Page 1: CABSA 2006 Annual Report.pdf · CABSA bestaan ter wille van mense wat met MIV en vigs leef en direk daardeur geaffekteer word. Dit is nie “hulle daar buite” nie

Annual Report 2006/7 Jaarverslag


Christen Vigsburo vir Suidelike Afrika te Hugenote Kollege

Christian AIDS Bureau for Southern Africa at Huguenot College

Page 2: CABSA 2006 Annual Report.pdf · CABSA bestaan ter wille van mense wat met MIV en vigs leef en direk daardeur geaffekteer word. Dit is nie “hulle daar buite” nie

The Christian AIDS Bureau for Southern Africa at Hu­guenot College (CABSA) is based in Wellington and Jo­hannesburg, but works throughout Southern Africa to

assist and serve churches and faith communities in their re­sponse to the challenge of HIV and AIDS.

The AIDS pandemic presents a most urgent challenge to the Christian community in this part of the world.

Our vision is a caring Christian community that ministers reconciliation and hope to people living with or directly affected by HIV and AIDS. In the context of the AIDS pan­demic Christian communities should be places where tho­se living with or otherwise directly affected by HIV and AIDS feel safe to share their pain, to find support and care. Christian communities should take responsibility for value­based programmes that include prevention and care within congregations as well as in distressed commu­nities.

CABSA’s mission is to strengthen Christian communitiesin their Godly calling by providing information, sensitisa­tion, mobilisation and network creation.

We thank God for our achievements and we are excited about the plans and dreams we have for the future. Everything about our organisation is in the end about people living with or oth­erwise directly affected by HIV and AIDS. They are not “people out there” – they are us. We are all affected by HIV and AIDS.

Our distinctiveness and strengthsCABSA is an organisation with unique strengths and compe­tencies such as:

Our dream flows from Biblical concepts such as the Sha-lom of God in the Old Testament and the Kingdom of God in the New Testament

We are driven by Biblical values Our “Churches Channels of Hope” training programme is

an effective church mobilising tool Our organisation has the proven ability to develop courses

and broaden paradigms Our information resources are extensive, in­depth, func­

tional, faith­oriented, dynamic and user­friendly We are able to translate complex data into user­friendly

information An effective administrative ability is imbedded in the or­


Our staff and co-workersCABSA operates with a handful of permanent staff members. Programmes and projects are implemented according to the availability of funds, while additional skilled people are con­tracted for specific tasks.

Our co­workers include trained facilitators as well as Chris­tians living with HIV who identify with the aims of CABSA, and enrich and enhance our work by sharing their personal stories.

After two years of service in our Wellington office, CABSA said farewell to our administrative assistant Dawn Wehr in March 2006. We were fortunate to acquire the services of Mel­oney Goliath, whose initial part­time contract was turned into a full­time post thanks to the support of Christian Aid.

Our other staff members are:Rev Nelis du Toit: ManagerLyn van Rooyen: CARIS Project ManagerAneleh Fourie­Le Roux: Training and Mentor Coordinator (part­time contract).

Supporting a caring Christian community

Die ondersteuning van ’n Christengemeenskap wat omgee

Dit is die missie van die Christen Vigsburo vir Suidelike Afrika te Hugenote Kollege (CABSA) om kerke en geloofsgemeenskap­

pe in hulle hantering van MIV en vigs te begelei deur die voorsie­ning van inligting, sensitisering, mobilisering en die bevordering van netwerke. Die visie van ’n versorgende Christengemeenskap wat hoop en versoening bied aan mense wat met MIV en vigs leef en direk daardeur geaffekteer word, word nagestreef.

CABSA bestaan ter wille van mense wat met MIV en vigs leef en direk daardeur geaffekteer word. Dit is nie “hulle daar buite” nie. Dit is “ons”, want ons word almal deur MIV en vigs geraak. Christene en kerke het ’n Godgegewe verantwoordelikheid om die uitdagings van die vigspandemie in die oë te kyk.

