Page 1: 2020 03 March full - · 6.00pm Service of Thanksgiving & Eucharist at St Mary’s, Warton with Bishop Julian Sunday 5th April

PARISH NEWS | 1 | M���� 2020

The Benefice Magazine for

St Oswald’s, Warton

and St Mary’s, Borwick

with St John’s, Yealand

Parish News

March 2020

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PARISH NEWS | 2 | M���� 2020

The Benefice and Social Media

Make sure you keep up to date with all the latest news via our

website at

or on Facebook at

or on Twi0er at h0ps://


Hello everyone

Re-forma3ng all the entries for your Parish Magazine can take up to 10 hours

per edi*on, so to help reduce the volunteer *me involved in producing and

edi7ng your magazine, please try to send your copy in as follows:

1. When submi3ng pictures or photographs, think how they will look when

printed in black and white.

2. Please use Calibri font size 14pt in black.

3. Copy submi0ed by email to be in plain text as above.

4. Please set paragraph spacing to 0.

5. Please set line spacing to 1.

6. Please avoid the use of styles.

7. Please submit posters in landscape format.

If you need any help with the above, please do not hesitate to ask Robin or

myself for advice, we are always happy to help

Kind regards, Kate

Benefice Pastoral Care Team

In the benefice we have a small team, comprising the Vicar, the

two Readers and three Pastoral Assistants, which supports the

key areas of pastoral care on behalf of the Church across our

communi7es. Pastoral Assistants are authorised ministers, who

have undertaken some training in the diocese and are

commissioned for their work in their parishes.

Members of the team are available to visit the elderly and in-

firm, those who are alone, those finding life difficult. They also visit those unable to

a0end services at one of our churches to give Communion at home. Following significant

loss or bereavement, the team is able to give ongoing support.

If you, or someone you know, would like a visit from one of the pastoral care team,

please contact any member of the team using the details on the back of the magazine.

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Welcome to our March Parish News

Dear friends,

The end of February sees us entering into

the season on Lent, a period of 6 weeks

during which the Church invites people to

prepare carefully for our observance of Holy

Week and Easter, the days when we

celebrate the death and resurrec7on of


The introduc7on to the Ash Wednesday

service invites us to keep a holy Lent, by self

-examina7on and repentance, by prayer,

fas7ng and self-denial, and by reading and

medita7ng on God’s holy word. Lent invites

us to hold a mirror up to ourselves and

think about how well we are living our lives

as God’s people; how well are we living our

lives for God’s people.

Lent invites us to go on a journey; a

journey inwards as we think about who we

are in rela7onship with God, and a journey

outwards as we think about who we are in

rela7onship with all humanity and, indeed,

the whole of crea7on. The journey needs to

be both/and, not either/or, recognising that

the Chris7an faith is first and foremost a

way of life rather than a set of things to

believe in. Or put another way, there are

things to believe in, but they only really

make sense when they are lived out.

So during Lent we might helpful ask

ourselves ques7ons such as: What does it

mean to live as a child of the kingdom of

God and follow in the way of Christ each

day? How does it affect our life at work as

well as at home? How does it affect what

we do with the giMs we have been given,

especially those giMs of 7me and talents,

passions, resources and money? How does

it affect our rela7onships with others? And

how does it affect our rela7onship with the


During the coming weeks

commit yourself to taking

some 7me out to review your

life journey, your journey of

faith. Where are you right

now in your understanding of

your Self, in body, mind and spirit; where

have you been; where are you going? Take

7me to check-in with yourself and ask

‘where am I with God, with my neighbour,

with my Self’.

I recently read a review of a book of

transcripts of interviews with leading public

figures about their understanding of faith. I

was struck by quotes from the interview

with the writer P. D. James. Speaking

beau7fully and honestly about the reali7es

of her Chris7an faith she said: “I find the

dogma quite difficult to believe and I think a

lot of people do. And some of the miracles

are extremely difficult to say I believe in,

because I find I probably don’t. But I find as

I get older that, although I believe less of

the theology and less of the doctrine, what I

do believe in, I believe in more strongly.

Which really, I suppose, is the existence of

God, the love of God, and the fact that I can

communicate with [God] and [God]

communicates with us, that [God] is there

as a present force.”

