote was a “singular freedom to refer all to God”. From this year’s National Student Leaders’ Conference, we thus have the following prayer, written by the girls themselves. I think is captures very well the essence of spiritual freedom.

In keeping with this understanding of freedom, our Year 12 Leaders have developed the following as their particular theme for 2012.

“Optimism and an open heart are the key,

break down the barriers and set yourself free.”

I congratulate them on their theme and look forward to the year ahead as they draw on this message of hope in all they do.

Welcome back to all returning students and families with a particular welcome to all new students and families. We welcome you warmly and sincerely and thank you for the trust you have placed in us. We look forward to the years ahead as we work together to nurture, encourage and support your daughter in her further growth and development.

We especially welcome the following new staff to Loreto:

Ms Melanie Davis (for Term 1)

Mr Michael Downey

Ms Cara Fox

Ms Meg Logan

Ms Leonie McCulkin – Art Co-ordinator

Ms Kerensa O’Neill (for Term 1)

Trusting God,

You give us freedom within our hearts so that we may grow in self-acceptance to serve others. Through this liberty you allow us to embrace the gift of life and see the good in all your creation, and so we give thanks.

Grant us the strength to act out of love and not fear. Instill in us the inner freedom to surpass our own limitations, to see beyond the narrowness of self-doubt and personal interest.

In time of hardship, guide us in our quest for inner freedom and allow us to be who we truly are. Give us the courage to admit our faults, to learn from our mistakes, and grow in your unwavering love.

Through this freedom, grant us the power to stand up and speak out for the betterment of ourselves, our school, and the wider community. Enable us to develop a sense of identity that is inwardly free and that fosters the values of Mary Ward in the true Loreto spirit. Amen.

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We also warmly welcome back from leave last year both Mrs Margaret Duncan and Ms Di McGowan.

We congratulate both Ms Tilly and Ms Matheson (formerly Ms Wilson) on their respective marriages during the holidays and wish them every blessing.

We also welcome back, from safe and happy travels to Germany, our German students and teachers. We offer thanks to our sister school “Maria Ward Schule” in Bad Homburg for their kind hospitality and generous friendship.


To the class of 2011 on the impressive academic results they achieved. Of course, we recognise that these results are but one measure of success (the beautiful young women they have grown to become is a more relevant measure certainly), however, they are none-the-less a tangible measure of the girls’ hard-work, commitment and effort.

In summary the excellent results are as follows:

From 124 OP eligible students, 5 (4%) received OP 1 and 11 others (9%) received OP 2, meaning 13% achieved positions in the top 2.5% of the State. In all, 28.2% received OP 1-5 and 50.8% received OP 1-10.

Using the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rankings (ATAR) this means that 50.8% achieved results in the top 20% of the State. Additionally, the whole class achieved positions in the top half of the State based on the ATAR equivalents. Further to this, 95.4% of the class received a tertiary offer/placement, with 82.4% being offered their first or second preferences. I’m sure you agree that these are impressive results indeed.

To Scholarship winners (class of 2011)

Leah South – QUT Dean’s Scholars Accelerated Honours Program

– QUT Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship

Hannah Williams – UQ Academic Merit Scholarship

Murphy Allendorf – QAS Hockey Scholarship

– Griffith University Sports Development Scholarship


This Thursday, 2 February, we warmly welcome you to join us for the College Inaugural Mass, commencing at 11.00am in the Mary Ward Centre, as we celebrate our 2012 theme of Freedom and we pray together for God’s most gracious blessing upon our year ahead.

This month we look forward to engaging the community in three afternoon “curriculum conversations”. These are part of our ongoing investigations into possible different learning frameworks applicable for the middle years at Loreto. Whilst these conversations are primarily for staff, I am keen to open them also to any interested parents who may wish to attend. Should you wish to attend one or more of the following, please advise my Secretary, Mrs Gail Newman, via email [email protected] in advance so that we can accommodate appropriate arrangements. All sessions will be held from 3.30pm – 5.00pm on the top floor of Mulwith.

On behalf of the P & F, I warmly invite parents to attend the year’s first meeting on Tuesday 7 February commencing at 7.30pm in the Staffroom. These meetings provide an ideal opportunity for you to enjoy the companionship of other parents; to share ideas and concerns; and to support each other and the school. I look forward to seeing you there.


We send our prayers and sympathies to the family of Morgan Carlill (Year 8) on the recent passing of Morgan’s Great

Grandfather. May he rest in God’s eternal peace. Amen.