Besonderse vermoëns binne die organisasie maak van CABSA ’n unieke rolspeler in die vigsveld. Ons werk staan stewig geves­tig op ’n Bybelse basis. Onder ons kernbates tel die versamelde inligting wat beskikbaar gestel word en die “Kerke, Kanale van Hoop” program. Ons het die bewese vermoë om opleidingspro­gramme te ontwikkel, komplekse inligting verstaanbaar te kom­munikeer en te help om netwerke en samewerking te versterk. Ons is administratief gevestig.

Die personeel word klein gehou ter wille van finansiële verplig­tinge. Gekontrakteerde persone word gebruik vir projekte. Onder ons medewerkers is ’n spesiale groep persone wat met MIV en vigs leef en gewillig is om hulle verhale te deel.

Page 3: CABSA 2006 Annual Report.pdf · CABSA bestaan ter wille van mense wat met MIV en vigs leef en direk daardeur geaffekteer word. Dit is nie “hulle daar buite” nie

Through our activities CABSA has played a valuable role since July 2001 to strengthen Christian communities in

their response to the AIDS pandemic.

Continuous information services are provided through

TheofficesofCABSAinWellingtonandCARISinJo- hannesburg that function as “AIDS Information Desk”

A weekly “Bible Message in this time of HIV and AIDS” AmonthlyCARISNewsletter RelevantinformationandLiturgicalsuggestionsforAIDS Candlelight Memorial Sunday (AMD) and WorldAIDS Day

Threeeditionsperannumofthe“CABSANetwork”newsletter which is published to complement our Annual Report.

WeheldaGenderWorkshopwithWVSA inFebruary2007.TogetherwiththeAIDStaskgroupoftheDRCandURCSAintheWesternCapewealsodevelopedguidelinesforAIDSMe-morialDayandWorldAIDSDay.

Christian AIDS Resource and Information Service (CARIS)

TheCARISproject,whichwaslaunchedinJune2004incol-laboration with the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and Fontainebleau Community Church in Johannesburg, hasgrownunderLynvanRooyen’smanagementintoanexcellentprojectofCABSA.

Communication and reliable, accessible information arecrucialelementsofbuildingrelationships,empoweringfacili-tators and organisations and providing a continuous service. The local resource centre in Johannesburg provides relevant materialonHIVandAIDS,andalsoprovidesguidelines,sup-port and assistance to a network of resource centres through-out Southern Africa.,articles,worshipresourcesandinfor-mationonprojectcapacitybuilding.

It contains three searchable databases: TheeverexpandingResourceDatabasewithmorethan

3850 items (April 2006) TheProjectDatabasecontaininginformationon338

existingChristianHIVprojects The Sermon Database of 186 items focussing particularly

on the needs of ministers and pastors.

Thanks to the redevelopment of the website and aggressive marketing of its services a dramatic increase in visits to the sitewasseen.Theaveragevisitsjumpedfrom1,772(forMaytoAugust2006)to5,105(JanuarytoApril2007),whichrepre-sents an improvement of 188%!

Creating awarenessForeffectivemobilisationofcongregationssensitisationises-sentialtochangeattitudesandinitiateamovetowardsAIDS-friendly faith communities.

Our sensitising activities include visits to faith communi-ties and the continuous stimulation of church leaders. A very effective way of challenging attitudes is when people living with HIV tell their stories. CABSA is privileged to have a small groupofco-workerswhoarelivingwithHIVandwhoarewill-ingtosharetheirexperiences.

AsanNGOservingchurcheswewant toencourage faithcommunities to create more opportunities through which CABSA can sensitise people.

In an effort to create awareness and to provide information aboutHIVandAIDS,wepresentedtwoweekendswithchurchyouthgroupsduring2006tolearnaboutHIVandAIDS.WethankthewomenoftheDutchReformedCapeintheWesternandSouthernCapeforfinancialassistance.

Wepresentedan informative two-daycourse for thegen-eral assistants of Huguenot College (June 2006), while anorientationprogrammeforfirstyearstudents(January2006and2007)wasalsopresented.AcourseinHIVandAIDSforthirdyearstudentswaspresentedbyAnelehFourie-LeRoux(2006).

Mobilising through “Churches Channels of Hope”

Throughworkshops, training and thementoring of facilita-tors CABSA empowers leaderships and builds the capacity of churches to become relevant role players.