Use these weeks of Lent to reflect on your

rela7onship with God’s crea7on, with all

God’s people, with yourself as a child of

God, and with God who is true Love and

true Light.

As we journey on in faith and trust, I wish

you peace and every blessing.

Robin Figg, Vicar

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Diary of Services for March

Sunday 1st March - The First Sunday of Lent

8.00am Said Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

9.15am Parish Eucharist at St John’s, Yealand

9.30am Eucharist at St Mary’s, Borwick

11.00am Parish Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

6.00pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald’s, Warton

Sunday 8th March - The Second Sunday of Lent

8.00am Said Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

9.15am Parish Eucharist at St John’s, Yealand

11.00am Parish Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

Sunday 15th March - The Third Sunday of Lent

8.00am Said Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

9.15am Parish Eucharist at St John’s, Yealand

11.00am Parish Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

Sunday 22nd March - The Fourth Sunday of Lent / Mothering Sunday

8.00am Said Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

9.15am Family Eucharist at St John’s, Yealand

11.00am ‘All Together’ Parish Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

Sunday 29th March - The Fi8h Sunday of Lent

8.00am Said Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

9.15am Parish Eucharist at St John’s, Yealand

11.00am Parish Eucharist with Bap7sm at St Oswald’s, Warton

6.00pm Service of Thanksgiving & Eucharist at St Mary’s, Warton with Bishop Julian

Sunday 5th April - Palm Sunday

8.00am Said Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

9.15am Parish Eucharist at St John’s, Yealand

9.30am Eucharist at St Mary’s, Borwick

11.00am Parish Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

6.00pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald’s, Warton

Weekday Services during March

Mondays Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton at 12 noon.

Tuesdays Eucharist at St Mary’s, Borwick at 8.00am.

Wednesdays Eucharist at St John’s, Yealand at 9.15am followed by Coffee and Chat

Thursdays Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton at 11.00am followed by Breaking Bread


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News from our churches

The Season of Lent

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on Wednesday 26th February.

This is one of the Principal Feasts in the church calendar and everyone

is encouraged to a0end a service on this day. There will be a Eucharist

with Imposi7on of Ashes at St John’s, Yealand at 9.15am and at St

Oswald’s, Warton at 7.30pm.

Lent is a 7me for prayerful reflec7on on the meaning of our Lord’s

Passion. As part of your Lenten discipline why not take part in one or more of the

following ac7vi7es?

Sta*ons of the Cross. Each of the sta7ons stands for an event that

occurred during Jesus' Passion and death at Calvary on Good Friday. The

service lasts 30 minutes and will take place each Saturday at 9.15am in St

Oswald’s, Warton (please note change of 7me from that previously

adver7sed). All are encouraged to experience this service at least once

during Lent.

Quiet Day at Hyning Monastery on Saturday 7th March, from

10am un7l 3.30pm. The theme of the day will be ‘Making space for

God in Lent’ and will include two talks by Sister Michaela, the

Eucharist and periods of silence. The cost will be £20 with a cooked

lunch or £16 with own packed lunch. To book contact the Vicar or sign

a list in church

Lent Course—Superstar. We will using a 5-session course wri0en by

David Wilbourne, former Assistant Bishop of Llandaff. FiMy years ago Apollo

13 limped back to earth and Jesus Christ Superstar took the West End by

storm. These events raise important ques7ons about faith and our world

which will be explored during the course. It is hoped that three groups will

meet each week beginning w/c 2nd March ; see page X for further details.

Lent Lunches. Three special lunches will be held across our communi7es as follows:

Saturday 14th March from 12 noon at Borwick & Priest Hu0on Memorial Hall.

Monday 30th March from 11.30am at Yealand Village Hall

Tuesday 7th April from 12 noon at St Oswald’s, Warton

Monies raised will be shared between nominated chari7es (to be announced).

From the Parish Registers

Burial of cremated remains

Saturday 8th February Alvin Atkins (at St Oswald’s)

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Mini Church for babies, toddlers & pre-school children

This is an ini7a7ve offered by St John’s for all who are of pre-school age, from birth

upwards, and their grown-ups. Come along to Yealand Village Hall on Friday 11th

October from 10.00am to 11.30am to enjoy lots of fun with songs, craMs, story-7me and

refreshments. The theme this month will be Noah’s Ark. All are welcome from across

our local communi7es. Contact Sally-Ann Rothwell, 01524 734585, for more


News from our young Chris*ans

Junior Church Lent Challenge

Many people give things up for Lent, as a form of fas7ng. We

invite you to join us in turning that idea on its head. Instead of

giving something up, we will be giving to those for whom

fas7ng is not a choice but oMen a reality.