Yours sincerely

Cheryl Hamilton



Thursday 2 February IB – Middle Years Program

Thursday 9 February Habits of Mind

Monday 27 February Dimensions of Learning

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Volume 1 January 31 2012 Page 3

Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Events Calendar Thursday 2 February

Inagural Mass 11.00am

Friday 3 February

Interhouse Swimming Carnival

Saturday 4 / Sunday 5 February

Tennis Championships

Tuesday 7 February

Year 12 Councils and Year 8 - 12 Class Photos

P & F Meeting 7.30pm

Wednesday 8 February

Music Support Group Welcome Supper

Thursday 9 February

Composite District U15 & U19 Volleyball Trials

Year 11 An History Field Trip

Friday 10 February

Villanova Swim Meet 4.00pm

St Vincent de Paul Social afternoon 3.30 - 5.30pm

Saturday 11 February

Tennis Trial Matches

Sunday 12 February

P & F Welcome BBQ 3.00pm

Monday 13 February

Year 11 & 12 V Art to GOMA

Year 11 Information Night 6.00pm

Wednesday 15 February

Alcohol & Drug Education Evening for Parents 7.00 - 8.00pm

Round 1 BSGSA Volleyball

Date Claimers:

Year 8 Parent Social Gathering (by the Pool)

Friday 17 February 7.00pm - 9.00pm

P & F School Dance - Saturday 17 March

Mary Ward Centre

Women’s Day Fun Run/Walk - 7.00am Sunday 11 March

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Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Important Procedures The information below is taken from the 2012 Parent Handbook which is available on the College Website. They relate to

the critical issue of the partnership between the school and parents to ensure that your daughter‟s safety and well-being is

given the highest priority. There are some changes to procedures, so I would ask that all parents read this information

carefully. Helen Carty - Deputy Principal – Pastoral Care


In the best interest of your daughter’s safety it is ESSENTIAL that you contact the School Office or the Absentees line 3394 9964 as early as possible if she is absent from school. If the office is not open a message can be left. This is the only way to determine if there is a valid reason for your daughter’s absence. If your daughter has not arrived and no notification has been received by 10.00 am, you will be sent an SMS message asking that you

contact the College to verify your daughter’s absence.

At intervals telephone checks are made to ensure that absences are legitimate. Requests for special absence from school must be directed, in writing, to the Principal. While the educational value of overseas or other extended trips is recognized as is the occasional need for family holidays in term time, the priority of regular attendance must always be considered.


If a student is ill in class, she should tell her class teacher who will sign the Student‟s Movement Log if she/he gives permission for the student to leave class to go to Sick Bay. She should then go directly to the Sick Bay.

Our duty of care to your daughter means that under no circumstances is your daughter to contact you on the College phone, her mobile phone, by text message or email.

Parents will be contacted by staff and asked to collect their daughter where necessary.

Parents are asked to take staff advice and come willingly to collect your daughter.

It is vitally important that parents notify the school of an emergency contact number so that arrangements

can be made for the welfare of a sick student if her parents cannot be contacted.

Students who are unwell are not usually permitted to travel home by public transport.

Students may remain in Sick Bay for one hour only. They must then return to class or parents are contacted.


The Homeroom Teachers are responsible to the Principal for the general behaviour and pastoral care of the homeroom group. Subject teachers are responsible for monitoring the behaviour and progress of students in individual subjects.

Parents with any concerns should contact the homeroom or subject teacher through the school office either by telephone or email. If appropriate, the teacher will direct the issue to another member of staff - Subject Coordinator, Year Coordinator, School Counsellor, Learning Support Teacher. Staff cannot be expected to respond to emails outside of school hours and may take some time to respond to emails during the school day because of their teaching commitments. Urgent requests or concerns should be conveyed by telephone through the school office; staff will ensure they are attended to in a timely manner.

All enquires about students should be made at the office. Parents must not go directly to classrooms. Parents must not go to staffrooms or offices without prior arrangement.


Supervision of students begins at 8.10am and finishes at 3.30pm each day. No responsibility for students is taken outside those times, other than students involved in particular activities under the supervision of a particular teacher, coach or other staff member. These activities may include training for sporting teams, Music Ensemble rehearsals, Club activities or meetings. Some other facilities are made available to students outside the general supervision times. The Library is open between 7.30am and 4.30pm. A staff member will be available in Room 210 each morning between 7.15am and 8.10am for assistance with Maths and supervision of school related computer use. No responsibility can be taken for students not involved in one of these activities before 8.10am or after 3.30pm.