The “Churches Channels of Hope” programme effectively mobilises faith communities to become caring communities that minister reconciliation and hope.

CABSA is the proud owner of this well-established pro-gramme that was developed by Christo Greyling and LogyMurray. ThroughWorld Vision International andOperationMobilizationthisprogrammeisimplementedin23countriesinAfricaaswellasinIndia,EasternEuropeandSouthAmer-ica.

Five-dayin-depthfacilitatortrainingcoursesareconductedto develop the presentation skills of trainees and to deepen their knowledge on themes they will facilitate in mobilisation workshops. A biblical Christian response paradigm is used to discussissuessuchasstigmatisation,gender,holisticvalue-based prevention strategies and involvement in care activities. Facilitatorsreceivecomprehensivetrainingmaterial,andareevaluatedaccordingtopre-setguidelines.

During the yearunder reviewwe conductedfive trainingsessions: ¬ March2006at“WoordinAksie”,Pretoria(withOperation Mobilisation)¬ August2006inGermiston(withPRISMA)¬ September2006inStellenbosch(withALICT)¬ February2007inSimon’sTown,CapeTown


Page 4: CABSA 2006 Annual Report.pdf · CABSA bestaan ter wille van mense wat met MIV en vigs leef en direk daardeur geaffekteer word. Dit is nie “hulle daar buite” nie

¬ March2007atMahalapye,Botswana(fundedby SouthernAfricaWCC-EHAIA)Twomoresessionsareplannedfor2007.

Werealisethattrainedfacilitatorsneedemotional,spiritual,practical and sometimes even financial support to implement the training they received into their own communities. Al-thoughcostly,CABSAimplementsamentoringprogrammetosupportfacilitators,whichincludes:

Continuouscommunicationandsupport Regionalmentors FacilitatorreportbacktoCABSA Opportunitytopublishrelevantinformationontheweb-


To support our facilitators even further, we held our first three refreshermeetingsin2006.ThesessionsintheWesternCape,FreeStateandtheEasternCapewereattendedbymorethan50ofourtrainedfacilitators.Twosimilarmeetingsareplannedfor2007.



CABSA werk met dankbaarheid saam met talle kerke en organisasies om sodoende ’n belangrike bydrae te kan maak in die betrokkenheid en ondersteuning van kerke en geloofs­gemeenskappe by die vigspandemie. Talle samewerkings­verhoudinge ondersteun ons eie werksaamhede op ’n prak­tiese en finansiële vlak. Ons aktiwiteite bevorder ook hierdie verhoudinge.

AsaprojectofHuguenotCollegeinWellington,webene-fit from the structures of the College as well as its good reputationasatertiaryinstituteinSouthAfrica.CABSAbecamearealitythankstothevisionofimportantroleplayers in the AIDS field such as Christo Greyling and LogyMurray,aswellasthefarsightednessofProfAttievanWijk,formerRectorofHuguenotCollege.

Sensitisering is ’n langtermyn proses van bewusmaking en houdingsverandering om gemeentes MIV­vrien­

delik en betrokke by voorkomende of versorgende pro­gramme te maak. Ons medewerkers wat met MIV leef en wat bereid is om hulle ervarings te deel, speel ’n belang­rike rol in hierdie proses.

Gemeentes en organisasies word aangemoedig om meer geleenthede te skep en gerus van CABSA se medewerkers gebruik te maak.

Deur aktiwiteite soos die navraagtoonbank by ons kan­tore in Wellington en Johannesburg, ’n weeklikse “By­belboodskap”, die maandelikse CARIS nuusbrief en rele­vante inligting en riglyne vir Vigsherdenkingsondag en Wêreldvigsdag verskaf ons relevante inligting aan geloofs­gemeenskappe.

CARIS (Christian AIDS Resource and Information Service), ons inligtingsprojek met Lyn van Rooyen as pro­jekbestuurder, speel ’n belangrike rol hierin deur die voor­siening van ’n plaaslike inligtingsentrum in Johannesburg en die ondersteuning van nuwe inligtingsentrums by kerke of organisasies regdeur Suider­Afrika.