Each Sunday in Lent, we are aiming to give an item per family to be donated to

Morecambe Bay Foodbank. To ensure that those dona7ons are appropriate, we will be

contac7ng the foodbank each week to ask what they need. These items will be listed in

the pew sheet and collected the following Sunday.

Dona7ons can either be brought to church on Sunday or leM in the box in the vicarage

porch during the week. They will be delivered to the foodbank at the beginning of each

week so that they can be used straight away.

Anyone across the Benefice who would like to join us in this challenge would be very

welcome. Please keep an eye open for more informa7on in the pew sheets.

To find out more about the Foodbank go to

“The foodbank was there when we really needed it, it was an absolute lifeline.” “We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s

why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.”

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News from our churches

Revision of the Church Electoral Rolls

Each year we revise our Church Electoral Rolls for each of our churches.

Being on a Church Electoral Roll is a way of signifying a commitment to the Church of

England and to the life of the Church in our Benefice through a specific connec7on with

one of our three churches. Being on the roll also enables you to play a full part in the

governance of the Church, through elec7ng representa7ves to the relevant Parochial

Church Council and to the Deanery Synod.

It is hoped that those on the electoral rolls will support the life of the local Church

through the giving of our 7me, talents and treasure. Together we enable the mission of

God’s Church to be carried out locally and further afield.

Anyone not on a present roll who wishes to have their names entered on the relevant

roll must apply for enrolment not later than Sunday 5h April. The revised rolls will come

into opera7on on Monday 6th April. Forms of applica7on for enrolment, together with

the appropriate electoral roll privacy no7ce, can be obtained from each of our churches

or from the appropriate electoral roll officer: Jill Burrow for the Parish of Warton and

Borwick; Jean Tunnicliffe-Wilson, for the Parish of Yealand.

With St Mary’s being a District Church within the Parish of Warton, the electoral roll for

the Parish of Warton and Borwick will be in two parts, one for St Oswald’s and one for St


Annual Church Mee*ngs

On Monday 30th March at 7.00pm the Annual District Church Mee7ng for St Mary’s

will take place in the church. All those who live in Borwick and Priest Hu0on and others

who worship regularly at St Mary’s are encouraged to a0end.

On Wednesday 22nd April at 7.00pm the Annual Mee7ng of Parishioners and the

Annual Parochial Church Mee7ng for the Parish of St John, Yealand will take place at St


On Sunday 26th April at 12.15pm the Annual Mee7ng of Parishioners and the Annual

Parochial Church Mee7ng for the Parish of St Oswald, Warton and St Mary, Borwick will

take place at St Oswald’s.

Each of these mee7ngs are important occasions in the life of the church communi7es

in each parish. At the mee7ngs we elect those who will share in the leadership of the

parish for the coming year and we have the opportunity to reflect together on the past

year and to help think about the future life of God’s church in this parish.

The Annual Mee7ngs of Parishioners (open to everyone resident in the parish and

those on the respec7ve church electoral roll) will elect two churchwardens for the

coming year. The Annual Parochial Church Mee7ngs (open to those on the respec7ve

church electoral roll) will elect people to serve on the respec7ve Parochial Church


To share in the leadership of God’s Church is an important func7on and everyone is

encouraged to consider prayerfully if they are being called by God to serve in this way.

We hope as many members of our communi7es as possible will come to these mee7ngs.

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News from our churches

Lent course—Superstars

The course booklet is wri0en by David Wilbourne who studied Natural

Sciences and Theology at Cambridge. David has been a vicar and

published six books. Having worked with three Archbishops of York, he

went on to serve as Assistant Bishop of Llandaff.

“It’s 1970 – Edward Heath becomes PM, Apollo 13 limps back to earth,

and Jesus Christ Superstar takes the West End by storm, asking daring

ques*ons that gave colour to my former monochrome faith and fired my

voca*on. Half a century on, its message remains just as relevant, and we explore themes

from its iconic lyrics in the 5 sessions of this course”.