When social functions or sporting activities are held at Loreto, staff will remain behind until all students have been collected. It is therefore most important that students are collected punctually. For sporting activities off-site, staff will transport back to Loreto any students who have not been collected by the appointed time. Staff will take no further responsibility for supervision. Students will then be expected to wait in the undercroft until collected by parents.

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Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Class, Individual and Sister Photos Class, individual, and sisters‟ photos will be taken on Tuesday 7 February. A separate flyer/envelope was sent home

last week explaining the products available. If you wish to have a family photo taken, please collect a Sibling /Family

Photo Envelope from the College Office. Once completed you must ensure that each student returns her own envelope

even if payment is made in the eldest child‟s envelope. Envelopes are not to be placed inside other envelopes as they

can often get missed. Please return these envelopes plus your individual photo order on the photo day Tuesday 7th

February. Please do not return these to the College Office as it is not a collection point. Unfortunately, if

envelopes are not brought on this day, orders will need to be made directly with the photographer (Advanced

Photographers 3216 8280) and a late fee will need to be paid with the order. NOTE: Advanced Life also have an

automated system for payments by credit card. Go to for easy to understand payment

instructions. You will receive a receipt number which MUST be written on the order envelope in the space provided. You

can also make payments by cash, cheque or money order. Thank you.

Cancellation of Route 7 - Mt Gravatt Coach and Travel Cancellation of Route 7 – Loganhome to Villanova - We have been advised by Mt Gravatt Coach and Travel that the

bus route number 7 which runs from Logan Hyperdome to Villanova College will not continue in 2012. This decision has

been made due to the uneconomical nature of the route.

In 2011, the three Colleges served by the route (Loreto, Villanova and Seton) were approached by the former operators of

the route to advise that they could no longer run the service as it was uneconomical. The three Colleges agreed to

contribute to the cost of the service and that subsidisation continued for the full 2011 school year at a combined cost to the

three Colleges of in excess of $25,000. Unfortunately, it is not possible to continue this subsidisation for 2012.

Late in 2011, Mt Gravatt Coach and Travel approached Translink to seek subsidisation of the route as a school bus

service, however, Translink declined to support the service. They quoted a number of other services that students could

access to meet their needs, in particular:

BT 180, 184, 185

Clarks 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579

Mt Gravatt 8003, 8004, 8013, 8014

Mt Gravatt Coach and Travel have advised that they will approach Translink again in February to seek support for the

service and have suggested that families affected by the cancellation contact their local member and voice their

concerns. Loreto College Coorparoo has also written to our local member, Mr Cameron Dick, and Translink to express our

disappointment at the lack of support. Noel Williams - Business Manager

Debating News

Welcome to Debating for 2012! Friday 27th was sign-up day. If any girl did not have the opportunity to put her name down

could she please see Mrs O‟Neill as soon as possible as teams need to be entered by this Friday, 2nd February. Most

debates are on a Wednesday evening. The actual dates appear in the College calendar. We look forward to another

exciting year for our debaters and continuing support from our parents.

Rosemary O’Neill - Debating Coordinator

Drama News Congratulations to Katie Mirabito (10 White) for being selected in the Queensland Theatre Company‟s Junior Youth Ensemble. Katie is part of a select group to engage in Drama workshops and rehearsals throughout the year working with specialist Drama practitioners. She also has the opportunity to see every QTC show this year for free! Well done, Katie!

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February, 2012 – Zoe Clarke will be performing in

this show!!

Please note that student and parents tickets for Mary Poppins (which were booked last year) will be

issued on Friday 10th

February, 2012. If you require your tickets earlier, please contact Helen Radvan

via email to arrange for them to be sent home to you. [email protected] Unfortunately, we

have no more tickets available for this performance. However, there are tickets available via QPAC‟s


If you want to see Loreto College‟s very own Zoe Clarke perform in the lead child role of Jane Banks, please take note of

the following dates she will be performing: Further information:

lands-in-Brisbane or

1226237935097 Zoe also featured earlier this year in the South-East Advertiser.

Thur 2nd Feb 7.30pm Sat 4th Feb 7.30pm Fri 10th Feb 7.30pm Sat 11th Feb 1.30pm Wed 15th Feb 7.30pm (Loreto College Booking) Fri 17th Feb 7.30pm Wed 22nd Feb 7.30pm Sat 25th Feb 1.30pm Wed 29th Feb 1.30pm Sat 3rd March 7.30pm Wed 7th March 1.30pm Sun 11th March 6.30pm Wed 14th March Sat 17th March 7.30pm

‘ANNIE’ - Tuesday 17th April, 2012

Parents/Students, if you are interested in seeing “Annie” featuring Anthony Warlow, Nancye Hayes

and Todd McKenney - Tuesday 17th

April 2012 @ 7.30pm. ($85.90 per ticket - Adults, $50.90 -

Children/Students) as part of a school group booking, please have your daughter place her name

at the office, including number of tickets required. She will also need to collect a payment slip and

return it to school as soon as possible to secure seats. We have been allocated seats in the Stalls. Tickets usually sell out

fast, so please book early otherwise you may be disappointed.

