Download - 15th may2011


In Greek mythology, ______ was the child of Aphrodite and Hermes.

Apparently born a remarkably handsome boy______ was nursed by naiads in the caves of Mount Ida\. At the age of fifteen, he grew bored with his surroundings and traveled to the cities of Lycia and Caria. It was in the woods of Caria, near Halicarnassus that he encountered the nymph, Salmacis, in her pool. She was overcome by lust for the boy, who was very handsome but still young, and tried to seduce him, but was rejected. When he thought her to be gone, ______ undressed and entered the waters of the empty pool. Salmacis sprang out from behind a tree and jumped into the pool.

What happens next?

And the answer is


While he struggled, she called out to the gods that they should never part. Her wish was granted, and their bodies blended into one form, "a creature of both sexes".

Il Postino is a 1994 Italian film directed by Michael Radford. The film was originally released in the U.S. as The Postman, a straight translation of the Italian title.

Storyline :X, the famous communist, is exiled to a small island in Italy for political reasons.On the island, Mario Ruoppolo the postman eventually befriends X where he becomes further influenced by X's political views and poetry. USing X's help the postman courts a girl and marries her in a ceremony where X is the best man. At the wedding, X receives the welcome news that there is no longer a warrant for his arrest, so he returns to his home country. Years later X returns to the island to find that the postman was killed in a revolution, where as his child has been named Pablito , after X's first name.

And the answer is


Jan Nepomuk ______ was a Czech journalist, writer and poet, one of the most prominent representatives of Czech Realism and a member of "the May school".

______ was known for his satirical depiction of the petty bourgeois of Prague. His most popular prose work is "Povídky malostranské" (1877, Tales of the Little Side), a collection of short stories. ______'s stories take the reader to the Lesser Quarter, to its streets and yards, shops, churches, houses, and restaurants.

His main claim to fame was maybe because of Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto who chose to be called after him

And the answer is


Pablo Neruda took the title in Respect of Jan Nepomuk Neruda

His real name was Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto and took his legal name after a well known poet of his own country. He always wrote in green ink as it was the color of hope. In 1927, out of financial desperation, he took an honorary consulship in Rangoon, then a part of colonial Burma and a place of which he had never heard before

On July 15, 1945, at Pacaembu Stadium in São Paulo, Brazil, he read to 100,000 people in honor of Communist revolutionary leader Luís Carlos Prestes

He was a senator for the his countries Communist Party until the next Conservative President outlawed communism in 1948, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

He stayed underground for coupla years till he fled over the Lilpela Pass on the Andes Mountains on horseback. He dramatically later recounted his escape in his Nobel Prize lecture.

Lesser known facts about whom?

And the answer is



A's real name was Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto and took his legal name after a well known poet of his own country Jan A.

In 1927, out of financial desperation, he took an honorary consulship in B and a place of which he had never heard before.

He once used the passport of Noble winner Miguel Angel Asturias to enter into Europe as there was some slight resemblance between the two men, .Painter D arranged his entrance into Paris .

In 1953 A was awarded the Stalin Peace Prize-His fervent Stalinism eventually drove a wedge between A and longtime friend O who won nobel prize in 1990.

He was the main target of an operation by CIA who launched a campaign to undermine his reputation and hence nobel prize for literature in 1964 was awarded to G.

In 1966, A was invited to attend an International PEN conference in New York City. Officially, he was barred from entering the U.S. because he was a communist, but the conference organizer, playwright E, eventually prevailed upon the Johnson Administration to grant A a visa

After the death of F in Bolivia in 1967, A wrote several articles regretting the loss of a "great hero“.

In 1970, A was nominated as a candidate for the presidency, but ended up giving his support to C ,a close collaborator

A was hospitalized with cancer at the time of the coup d'état led F which drove C out of power.

In 1971, A was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.

And the answer is






F- Auguste Pinochet

G- Sartre, Jean Paul

O- Octavio Paz

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