Session 1. Who is Jesus? Session 2. Miracles Session 3. The Psalms

Session 4. The Church Session 5. Cross Purposes

Three groups are planned to meet each week as follows:

Tuesdays 10.30am-12noon at the Church Hall, Warton from 3rd March;

Wednesdays 12noon-1.30pm at St Mary’s, Borwick from 4th March (bring a sandwich,

drinks provide);

Fridays 7.15-8.45pm at 63 Hazelmount Drive, Millhead from 6th March.

Please book a place by contac7ng the Vicar (details on back page) or sign the list available

in each of the churches. A minimum of five par7cipants is needed for a group to run.

Mothering Sunday — 22nd March

We celebrate Mothering Sunday with special services as follows:

9.15am Family Eucharist at St John’s

11.00am ‘All Together’ Eucharist at St Oswald's

At both services flowers will be distributed to all the adults in church, both women and

men, as a reminder that we are all involved in the work of mothering our children and

young people.

Thank you God for the love of those who mother us:

thank you God for their care and concern;

thank you God for the joys they have shared with us;

thank you God for the pains they have borne for us;

thank you God for all that they give us;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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Carnforth GriefShare Support Group

It hurts to lose someone, but you can find help at GriefShare, a friendly, caring group of

people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.

Some7mes grief can cause people to feel very lonely as others may not want to talk about

it. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

We meet weekly on Wednesdays, Nov 6th

– Feb 19th


All sessions start at 7pm and are at CFM, Hunter St, Carnforth, LA5 9BP

Sessions include “Is This Normal?” “The Challenges of Grief,” “Grief and Your

Rela7onships,” “Why?” and “Guilt and Anger.” All ages and backgrounds are warmly


Website: Sponsoring church website: For more

informa7on contact [email protected] or telephone Elspeth, 01524 702966

News from our churches

A Weekend with Margaret Barker,

Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th May

The Book of Revela*on

In May we will welcome back renowned bible scholar and teacher Dr

Margaret Barker to lead a day seminar exploring the last book in the

bible, the book of Revela7on.

The seminar will take place at St Oswald’s Church, Warton on Saturday 9th May from

10.00am to 4.30pm. The cost of the seminar will be £15 (drinks provided, bring your own

lunch). Leaflets giving more details will be available in early April.

Margaret lectures and teaches widely in this country and in the United States. Her visit

here is a marvellous opportunity to hear a wonderful teacher of Chris7an texts.

In 2008 Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, awarded Margaret a

Doctorate in Divinity, ‘in recogni7on of her work on the Jerusalem Temple and the origins

of Chris7an Liturgy, which has made a significantly new contribu7on to our understanding

of the New Testament and opened up important fields for research.’

Margaret has developed an area of study referred to as Temple Theology which traces

the roots of Chris7an theology and worship back into the first Temple, destroyed by the

cultural revolu7on at the end of the seventh century ^�_. Refugees from the purges se0led

in Egypt and Arabia. From widely sca0ered surviving fragments, it is possible to reconstruct

the lost world view of the first Chris7ans.

Many have been astonished by Temple Theology’s insights. It can feel as if we are

returning to a world that we ‘have loved long since and lost awhile’.

Come and experience this for yourself on 9th May at St Oswald’s.

News From The Wider Area

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Yealand School Easter service will be held at St John’s Church at 2PM on Weds 1st April.

St John’s PCC mee*ng will take place on Wednesday 4th March in church, having been

postponed from February.

Chari*es supported by St John’s

Every year St John’s supports up to three chari7es, usually one local, one na7onal and

one interna7onal. You are invited to nominate the chari7es to be supported this year

either by pu3ng details on the list at the back of church or by email to sally-

[email protected]. The PCC would like to focus on smaller and less well-known

chari7es and has decided that those supported last year (Bri7sh Red Cross/Indonesia

Earthquake and Tsunami Appeal, the NSPCC and CancerCare) are not eligible for support

this year without just cause. The PCC will shortlist the sugges7ons at their mee7ng on

March 4th and everyone who a0ends services will be asked to vote to choose the final 3.

St John’s, in the Yealands

Tea at St John’s Wednesday March 25th at 3pm.