Grease A huge thank you and congratulations to all of the students who attended our very first “Grease”

rehearsals last Tuesday 17th January from 9am-5pm. It was a very productive day. Three dances were

choreographed including “Born to Hand Jive”, “We Go Together” and “Shakin‟ at the High School Hop”, the stage band practiced every piece in the entire musical, the leads participated in a getting-to-know-you session and the leads, chorus and dancers tried on their costumes and got to take them home! A very big thank you to the staff from both Loreto and Villanova Colleges for giving up their time to help facilitate this rehearsal. By the time this newsletter is distributed we will have also had our second rehearsal on Tuesday 24

th January from 4-7pm. We would like

to remind students that all rehearsals from this point on are compulsory (please refer to Student Contracts). Any clashes need to be avoided. If you have any problems you need to contact Mr Gavin Swanson [email protected] Costume lists have been emailed to all male and female chorus members and to the female dancers. The leads will receive a finalised list soon. If you have any questions regarding costumes, please do not hesitate to email me: [email protected] . There has also been a lot of behind-the-scenes work on sets, props, lighting and design, so we thank everyone who is

contributing to these aspects of our production. There will also be opportunities for parents to assist in the behind-the-

scenes action. We will keep you posted.

We would also like to inform you all that we now have a Facebook page which we use to post regular updates, photos and

videos. The link is:

We encourage you to make sure you keep the evenings of 7th-10th March free. We will inform you when tickets will be

available. (We are moving to an online ticketing system. More details to come). In the meantime, we look forward to

keeping you updated on our “Grease” journey.

Helen Radvan (Executive Producer and Director) Gavin Swanson (Producer)

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Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Music News Loreto Choirs Over the past few years, Year 9 students have alternated between participating in the Junior and Senior Choirs,

depending on upcoming events. Each time the College has run a Year 8/9 Junior Choir this group has performed very

successfully. Therefore, in 2012 we will be running a Junior Choir consisting of students in Years 8 and 9, and a Senior

Choir for students in Years 10, 11 and 12. The Junior Choir will rehearse on Thursday afternoons after school from 3:30

to 4:30 pm in room 701. The Senior Choir will initially rehearse on Monday afternoons while the Musical is on (MWC

Stage 3:30 to 5 pm). Senior Choir rehearsals will revert to Tuesday afternoons as of 13 March.


Due to the Swimming Carnival, there will be no Chorale rehearsal this week. Students who have requested auditions for entry to the 2012 ensemble should watch school notices carefully over the next few days for audition information.

2012 Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule Could parents and students please be aware that due to changes to the College Timetable, staffing and a variety of other factors, there have been significant changes to the Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule in 2012. Rehearsals for all ensembles will be as follows (those listed in bold type have changed from last year):

Clarinet Ensemble – Monday 7:15 am

Percussion Ensemble - Monday 7:15 am

Senior Choir – see notice, above

Orchestra – Monday 3:30 to 5 pm beginning Monday 19 March

Flute Ensemble One – Tuesday 7:15 am

Exit Stage Left – Tuesday 7:15 am

Sorelle - Tuesday Lunch

Jazz Ensemble – Wednesday 7:15 am

String Ensemble – Wednesday 7:15 am

Flute Ensemble Two – Wednesday 7:15 am

Guitar Ensemble One – Thursday 7:15 am

Concert Band One – Thursday 3:30 to 5 pm

Junior Choir (Years 8-9) – Thursday 3:30 to 4:30 pm

Percussion Ensemble Two – Friday 7:15 am

Guitar Ensemble Two – Friday 7:15 am

Chorale – Friday Lunch

Brass Ensemble – Friday Lunch

Concert Band Two – Friday 3:30 to 4:30 pm

String Quartet – TBA

Music Camp – Congratulations to all students who attended the Music Camp on the weekend. It was a fabulous event

that finished with a great concert on Sunday afternoon at Villanova‟s Augustine Centre. Special thanks must go to Mrs Cheryl Feeney, Mrs Lyndal Bray-Claridge, Mrs Helen Boevink and Mrs Elizabeth Fort who attended the camp as parent supervisors – the event would not run without this support!

