  • 8/12/2019 2014CEDANationalsInvite


  • 8/12/2019 2014CEDANationalsInvite


    2014 Cross Examination Debate Association National TournamentIndiana University, Bloomington, IN

    March 20-24, 2014

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    In keeping with these principles, the CEDA National Tournament will abide by the guidelines and procedures ofCEDA's Statement on Discrimination and Sexual Harassment and the CEDA Statement of Ethical Principles. Pleaseinform your students that a Sexual Harassment Officer will be available to hear any complaints at the tournament.

    CEDA Affirmative Placement PoliciesThe Cross Examination Debate Association 2014 National Tournament will have systems to affirmatively place womenand racial minorities in accordance with the recently passed amendments. Since these amendments are still beingdiscussed & interpreted by CEDAs EC and Diversity Committee, we will update this invitation when more specificdetails become available.

    Entering the Tournament

    I. Fees

    Every school that enters CEDA Nationals must be a member of CEDA (i.e., current with their 2013-2014 CEDA dues).You may pay your dues along with your entry fees. We ask for your cooperation in correctly entering and quickly

    updating your entries if changes become necessary.

    Programs designed as emerging should confirm their discounts in their entry fees when registering.

    Payment can be made directly to CEDA using our paypal store linked may also pay bycash or cashiers check. We will no longer be accepting personal checks as payment.

    Registration fees for entries made by March 1, 2014 are as follows:Entry fees are $120.00 per team.Host fees are $40.00 per school.

    Registration fees for entries made by March 12, 2014 are as follows:

    Entry fees $145.00 per team.Host fees $40.00 per school.

    No registration will be accepted after March 12th.

    If your fees are not paid in full by the time of awards, your school will not be eligible to receive sweepstakes trophiesor advance in elimination rounds. Changes, including drops or name changes, will be accepted by phone or email. Ifyou make a name change after you mail in the registration, you are required to update your verification forms toinclude these students.

    To make a change in your entry after March 12, please contact Eric [email protected].

    Your registration is not complete until you complete the check-in registration on March 20th. You will not be enteredinto the tournament if you do not complete check-in registration during the designated time for registration. If travel

    delays beyond your control occur, please see the tab room staff as soon as you reach the tournament to verify yourentry and judging preferences.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/12/2019 2014CEDANationalsInvite


    2014 Cross Examination Debate Association National TournamentIndiana University, Bloomington, IN

    March 20-24, 2014

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    II. Entering your school, team and judges

    You may enter CEDA Nationals online at The process will resemble other tournaments, butthere are some additional requirements so please submit or make sure the site is correct for each of the following:

    A. Your teams and judgesB. The total number of individuals in your partyC. Email and cell numbers for all judges. This will be especially important as we expect to utilize a system that allowsemail ballot entry.D. Judge philosophies for all judgesE. Judge preclusionsF. Any hired judgingG. ADA information for any tournament participants. The tournament will make reasonable accommodations for allqualified tournament participants. Please include the name of individuals and the nature of the accommodationrequested in your entry.

    Hybrids: The practice of entering hybrid school teams is allowed. Teams may be composed of two students fromdifferent member schools, as long as the judging requirements are met. All hybrids should be confirmed with the

    tournament director to ensure proper round pairing.

    Judging Requirements: Each school is responsible for providing four rounds of preliminary round judging for everyteam entered. In order to assure the best judging pool possible, every qualified judge should be in the pool for at leasttwo preliminary debates. All judges are obligated through the double-octafinal round. Affirmative placement will bemore effective on the final day if diverse judges make themselves available beyond their commitment.

    Judging Practices: All judges must render a decision in each assigned round. One team must win and the opposing teammust lose. Speaker points on a range of 1-30 must be assigned to each speaker, including tenths of a decimal place andno ties between debaters. We ask that all judges seek to provide some level of differentiation between the pointsassigned to each speaker in a debate. Judges failing to show up for an assigned debate will be assessed a $30.00 fee.This fee will need to be paid to the Treasurer prior to the Awards Assembly. Any judge failing to show up in roundsoccurring after the Awards Ceremony, will also result in a $30.00 fee, billed to the school for whom the judge


    Decision and Discussion Time: In order to facilitate the tournament, we are requiring that all judges decide eachpreliminary debate by 2:45 after the announced stat time. Fifteen minutes minimum will be allocated to post rounddiscussion of the decision, but we must ask that the post-round cease 15 minutes after the decision deadline so debaterscan move on to their next debate with adequate and fair time.