Everyone is welcome to come to the free aMernoon teas

at St. John’s Church, Yealand. LiMs are provided for

anyone who needs them - ring Angela McCarthy 782941.

Any leM over food is given away aMerwards - if you or

anyone you know can’t come to the church but would like

a nice tea that day, please do contact us.

Knit and NaFer

Wednesday March 11th 2-4pm at St John’s

Bring along your kni3ng (or anything else you can

transport easily), chat and perhaps pick up some 7ps

while you work! Free refreshments provided.

Everyone welcome.

For more informa7on please contact Sally-Ann on

734585 [email protected]

KniFed Squares Thank you to everyone who con7nues to give me kni0ed squares and other items to send

to South Africa. I sent off another four x 2kg parcels in January. They will be listed on the

website when they arrive - it usually takes a couple of months or

more for them to get there. Please keep kni3ng - what they want most of all is 8” (20cm)

squares. There are pa0erns and finishing instruc7ons on the website or please speak to

me if you would like more informa7on. Sally-Ann Rothwell (contact details on back cover)

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St Mary’s, Borwick & Priest HuFon

Faith Matters This is an informal monthly discussion group with the aim of providing space to explore

the relevance of faith to contemporary issues. The group meets on the 2nd


(usually) of each month at St Mary’s, Borwick. Refreshments are served from 10.45am

and the shared conversa7on begins at 11.00am and we finish at 12 noon. The issues

being discussed in the coming months are:

Exploring Faith and…

10th March Climate Change: what can we do?

21st April Easter: what is it all about? (Note: 3rd Tuesday)

19th May Mul7-Faith Society: how much can we share? (Note: 3rd Tuesday)

~~ All are welcome ~~

St Mary’s 123 - Realising the vision for St Mary’s

Following the comple7on of the reordering work the

District Church Council at St Mary’s extends a warm

invita7on to everyone to come to a

Service of Thanksgiving and Eucharist

at 6.00pm on Sunday 29th March

with the Bishop of Blackburn

During the service Bishop Julian will bless and dedicate the new facili7es.

The service will be followed by refreshments served in the new space.

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St Oswald’s Church Coffee Stop is somewhere to meet for a drink, cake and a chat!

Every Tuesday 9am to 11am at St Oswald’s Church, Warton

(toys are provided for young children).

All are welcome.

Join us for Lunch! Every Thursday at St Oswald’s we offer a lunch, usually soup, sandwiches and cakes. We

have a quiet Eucharist in church at 11am followed by lunch at about 12 noon.

Join us for either, or both!

Excellent table service from some of our village school children.

If you need transport we will try to help.

Carers are welcome too.

A dona7on of around £2.50 is invited.

Further details from Revd Robin 732946.

St Oswald’s, Warton


Well done to all our 25 Tweens and Teens group who managed to escape Lancaster

Escape Rooms! Special well done to Robin Figg!

Next event is Morecambe Soul Bowl 28th March 2020 - see our Facebook page for details

or contact Linda Gardner or Emma Brantley-Tziros ��

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Badminton For Fun Warton Village Hall, Monday AMernoon, 1 - 3 pm. Regular exercise may keep you fit and

improve your health, so come and join us and meet new friends. You will be most

welcome, contact Pam Riley 01524735016

Warton Cra8 Group - New members with an interest in craMs are welcome to join us.

Contact Lynnda on 01524 734480 or Carol at [email protected]


We are a local club organising ou7ngs to various events at the Lowry, Theatre by the

Lake, The Grand at Blackpool, Liverpool Empire, Old Laundry Theatre Bowness,

Octagon Theatre at Bolton etc.

The coach leaves from Travellers Choice in Carnforth, usually from 5.30pm onwards.

Annual Membership is currently £12.00. An enjoyable and social evening out.

If interested please contact the Membership Secretary on 01524 734624.

News From Our Villages

The Yealands WI

We will welcome at our mee7ng on March 11th 2020 Julia Beedon who will enlighten us

as to the meanings of names both first name and surname. Come along and join us at

7.30pm in the Village Hall, Yealand. Learn more about your heritage and forbears and

what hidden meaning your name/s will reveal.