Ons relevante webblad bevat drie da­tabasisse met inligting oor MIV en vigs materiaal en publi­kasies, Christen-spesifieke MIV en vigsprojekte, asook preke en preekwenke.

Deur ”Kerke, Kanale van Hoop”, ’n vyf­dag kursus waarvan CABSA die eienaar is, het ons tydens vyf ses­sies vanjaar fasiliteerders opgelei en toegerus om self werkswinkels en inligtingsessies regdeur Suider­Afrika te hou om so gemeentes en geloofsgroepe rondom MIV en vigs te mobiliseer.

Ons het ’n mentorprogram ontwikkel om fasiliteerders na hul opleiding verder te ondersteun. Dit behels gereelde kommunikasie, streekmentors asook verfrissergeleenthe­de. Van fasiliteerders word terugvoer verwag en hulle kan relevante inligting op die webblad plaas.

Inligtingsprogramme is vir studente en personeel van Hugenote Kollege aangebied, terwyl twee jeugkampe gehou is en die drie­dag “Integreringskursus” drie keer aangebied is.

Inligting,bewusmaking en


CABSA is ’n projek van die Hugenote Kollege op Wellington en funksioneer met ’n Beheerraad wat saamgestel is uit lede vanuit verskeie invloedsfere.

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Statement of income and expenditure

CABSA has proven itself as a valuable collaborator to strengthen many churches, denominations and NGOs

in the HIV field. We have formed a number of key formal re­lationships, of which many benefit the organisation practically and financially.

Memorandums of Understanding exist with: Anglican Church of Southern Africa through the HIV

and AIDS Office Calvin Protestant Church of South Africa CLF AIDS Trust Combined Commission for the Deaconate DRC (West­

ern and Southern Cape) and URCSA (Cape) Fontainebleau Community Church “Kommissie vir Vrouelidmate: Wes­ en Suid­Kaap” Moravian Church PRISMA (a Dutch networking organisation) World Vision International

Other formal relationships include: Participation in the Christian HIV/AIDS Consultative

Process Cooperation with the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance Membership of Pan African AIDS Network (PACANet) Membership of Welvisi Teaming Agreement with World Vision South Africa

Informal collaborating relationships exist with: African Leadership Institute for Community Transfor­

mation (ALICT) Africa Upper Room Ministries Bible Society of South Africa “Buro vir Voortgesette Teologiese Opleiding en Navorsing”

(BUVTON) Bybelmedia Christian Medical Fellowship Hospivision King Fisher Mobilization Centre Methodist Church of Southern Africa Operation Mobilization Southern Africa WCC­EHAIA (World Council of Churches

Ecumenical HIV/AIDS Initiative in Africa) Strategies for Hope Voices of Reason follow­up consultation

Our activities aim to strengthen our ties with role players in this field.

Lyn van Rooyen represented CABSA at the first Pan African AIDS Network (PACANet) Assembly in Entebbe, Uganda from 28­29 September 2006.In December 2006 she attended the Saddleback Church Sum­mit together with 1,800 Christians from around the world in California (USA) where she exhibited work done by CABSA and CARIS. On her way back Lyn visited the Ecumenical Ad­vocacy Alliance in Geneva, Switzerland.l Nelis du Toit and Lyn van Rooyen attended the PRISMA conference of 21­24 November 2006.

Financial recording is done regularly and monitored on a monthly basis. Reports are made to the Management Committee. Financial statements are audited annually.

2006 2005INCOME 2006 2005

INCOME FROM CHURCHES 325,923 452,269Women’s Mission Dutch Reformed Church 27,650 60,896Congregations/Presbyteries/Churches 39,889 24,213ACSA 214,002 367,160URCSA 44,382 -

FUNDRAISING 372,664 194,931Christian Aid 168,450 38,790Individual donors 53,571 56,141Other NGOs/FBOs 50,593 -Narollah Sending Trust 60,000 60,000HR Rupert Getuienistrust 40,050 40,000

SPECIFIED CONTRIBUTIONS 44,525 230,486For co-workers & Remuneration of staff - 68,540Refunds: travel costs, course expenditure, etc. 44,525 161,946