    Judging Philosophies: All judges must provide a judging philosophy statement or they cannot judge. Philosophystatements from all judges for a school must accompany the school's entry and be entered electronically
  • 8/12/2019 2014CEDANationalsInvite


    2014 Cross Examination Debate Association National TournamentIndiana University, Bloomington, IN

    March 20-24, 2014

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    III. Eligibility

    Participating schools must be members of CEDA at the time of registration. Each debate team entered in thistournament must consist of two students, each of whom presents one constructive speech and one rebuttal speech.Unless otherwise provided dispensation by the CEDA Executive Council, the term "students" is defined as "officiallyenrolled undergraduate students in good standing at the college or university they represent in competition."Tournament contestants must not have competed for more than the maximum of five different, not necessarilyconsecutive, academic years. Participation in other forms of post-secondary debate will factor into eligibilitycalculation when conditions in subsequent subsections are met. Three-person teams and one-person teams will noteligible to enter or compete in the tournament. Students may participate in no more than four CEDA NationalTournaments.

    In the spring of 2009, we clarified our rules with regard to enrollment documents. Our new constitutional requirementspecifies that, Each program entering the National CEDA Tournament is required to submit official documentationfrom their college or university verifying that each competitor is currently enrolled and in good standing. There is norequired form for these documents. As long as your materials satisfy these criteria they will be accepted.

    Please submit eligibility documents electronically [email protected] March 1, 2014. Please use a pdf file

    format and write Your School Name (e.g. Idaho State) - E ligibil ityin the subject line. You will receive a confirmationemail when your forms have been received. If you cannot submit documents electronically, please send them to:

    Dr. Eric MorrisCOM Department: Craig 375Missouri State University901 S. National AveSpringfield, MO 65897

    If you submit paper documents, please include a brief note with your email address so that we can confirm receipt.

    IV. Tournament Hotel & Travel

    The tournament hotel for CEDA Nationals is Courtyard Bloomington (310 S College Ave, Bloomington, IN 47403).The room rate is $105 for 1-4 students per room. Please ask for the Cross Examination Debate Association or CEDAgroup rate. If asked for the three letter registration code, it is CED. Since the elims will be in the IMU (studentunion), the hotel rate includes a $5 rebate which will partly offset the elim room rental costs.

    To place reservations, call 812-335-8000 and be sure to tell them you are with the CEDA National Debate Tournament.You may visit their website at,but there is nowebpage for online reservations in our block. Due to ownership changes, they prefer to handle reservations over thephone. Jill Kraatz (760-717-5150) of Experient negotiated our block, and is a good contact if you have problemsmaking reservations.

    Make your reservations now! The group cut-off date is March 5.

    We will post alternative hotel arrangements when the main hotel block fills (rates comparable to or higher than mainhotel). The main hotel block has an attrition policy, so we request schools consider staying there if possible. Schoolsremaining for the NDT might choose to stay in the Indiana Memorial Union, but their space during CEDA is limited. Itmay be necessary to stay in a CEDA hotel through Wednesday night, as the event using the IMU hotel rooms duringCEDA will not end until then.

    Bloomington, IN is about 45 minutes from the Indianapolis airport, and there are inexpensive (under $20/person)shuttle services available. The hotel is in walking distance from all tournament rounds about 30 restaurants, so it wouldbe easy to avoid the expense of a rental vehicle. If you decide to go with a rental vehicle, you might also considerlooking at the Louisville airport.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 2014CEDANationalsInvite


  • 8/12/2019 2014CEDANationalsInvite


    2014 Cross Examination Debate Association National TournamentIndiana University, Bloomington, IN

    March 20-24, 2014

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    2014 CEDA National Tournament Schedule

    CEDA is committed to offering a high quality tournament experience. We also recognize that the average tournamentday is very long. We have designed to a schedule that is realistic and should allow participants to leave at a reasonable

    time each evening. To stay on schedule, we are providing two pre-set debates, utilizing a 2:45 decision time for alldebates and adopting an email ballot system. We ask for everyones cooperation in doing your part to respect theschedule, so we can balance the rigor and quality of life for all participants.

    Thursday, March 20All Events at Indiana Memorial Union (IMU)

    2:00 PM All judge preference forms must be entered2:00-3:00 PM Executive Council Meeting5:00 - 7:30 PM Registration Confirmation8:00-9:00 PM Awards Ceremony in Alumni Hall

    (Pair ings for Rounds 1-2 Released at conclusion of Awards Ceremony)

    Friday, March 21All Rounds at Indiana University campus8:00 AM Round 111:15 AM Round 2

    2:45 PM Round 36:15 PM Round 4

    Saturday, March 22- All Rounds at Indiana University campus7:00 AM Pairings released for round 5 online8:00 AM Round 511:30 AM Round 63:15 PM Round 76:45 PM Round 810:00 PM Release of teams and judges for the first elimination round

    Sunday, March 23 - All debates at Indiana University campus; Awards in IMU

    8:00 AM Partial Quad (if necessary)