For further informa7on contact Elspeth on 782890 or Jenny on 733101

MOURHOLME LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY The Society for the Old Parish of Warton, Borwick, Carnforth, Priest

HuFon, Silverdale, Warton- with-Lindeth,

Yealand Conyers and Yealand Redmayne

On Wednesday, March 25th, the Mourholme Local History Society is pleased to present

Dr Nick Radburn to talk about The North-West and Slavery, when he will argue that thou-

sands of people in this region were involved in this trade through investments or actual

involvement in the 18th century. The talk will take place at 7.30 p.m. at Yealand Village

Hall. Visitors will be welcome and refreshments served.


‘ Yes, we have no Galanthus ’

The mee7ng on Thursday 19 March 2020 is an OPEN MEETING

when our speaker will be Steve Halliwell.

Come and join us in the Village Hall, Warton at 7.30pm and bring

your friends, neighbours, husbands, partners. All will receive a very

warm welcome.

For more informa7on phone Barbara on 843426 or visit the website

at h0p://

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Sunday Morning Service @ 10.00am

everyone is welcome to join us, bring children and stay for


Toddlers Group meets every Thursday morning during term

7me from 9.00-11.00a.m.

We are star7ng Junior Church on 1st March from 5.00-6.00p.m. It will be aimed at

children aged 5-11. Come along and join us to enjoy learning about God's love, worship

and prayer.

Saturday 7th March - Men's Breakfast @ 08.30a.m. All men are very welcome to come

along and enjoy breakfast and discussion 7me.

Tuesday 10th March - Messy Church from 3.15-5.30p.m. All pre-school and school-age

children are welcome but must be accompanied by a parent/guardian adult to join with

them to enjoy some snacks, craM ac7vi7es and story 7me. The theme this month will be


Saturday 14th March - Last of our Winter Cinema Nights showing 'I Can Only Imagine'.

Come along and enjoy some refreshments first before the film begins at 7.30p.m.

Sunday 15th March - Light Bites Lunch @ 12 noon. If you normally dine alone, please

come along and join us for a light lunch and company.

TewiPield Methodist Church would like to welcome you every Sunday aMernoon at 3.00pm.

The church can be reached by turning up the lane at the side of The Longlands Hotel

St John’s Hospice

Friends Coffee Morning is on the first Friday of every month,

9.30 – 11.30 in The Courtyard Café at St John’s Hospice.

We have coffee, cakes, clothes, bric-

a-brac & a raffle. All are welcome.

Charity Events

Yealand Quaker Mee*ngs Mee�ng for Worship

Sunday 10.30-11.30 and Wednesday 11.30-12.00

Mee7ngs are followed by refreshments and fellowship. All are welcome.

The Mee�ng House is located behind the Old School at the top of the hill in Yealand

Conyers; Off-road car and cycle parking available and level access

Rooms available to hire for mee7ngs, par7es, classes.

Self-catering accommoda7on in the Old School

For more informa�on contact the warden Alison Smedley 0333 0065295

News From The Wider Church

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News From The Wider Church

The next Archbishop of York

The Rt Revd Stephen CoFrell

The Queen has approved the nomina7on of the Rt Revd

Stephen Co0rell as the next Archbishop of York. Bishop

Stephen, currently Bishop of Chelmsford, will succeed Dr

John Sentamu who re7res in June.

A renowned preacher, author and communicator, he

will be the 98th occupant of the see of York - in a line of

succession da7ng back to St Paulinus in 627AD. As Primate of England and

Metropolitan of the Province of York, he will share in the leadership of the Church of

England in partnership with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Jus7n Welby, at a 7me of

change and challenge for both the Church and the country.

Bishop Stephen said: “I am humbled and excited at the prospect of becoming the

98th Archbishop of York. I will receive the baton from Archbishop Sentamu. These

aren’t just big shoes to fill, but a big heart and a big vision.

“However, I am not daunted. Archbishop Sentamu and I have worked together in

mission on many occasions and I hope to build on the work he has pioneered. Working

alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury, I hope to help the church be more joyful and

more effec7ve in sharing the gospel and bringing hope and unity to our na7on.

“Although I was born and grew up in Essex, I lived and served in Huddersfield for

nine years. I know and love the north of England. Two of our children were born there.