Lost – We are currently unable to locate a small black Peavey 110 Bass amp that normally lives in Room 702. It was

last seen at the end of 2011 around the time of the Live & Wired Music Festival. If anyone knows where it has gone to, please contact Mr Langford at the Music Office as this equipment is used daily by students in the 8 - 10 music classes.

Ben Langford - Director of Music

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IT Update College Network

Over the holiday period a significant amount of network infrastructure was updated or replaced. Almost 3km of fibre optic cable, 47 wireless access points and 17 network switches were installed to increase the speed and capacity of our wired and wireless network. This is a significant investment in our future direction of a student laptop program which begins in Term 2 with Year 8s and Term 3 with Year 10s.

Part of the library has also been re-developed as an ICT Help Desk and service area. In the near future a Help Desk person will provide ICT assistance for students and staff in a centralised location. Many thanks to the ICT Technical staff led by Gary Marsh and the facilities staff for all of their hard work while the rest of the school was on holidays to complete almost all of this work in a very short period of time.


In Term 4 of 2011 we replaced many of our ageing and inefficient printers with fewer, more capable and efficient Fuji-Xerox Multi-Function Devices (MFDs). This year we are finalising the rollout with the implementation of a „follow-me‟ printing solution for staff and students. This means that documents can be printed from any computer to almost any printer and are released by the new ID cards. The MFDs are also capable of scanning to email or to a USB drive so that students can monitor their printing and make choices about whether they really need to print or not. Students have been given a print allowance of $15 for the entire year. When students print or copy they will have 10c per B&W sheet or 40c per colour sheet deducted from their allowance. Once they have exhausted their allowance they will have to add credit to their account and this will be done through the ICT Help Desk once it is established in Term 2. We hope that students would take a responsible view towards printing by taking into account the environmental and financial impact of every sheet of paper.

ID Cards

As part of this rollout we have also implemented new ID cards for staff and students. These cards are essential for printing and Library borrowing and will also be used for Automatic Self Registration when student arrive late to school. This means that rather than taking several minutes writing out a late slip, the students would use their card on the console in front of student reception to register their late arrival. The cards we are using are proximity cards, which are similar to the „Go-Card‟ concept as they have an embedded chip. There is no information other than a username contained in the card. The only way these systems will work effectively is for students to have and wear their ID at all times while they are on school premises. Students are not to wear their ID outside of school so at the end of the day should ensure their ID is put away in a secure place. The cost for a replacement card and Loreto lanyard is $10.

Student Laptop Program

This year we are rolling out laptops to Year 8 students at the beginning of Term 2 and Year 10 students at the beginning of Term 3. More information will be given as the term progresses but the date for Year 8 laptop information and distribution evening is Monday 16

th April beginning at 7pm in the Mary Ward Centre, which is the first day of Term 2.

Gavin Swanson - Deputy Principal - ICT

School Fees - Term 1

Accounts for Term 1 School Fees were issued recently and were due and payable on Monday 30 January 2012.

At the time the accounts were prepared the College had not been advised as to the amount of Textbook and Resource

Allowance to be paid from the Queensland Government. The credit for that Allowance will appear on Term 2 accounts.

Just a reminder that fees can now be paid by BPay and periodic Direct Debit. The form for requesting a Direct Debit is

available on the College website or by contacting the Office. If you establish a Direct Debit you will

continue to receive account statements that will enable you to check the details of your account.

As has been outlined previously, the College is using a new financial management system and parents have been issued

with a new account number which appears on your statement. This number should be used if you pay your account over