    9:00 AM CEDA Business Meeting10:00 AM Release of pairings for Triple Octafinals*** This is only if there are not Quad Octafinals. If quads are necessary, the triplespairings will be available immediately after the conclusion of quads.11:00 AM Triple Octafinals & Release of the full bracket3:00 PM Double Octafinals & Novice Breakout Quarterfinals7:00 PM Awards Ceremony at IMU in the Whittenberger Auditorium9:30 PM Student Party at IMU Bowling Area

    Monday, March 24 - All rounds at the Indiana Memorial Union (IMU)

    7:00 AM Release of Octafinal pairings8:00 AM Octafinal round & Novice Semifinals12:00 PM Quarterfinal round & Novice Finals

    4:00 PM Semifinal round8:00 PM Final round

  • 8/12/2019 2014CEDANationalsInvite


    2014 Cross Examination Debate Association National TournamentIndiana University, Bloomington, IN

    March 20-24, 2014

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    Tournament Procedures

    Anticipated Tournament Staff: Gary Larson, Gordon Stables, Mike Davis, M.L. Sandoz, Kathryn Rubino, JeffJarman, Sarah Partlow-Lefevre, Eric Morris, Paul Mabrey, Joe Patrice, Gabe Murillo. Additional tab room staff may be

    added. Individual staff members will be dismissed from the tab room should they have teams in elimination rounds.

    Equipment: Students using AV equipment in their debate rounds are asked to transport their own equipment. Wecannot guarantee any debate team will be placed in a room with available AV equipment.

    Divisions: All preliminary competition will be held in one division. This division is open to all eligible debaters. Alldebates will operate on a 9-3-6 model with 10 minutes per team for preparation. There will be a separate eliminationround bracket for teams comprised of two Novices and declaring during the registration, their intent to participate in theNovice elims should they qualify.

    Judging Assignment Procedure and Preference Forms: Assignment of judges will be done according to a mutualpreference system from an available pool of critics. We plan to use Larsons ordinal Ranking system, with adjustmentsfor affirmative placement consistent with recent CEDA Bylaws Amendments. Specific details will be forthcoming,based on recommendations from the CEDA Diversity Committee and the CEDA-EC. Since the process of having elim

    round strikes is not Constitutionally mandated, it is one procedure from past CEDA tournaments which may bemodified or removed in 2014.

    Judges failing to show up for an assigned debate will be assessed a $30.00 fee. This fee will need to be paid to theTreasurer prior to the Awards Assembly. Any judge failing to show up in rounds occurring after the Awards Ceremony,will also result in a $30.00 fee, billed to the school for whom the judge represents.

    Preference forms turned in before 2:00 PM on Thursday (3/20) will be honored for the whole tournament. Forms turnedin after the 2:00 PM deadline but before the beginning of Round 1 will be honored in all rounds after Round 5. Noforms will be accepted after the start of Round 1. Beginning with the Octafinal round until the semifinal round, we willalso supply strike cards consisting of five critics selected by the mutual preference system. Each team will be allowedto strike one critic to determine the panel of judges.

    To assure that judges are assigned fairly, it will be the obligation of coaches, judges, and contestants to indicate anyconflicts on the entry form. We urge judges to avoid the appearance of impropriety by excusing themselves fromhearing teams with whom they have recent close association or imminent future associations. Associations includejudging and traveling with a team, coaching a member of a team, being a recent graduate of that school, beingromantically involved with member(s) of the team, etc. Judges should also excuse themselves from judging teams fromschools at which they are planning to coach next year.

    Tobacco, Alcohol and Illegal Substances Policy: There will be no smoking, alcohol consumption or use of illegalsubstances in any competition at the 2014 CEDA National Tournament. Individuals violating this rule should expect tobe asked to leave the tournament. We ask that all Directors of Forensics, coaches, and judges communicate thisexpectation to student competitors.

    Campus Smoking is Prohibited:IU Bloomington is a smoke free campus. Please strictly observe this policy as violations can place future IUB

    tournaments at risk. There are no designated smoking areas, however smokers can walk to sidewalks that run along citystreets.The IMU for example runs next to 7th street as well as Indiana University. The policy can be located here:

    Matching: Rounds 1-2 be preset randomly. The remaining debate rounds will be paired using the following criteria.1) We will create a rank order of teams based on traditional sorting criteria. This creates a seed for each team as ofthat point in the tournament. 2) We will calculate the average seed of each of a teams prior opponents. 3) Whennecessary due to side skews, teams will be advanced to the next higher bracket based in order of the weakest averagestrength of opposition. 3) Once brackets are equalized, a teams own seed and the average seed of their prior opponents

  • 8/12/2019 2014CEDANationalsInvite


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