“I now look forward to returning and being a voice for the North, sharing the

libera7ng good news of the gospel and helping to address the discrepancies of wealth

and opportunity that too oMen favour the South."

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News From Our Villages

What’s been happening at Warton Village Hall Warton Village Hall has been very fortunate to receive grants in the last twelve months

that has enabled it to undertake a variety of projects. The Na7onal Lo0ery Community

Fund enabled us to have the main hall floor repaired, refurbished and replaced where

necessary, also to carry out repairs to and renova7on of the exterior woodwork and the

roof, followed by a smart couple of coats of paint. Both these works were undertaken by

Graham Milner of GDM Home Maintenance.

The hall has also recently taken delivery of state-of-the-art staging. The staging can be

built at two different heights as well as being converted into 7ered sea7ng suitable for

audiences to watch drama produc7ons, lectures, etc. In addi7on we will shortly take

delivery of 40 new lightweight comfortable chairs together with easy storage systems.

Both staging and chairs are supplied by Lancaster company Mainstage, and their purchase

has been made possible thanks to grants from the Lancashire Environmental Fund and

The Galbraith Trust (we were one of the final beneficiaries of this trust fund before it

closed), and to generous contribu7ons from Warton Drama Group, Warton Parish

Council, and Warton Crag WI.

Thanks also go to Friends of Warton Village Hall for their con7nued financial support.

For village hall bookings please contact the bookings secretary, Carol Wolfenden, on

07929 283657. To discuss becoming a Friend please contact the Treasurer, Eden

Whi0aker on 07803 392642

The Landscape Trust Spring Mee7ng is on 19th March at the Arnside

WI and Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm (doors open 7pm) The

Speaker will be Chris Winnick from Bu0erfly Conserva7on about 'Saving

Cumbria's Bu0erflies'. Admission and refreshments are free. Everyone

is welcome.”

Calling all Village Musicians Do you play a musical instrument or like to sing? If so, the Village Website would like to

hear from you. The Village Hall Commi0ee are planning to hold a fund raising Charity

Musical Evening in Warton Village Hall on Friday 7th

August 2020 where local amateur

musicians are invited to perform. Several groups have already expressed an interest in the

event and we are now hoping to a0ract further musically minded persons who would like

to bring their own brand of music to the evening. Ideally, we would like both groups and

individuals to provide a wide mix of musical styles so, whether you play classical, modern

pop, country, folk or light rock, then this might just be for you. For further informa7on

please send an email providing your name and a

contact number to [email protected].

All proceeds from the event will go to

local registered chari*es.

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News From Our Villages

Since the last newsle0er our Beavers have been working on their

Space Badge, had a Sco3sh Night as part of their World Challenge, done Lego building

and have started their Disability awareness Badges and made catapults... some of the

Beavers have finished their Teamwork Challenge Awards and three have more or less

finished the “top award” for Beavers, The Chief Scout’s Bronze Award.

The Beavers and Cubs have been on a joint climbing session at Salt Ayre, made “Boxes of

Hope” to send to Romania at Christmas and been “Tubing” at Kendal Ski Club. Ruth (our

Beaver Leader) and Debbie (our Cub Leader) visited Archbishop Hu0on’s School at the

end of January to tell the children all about Beavers and Cubs... we’ve had quite a few

new starters because of this but we’ve room for more!

At their “normal” weekly mee7ngs our Cubs had a Chinese Night to celebrate Chinese

New Year, started their Astronomy Badges, made rain gauges and learned about the bush

fires in Australia and started their Astronomy Badges.

Ours Scouts held their Winter Camp at the start of December, we had 30 Scouts, 8 Young

Leaders and 6 adults taking part... archery, shoo7ng, crate stacking (22 crates being the

record!), a carol service, a Talent(less) Show, craMs and “Wide Games”. We took part in

the St Oswald’s Christmas Tree Fes7val and the Carol Service at St. Johns and a number

of our Scouts completed their Emergency Aid Badges and we’ve covered knife and axe

safety and had a “Now Get Out Of That” challenge night. Our Year 8’s have started

training for their “Expedi7on Challenge” in June this year whilst the Year 9’s are working

on raising funds to support the RNLI. Two of our Scouts (Lily and Sandy) have just gained

their Chief Scout’s Gold Awards (we think it takes a thousand hours of effort).