the internet. Noel Williams - Business Manager

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Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Past Pupils’ Association News The Loreto Past Pupils Association warmly welcome all families to the College for the 2012 school year, Loreto Coorparoo‟s 84th year of educating girls in the liberating charism of Mary Ward. We seek to support the College by encouraging friendships and creating a community of Past Pupils who keep in touch, through the Annual Spring Luncheon and class decade reunions. Our Facebook page, with nearly 600 members, keeps younger Loreto supporters in the loop with Loreto news and events, especially as they travel and study overseas. Profits from the Luncheon, raffles and other fundraising through sale of stylish crested memorabilia are donated to the principal‟s Fund for needy families at Loreto. Our Association supports Mary Ward International and donates to the Kimberley Reading Recovery programme. This year, from May 4 - 6 in Perth, is the Loreto Federation Conference, a gathering of supporters of Loreto. We will pay the registration fee of $325 to any past student who would like to attend ,as a symbol of our enthusiasm for continuing friendships at the state and national level. For any Past Pupil under 35 years, there is also financial assistance with airfares. Please come and enjoy the warmth of the hospitality that the Australian founder of the Loreto Sisters, M Gonzaga Barry, was determined to initiate and establish for all time. Our reunion and AGM is on Sunday 26th February at 4.00pm at the Mary Ward Centre. There is a special invitation to past students returning as a current parent. We know the richness and joy this experience gives, as your daughter discovers Loreto. Please RSVP through the College or call me on 0407012245, we look forward to a cuppa and chat, the

revisiting of memories and the exciting year ahead!” Mary Clarke - President LPPA

P & F News A warm welcome is extended to new families at Loreto this year. We hope you are settling into school life and enjoying meeting new friends. Please join us for the first Parents and Friends meeting of the year which will be held in the staffroom at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7 February. The staffroom is near the front of the school, above the oval area. Don't be shy, come along and meet some parents and hear all about the latest happenings at Loreto College. We look forward to seeing the more established families as well!

Welcome BBQ - An Invitation for all Loreto Families

Please join us for the annual P & F Welcome BBQ on Sunday 12 February from 3pm - 5pm. This will be held in the undercroft area near the tuckshop. Bring the whole family for an afternoon gathering where you can catch up with other families and meet new friends. This is especially helpful for Year 8 families and other new families to meet the community. We provide a BBQ and salad, you need only bring refreshments and a spare chair. As we need to know numbers for catering purposes please email your reply to Trish Willing: [email protected] or complete the tear off slip below and return to the College office by Wednesday 8 February. We look forward to meeting and welcoming all

new parents and students to the College. Thank you. Liz Fort - P & F Secretary



You are warmly invited to the Loreto College P & F Welcome BBQ

Date: Sunday 12 February

Time: 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm

Place: Undercroft near the Tuckshop

Please bring a chair and drinks, BBQ and salads provided


WELCOME BBQ RSVP Slip (Return to College Office by 8 February)

Or email reply to Trish Willing: [email protected]

I / We will be attending the P & F Welcome BBQ

Name: ______________________________________________________________ (Please print clearly)

No of Adults attending: ____________________

No of Children attending: __________________

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Secondhand Uniform/Bookshop

The shop will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 - 8:30am during February for the collection of late book

orders. The uniform shop is also open at lunchtime (12:30 - 1:30pm) every Friday during the term .There are still a number

of secondhand books available for purchase from the bookshop. If you need to order any books from Symons please see

Mrs Herft in the bookshop so that your order can be sent through or you can contact Symons directly on 55313633 and

pay by credit card. Please note that the uniform shop will NOT be open on Friday 3rd

Feb due to the swimming carnival.

Wanted We are looking for small silk/plastic flowers, off cuts of ribbon and lace (any colour ) to make buttonholes and corsages for

the cast of Grease. If you have any of these items and are happy to donate them could you please send them into the

school office as soon as possible. Thank you.

Sports Department News Volleyball Clinic

It was wonderful to see so many fresh, enthusiastic and energetic Year 8 girls join us for the Volleyball Clinic last Tuesday

17 Jan. All girls were exposed to new skills, games, relay situations and the Loreto „Olympic‟ Volleyball Championships

with the Yellow team winning the gold medal! I hope all students found it a fun and worthwhile experience.

Kirsty Gore – Volleyball Coordinator

Interhouse Swimming Carnival

The Interhouse Swimming Carnival will be held at Chandler on Friday 3 February. Girls must wear sports uniform to school and can change into house colours on arrival at school. Girls will need to change back into sports

uniform before going home. Closed in shoes must also be worn.

