Page 1: 2014 Videoconferencing Outlines · • E-pals: Australian teacher/s send their student names, email addresses, and gender (boy/girl) to the Korean teacher soon so that the Korean


2014 Videoconferencing Outlines Jindera Public School in NSW, Australia, and Busan Sinjin Primary School in Busan city, South Korea

1. Schools • Jindera Public School: • Busan Sinjin Primary School:

2. Teachers • Karen Klironomakis: [email protected]

Y3/4 Teacher • Ju-Young Bae: [email protected]

English Teacher. M: 82-(0)10-3722-0831 • Jessica Clark: [email protected]

Native English Speaking Teacher

3. Students • AUS: Y3/4, 26 students • KOR: Y5, 16 students

4. Videoconferencing calls

• NSW schools call: 600223917  (Jindera VMR#) • Korean schools call: [email protected]

5. Special events

• Great Barrier Reef virtual excursion: 10 June (Tues): NSW 1 – 1.40pm = KOR 12 – 12.40pm

• Sydney Olympic Park, Environmental education excursion: 14 Oct (Tues), NSW 11.50am – 12.30pm = KOR 9.50 – 10.30am

6. E-pals and exchange of cultural artefacts

• E-pals: Australian teacher/s send their student names, email addresses, and gender (boy/girl) to the Korean teacher soon so that the Korean teacher can match her students with AUS students. Students’ e-pals will be introduced in VC#1.

• Cards to e-pals: The week of 13 Oct (Mon): Students write cards to their e-pals outside VC sessions.

• Exchange of cultural artefacts: The week of 20 Oct (Mon): Students bring small gifts symbolic of their own culture. Teachers put them in a box, and send it to their partner

Page 2: 2014 Videoconferencing Outlines · • E-pals: Australian teacher/s send their student names, email addresses, and gender (boy/girl) to the Korean teacher soon so that the Korean


school. It takes 4 weeks from one point to the other. If the box arrives before your Christmas Party, please do not open it until the Party.

7. Edmodo online discussion • Edmodo room: Knox Wayne_Yonghwa_2014: vmity5 (group code) • How to join:

1) Teachers give the group code to students, and ask them to join it. 2) Students log into Edmodo using their Username (or email address) and Password. 3) ‘Groups (+)’ is in the left column. Click the plus (+) symbol. 4) Two options appear: Create, Join. Click ‘Join’. 5) Enter the group code, ‘6eran7’. Then, they are IN.

8. Class date/time

Option 1

• AUS: T1/T4: NSW 11 – 11.40am T2/T3: NSW 10 – 10.40am

• KOR: KOR 9 – 9.40am. Always the same time.

Option 2 • AUS: NSW 12 – 12.40.40am. Always the same time. • KOR:

March – 6 April; 7Oct – Dec: KOR 10 – 10.40am. 7April – 7 Oct: KOR 11 – 11.40am

9. VC dates and topics

• VC #1: 7 April (Mon): AUS+KOR: Casual introduction of individual students and e-

pals: AUS, 20mins; KOR, 20mins.

• VC #2: 12 May (Mon): AUS: Introduction to country/city/school

• VC #3: 19 May (Mon): KOR: Introduction to country/city/school

• VC #4: 26 May (Mon): AUS: Animals

• VC #5: 2 June (Mon): KOR: Chinese Zodiac

• VC #6: 10 June (Tues): NSW 1 – 1.40pm = KOR 12 – 12.40pm Great Barrier Reef virtual excursion:

• VC #7: 16 June (Mon): AUS: Food: barbecue, vegimite, fish & chips

• VC #8: 23 June (Mon): KOR: Korean traditional and daily food

• VC #9: 21 July (Mon): AUS: Sports

• VC #10: 15 Sep (Mon): KOR: Korean traditional martial arts, Taekwondo

• VC #11: 14 Oct (Tues), NSW 11.50am – 12.30pm = KOR 9.50 – 10.30am

Page 3: 2014 Videoconferencing Outlines · • E-pals: Australian teacher/s send their student names, email addresses, and gender (boy/girl) to the Korean teacher soon so that the Korean


Sydney Olympic Park, Environmental education excursion: E-pals: Students write card to their e-pals. Note: No VC on 13 Oct (Tues) since you you VC on 14 Oct (Tues).

• VC #12: 20 Oct (Mon): AUS: Australian colloquial: e.g., Fair dinkum, G’day. Exchange of Cultural Artefacts: Teachers send a box of cultural artefacts to their partner schools.

• VC #13: 27 Oct (Mon): KOR: Korean survival language

• VC #14: 3 Nov (Mon): AUS: Australian Aboriginal dreamtime stories: e.g., Rainbow Serpent.

• VC #15: 10 Nov (Mon): KOR: Korean folktale

• VC #16: 17 Nov (Mon): AUS: Festivals and Celebrations

• VC #17: 24 Nov (Mon): KOR: Festivals and Celebrations

• VC #18: 1 Dec (Mon): Christmas Party!

10. UNE team and Technical support

• NSW DEC technical support: DART, 1-800-824-737 • UNE Myung’s office: • Dr Myung-Sook Auh: Program Director

[email protected] Tel: 61-(0)2_6773-2917. M: 0410-611-642 • Jianne Lim: Project Assistant #1: [email protected]

M: 0468-313-935 Tel: 61-(0)2-6773-3302 • Kijung Choi: Project Assistant #2: [email protected]

M: 0402-356-138 Tel: 61-(0)2-6773-3093

Page 4: 2014 Videoconferencing Outlines · • E-pals: Australian teacher/s send their student names, email addresses, and gender (boy/girl) to the Korean teacher soon so that the Korean


Jindera Public School:

Busan Sinjin Primary School:


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