One of our Young Leaders, Josh, took part in the Children-In-Need Rickshaw Challenge

helping to raise £8.5M and four of our Young Leaders have been accepted to take part in

the Asia-Pacific Jamboree in Bangladesh in 2021!

Want to join? Call Howard on 01524-734144 or email [email protected]

Leap Year Party with vocalist Ashleigh Wood Saturday 29th February 2020 at 8pm

Warton Village Hall, Tickets £5

Licensed Bar

Tickets available from Warton Post Office or Archbishop Hu0on’s School Office

All proceeds to Archbishop Hu0on’s PTA

Further Informa7on from Lindsey 07766 708661

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The Parish News Team

Ar7cles for submission, send to Kate Waddington at

[email protected] by 10th

of the previous month.

Adver*sing enquiries should be made to Pam Bentley Tel: 822077

or by email to [email protected]

No charges are made for details of ac*vi*es from non-profit making community groups

within our villages, though dona*ons towards the cost of produc*on are always

welcomed. For adver*sing fundraising events, there is a modest charge.

Distribu*on enquiries should be made to Angela Sewell Tel: 734308

or by email to [email protected]

There is no charge for “Parish News”, but we are grateful to those who feel able, from

*me to *me, to make a dona*on towards the cost of produc*on. It is most helpful if any

dona*ons are in an envelope marked “Parish News” and given to the treasurer,

Ian Rosindale, or le< at the Vicarage.

Please Remember In Your Prayers:

Those who are sick or in par*cular need:

Mary Schofield, Frances Hoggarth, Vera Mitchell, Paul Fishwick, Marion Clarke, Chris

Hunter, Bob Harris .

Those with longer term needs or in residen*al care:

Daniel Hughes, Jean & Jim Nelson, Be0y Greenwood, Grant Woodbridge Greta Pu3ck,

Joshua, Edwina Shu0leworth, Phyllis Hargreaves, Barbara Simpson, David Burford, John

Porter and our home communicants.

March Anniversaries of Death:

Hilda Weatherill, Margaret Atkinson, Margaret Fairclough, Mary Halhead, Evelyn White,

Irene Finan, John Diment, Eunice Harwood, Geoffrey Bates, Molly Angus, Elaine Kerr, Alan

Rucastle, Helen Dodd, Lizzie Brown, Anne Howarth, Nancy Collinson, Kenneth Harrison,

Kathleen Tugman, Helen Graveson, Allan Clarke, David Hill, Leslie Pedder, Aaron Barton,

Thomas Hayhurst, Berta Dixon, Sheila Oldfield, Douglas Fishwick, Stanley Richardson,

Noel Coleman, Oliver North, Eileen Fraser-Smith, Eleanor Escolme, Nancy Brook, John

Atkinson, Elsie Heffer, Harold Procter, Bryan Machell, Emma Redfern, William Jury,

Georgina Preddy, Pearl Harmer.

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Benefice Contacts

Vicar The Revd Robin Figg Tel: 732946

(Please note new email address) [email protected]

Assis*ng Clergy The Revd Peter Mann Tel: 419252

Readers Mrs Anne0e MacKenzie Tel: 736944

Mrs Janet Thompson Tel: 823503


St Oswald’s Mrs Sue Hopwood Tel: 720160

St Mary’s Mrs Sheila Barnes Tel: 720067

St John’s Mrs Clare Hunter

Mrs Sally-Ann Rothwell Tel: 734585

Pastoral Assistants Mrs Val Ellams Tel: 733292

Miss Chris7ne Shields [email protected]

Mrs Carolyn Wolstenholme Tel: 736033

Pastoral Visitor Mrs Karan Hague Tel: 784975

Safeguarding Team Mrs Kate Bethell Tel: 07703 770987

Mrs Alison Semple Tel: 07484 756755

Miss Tracey Lawther Tel: 07990 610687

All enquiries regarding christenings, weddings, anniversary blessings

please contact the Vicar.

If anyone is unable to come to church through illness or infirmity

and would like to receive Communion at home please contact one of above.

The clergy can be available for the sacrament of reconcilia7on (confession)

usually before a mid-week Eucharist by arrangement.

The Vicar’s day off is usually Friday.


Facebook: UnitedWBY Twi0er: UnitedWBY

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