All students will travel by bus to and from Chandler and should arrive at school no later than 8.30am. All buses will return to Loreto for the usual 3.20pm finish to the day. This is the first big Interhouse Carnival of the year and all students are encouraged to attend, compete and contribute to the house spirit on the day. This is a compulsory school day. Any student who cannot swim in events due to medical reasons should see Mrs Stevens in the Sports office prior to the carnival day to be allocated a job at the carnival. All competitors are to swim in one-piece togs, preferably Loreto togs. Each girl is encouraged to bring her own lunch and a drink as there will only be limited access to the canteen. Girls are not permitted to leave the pool area during the carnival. No girls may go home independently from the Carnival unless a parent is actually at the carnival at 2.00pm. A letter requesting permission should be forwarded to Ms Carty, Deputy Principal, Pastoral Care by Thursday 2 February. Mobile phones/IPods and magazines are not to be taken to the Carnival. Please note that no paper streamers are allowed. No zinc cream or face/body paint is permitted. Good luck to all houses and we look forward to an exciting and

enjoyable carnival day. Meg Stevens - Director of Sport/Swimming Coordinator

Loreto Tennis Championships

All tennis players who trialled at the end of 2011 and all new Year 8,9,10, 11 and 12 students who would like to trial must compete in the Loreto Tennis Championships. Trophies will be awarded in each Age group. This event will be held at Loreto College Tennis Courts on the following days: Saturday 4 February 7.30am - 12noon - Year 8; 12noon - 5.00pm - Year 9 Sunday 5 February 7.30am - 12noon - Year 10; 12noon - 5.00pm - Year 11 and 12 All players need to sign up on the registration sheet outside the sports office by Thursday 2 February at morning tea. A draw will be put together once all girls have signed on. Trophies will be awarded for winners in each category, as well as awards for runners up. All players go into the draw to win a “Lucky Player Prize”. We hope to see lots of Loreto Tennis players there. Please bring the following equipment: Tennis Racquet, PE Uniform, Cap, Suncreen, Snacks and Water. Students selected into tennis teams will train each week and compete in the Catholic Girls Secondary School Tennis Competition. The Saturday fixtures commence on 18 February and continue until 26 May.

Final Tennis Teams will be listed on the sports noticeboard on Monday 6 February and there will be tennis practice matches on Saturday 11 February. All players MUST ATTEND. The tennis skirts are now available from Ys. All players will be requested to purchase the skirt prior to the completion starting. Please see Mrs Stevens if you have any queries. Meg Stevens - Tennis Coordinator

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Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Year 8 Art Escursion Year 8 students have started their study of Art with an excursion to GOMA to

view the „Matisse: Drawing Life‟ and the „Yayoi Kusama: Look Now, See

Forever‟ exhibitions. Concepts and techniques from the exhibitions will be

explored further through their own work in Term One. Both Matisse and

Kusama had extraordinary passion for their art that was evident in their

persistence in pushing their ideas to create artworks of significance. We look

forward to working with the students as they develop and explore their own

creativity. Leonie McCulkin - Art Coordinator

Year 8 & Year 10 Vaccination Consent Forms

Last Friday all Year 8 students were given a consent form for Hepatitis B, Varicella (Chickenpox) and HPV Vaccinations.

Year 10 students were given a consent form for Diphteria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Whooping Cough). These forms must

be completed and returned to the College office by 8.00am FRIDAY 3 February. Year 8 will have their first dose of HPV

and Hep B vaccinations on Thursday 16 February at 1.30pm, therefore it is imperative that students return the

forms by above date, otherwise they will miss the opportunity to have the vaccination. The Varicella and second

HPV vaccinations will take place on Wednesday 16 May. The final HPV and second Hep B vaccinations will be on

Thursday 1 November. Please note that Year 8 students cannot have the 2nd

or 3rd

vaccination unless the first one has

been administered.

The Year 10 vaccination will be given later in the year on Tuesday 28 August and it is highly recommended that they

receive this injection as a recent tetanus vaccination is a requirement to be able to attend the Year 10 Camp later this

year. This is a free service provided by the Brisbane City Council.

Parents are asked to sign and return these forms even if you do not wish your daughter to receive this

vaccination. Completed forms will be collected via courier from the College main reception on Friday 3 February.

Thank you.

Year Level Parent Representatives 2012

Would you like to help develop community spirit through organizing Year Level get-togethers? The P & F invites parents

and especially new Year 8 Parents to nominate to become a Parent Year Representative. These positions will involve

organising events such as drinks by the pool for parents of your year level , social gatherings and dinners or emailing to

invite parents to special events. If you are interested in becoming a Year Representative in 2012, please email reply Trish

Willing: [email protected] or complete the attached tear-off slip and return it to the office asap. Thank you.

Parent Year Representative 2012 - (Tear off RSVP Slip)

or email your RSVP to Trish Willing: [email protected]

I would be interested in nominating to be a Year Representative in 2012.