CONTRIBUTIONS FOR PROJECTS 265,897PRISMA 229,280 -Other 36,617 -

Registration and Sales 11,433 52,010Interest received 27,328 15,262

Total Income 1,047,769 944,958


SALARIES AND SUPPORT 445,810 426,966



RUNNING COSTS 57,166 70,776Banking, Insurance and Maintenance 15,646 9,366Office rent and operational costs 33,540 54,000Auditor’s remuneration 7,980 7,410

SERVICE DELIVERY AND PROJECTS 411,694 338,549Resource Centre 116,970 126,106Meals, transport and accommodation 33,391 55,321Trainers, facilitators and speakers 116,927 64,644Training material 56,573 74,482Sensitising 2,858 600Organisation and administration 84,974 17,096



Total Expenses 1,041,355 939,972

SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 6,414 4,9861 JANUARY 2006 - 31 DECEMBER 2006

Working side by side

Page 6: CABSA 2006 Annual Report.pdf · CABSA bestaan ter wille van mense wat met MIV en vigs leef en direk daardeur geaffekteer word. Dit is nie “hulle daar buite” nie

CABSA gratefully acknowledges

We receive donations from individuals, congregations or organisations as an offering given to God to serve

His Kingdom. We have been blessed by many contributions – some big and some smaller – and we thank God and the people who gave them. Their financial support has made an-other year of serving faith communities possible, and we can see how the Lord has provided.

Thank you!We especially thank:

Our regular and monthly contributors Christian Aid Women’s Mission of the Dutch Reformed Church

Western and Southern Cape Narollah Sending Trust HR Rupert Getuienistrust Fontainebleau Community Church Congregations that regularly collect donations

Your help is still neededCABSA continuously has to cut back on plans and projects because of insufficient funding. We urgently need donors who can support CABSA regularly so that we can continue

with the services we provide. Regular donors create the foun-dation for any organisation to build on and to expand their capacity to fund bigger projects.

Please pray that CABSA will find sufficient funding to im-plement much needed projects.

CABSA erken met groot dank

Nog ’n jaar van dienslewering is moontlik gemaak danksy ver-skeie donateurs. Dit is ’n verhaal van hoe God voorsien het.

Elke donasie en bydrae wat ons van ’n individu, gemeente of or-ganisasie ontvang, is spesiaal en word ontvang as ’n offer aan God om Sy Koninkryk te dien.

U ondersteuning is steeds belangrikCABSA is ’n diensorganisasie wat van donasies en befondsing af-hanklik is om ons werk te kan verrig. Gereelde donasies help ons om met dienslewering voort te gaan en skep ‘n basis om groter befondsing te vind waardeur meer uitgebreide projekte onderneem kan word.

Bid asseblief dat die Vigsburo genoegsame befondsing sal vind om projekte wat dringend noodsaaklik is, te implemen-teer.

Dr Andrie Kilian ChairpersonProf Johan Viljoen Rector: Huguenot College Rev Nelis du Toit CABSA ManagerDr Gideon van der WaltMs Roxy Ngobene Mr Lundi JokoRev Christo GreylingMs Madelé NelMs Wouda HanekomRev Tebogo Klaas South African Council of ChurchesRev William Ficks Uniting Reformed Church of South Africa Ms Ilse van Dyk Bible Society of South AfricaRev Stephen Snyman Calvin Protestant Church of South Africa Bishop Johannes Ulster Moravian Church in South AfricaMs Lyn van Rooyen Fontainebleau Community ChurchMs Logy Murray World Vision InternationalMrs Karen van As “Vrouelidmate NGK”Canon Desmond Lambrechts Anglican Church of Southern AfricaDr Sam Pick CLF AIDS Trust (Vice- chairperson)



The Management Board of CABSA brings together repre-sentatives of Huguenot College, members with specific abilities and representa-tives of churches and organisations with whom we have formal relationships.

PHYSICAL ADDRESS:“Cummings Terrain”

69 Church StreetWELLINGTON 7654


Tel & Fax: +27 (0) 21 873 0028Or: +27 (0) 21 873 1445

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