Name: _______________________________________ Daughter‟s Year Level____________________

Phone Number: _______________________________ Mob: __________________________________


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Page 12 Volume 1 January 31, 2012

Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Tuckshop Roster

Bulletin/Notices Greater Brisbane Junior Tennis (GBJT) - Conducts weekly Tennis Fixtures at the Queensland Tennis Centre,

Tennyson and The University of Queensland for children up to 18 years of age. Grading Day for new players is to be held on Sunday 12 February at the Queensland Tennis Centre, Tennyson from 3pm to 5pm. Further information is available at or by phoning Mrs Peta Davis on 3374 0516.'

Triple P: Positive Parenting Program Groups - Triple P is a system of easy-to-implement, well-tested

solutions that helps to solve current parenting problems and prevent future problems before they arise. It has been designed to prevent behavioural, emotional and developmental problems in children aged 0 -12 by enhancing the knowledge, skills and confidence of parents. Triple P suggests simple routines and small changes that can make a big difference to families. It helps parents understand the way their family works and uses the things they already say, think, feel and do in new ways, to support them to create a stable, supportive and harmonious family environment, deal positively, consistently and decisively with problem behaviour and build positive relationships with their children. Download the Triple P Information Flyer and Registration Form

215 Squadron, Australian Air Force Cadets - Is currently looking for new recruits. The Australian Air Force

Cadets is a non-profit, youth oriented organisation for boys and girls from 13 to 18 years of age which aims to: give cadets

a foundation of RAAF knowledge and discipline; develop the qualities of leadership, self reliance and initiative; develop

character and good citizenship in the widest sense and develop an interest in the RAAF and aviation generally. The cadet

activites undertaken are wide and varied. For more information you are invited to attend information sessions on Monday

evenings from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at Cavendish Road State High School until the end of February. For more information

see: and

World Marriage Day 12 February: Celebrate the Christian Marriage Vocation and renew your Marriage Vows in

the presence of family and friends. 2pm Mass followed by afternoon tea at St Michael's Church, 250 Banks

St, Dorrington. Bring a plate, and invite your family and friends."

Tuckshop Vounteers - Monday 6 February - Friday 10 February

Monday 6 February: Helen Palmer, Loretta Lazzaretti, Siobhan Stafford

Tuesday 7 Feburary: Tina Ogilvie, Deb Firrell, Louise Forbes, Sonya Bath

Wednesday 8 February: Kim Devine, Liz Carroll, Christy Grigson, Katrina Capelli

Thursday 9 February: Karen Catsoulis, Leanne Jackson, Karen Chaston, Judy Cunningham, Carolyn Da-Rin-De-Barbera

Friday 10 February: Sue Carey, Gloria Cust, Christine Murphy, Jane Stephen

Special of the Day

Monday 6 February Chicken Subs

Tuesday 7 February Meat lovers pizza

Wednesday 8 February: Chicken Caesar Salad Wraps

Thursday 9 Feburary: Lamb Souvlaki Wraps

Friday 10 February: Lasagne

Library Roster Volunteers

Monday 6 February - Friday 10 February

Monday 6 February:

Tuesday 7 February:

Wednesday 8 February:

Thursday 9 February:

Friday 10 Congratulations


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Volume 1 January 31, 2012 Page 13

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Loreto/Villanova Annual Music Camp

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Page 15: 31 January 2012

Menu 2012

Breakfast Menu





(Changes Daily) $3.50 CHICKEN PANANI $4.00 500ml JUICE FRESH $2.50

HAM FOCCACIA $3.80 *orange, orange,p/fruit


*Changes daily, see board+ $1.80 CHICKEN KNOT ROLL $3.40 350ml CLASSIC JUICE $2.00

BLT WRAP $2.50 *various flavours+





SPINACH & FETTA ROLLS $3.50 *raspberry, lemon, green & peach




SALAD PLATE from $3.50 *choc,coffee,strwaberry+


CHEESE $2.00 GREEK YOGHURT $2.20 *coffee, chocolate+

HAM & CHEESE $2.00 FRESH FRUIT $1.00 300ml PLAIN $1.20

CHEESE & TOMATO $2.00 CAKE *choc or carrot+ $2.50

HAM, CHEESE & TOMATO $2.20 BANANA BREAD choc chip/plain $1.80 500ml ICEBREAK $3.00

HOMEMADE COOKIES fresh daily $0.70





* CHIPS. Doritos $1.60

*Note all cutlery except with goods Red rock/Smiths/ Grainwaves $1.00 RIBBONS $0.80

will incur a cost of 5 cents Pretzels $1.00 BOBBINS $2.00


Design a sandwich/salad to be submitted to the tuckshop before 8:30am SILICON SWIM CAPS $12.00

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